You are currently in a time that is ripe for manifestation.

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Photo by Taryn Elliott on

January 20, 2022,

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Conscious Co-Creation

You are currently in a time that is ripe for manifestation. The question is, what kind of manifesting would you like to do?

When you try to manifest something right down to its tiniest detail, you are creating within the realm of what you think is possible. Being too detailed about what you would like to create can be quite limiting. The vast majority of the time what you think is possible vs what is actually possible is quite different, with what is actually possible being a far greater match for you.

More often than not, humans will sell themselves short when they are too detailed with their manifestations. It is, in effect, attempting to micromanage the universe, which is control, not flow.

When you are going it alone with your creation, meaning you are going to be in charge of every detail, that is what we would call 3D manifestation, or singular creation. You are doing it all on your own, and only playing within the pool of what you think is possible. It is like fishing within a small barrel even though you are on the shore of the ocean.

When you choose to co-create, you start playing within the realm of potentiality, and you open yourself up to so much more. To co-create, you work with much wider parameters. You have a broad intention but leave lots of room for the universe to fill in the details. This allows your guides to take you so much further down the road into the discovery of your highest outcomes in ways that can only amaze and delight you.

You experience so much more magic in conscious co-creation, because it works with the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust…a higher vibrational navigation system.

You are ready to up-level your manifestations, Dear Ones. Choose a core desire.

Possibly, to be:

  • Of your highest service,
  • In soul partnership,
  • In your most joyful employment,
  • Relocating to a place that will beautifully support the next phase of your incarnation…

allowing your guides, helpers, and your highest self to lead the unfoldment and fill in the blanks. This is how you can take giant leaps in your life expression in ways you never imagined, but that your soul always knew was your true calling.


Keep on being and expressing the Love that you all are.

January 20, 2022

(John Smallman)

You – all of humanity – are awakening, there are signs of this all around you, so let go of any doubts or negative judgments about it, and allow yourselves to become aware of these signs. As you do so you further strengthen and empower the flow of Love, the Life Force that enlivens you and your human bodies, as it flows through you and out into the collective energy field of humanity, intensifying everyone’s sense of the imminence of the awakening. To do this, and just this, is why you are presently incarnate as a human on Planet Earth at this precise moment of now. Each one of you made the most positive, personal, and individual choice to be here now. So, now that you are here, allow yourselves to know this, and then at least once daily reset your intent to share and extend the Love that you are to all of humanity, thus gently and compassionately nudging all towards wakefulness.

Your awakening is inevitable, you know this, and your earthly presence in this now moment with such powerful loving intent is bringing it to fruition. CONGRATULATE YOURSELVES! And keep on being and expressing the Love that you all are.

As you all know, when you choose to go deep within yourselves – to that holy inner sanctuary, always present within each and every one of you without exception – you often meet your egos encouraging you to doubt or dismiss this holy Truth as they attempt to strengthen your self-doubts and feelings or beliefs that you are guilty sinners, unworthy of Mother/Father/God’s infinite love for you. Even if at an intellectual level you do not believe this, at the heart level many have great difficulty in accepting themselves as the perfect divine children of our infinitely wise, compassionate, and loving Source who truly knows each one of Us as an absolutely perfect and inseparable part or aspect of the Totality that is All, that is ITSELF, and that therefore must also be you!

Many of you have heard the phrase: “the chosen ones of God.” This has very frequently been massively misunderstood to mean that God chooses to love and accept those whom various religious organizations judge to be good, and rejects those who are judged unworthy or sinners by those same organizations. NOTHING could be further from the Truth! There is only Love. Love is All, is Mother/Father/God, is Source, and therefore All sentient life – whether in form in the physical realms, or beyond the physical realms – is eternally, and without ever, even for the briefest moment, separated from that state. This means that none are rejected. Rejection is impossible because Love is utter and complete acceptance of All that It knows and creates. There is nothing that was not created, there is only and solely what Source creates, and what Source’s creations themselves create, which are always very expressive extensions or expansions of Love.

All sentient life in form is Love expressing Itself individually in an unreal or illusory state, a dream; and all sentient life in form is presently, right now, in the process of awakening from that unreal state. It was entered into as a momentary experiment to discover if separation was possible and, for those who chose to participate, it has seemed to be a very real state in which life, inevitably followed by death, was filled with pain, suffering, and constant threats to its existence. Unreality seems to have been in existence for countless, indeed for infinitely long and possibly endless eons. The collective has now and finally, seemingly after untold eons – which in Reality has been but the briefest of instants that you can imagine – come to the realization that the dream/illusion serves no good purpose and has chosen to let it go, thus choosing collectively to awaken.

