Monthly Archives: January 2022
you are and always have been powerful enough to change the world…You are the light. We are your cheerleaders…Others can give you ideas – but those ideas need to be processed by you and only you.
Dear Ones,
Many of you noted unusual feelings the past few days, including exhaustion, anger, passivity, or foggy floating sensations. All indicators that the recent energy bursts were more potent than any you have experienced while of the earth.
The energies will again magnify in the next few days so that almost everyone now of the earth will note sensations that may lead to unusual actions. Before you move into your fear mode, please know that unusual no longer needs to be fear-based.
Many of you will do or say something you did not expect – as will be true for most beings now of the earth. Perhaps you will also note unusual pet or vegetation behaviors – an en masse world shift.
Many of you know you have been part of this en masse shift for a very long time. Such is true internally. Those internal shifts are beginning to be directed outward in word and deed – including in others you never expected to relay a specific stance or action.
Some of you felt little or nothing during the recent energy bursts. Such could be so for several reasons, not the least of which is that you already shifted.
Many of you contend you are of the light and yet, felt the sensations. Such merely means you delved deeper into new you – who you were two weeks ago is no longer.
The world is shifting more rapidly than you now believe, even though you are a major part of that shift.
It is as if we, of the Universes, must prove the shift to you. But we are not directing this earth sea change; you are. Despite our messages to the contrary, you continue to believe we are directing you. In truth, we, of the Universes, are your cheerleaders.
You are the change. We are the observers. A concept most have difficulties accepting for you do not yet believe you are and always have been powerful enough to change the world.
For eons, you challenged yourself to be prepared for this time.
Even though we, of the Universes, offered you love, support, and ideas, we were never more prepared than you throughout your preparations for this time. Perhaps you could think of us as senior corporate executives managing companies through difficult times even though we never experienced the times you are in now. We are advisors, not actors. This time is like no other. And without your preparations through eons of earth and non-earth experiences, you would not be of the earth now.
You no longer need us to lead you by the hand, for you outgrew our skill levels months ago. You are the light. We are your cheerleaders.
You know better than we, of the Universes, what is necessary for the earth at this time.
Some of you are upset with this message, for you want someone telling you what to do. You are that someone. No one, including friends, relatives, or your Universal angels and gatekeepers, know enough to give you specific advice now. You are the one informing us about what is happening within you.
Your secret action map is within you. What does your inner voice/heart tell you to do? Not your intellect, for your intelligence is knowledge accumulated before or during your transition. And no other being – including New Earth gurus – has more information about your role than you.
You are most definitely your guru.
The energy bursts of the past few days have moved you to the forefront of your personal shift. Follow your heart and inner voice, and you will know what you need and where you are going. Follow anyone else, including friends, relatives, Universal beings, or earthly gurus, and you will miss a few steps.
While it is true you cannot take the wrong path for long periods now that you have transitioned to this point, there is no need to miss your way at all. Follow your heart, and you will know what to do and when to do it. Follow anyone or anything else, and you will flounder longer than you wish for your focus continues to be shifting yourself and all beings of the earth.
You are your leader exceptional. Others can give you ideas – but those ideas need to be processed by you and only you.
You are focused on your new being and, therefore, the new earth. You are you in all your power in this wonderfully evolving, peaceful, and joyful new world. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:
Patricia Cota-Robles
February 1, 2022
The Beings of Light are sharing new information with us from the Realms of Illumined Truth. As they do, our I AM Presence will help us comprehend the significance of the things that are happening in our lives by empowering us to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” Dear One, as you read these words please go within and perceive this information through the Flame of Truth pulsating in your Heart. February 1, 2022, is the New Moon that is celebrated by billions of people around the World as the Lunar New Year. In 2022, the Lunar New Year is considered the “Year of the Tiger” which symbolizes both rebirth and reinvigoration. With this greatly amplified Light flowing through the Collective Cup of Humanity’s Unified Consciousness, the way is being prepared for the unique experiences Awakened Humanity will Cocreate with our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven as we pass through the Portal of Light known as the Aquarian Gateway. This Portal will open on February 2, 2022 and our passage will be complete on February 22, 2022. During that powerful timeframe, we will experience a very rare numerical frequency that will assist in catapulting Mother Earth and ALL her Life through the powerful Aquarian Gateway into frequencies of Light that will assist in accelerating Humanity’s Awakening process. The rare numerical frequency of February 2, 2022 consists of five consecutive 2’s = 22222. The Master Number 22 pulsates with the impetus of POWER ON ALL PLANES AND THE ABILITY TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF HISTORY. The Master Number consisting of five 2’s, will amplify the Divine Potential of the Master Number 22 one-thousand fold. This extraordinary influx of Divine Potential will then build in momentum for 21 days. On February 22, 2022, we will be blessed with an even higher influx of Light through the rare numerical frequency of six consecutive 2”s = 222222. That numerical frequency will amplify the Divine Potential of the Master Number 22 ten-thousand fold. On that day, we will complete our passage through the Aquarian Gateway.
