Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos


I Am Polyamorous since always.I have always communicated with honesty about my intentions and beingness and this of course has not been received so well in the past from almost all my partners.While i respect and love each and everyone of them for what they brought in my life,i am now opening a new chapter where i am officially daring to declare and live it.This of course goes through my own filters of selection as vibration attracts like vibration.I want my partners  to be 100% clean in their bodies, to be meditative and connected with their inner truth and higher self, higher self is the biggest love and with self love comes the love of each other,to know in the core of their beings that they are indeed love, loved and lovable!I see polyamory as a way to reach this state while sharing moments at the same time, be it romantic, be in bed, be it in playfulness, be it in similar passions and projects.Polyamory goes in many directions,in all directions the Universe can conceive of and this i find really exciting.Just my perspective, maybe you agree,maybe you don’t.Like Vibration attracts like vibration!!!

the practice of having
multiple romantic or sexual relationships with all partners full knowledge and consent.

It’s a New Moon!Time again to Send Out To The Universe Your Intentions.

The New Moon hours before and after are the best moment to send out to the Universe your intentions in the now.Feeling into your desired manifestation(s) will bring the experience you wish to go through to you through the law of attraction.What you feel and think manifests.This is now being accelerated 3 times stronger and when asking for the assistance of our higher self, guides,Angels,Archangels,Ascended Masters,Galactic sisters and brothers,Mother Father God our intention is multiplied a 1000 fold when our intention is for the Highest Good for all concerned.This is my invitation to breath a few times, close your eyes,ground with Pacha mama and Divine Source of all creation and take the time to connect with your Higher Self God within in total silence for about 15-20′.Let throughts and feelings come through and when there is something you do not desire or a memory invoice the violet fire to release it once and for all.When the thought or feeling brings joy, satisfaction keep keeping on always intending to remain in total silence where no thought is present.This is the moment one allows divine energy to come through after alignment has taken place.Trust the unknown.After this has taken place begin by looking into the things in your life that you feel a lack, lack of money,lack of a lover,lack of a good friend, lack of a home or all this together.And then just bring in your mind the feeling of the exact opposite experience.Feel into and milk this moment as much as you can.For example if you have lack of money, you can feel into the feeling of freedom that financial abundance brings, the freedom of choice, the freedom of giving to those in need, the freedom of helping loved ones or family etc.When you feel saturated with joy i invite you to speak out loud this powerful invocation by Patricia Cota Robles shared in previous blog The Awesome Gift of God here : 


 I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration, and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, we invoke the most intensified frequencies of the NEW 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection that Cosmic Law will allow. Beloved Saint Germain, we ask you and the Legions of 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels who are stationed within every person’s aura, to blaze this NEW unfathomable frequency of the Violet Flame into the physical plane of Earth through every person’s Heart Flame. Secure this Violet Flame within the Core of Purity in every particle and wave of Life on Earth. We ask that you now blaze, blaze, blaze this Violet Flame in, through and around all contamination within Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Expand this Violet Flame through all inharmonious actions, all lower human consciousness and all obstructions of the Light that any person, place, condition or thing has ever placed on the pathway of Life’s perfection. Transmute this negative energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into its original perfection and seal it in an invincible forcefield of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love. (pause)

Legions of Light, we ask that you now expand this activity of Light and project this Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection with the power and might of a thousand Suns into the human miscreations that are surfacing all over the Earth to be healed and transmuted back into Light.

a)  Blaze the Violet Flame with the power and might of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of every man, woman and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Divinity within ALL Life, and every expression made by Humanity is a Healing Benediction to every part of Life on this planet.

 b)  Blaze this Violet Flame through all incoming babies, the children and the Millennials until the sacred knowledge in their consciousness codes is tangibly available within their conscious minds. Expand this activity of Light until these precious Ones are raised up in energy, vibration and consciousness to hear and carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.

c)  Blaze this Violet Flame through all parents, grandparents, guardians, leaders, teachers, instructor and professors in every line of endeavor. Beloved Ones now expand this Violet Flame through all youth centers, schools, colleges and universities. Create the sacred space where the Millennials and the children can express the Divine Wisdom, God Illumination and Enlightenment pulsating within the consciousness codes of their DNA. 

d)  Blaze this Violet Flame through all religious and spiritual teachings until Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, Oneness, Understanding and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood become a manifest reality.

e)  Blaze this Violet Flame through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates and every institution associated with Healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Compassion, Caring, Healing and Integrity are tangible realities for every person.

