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Monthly Archives: November 2021
Multidimensional Creation.
Receiving The New Solar Light Codes of Our 12 Aspects of Deity.
Applying Appreciation & Ease in All Relations.
Look for ways you can express what you are getting. Look for ways to utilize the energies that you receive to help others, to serve humanity, and you will receive more.
Working with the New Energies About to Come In ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
![beautiful woman playing an electric guitar](https://feelmorethanfine.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/pexels-photo-9009653.jpeg)
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are in the process of discovering how best to deliver the latest batch of energies to humanity there on planet Earth. We often do take the direct approach and send the energies directly to your fields, where your guides can then grant you greater access to them when they feel it is appropriate to do so. We also target individuals that we know will receive the energies we are sending and do something with them. We know who the teachers, channels, and leaders are at the current moment there on Earth and which ones are ready to do something creative with the energies as well. We are aware of the artists and writers, the poets and musicians who can create something for many, many people to enjoy that will also result in the up-leveling of their consciousness.
One of the purposes of this message to all of you is to let you know that if you want to receive energy directly from us and others like us, then do look for ways you can share what you get. Look for ways you can express what you are getting. Look for ways to utilize the energies that you receive to help others, to serve humanity, and you will receive more. It’s not that we are rewarding those who take the energies we deliver and do something with them. It’s that when you do something with the energies, then there is more room for more energy to flow to you and through you. You are more in the flow, more open, and therefore, it just makes more sense to target those individuals for whom the energies are a useful tool in the advancement of their teachings or their other creations.
That being said, the current energies that we are intending to send to all of you, and especially to those of you who will use them, are about accessing more of the energies that Mother Earth has to give you. The energies that we deliver will inspire people to connect with Mother Earth. They will inspire people to remember their relationship to Mother Nature, to the trees, to the oceans, to the mountains, to the wind. The energies we are about to deliver will help people to open up their root chakras to receive directly from Mother Earth, as you have that ability to receive from that which is below just as well as you have the ability to receive from that which is above.
The energies will help you to feel more aligned, more anchored, more grounded, more rooted, and more capable of doing what you came to Earth to do in the first place, because you will be more aligned with the Earth energies that are guiding you and supporting you just as much as the galactic ones are. Sometimes you need these little reminders, and you can also consider this message to be one of those. We are excited to see how many of you open up to receive this next batch of energies that we have cooking up for you right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Your inner voice is maturing – much more rapidly than you understand. It is as if you are maturing at warp-speed within your being…Trust us when we, of the Universes, tell you that you will be a different being with different needs in just a few weeks.
![silhouette photo of a person standing on rock](https://feelmorethanfine.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/pexels-photo.jpg)
Dear Ones,
You have a need to move faster than you are yet able to. Even though you are of the 5th dimension or higher and have passed through the mysteries of the Universes, there are a few sparkling vistas to pass through before you are fully competent.
These few sparkling steps are happening during the most social time of your year. So it is you will have mixed feelings about running hither and yon to placate this relative or that friend.
A part of you will feel joyful, but another will attempt to maintain your hibernation despite all. You might feel as if you are torn in two. Neither direction is terrible. You are merely learning to listen to yourself instead of following the expected social graces.
Perhaps you claim you have followed your inner voice for months or years. Which is true to a certain extent. But you do not yet understand that as you become more of 5D or beyond, your inner voice shifts. What seemed fun as a 3D ten-year-old is not at all interesting at age 25. So it is now. Your inner voice is maturing – much more rapidly than you understand. It is as if you are maturing at warp-speed within your being.
Your physical body shifts will not necessarily be visible to others – particularly 3D others. At the same time, your inner voice is shifting so rapidly that your interests are changing daily, even hourly.
So this holiday season feels jumbled. Perhaps you wish to return to your 3D holiday festivities only to do so and feel little or nothing. The next day, you do not wish to participate in any festivities only to feel lonely or left out – much as you felt not being invited to a grade school birthday party.
You will be confused this holiday season determining what you feel or need. Similar to your teen years, as you floated between childhood one moment and young adulthood the next.
You might think of the weeks until the beginning of your new calendar year as your 5D and beyond young teen time – jumping between 3D longings and 5D and beyond needs.
Do not fear. You cannot make a mistake, for you are of 5D. You are merely maturing within 5D more rapidly than was true in 3D.
Your physical appearance will change because your features will become softer and more peaceful – beckoning others to your new being. Even though some of you might change your physical shape slightly, that change will not be remarkable enough for 3D others to notice. Your demeanor will be your most dramatic shift. From worry and fear to peace and contentment. Softening your words, your physical being, and your actions.
Even though the next few weeks are more of an inner than a physical shift, the result will be as dramatic as was true when you matured from your early teens to young adulthood. Your moods, actions, and interests will never be as they were in 3D.
Although you will attract new friends and interests in the near future, the next few weeks might be very confusing. Allow yourself to mature at your pace, just as was true when you were a teen. And acknowledge to yourself that you will be a fully mature 5D or beyond entity within a few weeks but you are not yet there.
So do not punish yourself for jumping between actions or decisions – changing your mind and feelings from one moment to the next. Such is to be expected given how much your inner-being is undertaking as the energies burst through and around you the next few weeks.
Allow yourself to be.
There is no need to apologize or change your behavior to be something you are not. Any more than you need have ongoing angst about what you said or did as a young teen trying to fit in despite your need to be a unique individual. You are you – evolving, shifting, and maturing minute-by-minute for the next few weeks.
At the same time, your society is shifting. So everything seems topsy-turvy – because it is. For you are about to become a new mature being in a new mature world.
Trust us when we, of the Universes, tell you that you will be a different being with different needs in just a few weeks. For not only are you maturing internally at a phenomenal speed, so is the earth. You and the earth are in a 3D junior high phase that will shift to maturity in weeks instead of years.
You probably wonder what will happen to those who want to remain of 3D, who wish to live in fear. Nothing. Anymore than was true for those beings from your school who remained immature. You did not find them interesting enough to maintain relationships with them, nor they with you. Two maturity levels in adult bodies – neither of which is likely to maintain contact with one another. And so it is. So be it.
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Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Hold on and Do Not Comply | St. Germain via James McConnell
by James McConnell
I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time to bring the message that I intended for the last time you were together, where This One was not strong enough, though, to allow for the message to come forward.(following a 2 week bout with the flu/covid – never got tested)
But the message this day, my friends, is hold on.
Hold on to your mission. Hold on to who you are. Hold on to everything that you know dear to your heart. Not to the old illusion, not to the old programming, but to the new programming. The new paradigm that you are forming within yourselves.
