Daily Archives: January 31, 2022
you are and always have been powerful enough to change the world…You are the light. We are your cheerleaders…Others can give you ideas – but those ideas need to be processed by you and only you.
Dear Ones,
Many of you noted unusual feelings the past few days, including exhaustion, anger, passivity, or foggy floating sensations. All indicators that the recent energy bursts were more potent than any you have experienced while of the earth.
The energies will again magnify in the next few days so that almost everyone now of the earth will note sensations that may lead to unusual actions. Before you move into your fear mode, please know that unusual no longer needs to be fear-based.
Many of you will do or say something you did not expect – as will be true for most beings now of the earth. Perhaps you will also note unusual pet or vegetation behaviors – an en masse world shift.
Many of you know you have been part of this en masse shift for a very long time. Such is true internally. Those internal shifts are beginning to be directed outward in word and deed – including in others you never expected to relay a specific stance or action.
Some of you felt little or nothing during the recent energy bursts. Such could be so for several reasons, not the least of which is that you already shifted.
Many of you contend you are of the light and yet, felt the sensations. Such merely means you delved deeper into new you – who you were two weeks ago is no longer.
The world is shifting more rapidly than you now believe, even though you are a major part of that shift.
It is as if we, of the Universes, must prove the shift to you. But we are not directing this earth sea change; you are. Despite our messages to the contrary, you continue to believe we are directing you. In truth, we, of the Universes, are your cheerleaders.
You are the change. We are the observers. A concept most have difficulties accepting for you do not yet believe you are and always have been powerful enough to change the world.
For eons, you challenged yourself to be prepared for this time.
Even though we, of the Universes, offered you love, support, and ideas, we were never more prepared than you throughout your preparations for this time. Perhaps you could think of us as senior corporate executives managing companies through difficult times even though we never experienced the times you are in now. We are advisors, not actors. This time is like no other. And without your preparations through eons of earth and non-earth experiences, you would not be of the earth now.
You no longer need us to lead you by the hand, for you outgrew our skill levels months ago. You are the light. We are your cheerleaders.
You know better than we, of the Universes, what is necessary for the earth at this time.
Some of you are upset with this message, for you want someone telling you what to do. You are that someone. No one, including friends, relatives, or your Universal angels and gatekeepers, know enough to give you specific advice now. You are the one informing us about what is happening within you.
Your secret action map is within you. What does your inner voice/heart tell you to do? Not your intellect, for your intelligence is knowledge accumulated before or during your transition. And no other being – including New Earth gurus – has more information about your role than you.
You are most definitely your guru.
The energy bursts of the past few days have moved you to the forefront of your personal shift. Follow your heart and inner voice, and you will know what you need and where you are going. Follow anyone else, including friends, relatives, Universal beings, or earthly gurus, and you will miss a few steps.
While it is true you cannot take the wrong path for long periods now that you have transitioned to this point, there is no need to miss your way at all. Follow your heart, and you will know what to do and when to do it. Follow anyone or anything else, and you will flounder longer than you wish for your focus continues to be shifting yourself and all beings of the earth.
You are your leader exceptional. Others can give you ideas – but those ideas need to be processed by you and only you.
You are focused on your new being and, therefore, the new earth. You are you in all your power in this wonderfully evolving, peaceful, and joyful new world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:
Patricia Cota-Robles
February 1, 2022
The Beings of Light are sharing new information with us from the Realms of Illumined Truth. As they do, our I AM Presence will help us comprehend the significance of the things that are happening in our lives by empowering us to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” Dear One, as you read these words please go within and perceive this information through the Flame of Truth pulsating in your Heart. February 1, 2022, is the New Moon that is celebrated by billions of people around the World as the Lunar New Year. In 2022, the Lunar New Year is considered the “Year of the Tiger” which symbolizes both rebirth and reinvigoration. With this greatly amplified Light flowing through the Collective Cup of Humanity’s Unified Consciousness, the way is being prepared for the unique experiences Awakened Humanity will Cocreate with our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven as we pass through the Portal of Light known as the Aquarian Gateway. This Portal will open on February 2, 2022 and our passage will be complete on February 22, 2022. During that powerful timeframe, we will experience a very rare numerical frequency that will assist in catapulting Mother Earth and ALL her Life through the powerful Aquarian Gateway into frequencies of Light that will assist in accelerating Humanity’s Awakening process. The rare numerical frequency of February 2, 2022 consists of five consecutive 2’s = 22222. The Master Number 22 pulsates with the impetus of POWER ON ALL PLANES AND THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY. The Master Number consisting of five 2’s, will amplify the Divine Potential of the Master Number 22 one-thousand fold. This extraordinary influx of Divine Potential will then build in momentum for 21 days. On February 22, 2022, we will be blessed with an even higher influx of Light through the rare numerical frequency of six consecutive 2”s = 222222. That numerical frequency will amplify the Divine Potential of the Master Number 22 ten-thousand fold. On that day, we will complete our passage through the Aquarian Gateway.
