Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

“You are in a time of individual and collective Ascension that has never occurred upon your planet or elsewhere so many of the historic and accurate understandings with regard to heart openings have shifted, can we say, expanded.” AA Michael

If i was all about my full awakening i would be isolating and locking myself in a life retreat for ever in a monastery or in an ashram meditating,that was the old way of past life times and generations.I am here born in a city and living in cities and all around the planet grounding myself, being human and loving the experience of being in form, even knowing that i am not my body, i love my body , i love matter and matter part of the Mother where the word ‘matter’ comes from, the Mother of all things.Matter is what my eyes can perceive while living this 3dimensional life while awakening my inner eye (3rd eye) to perceive more of the higher dimensions,I know it is not all there and yet it does not stop me from enjoying all there is and all i see, hear, feel, taste and smell!Now many spiritual people will say to me i am not spiritual when i say these things and my answer to all people who like to call them self spiritual is:Ascension is the big elephant with the red nails hiding in plain sight whether you see it or not.I can not only see it, i sense it all the time within my body.Everybody and everything is spiritual and divine, everybody from a priest praying in the church to a lady working in the toilets or a man cleaning the streets, all are spiritual and all in service for the highest good for all.Ascension is not just about awakening the self, it is also about being the open door ,the open space to awaken all sisters and brothers, all souls that came to incarnate in these bodies :7, 8 billion to be precise to live this experience of ‘’the time of individual and collective Ascension that has never occurred upon our planet or elsewhere ,so many of the historic and accurate understandings with regard to heart openings have shifted, can we say, expanded ‘’ as shared by Archangel Michael.

And i love this gem channeling from Saint Germain also saying that:

The fact that we’ll retain our physical bodies, combined with the mass aspect of Ascension, mean, as St. Germaine reminded us, that “all the rules have changed.”

“You have decided to maintain form. That doesn’t mean we’re going to have you punished by not allowing you access to the 7th. That is the old paradigm. ‘You can’t come here, unless you die.’

“Well, that’s not true! That’s what enlightenment and Ascension is about. You can go as far [as you like], you can go and feel and be the Love that is the 7th Christ consciousness. You can have it all and then you pull it into your physical form so that you are a walking, talking, working, creating Christ-conscious Being.” (9)

Feel More Than Fine

I Am All That, I Am.

Far from wanting to ‘show off’ , here is one example of the many amazing manifestations are happening in my reality these days as i practice ‘ I Am All That, I Am’ in my nows.These manifestations are more of what my eyes and all senses can see or sense,more of the 5 main senses of our 3d reality than anything else.I know there are many others taking place in the higher dimensions and i also know this is also the warm up for what is coming.Mother God in recent post said that this has never been witnessed previously that for so long some evolved souls got permission to interfere into Humanity’s evolution.

So to make this blog as short as possible here is a little story,of ”focusing on my peanut butter” as i like to say often,the small things in life that i enjoy each and every day.

Yesterday i felt the need to dance ,yes ,i am dancing each and every day doing a small step here and a small ballet spinning over there during my walks and yet this time it was one of these needs to truly listen to some loud beats and dance non stop…it must be something from my past DJ and Dancer 20+ year career life, I don’t know about you ,me i still love beats and Kids they seem to love it too as i continue further here.
I chose not to go repair my bike that had a flat tyre and instead to walk in the busiest of all streets in Antwerp city on a ‘Black Friday Day’.
People rushing in and out of the shops with their hands filled with bags and happy faces that is quite a spectacle to see already, i consider this a manifestation of abundance and prosperity all around me.So walking down this street (Meir ),i hear some music and not just music there was a strong baseline and OMG there it was!Some Fat Speakers ‘’landed’’ in the street with DJS playing at floor 3 outdoors while people on level 0 walking in all directions almost without noticing the loud music, some even feeling disturbed about it.
So,I am like, hey i didn’t dance for quite a while now (actually the day before we had a concert with a small crowd where i danced a little during our performance),the last time i did that on loud music was in London at Morning Glory last summer and since then i always thought :wouldn’t be nice that we bring the party in the streets having everybody dancing toxic free? So i stat moving all by myself in the middle of the crowd, some kids start looking, some try to imitate me, some faces start to smile from old ladies to men and women too.And i just keep on doing it, becoming one with the music, dancing like nobody is looking around meant even caring about those words and energies that come out of the mouths of people that somehow do not appreciate what is that i am doing while i keep on repeating to myself within:I Am the Love,I AM the Light.I keep on dancing invoquing more of the Light of God to come and bless this place as a portal with all the codes for Joy,Peace,Abundance,Prosperity,Freedom,Well Being,Love,Wisdom,Ascension,Bliss,Compassion and Forgiveness and Transformation.Some more people dare to start dancing and smile at a distance from me.3 young girls dance along in front their mothers, i felt this was a present from St.Nichols as he has shared from previous channeling here.More kids are joining from age 3 to age 10.All running and walking and playing all around.More people start to notice, some pull out their iPhones and start filming.I keep on dancing and making wider moves, just as i would do if people were not around me with a big smile on my face as i become witness of the manifestation taking place right in front of me as a direct consequence of my action.Police are passing by once a while.I love the police!they are Angels assisting to keep order and justice and freedom.One guy is dancing in front of his can of beer.And i am like ,ok i am thirsty, i need water.I stop dancing and get out of the place and walk down the street.100 meters further, there is a singer performing on a moving chair, she sings oldies songs of the 30’s and 40’s,amazing voice ,she is surrounded by people that follow her.I drop in one of the local restaurants and give myself a nice treat or 2 (hehehe) of raw vegan chocolate and black forest cakes and a nice glass of water.I get out of the place feeling refreshed and decide to go down to the party zone again.Time is 19+ streets is darker and less busy, the zone in front of the DJS is empty(to my surprise),people are just walking up and down.And then as i am ready to make some last dancing steps before going to bed, i meet a friend, a friend that we have been doing sacred work together in past.We invoque the light together this time, we know it is not coincidence we are meeting each other.We start to dance ,we both want to celebrate and express our joy for getting to meet each other and/or just be the joy in the now.More people join us.A group of kids from 13-16 make their circle, one of them is amazing dancer, wow what a show!!!thank you Saint Nichols.More kids of younger age from 2-8 are joining, the place start to get busy again, just in 20 minutes.The organiser comes up to me and tells me :Thank you, keep on dancing, can i offer you a beer??? i smile back and say:no thank you, a glass of water is welcome.He is like, are you sure???i made all this, please have what you want!!!please drink of me!i reply:yes, i ll have a glass of water please, thank you!
They bring me a glass of water and as i keep on dancing and doing some more spinning we are not circled by families and all sorts of people watching with smile in their faces, must about about 500 in total or even more.The party outdoors just manifested.All Glory to Christ and God and Company of Heaven and Angels and Ascended Masters and Archangers.I Am All That, i Am.Thank you, thank you thank you!

