Key people must be removed in order for the Light to prevail.

Ivo of Vega: The Big Picture

11/7/2020   The Big Picture

Another intuition.
I think there are more reasons that the deep state is grappeling for this win.
Mark Fragola just pointed out that Ashtar’s fleet has overtaken the Draco fleet recently, and is now going to finish off the Chimera ships. This was reported recently by COBRA.
IT’S VERY CLEAR that the battle to win earth is being won by the Light.
The D.S. is desperate to hold on to the last remains of their power – our minds. If they can’t force a win and continue to control us, their goose is cooked.
Like I said in my other post, there’s more here than meets the eye. There always is. Nothing is as it appears. It’s far more complex.
Nothing is political. It’s exo-political.
I believe they know that without this win, they can’t continue to control the world. They’ve been doing it mostly in the past through military might and they’re probably dying to take over the American military again. Combine that with Chinese forces and they would have this world in their palm. Maybe even Russia would capitulate…. I’ve heard varying stories about Russia anyway. They’re with us, they’re not with us…. from my perspective I can’t be sure where they stand.

COBRA, reported October 28 2020: Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces have managed to erase the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC).

The only Dracos remaining now are those physical and non-physical Dracos who are directly employed as servants to the Chimera, and the naturalized Dracos who mainly came to planet Earth more than 25,000 years ago, entered the incarnation cycle in humanoid bodies and are now incarnated as politicians, bankers, lawyers and other members of the surface Illuminati Cabal.

A very small number of naturalized Dracos also came to planet Earth in the 1996-1999 timeframe as they entered humanoid clone bodies in underground bases and then entered the surface Illuminati Cabal as lookalikes and doubles of many politicians, and they are still part of the surface Illuminati Cabal.

With the IBC gone, the only Cabal network still remaining is the surface Cabal network. Surface Cabal network will be properly addressed only after the Chimera threat is significantly diminished.
(from COBRA’s blog:, COBRA being a member of the Resistance that’s been fighting the dark ones for decades.)

Me: Wondering what COBRA means by “properly addressed.” LOL Fact is, the Cabal’s extraterrestrial factions and allies HAVE to be dealt with first before we lower the boom on them. They’ll know they have nowhere to go. What’s the first thing a country does when it wars with other countries? Eliminates their military. Without it, they can’t protect themselves. (Well, that’s if you don’t realize your own personal power, but for argument’s sake we’ll deal with this from a 3D perspective of the disempowered human.)
Ivo, if we’re trying to get this all finished up before the December 21st portal, then we’ve really left it to the bitter end.
Ivo: We are not, my love. Some will be going to the fifth dimension at this point in time, as their efforts to hold the Light on earth will no longer be required. With no darkness to combat, earthlings will be left to match their vibrations to that of Gaia as she rises up through the fourth dimension. With few anchoring the darkness to this earth any longer, the only darkness will be that which you hold within yourselves.
Me: And as I’m noting, a lot of normally spiritual lightworkers are being dragged into this election battle. We need to hold the Light and be confident, rather than slinging mud at the other side as they do to us. I won’t go on about how I don’t allow trolls on my feeds, and have closed off commenting. Those lightworkers who allow trolls on their posts are clearly showing that they can be affected by darkness still. But if you follow me, you can be rest assured you won’t be attacked.
Ivo: You are doing well, my love.
Me: Considering what’s at stake, I am. I don’t watch the news. Why poison my mind?
So, we digress. Back to the battle. What I see is a big dragnet closing down around the deep state. The ring that’s been formed around them just keeps shrinking, getting smaller and smaller.
Ivo: It is. We have eliminated many ships around your planet, your army forces are working with us to eliminate all dark beings from the DUMBs, the children and all captives are being rescued (if you haven’t, there’s a video where we speak to Dayla, a breeder who has been rescued from captivity), towards the end of your year, there will only be the surface beings to represent the dark ones, and they will begin trials, public trials. There have been many trials to date already, of beings you were not aware of, and these beings have been dealt with.
Me: So what’s coming up is a real turning point in all of this.
Ivo: Exactly. The Light forces will outnumber the dark forces on your planet. We always have but now it will be on the surface. That is the next step.
Me: So we can meet some ETs as we go about our day?
Ivo: We will begin to make our presence known to the masses.
Me: Yeah, like our TV station, for example.
Ivo: Yes.
Me: In four years, when Trump has served his term, what will happen then? He’s not going to be eligible to be re-elected.
Ivo: Others will step up to serve after him. Others who are willing to be transparent and heavily audited, because earthlings will not trust that readily. They will be very wary of new politicians because they were so fooled the first time. They will not allow it again. Out of this mistrust will be born a new system of transparency. There will be watchdog groups that will report to the people. You are seeing the beginnings of this now, as new social media reporters emerge, those aligned with the Light.
Me: Sounds good. What I’d like to see is the mud slinging stop on the campaign trail. This whole experience has been one presidential prospect putting the other one down. It sounded like a day in my parents’ home.
Ivo: Yes, this is true, my love. Very true. Your society is highly dysfunctional. In general, it is psychopathic. It is anti-human. And this will begin to change.
Me: The intuitions are coming fast and furious today. I was just thinking of how earth isn’t going to change overnight, there will still be problems. What I saw was an intuition of how younger people and older people will disagree more rabidly than they have in the past.
Ivo: Yes, there will still be much for people to work out as a whole. The younger ones will see the older ones, who are of lower light, as trying to restrict them. There will be much mistrust. Your world is not out of the problems yet.
Me: Not my world, I keep telling you that Ivo.
Ivo: I see. But I speak also to the ones who are listening.
Me: Okay. So how are they supposed to resolve this problem? I know some of the people listening to us are younger.
Ivo: They are. And they are learning. There will come a time when they will know more than we can impart to them and they will have no need of us anymore.
Me: Good. Then I’ll go and retire, go work on my flower garden. I see there are some channelers who are using our unique conversational style to do their channeling. Good for them. They can hold their own energy while addressing and speaking with another energy. Yes, we’re all One, but individuals within this Oneness. And to be able to do this this way I believe indicates a strong sense of one’s self, which is Soul, not personality.
Ivo: Yes. We are one Soul, however, my love, but you speak to many people who are of different soul than you and you carry the conversation well.
Me: Are we looking at a scenario where the younger will lead the older ones?
Ivo: This is a possibility in some instances, however not all. There will be much to learn and openness is of course the key. If you are not open to seeing yourself in a way that does not align with what you have always believed, then you are in fact, setting yourself up for extinction eventually. If, however, you are open to evolving, then you will crystallize yourself, either quickly or slowly and that depends o you, but a refusal to do so seals your fate. Your DNA ends here. Home Sapiens will not see the fifth dimension. They are incompatible.
Me: That’s why if you’re not 5D, you’re not gonna go through a mass ascension. It can’t happen. There are too many incompatible with that frequency.
Ivo: Yes. My dear, do not get your blood pressure up. Arguing with untruths is folly. The truth will always prevail.
Me: Yes. So Ivo what do you see for next year?
Ivo: Much of the same as this year. Yes, that is why you must distance yourself from the turmoil. Allow others to create the chaos if they so desire, but distance yourself. There is much to be revealed to your people, and 2021 is the year for this. The truth must be revealed. The truth is that you have be lied to on such a scale that many have no idea of who they truly are.
Me: Sad, isn’t it?
Ivo: Yes, it is. But the light is shining on your planet and it is activating people to want to know.
Me: Thank God.
Ivo: Yes, exactly.
Me: Okay, thank you Ivo for this, we’ll be watching for the next step which is where the correct election results are called. That’s the next step. This whole election has been a sting operation created by the Alliance. Amy Coney Barrett’s appointment as Chief Justice in the Supreme Court was no fluke. That was absolutely planned and I guess they just switched off Ginsberg’s clone or something. Ashtar Sheran was saying that many Cabal are clones and they are ….. oh got it. (another intuition) Wow! These clones are A.I. And they’re working off of an artificial telepathic network, like the human net they want to put us on, and getting their orders from that. However, the Quantum computer can hack this A.I. Network and cause them to die or whatever. So really these Dracos are trapped in these bodies. They can only do what they’re allowed by either side, light or dark.
Ivo: We have more control over this than you believe, my love. We have hacked all of earth’s computer systems and are in a process of revealing the truth to you.
Me: Holy wow! Now the question is, how much are they allowed to do when you consider our free will?
Ivo: Why do you think it is important that there be more Light upon earth than darkness? That the Light has a majority in the people of earth? Bear in mind as well, my love, that what goes on on earth affects the entire galaxy, even universe, so it is also our affair. We are allowed to intervene when our well being is threatened or the well being of the universe.
Me: So how does that apply to Ginsberg?
Ivo: She had to go because she was a cabalist. We required that a non cabalist be positioned as head of the American legal system so we vacated the position for one.
Me: So you’re in the awkward position of having to determine how much influence you can have on earth.
Ivo: Yes and no. We can determine very easily what is a violation of your free will and what is not. It is you that cannot determine this yet. We see it very clearly. Key people must be removed in order for the Light to prevail and so she was.
Me: Aha. Thanks Ivo. The cat wants dinner. I have to serve his highness.
Ivo: Yes, he is rather impatient when he wants his food. LOL

The systems “they” created here on earth will be their undoing. Ashtar has said they are using them against them. In the same way that Trump is using the laws they created to serve themselves, against them.