The Company of Heaven has revealed that since the obsolete paradigms from the past have now been dismantled, and awe-inspiring shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness have taken place within our Earthly Bodies since the Birth of this New Decade, Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth will be able to benefit from this unprecedented opportunity in miraculous ways. The key to our success will be our willingness to stay focused on the Light as we choose to empower through our Creative faculties of Thought and Feeling only the Love-based patterns we want to empower and Cocreate for our Earthly experiences. As a word of encouragement, the Company of Heaven wants us to know they are very aware of the fact that in many instances outer-world appearances have convinced people that in spite of the myriad Activities of Light they have helped us to Cocreate since the Birth of this New Decade, nothing seems to have changed and at times things even seem to be getting worse. Our Father-Mother God assure us that nothing could be further from the Truth. The Divine Intent of the information being shared with us today is to help us understand what is actually happening in our lives. The challenge is that we are in the midst of Earth’s Ascension process which means we are literally walking with our feet in both Worlds. The vast majority of us are vacillating between the etheric memories of what we believed to be true in the 3rd-Dimensional frequencies of separation and duality on the old Earth, and the Sacred Knowledge of the 5th-Dimensional Heart-based patterns of Oneness and Reverence for all Life on the New Earth. Many of us are conscientiously striving to focus on the Truth of our New Reality which is what our I AM Presence is intuitively revealing to us now. Unfortunately, out of habit, we keep defaulting back to our old fears, beliefs and behavior patterns because that is what is most familiar to us. Since our Thoughts and Feelings are Creative, when we default to our old patterns we sustain and empower the very things we are striving to Transcend. As the saying goes, “Where our attention is, there we are.”
The Beings of Light said that Humanity’s greatest fear is that if we make the dramatic shift from what we thought was Truth to what is actually Truth everything will fall apart in our life and we won’t be able to recover. THAT particular fear is exactly what our fragmented and fear-based human ego has counted on in order to keep us trapped in its oppressive grip for aeons of time. During this Cosmic Moment, the Company of Heaven wants us to realize that EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED. WE ARE NOW AWAKE! Our I AM Presence has integrated into our Earthly Bodies and our human ego no longer has the ability to manipulate us subconsciously the way it used to. The only thing that is preventing us from moving forward in the Light are the memories of the fear-based patterns of separation and duality that we are choosing to empower through our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs. The Beings of Light are now revealing that with the changes we have all recently experienced, we are in the best position we have ever been in to make the Quantum Shift from the 3rd-Dimensional illusions of separation and duality into the profound 5th-Dimensional Truth of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. This has provided the sacred space for our I AM Presence to be able to wipe clean the equivalent of the Hard Drive in our Etheric Body which contains those grossly mutated patterns from our past. Our Etheric Body is where the records and memories from our entire Earthly sojourn are recorded. Love is Eternal, so any thought, feeling, word, action, memory or belief we have ever expressed in any timeframe or dimension, both known or unknown, that is based in Love is permanently encoded in our Etheric Records and our Causal Body. Now, however, since we have completed the learning experiences from our 3rd-Dimensional plunge into the abyss of separation and duality, the records and memories we either deliberately or inadvertently Created that were not based in Love are no longer relevant. This has Created the opportunity for our I AM Presence to finally be able to wipe clean the Hard Drive in our Etheric Body on which our misguided thoughts and feelings from the past are recorded. This will be God Victoriously accomplished by each person’s I AM Presence as we collectively Ascend through the Portal of the Aquarian Gateway in February. Our Father-Mother God have affirmed that once the process of wiping clean the Hard Drives containing Humanity’s distorted beliefs in separation and duality has been completed by each person’s I AM Presence, it will be far easier than ever before for all of us to stay focused on the Light and to resist being pulled back into the obsolete patterns of our past fears and counterproductive behavior patterns.
Then each of us will have the ability to program our pristine Hard Drive with the Heart-based patterns we want to Cocreate in our life. Through our positive free will choices our efforts will be unimpeded by our fears and the illusions of separation and duality. The Light-filled and Heart-based 5th-Dimensional patterns for the New Earth are infinitely more powerful than the distorted patterns of separation and duality that we used to manifest so easily.
We are being told by the Beings of Light that if we stay focused on our I AM Presence and what we want to Cocreate through our focused attention and our Divine Intensions, we will see that it is easier than ever before to prevent ourselves from defaulting back to our destructive habits and the patterns we mistakenly chose to empower that are not based in Love. Precious Heart, in order to assist your I AM Presence during this extremely powerful time the Beings of Light are encouraging all of us to monitor our thoughts and feelings as well as our behavior patterns. The things we are being told to watch for are: any beliefs that indicate we are somehow a victim, or any of our responses that reflect fear, anger, hatred, an “us against them” attitude, failure, disappointment, desperation, a desire to respond violently, a willingness to harm any part of life, or any other behavior that is not based in Love. Those responses to any of our life experiences will ALWAYS be in opposition to the Inner Guidance from our I AM Presence. If any of those obsolete patterns come up for you, don’t judge yourself. Simply recognize them and invoke the Violet Flame to Transmute that energy back into Light. Then ask your I AM Presence to intuitively Guide you so that you can respond from a Heart-based place with Love. There is an expression that states, “The price for Freedom is eternal vigilance.” This is definitely true when we are striving to improve what we are empowering with our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs. So be consistent and pay attention moment to moment. Do not give up. This is an unprecedented opportunity; please do not let it pass you by. During our Weekly Vlogs throughout February, the Company of Heaven will guide us through various Activities of Light that will assist us with this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan. If you do not automatically receive our Vlogs you can sign up to receive them free of charge on our website
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909
Fax: 520-347-5440
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.