Picture :Me DJing for ecstatic dance event in Antwerp City.

New Moon Today

New Moon Today at 16h05 CET and Unified Consciousness Meditation.If you have the Heart Call please go within in your now,breath and read with an open heart the following :I will state this
meditation in the first person so we
will all experience it personally but
know that we are serving as surrogates
on behalf of every son and daughter of
God on
earth and we begin: I am my I am presence
and I am one with the I am presence of
every person on this planet through all
levels of consciousness I know that
divine gratitude is an expression of
light that lifts my heart and opens the
floodgates of heaven to assist me in my
earthly sojourn divine gratitude
transforms my life experiences into
frequencies of divine love enlightenment
harmony and balance gratitude is now
flowing through my heart flame in
response to the gift of light I am
receiving from My Father mother God and
the gift of light that all humanity is
being blessed with at this time divine
gratitude is lifting my very soul and as
it does I begin to see with new eyes and
hear with new ears a vision of the new
earth is appearing before me and I am
able to understand more consciously than
ever before the monumental moment
unfolding on this blessed planet it is a
wondrous time great changes are taking
place everywhere on earth in my mind’s
eye I see that the earth is becoming a
planet of exquisite beauty and harmony
her majestic mountains
Daisy splattered Meadows billowing
clouds golden desert sands and sky blue waters are beginning to once again
reflect their exquisite beauty
birds are singing children and animals
are playing men and women live love and
work together in harmony peace respect
and acceptance the sun is shining and
gentle rains kissed the ground with
sweet blessings it is a time of
transformation for unto earth is dawning
the age of great enlightenment our
father mother God and the company of
heaven see that all nations of the earth
from east west north and south are
developing in the theories of light
these precious light workers from all
nations religions races and creeds are
joining together to contemplate study
research learn and explore viable
solutions that will improve the quality
of life for every person evolving on
this sweet earth within the divinity of
every person’s heart they know that the
new earth will not just happen
it will begin within the heart and mind
of each person and be co-created through
our heart based thoughts words feelings
and actions our beloved godparents are
observing the awakening taking place
within the hearts and minds of humanity
they witness peacemakers embracing the
combatants of the warring nations in an
invincible force field of pure divine
love this force field of divine love is
softening the hearts of the combatants a
new level of reverence for life is
within the deepest recesses of their
hearts new positive ways of solving
their differences begin to flow into
their conscious minds and they realize
that divine reason and practical
negotiations are far more effective than
arms the leaders of all nations begin
seeing understanding and talking to each
other they join hearts minds souls and
strengths for the benefit of all
humanity the visionaries the souls who
are the architects for the Earth’s
Transfiguration are actively working
toward the highest good for all
they hold the immaculate concept for
Mother Earth and all life abiding upon
her they do not see the limiting
illusions of humanity’s miss creations
they peer beyond the veils and mists of
doubt and uncertainty and pierced the
walls of time our father mother God
observed the awakening taking place on
earth and rejoice in the truth that
Humanity is beginning to remember our
oneness with all life through humanity’s
unified efforts hunger disease ignorant
war and suffering are being eliminated
each person is co-creating a rich and
fulfilling life greed corruption and
wealth and power of the few at the
expense of the masses is no longer a
viable option a new level of
understanding is awakening within the
profound truth within every soul that
the infinite abundance of God is
humanity’s divine
birthright a consciousness of right
thinking feeling speaking and acting
among all people is assuring the
fulfillment of the divine plan for
planet Earth and all of her inhabitants
the flame of divinity that blazes within
every precious person is expanding in
size and brilliance people are living in
harmony and peace with each other and
their planetary home they are revering
all life and honoring the resources of
Earth now the majestic angel of renewal
and restoration descends into the
atmosphere of Earth with the assistance
of this magnificent being of light the
emissaries of light from all over the
world travel to every land touch every
nation bless all people by spreading the
word of the dawning age of enlightenment
and the birth of the new earth
fragrances of the light of truth blossom
wherever their footsteps fall a clarion
call sounds and a mighty trumpet
reverberates throughout the universe
calling all great beings of the cosmos
to come and see the miracle taking place
on earth these great ones behold
humanity experiencing an awakening into
God awareness this new level of divine
consciousness is reflected in every
person’s life through their heart based
thoughts feelings words and behavior
patterns the rejoicing is tremendous the
heavens ring with the songs of angels
and humanity the earth has donned her
seamless garment of light and reclaimed
her rightful place in the universe she
is now a planet of light with infinite
gratitude our omniscient omnipresent
omnipotent father mother God respond how
magnificent you are beloved sons and
daughters welcome home I now return my
consciousness to the room I become aware
of my physical body and I allow this
vision and the full momentum of divine gratitude to be assimilated into my
physical etheric mental and emotional
bodies and so it is dear one this week
as you bask in the radiance of our
father mother God’s love and divine
gratitude go within and ask your I am
presence how you can add to the light of
the world in the most powerful way
during this critical time
God Bless you