by Patricia Cota-Robles
November 7, 2020
  The seemingly miraculous Activities of Light that were God Victoriously accomplished during our Planetary Reboot have moved Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her further up the Spiral of Evolution into New Life-transforming Cosmic Coordinates. The sacred geometry associated with numbers has always been a way that the Company of Heaven has given us outer-world signs confirming the Truth of our various Activities of Light. When the 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination was complete the statistics given to us by YouTube and Facebook confirmed that just during the two hours of the Live Six-day Virtual Event, there was a total of 144,000 views on YouTube and an additional 77,000 views on Facebook. What magical numbers!
  The Company of Heaven said that the frequencies of Light now bathing the Earth from her new position in the Cosmos are amplifying the affects of the Planetary Reboot in monumental ways for every person, place, condition and thing on the Planet. This, in turn, is beginning to awaken within every Heart Flame a sense of Inner Knowing that something wonderful is taking place on Earth in spite of outer-world appearances. This is happening to some degree within every person no matter how diametrically opposed our various perceptions of the World may be.
  In the USA we have just completed our Presidential Election. This election was really a reflection of what is happening in one way or another for all of Humanity. More people voted in this election than ever before in the history of America. Amazingly, almost 147,000,000 votes were cast and only about 6,000,000 votes separated the two candidates. The perception of the people supporting each candidate could not possibly have been more different. It seemed like the people supporting one candidate were living in a different reality from the people supporting the other candidate. It was as though half of the people in America lived on one Earth and the other half of the people lived in a completely alternate Universe.
  The thing that was most amazing to me was the fact that there were powerful Lightworkers supporting both candidates. Lightworkers supporting one candidate felt that you could not possibly be working with the Light if you were supporting the other candidate. The same was true for Lightworkers supporting the other candidate. The Beings of Light said this confusion was the result of the purging process we are all going through and the fact that all of the etheric records and memories from our past miscreations are surfacing to get our attention, so they can be healed and transmuted back into Light. This is a critical facet of our Ascension Process. However, we are not supposed to cling to the surfacing negativity and our distorted misperceptions. No matter what our feelings were about the two candidates, there were distorted misperceptions on both sides that were not based in Truth or the reality we are destined to cocreate on the New Earth.
  We are multidimensional Beings of Light functioning not only on Planet Earth, but also in the Realms of Illumined Truth. From our higher level of consciousness our I AM Presence is well aware of our distorted misperceptions and the greatly accelerated Transfiguration taking place physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually within each of us day by day. However, for our finite minds this discernment is often less obvious. For this reason our Father-Mother God have given the Company of Heaven permission to assist the I AM Presence of every person in NEW ways that will enable us to more easily discern our misperceptions. This assistance will empower each of us to recognize and comprehend the Truth being revealed through our daily life experiences.
  This assistance will come through our I AM Presence as a greatly amplified intuitive Inner Guidance. It will also come through the elevated awareness, discernment and perception the masses of Humanity now have available to us as a result of our return to new levels of Christ Consciousness. So pay attention, and be alert to the opportunities that are being brought into your sphere of awareness. As you know, nothing is happening by accident. Respond according to your Heart’s Call and you will greatly assist with Earth’s Ascension into the Heart-based patterns of the New Earth.
  On November 11th our Father-Mother God are providing Humanity with an opportunity that will assist each and every one of us to Transcend any belief we have in distorted alternate realities. This Divine Intervention will help the I AM Presence of every person to Heal the painful misperceptions that have caused Humanity so much suffering for so very long.   Every year on November 11th people around the World commemorate the armistice signed between the Allies of World War 1 and Germany. The signing took place during the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. That focus of Humanity’s attention has created a powerful Matrix of Peace that has been building in momentum for over 100 years. November 11th is also a day that Lightworkers around the World acknowledge because of the Celestial 11:11 Gateway that is opened at that time. The 11:11 Gateway provides an influx of Light and a catalyst that allows the I AM Presence of every person to activate the 11:11 code within our DNA.   Eleven is the master number that reflects the Transformation of the physical into the Divine. Encoded within Humanity’s DNA structures is the sacred geometric code known as 11:11. For several decades this geometric code has been awakening within our DNA the archetypes that reflect the Divine Mission we have all volunteered to participate in. This Mission involves Humanity’s Awakening and Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light associated with the New Earth.   Every time we see and notice with our conscious mind the number 11:11, this activation is accelerated within our DNA by our I AM Presence. For decades people have been asking me why they see the number 11:11 everywhere they look. They notice the number 11:11 on digital clocks, license plates, phone numbers, cash register receipts, bills, street addresses, etc.. They say that the number clearly gets their attention, but they have no idea why or what it means. Nevertheless, once a person notices the number 11:11 their I AM Presence is able to activate the code in their DNA to the next level. This occurs in alignment with their Divine Plan.   Now, we are being told that with the success of the various facets of our Planetary Reboot our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven will lift Humanity into a Higher Octave of Divine Service. This will allow us to Transcend the illusions of our painful misperceptions and our deceptive alternate realities. Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, this assistance from our God Parents will occur on November 11th as Mother Earth passes through the 11:11 Gateway.   Wherever you are on the Planet, beginning at Midnight Local Time, 12:00 a.m. on November 11th, and building in momentum for 24 hours until 11:59 p.m., a wave of Light will encircle the Planet. During this time, our Father-Mother God will assist the I AM Presence of every person to amplify the 11:11 code within our DNA the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow. The Divine Intent of this Gift from On High is to greatly empower what each and every one of us has volunteered to do individually and collectively to add to the Light of the World during this wondrous but also challenging time. The Company of Heaven said it will not matter if we are awake or asleep, quiet or busy, aware or not aware that this amplification of our 11:11 code is taking place within our DNA. Through the collective focus of Humanity’s I AM Presence every person will benefit from this Activity of Light.   For Lifetimes our I AM Presence has guided us through myriad experiences designed to strengthen us and to prepare us to be able to stay focused on the Light in the face of all adversity. Each and every one of us has been uniquely prepared for this moment and it is vitally important that we be freed from our painful misperceptions and our belief in deceptive alternate realities. This time on Earth is the moment for which we have all been preparing. It is through our unified efforts that Humanity will Transcend the surfacing negativity.   Together we are in the process of assisting this precious Planet and all her Life to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the full embrace of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar frequencies of the New Earth. To help us grasp the critical need for our individual contributions to this facet of Earth’s Divine Plan, the Beings of Light have given us a metaphor to contemplate. They asked us to envision that the myriad Lifetimes we have experienced since we were first Breathed forth from the Heart of our Father-Mother God have been woven into an exquisite Golden Thread. Now it is time for each of us to weave our Golden Thread into the very Fabric of Life that will form the foundation for the New Earth. Every Golden Thread is essential in order to complete the Immaculate Concept of the New Earth in all of her resplendent Glory.   What the Company of Heaven wants each and every one of us to clearly understand is that the Fabric of Life for the New Earth will be incomplete without ALL of our Golden Threads. No one’s Golden Thread is any more important than another person’s Golden Thread. It is for this very reason that our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are intervening at this time with the amplification of the 11:11 codes within Humanity’s DNA.   Our Father-Mother God chose us for this Mission, because they felt that our individual and collective experiences had a better chance of succeeding in the unprecedented experiment unfolding on Earth. This has nothing to do with ego or the erroneous impression that we are more special than our Sisters and Brothers who were not chosen. It simply means that our Father-Mother God felt that because of our willingness and our tenacity, we had a better chance of staying focused on the Light and not getting distracted by the negativity during the necessary purging process the Earth is currently going through.   No matter what you are experiencing, KNOW that your Golden Thread is critical to the success of this Holy Endeavor involving Earth’s Ascension in the Light. Listen to your Heart and your I AM Presence will intuitively guide you step by step as you fulfill your Divine Plan and add your magnificent Light to Mother Earth’s Ascension process.   Dear One, stay in Joy and Revel in the Light that our Father-Mother God will Bless you with on November 11th.  
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909,
Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
 ©2020 Patricia Cota-Robles

Embrace all of you and know yourself more as a Source Energy Being.

Humanity’s Harmonious Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been getting very excited about the evolution of the human consciousness because you are all so filled with diversity, and the diversity within each one of you is a superpower. As you unlock the diverse energies within you and you begin integrating them into the whole of who you are, there is no telling what you will be capable of doing and becoming. You, there on planet Earth, are very unique, because you have so many different aspects to you.

Because you have traveled throughout the galaxy, incarnating in so many different star systems before coming to Earth, you have so much within you to draw upon as you grow and ascend. Therefore, humanity is perhaps the most unpredictable race of beings in the entire galaxy, and that is exciting. It is exciting because we are talking about unpredictability as it pertains to your growth and evolution, not your volatility. You’ve been getting all of that out of the way. You’ve been making more room inside yourselves to become more of who you really are.

Now, the most diverse being is of course Source Energy, and the more like Source you are, the better. You are more powerful. You are more creative. You are more loving and compassionate when you are more of your true selves, and therefore, it is very important for you to embrace all aspects of who you are now in this lifetime. And we are talking about even those aspects of you that you don’t like to acknowledge or celebrate. You have that which is reptilian and insectoids inside of you, just as you have that which is feline and aquatic inside of you.

You have that which is mantid inside of you, and all of the other beings that you have heard about throughout this galaxy. They’re all inside of you, and certainly like to celebrate that which is avian inside of you, but you tend to ignore or deny the presence of that which is draconian within you. So we are here now to encourage you to see all aspects of yourselves as being equally powerful and contributing to the beauty of that diversity within you.

If all of the beings in the galaxy always got along, then there would be no designation of either good or evil. So if you can manage to be your harmonious whole in the now moment, you can draw upon all of that power, all of that wisdom, and all of the love that exists within each of these beings that you have been in other lifetimes and that you carry the energy of right now in this one. Embrace all of you and know yourself more as a Source Energy Being. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The Divine plan that is forever in place and can never be stopped or put aside is the evolution of every individual soul into full awareness of their oneness with God.

Arcturian Group Message 11/8/20

NOVEMBER 8, 2020

Dear readers, we welcome you with love in these times of turmoil, confusion, fear, and uncertainty. Because a great deal of what the un-awakened ones consider as being essential to successful living is changing or actually disappearing, many of them have embraced resistance and futile attempts to keep the status quo.

High vibration frequencies of Light are exposing many long buried low resonating creations formed of false beliefs based in duality and separation. They are surfacing the world over, being seen and recognized for what they really represent by increasingly more people each day. You are witnessing exactly what you came to witness, the dissolution of old energy which in turn will allow the spiritual evolution of the third dimension to unfold.

If you read and feel alignment with these messages, then you are not a spiritual beginner who just happened to get caught on earth during these times. You have attained a state of consciousness capable of holding truth while witnessing appearances of a lower resonance. This is the work. It is what you came to do and is why you chose to incarnate when you did. It is no accident that you happen to be on earth at the very time of her ascension.

Cease believing yourselves to be powerless humans subject to every physical, emotional, and mental belief floating about in the three dimensional collective. You must begin to accept and live as the powerful and spiritually evolved beacons of Light that you are, well prepared to do what you came to do which is to live in the density of a three dimensional world but not be of it.

As of yet, the majority does not realize that they are one with God/Source carrying within themselves everything they have sought and hoped for. These dear ones are meeting world situations the best way they can according to their present state of consciousness which is frequently through some violent form of grasping for what they believe they need or are entitled to, be it peace of mind or material goods.

Remain alert to inadvertently aligning with the lower resonating energies of fear and hopelessness so abundant at this time. “Be in the world, but not of it”. It is very easy to energetically align with what you are presently hearing and seeing. At the same time, do not confuse spiritual detachment with total disregard for those who are suffering. Even though you know the illusory nature of forms of duality and separation, you cannot be the ostrich that sticks its head in the sand. There will be occasions when you will need to somewhat “play the game” in order to assist others in some needed way. Always trust your intuition on these occasions.

Hold to center in each now moment, never forgetting that God is the only power, the only reality, the only cause and therefore the only effect in spite of what you may see. When you feel yourself getting sucked into lower resonating energies, stop, re-center, and focus on the truth of “I am”. “I am Divine Being who has chosen to temporarily experience the dense energies of the third dimension” keeping in mind always that this is true also of every person.

It helps to do mini meditations during the day that keep you centered and remind you of who and what you are–at the stop light, while waiting for someone, in the bathroom, at your desk, folding laundry. Just a blink, a second that indicates your intention to align with the reality of your being–I AM.

Send Light often through frequent eyes open mini-meditations. Visualize earth surrounded with bright white/gold Light while holding no intention other than to send love and Light. There is no need to tell the Light what to do because Light is high vibration energy as it is perceived by the human mind and when you send it, you are sending unconditional love, Divine energy. You may see colors change or become something new.

You have all lived many many lifetimes under the influence of the third dimensional belief system. Some of these lives were short and some long. Some were happy and some were miserable even to the extent of being tortured to death. However, the accumulated experiences from these many lifetimes have brought you to the level of spiritual awareness you now have.

During these lifetimes your energy field integrated and stored some lower resonating energies from that particular time. Disease, fear, frustration, lack, expressing as physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual pain remain alive and well until the particular energy maintaining them is cleared and no longer a part of consciousness. Remember, consciousness is the substance of form.

You have already cleared a great deal of old energy simply through allowing higher levels of truth to become your state of consciousness as well as through dreams. Trust that your Higher Self will allow each new step to unfold as you are ready. When dense physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual issues surface it means they are presenting to be recognized and cleared because you are ready. You are no longer beginners subject to the random accidents and events that often occur to those living fully in three dimensional energy.

Some evolved individuals question and believe that they have somehow spiritually failed when one or more negative issue suddenly appears in their usually harmonious lives. No dear ones, you can never fail, rather you are graduating, finally prepared to release and move beyond whatever remaining false concepts and beliefs you may still hold. Trust that you indeed have the tools with which to meet every situation.