f)  Blaze this Violet Flame through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money and the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true Integrity, Honesty, Generosity, Fairness, Abundance and the God Supply of all Good Things. 

g)Blaze this Violet Flame through all places of incarceration and all employed there. Now intensify this Violet Flame through every correctional institution, every law enforcement officer, every judge, jury and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained for every person.

h)  Blaze this Violet Flame through ALL of the governments of the world and every person, place, condition and thing associated with the governments of the world at national, state and local levels. Intensify this Violet Flame until every government is focusing on the highest good for ALL concerned, and cocreating an environment of Divine Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life for every person in every single instance. 

i)  Blaze this Violet Flame through all space activities throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God’s Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.

j) Blaze this Violet Flame through the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of Humanity until all aging, all disease, all human miscreations and their cause and core are purified, dissolved and transmuted into Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth and Infinite Physical Perfection.

k)  Blaze this Violet Flame through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies until every person’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies become a manifest and Eternally sustained reality. 

l)  Beloved Ones, now blaze this Violet Flame in, through and around the air we breathe and every remaining electron of precious Life energy on this planet until we have completed our Ascension into the full embrace of the Immaculate Concept of the New Earth.

We now ACCEPT and KNOW that this unparalleled frequency of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection, which Saint Germain and the Legions of 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels have blessed us with this sacred and holy day, is God Victoriously accomplishing this facet of the Divine Plan even as we Call.

We also ACCEPT and KNOW that every time we invoke this activity of Light our efforts are being amplified one thousand fold through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love.
 And so it is! 

Patricia Cota-Robles
God Bless You,

Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM

Q&A on FB.Just my perspective in the now.

Here is a little discussion that Ljiljana opened on FB this morning,i feel is good to share with you all here:

LjiljanaFor a moment please lets turn our attention from NLOs, Light bodies, Ascension, Unicorns, Dragons, Fairies, Inner Earth, Orbs, Merkaba,😉etc. and recall that we are first of all in a human body dealing with some much more “practical” and urgent issues!

Don’t have to name them now, you all know what is challenging for you, but here is one example!
A friend mention the other day a sexual tension he’s been having for awhile.
Not asking for a deeper reason, I’ve started to wonder as well..
We have all certainly experienced it at some point in our lives, caused by different reasons,
but yes, such topics are really crucial and Timely to talk about!


Ljiljana Stojsic Brother  Nikos Akrivosany idea please if you’re willing and inspired to share 😊
I’ve been wondering too how Shamanic ways would add a natural approach to this imbalance
Reksikuy 🙏ManageLike· Reply· 14hLjiljana Stojsic replied· 1 Reply

Nikos Akrivos  Hi Ljiljana ok i will give my best shot once again of what i resonate with and in my present space time state of awareness.Again i wish that all sisters and brothers find be their own captain within through Self Love connected to their Higher Self.I am just another part of you and you are just another part of me,you are my relfexion,i am your reflexion and there is no separation.And i will do that more in form of questions so that anyone can follow and if the answer is yes then can continue further down this rabbit hole:1.Do you accept that you are unlimited love & light being spirit having an earthy experience in a costume called human body? 2.Do you accept that your body is the best technology out there?meaning that body is born perfect and has all tools to heal anything? 3.Do you accept that You are God with a big G? 4.Do you accept that you consciously came on Earth incarnating in your body and chose to be here for the purpose of joy & satisfaction?5.Do you accept that when one is aligned with Higher Self =IAM Presence =GOD connection this is when Truth flows in through Love & Light guiding intuition and choices to make by being able to listen the beauty of silence?6.If all answers so far are yes,doesn’t this all mean that you are indeed the creator of your reality and every second that manifests in your life is being created it in the now by your thoughts and feelings and mental pictures you hold in consciousness?7.Are you willing to take responsability of your being and be a deliberate creator of your life no matter what you see around you by focusing in what brings you joy and satisfaction?8.If the answer is yes to this 2 then begin creating by always including the Highest Good for all being God walking in a costume called human body.There is nothing You can not be,do or have.You are God.IAM God.We Are God.And out of free will choosing Divine Will.9.Doesn’t this all mean that You Are The Architect of Your Matrix and in that sense you can create what you wish and there is no need for gurus or intermediaries of any kind (priests,brainwashing media or books filled with lies or any other human being including your close family) telling you what is right or wrong and how to live your life and instead always connecting to the inner voice of your God within?.Even if you don’t know the answers to all these questions,The only advice i can give at this stage is this:Always ask for support from Your Higher Self,Your I Am presence,Angels,Archangels or Ascended Masters and Mother Father God to be The Highest version of what you can be do or have and support will show up your way and fill you with joy to guide you in the path you chose to go through in order to serve Divine Mother’s Plan.And you still have free will to live your life as you wish,a lot of sex or abstinence,heterosexual,gay or bisexual,there is no judgment,God loves all and judges no-one and when you know you are God you know you do exactly same.All are God,all are divine and all are expressions of Love.:)

