Matthew Ward: The Unconscionably-Inequitable Allocation of Money will End | Steve Beckow

Matthew and Suzy Ward

By Steve Beckow, December 16, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Again, another chance find while looking through First Contact database on energy.

In 2007 Matthew Ward discussed what will happen to Illuminati wealth and how exploited nations will be tended to after the Reval.

Add to this what Hatonn said to me earlier this year:

“Hello, my friend Steverino…

“This is Hatonn. You are worrying needlessly. You won’t have to make decisions about what to do with money when it’s available.

“St. Germain’s plan will be revealed to the people in charge and that information will be given to you. It’s not that your ideas won’t be valuable, but they’ll be used within the parameters of the big picture. ” (Hatonn in Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Jan. 31, 2021.)

Matthew Ward, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007, at

Only a comparative handful of people know how tenuous and corrupt the global economy is or that international trade and the stock markets are manipulated by the Illuminati, a group of darkly-inclined people who have passed their tight global reins from generation to generation.

They have amassed vast fortunes through that control as well as by charging usurious bank loan rates and accruing mammoth amounts from their illegal drugs industry, and they use that money to buy governments; bankrupt countries and exploit their natural resources; keep billions of souls at barely subsistence level; and fund both sides in wars that they precipitate and perpetuate because from wars they derive handsome profits.

This cannot continue and it won’t. The unconscionably-inequitable allocation of money in your world will end. Although I cannot give you finite details of the changeover process, I can give you an overview and assure you that the honest, knowledgeable people who will manage the process will keep disruption at a minimum as they fairly distribute the world’s wealth.

The Illuminati’s illegally and immorally garnered fortunes will be put into circulation and their exploitation of natural resources worldwide will end. Since that power base is what enabled them to set government and banking policies and own multinational corporations, those corrupt controls also will end. The huge debts of the poorest nations were incurred by their state of desperation, often caused by Illuminati actions and influence; but the loans went to the despots ruling the countries and did not benefit the citizens, so those debts will be annulled and assistance given directly to the people.

Many national borders have been set by the victors in war who wanted the natural resources, and that created “have-nots” who formerly were “haves.” When the LOVE in souls ends all conflicts, borders no longer will be cause for dispute because all peoples will be “haves.”

The coffers of the United States, which is erroneously considered the most fiscally sound nation in the world, have been empty for some time. The national debt, in large part due to the skullduggery of the Illuminati-owned Federal Reserve System and its IRS collection agency, will become manageable when that System is dissolved.

The various currencies, especially dollars, have no foundation-daily transactions involving billions of dollars and other currencies are merely information passed from one computer to another and they far exceed the money to back them. The “new” foundation for currencies will be a return to an old one, where precious metals was a set standard for exchange, and “old fashioned” bartering once again will be an excellent way for nations and communities to conduct some business.

Starlink, Coaching 1:1, Violet Fire application.

Hi everyone, if you wish support for your Ascension Journey or/and Manifestation Coaching or/and Healing, i invite you to connect directly with me by email : .

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Thank you and Namaste.

Make your choice. Do you see others as flawed or as souls who are learning? Do you choose to condemn them or to forgive them?Do you choose to strike out at them or smile and understand what they are enduring within their heart? It is up to you.Do it today. Do it tomorrow. Just do it for a short time and build upon the last day. It will come easier the more you practise.-saint germain through sharon-

St Germain
No One is Flawed

November 24, 2021

St Germain – No One is Flawed

I stumbled onto this message in a book that I scratched down really fast and I believe it’s definitely worth a greater look.

The message was:

“Inherent in this current system is the tenet that others are flawed, and that you are flawed therefore you can be hurt by others.

Only when you believe in this false system can you be hurt.

When you believe that all, including yourself, are perfect, then nobody can be hurt.”

Today I came across this wonderful message again and I asked who had channeled it to me because the messenger was anonymous at that time. Turns out it was St Germain, so let’s ask him to expand upon this.