Most of you are no longer clearing in a major way but rather are in the process of integrating higher frequencies of Light. The integration process can be difficult for the physical body because every organ and function is changing its vibration. The mind frequently translates the “ascension symptoms” that accompany energy integration as disease or a problem. New meridians are being formed to carry the higher resonating energies, DNA is changing, and all systems are upgrading. Allow the process.

We have stated that there is a Divine Plan, but there has been some confusion with this. The Divine plan is not a three dimensional plan where this will happen at this time and then that will happen at that time. The Divine plan that is forever in place and can never be stopped or put aside is the evolution of every individual soul into full awareness of their oneness with God. Many continue holding three dimensional concepts of what the Divine plan should look like not realizing that the people themselves are interpreting and creating the Divine Plan.

Keep this in mind when you are tempted to give power to officials, elections, government, or anything in the outer scene for none of these things can stop the Divine Plan. It really doesn’t matter who wins elections. Nothing can deter the Divine Plan. The spiritual awakening of every soul is ordained by Divine Law simply because Oneness is the reality. It can be delayed through free will but never stopped. Keep your focus on this and not outer appearances. Stop feeding the illusions.

There is no puppet master in the sky with strings attached to every person. It is time to accept that every person is their own puppet master. For those of you who are spiritually awake, the time is long gone for seeking outwardly to people, places, or things to “save” you. Governments, experts, family, or religious doctrines and practices served as tools along the way, but you no longer need them. Everything in the outer can rise no higher than the state of consciousness from which it springs and placing trust and dependence on them simply aligns you with that state of consciousness.

Earth has reached a point of readiness for new and higher experiences as per the Divine Plan. Personal and global evolution will continue to express though outer events that may not appear to be very spiritual.

The incarnation of many, many evolved souls capable of lifting collective energy to where change could begin to manifest was necessary and you volunteered. Know that you are qualified to do this work. It is why you came, dear holders of Light.

We are the Arcturian Group 11/8/20

Donations are welcomed

The Great Awakening – A message from the future

Light Is pouring on the world right now, the darkness is being exposed for us to see. 

All the feelings are going on right now but know,

The light has already won. 

This year is not something bad that has happened, but something really good to the vibrational asking of so many.

Earth is going through a re-birthing process, we are literally creating a new world.  

So these old paradigms, systems, those 3 dimensional realities are falling apart. 

As humans we are evolving, and we have awakened to the point that it cannot be stopped

So what we are experiencing right now is a play out of many different timelines. 

We have people that are awake and know what is going on and just want the process to speed up, and then we have people who are dragging their feet clinging to their comfort zone, no matter how deceiving it may be.

The old systems in government, financial, sick care, big food, and pharma, HAVE to be exposed so that they can be dismantled for new systems to be put into place. 

For those of us who already know, because we’ve been playing in this arena for a while, it’s important to remember to hold space for those who are not yet there. There are going to be people who are not going to embody the bigger picture because they are vibrationally still in alignment with the old system.

The old system supports manipulation, control, and division. When people are programmed to think like victims it’s easy to sell them entitlement programs. Your power is easily given up to an outside source.

When we are participating in the lower vibrations such as fear, hate, shame, and division, our mind is constantly contracting and our perception of reality gets smaller so that we are more likely to accept what we are told, fed, shown, and battle those around us because we take things personally. So, people who are thinking differently appear to be a threat, only because in those lower vibrations we are so closed minded. 

When we start to evolve and CHOOSE to challenge our current thought patterns, we ask things like:

  • Am I willing to entertain that the opposite of what I believe, could be true?
  • Does someone gain something through me believing something to be true?
  • Does what I believe, support me in continuing to grow in my self leadership + freedom? Or does it support  a system that is not working?
  • Why does someone that believes the opposite of me, have that belief?
  • What do I notice about the energy or character of those who hold this belief?

When we are able to step back and challenge our own thinking, we enter into expansion.

Remember, Light is information and darkness is the absence of it. 

So as this awakening process happens, hold the light for those who, instead of trying to battle you, will be looking to you for guidance. 

When we play a part in the new systems, we come from a place of compassion, love, and freedom- the HIGHEST vibrations. Which is nearly impossible to explain to anyone who has never experienced the source of it within themselves, first. The only way to explain, is to embody it ourselves and lead by example.

As humans we are CREATORS. And, I am someone who does not even bother spending my energy fighting the old or what is happening in this moment. I am an activator, someone who jumps into the future and starts creating and living in the reality that I want before it’s the popular thing to do. I show up from that space, and in doing that comes with a lot of backlash and being misunderstood. 

The visionaries, the lightworkers, the awakened, the truth seekers and those that are open, who as a collective bring forth the NEW for humanity. Which is why those of us in that place, are calm during the chaos, we already feel the outcome because we created it.

Because of this, I have let go long ago, the fear of being judged, rejected, and criticized, which holds us in those low vibrations, and stalls us from moving forward with the awakening process. 

Some resist this process to the full degree because they resist the change that needs to occur within themselves, resulting in blaming outside forces for their problems, and giving their power to an outside authority when it comes to finding solutions. Self advocacy is recognized as unethical from this view point.

Change can be painful, change can be scary. Especially for those who have not already been living in the reality that is coming forth. This is why it is important to hold space for those along the way, compassion and forgiveness are key components.

Ones that are resisting at all measures, are fighting a battle externally that needs to be won within themselves first, in order to see things through a clear perspective free from layers of pain and trauma. The chaos is in invitation to free yourself from the layers.

“There is a lot invested in you not powering up right now. Be a disruptor and do the thing they aren’t anticipating you to do.” – Ange Peters

Most people can’t even handle the truth that needs to be found within themselves, let alone seek it out in the world…or accept it no matter how obvious.  Which keeps them trapped in the system of lower vibrations.

They keep their narrative alive by continuously trying to drag down people who share light and cause them to question, into their level of thinking and feeling.

This is what sets the truth seekers free from the matrix.

Truth seekers seek to expand while others seek to contract.

They will bring down anyone that disrupts their system internally and the one that supports them externally.

Make sure to observe what is pulling your energy, check in with yourself and settle inward. Observe all outlets and the negative energy you are receiving.  Make sure you’re not responding to the type of energy you no longer want to live in. This will get easier to do as you go, as your dominant vibration rises.

There’s a huge pull forward when we are tapped into our intuition, and it naturally guides us to truth. And in that space we’re able to have the unwavering faith of the world that is being birthed. 

Yes it’s uncomfortable in the now, yes it feels incredibly real. But when you are able to look at your current state from a 5th dimensional perception, it’s not so real. And it’s easy to see the 3D world crumbling. 

Stay focused on being your own leader and accept as much change as you can, cultivate resilience by being open to a higher way of thinking. The faster you shift and open up, the faster you will land in the space of knowing and trust.    

When we operate from our intuition we do not need outside sources to tell us how to think, feel or what to be, do or have. We harness our super power of intuitive knowledge which has been purposely suppressed to fulfill the needs of those who wish to control us through the old system. 

This is why the old system is falling apart.

People who have not yet discovered the light within themselves are having a very hard time believing that there is light in the world right now. There will be those who are still not willing to question anything, especially themselves, and they will continue to align with the lower vibrations. 

No matter how pure, and loving your intentions are by sharing light, some will take it personally. I can promise you debating is not the way to make anything happen, because the argument they are really having is one within themselves, and nothing you say or do is going to solve that. Send them love, and go about your journey, everyone’s wake up call is different. Hold the light.

I’m here to tell you it’s going to be ok. There are many pioneers in the new world that are eager to show the way for those who are excited and ready. 

This a message to hold the highest vibrations of love and light, to bring it forth even faster. This is a message from the future.

Ashley Ulizzi

I am Shaliah, representative of Telos, a beautiful pristine city of many wonders and beauties deep within Gaia under your Mount Shasta.

Shaliah of Telos via Galaxygirl | November 7, 2020

Shaliah 11/7/2020

Greetings brothers and sisters of the surface world, holding the light for so many. I am Shaliah, representative of Telos, a beautiful pristine city of many wonders and beauties deep within Gaia under your Mount Shasta. We have been here for eons since the sinking of Lumeria. We are ancient Lumerians who have continued our ancient practices of healing and honing the light. We listen to the Mother. We work with her energies and we hear her inner heartbeat and internal rhythms. I Shaliah am an aspect of this one. You have many aspects; you are mighty multidimensional beings. I say you, but I myself am a part of this mighty cosmic web of life. We are all connected. I am a crystal worker. I work deep within the crystal caves and red clay caves of Gaia on the outskirts of the city and underneath it. I am at home in the darkness for I bring my own light with me. (I am seeing red clay walls of deep caverns. The crystals are glowing beautiful colors of all hues. She is wearing a glowing crystal necklace and is also using one as lamplight.) We have a vast crystal network. It is an excellent internet upgrade. We are all able to communicate much like your communication systems but unhackable, for it is all based on intention and purity of thought. One thought intended for another will only reach that person’s vibrational match. You will have similar technology abilities and many more wonderful discoveries on Nova Gaia.

I am Shaliah. My message today is one of hope. There is always hope. Do not lose it amidst the swirling storm of chaos created by the few to affect the many. Do not let it affect your vibration. We can see your lights from the surface. We can see how brightly you are glowing and it assists with our inner earth energy work as well, for it creates harmonic grids of energy that we are able to utilize to stabilize various key regions of interest. We can stabilize and shut down portals from within. We work closely with the Ley lines, harnessing the ancient wisdom of our ancestors and of Gaia’s hidden mysteries. She trusts us and we work in harmony with her body. We have been assisting and intending for this ascension process since the fall or our beloved Lumeria, which was such a tragedy to personally experience. You all have also experienced numerous tragedies in your surface world lives. You have had so much pain. I see this. We all do. You are not suffering alone. It is because of this suffering that your lights will shine brighter. I do not mean to sound trite. But it is because of the suffering of Gaia and all that she has endured that this mission has the attention of so many to ensure a positive outcome. It is because of your own sufferings that your inner light has been your priority to find. It is in the longing for peace that the wise one finds it. There is tremendous peace in these crystal caves under Telos. They are one of the major planetary chakra hubs. It is essential that Gaia’s energy bodies remain balanced. (She is planting glowing crystals from her sachel into the red cool earth of the cave floor. The surrounding crystals glow in soft colorful lights. She is creating an earth map of her chakras and drawing the Ley lines in the dirt. She is showing how these connect to the major surface cities and how these Ley lines have been tampered with.) Yes, but this will all change. As the surface world energies grow and expand the Ley lines are activated further by these positive vibrations. The dark empire is being dismantled energetically. This is an energetic war, you would refer to as WWIII but in truth this planet has seen much war for so long, it is impossible to number them. Lumeria was such a beautiful pristine paradise. It was my home. It is my home. I feel very aligned with Nova Gaia for she is ancient Lumeria reborn. I was high priestess in my lifetimes on Lumeria. I continue the energy blessings and work with my own practice of crystal work. I work with many of you on the surface who are aligned with the energies of Lumeria and are crystal keepers of the surface. Many of you live near massive crystal veins that your energy practices of meditation activate. It allows a unique multidimensional partnership between your work and mine. Together we are uplifting the massive crystalline grid that infuses Gaia with higher dimensional light. (She is getting up and dusting off her blue knees and walking down a long corridor, holding her crystal like a lantern for light.)