The Company of Heaven has revealed that since the obsolete paradigms from the past have now been dismantled, and awe-inspiring shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness have taken place within our Earthly Bodies since the Birth of this New Decade, Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth will be able to benefit from this unprecedented opportunity in miraculous ways. The key to our success will be our willingness to stay focused on the Light as we choose to empower through our Creative faculties of Thought and Feeling only the Love-based patterns we want to empower and Cocreate for our Earthly experiences. As a word of encouragement, the Company of Heaven wants us to know they are very aware of the fact that in many instances outer-world appearances have convinced people that in spite of the myriad Activities of Light they have helped us to Cocreate since the Birth of this New Decade, nothing seems to have changed and at times things even seem to be getting worse. Our Father-Mother God assure us that nothing could be further from the Truth. The Divine Intent of the information being shared with us today is to help us understand what is actually happening in our lives. The challenge is that we are in the midst of Earth’s Ascension process which means we are literally walking with our feet in both Worlds. The vast majority of us are vacillating between the etheric memories of what we believed to be true in the 3rd-Dimensional frequencies of separation and duality on the old Earth, and the Sacred Knowledge of the 5th-Dimensional Heart-based patterns of Oneness and Reverence for all Life on the New Earth. Many of us are conscientiously striving to focus on the Truth of our New Reality which is what our I AM Presence is intuitively revealing to us now. Unfortunately, out of habit, we keep defaulting back to our old fears, beliefs and behavior patterns because that is what is most familiar to us. Since our Thoughts and Feelings are Creative, when we default to our old patterns we sustain and empower the very things we are striving to Transcend. As the saying goes, “Where our attention is, there we are.”
The Beings of Light said that Humanity’s greatest fear is that if we make the dramatic shift from what we thought was Truth to what is actually Truth everything will fall apart in our life and we won’t be able to recover. THAT particular fear is exactly what our fragmented and fear-based human ego has counted on in order to keep us trapped in its oppressive grip for aeons of time. During this Cosmic Moment, the Company of Heaven wants us to realize that EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED. WE ARE NOW AWAKE! Our I AM Presence has integrated into our Earthly Bodies and our human ego no longer has the ability to manipulate us subconsciously the way it used to. The only thing that is preventing us from moving forward in the Light are the memories of the fear-based patterns of separation and duality that we are choosing to empower through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs. The Beings of Light are now revealing that with the changes we have all recently experienced, we are in the best position we have ever been in to make the Quantum Shift from the 3rd-Dimensional illusions of separation and duality into the profound 5th-Dimensional Truth of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. This has provided the sacred space for our I AM Presence to be able to wipe clean the equivalent of the Hard Drive in our Etheric Body which contains those grossly mutated patterns from our past. Our Etheric Body is where the records and memories from our entire Earthly sojourn are recorded. Love is Eternal, so any thought, feeling, word, action, memory or belief we have ever expressed in any timeframe or dimension, both known or unknown, that is based in Love is permanently encoded in our Etheric Records and our Causal Body. Now, however, since we have completed the learning experiences from our 3rd-Dimensional plunge into the abyss of separation and duality, the records and memories we either deliberately or inadvertently Created that were not based in Love are no longer relevant. This has Created the opportunity for our I AM Presence to finally be able to wipe clean the Hard Drive in our Etheric Body on which our misguided thoughts and feelings from the past are recorded. This will be God Victoriously accomplished by each person’s I AM Presence as we collectively Ascend through the Portal of the Aquarian Gateway in February. Our Father-Mother God have affirmed that once the process of wiping clean the Hard Drives containing Humanity’s distorted beliefs in separation and duality has been completed by each person’s I AM Presence, it will be far easier than ever before for all of us to stay focused on the Light and to resist being pulled back into the obsolete patterns of our past fears and counterproductive behavior patterns.
Then each of us will have the ability to program our pristine Hard Drive with the Heart-based patterns we want to Cocreate in our life. Through our positive free will choices our efforts will be unimpeded by our fears and the illusions of separation and duality. The Light-filled and Heart-based 5th-Dimensional patterns for the New Earth are infinitely more powerful than the distorted patterns of separation and duality that we used to manifest so easily.