St Germain: I ask you then, is expansion of this message actually necessary?
Me: No, I get it. But let’s look at how we have learned to think incorrectly.
StG: Ah! I see, then. Let us have some examples because this is what you do with Ivo.
Me: Yes. I think we make the messages more clear that way.
StG: Very good. Shall we make some examples then?
Me: Okay, we learn duality thinking patterns when we’re children. We’re born thinking we’re wonderful but our parents want to socialize us and this is a dualistic, very divisive system that keeps people from really bonding and understanding who they truly are.
StG: Correct. So your parents taught you to be divisive.
Me: Yes. They favored one child over the rest, of course the boys in our family were favored over the girls because I come from a time when women were considered inferior to men, and this was on a broad social basis. It was no secret. Then women started working and then suddenly, they got some rights.
StG: Ah yes, taxpayer’s rights!
Me: LOL The system favors those who pay into it, and those that don’t are frowned upon.
StG: This is correct. So you see the flaws that are misconceptions: that to be female makes you less than a male, and when you do not or cannot work you are flawed.
Me: Yes.
St G: And what of those who earn more money than those who do not?
Me: Yes, that have’s and the have not’s.
St G: Again, the have not’s are flawed.
Your system is rife with these inequities.
Me: Yes, the inequities of iniquity.
StG: Ah, very good. And this is the case as well. So then would it be correct to state that your entire structure is based on these inequities?
Me: I’d say so. Going forward it won’t be, but for now there’s still a lot of looking down noses, keeping up with the Joneses and just plain prejudice. It’s encouraged in our children. They get upset when they don’t have what the boy at school got for Christmas, they want all the latest stuff, and old toys that are the fads of last year and get thrown in the garbage. Nothing is really valued for what it is, only for what others see it as, and these manufacturers see it as a means of making money.
I think people need to start thinking in such a way that respects all – Unity consciousness thinking. From the janitor pushing a broom to the drunk in skid row, all people on this planet are playing a role now and should be respected.
StG: Of course, earth’s people tend to respect those who contribute to the system, not understanding that all contribute to the system. Everyone on the planet is a catalyst for change within themselves.
Me: I get respect from some people because I am a contributor to the disclosure movement, and help people with their ascension by the messages we give, like this one. I don’t like when people put me above them in value, because that’s what it really is, because by doing this, they’re diminishing themselves. How are you going to ever realize your life’s purpose when you keep putting others above you? I’m here to learn from, I’ve laid my whole life bare for you to understand the lessons that I learned, and I share them with you. But does that make me a star? No, it doesn’t. It means I have kahunas and the strength to do it, but it doesn’t make me out to be anything more than a message bearer.
St G: You look at your work with humility. Which is of course the state all must be in to see the merit of the existence of all. When you are in your ego, it is impossible not to want to put others down.
Me: I’ve been described as “too good to be true.” Well, then if that’s what I am, what are you to describe me as such? I hear, “I’m never going to try to change,” that’s one thing I hear. I hear resistance to self improvement and people are very adept at doing that. I hear it all the time. Loads of excuses. But you’re not me, you’re you, and so you can never be me. There are people who walk a similar path to mine, which is re-empowerment of the divine feminine, and there are others who don’t. It’s all cool. Your being nasty towards me only shows your fear.
St G: And this is indicative of the vibration of this system of thought.
Me: True. Yes.
So in order to believe that no one is flawed, we have to really change our thinking. We have to become humble and believe that everyone has a right to be on this planet right now. We have to see all with humility. We’re all playing a role in it. That’s one thing. What else?
St G: I would say to look for your patterns. Look for things within you that you feel make you less than another person and eliminate the thoughts that concur with it. If you hear them, then simply say, “I hear you and I will not believe you.”
Me: Oh good! Yes, telling your thoughts you don’t believe them is very powerful!
StG: This is how I achieved mastery. I implanted the thoughts of God over the ones I had learned to think upon earth.
Me: Which was how many thousands of years ago?
StG: Yes, I found my way through when I was still in the infancy of my soul. I incarnated over and over again to continue to hold the Light and the message of humanity for the people of earth. Because the message of humanity would become buried in their greed and jealousy towards each other, eventually. We held the light, we held a candle of violet flame and incarnated over and over and over to continue to steer humanity to the point it is at today: one where a choice can be made. Because earlier, there were no choices to be made, for the last few thousand years the minds of the earthling have been a prison and now the cages are being unlocked to allow the birds to fly free.
Me: Lovely! Yes!
StG: It took much work, much faith and much being in the right place at the precise time.
Me: I heard you’re good with that! LOL
StG: I parlayed with queens, knights, the divine incarnated on earth. I tickled the fancy of many a mind upon earth to seek out greater knowledge. I worked to repress the darkness, as did your friends El Morya and Kuthumi, we all worked to suppress the darkness and to keep the candle of light lit for humanity.
Me; You guys always make me cry!
StG: Yes, the truth brings tears to the eye.
Now you have a choice: continue to see life as flawed or begin to see it as perfect. Continue to see people as flawed or begin to see them as perfect. Continue to be hurt or continue on in happiness. There is so much choice to be had at this point in time, you would stagger to see the energies of influence now. So much choice!
Make your choice. Do you see others as flawed or as souls who are learning? Do you choose to condemn them or to forgive them?
Do you choose to strike out at them or smile and understand what they are enduring within their heart? It is up to you.

Do it today. Do it tomorrow. Just do it for a short time and build upon the last day. It will come easier the more you practise.

Me: Like next time you have thanksgiving or christmas dinner and you have that one relative that just irks you whenever they open their mouths. I remember for me it was my father. He embarrassed me every time we had company. I didn’t want to be associated with him, yet I was his daughter.
StG: Aha!
Me: My brother’s Christian inlaws would listen to my father and just nod their heads. He didn’t bother them. They simply just listened and gave him the ear he wanted. I was the one who looked like the ogre for trying to change him. Now I look back and I know if that were me now, I would do it differently. I might have to take a break now and then from him because he could be overwhelming, especially when he had an audience, but I wouldn’t assault him verbally for what he was saying. They were a good example for me to see. They’ve always been like that, and he is forever grateful for me for suggesting he read a book about bad backs, because he read the book, put into practise what this man said and he’s never had a back problem again. Tells me he has some higher energies he’s using.
StG: Yes. So you learned.
Me: I did. Attacking people because you think they’re flawed just isn’t worth it. It’s harder with your parents because you always wish they would be the people who you could respect and be proud of, but frankly I learned this lesson too: Sometimes the parents you couldn’t feel that way about had more to teach you than the ones you would’ve wanted.
StG: Aha! Another life lesson learned.
Me: Would I have wanted other parents? Yes, probably but without having endured what they did to me, I wouldn’t be who I am now. I wouldn’t have walked this path. I needed them to help wake me up and they needed me because I cleared out their bloodlines of a lot of bad energy.
StG: So wise. You understand life.
Me: Ivo taught us all. It’s metaphysics and it just goes to show there’s a lot more going on than meets the eye.
StG: Indeed! So you say, you would not have learned these lessons without parents like yours, so now you have a reason to be grateful for them, and to have compassion for their plight.
Me: Yes. I still can’t figure out why people who have such severe issues would have children, because I didn’t. I knew I would only be harming another generation, so I didn’t have children.
StG: You sensed it was your task to heal yourself and you sacrificed a normal life on earth in order to do so.
Me: Yes, I guess you could say that.
StG: You are the queen of understatement.
Me: Maybe, at times. I think what people have to do is take the three people who have treated them the worst and they can’t stand, and look at what they’ve taught them and how they’ve turned out better because of what these people did to them. I have a long list, starting with my parents and still just people who I kicked off my fb page this past week I could add to it. People who need healing believe that they need someone nice to help them, but it’s really up to yourself. I’m glad I have Ivo because he’s a gem and he’s been there for me for the last six years. He gives me the love I looked for here on earth but couldn’t find.
StG: And you can appreciate him more because you learned through all those people who could not love you.
Me: Yes.
StG: You are wise, indeed, Sharon.
Me: Thank you.
StG: All is for learning. All people are here to help earth to ascend. It is a perfect plan being executed perfectly. In God’s world, nothing else can be.
Me: Thank you, St Germain.
StG: I bid you adieu.

Your planet is on the threshold, the brink of a shift to an entirely new reality. ✨✨✨✨

Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ Parallel Realities

spoon on a surface with black and white stripes
Photo by Ferbugs on

December 15, 2021, via email

We are here; we continue to reach out. We are aware that at these times you are more receptive. So it is our intention and invitation to offer you the opportunity to remember who you truly are. You are a star being, a member of the galactic family having a three dimensional human experience.

You are here in this dimension to be a receiver of energy and information. You are here to anchor a new reality by your conscious focus and understanding. There is much contact being made from the galaxy to this planet. It is always the signal searching for the receiver. There are those awakening and realizing they are receivers.