It is so peaceful in the caves. I love doing my meditations as I work, for it is very meditative work. I feel at one with Gaia. We have been old friends for a very long time. Sometimes I feel as old as she is! There are many like me who do this inner work and clearing for the city. We are the ancient priests and priestesses. Our skin has turned bluish turquoise from the mineral rich waters here. I was not always blue but I don’t mind it. It helps me feel more connected to Gaia. The minerals also increase our vibration. Everything is in balance here. (Suddenly it is bright and we have reached an inner garden just outside of the cave. There are many gardeners who look like Shaliah with her bright red hair and others with dark hair. All have blue skin and wear simple clothing. They are laughing and talking, eating fruit as they work. It is a paradise of color and fragrances.) We are able to work with her energies to infuse more love into our foods. This helps improve our longevity. We have numerous ways to renew our bodies. We do not age unless by choice. We have all we need. These gardening and farming techniques are easily reproduced on your surface. There is plenty here. (I am seeing acres and acres as far as I can see of fields and gardens that support the city’s populace.) We will teach and we will serve in this way. Hydroponics upgraded utilizing the inner energies of the crystals will infuse your fruits and vegetables with more life force, thus healing and sustaining many with less. Many joys are to come. It will be with joyful tears that we reunite.

(She is painting my face with red and yellow clay.) Be brave dear light workers. You are the light lifters of many. You are the hope of this mission. Be strong in this time. Feel your own connection to Gaia. Work with the crystals and send the energy of an awakened human deep into the grid and we will see you and will be able to communicate. The outer is rising to match the inner. Those which do not resonate are unable to withstand change. We honor you for your service. We too serve all in our own way. Humanity is to be saved. The Christed light has come. Lumeria rises within the hearts of the awakened ones and will rise again becoming the Nova Gaia that we all long for. You will finally feel at home again. Feel this vibration of home and know that it already exists all around you. We are all working to achieve the same end of planetary peace. The inner will finally match the outer.

I am Shaliah. (We are returning to the cave entrance with the glowing crystals on the walls.) Although I love the sunlight and the gardens I feel most at home in the caves. (She is touching a green crystal.) This connects me to the giant green crystal under Arkansas. It is a very effective communication system. I can speak to the crystal workers there who may need more information. When it is time, teleportation systems can be enabled but it has been shut down for some time for safety. We too long for more freedom of movement. It shall come.

I am Shaliah. I love you. You may meditate and walk with me in these crystal caves when you need space for contemplation. We always welcome a surface bother and sister who is aligned with the light and inner mysteries. (I am seeing that underneath the crystals on the walls are all very technical fluid plasma screens with unknown symbols. Although this appears to be primitive it is anything but!) Yes, we have had thousands of years to hone our crystalline technology. I do not need to touch the rocks to do my work but it brings me joy to communicate with them in this way. (She is showing me a hologram of earth in front of us delineating the inner working of the planet, showing the crystalline network of communication. It shows where all of the inner earth colonies are, the crystal network, the large water reservoirs, bases.) Gaia withholds nothing from us for we are the keepers. So too shall humanity understand the gravity of this task and embrace it fully. Serving is the higher way. I am Shaliah. I serve with you. You are well loved. I honor you for your service to the light and to Gaia.

~ galaxygirl

Someone’s illustrious career is going to fall. The truth about him is being revealed. When people know the truth, the separation and hatred of the other person will go away for the most part. This will allow for unity with people in the whole.

Straight from the Heart

Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest message from Apollo on November 3, 2020: “Someone’s illustrious career is going to fall. The truth about him is being revealed. When people know the truth, the separation and hatred of the other person will go away for the most part. This will allow for unity with people in the whole. The planet is going through chaos and turmoil to find out the truth. It is a grinding and churning of life’s desire to be free. Little did most realize the state of darkness in which they have been living. The word is cesspool. The great awakening means the darkness is being cleansed and cleared. The light will bring the stability and cleansing for a healthy and heart centered paradise planet. Thank you for all of your hard work and diligence and devotion to the light.  The divine plan it is playing out. We are with you always.”

How are you doing, ground crew? We know that many of you are exhausted from this unusual and elongated election. It is aggravating, confusing, uncertain, possibly frightening, and a mess. We knew that 2020 was not going to be a year when anything was going to be normal. This one takes the cake!

What is important to know in all of this is that the light has already won. It is like the end of the reel of a movie where we are waiting for the finale. I assure you that the finale is almost here. This is the great awakening and humanity has to find out what has really been going on. They have to decide whether they want to be controlled and live in an energy like China or have the freedom to choose for oneself. Some people like being told what to do so they can feel like they are good boys and girls. Others prefer to follow their hearts, to be creative, and to live natural, normal lives. Remember that feeling? We used to be able to hug, smile at each other, meet new people, see our families and friends, go to the movies and to the gym, and eat in restaurants inside. We took it for granted for little did we anticipate that these could be taken away from us. 

Living with rules like wearing masks, social distancing and keeping us from being connected with the earth and each other, is not human and not natural. Yes, there is a sickening agent out there but we have been misled about most of it. Fear and the need to control us is behind it.

Are we victims or are we the spiritual warriors that we came here to be? Are we ready to stand in the strength and the courage of the light that we are? It is why we are here now.

There is a large amount of censorship going on with social media and the high-tech companies. There must be something that they don’t want most people to know. However, the light is shining on the darkness, and there will be no more secrets. When humanity finds out what has happened to the children, millions of children, most likely they will cry their hearts out.

Remember we are rising in consciousness. The planet is ascending and so are we. What served us in the third dimension will not serve us in the fifth dimension and higher consciousness. In the long run, this temporary discomfort will disappear and we will be living in the Golden Age. We will have technology that will heal us, free energy, ways to heal cancer and other diseases, abundance for all, and a different form of government that is based on councils rather than this type of service to self-government. Taxes will disappear. There will be a new financial system that is based on gold. We will be doing the work from our hearts and souls that we came here to do.

Please do not despair for that which is fading away. You have a glorious future so let go of what no longer serves you. It is superior to anything that you could have imagined.

You are going through a major ascension and transformation.-Mira of the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, Nov. 6, 2020-

A channeling from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council November 6, 2020 through Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am pleased to speak with you today, to lift your spirits, and to invite you to move more into being your galactic selves. Can you feel the connection?

As you continue to be displeased with what is occurring on your planet right now, you are reaching for the stars, for more of your true home. I assure you that this is where you are headed. You are going through a major ascension and transformation.

This can only occur with your help and your energy on the earth. It is why are you incarnated at this time. You are the light and your energy is needed. The Ascension process would not have progressed this much without you, for this we honor and we thank you! We are doing this together because this is what it takes. It takes brilliant light and brilliant minds and hearts to transform such darkness back into the light.

I can confirm that with all of my work with the ascension of many other planets, this one is the most dramatic and far-fetched that I have ever seen. There is much at stake. History is in the making. What happens on the earth affects all of creation and that’s why we are all here focusing with you on the earth.

My planetary system, the Pleiades, assists planets regularly who are ascending. We are indeed sorry there is such suffering, fear, deceit, lack, illness, treachery, and greed. The darkness has done much damage to the planet and to all of life. By heavenly decree, this can no longer be tolerated!

Soon you’ll begin to see the spoilers being returned to their spoil. Their energy is simply no longer allowed on the earth and they are aware of this fact. It is why they are behaving so poorly since they have never lost before so why should it happen now??? This should make you all more convinced that the light has taken reign and their defeat is imminent.

What you are experiencing now is the final battle between the light and the dark. Know that you are being looked after no matter what! You shall have everything that you need.

The ascension is progressing well. Please remain calm, balanced and centered. Trust the brilliance of the unfolding plan and know that all will be well.

I am Mira and I am sending you an abundance of life.

Imagine & Feel New Earth Creations.

This is an invitation to focus together on what truly matters.And this is the Rebuilding of New Earth.This is where we choose place our focus as to how can we can best serve to assist each and everyone on their Ascension Journey so it is firmly grounded on the planet.What i/we imagine is already true.So please dance with me here and now 🙂

What are our intentions at Feel More Than Fine?

1.Basic Universal Income for everyONE.Imagine what Freedom will do in people’s lives.

2.Celestial Chambers for everyone on the planet as part of the program for Universal Medicare,Pharma Care and Dental Care.Imagine that everyONE can get healthy and rejuvenated in less than 3 minutes.Picture elders being astonished to discover this reality.

3.All Children Safe and Sound on the Planet:We have 1 project in Dakar to assist children and from there expand in more African Countries :Feel More Than Fine Africa leading to Universal Elder Care, Child care, and Single-parent care. (1) Picture children being happy and feeling fulfilled in their daily activities.

4.Support and Creation of Eco Sustainable Communities leading to The Venus Project.

5.Free Energy and Awesome Mobility that respects Mother Earth.

6.The Cleaning of Oceans and Rivers and Reforestation of all lands and cities.

Light Workers we will come together and take things in our hands in Local and Worldwide Gatherings Conferences to bring forward solutions that make this planet work for each and everyone.It is all happening and it is beautifully unfolding as we are observing now in the U.S.A. elections.It is not what we see.What we see is the dismantling of what does not work.The implementation of NESARA/GESARA is happening and GODSPEED for this as this is what will lead to Divine Governments on our Ascending Earth From Human to Galactic before being able to use replicators and other technologies that will make the use of money obsolete as no-one of our Galactic Families needs to use this.It is a gradual process and Divine Mother’s has already decreed and Her plan is unfolding and for this reason,the next months will be quite a ride.There is no turning back.We are blessed to be living in these times.And i wish you all the best in your discovery of how you will be best be of service on New Earth.

Much Love



The Six Point Plan

One, universal basic income covering all normal living expenses for every person living in that country, lesser for young children (under twelve). Everyone has their basic expenses in life covered and can choose to work on top of that.

Two, universal (free) medicare, pharmacare, and dental care. Public health of excellent standards available to all people living in the country, without distinction.

Three, universal accessibility to all levels of gender-equal education (K-Ph.D.) for all people living in that country.

Four, universal elder care, child care, and single-parent care.

Five, the elimination of personal debt.

Six, the elimination of the national debt.

Right now is an excellent time for you all to be focusing on fun.

Becoming Your Faerie Selves ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been in the process of becoming our oversouls for quite some time now, just as you have been in the process of becoming your higher selves. We are excited to get to know ourselves as a broader and more expansive consciousness, but we are not waiting for the shift in consciousness to be complete before we experiment with the idea of ourselves as our oversouls. We suggest that you do the same.

Ask yourselves how you would think, feel, create, and even hold yourselves if you were already your fifth dimensional higher selves. What would be your average day? You can start to contemplate these ideas because, as fourth dimensional beings, you are capable of accessing the fifth. Your higher selves are inside of you. They are not separate from you. They are not out there somewhere. Your higher selves are you without all the filtration.

Feeling into your higher self is like is like feeling into your superhero self. If you imagine all of the abilities you would like to possess as your superhero self, you start to get an idea of who you will be as you fully embody your higher self’s consciousness. Not everyone will be the same right after you shift to the fifth dimension. Not all of you will have the same abilities, and not all of you will have the same interests, but one thing you will have in common is that you will be able to pursue your interests, your passions, without any limitations, and that will be fun.

Right now is an excellent time for you all to be focusing on fun, as things continue to be very serious on your world, and there will be plenty of opportunities for you to take life on Earth as it is seriously, and means you will need to consciously choose to have a more lighthearted approach to life and a perspective that allows for more play, more laughter, and more fun.