We are being told by the Beings of Light that if we stay focused on our I AM Presence and what we want to Cocreate through our focused attention and our Divine Intensions, we will see that it is easier than ever before to prevent ourselves from defaulting back to our destructive habits and the patterns we mistakenly chose to empower that are not based in Love. Precious Heart, in order to assist your I AM Presence during this extremely powerful time the Beings of Light are encouraging all of us to monitor our thoughts and feelings as well as our behavior patterns. The things we are being told to watch for are: any beliefs that indicate we are somehow a victim, or any of our responses that reflect fear, anger, hatred, an “us against them” attitude, failure, disappointment, desperation, a desire to respond violently, a willingness to harm any part of life, or any other behavior that is not based in Love. Those responses to any of our life experiences will ALWAYS be in opposition to the Inner Guidance from our I AM Presence. If any of those obsolete patterns come up for you, don’t judge yourself. Simply recognize them and invoke the Violet Flame to Transmute that energy back into Light. Then ask your I AM Presence to intuitively Guide you so that you can respond from a Heart-based place with Love. There is an expression that states, “The price for Freedom is eternal vigilance.” This is definitely true when we are striving to improve what we are empowering with our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs. So be consistent and pay attention moment to moment. Do not give up. This is an unprecedented opportunity; please do not let it pass you by. During our Weekly Vlogs throughout February, the Company of Heaven will guide us through various Activities of Light that will assist us with this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan. If you do not automatically receive our Vlogs you can sign up to receive them free of charge on our website
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles
Cryptocurrency story ,Transmutational Chat and Music With Mathias (Song Of The New Earth Community)
Thoughts of “Am I safe here?” will be replaced with “Can I fully experience the joy in this moment, here?
Dear children of my heart, this is your Grandmother Anna. I see your weariness – and I see your strength! Now is not the time to dwell on the external, that which you can see, but on the internal knowing that directs you, that guides your heart amidst whatever may come. I am with you. We, your extended family of the stars, we are with you and we love you. It is always darkest before the dawn and it is dawning now. The sunrise of humanity’s awakening is well underway. It will occur during your lifetimes because yes, it is occurring now. Do not be despondent. Be filled with the life force of Source, that is you, that is within you. A simple yet hard teaching within this Earth realm. I know, I have lived there many times and my last incarnation was a lengthy one. But know that you are surrounded by us, that you have always been surrounded by us, but it is perhaps more exciting now because this will begin to be more clearly evident to you. For your awareness of ‘the beyond’ (she is laughing) is becoming heightened, more aware. Your third eyes will be buzzing and your awareness will be more on point. Within the higher dimensions it is very easy to sense and to feel the presence of another and of course their intentions are clear. And in the higher dimensions intentions are pure, are clear of any of the dross that you are so used to sludging into. In the Earth realm you are always on guard. Are you not? This is to be changed, this is changing. Thoughts of “Am I safe here?” will be replaced with “Can I fully experience the joy in this moment, here? What else can I experience here? How else may I be of service in this joy-filled place, here?” Do you see? Do you feel the elevation of those questions? Thriving will replace surviving.
I am your Grandmother Anna. Many of you have had loving grandmothers in your lives, and some have not. I can be that force of nature for you if you like. I have so many children, what is one more? I have a boundless love for my children for I am plugged deeply into the flow of love that permeates the heartbeat of Creator, of the Great Mother and I listen to her whisperings. I see that many of you are listening intently now to the inner whisperings on the breezes of your hearts, and this is good. This is how it should be. This shows me you are advancing as I knew you would! I knew you would graduate with honors and accolades and you are! Oh my children, you are! And we are so proud of you here in the rafters. When you feel the hardness of this realm, for there is much going on and it is a challenging place to be embodied, we know. When you feel the rushing around you, stop and feel the inner calm within you. You are like the energetic crystals that ground deeply these higher dimensional energies. (I am seeing a hammer representing the light and we are the ice picks cracking the rock underneath us. We are literally the conduit of energy of change.) Yes, you are cracking the matrix. How else could heaven ground it? If the change could not be absorbed then what was to be done? And so you are the shock absorbers, the brave ones, the strong ones, you are my heart and oh children, I love you so much. I am so proud of you!
Now children, are you taking care of yourselves? Are you eating your barley soup and drinking clean pure water? Now is not the time for heavy things to be consumed. Now is the time for foods with light in them for you are becoming more and more light. Ground with the grounded root vegetables, those are excellent soups and stews at this time and they will not bog you down as the lemon poppyseed coffee cake that this one just ate. Oh child, you know I love you! We Magdalenes are ever so intrigued by the beautiful variety of foods that you have at your disposal here in this time. We ate simply. But it was a simpler time. We were not constantly bombarded with the chemicals and chakra pollution. We had our struggles to be sure and I am well aware of the feeling of needing to be safe, for I lived over 600 years in my last human incarnation and we were frequently on the move or working underground in the catacombs translating literature into the vaults of knowledge. (I am seeing scrolls being copied and given to many hands, distributed widely. What a treasure they were to the world.) Yeshua’s words and many others were copied. Children, I am equally proud of you as my grandchildren as I was (and am!) with Yeshua’s works and words. Oh, how his energy would light up the room! And I am seeing that you – you!- are doing this same thing. Open yourselves up to more joy, to more light and more will flow to you.
Children, I am your Grandmother Anna. I love you with my whole heart. I am always here for consultation and friendship. Know that you are not alone and that you are keenly watched after and over. Take care of yourselves, keep warm, chins up and light up the path that you are on with confidence. One step leads to the next. Remember that. Your heart will lead you. Listen to the inner whisperings of your higher self, of the Great Mother and be at peace in the process. You are so tremendously loved. I am your Grandmother Anna.
~ galaxygirl