Era of Peace is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
©2022 Patricia Cota-Robles
Cryptocurrency story ,Transmutational Chat and Music With Mathias (Song Of The New Earth Community)
Thoughts of “Am I safe here?” will be replaced with “Can I fully experience the joy in this moment, here?
Dear children of my heart, this is your Grandmother Anna. I see your weariness – and I see your strength! Now is not the time to dwell on the external, that which you can see, but on the internal knowing that directs you, that guides your heart amidst whatever may come. I am with you. We, your extended family of the stars, we are with you and we love you. It is always darkest before the dawn and it is dawning now. The sunrise of humanity’s awakening is well underway. It will occur during your lifetimes because yes, it is occurring now. Do not be despondent. Be filled with the life force of Source, that is you, that is within you. A simple yet hard teaching within this Earth realm. I know, I have lived there many times and my last incarnation was a lengthy one. But know that you are surrounded by us, that you have always been surrounded by us, but it is perhaps more exciting now because this will begin to be more clearly evident to you. For your awareness of ‘the beyond’ (she is laughing) is becoming heightened, more aware. Your third eyes will be buzzing and your awareness will be more on point. Within the higher dimensions it is very easy to sense and to feel the presence of another and of course their intentions are clear. And in the higher dimensions intentions are pure, are clear of any of the dross that you are so used to sludging into. In the Earth realm you are always on guard. Are you not? This is to be changed, this is changing. Thoughts of “Am I safe here?” will be replaced with “Can I fully experience the joy in this moment, here? What else can I experience here? How else may I be of service in this joy-filled place, here?” Do you see? Do you feel the elevation of those questions? Thriving will replace surviving.
I am your Grandmother Anna. Many of you have had loving grandmothers in your lives, and some have not. I can be that force of nature for you if you like. I have so many children, what is one more? I have a boundless love for my children for I am plugged deeply into the flow of love that permeates the heartbeat of Creator, of the Great Mother and I listen to her whisperings. I see that many of you are listening intently now to the inner whisperings on the breezes of your hearts, and this is good. This is how it should be. This shows me you are advancing as I knew you would! I knew you would graduate with honors and accolades and you are! Oh my children, you are! And we are so proud of you here in the rafters. When you feel the hardness of this realm, for there is much going on and it is a challenging place to be embodied, we know. When you feel the rushing around you, stop and feel the inner calm within you. You are like the energetic crystals that ground deeply these higher dimensional energies. (I am seeing a hammer representing the light and we are the ice picks cracking the rock underneath us. We are literally the conduit of energy of change.) Yes, you are cracking the matrix. How else could heaven ground it? If the change could not be absorbed then what was to be done? And so you are the shock absorbers, the brave ones, the strong ones, you are my heart and oh children, I love you so much. I am so proud of you!
Now children, are you taking care of yourselves? Are you eating your barley soup and drinking clean pure water? Now is not the time for heavy things to be consumed. Now is the time for foods with light in them for you are becoming more and more light. Ground with the grounded root vegetables, those are excellent soups and stews at this time and they will not bog you down as the lemon poppyseed coffee cake that this one just ate. Oh child, you know I love you! We Magdalenes are ever so intrigued by the beautiful variety of foods that you have at your disposal here in this time. We ate simply. But it was a simpler time. We were not constantly bombarded with the chemicals and chakra pollution. We had our struggles to be sure and I am well aware of the feeling of needing to be safe, for I lived over 600 years in my last human incarnation and we were frequently on the move or working underground in the catacombs translating literature into the vaults of knowledge. (I am seeing scrolls being copied and given to many hands, distributed widely. What a treasure they were to the world.) Yeshua’s words and many others were copied. Children, I am equally proud of you as my grandchildren as I was (and am!) with Yeshua’s works and words. Oh, how his energy would light up the room! And I am seeing that you – you!- are doing this same thing. Open yourselves up to more joy, to more light and more will flow to you.
Children, I am your Grandmother Anna. I love you with my whole heart. I am always here for consultation and friendship. Know that you are not alone and that you are keenly watched after and over. Take care of yourselves, keep warm, chins up and light up the path that you are on with confidence. One step leads to the next. Remember that. Your heart will lead you. Listen to the inner whisperings of your higher self, of the Great Mother and be at peace in the process. You are so tremendously loved. I am your Grandmother Anna.
~ galaxygirl
I have because I AM.
The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele, Jan. 30, 2022
Welcome dear readers,
As you are well aware, the world is presently experiencing a great deal of confusion and stress especially for those who are unaware of the ascension process taking place and many are saying to themselves, ” I don’t want to be here any longer.”
As a result many have left or are choosing to leave and Covid has provided an exit point. You must remember that because of free will every soul chooses on a deeper level whether to leave or stay although very few – or even individuals themselves – realize this.
We spoke in our last message about relationships and the Mystical Marriage. We would like to add that when spiritually prepared, their balancing of male and female energy (the Mystical Marriage) begins automatically and without conscious effort through choices and life lessons whether the person is alone or in a relationship. The type of relationship makes no difference–heterosexual or homosexual.
In the third dimension, relationships are often judged as to their rightness, wrongness, correctness, or even “sinfulness” based on how they align with certain religious or universal beliefs about what constitutes a proper or “God” endorsed relationship. There is no such thing as a sinful or wrong relationship if love and respect for both is present.
