Daily Archives: November 12, 2020
11/11 Unification into Friday 13th November 2020 – The Dark Spell is Broken
When the trinity is complete, the earthling will be invincible again. The Father will reign in your hearts. There will be no more Illuminati.-El Morya through Sharon-
I am hoping that this channeling will help all of you who can’t forgive themselves for some of the things they have done. What El Morya is saying here is that you acted without wisdom for example, so what do we do? We call ourselves “stupid”. When in fact you were learning to balance the God-fire within your heart. It has nothing to do with stupidity. We have to stop that judgment entirely.
I saw my entire life and all the lessons laid out before me as he channeled this. All the times I kicked myself for falling for something, for the times I’d let my friends down, for the times I let someone walk all over me. They were my teachers and you have your teachers too. This is why Ivo says life is love in action. You’re learning to be powerful, loving and wise by going through the muck you go through every day. This is God’s love in action, to help you draw closer to Him.
El Morya: Wisdom is a gift conspired through Love and through Power. I said that and I meant it. Do you see how you grow? There is the three fold flame in your heart and it must become balanced. When you look at the aspects of the three fold flame you see how you are out of balance, do you not?
Loving without power
Loving without wisdom
Empowerment without love
Empowerment without wisdom
Being wise without love
Being wise without power
Whether you realize it or not, you are all on a path to achieve self mastery. And the mastery is mastery of these three things. Life’s circumstances come to you to help you grow in any of these three areas.
When you look around earth today, do you not see many examples of these in action?
Me: Are you kidding? I WAS so many examples of these in action.
El Morya: So you were learning. You all must learn to balance these three facets of God’s power within you.
Loving without power: You see this. You see the frail, beaten down mother who loves all with abandon yet fosters no love for herself. This is loving without power. You feel sorry for people such as she.
Me: Yes.
El M: Loving without wisdom,
Me: Oh forget that, I was a master of that. A master of disasters.
El M: But you learned.
Me: I can think of so many examples of mistakes I made, or I dated men and didn’t realize they were into ego games I was so desperate for attention. I didn’t realize they wanted to show me around for the sake of rubbing it in their friend’s faces, of showing their friends up. I didn’t realize they were this egotistical.
El M: Yes. Now you have your perfect mate.
Me: I do.
El M: And you see empowerment without love all the time. Reference your politics. They hold all the power yet they are unkind and unloving behind your backs. And the people realize this but they allow it to continue. This is because they are unwise and without power. They have given their power away, which is unwise. Do you see? Perhaps they are loving the wrong people as well.
Me: I get it. I could write my life’s story just looking at these six sentences.
El M: You have many of your medical professionals who understand the human body but are not tuned in to the human heart of the patient. They are wise perhaps but lack love, which makes them foolish.
When the three are imbalanced, one may predominate but the other two must also balance up. To have one but not the other two is to fall very short of the mark. To have two but not all three still requires many hard lessons.
Me: Yes.
El M: Earth now suffers from a regime that is empowered but unlovingly so. They are unkind to say the least, but now they will be usurped, as all upon the planet are becoming more empowered. Many are capable of loving, many are capable now of the wisdom to see, and now they will take back their power. When the trinity is complete, the earthling will be invincible again. The Father will reign in your hearts. There will be no more Illuminati.
Me: Great. Can’t wait.
El M: It is happening now, my child. Just look as your world opens its eyes.
Me: Isn’t it wonderful?
El M: There is childish play, the casting of insults. This is empowerment without love, empowerment without wisdom. For if that one person who cast the insults would only see themselves reflected back in others’ eyes they would feel the loss of respect for them.
Me: Yeah, they say fake it until you make it. I like that.
El M: When you respect your contemporaries one day but not the next, then you are still capable of respecting them. You have fallen short and perhaps your flame is a bit low on that day, work again to raise it to burn bright again.
Me: Yes.
El M: Earth is a hard school, but such a wonderful opportunity.
Me: Yes.
El M: I will go now. You are fatigued.
Me: Thank you Father, I love you.
El M: And I love you too, my child.
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11/11 After Math.
Look.We all have been traumatised.There is not one human on the planet that has not been traumatised.
Traumas from this life and also traumas from past lives, on and off this planet.Have you heard the expression:We are made of Stardust?It is all in our DNA.Our DNA is being activated and with it brings more awareness that needs to be seen and acknowledged with disciplined introspection.In other words embracing our own darkness and bring balance with Light that we allow flow through us.The more we allow, like for example with meditation, the easier it becomes and the easier our lives get.We have in our DNA a lot of information originating from other Star systems too, to be precise all of them!!!This is why it is being repeated over and over again it is not about politics or religion or anything out there, it is about the relation one has with the self, it is about self love, it is about knowing the self ,it is about ‘who AM I?’
Our own darkness is not an enemy, it is part of who we are and it needs to be seen and embraced like a child that is very afraid.It needs tenderness and care and patience and love.It needs breathing, it is needs Faith.When one does this, one discovers neutrality within =balance within which then expresses itself in the outer world more and more.Do we want to live on a loving and forgiving and peaceful and abundant planet?We MUST Love and Forgive and find peace within us for the self and all others.No politicians can make us do that.No drugs or toxic substances or mainstream media can do that either.We are born magnificent.And to find our magnificence is about feeling into it.’’IAM a Magnificent Multidimensional Being of Love and Light and Truth.IAM.’’
IAM in big letters because EVERYTHING IAM is of GOD and GOD is everything.
The time of distractions is done.The truth is setting us free.
Free to be part of the much wider galactic family rushing in as we have entered The Age of Aquarius ,The Golden Age of our existence in 5D,6D and 7D.
11/11 energies have done their miracle and even those not aware of what i just wrote have successfully received those energies.Humanity is rising and as Humanity rises ,expect more chaos to be seen in the outer world till its finally balanced at some point when more and more learn to live in peace and Divine Neutrality and Unconditional Love for one another, even with disagreement and differences.
EveryONE is different and so very special.EveryONE plays their role that they have agreed before incarnating.
Let’s appreciate everything and move on in Celebration as Celebration keeps our vibrations high with the intention to be always loving and kind with the self and all others no matter what arises.
Let’s observe less and imagine more what is that we want.What is that I Want?and what gives me joy brings with it The Highest Good for all too.
Nikos Akrivos