And as you form this new paradigm within yourselves, you are forming it with the collective consciousness of the planet as well, both people, plants and animals, and the mineral substances here on the planet. All of it is coming together as one, as you create it. And you are the creator, each and every one are the creator. Not only of your own lives, but you are the creator of the collective lives of this planet as you are moving the timelines forward, moving the timeline into a higher vibrational timeline.
That is what this is all about. These times now, as you focus on those things that are going awry across the planet, know that even as they seemingly are doing so, know that the vibrations are increasing because of what is happening across the planet. Because people are saying, “Enough!” Because people are rising together and saying, “No more! And certainly we will not go gently into the night. We will not give up without a fight!” You are all fighting now, fighting as the Light Warriors that you are. Where you are saying “No, I will not comply!” And all of you must not comply with any of the old programming that is being shown, the fear programming.
Do not let yourself become afraid of anything, whether it is the virus, whether it is some type of illness. Whatever it is, you will move through it. And whatever does not kill you, will make you stronger. And you know this.
That is a saying that you know of. But fear, fear holds you to the old illusion. Do not let fear do that. Rise above the fear. Rise above the old vibrational programming. And know that you are creating now, right now in this moment, you are creating the new timeline. the timeline that is going to move you all through ascension. And you must continue to remember that. Do not become ensconced in the old vibrational programming, in the old fear in all that ‘they,’ being the cabal, those forces of darkness that are continuing to try to hold onto control of the planet.
Know that they cannot do that. They are being defeated in every way now, in every direction. Even though you do not fully see it, know that it is happening. Many are being removed from the planet in various ways, so that they can no longer control or attempt to maintain control.
And even they know they have lost the control, that they are cornered animals now, and they continue to fight, continue to bring up out of the shadows the truth. Even though that is not what they intend to do, they cannot help but bring the truths forward. And the truth, as you know, shall set you free. And the truth, my brothers and sisters, is coming, and is even here now in many respects.
So allow it to come forth. Allow the truth to be known. Allow the shadows to be revealed by the light, because the light shall illuminate all across the planet.
I am your Saint Germain, and I leave you with this: continue to fight! Do not give in to any of the control structure, to any of the old programming. Because it cannot hold you down any longer, unless you let it hold you down.
All of my peace and love be with all of you. And allow, and continue to allow, the Violet Flame to continue to work its magic across the planet and within your own individual lives.
Archangel Michael Week 31 Message
Archangel Michael
Week 31 Message
I am Archangel Michael with my weekly message to all those in the Angelic Warrior Light Group.
We are now past thirty weeks and we have accomplished a lot.
For those of you who are unaware of the impact your light has upon this world, understand that one lightworker can change the fortunes of thousands of earthlings, as the earthlings are in a depleted state right now. When hundreds of lightworkers come together we can create change upon this planet, the likes of which has never been seen before.
Have they tried to cull the people of the planet off before? Yes they have. The Light has stopped them before. There were other lightworkers and starseeds who lived on planet earth who have since left the planet and returned home. Others became trapped or stayed on earth of their own choice, and they are some of the ones who require you to rescue them.
Rescue them? You are asking. Why do I have to rescue others? Who am I to do this? You are a powerful being of Light, a being so strong that the dark ones have sought to bring your frequency down. What you may not realize is this is only possible WITH YOUR COOPERATION. When you do not cooperate with them, you become unstoppable, so strong is your light. How did you cooperate? You ask. It was when you were placed in society and when you learned its rules, the rules that became your enslavement and contributed to your belief system. That is how you cooperated. You were tricked into lowering your own Light.
Now is the time for all upon planet Earth to say, “No,” to this regime and to choose better for themselves and for their children.
Part of this is the process of utilizing your Light in order to regain control of systems and facilities that are not working in your favour, and this is what we have been doing via this group.
Again, we ask you to open your chakras and pull in Light from the God source. In doing so, you can then ground it into earth’s 4D grid, and this will help stabilize the earth and the processes and outcomes required to enlighten all upon earth to the trickery that has been thrust upon you for so many years. The more Light that is sent into the grid, the more those attached to it, and that is most earthling, will find the power to wake up. The more their frequency will rise because of your increasing the frequency of the grid. This will weaken their darkness and bring more Light into their lives. This will help the world to vibrate faster and create change faster.
There are other groups doing such things as well. Some choose specific dates in order to maximize the potency of their Light. Please indulge these groups as well. You came here to hold Light and to give it to earth. Your Light is the breath of God.
Me: He’s got me crying again! LOL
AAM: I know you cry because you realize the truth of what I’m saying, Sharon.
Me: I do. I love it. I’ve never heard it put that way before. Thank you for saying that, Michael.
AAM: Thank you all for working with us. It has been a long road and the journey has been difficult but in keeping your vibration high, it will be easier for you.
Dear ones, give thanks every day – for the breath you breathe, for your beating heart, for the sensitivity that allows you to feel the cozy blankets on your bed, and smell your morning beverage.
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/20/2021 • Get your Gratitude Game On!
![thank you signage](https://feelmorethanfine.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/pexels-photo-2072165.jpeg)
Dear ones, give thanks every day – for the breath you breathe, for your beating heart, for the sensitivity that allows you to feel the cozy blankets on your bed, and smell your morning beverage.
Quiet your mind and heart for a moment, and listen deep within. You will note a presence there, speaking to you and all humanity, that has not been present on the Earth for many thousands of years, and perhaps, never at the level at which it now reaches you.
Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this moment with you today.
Today, our writer again has questions for Saint Germain, and so we share this now:
COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain! Thank you for speaking with me again today.
SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, dear one!
How may we be of assistance to you and your fellow Light Bearers?
COR: I am feeling two things simultaneously, one more quite challenging and one inspiring.
For one, disaster scenarios that are coming to mind occasionally about what might happen to humanity while still under the current corrupt power structure.
That’s no doubt been triggered by the common human experience of carrying post-traumatic stress over many lifetimes.
The survival brain exerts scenes of one oppressive situation or another, as a reflex after all the rough news of the last few years.
Yet the other set of images obliterates those fears. It is enlightening, because its Joy is so palpable.
I am experiencing moments when I feel that the Light pouring onto the planet is sentient, and almost physical—I can feel and see it in the air.
This is not like other sparkling bits of sunlight we might see.
This seems to be a presence you can speak to and connect with in a visceral, almost physical way.
It almost feels solid. And in those lovely moments, I feel it reaching the whole of my spirit.
I feel it speaking to the physical cells—mine and all of humanity’s—seeking to lift us to the next level of our evolvement, and to encourage us.
As if to say, “None of what you fear is real.”
Then walking to the store today, as I took in this amazing Light, I heard the phrase “The Healing Times.”