The two major stumbling blocks in every person’s journey out of a three dimensional state of consciousness are relationships, which we have already discussed, and abundance. Mankind has suffered under the burden of lack and limitation for a very long time not realizing that they themselves were continuing to maintain and sustain it through their belief in it. The belief in lack is firmly established in universal collective consciousness and pervades every aspect of life on earth.
You have all experienced forms of lack and limitation especially in earlier lifetimes when extreme lack was accepted as normal. The energy of these experiences has been stored in cellular memory and carried into the consecutive lifetimes of almost everyone making lack the dominant belief system on earth.
Abundance is every person’s natural birthright but because most remain ignorant of their true Self, the world as a whole continues to believe that it must struggle, work hard, steal, beg, and suffer even for the most basic of what may be needed. Lack and limitation on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) is simply the material manifestation of the belief in duality (have/don’t have) and separation (separation from one’s good and God).
You are ready and prepared to move beyond the firmly established false beliefs that surround lack and limitation by actually accepting that you are in fact a Divine Being, not a limited human being subject to all the good and bad floating in the collective. You are God individualized and therefore embody all that God is and cannot lack simply because the idea of lack does not exist in Self-sustained, Self-maintained Divine Consciousness. If it did, it would be held in place by Divine Law forever, never to be removed.
The first step toward moving into a consciousness of abundance is to get the flow going. Donate what you not longer use or need, put something in the tip jar, give your time and energy to someone or something that needs it. When you pay bills, realize that because there is only one, the money is flowing from your right hand to your left through you from an Infinite Source within rather than from your personal three dimensional sense of supply which must always be limited because of the belief in duality whether at present there is a lot or a little.
It doesn’t matter the amount, start with one penny if that is what you have. What matters is the consciousness with which the giving of anything flows; “I have because I AM.”
As God Beings your resources are unlimited. Observe the infinity of the blades of grass, trees, etc. always multiplying. Multiplication is Divine Law. Consciously acknowledge and begin to express money, goods, time, love, service, creativity, etc. in awareness of your Divine completeness. As we have said many times, Consciousness is the substance of form and if you continually make “I don’t have” your state of consciousness, then mind, which is the interpreter of consciousness will see to it that you manifest exactly that.
Many say they have tried these practices and they don’t work, everything just remains the same. You must remember that in order for any idea on any level to become a manifesting state of consciousness it must first come into one’s awareness, become knowledge and acceptance, and then practiced. This is true of everything whether it be learning to drive a car or attaining the consciousness of a spiritual truth.
As a person continues to remember, know, and practice sharing and giving from the realization that it is flowing through them from an unlimited self-sustained, self-maintained Source and not personally from them, it gradually becomes their state of consciousness and what is needed (not just wanted) begins to flow more easily and naturally, and often from where least expected.
Remember that as an individualization of Source, God, Divine Consciousness, you are the fullness of God and not just a part. You only believed that you were a limited human being because over the course of living many lifetimes permeated with false beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers you became hypnotized into believing that you were separate, less than, and worthless unless you conformed to specific societal or religious laws and standards of perfection.
The evolutionary process does not take place in one moment, but rather unfolds as each person moves into spiritual readiness for their next step. The old, dense, and obsolete energies that have held you prisoner for so long are now clearing personally and globally and being replaced with higher dimensional frequencies of Light that will allow you to more easily experience reality.
As you rest in and trust the truth about yourself and others, fear will begin to drop away, life experiences will seem easier, and you will discover that you have become a teacher, way shower and Light for those still struggling and seeking. Many of you are already there. Yay!
We are the Arcturian Group 1/30/22
Jesus Through John: Intend to be Fully Integrated within the Field of Love
The collective awakening of humanity is proceeding apace, so do not allow yourselves to be unduly disturbed by the less than uplifting stories that the MSM focuses on, and then publishes with monotonous regularity in order to spread fear and anxiety.
There is far more going on in the world, and of a far more uplifting nature, that is clearly indicating that your awakening is progressing quite beautifully. The divine Will is always achieved, so release any doubts to which you may be clinging, even inadvertently.
Often unsettling thoughts, feelings, and emotions flow through your minds far too freely, without you being aware of what they are – just that . . . thoughts, feelings, and emotions – they are not you, but, to you, they feel like you.
Part of being human, with a veil hiding Reality from you, is to identify yourselves with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and, of course, your bodies which are your central sensors through which all that occurs in your immediate vicinity is experienced – and none of this is Real, i.e eternal. To allow yourselves to become aware that this is unreal can be very difficult because it is so deeply ingrained, and because you have been doing it for such a long time . . . all your lives!
The personal identities by which you choose to identify yourselves have seemingly been validated since you were infants, because you have been taught, and have therefore believed, that that is who you are.
When you are older you can look at your birth certificates and confirm that identity, given to you at birth by your parents, and established by law. But beneath that belief you have an awareness of yourbeingness, and that beingness is who you truly are, and if that awareness is acknowledged and accepted, it will show very clearly that there is no separation, that you are One with Source, even though you will still retain and use your personal identity as a human in form.
But that identity will no longer need to be defended against your own egoic opinions and judgments – negative or positive – or those of others, because it is just a convenience for your use while you are in form. It is not who you are, you are far, far more, in fact you are unimaginably vaster and more powerful than, as a human limited by form, you can possibly apprehend.
This conscious acceptance of your human identity’s temporary and unreal nature will lead you to total self-acceptance and peace as you start to know yourself right now as an eternally beloved child of God, no matter what may be going on in your human lives.