Your awakening back into Reality is an ongoing process within the game of unreality that has, of course, been completed. The collective has chosen to awaken, and now each individual also has to make the free will choice to do so. The vast majority are doing so, now. Nevertheless, there are a few, a very small minority, who are – because of the invalid beliefs to which they are clinging – at present refusing to awaken. Those choices will be honored. Love never forces or coerces, It loves, which is All that It can do and be, having no other Will or desire. Therefore It will wait patiently for as long as it takes – remember there is NO time – for those few unwilling ones to also come to the realization that the game serves no purpose for them, and then also choose to awaken.

There is no judgment, there is no rejection, there is no damnation. There is Love. To awaken into that state in which you are eternally present, and which many still remain presently unaware of – Reality – is a miracle of wonder and magnificence beyond your wildest dreams. Infinite Joy and Peace most lovingly await your awakening.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

All constructs that do not serve Highest Good For All will be destroyed by themselves by their own weight through the karmic law of Attraction.

All constructs that do not serve Highest Good For All will be destroyed by themselves by their own weight through the karmic law of Attraction. From a place of Divine Neutrality Within There is NO MORE need to focus on what no longer works, vibration rises when focus is centered on creating the New according to Inner Guidance. It is of the most important action to learn to listen Our Higher Self on a moment to moment basis , to be present, to have constant coherence between heart and mind. Daily Meditation first thing in the day before anything else for at least 15-20′ is the fastest way to get there. Also short or longer naps as many as needed also help. Our bodies are changing. Love your body. Love Yourself. Entertain Yourself. Write a journal of Gratitude daily. Practice Seeing all others around you with the attributes you want. With long enough practice you will attract your tribe. Be the open door for Divine Love to flow through you to all and where you feel is needed.It is a moment to moment thing😊💚💫💦💨💖

Nikos Akrivos

Victory of Light is A Fact.

In higher dimensions understanding God/Humanity have won and we can now proceed without obstructions in creating the new. Everything i share just confirms what I KNOW to be true in my heart. It may take a while till all perceive it as such. There are lessons along the way as we learn to Ascend from Human to Galactic Society and every soul is pushing for the discovery of that path for everyone. Our best bet is to focus on vibrating high at all times. In other terms to Feel Good more often than not and basically get to that state 24/24 which i call Feel More Than Fine. EveryONE has their own path and speed and i respect that and the choices one makes at any moment shows up in the reality one chooses to focus upon. Love Yoursef so much so you may discover your path. The only way is within. And God along all Angels are always present, ask and take time to listen voice within and you ll receive your answer. If not today, tomorrow after a good night sleep. Or at least have that inner joy constantly on check. For a while till you get you want there will be just that. Inner Joy. It may take years till you get what you really want or less depending where you stand in your allowing of what you desire . Let Joy within be enough for a while. It is the best and most accurate system we each have. And from that space you know. Victory of Light is A Fact.New Earth is already here.Our new lives on a loving and forgiving planet that works for all too.💫💚🙏

Nikos Akrivos

here is little coaching from Archangel Michael for those of you who prefer to speak of what occurs in the dismantling of the old matrix.

here is little coaching from Archangel Michael for those of you who prefer to speak of what occurs in the dismantling of the old matrix…especially when truth comes out for all to see about the 8 million children kidnapped annualy and adrenochrome etc. please keep this in your heart and minds, we are moving into New Earth and on New Earth there is no vibration close to hate or revenge of any kind :

Archangel Michael: Now there will be indictments and there will be justice, fairness, but the key to creating Nova Earth is not about punishment and retribution.

Steve: Right. But it is about protection, is it not? The public need to be protected against mass murderers and Dick Cheney and the people at the CIA are mass murderers. They kill kids in schools. They kill in open business areas. They explode bombs. They down airliners. We need to be protected from them, don’t we?

AAM: Be very discerning in your judgments and in your condemnations of others. If you continue – and I don’t mean you; I mean the collective – if the pattern of imprisonment continues, of shackling, rather than re-education or redirection, then that is the paradigm that will continue upon this planet. …

Steve: Why are we not putting a stop to that?

AAM: What makes you think we are not? (AAM, March 28, 2019.)

Also Matthew Ward:

Love is the key to everything! Please keep this foremost in mind when the ones still hidden behind their dark deeds are identified. Do not dim your light by focusing on punishment for them, but rather think of them as what they are, weakest links in the chain of Oneness, and send them the healing energy they need to uplift themselves and strengthen the chain for all souls.( Matthew’s Message, Sept. 9, 2011, at

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