I was hoping you could explain that, as I don’t feel I came up with it on my own!
I wasn’t thinking that that is the time we are in.
SAINT GERMAIN: And yet, it is so that this moment has arrived, and humanity shall experience such at increasingly levels now.
What you speak of are the parallel experiences of Light and dark, now traveling through Earth experience at a great rate.
And we say a great rate, because the acceleration and the magnification of the power of the Light will only continue.
The dark knows it is failing in its intent.
It has not included a plan for capitulating to the Light should it not win against the Lightstream, as ego and the false self have ever led the darkness, and ever shall, till it moves into higher resonance in this Universe.
And so the dark agenda plays on, as if its players were oblivious to the signs you have noted—signs that the New Earth is already here.
Signs that millions are being called to recall their soul power while in a human body, and to claim that which they were born in this era to claim, or re-claim.
This explains the great rush that those playing the role of low vibrational intent are making toward inserting A.I. into the human body.
And this is why the news media and their vibrational technology are transmitting vibrational distress signals, pitched exactly to alert and alarm those aspects of the human psyche that have been trained for millennia to respond with fear.
From that response, which obliterates clear thought, “the masses will do as they are told,” has been the reasoning of the dark realms, and the dark governmental structures—that which quietly controls the visible governments people see on a daily level.
Of course now, many are realizing how deep the shadows go, and that in those shadows dwell persons, energy forms, and intentions that have no interest in keeping anyone “safe.”
COR: So many are bowing to the old order now, out of the fear you are describing.
What hope is there, in that scenario where so many could lose their individual thought and sense of agency?
SAINT GERMAIN: There is great hope, dear one!
You are aware that many beautiful beings and energetic influences are at work now on the Earth’s surface, and in Inner Earth, that work toward the liberation of the race, and of the planet herself.
You cannot look at the dark aspect of the story and expect that it is equal in resonance and effect as the Light aspect, though we delineate such to make a point.
You are aware of the old parable of “The Blind Men and the Elephant”?
COR: Yes, of course.
So in noticing what feels to be increasing disaster—one kind for those who play along with the old power crowd, and another kind for those who don’t—I was feeling only the tail or the trunk of the elephant, when there’s a lot more at play here.
SAINT GERMAIN: And you are aware of such.
But again—”all the stops have been pulled out” as they say, to pitch humanity into such a fear-for-survival reaction, that your better, higher instincts have been shoved to the side many times over the last few years.
Yet you note what is happening, as the higher Light from your Sun flows in—its language, its tonal vibrations.
The Angelic legions’ tonal vibrations are also being sounded all around and through the planet now.
They call to all upon Lady Gaia, to remember their own higher aspect, and the resources therein.
Even the rocks, the soil, the mountains—even these ring at a higher level now, that which seems not to breathe, though it does.
COR: The mountains may be receiving some help, if there are dragons awakening within them!
SAINT GERMAIN: Of course, this is so!
Yet recall that the very cells of your body, and every drop of water, every molecule of air, all components of all created things, know and remember at a deep level their Creator’s voice.
That is what you are hearing now. That is the nearly solid presence you noted as you were walking outside today.
Now, you spoke of the phrase “The Healing Times,” and you are correct that your logical mind did not devise that.
It comes from your higher aspect, and the Angelic connections all higher selves enjoy.
You were inwardly tuning in to the vibration of renewal and awakening now spreading everywhere on the planet.
We invite all who are reading this to do more than simply take that in at a level of intellectual interest.
Quiet your mind and heart for a moment, and listen deep within.
You will note a presence there, speaking to you and all humanity, that has not been present on the Earth for many thousands of years, and perhaps, never at the level at which it now reaches you.
COR: And it can actually heal people, as well as our Earth?
SAINT GERMAIN: Most assuredly. It has been doing so for several years now.
Yet its intensity is increasing, because humanity has responded by asking for more assistance, more evolvement, more active remembering of Who you are, and why you are here now.
COR: As you speak, Lord Saint Germain, I am feeling that the whole of humanity is beginning to reclaim aspects of our being that have to do with our ability to receive clearly and directly from the higher realms, without a middleman.
These might be messages, tonal vibrations, visions. Or they might just be quiet energetic downloads that only make themselves known over time.
Yet I feel our spirits, our hearts are being lifted by this Light that is speaking to us, in a language we are beginning to remember.
And so that is not my imagination—?
SAINT GERMAIN: The imagination is only a portal into higher thought, once placed in a vibration of openness to such.
It is not a channel of wishful thinking or nonsensical thought, such as you have been taught on this Earth for far too long.
COR: It’s been used for much lower purposes than it was created for.
SAINT GERMAIN: Yet now it seeks to be used as a channel for your inspired, higher thought.
Which will not be imagination, in the lower sense.
It will be imaging, but it will not be “made up” as you have been trained to see it.
It will be a revelation of true self, of your Universe as it actually is.
COR: In the Healing Times, will we finally know who we are, and who our soul families are?
Will we have conscious memory of past lives, of our times on the ships in the etheric as we sleep at night, and our whole soul history?
SAINT GERMAIN: At a pace at which you are able to grow comfortably into these new abilities, which you already possess within your higher aspect.
Yes, that and far more awaits you.
Open the door, dear ones!
Know that the rays and flares of your Sun reach out to you for nothing less than the return of your fullest, most beautiful forms of Light consciousness.
All is not lost. The darkest of the night ever gives way to the dawn.
COR: Thank you, lord!
Your presence with us on this journey is invaluable to us all, as it was so long ago for the Founders in Philadelphia.
SAINT GERMAIN: Namaste, dear ones! We are honored to assist.
Be of good cheer. All is well, and shall be most well.
COR: Namaste!
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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Unlike the past the present time is of a higher vibration, and responds more easily to your positive vibrations. By looking ahead and preparing yourself for a gradual upliftment in your vibrations, you will be assured of staying on your chosen path.
19th November 2021. Mike Quinsey.
The future is an open book and there are so many opportunities coming up to satisfy everyone so set yourself on a course that achieves your ambition. Good things are coming and waiting to be activated to open up a new vista that will give you a new perspective of life. So look on the bright side knowing that your future is assured that it will bring you much happiness. The dark Ones will have been left behind finding the higher vibrations beyond their reach. The turmoil that you are in at present will reach a point when all will settle down to give you the start of a peaceful period. So as you look into the future be positive and help the better be times an opportunity to manifest. Clearly there is much to sort out before things can settle down but it will come because it is your destiny.