Your internet serves to share these messages received by others who are now in contact with those from other dimensions or timelines. Of course the goal is that all humans realize their ability for this contact and this energy exchange.

We sense great anticipation within you when we share this. You are a visionary, you are a receiver, these are ideas, concepts, understandings that you hold and embrace as truth.

You and many bright ones like you are remembering the many other realities of harmony, love and equality in which you have participated and experienced. This planet is an extreme contrast to what you know and remember.

It has been a great mystery to you why others can not embrace this kind of harmony and equality. Your planet is on the threshold, the brink of a shift to an entirely new reality. We would like to give you more information on this shift that is now taking place on planet earth.

First let us share that there are always several realities, several outcomes waiting to manifest in just your personal lives. Humans are beginning to realize and recognize the fascinating unfoldment of your science of physics, quantum physics. It is a language and concept that most people cannot allow their mind to even consider because it pushes against so many of their sacred beliefs.

It feels that if they embrace this idea of multi-realities going on at all times, they might lose their mental hold on what they think is reality. That feels frightening, too unstable; there is always resistance where there is fear.

Allow yourself in the coming days to explore what some of your other possible realities might be. You can make this awareness a small view of just your day and how it might be played out in other parallel realities. What choices await? What events unfold? What fears are there? What hopes? What dreams?

You /others are broadcasting energy in the form of your thoughts, your emotions and your beliefs at all times. As you send the energy forth several realities are always possible. The reality that manifests is the one on which you have focused more of your energy.

We can feel you struggle a bit with this information. Let us give you this; your reality feels and looks solid and permanent. This is only one aspect of the illusion upon which you are operating. It is just one level of awareness gathering all your beliefs, all your knowing, focused on the one level or reality that you can sense, feel, touch, taste and see; this is what you have known up until now.

As you awaken and those beliefs begin to soften, your knowing expands to include other awarenesses; you begin to realize that the reality in which you are focused is only one of many realities simultaneously existing in the same place, the same time, the same space. And with all those other realities co-existing there are parallel possibilities that can unfold.

Your reality is not as solid as you would like to think. It is actually very fluid, very flowing, very malleable. Each energetic exchange in one reality brings a new wave or ripple that goes out affecting the other realities in some way.

Every living being is affecting this experience and reality. The collective consciousness of all humans is calling forth, inviting and creating the reality that everyone is witnessing and experiencing. The more attention, the more energy or focus given to a certain outcome will guarantee it will manifest fully in this physical realm. Most humans do not realize their personal power in creating what is occurring in the daily events.

Most global events seem too big, too overwhelming or too distant for you to have any effect on or to claim any responsibility for that manifestation. Yet we are inviting you to realize that no matter what is occurring in the third dimension you have contributed to that outcome or event in some manner.

Now understanding that truth, we invite you to step into your magnificent power as a multidimensional divine being here on this planet at this time to invite, create and call forth a new reality.

If multi-parallel realities are available at all times, for goodness sake, what would you like to experience? How would you begin to use your thoughts, words, emotions and focus, and most important of all, your imagination, to allow another parallel reality to come forth in your experience.

Practice this skill in your personal life. Imagine that there are always several realities that are possible. Which one is manifesting for you now? What were your thoughts, fears and worries that might have called this forth?

Pretend that there are several parallel realities awaiting your invitation. Allow yourself to feel, sense and experience these possibilities. Make this process as real for yourself as possible. If you want to be a successful writer, imagine yourself being acknowledged for the wonderful book you have written. Notice how you feel, notice any emotions that arise for you in this process.

Allow yourself to play in this parallel reality often. Make it as real as possible for yourself. Be in a state of gratitude, notice how the universe supports and assists you in this creation. Allow yourself to make this reality outrageous.

Be gentle and be kind with yourself as you explore other possible opportunities. Investigate what dreams did you have as a youth? Investigate what would have happened if you had made a different decision at some crossroads of your life? What would you be doing?

Allow yourself to imagine living that dream now as if it were your true experience. Expand the possibilities, allow yourself to play with these ideas of creating or stepping into a parallel existence.

Expand your consciousness to imagine a different parallel reality for your planet. Allow yourself to feel that, experience that, read about it in your newspapers. We believe you are getting the idea of who you are in this wonderful shift that is happening here on your planet.

We realize we have given you much information in this message. We realize that on some level you know the truth of what we share. We know these ideas press against your long held beliefs of what is true.

Relax into these possibilities, play with these concepts, allow yourself to see or script the other realities in your personal life. Then expand to the other realities for your planet, Remember this is a game of awakening. Be at Peace, Beloved the ‘team’

©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Out with the Old…

white notebook and yellow pencil
Photo by Dom J on

December 15, 2021,

You are currently in the process of releasing the old and retrieving any parts of you that were attached to those expired roles and stories. You might imagine it as having had cords with hooks into all kinds of different roles and themes and agreements that are now wrapping up. Slowly but surely over the past two years you have been unhooking from those energies and coming back to a state of neutrality, indicating a state of completion with that particular phase. Since the cords and hooks no longer have any energetic charge, support, or meaning to them, you can simply step over the pile and leave them behind as remnants of the past.

This does not necessarily mean you will leave everyone behind in your dust! Far from it. The profound shifting of relationships that occurs from the release of karma and soul agreements means if you choose to continue forward together it is now by choice and preference rather than duty. This will give all of your connections a much lighter, freer feel.

Allow your endings, understanding that they are making room for profound new beginnings. On a soul level, many of you have been reevaluating what you wish to truly leave behind and what you wish to continue on with. The key here is that what you wish to take with you must shift into sustainability in the energies of the new. It is that shift that will allow much more mastery and empowered creation than ever before, and that is exactly what your soul is so excited to experience and explore.

So call back any energy that you feel you may have left behind in the old, allow it to reintegrate into your body, and turn to embrace where your soul is beckoning you to go. You might think of it like you’ve done every last thing you could possibly do in one stage of a video game, and you are ready to level up. Let the old stories go, for they really don’t have much to offer you anymore, Dear Ones…and allow the next phase to unfold in new and glorious ways that reflect the deep work you have done.

Now, only one part is left, where all of you are going to come together spiritually, and remove globally all corrupted governments by replacing them with the counsels, who you will monitor and replace, if they step over their boundaries.-aa michael via erena velasquez-

December 12, 2021

My Dear Beloved Souls,

I am Archangel Michael, and I am here to enlighten everyone, on what to expect in the near future, and on how to keep moving to a New Earth.