Patricia Cota Robles

Transcript :Nikos Akrivos

Angelic Work And Lucid Dreaming.

Doing distance healing work has been and is one of my daily practices for over a decade now.And at this time space reality of our evolution where each one of us discovers new facets of our multidimensional selves i want to share with you a lucid dream i had a few days ago:

I was present in a room where an 8 year girl was receiving loving guidance for healing after being a victim of intense sexual abuse.As you most probably know or about to find out,this has been happening on our planet for thousands of years and all the truth is coming out pieces by pieces for the wider masses for awakening.I will not go into the details about why this has been happening and if it is true or not here.There is a lot of material out there,red pill material that one can easily access and find out on the internet.If you wish to know more about it,i invite you to watch Above Majestic.

Back to my Lucid dream:I was present in the room as pure energy of Love and Light radiating out in the room for both the teacher and the child.So they could not see me and i can even now feel my heart expanding as i speak about it.It feels like i am back in the room continuing this work by distance without having to be there,one minute suffice to raise my vibration and expansion of my being,quite powerful to experience in this now.And so now,it feels right as i write this blog to ask you to take a minute and be there as pure energy of Love and Light radiating out from you for all the children on the planet that have been abused and tortured:”May all Children heal all wounds and have beautiful lives in ease,grace and flow being safe and sound at all times doing all the things they love to do,free to be creative and expanding in all ways always””May all victims know forgiveness,may all victims and perpetrators know forgiveness as much as Cosmic Law allows”

It may take one minute of your time or 2 or 3 or more cause it feels quite awesome to do this.

And this an idea i expand on a recent channeling from Sananda Yehshua Christ i read about doubling ourselves and tripling and going to war areas and bring healing to all children and mothers in countries like Syria,Iran,Irak.We can do this every time we hear or become witness on the media about anything bad happening in the lives to any one of our sisters and brothers ,animals and plants included,instead of just being a witness,using the mightest strength in the Universe =Love to bring healing and Change.I truly tell you all sisters and brothers reading this post of mine:it works!What i feel is the proof and what i dream also.

So please allow me at this stage to share with you one of dear projects we have begun in Dakar,Senegal in Africa in 2013,setting a non profit association in 2018 named Feel More Than Fine Africa.This happened after an intention i send out through musical creation to eradicate hunger on the planet with the prime focus on children:Earthlinks was produced in 2011 and if you wish you go here and read a short description about it plus listen to the music :

I went to visit Dakar in 2013 and there i became aware of the phenomenon of so many children being in the streets asking for money.The first thing i did,was to go to the corresponding ministry of Dakar and ask how can we proceed to help these children.And so God,the Universe replied to me by bringing on my way a beautiful person which became my partner for this project.We have been waiting for the prosperity funds to assist with a small project we begun in the village of Fouta since already 4 years now.The full marketing of the project is complete and what is needed is 580,000 € to build infrastructure for schooling.I have many times requested for funding on this website and my belief is that at this time or the skies will open and bring it directly in bank account or somebody out there who is a billionaire and has a sensitive heart about it will assist us and making this reality true.

So i am making a call to any of you reading this post,if and only if you have the possibility to assist with this by financial means or you could maybe assist in creating an event or a serie of events for charity involving ecstatic dancing (where i am very happy to offer my services as DJ & ANGELIC CHANNEL) please write to me.

My email is :

And if you are just reading this post ,i thank you for making a prayer for us to bring the beginning of this dream into fruition and manifestation and action in the ever expanding now.Love is the mightest strength in the Universe and you are that Love and You have that power by sending out loving intentions for the Highest Good for all,can be general and can be specific!So thank you for being specific to this mission of us to

Feel More Than Fine Africa!