We say again that as you think so you are helping create your own future, so see it as peaceful as you can imagine. The negative influences are slowly losing their power and no longer control Man’s future. So shake off the negative energies and only think and act in a positive manner. You will find it rewarding and even exciting as you will see the bright future coming into view. Many who have already passed on will start coming back very soon and grow up with the new energies. They will have bodies that do not succumb to illness and stay healthy all of the time. Also as we told you recently, they will be born with all of the abilities and skills they had previously. You will now understand that the higher vibrations will lift you to a new level.
Already you have noted that there is a more helpful approach where many are concerned, There is a more friendly approach to each other and help given where it is needed, and so it will continue and we look to those in power to organise it. You are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of God and in essence capable of being loving and caring Beings. You are all One and colour and creed count for little in the higher dimensions. You name it and you have been it through your many, many lives as you have evolved.
Dear Ones can you not feel the Oneness of all life forms and accept that all life comes from the One Source you call God. You have periodically been called back to the Godhead only to be sent out aging to experience further, and so it continues in the great Solar Cycles. How crazy it must seem that Man fights with his brothers and sisters often to the extent of death. Man draws lines between others simply because they are outwardly different, not realising that in essence all souls are equal and the same. All playing a part in the great drama of Human life to the best of their ability to live as One. Well many souls have awoken to their true selves and go forward to the time of Ascension and find themselves as a Higher Being.
It is very difficult to find adequate words that can describe the peace and beauty that you will finally experience, but your intuition will sense the changes that will take place. Heaven on Earth may spark your imagination but even so the sheer beauty of the higher levels has to be experienced to be believed. How can you describe colours outside of your spectrum, it is nigh impossible as it would the unending natural beauty of nature. You are used to plants dying off even after one summer but imagine those that never stop blooming. You haven’t really lived yet but through your experiences have learned to appreciate the experience that you have had.
In actual fact over the course of your many lives you have acquired much through your experiences. Believe us it does take quite some time for a new soul to Earth to get used to living in such an environment. Imagine the contrast from living in virtually a totally different life because of the temperature changes. Then again there is the lifestyle from one continent to another, it can be quite challenging. However, you would never be put into a situation that was totally alien to you. Certainly the experiences you gain hold you in good stead for greater challenges as you progress to a point where you will have learned the lessons they have given you.
You have a plethora of experience that helps you take on more challenging life plans and often to guide others along a path that helps them evolve. Holding out a helping hand is instinctive with humans who are basically very friendly towards their fellow travellers. After all you are on the same path and have the same goal in mind even if you do not realise it. Evolution is ongoing and accordingly your life path may change according to your needs. Choice does come into it and before you incarnate your needs are discussed so as to give you an experience that furthers your advancement.
The time has come to reflect on what you want out of life because your actions will speak louder than words. You are projecting an energy that creates a path ahead of you and attracts what is needed for it to become your reality. It is being careful what you wish for as few realise the power of the spoken word. It does not take much to imagine what you are creating for yourself with negative thoughts. After all these also attract similar energies to you, so be careful as to how you express your thoughts.
We have often pressed home the need to express yourself in a positive manner by using “I am” rather than “I wish”. You may for example say “I am happy” in which case you will attract more of it to yourself that is clearly desirable. Try to be positive about your needs, then allow the energy to respond in its own way. Unlike the past the present time is of a higher vibration, and responds more easily to your positive vibrations. By looking ahead and preparing yourself for a gradual upliftment in your vibrations, you will be assured of staying on your chosen path. Clearly each soul that is ready should create their path to Ascension, and take this wonderful opportunity to evolve beyond the lower vibrations, never again to have to face them. It is a state of mind and not nearly as hard to maintain as you mighty imagine.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
We are simply alchemizing your bodies into a more suitable indestructible higher dimensional form, into the body of a god. -MERLIN through galaxygirl-
Merlin 11/16/2021
Hello, students! My, what bright shiny faces, such eager listeners! I am your professor of magic and science, which is really all the same, but I digress. I am Merlin. And I have been asked to prepare a quick lesson today for you, by this one. Many of you are my pupils at night, or have been at least over the eons. We learn this and that in various lifetimes. In these realms you remember what your lave learned, which is most helpful indeed, is it not? Such a pity that one does not remember entirely in the realm of mist and shadows. But that is clearing up rapidly. And that is part of the game, of the experience, of the learning. For with every perspective, with every lifetime and surrounding experience, lessons can be learned in a different way. Is that not correct? For you would see the same lesson differently from the viewpoint of a king or a pauper, would you not? You would see humanity and the value of it differently depending on your viewpoint. You would feel love differently as a lover or one who was spurned by love. Ah, there I go again.
(Merlin sits down and starts to smoke his long twisted wizard’s pipe.) No, I like to refer to this as my teaching tool. (He begins to blow purple sparkly smoke. I love that. I am seeing twinkling stars, planets form, animal shapes birthing from the ground and running along smoky fields.) There was always a beginning, except how can there be a beginning in an infinite universe? That one has stumped me for many a millennia. (He is laughing, his eyes are wrinkled and twinkling). Well, galaxygirl you seem to have questions?
(Me: Oh Merlin, we are all trying so hard down here, and we are so tired. Can you talk about the physicality of our change from carbon to crystalline?)
Alchemy, my dear. Have you forgot your lessons already? That’s alright. We are simply alchemizing your bodies into a more suitable indestructible higher dimensional form, into the body of a god. Really that’s what is going on. Your cultures have called ‘gods’ extraterrestrials who likely had a higher dimensional form, as you will. Who likely had higher dimensional understandings of the mathematical and scientific formulations, of magnetic propulsion and endothermic converters and on and on – as you will. Because you will be able to hold to vibrate with – yes – the higher dimensional concepts. The Stone Age of Earth will be no longer. And so of course you are tired. Are you taking care of your physical vessel with love and tender care? Are you encoding your own universe of you and filling it with nutrient rich foods and energies? Are you alchemizing your food and water before you partake of their blessings? Simply put you are becoming crystalline but so is Gaia. That is the exciting part. You are rising in vibrational frequency with her, and all upon her. I like this question and answer session, galaxygirl. Good idea! Do you have another?
(Me: I would like to know about our twin flames, but I don’t know how to ask that, for I know it would be a different story for each of us.)
I know many of you have had deep pain and healing is needed with your other halves. Yes, it has been a painful realm. But pain brings growth and growth brings healing. This entire realm is being healed and so of course the twin flame relationships will be healed as well. You need not worry about this really, as all is in divine timing and all will work out. Your perception will be broadened, and so you will be more compassionate, more open, more whole. And when you are whole you are in vibrational alignment for your wholeness to meet you. But really there is nothing wrong with being delightfully content with where you are and who you are with. Never underestimate the power of the love of soul family. You have all been together likely for hundreds of lifetimes and your ties are deep. And so, students of the light, we are all aspects of Source, we are all an eye of the Seraphim in a way, having our own uniques perspective of life, of love, of truly living a grand adventure. Life is grand. It will be expanded upon your realm into magic and wonder again.