You are of God. As an analogy you can think of water as “of the ocean.” Like water, your apparent separation from God is very temporary indeed, in the same way that all water returns eventually to the ocean.
To awaken is to become sufficiently aware to allow yourselves to know yourselves as One, inseparable from Source, and enveloped in the infinite energy field of Love which has no beyond because It is All. The peace and comfort that knowing and accepting that Truth will bring you, when you choose to do so, is indescribable. A most wondrous state of bliss awaits you in that moment.
This is why going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuaries, is an absolutely essential daily routine.
Going within to meditate, to relax for a moment from the concerns of the day, or just to be quiet and separated from the rush and impatience of daily life is the path to that awareness. It does not matter what method – if any – that you choose to use to slow down and quieten the ‘roof-brain chatter.’ Just sitting quietly watching the noise and chatter arise without engaging with it is, of course, a state of being aware.
This awareness helps you to find the Real self beneath all the noise. Your egos will attempt to get you to focus on an ‘important’ thought or issue, because if you consider it important it is much easier to distract you into engaging with it.
The trick is to immediately remind yourselves that in this quiet time nothing of importance is going to happen that needs your immediate and undivided attention, and then settle back into the quietness. It may only last a few seconds, but, as time is but one of the unreal aspects of the game of form, during those few second of now much progress can be made in strengthening your consciousness of being aware of being, of releasing you from the apparent need to attend to that almost interminable thought-flow.
You are, each and every sentient being, in every moment of your eternal existence, One with Source.
That state is unchanging and unchangeable.
Therefore, during those daily moments of quietness, remind yourselves of this Truth, and then reset the intent to be only loving whatever arises, and intend to be fully integrated within the field of Love, receiving, sharing, and extending Love to everyone presently in the process of awakening, and certainly, of course, to any who may appear to you to be attempting to disrupt or prevent humanity’s awakening by encouraging division and conflict.
You are all dearly loved, so please extend and share that wondrous and constantly flowing divine Gift with all of humanity as you complete your awakening process!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
REminder Sunday Unity Meditation.
Join us at 3/6/9 PM Greece or 5/8/11 am Pacific Time each session 30′.
Just Be.
Feel You in the field.
The Ascension Diet Series compiled in one page.
My presence inspires kindness in others
January 27, 2022,
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Statements of Empowered Choice
Many of you have a reluctance to be seen as you really are due to past experiences where you were not accepted in that truth. You may have been shunned, judged, abandoned, or ridiculed. Many of you are working on the healing of that core wound in order to step forward into your highest life expression.
While it might seem natural to try to undo that old wound/fear by replacing it with a new empowering statement that included safety…seeking safety, in a sense, can indicate that you still believe there is something you need protection from.
A better approach might be to use a new energetic declaration such as ~
“My presence inspires kindness in others.”
Can you feel the difference? The energy of the new statement allows you to shine in your truth, and because of that empowered choice, receive the treatment you deserve. It encourages you to be a leader, and to hold the energy for others to meet you in that space.
That, Dear Ones, is Mastery.
Do what you love. Focus on what you love.
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 01/29/2022 • One Soul at a Time
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
While your world focuses on death, we focus on life. When your world focuses on war, we focus on peace. When one of you focuses on hatred, we focus on the love trying to sprout beneath a hardened surface. Eternally, we hold the vision of the life you want to live and the version of earth that you all, mutually, want to create – one of harmony, well-being, kindness, peace, and tolerance.
When you begin to focus as we do, as God does, on what you desire and on what you love, then your growth and expansion upon the earth will be achieved in joy. When you enjoy your life now and look forward to your wonderful future then your life will be filled with joyful anticipation and fulfilled dreams. If, however, you want something but you doubt, resist, or fear “not having” it, you block the flow of life that is attempting to assist.
Look at your world. Nearly everyone wants well-being but a large percentage of the population in the past few years has been focused on sickness. Your pandemic would have been over in months, not years, had the world focus been different. So many expect that there will be increased sickness in winter, and so it is. So many expect relief in spring and so it is.
Nonetheless, one soul at a time the pandemic is ending – not due to a shot, or supplements, or rebellion against it, but rather due to one soul at a time deciding to focus on being well, living life as they choose, and removing their focus from fear. One soul at a time, your world is becoming a better, kinder, more tolerant, and loving place. It doesn’t make the news, but one soul at a time, your world is continuing to evolve towards better.
Dear ones, be one of those souls. Focus on life and living the best you can in each moment. Appreciate a shaft of sunlight filtering through the window and give thanks for life. Breathe in the fresh air on a walk or your back patio and give thanks for life. Drink your morning smoothie, coffee, or tea, inhale its fragrance deeply, feel the comfort of it and give thanks for life. Stretch and give thanks for your body. Look around and give thanks for your home. Appreciate the people in your life.
There will always be sickness on the earth but you can focus on well-being. There will always be those who want to control others but no one can control a free-thinking soul. There will always be those who want war to feel powerful, but there will always be more who ARE powerful in their love for peace. Your world is not ending. It is birthing itself anew. With your focus on the beauty of each moment coupled with your anticipation of a more evolved world, you allow the power that creates universes to run through you and steer you towards that joyous future.