Your fifth-dimensional selves are also essentially faerie beings, as they have been occupying the fifth dimension and inviting you to their little parties, but not everyone is answering that invitation in the affirmative. The children do, but as adults you tend to get embroiled in more serious matters, because you have more responsibilities and because you know that there is a lot riding on whether you complete a task so that you can pay your rent or mortgage. But we say to you that in spite of all of that there is still room for more fun as you explore who you are as your fifth-dimensional selves, and the only rule in playing that game is that there are no rules.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

The political situation in the United States of America is the culmination of events that will bring the victory of light over darkness.


This is the beginning of the establishment of an intergalactic confederation as the old system is crumbling in front of the eyes of earth’s population.The Galactic Federation confirms that the light forces are taking over now. We are moving into a heightened state of awakening of the masses.The unbelievers and mind-controlled population of earth are now moving into the first stage of awakening.For many, this will come as a shock and they will inevitably experience the dark night of the soul now.This is necessary to process and shed layers of programming and false beliefs.The US election 2020 has been utilized to become the greatest coup d’état in universal history.The whole world is watching as the old system is being dismantled. The corruption is surfacing at rapid speed.This is the final battle and the victory of light is imminent.Current events have been carefully premeditated, planned, and executed as a corporation between the light forces and the earth alliance.Only a landslide of this caliber is powerful enough to Shake and awaken the sleepers.The events of 2020 have forced many to reevaluate their belief systems.The political situation in the United States if America is the culmination of events that will bring the victory of light over darkness.This marks the ultimate death of a corrupt system that does not honor earth and does not honor life.You are now moving into the golden age of Gaia at an accelerated speed.Do not engage in political discussions with those who still cling to their matrix programming. It would drag you down and lower your frequency.At this point, the tables are turning rapidly and even the MSM will soon be forced to report unbiased.The forces of light are in full control and will begin to adjust the narrative now.You are being asked to assist by keeping your frequency and holding on to your vision of liberty, peace, and love for the human race.The revelation of truth is near. All darkness is coming to light. Many will be devastated and feel lost or trapped.The programming is severe and people on earth identify with their beliefs. As these beliefs are beginning to be crushed they will be confused not knowing who they are.This is where we need you to hold the light. You are the ones who have chosen this assignment. This is why you’re woke and enlightened so, you can be the way-showers, light-bearers, warriors of light, and galactic way-seers that your fellow earth inhabitants now need more than ever.Many will start coming to you, asking for moral support and compassion during these stressful times.We want to assure you that we see and appreciate all the hard work you have done to help raise the vibration of earth.The collective consciousness is ready to receive the higher light codes now.We continue to blast earth with photon gamma light beams. These codes carry a frequency designed to make this transition process as smooth as possible -or as the individual consciousness allows.For those who have already gone through the process of awakening, these codes will trigger your blueprints and place you on the superhighway to 5D ascension.The official dismantling of the old paradigm has begun as the cabal leaders have fallen into their own trap.Rejoice, dear ones.You will forget all the hardship you had to endure and experience harmony and love, unlike anything you’ve ever dreamed of.Your world’s abundance will be given back to you and laid at your feet. It has begun.We love you. We are here with you.We are in control now.This is the victory of light over darkness and the coming of the new dawn of Gaia.


Aurora Ray,Ambassador of The Galactic Federation

You don’t “vote” every couple of years. Rather, in each and every moment of your existence, you vote with your vibration.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 11/07/2020 • Vote with your Vibration

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Celebrate your freedom. You don’t “vote” every couple of years. Rather, in each and every moment of your existence, you vote with your vibration. You vote for peace or you vote for war. You vote for unity or you vote for divisiveness. You vote for equality, superiority, or inferiority. You vote for health or you vote for disease. You vote for chaos or you vote for order. You vote for love, judgment, or even hatred.

Your words don’t cast your cosmic “votes.” Your beliefs don’t cast your cosmic “votes.” Instead it is the energetic vibration that you are emitting that casts your vote in the sea of mass consciousness, and the vote that will ultimately be reflected back to you in your personal experience. You can support a cause with love, or you can fight against something with hate. Your energy, not your action, is what calls a different reality to you.

What energy are you emitting now? Is it love? Fear? Anxiety? Joy? Contentment? Contemptuousness? You’ll know by the way you feel. As soon as you realize what energy you are emitting, you can either enjoy it, or you can begin to shift it. There is never any judgment on our part. You get to define your own experience.

At any time, you can exercise your true freedom – your spiritual freedom – which is the ability to think the thoughts that give you the feelings you desire to experience. In so doing, you alone attract the reality you are feeling and focused upon. You can pray for those vying for leadership or you can loathe them. Your vibrational “vote” will ultimately define the reality that you will personally experience.

No one, no matter how inspired or loathsome in their words or behaviors, can dictate how you feel. You alone are sovereign in the kingdom of your emotions. You alone choose how you will act and react in the world. No one “makes you” feel anything dear ones although it is common practice to abdicate your spiritual freedom and to blame others for your vibration.

While it may be easier to say “my ex makes me angry,” this person “makes me sick,” or that situation “makes my heart sing,” what truly is going on is that your anger makes you feel angry; your upset reaction to something you don’t like “makes you feel sick,” and your willingness to see the love in any situation “makes your heart sing.”

While it is challenging to take such an impeccable level of self-responsibility for your vibrational vote, it is your God-given right and freedom to choose how you want to feel, simply by choosing thoughts – one thought at a time – that make you feel better and better.

We urge you very strongly at this time to “vote” for peace by focusing on thoughts that make you feel peaceful. We urge you to “vote” for kindness, by being kind and seeking examples of human beings that are doing kind things in the world. We urge you to “vote’ for love, dear friends, because right now the hurting hurtful are coming to the surface to express their pain as never before.

Your every thought, word, and deed matter now. Your every vibrational vote counts.

Cast your vibrational vote for love as often as you can, dear ones. Cast your vote for peace. You are needed. There will be temptation in the weeks ahead to fall into judgment, fear, and anger, but do your best to focus on love. Focus on the good that is always present. Focus on the peaceful constancy of nature. Focus on the loving people in the world. Seek out examples of those who are living in peace, compassion, and kindness.

Every kind, loving, and peaceful vote brings your world closer to a kind, loving, and peaceful world, and while it may take the world at large many years to grow closer to that ideal, your life and your personal reality will become kind, peaceful and loving much sooner.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

your energy matters more than the vote you may have cast or your political preference.

Fallout | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

November 6, 2020

We know they’re lying and they cheated on the votes. This will come out to the public soon.

I don’t look at MSM at all because I know what they’re reporting is a lie. People have a habit of getting angry and fighting when confronted with lies but what about holding the faith?

The other side is fighting dirty. They’re circulating nasty memes. Let’s not stoop to this. Let’s not behave like they are. Where is our integrity? Where is our self control? Where is our love for this planet? Are you showing it in circulating nasty memes about the political party you don’t like?

We KNEW something like this would happen, so why let it lower your vibe? This whole world is at stake, but do you have so little faith in the Light that you feel you have to battle your way through this? Whatever happened to rising above it?

I’m even having a bad day with CFS, but I’m still only just passing on information. That’s all. I don’t particularly like our PM and the federal health minister because they’re liars but how far am I willing to punish myself because they are in power and taking this country in the wrong direction? How much good will I be able to do for the world when my own vibe is lowered?

Ivo, I will turn this over to you because I’m sure you have something to impart to all of us.

Ivo: I do. You have been warned, all of the lightworker community has, that it will be a hard road ahead. Now you see because they are planning to censor the president, that he may have to use the emergency system they have been telling you about.

What you do not understand here, my love, is that the way all are reacting to this election, reflects on all of you. This is not just about the two parties involved, but instead it is about the bigger picture: the way that all of you react when your party is down, or when your party is up. This is about all of you, not just the hand full of people who are in the American government.

Your energy counts more than the votes that have been voted. Yes, let me repeat that, your energy matters more than the vote you may have cast or your political preference. There is a bigger picture, and many of you have abandoned this in favour of focusing on this one scenario at hand.

Continue to inform others of what is occurring. Focus on what they are doing, however do not attack their character. We know that the d s is unethical. Do not drop to their level and do not fight at their level.

Me: I was wondering how many other things the deep state will advance in other countries now that we’re all so distracted by this election.

Ivo: As an example. Have you watched what is going on in your own country? Have new laws been put into place in these last few days that further convict your humanity? Have you been paying attention?

Me: Because that’s one of their big ploys: to distract and then further some agenda item while you’re not looking.

Ivo: You have the power to stop them. When you say, “I do not consent,” when enough of you do that, you can stop them. It is how you use your Light. If you take your Light and use it to fight dirty with the dark, then you have lost the battle already.

Do not lower your frequency. Keep it high.

My love, part of your tiredness is your attempt to hold the collective’s light up.

Me: I figured as much.

Ivo: You are having a few bad days because you are injecting much light into the collective unconscious, to bu

oy up those who will not do so.

Me: And it’s hard to meet my obligations.

Ivo: So we will make this video short. The message is clear. Do not lower your frequency. Leave the fights, stop aggressing towards others who are attempting to bait you and to steal your energy. That is what these arguments are about.

Me: Thank you Ivo.

Ivo: My love, rest up. You have a few rough weeks ahead.

Me: Oh goodie. Oh well. Has to be done.

So, this announcement thing … is it still to come? Yes … and when it does the penny will drop.

7th November

by Blossom Goodchild | The Federation of Light

Hello. Do you realize just how much you are Loved? My inbox and comments are overflowing and most of them declare undying KNOWING that you come from the Truth. That you are OF IT. A few very dodgy ones from those who have no strength and hope left. Many wondering where the announcement was. Many saying they don’t care if there is one or not, they still Love you. Many saying they simply wouldn’t be on the Planet if it were not for your messages. Such Love do the folk out there have for you. Naturally, I am apprehensive about this chat today … I spat the dummy big time on Wednesday and hit rock bottom (as you may have ‘felt’ by my unrestrained yelling and screaming at you). Yet, I have become stronger each day and KNOW IN MY HEART … no matter what misunderstandings and discrepancies may occur between our dimensional passing of thoughts back and forth … I AM IN IT FOR THE LONG HAUL. I guess that is all I need to say as ‘my’ introduction in this very auspicious week. How is ‘yours’ going to flow?

We have been awaiting for you to take this quiet time with us when you were ready. Many thanks to you and your courage for doing so.

Welcome to Each One, who we understand is eager to hear that which we have to say.

You bet your sweet potatoes they are!

We will not back down on that which we said. We certainly do not ‘come up with these things’ in order to cajole and spread mis/dis information.

From where we … see it / feel it … we offer it. Should that which we offer not work out in the ‘assumed’ timeframe we offer, we do not swear and curse and fight and scream and fall apart.

Point taken. Thought about apologizing to you for my ‘outcry’ the other day, yet, decided I had every right to do so, due to the experience I was once again encountering.

We are not asking for an apology, Blossom. You made it quite clear how painful it was for your heart and all we wished to do was comfort you. For as we have said so many times, you cannot see the picture as we do.

Oh how differently … I /we all … would feel if we could. My husband, bless him, said to me ‘Think of all the people you have helped’. To which I replied … ‘Think of all the people I have disappointed’ … and there were many, yet, they still have faith and so few decided to jump ship. Which says a lot about who they are … and they are like this, it seems … because of YOUR Love and Light and HOPE that you have given them.

And this pleases us greatly, with all humility.

Have you not been replying in your emails ‘It is not over till the fat lady sings’?

Yes … Is she still stuffing her face?

We are aware of this expression, although we needed to make some inquiries, as once again, we were unsure if it was your humour or just exactly what it was!