May all children have equal chances to become like Omari McQueen(Picture for this post) for anything they aspire to be,do or have.(11-Year-Old Award-Winning Vegan Chef: CEO Of Plant-Based Restaurant)

Nikos Akrivos

Focusing On Creating the New.

The following message from The Galactic Federation of Light once again reminds us of the importance of focusing on creating the new while holding the space in Love and Light for all awakening masses around us.You that are visiting this website,are here for a reason,you are a leader of example of clarity to follow for all those surrounding you.

Hello once again! Are we good to get straight into it?

The warmest of Greetings to you, affectionately known to all as Blossom! And our extension on those greetings to Each One who find these words which we are to portray.

Thank you. The reason I am so keen, is that last week you mentioned that things would really start to happen due to ‘a slip’ … and I felt ‘a slip of the tongue’. Well, there has been ‘a slip’ (a leak) from the media regarding the gentleman we spoke of, who was the leader of the paedophile ring and was then consequently ‘removed’ (?) once in prison. We were told he committed suicide yet, it is widely assumed he was ‘murdered’.

Three years ago a particular reporter had so much information, pictures, etc., that would have put this man and many, many so called celebrities away. Yet the royal family, it seems, put pressure on the large media corporations NOT to let such a story leak as indeed it involved Royal family members. Is this what you were speaking of regarding the ‘slip’ (See link at end of channelling)

Indeed, Blossom it was. Yet, we would add that this is just the beginning. Now that this has been ‘opened up/out’ and on to your mainstream media, it has the capability of allowing that huge can of worms we have spoken of to unfold and the world to watch as each and every worm crawls out to be shown for who/what they are.

It will of course ‘blow up and die down’ ‘blow up and die down’ quite a few times and much, so very much controversy will linger around it … and yet, the seed will be planted and stories / Truths will be so obviously disguised that the ‘ordinary folk’ will not be fooled.

Be prepared, Dearest Souls … for we have spoken of this taking place and one needing to have their wits about them. It will be a little like children when they have been ‘snitched upon’ by another, and so the one upmanship of who can go bigger and better in who/what can be revealed will take place. One will find it quite incredible the lengths one will reach to try and cover up that which has been disclosed and yet, we categorically state … this time there is no going back. 

There is too much at stake. Too much evidence that even those who consider themselves to be of the highest order will not be able to cover their tracks.

And this will happen very quickly now. The dominoes begin to fall.

So, if you are able to predict this ‘slip’ are you able to tell us what will follow on from here regarding what this all means and where it is leading?

As you can imagine, Blossom, there will be those in absolute disbelief … for they will not want to accept the Truth about their royals and their superstars and indeed, those that were once in the highest of positions within your governments. For if they believe it … their world and all that it stood for will fall apart and they cannot imagine that. 

When they consider the deceit regarding finances of this monarchy … when they consider the ‘incredible cover ups’ that are to be revealed, many will feel as if ALL HOPE IS LOST.

Many, many times have we spoken of atrocities … and one by one they shall be told.

This is what we mean by your world turning upside down … for who should/would one Trust?

Where would /should one turn in order to know what to do next and who to believe?/

So many, many lies will be twisted in order to try and ‘get oneself out’. Yet, the more lies that are revealed and the more those who are scared for their lives try to put a plaster on the wound, the more they shall find themselves in deep water … and we do mean deep, deep muddy water .

Even you yourselves, who have known of something like this coming … will be in shock … at first.


This is when you begin expressing to those who are at a complete loss as to what to do … that which you know. That which you are aware of.

You start giving out Hope. You start sharing the facts that this has ‘been on the cards’ for a long, long time and that even though all ‘at this time’ appears to be hopeless … INDEED IT IS NOT.

ALL that is being revealed is for the HIGHEST REASON.

Tell these lost souls … that this is the BEST NEWS EVER!


It could not come while such devious acts were secretly going on in the back ground … The PURE LIGHT could not cover up and pretend that all was well when it wasn’t.

Dearest, dearest souls … think what this means … AT LAST!

All kinds of stories shall spread eventually, over the coming days and months. Yet …


Because the winds of change are coming. The dust is beginning to rise and turn into the whirlwind taking with it all that can no longer be part of this New Earth.


Yet, we ask that you choose to remain on the side of positivity.

It will not be easy to do, as more and more is exposed. Yet, as it reaches your eyes and ears … 





And Dearest Souls … PRAY!



I know we have spoken of this before in that it may be easier, if one cannot forgive a particular soul directly, to ask for forgiveness as ‘a whole’ upon all that has gone so terribly wrong.

Of course, we cannot foresee exactly how this will run. For there shall be so much anger , so much frustration of Energy bursting out of so many in disbelief, that the Energies all around will be disrupted.

Yet you, you Dearest Souls KNOW WHAT TO DO.


Say to yourselves your Divine right, over and over …




So many of you have been waiting to assist. 

Will you FEEL/BE strong enough to explain to those who are in deep despair that this is who they are and if they say this mantra/blessing they will be making such a difference?

Will you Dearest friends? Will you be strong enough to deliver this message to those who would feel so disgusted that they lose all reasoning and desire to kill?