You are the ones who will end the pandemic, one soul at a time. You, dear ones, will prevent war, one peaceful heart at a time. You will create racial tolerance, one act of kindness at a time. You create harmony with the earth, one loving choice at a time. Do as you are inspired. Listen to your body, your mind, and your soul. When you feel like resting, rest and contribute to world peace. When you feel like gathering, enjoy time with family and friends and empower the vibrations of connectedness with others. When you feel like “being a hermit” sit in silence at home and empower the energy of connection with self and the Divine. Do what you love. Focus on what you love. Think thoughts of love and appreciation as often as you can. Comfort and soothe yourselves when you are in need.
One thought, one choice, one act, one soul at a time, you are filling your world and the world at large with the light and the love that creates universes. You, in your simple loving choices, are a powerful force for love. If each of you put a drop of water in a bowl with each kind or loving thought, soon you’d be watering gardens, spilling over into life-giving rivers, and melding into one vast ocean of love. This is what you are doing with your energy… one beautiful soul, one beautiful thought, one act of kindness at a time.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Convoys Starting Worldwide
Join the world truckers for Freedom here on telegram to organize:
Falkorrr, [Jan 28, 2022 at 10:51:31 AM]:
World Freedom Convoy
2022 freedom convoy for Europe!
Falkorrr, [Jan 28, 2022 at 10:51:31 AM]:
Europe Convoy
Canada Convoy 🇨🇦
Australia Convoy 🇦🇺
Finland Convoy 🇫🇮
Netherlands Convoy 🇳🇱
Czechoslovakian Convoy 🇨🇿
Belgian Convoy 🇧🇪
American Convoy 🇺🇸
French Convoy 🇫🇷
Italian Convoy 🇮🇹
Spain Convoy 🇪🇸
Hungarian Convoy 🇹🇯
Portuguese Convoy 🇵🇹
Enough is enough! -Mother Sekhmet-
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
Today we again offer a Message from a slightly different Source, as our writer speaks with that powerful creator deity who is Mother Sekhmet . . .
COR: Greetings, Mother Sekhmet! I’m honored to speak with you today.
I recently read an amazing piece of writing that is a powerful description of you, by an author/researcher who is an ancient Egyptian mystery school teacher, author, and tour leader of sacred Egyptian sites, Next Anyextee.
The piece is titled “Sekhmet,” and in it he calls you an “almighty and powerful neter [Egyptian word for a god] . . . the untamed fire principle, a feminine aspect and consort of Ptah.”
He notes that you are usually depicted “with a lotus flower (symbolising Upper Egypt, the sun, creation, and rebirth)” in your right hand, and “an ankh (also known as the key of life, which symbolises eternal life)” in your left—use of the left hand being “symbolic of receptive or passive energy” and use of right hand symbolic of active, giving energy.
Anyextee speaks of a small “chapel of Sekhmet inside the Temple of Ptah at Karnak,” where there are sculptures of your form.
He calls it “the most powerful place in all of Egypt, in my opinion.”
Figure of Mother Sekhmet, Karnak Temple in Luxor, Egypt – Photo by Anyextee
He notes that you are “kept locked up in this chapel and unavailable to the casual tourist”:
It is often said that she is locked up because of local legends. Villagers share stories claiming to have seen her running wild at night.
Words can’t begin to describe the experience inside, or what happens here. Sometimes nothing at all. Other times supernatural.
I’ve watched grown men and nonbelievers come to tears in this room.
Personally speaking, I’ve experienced a deeply profound, miraculous physical healing event. [Author and Egyptologist] John Anthony West was the witness to my healing.
There can be no doubt that this statue is active and she is charged on a daily basis, imbued by the Solar rays of the Sun, which come through the small aperture in the ceiling at sunrise.
She can heal, but she can also destroy. She represents the feminine aspect of the initiating principle of fire.
Play with fire and you may get burned. But fire also clears the way to make things anew.
If you see this Sekhmet, it is wise to humble yourself and bring her an offering.
[Used by permission – from January 20, 2022 Facebook post, by Anyextee – Author, Esoteric Researcher, Filmmaker & Expedition Tour Leader for, and Founder of]
COR: So I would like to ask, Mother—how does your power to heal and your power to destroy play out at present, given the world situation?
Many are calling out for Divine Justice, and wondering when it will finally arrive.
MOTHER SEKHMET: [Loud growl] Enough is enough!
We are done with this wandering of dark intent, and the excuses of the so-called powerful!
They are cowards. I have seen them quake in my presence. They have little knowledge yet of what awaits them.
Though I have shown great patience, that is exhausted now.
COR: Arrests are taking place, from what I understand.
MOTHER SEKHMET: This is yet the beginning! Much to come.
All shall play out for these ones who wandered far from the intent of this creation.
She is a powerfully fine creation! Why have they sought to rack and ruin all I have given them? All created for their own joy!
Their ego-hearted intent has led them down the dark way.
This cannot continue now. Their so-called reign, at an end.
An image of Mother Sekhmet from an Egyptian temple
COR: Many are wondering when we will actually be shown proof of the arrests, in a mainstream, public way.
Your White Knights of the Ashtar Command are involved in the “rounding up” of the intergalactic criminals who have run this planet for millennia.
Yet few are aware of this, even those with a strong conscience.
MOTHER SEKHMET: Yet you have awareness, that we speak with many millions in their dream time at night!
We assure them that though the road appears long before them, and the Light feels dim certain days, the darkness is lifting.
How could it be otherwise, when the very configurations of the planets themselves announce it!
Your role now not being patient in the sense of passive waiting, but in inner Knowing.