I am very happy to come through Universal Channel, and speak to all of you today. Your world is getting ready to celebrate traditional holiday called Christmas and New Year. As you know now, everything was invented and orchestrated by the corrupted souls by creating different events or celebrations. There are over 1,000 different religions that were made to separate human race and ignite misunderstandings and fights based on the religion. Mother Earth carries over 10 billions live beings, your data shows less.

All of you are One and connected to the Universal Consciousness, you carry inside incredible and unstoppable Divine Power, that is going to liberate this part of Milky Galaxy. Millions of different civilizations are watching the upcoming Ascension with physical bodies, this is first time ever, never done before. This going to be unforgettable event to foresee outside from Space.

Mother Gaia is surrounded by different shape spacecrafts. The Cosmic Races are interested to interact and become friendly with humankind. Before that can happen, your task at this moment is to unite globally and defend yourselves from the implementation of New World Order.

The Galactic Federation of Light has been protecting your planet from the catastrophic events for a very long time. The protection of Earth is necessary, the Darkness attempted on numerous occasions to destroy it together with inhabitants.

The Alliance and the Special Military Forces are cleaning from this planet Outworlders and freeing the ones, who were kidnapped against their will. They are using special uniforms and equipment to spot and destroy the unfriendly entities from other worlds. Now, only one part is left, where all of you are going to come together spiritually, and remove globally all corrupted governments by replacing them with the counsels, who you will monitor and replace, if they step over their boundaries.

Please, stay strong and don’t be afraid, you are not alone, all of the Celestial beings, Ascended Masters and Galactics are giving their support by sending their Love and Light constantly.

I, Archangel Michael, believe in My Beloved Souls, that all of you are going to be successful in your mission of saving everyone and Mother Earth from the Darkness. Other planets similar to yours were liberated, so you can do it too. The Divine Power lays within you, unleash it. This is the time to act and help yourself and others to connect the missing dots to finish the Divine Plan.

Daily you are being bombarded by the high dimensional energies coming from Cosmos, the Dark Souls get burned by these high energies. The meditations occur around your globe making them weaker and angrier, as they know that their days are coming to the end no matter, what they do. Their days of glory are over, and the Judgment Day is coming. Even, if you don’t see right now with your naked eye, it’s happening and the victory is coming.

Thank you Universal Channel. Sending my Love to My Beloved Souls.

You Have a Power to Change Your World
Archangel Michael

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Make it a priority in your life today, and tomorrow when you wake up, check in to see where your vibration is before your feet hit the floor. Usually, you can shift your vibration pretty easily when you catch it early on

Note : Been always proclaiming through this website, make it your priority to feel good at all times, as feeling good is feeling God, make it your priority to feel more than fine and everything will reflect that in your reality, this is what matters most in this Universe of ours, confirmed by The Arcturians in this blog : )

What Matters Most in this Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very clear about what it is we are putting out vibrationally and energetically at all times, and we are this clear because we have practiced doing it consciously for so long. It has become second nature to us, and we also have nothing else to do. We don’t have physical bodies, so we don’t have to go to work to get money to pay the bills, the rent, the mortgage, and we don’t have to go get food and eat it, and cleanse our bodies and our homes. We don’t have to drive anywhere. These are all things that you do, and so it is quite understandable that you aren’t always paying attention to what vibration you are offering in any given moment.

Your moments are filled with activity, and because you have so much to do, you often think about the things you have to do while you are doing something else. This is the opposite of mindfulness. Now, we are not here to convince you that you should be like us and just pretend that you don’t still live in a world where things do have to get done, but we do want to attempt to convince you that what you are putting out vibrationally, what you are feeling, and what you are thinking about are more important than whether you get that pile of laundry done today.

Sometimes when you feel overwhelmed, you just need to take a deep breath and say something to yourself to the effect of, ‘That could be put off a little bit longer so that I can tend to my vibration right now.’ Do it, and see how it goes for you to take that approach to life and let go of the programming that tells you that you are only as good as what you accomplish in a given a timeframe. Whether that’s an hour, a day, or a year doesn’t matter; it is still the same type of program. Realize that you accomplish a lot while you are sleeping, and you can accomplish a lot while you are offering a higher vibration, because you are shifting yourself to a different reality, one where there will be less for you to do.

But let’s say you have gotten very good at getting things done. You are very efficient; you take a lot of pride in your work, in your accomplishments, because you can point to them and say, ‘Look what I did!’ People will give you a plaque or erect a statue in your honor someday because of all the things that you did, and that’s fine if you want to live your life in that way, but we just want to point out that there is another approach. We want to point out that you are good because you exist. You are Source, and if you consider Source to be good, then you must be good.

You don’t have to prove to anyone, not even yourself, that you are good with your actions and your accomplishments. You can just be, and you can exude a good vibration, and while not as many people will notice you for that particular accomplishment, you will feel better all the time. The person who is on the hamster wheel has to keep it up in order to continue to feel good about themselves. And what happens when they retire from that work that they took all that pride in for all those years? It’s probably not going to go very well.

Our point is this: your vibration matters. Your vibration will materialize in the physical that which is a match to it. Make it a priority in your life today, and tomorrow when you wake up, check in to see where your vibration is before your feet hit the floor. Usually, you can shift your vibration pretty easily when you catch it early on. Before you get into your conversations and your actions of the day, take care of what matters, and everything else in your world will reflect it to you. That’s the type of world you want to be living in, and you have to power to put yourself in it right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

‘The Pollyanna Shift.’

successful multiethnic business colleagues in modern office
Photo by Alexander Suhorucov on

Dear Ones,

You likely feel your world is in pain and will remain so forever. That all we, of the Universes, prophesied is no more than gobblygook to make you feel better.

You were very willing to believe our prophecies during the years you shifted the earth. But now that the time of your personal hope is so near, many of you question the sanity of it. Almost as if you do not dare believe such is possible. 

As long as peace and joy were in your future, there was no need for you to question the validity of new beings in a new world. It was always out there, somewhere – until now.

Because you are terrified your dream life will never be true, these last few weeks of the old world are fraught with angst, fear, and anger. “This world and my life are as they always have been and always will be.” 

We, of the Universes, wish you to know that such is little different than school exams in subjects you were comfortable with, but still doubted your ability to pass the final exam. 