We do not jest. For so many souls will be so angered not only by the behaviour of other so called ‘human Beings’, yet also by the deceit … BY THE LIES THEY HAVE LIVED THEIR TRUTH UPON!


If one chose … one could find this all very daunting and a little scary.



How long have you waited?

Oh indeed, a long time. Yet, to be honest one was concentrating more on the ‘Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows’ aspect as opposed to calming down the rioters!

Which is the correct thing to do. To KNOW that your Rainbow Land lies ahead.

Yet, we have never once said that to get there, it would be an easy ride. We have always spoken of this that is now upon you.

Even though I have seen it on the news and already much is stirring … it still seems hard to believe that it is all going to come out now. Maybe because we have been hanging on a thread for so long and nothing REALLY happens.


Even though it may appear this ‘reveal’ dies down for a little while … believe us when we say … THIS will not be able to be buried. This will no longer be hidden. There are those in position ready to put into place that which they have been working on behind the scenes, yet, requiring the perfect …

Sorry. I am butting in here for I feel you want to say ‘alibi’ … and I don’t feel that fits in. So I am questioning myself … Is that what you want to say?

It is. We were to say ‘yet requiring the perfect alibi … which will be presented in Divine timing, allowing discoveries to prove data, that up until these revealing times were not able to do so.’

Again, a little lost on the ‘alibi’ thing. Yet, I have learned to let it be, as often my non-understanding of something you say can lead to it all going out the window. I TRUST YOU.

And we, Dearest Lady Blossom … TRUST YOU.

Ah! You haven’t called me ‘Lady’ for a long time! Lady Blossom! So Regal! Yet, not wanting to be connected with anything royal! And to be honest, never have been. My heart is full of Hope that the end of ‘horror’ is upon us. Yes, it will be a bumpy, bumpy ride. This you have prepared us for and we PRAY FOR STRENGTH AND KNOWLEDGE, HOPE, LIGHT AND LOVE to fill our Beings as we get on with what we came here to do. ONWARDS EVER ONWARDS!

Dearest Souls, PLEASE KNOW … that we would not lead you up to this point and then abandon you. WE ARE ETERNALLY BY YOUR SIDE … SHOWERING YOU … INFUSING YOU … WITH/THROUGH/ AS /IN … THE PUREST HIGHEST LIGHT AND LOVE.

Many thanks for all this you have assisted us with today. My heart is almost in my mouth with anticipation as to where this will all take us. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

The YouTube link about this matter , from which you can research more .

The Audio recording for this channelling shall be posted below shortly.

A note from Blossom/. These channellings are posted on many sites that I am unaware of and not everyone receives my newsletter. So I take this opportunity to let you know of this exciting Event I am holding in Hawaii.

Meditation Tools from AA Michael.

In a recent channeling from RONNA VEZANE AA Michael invite us to integrate in our meditations some super strong activations ,i am almost at the end of this retreat i created for myself and i can confirm to you that my being has ascended a few frequencies higher thanks to this beautiful gem that is given freely to all of us: When you go into the World Pyramid of Light, which contains a holographic replica of the world, breathe in the Light from the Creator, and breathe out Sacred, unconditional love. This wondrous energy is then filtered or diluted so that it can be received by all who are ready and willing to open their heart center, thereby initiating the process of transformation into a Galactic Spiritual/human Being. 

I vividely invite you to read again and create the time for yourself to balance your physical,your mental,your emotional and your etherice body,quite some work here to be and if you are getting into it you will feel the benefit of this :