This, we mean:
“Yes, this is so. I l know that the way of Divine Truth shines stronger and more brilliantly, each day that passes!
“I wait not with impatience, yet with Joy, as the clouds part, and the ships appear above us.
“I am in Knowing of all that my higher self grasps as Truth!
“I will not be swallowed whole now by those images that reach humanity from the many screens—the lies that all is dark, and getting darker.
“I will not be misled! I am more powerful than this.
“My heart-mind relates only to the deeper Truths—that we are Loved beyond all forms of measuring, and that our Path is sacred, and much-blessed by elements, waves of Light, and higher Beings who reach us now in ever-increasing levels!
“We will not be denied!
“There is no end to the reach of Divine Justice in this Universe! We stand with the Light in Her many forms and facets!
“All is well, and shall be most well!
“This I carry with me, as the very blood in my veins, and the very air of my breath.
“Divine Justice is afoot, and she races powerfully forward now!
“We shall not be denied, nor turned away, nor forgotten by that great Central Source from which we came.
“She comes forward now, calling Her children to Her!”
Hear her, my children—and release all else!
This is the One Truth of this moment in Earth’s forward movement—you call this “Timeline,” though in Truth there is no Time as you know it.
This occurs now, and evermore! Do not be downtrodden.
This is not a time of fearful reaction, but of rising up to ever-higher Knowing—a heart-based Knowing—that all things revert to their rightful order now!
COR: As you say all this Mother, I feel the Truth of it.
The reality of it, as we like to say on Earth. Though this is all illusion, this physical world.
MOTHER SEKHMET: Yet this is the sacred way, to live in the world of form as a place of learning—not as punishment, such as your world has dwelt in for so long, yet as joyful exploration and greater higher Knowing.
These ones—they shall be dealt with!
COR: It is the female lion who hunts!
MOTHER SEKHMET: You have yet to see how well, young ones!
Mother Sekhmet – Chapel in Karnak Temple in Luxor, Egypt – Photo by Anyextee
COR: Thank you for speaking with us today , Mother.
All your children send their Love and Thanks to you now!
You Light our days, and your fire catches powerfully in all our hearts now.
Thank you for that, and all else!
MOTHER SEKHMET: Namaste, Light Beings!
You are in the Light, whatever your programmed minds may say.
Allow yourselves to release those old ways, for the Ancient of Days is present now!
All is well! Divine Justice birthed upon your planet now, in increasing levels, till all is birthed anew!
And so it is, and so it shall be.
Copyright 2022, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post:
Thank you.
you are the unsung heroes
You Are the Changemakers in this Ascension Process ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been very excited to witness the way that you have all been handling yourselves through this ascension process. We are speaking specifically to those of you who are receiving this transmission, because you are the ones who are awake enough to be dealing with your traumas, your negative emotions, and your heartbreaks in an evolved and mature way. You have all seen the character in the film or television show who handles being rejected, fired, or otherwise hurt in some way by going to the bar and drinking themselves into oblivion. You have seen reflections in these stories of how a lot of people handle their sorrow and discomfort.
And you all have gotten to the point now where you do not look for the nearest escape or numbing agent to try to hide from the feelings and the memories that are so hard to accept and embrace. You are the leaders of this consciousness evolution because you have decided that you want to face that darkness and those demons head on.
Many people wonder what they are supposed to be doing, as if there are actions that could make as big a difference on your world as processing your emotions and dealing with your own stuff. There is no action that gives more to your fellow humans than setting that beautiful example will.
When you communicate, when you meditate, when you take care of yourself and show compassion for others, you can rest assured that you are doing enough to help the entire collective, a collective that has very few examples being shown to it of the right way to deal with something that’s coming up from within. And so, you are the unsung heroes. You are the ones working behind the scenes to contribute something that is invaluable to the entire collective consciousness. You are the ones who are showing the way, and that is enough of a contribution. Anything else that you do is a bonus.
Who you are, and how you be in the world, these are the things that matter. You also allow yourselves to get to the love that is at your core by dealing with that which is heavy, dark, and obscuring that love and light that exists within every single one of you. So you are shining your light, and you are agents of love, and that is the reason why you are wayshowers, lightbringers, and agents of change. This is how it’s done, and you are the ones doing it. Congratulations on your success.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Ascension Diet Series (Vlog 6:Food for Inspiration)
Ascension Diet Series (Vlog 5:BlissFood)
Divine Mother Birthing by Archangel Amethyst
Summary Perspective in the now.
Ok everyone, here is my summary perspective on what occurs right now right through the scope of Ascension always.
All systems are being upgraded to accomodate all New Earth needs and wants that work for the highest good for all as we are transitionning towards The Golden Age of our existence from a Human to a Galactic Society.
And while one can choose to focus on what is and the dismantling of the old, one can also focus on the creating of the new. 2 opposite sides from the same stick. 3D to 5D. We live in both and how we feel any given moment shows us on which side of the stick we are.
One thing is for sure. The Light has won and now we can move forward without ever being stopped by any dark faction call them cabal or any other. Yes, they still out there and the ever increasing vibrations on Earth plus the dedication of all those who meditate and pray with the intention to vibrate higher plus all those who participate in massive protests are all together setting the tone for freedom and liberation to be tangibly felt and observed in the material world.
Green Light is on. I AM my IAM Presence now tangibly manifesting on Earth. That’s our Mantra. IAM The Love, The Light, The Truth now is tangible felt with every conscious breath we take.