Your dreams are not fantasies.

Your new world and new life are now.

Even though many of you are clearing up some final pieces before accepting your new reality, your tenacious efforts, plus your actions between earth lives, are finally coming to fruition. Something you cannot yet believe because your dreams of a loving earth were dashed so often.

So it is you are filled with angst as you release final pieces of your 3D world without certainty that your life will change for the better. 

Your new world is no longer a dream – it is reality. But a reality that will seem like a fog for a bit of time. Feelings that are little different than those you had the day you graduated. Even though you completed the coursework, the remainder of your life was without specifics. 

If you have not already, you will graduate to a new life in a new world near the beginning of your calendar year. What does that statement mean for you? That is your choice. But the choices you have made indicate that love, peace, and joy will be the dominant features of your life, even though those pieces are not yet entirely visible.

Your hidden key is your unique path. So we, of the Universes, cannot determine your future life any more than your favorite instructors or professors could when you graduated. Please remember the many expected and unexpected roads you traveled as a 3D adult. So it will be in your new world. The difference is your new you goals.

In 3D life, you hoped to be financially stable, find a mate and friends, and procreate. The twists and turns in that dream created a haze of both pleasant and unpleasant aspects.

All in all, you are relatively satisfied with who you are. For peace was not necessarily a viable 3D action but a pleasant after-thought as you moved through fears and interactions with family, co-workers, community members, friends, spouses, employers, and children. 

The difference you are about to experience is that even expected fears will not materialize. At the beginning of your new world, you will likely be frightened by potential catastrophes only to discover that the end-product of your actions is one of joy instead of the expected fear.

You will need a bit of time to adjust to your new world.

Even though you hope for the best, you have become so accustomed to fear that at first, you will not believe 3D fear is no longer an important part of your life. 

Some of you question that last comment believing that those earthlings who refuse to move beyond 3D will prolong your fears and maybe even negatively affect your life. While such is possible, the reality is you are changing your life view/perception screen.

Perhaps you will label your new screen ‘The Pollyanna Shift.’ For those beings who try to negatively impact you will have a different trajectory. You will let them live as they wish. No longer will you need to worry about or fear their actions.

The easiest way to describe your new life is that your projection, your screen, will shift from what is wrong with you and your world to what is wonderfully right. You will see and sense the beauty of the earth.

You will also find the pain and fear in the 3D world mystifying. “Why would anyone choose to be in pain when it’s not necessary?”

Another piece different from your 3D life is that even though you might wonder why others want to remain in fear, you will not be pre-occupied or even interested in them doing so. For you will know that those in fear merely have to change their screen – an ability now available to all despite your current belief that only a few precious beings will shift near the beginning of your year.

The happy screens available to all are the result of your efforts and those who decided to shift before these end-of-year energy bursts. 

At first, you will want to show others how easy it is to shift from fear to peace, for some caretaking will continue for a few weeks after you shift your screens. But within weeks, your life will be so different you will merely observe those who wish to remain in pain as you move to your next joy or interest.

No longer will you feel the need to caretake anyone, given that all beings now have the ability to change their screens.

Changing screens is no longer about being the most spiritual, best, or the smartest – it is available to all. 

So allow yourself to be in joy. Relish your new life. It is not a dream; it is a fulfilled prophesy because of your dedicated efforts. Play, laugh and enjoy as you rapidly change your screen.

Earth life will never again be enmeshed in fear. That life is over. Prepare to start your new life of peace and joy. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

this week :we will again focus upon Australia, particularly in sending light energy to Uluru. (aa Michael via sharon)

by Sharon Stewart

I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.

As we near the revelation of the first hurdle, and all of its consequences befall those who have perpetrated heinous atrocities upon the people of Earth, we move that much closer to the idyllic life that awaits all those upon the planet who have signed up to bring earth forward into its New Age.

This has not been without its delays, dilemmas, setbacks and its worries. But, you, lightworker have stuck it through understanding that the mind creates the matter and with this understanding you have held true to your ideals of the universe and the ideals that should also aid earthlings in their future quest of Light.

Again, we have many areas to choose from where our focus is needed. We asked you last week to focus upon your own country and many of you have done this, and this exercise was for you to understand the fourth dimensional mindset. This mindset is of service to others, yes, but in serving others you also serve yourself as you are included in those that you serve. Many of you understood that in sending Light to your own country, this would help to liberate you further.

It is the same with earth in its entirety, but also the same when you send energy to another country, for we are all One. All of humanity upon earth is a single consciousness and that consciousness in turn is a part of God or Creation. In helping others, you also help yourselves.

With this in mind, we will again focus upon Australia, particularly in sending light energy to Uluru. The native peoples of Australia are under particular attack, and they are the keyholders because they hold the information within themselves that the rest of you need in order to bless the earth again with the grace of a powerful human. They are indigenous to the planet, and many of you are not. When you trace your bloodline back, you will find it is extraterrestrial in nature. Although your bloodlines have adapted to life upon earth, you are still not the first peoples, and those first peoples now need your help.

I bid you please send your love and Light to Uluru.

I am Archangel Michael. I am your father, I am your mentor, I am your Light, we are Legion.


Changing and leaving relationships, jobs, homes, countries, friendships and patterns of being is the norm of the lightworker tribe at this point in time, because we timed it to have massive karmic completion for this now moment.

frozen wave against sunlight
Photo by Hernan Pauccara on

December 12, 2021,

Hello! Firstly, let me apologise for ‘going dark’ for so long, and a massive thank-you to everyone who took the time to personally email me to see if I am still alive: I am!

So, where to begin! Exactly two months ago ~ to the day, as it turns out! ~ I began a process of unprecedented spiritual expansion. I would spend hours every day in spaces and nuances of love that I have never known before; one day I would be experiencing tenderness in all its shades, another day it would be sweetness, on another day I spent hours in adoration.

Interestingly, I discovered that the true meaning of adoration is ‘to love without borders or frontiers, without beginning or end’ That really resonated for me. It has nothing to with putting the Divine on a pedestal, and everything to do with bringing the Divine into our hearts and melting into that sublime love that exists for us.

Another experience that I would like to share is that my understanding of the Divine has been completely altered. Previously, the Divine for me was a rather amorphous energy of love. But through this process, I became aware of the Divine Father as the divine masculine energy of presence, of beingness, of All That Is: an abiding force of love that expanded from All That Is to experience creation through the emergence of the Divine Mother as the divine feminine template, the expression of the Divine Father energy.