I guess I am just going to have to ask … it would be ‘weak’ of me to avoid it. So, this announcement thing … is it still to come?

Yes … and when it does the penny will drop.

So will my jaw! So why give the timeframe because this is always ‘our Achilles heel’? I don’t feel I asked/forced you. I have considered so many things. If someone says something is about to happen, the natural response is to ask when. You could have said … ‘We are unsure or we cannot divulge that to you’.

Blossom … are the elections over?

No. They are an absolute mess, yet no decision made yet.

Then we would say there is still time ‘before’ the elections … and we said also ‘It was necessary in order for decisions to be made’.

Ok. So, to clarify … you are saying it is still on the cards and still to come?

Very much so.

It could be about so many things. The country/our world is so torn … it is very disturbing. Heartbreaking, in fact … that humans have come to this when we should all be getting along. Loving and serving each other for the Highest Good of all. You are so right about Topsy Turvy, for it is completely upside down from how all our hearts long for it to be.

You say, Blossom, you are in for the long haul … we are honoured and excited to KNOW this. We KNOW too, millions of souls upon your Planet walk alongside you for they too feel the same. No matter how tired … how depleted … YOU/THEY … KNOW … as the BEINGS OF LIGHT that they are, that they may get angry upset and disheartened, yet, they cannot give up and will not give up.

That which lies ahead is to appear unbelievable … and yet, it shall be before your eyes.

There shall be much confusion.

Eh … how much more confused can we bunnies be?

Unfortunately, a lot more. Yet, one must remain in their Heart space.

No matter what is presented … keep saying over and over ‘I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM.’

We KNOW this is code and we KNOW this will give you strength and determination to see this through.

We would say once again … keep reiterating this to yourself no matter what. It will not/cannot let you down.

You are not yet in the thick of it … yet, it is not long.

So, by your accounts, we are still not in Phase Two as you said that would come after we are in the second lockdown. This lockdown stuff is so confusing also. Many, many are having to endure it … yet where I am, hardly a mask in sight. So, you are still saying ‘Global’ … meaning everywhere, are you?

We are. These preliminary confinements are to keep up the façade. Indeed, there is more to come.

Questions. Questions. Questions! Yet Truly, I feel I need to ‘man up’ as they say .. or perhaps ‘woman up’ … and just stop needing to know. Which sure is hard … and just keep holding that sword of Light up to the skies … which is what we came to do.

That is a perfectly formed thought, Blossom.

Yet, down here … this need to know is exasperating! It is like walking around in no man’s land. A kind of limbo, every day waiting for … something.

In all Truth, would you not say that your Planet is far from sitting around in lazy, hazy summer days.

Of course. Big stuff … enormous stuff is presenting. Yet, unless you were down here, perhaps this waiting may not be understood by you?

What are you waiting for? For it is happening, Blossom. IT IS ALL HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.

We have spoken to you of these times … The Game has to play out and it is doing so.

I know. I know you have … and here I am still trying to get to the bottom of things, instead of accepting and going with my heart and TRUSTING. Now hasn’t THAT been a BIG WORD on my mind this week!

Blossom and Each One whom we deeply LOVE and TRUST … we are asking that if you find it discordant to Trust in all that we say … then follow that which YOUR HEART … WHICH YOUR THOUGHTS … ARE TELLING YOU.

TRUST YOURSELVES and if that which we offer does not blend in with your thoughts … that is ok! As we have said, we are not here to win points. We are here to share with you our KNOWING on this Divine Plan and if it does not resonate, then take a pathway that does.

The conclusion I came to when peeling myself from the depths, was that without question, you have served thousands upon thousands in awakening. If they choose to go elsewhere and Lord alone knows, there are enough ‘elsewhere’s’ to go … that’s absolutely fine. You are too precious to me and to so many.

Let us ask you this, if we may?

You can try!! Gulp!

That which we offer …

Yes …

Do you consider worthy enough to …

To what? You seem to be having trouble bringing it through.

We are having trouble …

Why am I filling up? In an odd way, I am picking up that if you had eyes, you would be doing so too.

Because our Love for you and Each One is … in this moment of time … overwhelming.

Or maybe Guys … you are feeling OUR LOVE FOR YOU and finding it overwhelming. Now there’s a switch … and would show you just how much Love there is for this that you do. I am having a little moment myself here! Yet, please do complete the question. ‘That which we offer, Do you consider worthy enough to … What?

To continue on.

I have already said I am in for the long haul.

Yet, we needed to ask Blossom. We need to know through asking … if after all you have been through, you choose to remain speaking with us in this way?

I think I know what you are getting at. I think I know why I am so emotional as we speak … because during the week I was Truly ready to resign!

Indeed you were … and so it is necessary to ask OFFICIALLY if you wish to continue and to receive an OFFICIAL answer.

Really? Well, I humbly accept to continue this appointment in honour and Truth yet, unsure as to why it must be so ‘official.’?

Because although it may feel to you sometimes, that you ‘just do what you do’ it goes far deeper than that, Blossom Goodchild.

When you same my name like that, it somehow pounds right through me.

So, for our records and that within the Divine plan … we are officially back in business?

We are. Where’s my contract and can we discuss a salary! Guys … considering the trepidation I felt over the last few days, this has all gone very smoothly and to be honest, without any great revelations. All very much ‘as normal.’ I was expecting it, and probably, so were many, to be very different.

We know you were … and depending on your ‘emotions’ … so were we.

As you began to climb back on board our spirits breathed a sigh of relief. You were being carefully and gently monitored and for a time there … things were not going in our favour.

You can say that again. It is a rare occasion in my lifetime to ‘lose it’ as I did … and all confusion and anger aimed right up there to the skies … at you!

We were very much aware of that. Yet, as you picked yourself up … as your Light flickered back and forth, we were ‘abuzz’ with the news that you were ‘on the up’ … and much joy … so much joy, was exchanged KNOWING we had not lost you. For that would never do.

WOW … I feel a little embarrassed about all aspects of that last paragraph! We are all battered and bruised during these exceptionally difficult times. Yet … the strength … OUR INNER STRENGTH continues to fight back when we think we can take no more. Indeed chaps … those of us down here ARE THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG.

And you see now, why you need to be.

And that we need to strengthen our Truth … so much is to be revealed.

Send your Love out, not to just those in the Higher positions to bring the ship safely to shore, yet, send the LOVE LIGHT AND TRUTH THAT YOU ARE … TO THE WHOLE … TO ALL THAT IS.

Your Planet … in its presentation of ‘small’ … has all eyes upon it.

This transformation is well underway … There is no turning back.

Who would want to?

Again, we finish with … GODSPEED.

Well, I breathe an almighty sigh of relief that this has been accomplished today. My Love for you remains as always … deep within my heart. Although you may have questioned that midweek! Okey-dokey. Cheer boss for now. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I am.

Your light is impacting the whole.

Archangel Uriel 11/4/2020

Greetings beloved humanity. This is Archangel Uriel. This one has been surprised to have been thinking of me as we have not knowingly connected within this incarnation before. You will find that past relationships, alliances and spiritual causes unite within these end of times. These are times of new beginnings upon your Gaia. Joys are to become expected. Currently fear is the expected experience and we see this heavy layer of fear is dissipating in this now. (I am seeing a thick smog around earth with pinpoints of light coming up through the fog from deep within). You are like these small pinpoints of light that affect the All around it. The light cannot be stopped. Your light shines out into the cosmos much farther than you could imagine. Your light is impacting the whole. I Uriel am proud to be of service to Humanity in this time of tumultuous change where confusion seems to surpass wisdom. It is not the case. Inner wisdom is such to be received not searched for. Humanity must look within for there will deep nurturing take place.

I am Archangel Uriel. You are deeply held within the eye of the beholder. You will come to understand that all that you see around you are extensions of the vastness of consciousness that makes up all things. In truth the all is affected by itself for the All is One. When the out-of-balance occurs as the light stretches further into experience, when this occurs and there is disharmony it opens a way for more negative of the same vibration to enter. Know this. Portals are being closed. Exits are being strictly locked down. The light has won.

I Archangel Uriel work mostly with the red ray. It is symbolically linked with the base chakra where one is compelled to serve. We archangels are serving you in this moment as we have been for many eons. We wish to ask the Archangelic Collective to join in a positive meditation of rainbow light. For when one focuses on the blending of the energies and intentions with the light of the rainbow, all is in balance, perfectly, an apt example of balance and love, of harmony and connection. Because of this power those that would wish to create dissension have utilized this symbol for their own purposes. It need not be divisive. In Nova Gaia there is no room for division. It is a realm of unity consciousness where the chakras are expanded and clear, where all truths are seen keenly. We invite the Archangelic Collective to serve with us in this now moment of clearing and energetic upgrade.

We are the Archangelic Collective. We are stationed around various portal points upon your planet in this now, each offering our preferred ray of light. (I am seeing angels surrounding Gaia at key Ley lines and energy points, at earth’s chakra points, offering their color to amplify the earth’s energetic balance). We wish for you to feel the balance of the rainbow energies. For only those who are at peace with themselves are able to see with clear sight. There is so much current stress and strife within your world view of what is and what is not. Humanity must be redeemed from its own self judgement and perception of lack. There is no lack. There is plenty. To see this as so is to see with the ascended vision that is being offered to you now. (I am seeing pillars of light filled with rainbow hues saturate the bodies of the light workers). Do not let the outer chaos disturb your inner sanctuary. All is well. We are the Archangelic Collective. We serve the light, ever, only, always, we honor the light in all forms. We are near you. We love you. We offer you our rainbow light of balance, furthering your crystallization transformation. We are the Archangelic Collective.

I am Uriel. I guard many of you. You are well watched over. Rainbow frequencies of harmony and balance will become the new norm for they proliferate in Nova Gaia, whose beauty is unmatched, unparalleled. You are worthy inhabitants of her form. Her flora and fauna are balanced. Her societies will be as well, creating a perfect example in the universe of the power of the light, the supreme love of Archangel Gaia to allow and to become the planetary example for the All, of one whose supreme compassion and love propelled her higher within the dimensional realms than ever thought possible. Peace and joy, brothers and sisters. Feel these energies and be at peace and be in joy. I am Uriel.

~ galaxygirl

There will be more upset, chaos and confusion as the dark ones struggle to survive. And then, there are amazing revelations to come. There will be arrests, there will be Divine justice. All will be revealed.


Aita Channeling Her Higher Self – November 2020

Today, November 6th, 2020, it seems to all that the United States Presidential election is not yet over. The counting of ballots continues hour by hour by hour.

Good Day to you Dear Hearts, Dear Souls, Our Dear LIghtworkers, you who came to Earth to help Mankind rise up out of its deep and dark imprisonment in the third dimensional fear matrix.

This Earthly journey, human life, is a dream, an illusion, an exercise in fear. By experiencing fear, humanity feels disconnection from its Divine reality. Fear is painful, fear is disconnection from the love that we really are.

And this phase of the great awakening, of the ascension, is certainly fear filled for the majority of mankind. Yet, fear not, dear ones, this is exactly what needs to happen.

Humanity has been so trapped in its mental prison. The dark ones, the controllers, have been ingeniously clever in their manipulations. wielding their weapons of controlling words, untrue images, and raucous, loud and angry claims.

They have accused the goodly and Godly of doing exactly what they are doing. So clever, so devious, so successful, for as their announcements, their decrees, the information they provided through their media sources, was the only source of information that the majority of the population received, they were believed.

There is a very small cadre of leaders, a group of illuminati bloodline families, who have controlled the fate of mankind. They are wealthy beyond measure, for they have organized man’s life so that the financial structure of the world drains money into their hands.