Will there be a lot of truth and disclosure coming forward? you bet!!!
All of it will be exposed. As all those who pretend to work for the Light and are not. All will be exposed. The Light is everywhere. The Violet flamme of Divine Perfection is doing its work. There is no turning back to any normal, there is only change and excitement of the New. The Loving and Forgiving Planet that works for all.
Everything that God has belongs to all his sons and daughters.
And since the financial system is a hot subject for everyone let’s again remember few things i shared already in the past.
There are Septillions of Gold found in underground tunnels between Vatican to Switzerland and from Vatican to Jerusalem by the Alliance.
About 11 years ago i made a T shirt saying : Sell The Vatican, feed the world. Little did i know there is so much in there.
So, in your opinion what do you think will happen in the months and years to come? Prosperity will be distributed to all Humanity to move forward with new technologies and everything that supports Ascension. Because the purpose is that: to assist each and everyone on the Ascension process. No more lack of anything and no more wants either. All that one needs and wants available. That is how it is supposed to be.
Now does this means that all problems are solved? definetely not. The most important thing to do is to focus on The Love and Light within at all times. Only from here one can truly Ascend within their physical body. Yes High Tech may help and assist and yet the work is to be done within. Everyone will remember the reason they incarnated in their bodies, each one at the own pace.
And so if we want to be better participants in this now, the best we have is to choose to vibrate Higher and sustain it. The energies are supporting that, Mother Earth is supporting that too, The Angelics and all Company of Heaven available at all times. One just needs to ask. And Meditation and Gratitude are the 2 most powerful assets we have to get there. And if you feel inclined to participate in one of my dancing workshops , you are mostly welcome: just another way of vibrating high…inner child wants to play and we all better listen to the inner child. Feel more than fine workshop 1:1 or Group Session Online.
We are here for the purpose of joy. The best is already here and the more we focus on feeling this the more we attract Our New Earth versions of reality individually and collectively. Where We Go One We Go All.
So i invite you to remember that as you enjoy your pop corn of all things that take place, we already kind of know the script and also the end of this movie. Good to watch but most importatly to be aware of how we feel within every now and how much our vibration gets affected from what we observe. That is the name of the game. Let’s play and enjoy while keeping an eye on the way we feel and if that is love and appreciation let’s keep on and if not, let’s make friends with our ego and sit down , close our eyes and attune again to the LOVE Frequency of Who we really are : Pure Source Energy Beings in costumes called human bodies ascending with every breath we take. Let’s always remember there is a big elephant in the room called Ascension.
Please and Thank You.
Feel More Than Fine.
Nikos Akrivos
Ascension Diet Series (Vlog 3:Boost Immune System)
focus on the reality you want to experience rather than the one you think you must experience
This One is for All the Truth Seekers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very interested in witnessing all of you come to the conclusions that you come to about life there on Earth. And so, we notice how you absorb information that comes to you. We notice that most of you are filtering information through your minds, and when you do that, you only let in that which is already a part of your current belief system about the topic in question. That means you do not allow in new information if it contradicts what you already believe to be true. When instead you run information through your body, you can feel whether it resonates with you.
Now, we are going to make this a bit more complex for you by letting you know that all realities are real, and therefore, all truths are true, and you have a future that is best suited for you and that will be most enjoyable to you. It is one of many. In that future that is the best one for you, certain things are true, and certain things are not true. Therefore, you want to be led to that future reality by your feelings, and your feelings are guiding you towards the truths that serve you the most, rather than the truths that validate your pre-existing beliefs. This is why we are telling you that it serves you more to process information through your bodies than through your minds. If something doesn’t feel good to you, then pay it no more attention.
You will be presented with different truths, of course, because you are being presented with different choices for what you are moving towards, which reality you will inhabit next. That is why you always have to encounter the opposite of what you want and the opposite of what you believe. It is so you can make a choice based on the resonance. If you all had to share one reality and only one reality, that would make it a lot easier on the scientists and intellectuals of planet Earth, because then there would only ever be one truth. But since that is not the case, you get to travel to the reality that you want to experience most and that suits you the most, and you do so with your focus as well as your feelings.
What we are telling you in a very convoluted way is that you should focus on the reality you want to experience rather than the one you think you must experience, based on all the evidence. Sometimes you base what you believe to be true on what others believe to be true. You think that if so many people believe in this, then maybe I should look into it, rather than feeling into it and determining for yourself whether it’s a road you really want to go down and a reality you really want to experience. If there were only one reality, then that would limit Source. That would limit how much Source could experience of Itself, and that will never happen. Source will always be infinite and expanding at the same time, which is another concept that boggles the mind.
But if you can feel into the truth of it, then you know that what we are telling you is true for you. And if it is true for you, then you get to choose which aspect of Source you experience next, and you get to choose the one that feels most in harmony with who you are, what you want, and what you want for everyone there on Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Ascension Diet Series (Vlog 4:Intermittent Fasting)
Feel more than fine workshop 1:1 or Group Session Online.
I have been doing those workshops across Europe before the Covid time and now offering those online for 1:1 Sessions or in Group through Skype starting in February 2022.
The Workshop includes Guided Meditation , Chi Dance , Vibrate Higher and Manifestation Tools for a duration of 45 minutes.
If you wish to be part of that experience those, please send email at : .
Price is at 111 euro per session (personal or group) and the workshop is done on skype.