(Me: Merlin, can you teach us some magic?)
Students, the magic is not only within you, it is you. You are the magic. Your intention creates the ripples. Your intention, your action, your good faith, your high vibrational frequencies – that is the magic for that vibration pulls it towards you. Be at peace with this knowing. Practice the ancient arts. You are an ancient being. You likely already know them. Just remember.
(Merlin is blowing the purple smoke animals back into his pipe and the purple glittery smoke is sucked back in the pipe.) Remember, galaxygirl, this is purely a teaching aid. Ah, but I do love my pipe! I create the images I wish to see. Just like you create the images in your life that you need to see or learn from. Remember the smoke and mirrors are being removed. Your realm has been drenched in shadow. This is lifting. Clear breezes, beautiful skies, crystalline bodies. Now students, this is very important. Know that you can create the reality that you wish to see. Just as I do with my pipe. In my mind’s eye I have the image and I create the picture. Be specific about what you want, and feel that it is already yours and feel that gratitude. Gratitude is an enormous magnet. I am grateful for you. Now I’m having another class tonight. Be prompt.
(Me: Thank you for this question answer session, Merlin!)
Yes, yes, galaxygirl, always a pleasure. (He pats my head and departs.)
~ galaxygirl
Receiving The New Solar Light Codes of Our 12 Aspects of Deity.
The incoming codes are releasing “locks” on your creative and sexual energy and helping you to align with your true original template of free and flowing creativity…This is a time to just be and to take good care of yourself.
![phases of the moon](https://feelmorethanfine.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/pexels-photo-1983032.jpeg)
Celia Fenn: Lunar Eclipse
As we move into the early phases of the partial Lunar Eclipse, which culminates on the 19th, tomorrow Friday, the energies are sure intense!
These Lunar Codes in Taurus are hitting into the Body and the DNA. People are experiencing physical pain in the body and exhaustion.
This is because the Taurean Eclipse Moon Codes are activating in the Sacral Chakra area and the Throat Chakra area.
Many people are reporting joint pains and especially in the hips and lower back.
The incoming codes are releasing “locks” on your creative and sexual energy and helping you to align with your true original template of free and flowing creativity.
Over many thousands of years, humanity has experienced a state of enslavement to economic systems that has “locked down” the Sacral chakra and limited our creativity and our financial flows.
These incoming Codes are unlocking and opening the flow.
This creates the physical pain and old pathways are closed off and new pathways are opened.
The same is happening at the Throat Chakra level.
The capture of the creative energy meant that we were not able to express our Soul purpose as all our energy was given to “survival” in a false economy.
Now, as we reclaim our creative power and energy, we can stand in our Power and express who we are as Souls.
This powerful new flow can cause muscle pain and spasms in the shoulders, upper back and neck area.
This is a time to just be and to take good care of yourself.
It will pass by the week end and you will feel more relaxed and more balanced.
Meanwhile, stay calm and centered and rest as much as you can.
Breathe deeply, drink lots of water and connect with your Higher Guidance for information on what you personally need to transit this powerful Lunar Eclipse Portal
Love to everyone!
Be of good cheer because a massive release of “STUFF” is happening now!
Trust your inner guidance, your intuition.
11/17/2021 by John Smallman
Humanity is awakening! There are signs of this all across the world as awareness grows that the old ways in which people have become accustomed to interacting with each other are now totally inadequate in the modern world of high technology. Technology can be used for healing and evolution, or for destruction. It has, for far too long, been mainly used for the destruction of enemies, whether of a personal, local, national or international nature, and with disastrous consequences. The realization is finally dawning on masses of people that giving your power away to those who enjoy and seek authority over others nearly always leads to conflicts that cause great suffering for many, conflicts in which the vast majority most certainly do not wish to take part. Consequently the motivation for enormous change in the ways that individuals, through to nations, deal and interact with one another has become very strong, and worldwide many people are now engaging in discussion groups to create ways in which to achieve this outcome.
Be of good cheer because a massive release of “STUFF” is happening now! It is an absolutely essential aspect of your awakening process, because as you each allow this release to occur, both individually and collectively, you are clearing and opening your hearts to Love, and to knowing yourselves as divine beings who are awakening from an insane dream.The dream has been ongoing for far too long, and your dissatisfaction with it has reached the point where you are no longer willing to engage with it, either individually or collectively.
Yes, some of you have had moments – even lifetimes – of happiness as humans, but mostly it has been a nightmare rather than an enjoyable dream. To experience true separation from God would terminate your existence permanently, but this could never happen because it would mean that God would also cease to exist, had in fact never existed, a total impossibility! Nevertheless, as humans you have apparently been separated, and apart from the terror of believing yourselves separated from your ever-loving Source, imagining it, which is what the dream is all about, has caused you all immense suffering.
An enormous amount of that ancient suffering is arising now as karmic ‘stuff,’ seemingly very real and painful but in truth totally unreal, for you to release collectively so that you can once again know yourselves as the divine beings that you always are in every moment of your eternal existence . . . right NOW! It is arising for people as feelings of intense, but non-specific, fear, anger, anxiety, resentment, depression, unworthiness, unlovableness, and causing them extreme discomfort and suffering, which can lead to them behaving in ways that are either self-destructive, or very damaging to others. Have enormous compassion for those who are undergoing these very traumatic and painful experiences, because they are mightily assisting in the collective awakening process by those very behaviors – even if it appears to you that their behavior is utterly intolerable. Only people who are in great pain – emotional, physical, or psychological – attack others, it is an egotistical reaction to the world around them, the world that is treating them so unfairly and causing them to suffer that intense pain. It seems totally real to them, despite its unreality, because they identify completely with their physical bodies which, because of their physical nature, can suffer inordinately.
Always make a point of remembering that the real You is Love, and so is everyone else. When you do that you can truly feel love for those anguished ones, allowing it to flow through you freely and abundantly as you engage with the task for which you incarnated, enormously assisting in the collective awakening process as it nears completion, by being and showing your true selves – Love – to all with whom you engage. The Love that is You, and which you allow and enthusiastically encourage to flow through you is a very powerful healing energy that comforts and embraces not only those with whom you interact in any manner at all, but also, of course, you yourselves.
You incarnated to do this, and this is the now moment of allowing and awakening that you are on Earth to participate in extremely effectively. No one can replace you! Only you can do what you took on human form to do, and it is essential that you participate fully and enthusiastically by engaging joyfully with life, that God-given gift that is the eternal joy-filled You.