The Father is, the Mother creates. The Father is the air, the Mother is breathing ~ using the air to move, to create, to express the inexpressible in myriad forms.

We are, each of us, a blend of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine templates. One of the purposes of life, of all lifetimes, is to come into a balanced expression of those complimentary energies: it’s a balance that is different for everyone. We are, as a friend shared with me, the ocean in a drop.

But it goes even beyond this, this shift in energies. The deepening that we’re all going through is bringing into sharp focus where our karma is finished and clear. We are all being invited to move into new spaces of expression and expansion, in preparation for the massive upgraded energies that are flooding us even now.

Changing and leaving relationships, jobs, homes, countries, friendships and patterns of being is the norm of the lightworker tribe at this point in time, because we timed it to have massive karmic completion for this now moment. So if it looks as though your life is falling apart, pat yourself on the back: You’re rocking it!

Just as the Divine energy contains a masculine energy and a feminine energy, as we do as individuals, our soul also contains the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy template. It is my ~ current! ~ understanding that the soul also separates into a Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine expression: as above, so below. This is what is known as ‘twin flames’ (a phrase I really dislike as it’s so hijacked), so I prefer a term more like ‘soul twins’, until I hear of a better description!

This is important, because previously, ascension was achieved through transcendence and renunciation: overcoming our limitations, desires, failings, etc… at an individual level. Our ascension process in this Now space is achieved through integration: harmonising our masculine and feminine sides and healing our wounding ~ and through reuniting with our soul twin, to access and ground the ascension energies through the archetypal energy of the lovers expressed in its purest form.

Relationships that are strong will get stronger, becoming infused with greater tenderness, sweetness, passion, intuition and expansion, while relationships that are not aligned with this 5D energy will dissolve.

If you find yourself letting go of a relationship that is no longer in harmony with your energy, I invite you to invoke the greatest of grace and ease for all parties in the transition out of that relationship. Setting that intention really does help everyone, as I know from my own personal journey through the past two months.

So, dear friends, you can see why I’ve been quiet ~ there’s a lot going on at present, for all of us. These now are more expanded energies than we have ever experienced before, and the very best we can do is to be gentle and respectful of the evolution they bring to our lives. They are affecting us all in uniquely personal ways, bringing us to the right vibration for the New Chapter.

Actually, that may be better described as a New Book! It feels to me that we are only a hair’s breadth away from the vibrational resonance required for the house of cards to fall, and the divine light to emerge from within. So trust your heart and soul, trust your journey. It is bespoke to you, a gift from the Divine.

What others describe as ‘The Event’, or ‘Heart Opening’, or ‘Ascension’, or by many other names…seems to me to be an expression of the love and joy of the Divine Father and Divine Mother, their joy at their creation, expressed across time and space.

And just like the orgasmic expression we experience, it seeds new beginnings, new birth on every level.

Sending you much love, light and grace now and always.


Arcturian Group Message 12/12/21

DECEMBER 12, 2021

selective color photography of pine leaf
Photo by Char on

Dear readers, welcome to our message.

Know that many in the higher dimensions are observing and guiding during these times of change and confusion. Know that you are never alone and are greatly admired for your courage and strength in choosing to become part of earth’s ascension process in order to bring forth a more enlightened collective consciousness.

Everything on every level of ordinary life is changing because collective consciousness is changing. This is effecting those awake as well as those who are not with regard to familiar holiday rituals and celebration. Because consciousness is the substance of form, you may be experiencing a sense of inner confusion and lack of excitement with regard to the Christmas or Hanuka traditions, beliefs, and concepts you previously loved and engaged whole heartily in.

In spite of this, many are attempting to keep familiar holiday rituals firmly locked in place in the belief that this will make everything feel “normal” again. Fear drives resistance to change. Retail markets fear financial loss and so continue to promote gift buying as being equal to love. Media outlets play loud holiday music and televisions rerun emotional holiday films.

If these things no longer resonate with you or fail to put you in a holiday mood, understand that you have not suddenly become a “Grinch” but rather it is that your energetic signature is no longer in alignment with many things that resonate with old energy. As you spiritually evolve, many of the traditions you grew up with or celebrate with family, friends, or some special group during the year not just at Christmas, will automatically begin to feel less important or fulfilling.

This can cause problems in families or among friends who remain committed to the importance of continuing holiday traditions exactly has they always have. As with all things in life, do not resist or make a big scene regarding family celebrations, gift exchanges, or traditions but rather lovingly participate as you choose, while holding your highest truth and using these occasions to practice knowing the truth about those around you.

Do not endow activities you not longer fully embrace with power. Never believe that your participation in some family tradition that is important to others will effect your attained state of consciousness or separate you from who and what you are. However, you always have free will to choose. Never allow yourself to be bullied into doing something but when you make a choice that may be confusing to others do it with love and respect to their beliefs.

Allow the process to unfold dear ones, both within and without and accept that things will never
again be exactly as they once were because the energy of collective consciousness has changed and it is because of you, which is your purpose for being on earth at this time. Everyone waking up to or holding truth in consciousness is automatically adding Light to the collective.

There is much to come and much has already taken place that you are as of yet unaware of causing you to believe that nothing is happening. Do your work, go about your business, carry on with the ordinary activities that life presents awhile acknowledging the reality of who you and those around you are. In the midst of every personal and global crisis hold firmly to the fact that you and every person on earth is an expression of Divine Source/God and as such embody all that IT is.

The process of spiritual evolution as done through third dimensional energy is one in which the experiences of many lifetimes serve to eventually open and push a person’s state of consciousness to where they are able to translate human thought and experiences into their higher truth until at a certain point the truths that they have been practicing, pondering, and living become an attained state of consciousness and begin to manifest on all levels as the person.

Examples of translating appearances–“I feel pain, but I know that God knows nothing about pain and never formed ITself as pain. I am broke but I know that the reality of my being is self sustaining and self maintaining Divine Consciousness which is infinitely compete and whole. I have no friends, partner, lover, etc. but I realize that since God is ONE, I can never be separate from the companionship of the ONE expressing Itself as the many. I have no home, but I know that I can never be separate from my perfect home which is Divine Consciousness.”

These are only a few examples of how to translate the outer scene into the truth as you go about your daily life. It takes practice because even though in reality time does not exist, in the third dimension everything works in time.