Ljiljana StojsicNikos Akrivoswow all I can add to this is
You nailed it 😁😇🙏🌹👌☀️🎉💯🌞🌍🌏🌎👍🤗
Great point brother divine!
Thanks bunchesManageLike· Reply· 9m

Ljiljana Stojsic

Ljiljana Stojsic“Suffering is a byproduct of resistance. Resistance to situations of life bring forth suffering in mind. Acceptance of situations delivers freedom”. 
Mohan Ji1ManageLove· Reply· 8m

Ljiljana Stojsic

Ljiljana StojsicManageLike· Reply· 7m

Nikos Akrivos

Nikos AkrivosAll sicknesses are created by resistance.We are electromagnetic beings.we are vibration.If resistance appears it is a clear sign to go within and release resistance by listing to God within.1ManageLike· Reply· 6m

Ljiljana Stojsic

Ljiljana StojsicNikos Akrivosabsolutely true 🙏👌ManageLike· Reply· 5m

Ljiljana Stojsic

Ljiljana StojsicNikos AkrivosI’ll be free now to share these beautiful insights with others too,
Might be very useful for many,
Thanks 🙏1ManageLove· Reply· 4m

Nikos Akrivos

Nikos Akrivosand Ljiljanaabout shamanic ways of doing things,i must say i did once san pedro and i know many out there do ayahuasca knowledge in this is that any substance that comes out of the body is just that ,one experience to go through if ones chooses for their own healing purposes and fun times.To my sense there is nothing more pure than the purity of Love and Light ,then comes fresh air and pure Water then come organic fruits and vegetables.There are beings existing in bodies that need no food,no air to live just love and light.We are evolving from carbon based to crystalline base is a slow process within 3dimensional concept,not in 5d and higher and we can choose to be already there in the now.There is only Now. Thank you for this Q&A opportunity.Posting on my website as well :)Much Love!

and again this is my very humble perspective in the now.Just one person among 7.5 billion. 🙂1ManageLike· Reply· 27m

Ljiljana Stojsic

Ljiljana StojsicNikos Akrivosbeautiful again 👌👍😁
Fully resonate..
.. I couldn’t agree more.. Our beings are becoming very subtle and I after I’ve certainly wanted to experiment with Aya Journeys too..
Have had some interesting and heart mind expanding experiences.. But as well all that has been as it seems “too harsh” for my ever very etheric and subtle system, so the divine needed to assure me that my path is much more hmm how to say.. Well maybe “effortless” 😇😘😉..
I’ve needed to faint out and literally go beyond the Veil to be returned Reborn and even more grateful for the Choice my precious soul made…
Giving Abundant Thanks to All My Relations and this Beautiful Generous Magical Planet We are hugely Blessed to Call Our Heart Home Now in these Most Amazing and Inspiring Times 🌎🌏🌍❤️🌹🎉

Ljiljana Stojsic

Ljiljana Stojsicwow isn’t that just awesome?! I just adore that variety of Choices.. 😁😇🌞
Gosh We are truly Blessed!


photo credit :Níki

The power of our meditations and support from our Arcturian Family For Technological Harmony.

The power of our meditations every day at 3pm East Time -9pm Central European Time goes beyond the scope one can imagine!Equally for our Ascension SUNday meditations empowering the grid even further and expanding Christ Light Consciousness.

We are now over 1 million doing the work with Jared Rand!Conratulations to all of you who participate in this deep commitment in service to  all our sisters and brothers.

All information you can find here :

Have a listen to David Wilcock for more truth of what i occurring on our Gaia,along the power of our meditations and so more!The message is of course positive as more and more light workers are doing the work.

Now from my point of view, since this message came out few months ago, the process is happening very smoothly, the cabal is being diminished, they have no resources, their petrodollar is dying, soon USA will not use any longer their old bill and all money that some may are hiding under the bed if not spent will be lost.One has to look at the old and new bill of USA to realise the transition of the financial system is taking place, smoothly and slowly as to ease the process and or any pain or unnecessary suffering.