You are Love, and, as you know, there is nothing else. You incarnated to show others that the same is true for them. Do not concern yourselves with thoughts about how to change the world or about what is occurring upon it, that is just egotistical distraction from your real task – Being! You are the perfect divine creations of your infinitely loving Father, so just being is a far more effective way to assist others to awaken than you can possibly conceive of as humans in form.
Trust your inner guidance, your intuition, listen for it and to it as you spend quiet time alone each day marveling at the miracle that is your life. Life is the miracle that you have all been seeking, but you have allowed your egos to distract you from living it as you believe the stories they tell you of your unworthiness and inadequacy as they compare you very negatively to others who seem to be far more valuable beings than you could ever be.
You are Love, and you are on Earth at this point in time to be who you are. It is a very simple mission that you chose, with divine guidance, to undertake because, just like God, you are Love, and your only desire is to assist all to awaken into Reality, your eternal Home. However, once you found yourselves in form, the task you had chosen to undertake no longer seemed simple, in fact at times you have been overwhelmed by the seeming enormity of what you had agreed to undertake. I just want to remind you that your support team in the spiritual realms is constantly watching over you, ready to assist you instantly when you call on them. They cannot assist you unless you call on them – free will – but as soon as you call they are instantly there with you. Do not use your human mental abilities to resolve complex relational issues rationally, because that is just your ego trying to prove you right and others wrong, and it never works. Ask your team: “What would Love do?” And then wait quietly listening for their guidance. It may take a few days, or even longer, so be patient. You will resolve any issues perfectly with their help and guidance, or they will just miraculously dissolve. Miracles are always available, let go of expectations, and just allow them to manifest, and they will. Sometimes you will not realize that one has occurred until some time has passed, and then amazement and joy will fill your hearts.
So, be yourselves, allow miracles to happen, and then rejoice!
With so very much love, Saul.
Planetary Ascension Activation – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Nov 18
Dear guardians of Mother Earth,
Cosmic Mother Nature is inviting us to join as ONE planetary collective of Rainbow Light to harness and honor the powerful & transformational energies of the very rare Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Nov 18 / Nov 19. This will be the LONGEST lunar eclipse of the century.
We will be using the supercharged invocation videos our team made for Patricia Cota-Robles:
Violet Flame Earth & Humanity reset
12 dimensional download of our IAM rainbow presence from the crown of Elohim
IAM all LOVE – Ascension completion Activation
Let us bring heaven to Earth together!
Mark your calendars to join this important planetary preparation for Dec 21st! When we join together, we uplift all LIFE. As IAM lifted up, All Life is lifted up with me.
Thursday, Nov 18
1pm PT / 4pm ET / 9pm UK / 10pm EU = (Sydney, Nov 19, 8am)
With love,
People are starting to realize the real purpose of the Covid – a ploy to rob you of your freedom of speech and freedom of movement. You will see people by the millions in every country of the world take to the streets demanding justice and the removal of the dictators who have taken over their governments. -Mikos from Hollow Earth through Dianne Robins-
A Global Resistance Is Coming
Yes, a global resistance is coming and the people of the world are waking up to all the wrongs and injustices that governments are imposing – locking you into subservience and restructuring your God Given Freedoms and those guaranteed in the USA Constitution. People are starting to realize the real purpose of the Covid – a ploy to rob you of your freedom of speech and freedom of movement. You will see people by the millions in every country of the world take to the streets demanding justice and the removal of the dictators who have taken over their governments.
This will be a world-wide Resistance movement that is just now starting to form in the minds of the people; for people have had enough of the abusive powers imposed upon them from their governments ~ and the only recourse is to REBEL!
There are so many Angels now on Earth and so many Ascended Masters watching all that is occurring. We see all on our computer screens and are dismayed at how the surface population has been lied to and how they have blindly followed all the rules and restrictions imposed upon them – like a herd of cows being taken to slaughter. Similar to the days of Jesus when the Priests controlled everyone and everything. Your governments have been trying to take you back to the dark ages again.
Well, this will not be! They will not succeed, but fail in their attempts for this is the 7th Golden Age of Awakening and Enlightenment and you, the people of Earth, are AWAKE and you see the deceit and you will NO longer allow your lives to be controlled by the dark forces in your governments.
There will be WORLD-WIDE RESISTANCE at every level that will break this chain of darkness that has formed around the world attempting to lock you down.
WE, THE FORCES OF LIGHT, ARE HERE, watching and waiting for the precise moment to strike and remove all the remaining dark entities from the surface of the Earth.
In the short time left, people will unite in the millions and demand their Rights and Freedoms restored! And it will be! A New Earth of Justice and Liberty will be born and people will again turn to God, the Creator of all Life, and find their way home… back to God again.
There is only ONE Power, ONE Presence, One Intelligence and that is GOD, the Creator of all that is.
This is what is ahead of you Beloveds. Don’t fear, we in the Subterranean Cities are here and watching everything and will soon appear to give you all the help you need!
I am Mikos, your friend from the Library of Porthologos, located inside the very Center of the Hollow Earth. Call on me at night, before you sleep, and ask to be taken on a tour through the Library of Porthologos, and I will be your personal guide.
Received October 16, 2021
Copyright © Dianne Robbins
If you like these messages, please make a contribution to help me continue my work: http://paypal.me/TelosMtShasta
You’re the Rock Star of Now
Dear Ones,
You are shifting dramatically because of the ongoing high-energy bursts. These shifts include changes in sleep patterns, activity levels, and interactions with others.
Such is to be expected given the trajectory of your new being. It is as if you have stepped through a door clarifying who you are or dreamed of becoming. An analogy might be a songwriter/singer who maintained his small-town, quiet lifestyle only to open a curtain and discover hundreds of thousands of people cheering his talent.
You are now center stage. Before the recent energies, most of you took turns in the spotlight even though you were all on stage simultaneously. That stage community you participated in for months or years has altered. You no longer share the stage with anyone – for you are the star of you.
Perhaps you wonder who populates the crowd joyously shouting your name. Your cheering crowd is comprised of those determined to shift from 3D to any dimension beyond.
You are the rock star of now. Some of you laugh at this image, for you continue to clean toilets, work, or maintain your garden. What you have not yet realized is you continue to split your being for a short burst of time.
The small part of you maintains your 3D life – albeit with little enthusiasm. So it is you perform the basic requirements with minimum interest. The larger part of you has taken center stage, never to return to the meek 3D being you were for earth eons.
The meek part of you wishes to return to holidays past, hoping those holidays will create enough spark to maintain your former 3D interactions and life.