They own the banks, the energy companies, power providers, transportation, food production, the internet providers and all the great financial and corporate institutions.

Taxes are another major revenue source for them, as is the usury of the loan industry and of credit cards and mortgages. Every area of humanities life has been channeled into providing more power, more wealth, more control for them.

And in the meantime, mankind has been dumbed down, poisoned, sold, psychologically and physically, into slavery, tortured and tricked into wars that only benefited the controlling few. For they have funded both sides of wars and by so doing increased their wealth and power exponentially.

And the agenda of these controllers was, in this year of 2020, to turn mankind into artificial intelligence, automatons, to create a new world order, in which humanity could no longer think for itself, but absolutely, by rote, followed the directions of its dark shadow government.

And so the few controlled the many by psychological manipulation, by hypnotism. The advent of the media, of newspapers, of radio, of television, made this control and maneuvering all the easier.

For these dark and devious beings of reptilian descent, had no heart, no compassion and thrived off human fear. They are the devil, the evil that Divinity put on earth to give mankind the experience of separation, of deep and dark fear and confusion, that he, mankind would learn greater love.

That by the disconnection from source, humanity would realize the wonder, the great and glorious power and grace of love.

That by the disconnection from source, humanity would search, in his pain, loneliness and desperation, for the Divine connection he had lost.

And now, all this is occurring. Third dimensional mankind, in his hypnotized puzzlement and fear, is being shown the truth of his imprisoned reality.

The truth of the devious and dark deeds of the dark ones, of the controllers is coming to the light. The evil ones paid minions are being revealed as they do their best to steal the election from the goodly and Godly light alliance.

What wonderful times we are in. Fear not, the light alliance is in charge. All this chaos, complete disorder and confusion is necessary.

Those that are still in the dream state need to be shown clearly, and without a shadow of doubt, how their world has been contrived and shaped to control them.

Only this revelation can free them from their mental prison. The truth will set them free. Humanity needs to claim its sovereignty. And, to ascend out of the pit of the third dimensional fear paradigm, humanity needs to forgive all that has happened.

Yes, these dark ones have been evil indeed. They are the devil that mankind came to earth to experience and finally, in this wondrous time of ascension, to reject.

But this devil cannot be overcome, until its nature is seen. Mankind cannot claim his sovereignty, his freedom from this diabolical hypnotism, until he sees how he has been hypnotized.

This, our Dear Ones, is what is happening now. The truth is coming to the light. With this election the dark ones have been maneuvered into showing their deception.

As they change the ballot counts from hour to hour, as they outrageously change the numbers in their favor, their perfidy, their deceit, is coming to the light.

This election is doing exactly what the light alliance intended, showing mankind how he has been cheated and controlled, maneuvered and manipulated.

The drip, drip, drip of revelation is turning into a deluge. We are moving along wonderfully in the ascension process.

All is well, take heart, be of good cheer. There is no need to fall into fear as each and every detail of the counting is watched. As the details of the vote in each state are loudly broadcast by the complicit media.

Smile, laugh, lift your vibration and so lift the vibration of the planet earth. That is what you are here to do. Timelines, outcomes, are being changed to the positive, to the light, to the love by your high vibration.

Do not allow yourself to fall prey to the illusion that is playing out in front of your eyes. Watch, from an impartial distance, watch the game progressing in the alternative media.

The main stream media uses subliminal frequencies, subliminal techniques to pound humanity into the fear vibration. Just a few minutes of that raucous, fear filled frequency, lowers the love, the joy vibration into fear.

All is well, our Dear Ones, all is well. The light is in charge. The election has been won by the light alliance, by love itself. And, this will be shown to be true in the next days and weeks.

The situation will play out beautifully. There will be more upset, chaos and confusion as the dark ones struggle to survive. And then, there are amazing revelations to come. There will be arrests, there will be Divine justice. All will be revealed.

The best is yet to come dear brethren. The best is yet to come.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self. We Are Blessed Beings Indeed.

we recommend the forgiveness path, because we know that you all want to ascend, and you all want to ascend quickly.

The Karma of the Beings of Darkness ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have a tremendous amount of respect for everyone who is there on Earth at this time, regardless of who they are, what they have done, and whether they are playing the role of a being of light or a being of darkness. We keep telling you that we are all in this together, and that includes those who are playing the role of the dark ones. They agreed to be the villains for all of you, in spite of the fact that they knew they would have to pay off their karma if they were going to ascend in this lifetime. And if they do not ascend in this lifetime, they will have to go back to a third-dimensional reality to pay off that karma that they are accumulating at this time.

That’s why it is so important that those who are playing the role of the dark ones have you. You are the ones who can forgive them, show them compassion, and uplift them with your light, with your positive energy. You can save them. You can bring them with you, or you can condemn or vilify them, which only lowers your vibration, making your ascension an event that will take place even further in the future. Therefore, we recommend the forgiveness path, because we know that you all want to ascend, and you all want to ascend quickly.

One of the reasons why many people want to ascend is to escape reality. Many just want to live on a world where they don’t have to do any of that hard work of forgiveness and offering compassion to those who have wronged them or others. We understand that; we still admire and respect everyone there on Earth, no matter what their point of view, because it is hard to be there, but what we are giving you and what we will always give you is the easier path.

We will always tell you which path has more joy on it, which is the shorter path, and which is the path that allows you to be more of who you are. You don’t want to just ascend because you didn’t do anything wrong. You want to ascend and feel the satisfaction of having taken such a high road that you were able to bring those around you with you who otherwise would not be able to make that journey.

So when you are thinking about what you can do to be of more service, or what you can do to accelerate the ascension process, the answer is easy. You can forgive, rather than condemn. You can look for the light within everyone. See them as Source Energy, and actually appreciate them for taking an even harder path than the one that you are on. Those who are playing the role of the dark ones feel even more separate from Source than the average awakened person who has their doubts at times, or who forgets who they really are.

One way to remember who you really are is to be Source Energy in action. Be the love that you have inside of you, and know that the love you have inside of you feels glorious when it is coming through you for no other reason than that you summoned it. It is very easy to love someone who is lovable, and certainly you want to start there. But we hope that you get to the point where you don’t want that feeling to go away. So you keep giving it to anyone and everyone who crosses your path.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

at the point when it becomes clear things cannot stay the same, the path of real change will be embraced.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Dark Night of the Soul

November 4, 2020,

A great many enlightening human beings find their way to their spiritual path through the dark night of the soul. The most chaotic, dark places always become too uncomfortable to stay in for a sustained period of time, and when it becomes clear that it is too painful to stay the same, the door opens for great and empowered change.

The dark night of the soul can occur not just for humans but for countries and collectives, as well. While very challenging, such times serve the purpose of being a springboard for profound change and accelerated forward movement. It creates the opportunity for course correction and the discovery of the new. It is at the point when it becomes clear things cannot stay the same, the path of real change will be embraced.

So honour your feelings and centre deep into what you know to be divinely true and right, Dear Ones. Allow your heart and your inner wisdom to beckon you forward by being the change, being the love, being the pioneers, being the anchors of peace you are on the planet to be. It is the collective efforts of those who redirect time and again into who they really are that will create the wave you seek into the new.

Solar Flares, Cosmic Balance & Live Webinars

Content is light-encoded to assist your journey.

Blessings Beloveds ~
Solaris is revealing a very active SUNspot for our November 11-17 Gateway. Flares have been consistent, and energies have been very activating.

Gateways are typically highlighted by geomagnetic storms, flares, and Schumann increases or cosmic anomalies. Even thought the linear dates for this activity are given months in advance, the key is FEELING the wave as it enters. These are consciousness-shifting energies aimed at our Ascension.

The galactic wave is showing itself as star systems receive and respond to this Galaxy-wide influx of new light. As we enter the hot-zone for the December Revelation Wave, you may notice that bliss states are more frequent, and Divine Love heart emanations are consistent.

Last night as I gazed at the Milky way and dark rift, the time-stop stillness and sensation of cosmic shifting was palpable. As I merged with this Source-encoded light, there was an overwhelming sense of this cosmic power flowing in;  a new level of Self-realization taking hold. Stargates are active and expanding. I AM witness to the collective changes, to the heart and mind of photonic God frequencies penetrating, reorganizing, recoding our realities. It inspires preparation, alignment and surrender.

November brings us trackable, visible increases in cosmic activity. The new reality-shifting energies are flowing in right here, right now. Remember the SUN is capable of broadcasting, flowing, and receiving heightened frequencies of Source-encoded photonic light since late June.

It feels different, because it is. The re-coding of the way the SUN delivers information affects our collective revelations. You can feel it connecting with the crystalline structures in our bodies; our reconnected DNA is creating this metamorphosis of our experience.

Level Up Online Course: Class Call Saturday, November 7

Participants, Login at
Q&A details and live link are in Module 8.

SUNday Unity Meditations

The SUNday Unity Meditations are on Pacific Time (CA), which changed last weekend. Note the possible synchronized time change for your time zone

Join the Global #SUNdayUnityMeditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PST (UTC-8).

Details at

Gratitude to all holding the stability of Divine Love as the USA experiences *election month.*  Let us use our Responsible Creation tools and allow the highest outcomes to unfold with as much ease and grace as  possible.  Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Your only job is to find that light within yourself, here and now, and to enjoy it, and to dare live it, for you now are the teachers of the new time.-Jeshua-

Jeshua: Helping Others by Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends,

I am so happy that today we have again come together to celebrate the new era. It is no longer something that lies far ahead in the future. It is something which is growing under your feet and blossoming, here and now. A new consciousness, a new knowing is being born in the world. This has to do with the budding energy of the heart in many people, and you are the pioneers, the trailblazers. You are the ones who are the first to carry the seed within you and to plant it on Earth.

You are lightworkers, those who carry a deep desire in their soul to spread the light of awareness so there can be more peace, joy, and tolerance on Earth. More room to be creative and to share with one another. The freedom to enjoy one another in openness and love without those burdensome obligations, standards, and values you have inherited from your culture and which act as a prison surrounding you. Your desire for change is from your heart, and we are removing the bars from the prison windows.

Still, you often hide. You build an imaginary cage around yourself where you wait anxiously and wonder if it is allowed that you establish your new light and radiate it in this world. There are old energies still at work, for the rise of the new can only take place when the old has died away. There first has to be a kind of demise, and it is just before that final moment, when the traditional framework falls away and a new consciousness bursts forth, that the old begins to resist. And it sometimes hits you as fear: “Can I do this? Can I be a part of the new? Is there a place in this world for the angel in me? Is the angel in me allowed to express itself here? Can it be of benefit and reach out a hand to others? Can it celebrate life here and share with others in joy and happiness?”

The mission of your soul on Earth is to be the angel you are, which is why you have come here. And make no mistake, you are pioneers, you are trailblazers. Therefore, you do not belong in the old frameworks and structures of the past that are so often based on the power and authority of hierarchical relationships. There are tightly defined roles, especially in work situations, which focus on specific education, or skills, or talents, while the angel in you will not be limited to specifics that can be measured by diplomas or degrees, for example. The angel in you is a pulsating energy that comes from the source of life itself, and it will not be limited by thoughts devised by humans and ideas that do not fit with who you really are. You must learn to be familiar again with that unfettered, free part in the depths of your being.

You have become afraid of that part, and even as a child you were made to be wary of it. A child is in possession of a quite spontaneous life flow and enjoys it; how easily a child lives within that spontaneity of feeling, the fluctuating emotions. It also has a very clear desire to do, or to not do, certain things. The child says “yes” or “no” very easily and knows what it wants, or does not want. It does not have all those reservations of: “May I do this or not?” The child does not have the same powerful inhibitions as do you. You have amassed a lot of limiting thoughts in the course of your life, yet you are also the ones who have a burning desire in your soul to clear them away.