Yes,there are acts of violence still taking place all across the planet and yes those are all created by a cabal controlled by extra terrestrial beings to spread fear and project it through mainstream  media.Yet,the big picture is the there is so much beauty and great change taking place and that is why the company of heaven insists in focusing always on the light.Observe the darkness, focus on the light and create from this sacred space from within.Over 60,000 ships from the positive faction of Pleiadian Ships are parked just 100 miles above surface of the planet at this time.It is us the boots on the ground that have created the portal for them to come in along their assistance of course.

That is what we do with our meditations and this is how powerful we are when we join forces together synchronistically across the globe.We have been receiving many confirmations in our skies all around that our work has amazing effects and as David says already 72% less war activities on the planet.I want to believe that Peace is happening in the now in much faster pace than our star sisters and brothers have been predicting, as peace will bring the prosperity and goodness we all wish for one another on our dear pacha mama Terra Chirsta Mother Earth.



”I Give My Yes To The Technological Harmony

I Am Removing In This Moment 

Any Controlling and Oppression Device

By The Power of The IAM!


A Glorious Thanks Giving To You!

It’s been 8 years now since the feel more than fine project came into existence, a project that is supported in all forms and ways as i keep on sharing information, personal perspective and channelings that i resonate with as it relates to our Ascension as Humanity and Pacha Mama New Earth Terra Christa,Galactic Disclosure and Power of Manifestation with the purest intention:The Highest Good of All.During this amazing ride, you are becoming witness that all forms of abundance and prosperity and freedom and well being are available to us.

‘The happier i am, the better things go”.A statement that many ”sceptics”won’t agree with.Yes here i am,doing it and it is getting better and better each and every day!We are Vibrational beings and this is your  Feel More Than Fine Academy!

Now during all these years i have personally paid for all hosting costs to create it and i have also received the help of many of you in one way or another, from creating the design,the logo, promoting events, offering your artists talents or offering your homes to stay at.You have all participated in one way or another to make this reality true.The law of attraction operates in amazing ways, once we understand that what we think and feel we manifest.

And so i want to Thank You All of you for coming to this website, reading my posts, thank you for wanting to be better in your lives and for your intention to learn more about Ascension and for assisting, you know who you are!Thank You,Thank You,Thank You.

The one and only truth lies always inside of you at all times, you only need to connect within the now, relax for few moments,breath in breath out, ask for support in gratitude from your higher self and guides,Angels,Archangels,Ascended Masters,Mother Father God and then just listen and feel the peace and joy emanating from within.

And this is the other intention of this website:to help you realise that the champion is in you and that you are indeed GOD.

I Am All That I Am.I Am Unlimited.I Am God.I Am The Architect of my Matrix.I Am A Spiritual Master,I Am.

I hope this helps you understand  the purpose of what I and you are doing here in this space, timeline and planet.

This website charges no money for the work i am doing in sharing content and for the subscription service that you can find at the bottom of this page.

If you appreciate my work, your donations are welcome here

Much Love and Blessings of Joy,Abundance,Prosperity and Excellent Health to you!


Celebrating Me,Celebrate You!

Today is my b’day,not a different day than any other day as i celebrate me each and every moment in this costume called human body.Let this day be a reminder to you to remember to celebrate you, each and every moment, to be thankful for being here at this time and space we are currently at ascending in higher dimensions of 5D and beyond with the free will choice to remain in these costumes called human bodies, to choose to believe the truth that emanates from within by taking the time to go within and listen our GOD within which is no other than The One GOD within all of us expressing with different words, sounds,vibration,feelings.And All one and the same,All of The Pure Unconditional Eternal Love Of Mother Father God.

And yet all different expressions of Love & Light in these physical bodies, all with different perspectives and opinions and choices and missions and yet equally of Love and Loved beyond measure for being here as boots on the ground doing what we have chosen to do before our birth.

My Higher Self i love you and i celebrate you!And as i do and start dancing i send out rockets of Love to The Higher Selves of all of you reading this post and all the rest who don’t so you may rise in Joy & Love and celebrate You and come join me in my dance with me and Feel More Than Fine.

I Love You,You Are Love and You Are Loved.