There comes to every spiritual seeker a cross road at which they must decide if they want to live the truth they know or continue relegating what they have learned to conversation with metaphysical students in ever more classes, or at the dinner table. It is much easier to go along with collective thinking on just about all topics and yet at a certain point most find that their spiritual awareness no longer allows them to completely relax and enjoy engaging in collective thought with others.

For most of you the period of time in which you could decide to live or not live truth is over because like it or not, the evolving energy of earth is bringing everyone to where they no longer resonate with much that they previously perfectly aligned with–certain foods, entertainments, books, groups, friends, jobs, beliefs etc. At a certain point every evolving soul simply begins to live the higher frequencies because they have integrated them into their energy field which is the goal of the evolutionary process.

What makes this ascension process unusual and is causing it to be of such interest to those of other planets is that you are going through the ascension process in your material bodies rather than having to die first.

Your true and eternal body is one of Light. This real body is always fully present even though you entertain a material concept of it. As consciousness evolves and you are able to more fully to realize this, the Light body will begin to increasingly manifest as and through the material sense of body. Just as you are abundance, completeness, wholeness, intelligence etc, you are the perfect Divine Idea body, a body that knows no flaws, deformity, disease, or pain. This real body is God individualized and you can never lose it because it is you being an expression of God. It is what leaves the material concept of body at the time of death.

We have often told the true story of Christmas but will do it once again for those who are not aware of the deeper meaning of Christmas as well as for those who need a reminder. Christmas is not one man’s story but is every person’s story as interpreted through human thinking as Christmas.

The Birth of the Christ (Light Consciousness) is the story of every soul’s spiritual awakening which usually manifests in times of duress or loss of material good (stable) because the the birth of individual Christ consciousness cannot take place in a consciousness already filled with ego and false beliefs (no room at the Inn). The birth of Christ consciousness is easily recognized by those of higher spiritual consciousness who at this point step in to assist the fragile new awakened state of consciousness with gifts of support, strength, understanding, and knowledge–(the three kings).

Those of a lower resonance (Herod) always fear and feel threatened in the presence of Christ Light and seek to kill or eliminate it any way they can (law, propaganda, societal pressure) and so the newly born and not yet fully developed state of consciousness must for a period of time be kept secret and hidden in order for it be safe as it grows into a strong and highly evolved state of consciousness–the Christ.

Those seeking to eliminate truth can only eternally fail for Truth is a Reality that can be hidden, ignored, and denied but never changed, removed, or effected in any way.

Sending you love, light, and recognition during this celebratory time.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/12/21

Donations are welcomed

Dear ones, real love arises naturally from within, and if sharing love with others does not arise naturally, it is time to tend to your own light and lovingly care for yourself more.

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Twinkle twinkle little stars…This is how we see you, dear ones – each one of you with a beautiful heart, a beautiful light, and a beautiful ability to be the light in the darkness. You have the ability to share kindness when others are impatient. You have the ability to offer a warm smile to a stranger. You have the ability to listen to someone who is upset, with compassion and non-judgment. You have the ability to pray for peace in the hearts of those who want war.

Your light is the most precious resource you have. In truth the Light that you are views you as a most precious one within the great Oneness. You can bring this Light into any situation, in even the smallest of ways, and in so doing you become an open window for God’s love to flow into the world.

With a simple kindness, you reveal the heart of God to one in need of believing in something good. With a simple loving word, you allow Divine love to flow through you. With a simple prayer dear ones, you allow the Divine to reach someone through your human presence, who might otherwise not be open to connecting directly. With every simple kind and loving act, you become the hands, the eyes, the mouth, and the heart of God in this world of form.

You can shine your light by picking up a piece of trash and throwing it into the wastebasket. You can lovingly arrange your home. You can bless someone you’d normally curse and ask that they be uplifted. You can put out a little seed for the birds, or donate to a charity you believe in. Whether your deeds are great or small a simple pure act of love, coming from your heart, even if it is a moment of pure admiration for the tree outside your back window, makes you an open conduit for the love that creates worlds to reveal itself in your world…

… and each time you allow this love to flow through you in to your world it is like the most perfect note sounding – a note that will resonate with the truth in all human hearts, and a note that cannot be unsung. It may be your simple kind and loving act that ripples outward vibrationally to touch the heart of one who is about to give up.

Your love and kindness bless others dear ones, but it blesses you first. As you open to allowing the Love that sources you to flow into the world – even in the smallest of ways – it must flow through you. A pure act or thought or deed of love, in the smallest of ways, opens your heart, relaxes your body, changes your chemistry, and helps you feel like the best version of yourself. As you admire that tree outside your window, you bless yourself. As you arrange your dinner table with love and anticipation of sharing a meal with loved ones or simply eating a meal by yourself, you bless yourself. As you allow a person in a hurry to go in front of you in line, you bless yourself. As you honor your own heart and take care of your own needs you bless yourself.

Love need not look a certain way. You will know it when you feel it because it simply feels good. You pet the cat or the dog and admire them and you feel good. You take care of your body and listen to your own heart and you feel good. You sign a card with a greeting that you truly mean and think of the receiver with love and you feel good.

The act does not make the love. The authenticity behind it does. If you give with sincerity that is loving. If you give from duty, that is not. If you compliment someone because the admiration arises naturally within you or the desire to brighten their day, that is love. If you do it to get something in return, that is not. If you feed the birds or the poor because you love to share, that is love. If you do it because “no one else will” that is not loving to yourself or them.

Dear ones, real love arises naturally from within, and if sharing love with others does not arise naturally, it is time to tend to your own light and lovingly care for yourself more. Refill your well, so to speak. Give to yourself first. Rest more. Pay your own bills and put money in your own savings before you share. When you feel it is hard to love others, you are “running on empty” and it is time to love yourself. There is, after all, no greater merit in loving others vs. loving self. In reality, you are simply allowing Divine love to flow into the field in which you all exist, in your world of form. Love is love, dear friends, no matter who it flows to. Start with yourselves. That twinkling star can only shine in the heavens because it has connected with the light within.

You are the twinkling start upon your earth dear ones. Tend to your own light. Love yourself first by caring about your own well-being, your own feelings, your own finances, your own homes, and your own lives. Then from this place of fullness, you will naturally shine the light of love upon other beings and things, allowing yourself to be a conduit for the light that came once upon a time in a manger and burned in the lamp – the light that lives in every human heart, waiting to be born, to be shined in this world.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Power of Collective Focus

woman standing on road
Photo by Athena on

December 10, 2021,

Yesterday we gave the analogy of a department store being an example of unity consciousness, demonstrating how each department supports the needs of the shoppers, and how the shoppers also support the store. We wished to show you how there is room for many different interests and avenues of self expression within the whole.