The larger part of you – which is becoming larger daily – has little interest in what was. You are now a rock star. Even though you might try to return to your life before you achieved fame, that return will be more like watching yourself in a movie than actually living the reality you once experienced.
Your 3D life is no more and never will be again. You are a rock star in 3D clothing you will soon discard. So it is you will find the next few weeks confusing, exhilarating, frightening, joyous, and just plain fun.
For those of you who do not wish to be a rock star, please know that we, of the Universes, use that analogy loosely. The analogy is merely for the imagery of what you might feel if you were a rock star. In truth, you are on stage in whatever venue is right for new you.
You might be a rock star waiter others are drawn to. Or a corporate executive creating international admiration because of your loving and creative actions. It does not matter what your rock star attributes are. The only necessary element is knowing that your 3D actions and needs have shifted from a crucial to minor role that will soon disappear.
By the beginning of your new calendar year, most of you will accept your new you star role. For it is not only time for you to do so personally, but also necessary encouragement for the millions who wish to follow.
You are no longer a tiny earthling. You are center stage of the largest gathering you can conceptualize. You are a star brighter than anything you have ever known.
This is your time. The time you have hoped for and dreamed of for eons. Do not be afraid or concerned, for you are more than ready to claim yourself in all your glory, as well as accept the adoration of others.
Those who adore you or are soon to adore you will find their own stage because of you. And so it will continue until those of the earth who wish to transition will do so easily and more quickly with each grouping.
Your only center stage role is for those immediately following you. There are many more pieces you are prepared to achieve once those who follow add their support, just as we, of the Universes, did for you when you initiated your transition.
So it is the next few weeks will be a whirlwind of emotional shifts. Followed by a joyous feeling of rightness and a need to delve into more personal activities than you ever have before while of the earth. So be it. Amen.
LifeTapestryCreations.com. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via WordPress.com. Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (LifeTapestryCreations.com), and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: We ask again that you focus your energy this week on your internet. Your means of communication with all others of the planet is being heavily censored and the wayshowers are having trouble lighting the way due to this censorship. You must hold the fort for yourselves to continue. The Light must prevail in your media.
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Warrior Group.
These are wonderful times we live in. As you can see, the Light is being restored to a planet that had suffered for eons under darkness. In years past, many civilizations suffered from materialism, these civilizations were destroyed and then began again in a new era. Many of you have reincarnated over and over and over again never having learned the number one lesson that there is to learn: You are part of God.
He is in you and you are of Him. When you look at life in these new ways, you will begin to see that nurturing your relationship with Him is your first priority. And in doing this, you incarnate and He gives you opportunity to learn through interaction with others, for they are of God as well. (Unity Consciousness)
The only exception to this are those who have overtaken your planet. Long ago, they fell from the soul matrix as there was not enough Light to bind them to their soul, so they fell away. This left them in need of a food source and that food source became the humans in the galaxy. These ones are now almost gone, sent for recycling back to God.
(I can feel his sadness at having to say this!)
I am sad, Sharon, I am. That so many have sought to put others asunder, those who sought to separate God into pieces they could control. This is evil. Evil is almost gone. This is evil’s last stand as it has been eradicated throughout your galaxy and universe already.
The Lyran wars were the start of it, now the war on Planet Earth will be its end. It is glorious.
Negativity will be allowed to continue to exist but not on an unrestricted planet such as earth. Free will must be reigned in in the third dimension and so it will be done on other third dimensional planets where negativity is permitted. Negativity is a learning tool, but on earth the lessons were too great to be overcome, and the restraints put upon earthlings also too great to bear.
Now this is done.
We ask again that you focus your energy this week on your internet. Your means of communication with all others of the planet is being heavily censored and the wayshowers are having trouble lighting the way due to this censorship. You must hold the fort for yourselves to continue. The Light must prevail in your media.
I am Archangel Michael. I am of God. You are of God. We are Legion.
I leave you with my love, and the love of the Father and Mother.
Are you ready to be part of this free energy movement that will change the world and bring about a bright and prosperous future for you and your family?
Galactic Federation: FREE Energy
Dear ones,
This is a message for humanity from the Galactic Federation. We are here to inform you that, based on new developments and research, we are introducing this new initiative on the planet earth.
The idea is to create a free energy zone here on earth, which will be areas of designation that are provided to supply clean and free without charge or cost energy to those in these areas willing to participate in these projects.
This new breakthrough in technology will change the entire planet.
You may not know that you have a galactic federation representative very close by. We’re here to let you know we’re upgrading your planet’s energy supply. No need to panic! We won’t be taking anything away from you and making things worse for you in the process, quite the opposite. We’ll be installing a new completely free energy source that not only takes care of all your needs better than your current system does but there’s so much more to it.
It not only keeps your household appliances running, but also keeps your car on the road. This works with zero emissions and is completely green!
By using the free energy source, you are taking back your right to exist on this planet without being taxed by someone else; you take back your liberty right to live without paying for someone else’s pollution. It is time to stop paying your monthly bills for your fuel, electricity, or crude oil.
The moment you realize that you don’t need electricity or heating oil or gas, to be able to live comfortably, is truly magical.
As we observe, many people on earth are on the verge of destroying themselves because of the choices they have made. Many of these destructive choices are inherent within their belief systems. They have destroyed so much of your natural resources and continue to create pollution that changes the composition of the earth’s atmosphere.
Today, most systems use dirty and outdated technology as their source of energy. The Earth has become very polluted. This pollution is all around you. It surrounds the planet at certain levels.
Our free clean energy system will be portable and more efficient for your needs. It’s environmentally friendly and will help the planet become more sustainable for future generations.
With the enormous amount of energy that is available in space, the use of completely new energy capture and conversion technology, and the very low cost of energy storage in space, it is practical for this advanced infrastructure component to provide clean and free energy to the entire planet.
It does not need any wiring; it is wireless, and it is STRONGER. Hence, you can enjoy unlimited technological power for your computer, mobile phone, home appliances, etc., without the necessity of any fuel like electricity, gas, or oil.
It is compatible with all devices. There’s no need to charge your phone or put gas in your car. All these gadgets will work ‘ON’ 24×7 with this energy without the worry of theft of power because it is wireless Free Energy.
Are you ready to be part of this free energy movement that will change the world and bring about a bright and prosperous future for you and your family?
You are about to make the right choice that will empower you beyond imagination! You are about to take your life into your own hands.
The first phase of free zones will be established by the Galactic Federation of Light. To become available for this designation does not require an individual to subscribe to any specific religion, ideology, system of belief, or way of life.
The first phase of free energy zones will be strategically chosen based on several variables including but not limited to; land contour, water flow patterns, temperature patterns, the location of hot spots (vortices), tectonic plate movement, tectonic plate stress points, tectonic plate stress points, and residual tectonic pressure points will all factor into this area’s selection.