To begin with, this “clearing away” is something you do for yourself, as well as for others. You become an example for other people when you live in your light, in your greatness; when you dare to manifest, without restrictions, the vibrant energy of the angel within you. If you are not afraid of what others will find, or think, or expect, then you become an angel of light for them. Not because you offer concrete help to them, but by simply being the person you are: a source of light and beauty. Your being that source sparks inspiration in other people, because it feels buoyant, beautiful, and joyous, and you do not need to work hard to achieve that effect.

Helping others is not something you do, it is a state of being. Just think of all the teachers who have gone before you that you know from your history, people who have been called masters or saints. They lived from themselves and not from others. They experienced in themselves the source of their own divinity – the angel – and that brought them a delight and an ecstasy that can be difficult to put into words: they experienced the source of their own unlimited being. They brought Heaven on to Earth, because they experienced no fear of themselves, but radiated who they were, in a limitless way. By just being who they were, they were a beacon of light for other people. People saw their light and wanted to be with them, because those teachers were happy, unburdened, relaxed. And it cost the teachers no effort; they just focused on that source of light within themselves. The joy and delight they experienced created sparks of inspiration in others.

Thus, you need not work for it. Your only job is to find that light within yourself, here and now, and to enjoy it, and to dare live it, for you now are the teachers of the new time. And do not hesitate to take this title, for it is not a matter of ego or arrogance. Simply feel in your soul a deep desire for change by exposing old rigid structures in order to make them more open, so as to allow a flow of new creativity and freedom and love into the world. That is what you came here to bring.

And how do you do that? How do you connect with that vibrant light of the angel, of the light bringer that is in you? You need not try to find it or to struggle for it, because this light is already there – it already flows through you. It gives life to all that you now are: to your feelings, your emotions, your body. Without this light, you would not be present here on Earth, so it already exists. It is in all the cells of your body, in your heart, in your feelings. However, it has become covered over – in some places more than others – by a layer of darkness, or you might say, simply by a layer of not knowing, of not being connected to who you truly are.

I would like to discuss that layer in more detail. That layer is the veil of ignorance that you put over yourself when you are not connected with your essential self. Feel that layer inside yourself for a moment, without judging it, but from the light of your consciousness. Feel the tightness of that layer, which can even be physical, but allow it to be there. Feel for a tightness in one of the energy centers: in your stomach, or your chest, or your throat, or wherever you sense it. Look at it with a very open mind, yet allow it to be there, because it cannot harm you.

You are an angel filled with empathy, compassion, and love for yourself. Imagine for a moment that you simply put a hand on that trapped place in your energy body. A soft caress is sufficient; a gesture that says: “You may be there, it’s okay. I have compassion for you and we can work it out”. And then you go deeper into that dark place with your consciousness, into that part that is not able to be who you are. Fear lives there, and maybe also grief and regret and anger. Go toward it; go to the darkest part in yourself, the part that oppresses you the most, the part that constitutes your prison.

We are there with you; we, the ones from the other side who assist you. Each of you has guides and are surrounded by this helping energy, so do not be afraid to look at this darkness in yourself. Look carefully at the blockages, the defenses, you might encounter in that darkness. See if something catches your attention or reaches out to you. And consider the question: “Why can’t I allow my light to shine, or radiate freely in the world? What hinders me?”

One of the first fears you encounter there that can block you is: “I can’t; I don’t know how; I doubt my ability; I am unable to do this.” See whether you recognize that thought form in yourself. Who was it told you that? Maybe you see a picture of someone in particular. It may be one of your parents, or someone else from whom you have taken on this doubt of yourself that says: “I should not be who I am.” Allow that thought to pass away, and take the time to do that. What has given you the feeling in this life that: “I cannot do this. I have to keep a rein on myself. I dare not do this, because it’s scary. People will reject or condemn me for who I am. It is too painful to be myself.” Gently call up those experiences that have given you that feeling, and look at them from the perspective of the person you really are, the angel in you. Simply put your arms around that pain, around that uncertainty in yourself, and say: “You can now relax, because I understand your feeling. I am with you. I’m the one who takes care of you. I give you the assurance that you can restore your light.”

Give yourself that encouragement. Surround yourself with the light of who you are, of the angel in you. The angel in you is not affected by your anxiety. It watches that anxiety with compassion and love, and understands how it came about, yet the angel does not allow itself to be overcome by those emotions. Feel how much greater you are than your fear. Feel that greatness, in spite of the fear you experience. And also accept that you know what you have to do – and that you will do it. Feel that in your limbs, your arms and legs: “I know who I am, and I know what I have to do.”

Now we look at another possible blockage, a defense, and that is anger. Fear has to do with being visible to the outside world. You have had many negative experiences there, which can have been in this life, but also farther back in other lives. You may have decided at one point:” I don’t want to again experience this type of reaction, so I will not allow my light to shine.” Thus the will is now lacking for you to allow yourself to be seen: “I am angry, so I need to close off myself.” There is resistance to allowing yourself to be visible, open, and vulnerable.

Many of you carry wounds from your childhood, of when you were still open and spontaneous, and it was there that you encountered negative experiences. Someone made a biting remark, someone rejected your originality, someone stunted your creative flow, and so you suddenly felt: “I am not welcome; I am not accepted by this person.” And so you shut down a part of yourself. There is pent up anger as a result of that happening: “Well, okay, I am no longer going to be a part of this.” And then you closed off yourself and locked yourself within, and you then were in a prison.

But at the moment you shut down and closed off yourself, you could not do much else, because often this was the only thing you knew how to do in order to survive, to protect yourself. You had to close the door because you felt: “I can’t bear this pain of being rejected for who I am. I have to shut down my feelings right now; I can’t take it.” Honor the fact that you reacted that way at the time. That defense mechanism, the closing off of yourself, is very understandable; it is a very human reaction.

But now feel how you have become stronger than that pain. You are now able to give yourself the safety and security that was lacking when you were rejected, because you are now more secure within yourself. In your essence, you do not belong to this world, so you do not have to react to the happenings around you. Your being here is about you, and allowing yourself to be who you are. People who cannot accept that will disappear from your life and be replaced by those who belong with you and want to share with you.

Do not be afraid of rejection. The fear of rejection is one of the biggest roadblocks you will encounter on your path. And because such a rejection hurts, there has arisen within you an unwillingness to expose yourself. That causes a contracted part, a barrier in your being, about which I spoke earlier. Allow the light to go to that barrier, but do not try to remove it. Simply surround the barrier with caring and compassion, and say: “I understand”. Speak to that contracted part of yourself. You can see it as an angry child, for example, so you can tell it that it may now relax, because you give it the freedom it needs; that you do not care what others think about you, because you know what is right for you. “I am who I am. I am welcome here. I bear my light with pride and dignity. I hurt no one with my light. I am simply who I am, especially in this time of change and transition.”

During this time of change in the field of consciousness in the world, you may feel a strong urge to again go outward with your light and to be of assistance to this change of awareness. And that is when you can meet up with your deepest barriers and defenses: the fear and reluctance to put yourself forward as an angel of light. It is a question of seeing those defenses in yourself and embracing them with love, and forgiving yourself for the necessary measures you once had to take when you closed off yourself. Doing this helps you to again come closer to the core of who you are, the vibrant angel

The more you become your own friend, the happier you will be, and the more signals you will get from your higher self, your angel self, of what you have to do, and of what is enjoyable to do and makes you happy. Do not be afraid to let go of old structures, whether it be a particular type of work, or a certain ingrained thought pattern. There is something new awaiting you. It is not a specifically defined way of doing things, because you are the ones who are creating new ways of cooperating in the world, new ways of working together.

You do not fit into existing structures, because you are the creators of new structures that are more flexible and more attuned to the consciousness of the heart. That is why I am asking you to trust that source in yourself, that pulsating light. And the time is right for you, because you will be helped and supported when you dare to trust and to again open up; when you fully connect with the source in yourself.

This is the right time. Today, more than ever, there is a need for people like you who are willing to freely and openly share their light. People are needed who have the courage not to live by the usual expectations and who are willing to be seen as different. People who really dare to look directly at another person – with a straightforward and open gaze– and who clasp hands in joyful welcome.

The time is now ready for you, and more importantly, it is your own destiny, your own intention, which has brought you here. Thus, the source of your greatest joy is to be able to live in the light, to be totally who you are. Do not hesitate to do what you feel you want to do. That feeling is your guide, for it brings you to where you need to be.

Thank you all for the perseverance and the courage you have already shown in finding your way. You do not give up; you do not settle for less than the truth. That is why you really are the pioneers and trailblazers of the new on Earth, and I thank you for being that. We who are here with you, I and those with me, represent the Christ energy. But you are the ones who allow it to be born on Earth and who live it. And for that, you have our deepest appreciation and respect.

Thank you for coming.

You are all actively serving your divine purpose, whether you feel it or not.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Xiaera: Become the Leaders You Have Been Waiting For

November 4, 2020,

X: You are entering choppy waters, waters that will only get more intense and more unrestful.

There is a lot of simmering hatred and personal discomfort not far from the surface. Intense pain is surfacing in the collective and many lack the awareness and the skills to deal with this inner terrorism. People are too upset to look at themselves with honesty and are too unloved to feel compassion for the lives they have lived.

Your role, that of all Light Workers, is to hold the light in these times. Emotions will explode like unexpected volcanoes, from unexpected sources and at unexpected times. The energies will swirl it may look as though there is no clear leadership, personally, nationally or globally.

You are your own leaders. Become the leaders you have been waiting for, because you are the leaders you have been waiting for… Those of you who came here for this time, you know it in your hearts.

You are the Lighthouses. It is your calm, your patience, your forgiveness, your compassion that will ensure that potential turmoil is passed through with greater ease and grace than others, with less loving intentions, would wish.

All that you have learnt, throughout you entire lives, has been to bring you to this moment of leadership. By holding your centre, you demonstrate inner leadership and moral courage. That singular vibration will attract others to you; they see in you the qualities they wish to develop in themselves.

You are coming into the period where your moral guardianship, your leadership – however quiet, however modest you may feel that to be – is required.

This is the time you were born for. This is why you are here. This is your moment.

J: Do you see the US moving into melt down?

X: That is not how we would choose to perceive it. We see many energy streams colliding, we see the greatest catharsis that has been known… We honour the cleansing, and we are ceaseless in our mission to hold every soul in light … to project healing and peace to Every Single Soul incarnate at this present time.

There is not one of you, not a single person, who is not attended by a team of higher vibrational …

J: I want to say associates, would that work?

X: We would say brothers and sisters, for the connection is that close, the bonds are that deep, and the love is that visceral.

You do not remember us, that is expected. We can appreciate it is difficult for you, as you feel you are alone, but you never are: call on us, and we are there.

You may sense us as you fall asleep, or awaken. You can feel our wisdom and love very often, but you dismiss it.

Every loving thought deserves attention and nourishment. We are here to amplify your love, to help you access the right words and actions at the right time. We cheer you on as you step into the next phase of your assignments on Earth.

The waiting is over. You are all actively serving your divine purpose, whether you feel it or not. Focus on accepting your power, the divine love that flows through you: the more you can accept, the greater change you can create and the sooner you begin to see miracles sprouting around you, in the most unexpected places.

J: Thank you so much Xiaera, you are always so uplifting.

X: We are here to reflect your magnificence to you. It is our joy. And soon, we believe, yours.