** MEDITATION  LET US BEGIN WITH THE PHYSICAL VESSEL: Go into your personal Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table. You might ask for the Ray of health and vitality to radiate forth into your physical vessel, or the Rays of beauty, youthfulness, coordination, strength, power, elegance, clear seeing, clear hearing, flexibility, and any other attributes that come to mind which will enhance your physical well-being. Call on and activate only one or two of each Ray’s energies at one time.   Know that your Divine I AM Presence and your OverSoul/Higher Self will monitor the process, and will assure that you integrate only the appropriate amount of these powerful energies, and no more. Your desire should not be for accelerated transformation only, but that the law of ease and grace applies, always. You are to enjoy the process, beloveds. The time of painful lessons, trauma, stress, and failure can be over, if you will allow the process to work for you, by moving out of the realm of cause and effect or karma, and into the higher frequency realms where the Law of Grace applies.   NOW FOCUS ON THE EMOTIONAL BODY: As you stand at the head of your crystal table, see your Emotional Body manifest and take form on the table. How does your Emotional Body appear to you? Study it for a moment, and observe the different shades, colors, and shapes that make up your emotional body. You might be surprised at what you see. Whatever you perceive will be valid, and if you keep practicing, your inner senses will sharpen in focus. You might start by asking for the frequencies of the Ray of pure Creator love to pour forth and fill you to overflowing, washing away all senseof inadequacy, guilt, shame, and doubt. Now, in turn, call on the Ray of compassion, the Ray of mercy and forgiveness, the Rays of receptivity, passion, peace, harmony, benevolence, refined intuition, courage, and so on. Then see your emotional body being filled with each of these specific energies as you integrate the maximum amount that is appropriate for you at a particular time.   NOW FOCUS ON THE MENTAL BODY: Again, stand at the head of your crystal table, and see your mental body manifest and take form on the table. How does your mental body appear to you? Is it strong and well-defined, or is it muted with muddled and distorted colors? Ask for the Rays of truth, will, valor, wisdom, intelligence, focus, creativity, Divine thought, language/patterns of Light, sacred geometry, discipline, organization, scientific information, order, the Ray of receiving, the Ray of giving/sharing, each in turn, to flow down through the great generator crystal that hangs over the center of the table into your personal Pyramid of Light.   Your God Spark – I AM Presence – will filter the Essence of each Ray of expression in its purest form into your Etheric Replica. See your Pyramid being filled with the Essence and power of each of these Rays as they permeate everything within. Know that you will bring the gifts of each Ray (the appropriate amount for you) back with you via the column of Light in which you presently reside.   YOU MAY ALSO FOCUS ON YOUR ETHERIC BODY: Your Etheric Body contains the blueprint for your Body of Light. The Etheric Body surrounds the physical vessel, and the distortions and imperfections lodged there first before they manifested within the physical vessel. Now the process is being reversed. The Essence of perfected Creation of the physical form is stored within the Etheric Body, and you must fill that part of your Being with harmonious Light once more so that it will be accessible to your physical body.   What does your Etheric Body look like? Can you see or imagine the dark webs of distorted energy throughout? Are there patches that are denser and darker than others? Where are they? Eventually, this ability will become a natural part of your refined awareness. Your etheric body-elemental consciousness will begin to tell you where your body is out of balance and in the most distress, and where it is likely that you will experience the next health crisis or dis-ease.   In addition, while in a Light ALPHA state you may wish to concentrate on the physical body for a week or two as you prepare your body to receive and manifest these powerful energies. If you, in any way, begin to feel disoriented, not grounded or uncomfortable, stop the process for a day or two before continuing. Let Spirit be your guide, and do not pattern your progress or transformation after that of anyone else. You are tapping into your own Divine intelligence, and you are activating your own creative genius.   Whenever you wish, you may identify and focus on the colors of the Rays that are being projected to you; however, first, please concentrate on the feeling qualities of each Ray. Your auric field will change each time you integrate another Ray of expression. Henceforth, as you radiate the Love/Light of the Creator, it will take on the magnified qualities of each Ray you have absorbed. In doing so, you will begin to project your own unique Ray of God Light–your SOUL SONG–your gift to humanity.   TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE EXCERPTED FROM: THE MAGIC & MAJESTY OF ASCENDING HUMANITY© *STAR*QUEST* * RONNA VEZANE *  

Full Article here

Stretching Time (or Shifting Timelines)

I had very interesting lucid dream last night:In my dream i was an actor or rather a figurine playing in a category B movie where the director was not nice at all and while playing my part i suddenly decided to take a moment, instead of obeying to the director’s orders and in my mind I saw myself having a role where the director is nice to me.And as i practiced this within this now with my eyes closed, taking a moment to not look around me, just going within when i open my eyes, i find myself playing a different role, a more important role now and yet still doing the same scene, seen from a different perspective and where the casting director and all team are much nicer to me.I decide to escape for a moment in this now and pretend that i need to go to the toilet,where i take another moment to close my eyes and see myself being the protagonist of an A movie where i am surrounded by a loving team of co-workers where we are al having fun and equally respecting one another.I come out of the toilet and boom magic! i am now playing the same scene,this time in a totally different decor where everything that i saw myself doing is even better than i imagined in my short toilet time out.I become aware that i can do this countless times, every time stretching time, stretching this now, by taking time to go within.i become aware that time is malleable ,it feels like a solid material going to a liquid state(for example plastic,when temperature rises,it can melt) and i decide to play this game in just a moment in this now, as far as I can.In the next moment, i take a moment while playing my role on stage, to close my eyes, be in the now and with a very big smile , see myself being the director of this movie where i don’t need to follow the orders of anyone(never liked to do so in this Earth Life time and feeling very blessed that every time some body tried to impose their beliefs , i always took the exit door and escaped successfully!!!).And so i become the director of my own movie, living the scene in this now, this same moment:I become aware that i can go back in time and re write the story in my mind and when opening my eyes i am exactly doing what i have taken the time to see in my mind.Now,as a director it is much easier to make decisions and have a say to my wonderful team of co-workers where each and everyone is happy in their chosen activities out of their own free will.While everybody is doing their work , i close my eyes and decide that my role this time will be the silent observer, i open my eyes and boom magic again! I am now seeing the director of the movie, doing a better work that i would have done ,he is not aware of my presence and yet somehow i feel i have total control of the movie.I understand in my dream that I am the creator of all this and that at any time i can close my eyes and re write the scenario,every time with more details, every time taking a distance, every time a more perfect movie where everything flows with ease and grace for all participants.
When i open my eyes, now waking up from my lucid dream, i know deeply within that the movie I have just seen playing over and over again ,is my life or more shall i say the matrix of my life and like Neo, the main actor in the Matrix Movie, i become a master of creation and with detail arrange all scenario and play it again every time with different powers and more control of the outcome by always intending to create and be more loving and surrounded by loving people.
And this i can now share is exactly what takes place in my life, only in real life the now moment feels like it takes much longer to become true.I suppose this is what it means to live in a 3rd dimensional or lower dimensions world (lmagine the time and scenario of being a turtle or a plant or tree).And so we raise our frequency from taking time to go within and as more incoming energies of Love and Light penetrate our being, we rise in our dimensional experiences and we become aware in ‘real’ life that like in my dream that lasted not more than maybe 20 minutes that there is only now and that time can be stretched and it malleable to our wishes and desires.What a beautiful gift and toy we can play with!It is just so WOW!I feel i am ready to sit down again and re write my scenario, even with more details this time and hey if something appears that i don’t like, all i have to do, is close my eyes instantly in this now and see a better outcome and test the heck out of it in my every now!After all I am already living in 5D,i know it and say :I Am 5D and by doing so i am getting access to my new toys to play and have fun with.
I AM 5D,I AM! at your marks, steady, go!(when you feel ready to live your new created dream, just close your eyes, say this mantra 3 times and create your desired outcome, open and see and feel what just took place)