Keep On Dancing

Instructions for attuning to the energies of this mix before dancing and enjoying to the fullest,drink only water or fresh organic juice & avoid any toxic substances.This session is filled with Light & Love Ascension Codes:
In Gratitude to Be Here in the Now,Ask Your Higher Self,Guides,Angels,Archangels,Mother Father God to guide this Dancing Meditation.Inhale and Visualize White Light coming out from the nucleus of each one of your cells,Exhale and Visualize White Light around Your Whole Body,the town or city you live,expanding out to the area and country and all around Planet Earth.Continue expanding your Light around our Solar System,reaching Central Galactic Sun and Supreme Creator.You Are The Glorious Light of All That Is.Make this affirmation:IAM All That IAM,IAM Unlimited,IAM GOD,IAM!And slowly let your body follow the rhythm of the music celebrating this truth while keeping on repeating this mantra vocally or internally.Feel The Power of it.
Let’s Dance!


My last mix got blocked on youtube, they say too much ‘copyrighted’ music  so here a mix with only my ”stuff” produced mainly on 432hz and 528hz and imbued with Ascending Codes of Love and Light and Joy.Yes,i know the visuals are boring,just 2 legs and 2 hands lol,at least i hope you enjoy the music and the message i bring through it,check out the ”tracklist”.Enjoy with a nice fresh organic fruit juice and some prior meditation to connect with your God Self so you truly feel the vibrations in it!

My Morning Detox.

Here are my detox drinks of the moment,firsth thing when i wake up in the morning:

1 glass filtered water with 1/8 of tea spoon Zeolith.(it helps clean all heavy metals from non pure water from the body)

1 glass fresh organic juice with 1 tea spoon Spirulina.

What body needs mostly is minerals, as our carbon based cells become crystalline.It is a long process of many many many years!

And you how many years you want to live? 🙂

My Galactic Disclosure Continues.

Yesterday,September 19th,2018 about 9pm North West,Greece,i had a sudden interruption of my internet connection and since i never tend to create resistance to myself and always believing that there is a reason for everything, i came out in my balcony, take a fresh breeze of air and the first thing i did is look up in the clear sky and there it was again:2 intense white light flashes sending (me?) a signal right above my head and then after that i saw about 5 or 6 galactic ships,2 crossing each other on a speed faster than aeroplanes and yet not too fast, they were perceived about 2 to 3 minutes.2 of them stopped for a while, it felt like they were doing some intense cleaning in the sky as right above them, the usual chemtrail plane was passing by, i  recognise this one by the sound it makes which is quite different from a normal aeroplane with passengers.Then a fleet of about 4 to 5 ships were following each other on a an almost straight line.At the same time i captivated an intenser sound of the higher spheres,i can hear the higher spheres almost all the time now and can even captivate higher or lower frequencies,Angelic presence or upgrades of Ascension.Clairaudience,part of my new abilities now, must be because of my love for music!

Here is the first part of my disclosure so far:

More Testimonies with proof! in The U.S.A.

My Lucid Dream Last Night.

Last night,i was with my soul sparks family after requesting to meet them.And it was marvellous amazing fun fantastic awesome to be and chat with them.I just feel like going to bed again, you know that feeling, right?right.Unconditional Love pouring all over.There were 4 of them,3 adults and one child and they were speaking in a language that sounded more brazilian than anything else.The most funny part is that there was a dog-with very big expressive eyes that looked me straight into my eyes with so much love-that was of red-pinkish color.Hilarious,i know.Towards the end of the dream,i was in the arms of a female presence, felt like Mother Love,very compassionate cosmic hug,i woke up while being in there and i could hear my breath and a second breath, like being in 2 different dimensions simultaneously, the one here in 3d,the one on the other dimension,i don’t know if i should call it 5th or parallel dimension, must have been the breath of my mother spark soul, it’s all new to me right now, most probably i begin to remember where i come from,maybe another planet?we shall see if this follows up!

I just share this since i’ve been working on remembering my lucid dreams for a while now, going to bed always at 22h-23h(the only reason i stay awake after 22h is for Jared Rand’s Global Meditation) and waking up around 3h30-4h00 as mostly it happens naturally.This is a moment i do another meditation expanding my Light to the world, work on my manifestations and maybe do some house  cleaning or yoga if i have the energy for it till i drop again ready for another 3 hour sleep.It is then that i have the most vivid ludic dreams that i am aware i am having while sleeping.Try it!it is very fun,all you need is to intent and ask to meet your soul sparks family(as shared by Dancing Dolphin in previous channeling posted on this website)