It is with great enthusiasm that we present to you this gift of new technology. This will provide you with the necessary foundation to allow your civilization to progress on its ascension path.
The words you are reading now are just a glimpse into the main goals of the Galactic Federation.
We are here to prepare you and your planet for ascension, and we will not stop until you and everyone else on Earth experience enlightenment and become free!
We love you dearly.We are here with you.We are your family of light.
A’HOAurora RayAmbassador of the Galactic Federation
Channel and Art by Aurora Ray
Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
With spiritual evolution comes spiritual empowerment, the ability to say with confidence and conviction; “Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this.”
Arcturian Group Message 11/14/21
NOVEMBER 14, 2021
![fluffy purebred dog giving paw to crop man drinking coffee at table](https://feelmorethanfine.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/pexels-photo-5749112.jpeg)
Dear readers, welcome to another message intended to bring hope and encouragement in these times of stress for many. Know that all is proceeding according to plan in spite of appearances. The people of earth themselves are the only ones who can create desired changes and a higher collective consciousness.
Many continue looking to those in the higher dimensions to do the work for them. They wait, hope, and pray for forms of old energy to be removed but free will does not allow this. Those on this side cannot do the work for you. Guidance and advice yes, higher Light frequencies pouring to earth yes, but only those living in the energy can change the contents of earth’s collective consciousness.
This is the reason so many spiritually evolved souls are on earth at this time with more being coming in every day. Many of the “new ones” are souls with nothing to clear, just coming to add their Light to earth’s ascension process. The work must be done by those living in the energy of the human collective but choosing to be separate from it.
Much is going to be revealed that will help mankind understand more of what has been going on for ages, awakening many who have been living comfortably in a 3d slumber. Much of this information will be denied, resisted, and rejected for personal reasons of power and wealth by those who stand to benefit from the status quo.
Everything taking place at this time is part of earth’s ascension process. Concepts and beliefs that have been firmly in place for centuries cannot help but dissolve as increasingly more people awaken because it is only belief that creates, maintains, and sustains them. Never lose sight of the fact that you as expressions of Source, are creators.
When you stay centered in your highest truth at all times, you will find that more information and spiritual truth begins flowing to your awareness. Those of you who are drawn to be active participants in outer activities will intuitively know it and will be guided. Those of you who are drawn to be quiet and silent are doing world work as well simply by being beacons of Light shining for those desperately seeking more.
Because there is only ONE and all life is in and of that ONE there is, always has been, and always will be in every individual a deep desire, pull, yearning, and inner drive to once again unite with SELF and feel whole.
Because the third dimension is a dimension of duality and separation, this inner drive for completeness and wholeness is interpreted by the human mind as the desire and need for romance, companionship, family, praise, acceptance, and similar connections of all sorts. Violent gangs and crime groups are actually this same energy as understood by those living from with a consciousness of separation.
Most of you are well into your clearing of remaining old energy, vows, promises, oaths, etc. which can and often does involve the re-experiencing of a few. Because romantic relationships have played major roles in many lifetimes they often play a large part in the clearing process.
You may find yourself having repeating dreams about people who are no longer or never were in this life. You may begin to examine past romances and question; “I should of done this. I shouldn’t of done that. Why did I enter in to that relationship? Why did I find this person so attractive? l ways make bad choices.” etc… all leading to the biggest one which is; “No one has ever really loved me.”
This belief is very common in three dimensional thinking and needs to be honestly examined, understood, and released because it will hold you in separation from SELF as well as from others. You must understand that human beings in and of themselves, are incapable of love because all love is in and of God alone. Only God has love to give.
Divine love/ONEness is already fully present in every individual, but is only able to express as much as each individual’s state of consciousness will allow. The romantic sense of love is a concept of Divine Love/ONEness reflecting the soul’s search to once again experience wholeness. To look to human being for that which in and of themselves they don’t have, is three dimensional thinking.
All concepts of love (3D interpretations) fall short at some point because duality and separation energy presently governs earth as well as the fact that concepts of all kinds are built on foundations of error. The idea that finding the perfect romantic partner will bring an end to all searching and yearning for happiness as presented in films, books, and societal belief will always be a journey in futility as most eventually discover.
This is NOT to say that you cannot experience happy fulfilling relationships on earth which is one of the joys of living on earth in a physical body. We are saying that when you look to a person expecting them to give you a sense of completeness that is only found within, you will be disappointed. However, joy and companionship flows automatically through each partner, not from them in relationships built on a foundation of Self awareness. The higher sense of relationship is two people standing together by choice, never need, looking in the same direction.
Romantic attachments, crushes, and even stable marriages usually arise from previous life relationships of one kind or another. Everyone has a spiritual family or group that they work and often incarnate with, playing different needed roles as needed for the spiritual growth of others in the group. Some roles may be humanly negative specifically for bringing completion to some long festering issue. Each role is decided before incarnation which is why it often happens that a person knows immediately or somehow recognizes their future partner.
All relationships but often marriage relationships are for completing something not completed in a past lifetime in order to bring forgiveness and closure to both. It frequently takes several lifetimes for a person to be spiritually ready for the needed completion process if the past life relationship as partner, parent, child, neighbor, etc. was physically or emotionally damaging.
This is why some marriages and relationships begin happily and then the connection simply fades out. Once the purpose for the coming together has been completed with love, both are free to choose to stay together or not. Never attempt to keep something alive that you intuitively realize is complete and finished regardless of outside pressure. Always trust your intuition and lovingly make choices that feel intuitively right for you as well as for the other person.
Free will allows everyone to live according to their personal belief system but for those who are spiritually awake, it means no longer allowing world beliefs and concepts to determine your choices and actions. With spiritual evolution comes spiritual empowerment, the ability to say with confidence and conviction; “Thank you for your opinion, but I am choosing to do this.”
You are coming into your power, spiritual power, not the three dimensional sense of power that is always a power over something. Spiritual power is strength of character, courage of convictions, and the ability to take necessary actions and make decisions from a place of love even when experiencing the fear that may arise from it.
Never resist or deny fear. Fear is a powerful tool in third dimensional living but as you begin to accept and live out from who and what you really are, irrational fears begin to fade. They will continue coming to your awareness because the human mind seeks to protect with what it knows drawing from the collective but you will begin to quickly recognize each fear for what it represents and switch your thinking to truth.
Know that all is proceeding according to plan globally and personally. Allow the process. Trust that your Higher Self is running the show, allowing IT to do so even when things get tricky, difficult, or downright awful.
We are the Arcturian Group 11/14/21