Blessings and Much Love

Feel More Than Fine Always From Within Out


The Time Is Now.

Hello Angels,through my perspective,this is a time where each one of you reading this needs to be more aware than ever and focus on creating the new matrix of the highest good for all at all times.I vividely invite you to focus on doing longer meditations every day-i do one in the morning and one before going to bed- and sending out your desires for your life and all life by creating a list with priorities that you keep only for yourself,no need to speak to anyone about it ,as this may take away energy from your manifestation and then read it before you go to bed and first thing in the morning,feeling into the outcome of it and and as you soon as you finish say out loud :Thank You Mother Father God for already giving me what I am asking for.I Am God and with God.

Then during your day,every time your desires come into your mind remember to be thankful and always repeat this forementionned mantra.Intend to think,feel and repeat this 100 times a day even if is for a few seconds,it works and it raises your frequency to the highest levels.The longer you stay ,the deeper you go ,the more powerful.All you are asked to do is to Feel More Than Fine all day long.Choose the easy way of Love and Joy!With Focus and dedication,become the witness of your beautiful reality in your now as you realize the powerful magnet that you are of all the GOod things in life you are worthy and deserve at all times.

Don’t forget to share this with others.

Feel More Than Fine Always


Donations appreciated

Your Participation is welcome.

We are soon celebrating our 10th anniversary since this website got created.There are hundreds if not thousands of you visiting this website on a daily basis, it is a huge library for Humanity’s Ascension Journey that anyone can visit for free when looking for such material.During all these years the website has been funded by me and at this time space reality since more of you begin to awaken it is time to ask for a contribution -generous or not or just your love if you don’t have the financial means- as we need to pay for the hosting and administration costs to get this going by end of this month.

Thank You for Making your donation today here

REMINDER:When you give to our cause please remember to say these words out loud :’‘All The money that i give is blessed and comes back to me multiplied”x 3 and truly feel gratitude for our service for the highest good for all life.Then witness an opening in your heart and watch for signs of abundance and prosperity coming to you in magical ways,i promise and know this from The God of my Being.

Feel More Than Fine Always From Within Out.


Trees are Living Libraries.

Ok,this is amazing synchronicity for me:2 nights ago – and this is the 2nd time i see this-i n my lucid dream i was looking at my house,actually it looked more like a castle and then one of the roofs on the left side got open from a tree that was pushing to come out,the tree came out with many leaves and surrounded the whole perimeter of the castle house.And then i remembered all the conversations i am having with trees,the latest one is that they are actively helping me in fulfilling one of my projects that has to do with reforestation of as much as land as possible and also cities or towns than are in desperate need for more green and trees.And then i remembered a conversation i had with my dad telling him that one day i will be living in a tree house,he laughed at me and did not believe me and God Bless him he even was angry about it cause i said this in front of his friends.So here i am looking forward to my next manifestation/co-creation living in a tree house,not that i want to prove anything to anybody,just living my dream,who knows maybe with many others like minded&hearted in a community!To this comes this beautiful confirmation for the official Trees Channeler Dianne Robins that i respect very much for her precious work on connecting us with Hollow Earth,the elementals and Trees

A powerful practice to integrate in your daily meditation.

One very powerful way to integrate in your daily meditations to become more aware of your oneness with your Higher Christ Self/God Self is to take some time and while doing the sacred breathing of AA Michael in 8 Spiral or the breathing of :Inhale :I Am the Love of God,holding breath for a while :I Assimilate the Love of God,Exhale:I Expand the Love of God,Holding the breath for a while :I Project the Love of God  call upon Your 12 Aspects of Deity which have 12 different colors,visualizing the colors is enough,kwowing the power of each Ray even more powerful.If you wish to know more about the colors please go here and note them down one by one in your agenda,it is a nice way to memorize them.

Blessings and Much Love


It is good to have fun AND always always always remember to do your spiritual work first.