Continuing along that line, we wish to discuss how as the collective evolves, what the store offers will change. If no one wanted guns or ammunition, that particular department would no longer have the support of the shoppers, so it would make no sense to use up valuable space offering something that no longer had the interest of the people.

If people became more focused on their self expression the store might expand into having more creative departments to meet those needs. You might even find an area spring up dedicated to more conscious pursuits. Imagine an inspirational department with prayer rugs next to divination tools, next to bibles, next to crystals, next to meditation programs, next to sacred art, all nestled in between the cleaning products and personal care aisles!

As your focus and self expression evolves, the department store will need to evolve in order to match the needs of the collective, or it will simply become unsustainable. That is the power of your focus and your preference! Withdrawing your energetic support will simply make what is no longer a match obsolete for you. As more of the collective agrees and meets you in that energetic state, the old will simply disappear from your experiences, with no other work required from you than simply staying true to you and your own energetic preferences.

Do you see? That is the power of the shift – so many focused, loving souls simply honouring themselves and their individual journeys, slowly but surely coming together energetically to create a magnificent wave of change on your planet.

12:12 Portal DNA Activation and Quantum Shift for Well Being, Peace and Prosperity for all (#432Hz)

I am inviting you to push play and do this activation anytime this weekend and if you wish to join us in our mass meditation you can do so tomorrow and every Sunday at 14h/17h/20h00 Central European Time.

You are being prepared to advance so quickly that you will develop skills and abilities that one would only expect from beings in the higher realms. Yet it is every soul’s opportunity to rise up and leave the lower levels behind.

10th December 2021. Mike Quinsey.

glowing starry night sky over forest
Photo by Victor Pace on

    The Pleiadians have undertaken to stop “horror and suffering” but not exactly when, but as we are preparing for an upliftment in the vibrations as part of our advancement, logically it cannot be very far away. Certainly the higher vibrations will overcome the negative energies to bring about harmony for all life forms. These will be necessary to get you onto the path that leads to fulfillment and Ascension. Much is lined up to be manifested as you rise up and experience an increase in your levels of consciousness. By comparison the Pleiadians are already on a much higher level.

    Now they hope that you accept they have been your mentors having followed your progress for a very long time. You are reaching the end of your journey in the lower vibrations and they stand ready to help you to success as you travel the path that releases you from the lower vibrations. What joy will abound when others know of your success, and it will be quite an occasion that will echo around the Universe. When you recognise the depth of your achievements you will most likely be amazed to have come through your experiences unscathed.

    You are being prepared to advance so quickly that you will develop skills and abilities that one would only expect from beings in the higher realms. Yet it is every soul’s opportunity to rise up and leave the lower levels behind. Your experiences have given you the strength to overcome whatever challenges you are still to face, and we have no doubts whatsoever that you will stand tall and achieve success. Many races have gone before you and been successful, so we know that as you follow in their footsteps you too should also be as successful.

    These are times when you must concentrate on your own needs, knowing that every soul is getting help and every opportunity to rise up into the higher realms. There has never been such a time to make major progress and maintain it, and it will lead to Ascension, and already some of you are beginning to understand the bigger picture, although without help it is difficult to see very far ahead. Understand that you came into this time frame because it was the most likely one to offer an opportunity to ascend. There has never been such an opportunity in this cycle previously and you are being given every help to ensure you succeed.

    Many souls have worked hard to achieve success, and be assured that we give every encouragement to keep you on the right track. Things are pretty chaotic right now on Earth but out of it shall come peaceful resolutions that will see the end to infighting and threats of war. We will have some input into such matters as it is time to lay down your weapons. It may be hard going to get a worldwide agreement but it has to start somewhere.

    The more that people project an idea of world peace the sooner it is likely to come about. It is the old maxim that things will get worse before they get better, but they must improve because you cannot go on forever in such chaos, and a way out must be found. It will help when you have leaders who are dedicated to bringing about world peace, and be assured they are waiting for their opportunity to take charge. It is what you might call a waiting game to seize the opportunity to take over when one arises. So you will appreciate there is a plan to bring you peace and freedom and it will be played out and nothing will stop it manifesting.

    The old ways of working do not cover your needs any longer and new ways are certain to be introduced. You already have people with the ability to bring the ideas to fruition so it will not take too long before they commence to be introduced. Many of your younger generations are also here to take part using their higher knowledge. So you can see that once the way is clear to go ahead, there is nothing to stop progress being made. Thinking back you will recall that Tesla had many new inventions patented although some of his work was kept from the public by the dark Ones. The pinnacle of them was his demonstration of free energy yet his knowledge was kept secret. Those with vested interests in keeping the “status quo” made sure that anything new that would affect their position and profit was shelved.

    However, all secrets will be revealed in the course of time, and the benefits made available to all people because you are in a new Age of Revelations. Those of you who are well advanced and pass on before the secrets can be revealed, will likely be reborn quickly and active in bringing the new into people’s lives. You could say that everything is on the horizon waiting for the right opportunity to be introduced. So whatever happens you can be assured that you will benefit from all of the new inventions that are being held back, that will be released in the near future.

    One of the most important things to bear in mind is that there is only one Human Race and all souls are equal in the eyes of God. Indeed all souls should be equal in your eyes as no one is any better or worse than another. The confusion comes from seeing souls in their different roles and believing that is all they are. For growth in your evolution you try different beliefs and modes of life, so that you can understand what motivates people and it gives you a greater understanding. People seem to focus on the differences between them without appreciating what they have in common.

    Dear Ones, once you break down the barriers between people you will work in harmony and the world will be an altogether better place. All people seek a peaceful and fulfilling life but that will not be achievable until all accept the differences that exist between you. Religion is often a subject that rouses people who believe they are the only ones to hold the truth. All religions have an element of it within them but not one is really superior to another. Let people practise their beliefs as long as they do not try to impose them upon you, as in time all of them will gravitate to the truth. With God inside you can worship and pray in the privacy of your home, but there will still be people who like to get together and do it that way.

    I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

    In Love and Light.

    Mike Quinsey.


You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.