These are times that i need to be the accent to the fact that if one really desires to Ascend into their physical bodies,from human to galactic,from carbon based cells to crystalin based cells with 12 double strands perfect DNA fully activated,one needs to be disciplined and do their inner work on a daily basis.There are no secrets here,it is the work of each one for the self to do the work,there is a lot of support out there and this website is packed with information to get you to understand most of your evolution journey with ease,grace and flow.All you need to do is make a research,put a key work on the main page and it will bring to the information that is more appropriate for you,wherever you stand in your stand in your evolution process.You are your own personal Jesus and finding your Christ Self within is a 1:1 job with your self and never forget to ask for assistance to the higher realms of Mother Father God and Company of Heaven or the galactics.Meditation and activities that raise your consciousness are to be integrated each and every day if you want to ride the wave with ease,grace and flow.Our global meditations daily and on Sundays are equally a powerful tool to assist you in your journey.

Much Love and Blessings to you in all ways always.

Feel More Than Fine

A Moment of Music from our French Alps Gathering:Music on 432 Hz.

And of course our gatherings always come with a little of dance celebration and spontaneous creation on 432 HZ that works in tune with the nature around us.Enjoy few minutes here.I also invite you to notice the Violet Fire on your left side(on my right side) being present transmuting and releasing all that does not serve the highest good for all through one of the things i love to do most.Alchemical Music fully manifesting in this

Look at yourselves as Source Energy Beings, and feel for the truth that you are Source Energy Beings. See others as Source Energy Beings, and expect them to speak and think and act as such…This is called holding space by many. If you hold space for the absolute best that a person, including yourself, has within you or within them, then you can co-create something magical, something new.

This message from the Arcturians confirms what i received from God this morning,after a long practice of The IAM Presence in me,one with every woman,man and child on the planet and one with Mother Father God.It is of course one thing to keep on saying this mantra and another truly have it coming from within(also called ”entrainment” resulting to a collective of new quantum cells that create reality,attracting even more of what one chooses to focus on):

”IAM my IAM presence and IAM one with All Humanity,IAM my IAM Presence and IAM one with Mother Father God,IAM one with all that is,IAM Unlimited,IAM Love,IAM,IAM Light IAM,IAM Prosperity,IAM,IAM Freedom IAM,IAM in Excellent Health,IAM,IAM Abundance IAM,IAM God,IAM,IAM All That,IAM”

And this goes equally for you:You Are God.

Can you start saying and repeating this with conviction for yourself?if you can and believe then i promise you your life will be an amazing rollecoaster of love and light and miracles unfolding:The Kingdom of God is within=5D and beyond reality is to be found within.

Of course the Arcturians have their own way of expressing this through this channel and this is the reason i’ve been sharing many of their posts on this website,as these messages come with more simplicity for all to understand and get the idea of creation and manifestation for the highest good for all so deeply integrated that it becomes a way of living one’s life totally present with the now moment where there is nothing one can not be,do or have.My intend is of course to create in my now an even better expectation:to be the highest version of what I can be ,do or have.Yes,Love is an unlimited power that always brings us higher expectations,the more we empty our vessel with daily disciplined inner work the more this becomes easier and everything flows with ease and grace.Last week i was in Ibiza with very little money,it didn’t stop me from manifesting all i needed and more!This week I am sailing on a eco sustainable electric boat in Nice,France with even less money,it did not stop me either from manifesting more than i need,we have a workshop on the mountains coming up,it is the main reason i am posting much less on the website and i did not send a newsletter last weekend,too busy living in the now lol.The more i trust the more magic happens in my life and of course the money comes too as this is only a result of my keeping frequency within at high at all times,vibrating at high at all time as there is only now:IAM Trust,IAM.To this here comes the message from the Arcturians :How to Change a Belief System ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.   We are susceptible to beliefs, just like all of you are. We have experiences that create expectations. Now, our experiences are mostly about the ways that we have of being received and whether the help that we are giving is working on a particular group of beings. But these experiences that we have create certain beliefs within us nonetheless. So you see how easy it is for all of you to create belief systems and to get sucked in to unwanted beliefs. You can see how this could continue to happen, even after you are aware of the fact that you’ve been utilizing and succumbing to limiting beliefs, beliefs that no longer serve you.   And so, we have been investigating the different ways in which we can change our expectations, regardless of the experiences that we have had, and we want to share with you our findings. What is most important in regards to creating new expectations is that you only and always focus on the aspect of another person, or a group, or even yourself that is Source Energy.   If we focus on your egoic side, then it’s easier for us to believe that you are going to have the exact same response to our offerings that you have had previously. But if we are paying attention and giving all of that attention that we have to give to the truth that you are Source Energy Beings, then the power that we have to create a new experience comes in and takes over.   This is how you can use this information we are giving you now to your benefit. Look at yourselves as Source Energy Beings, and feel for the truth that you are Source Energy Beings. See others as Source Energy Beings, and expect them to speak and think and act as such. And you will enter into a realm of greater expectation, which will create new experiences for you.   This is called holding space by many. If you hold space for the absolute best that a person, including yourself, has within you or within them, then you can co-create something magical, something new, and something less limited than if you focus on that person or yourself and hold the limiting beliefs that you’ve been holding. Play with it. Practice utilizing what we are talking about here, and we know that you will experience the results you desire.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”  

Channeling Saint Germain.

This morning i woke up and witnessed out my window a sunrise where the colours of our collective’s heart activation of the three fold flame is very evident:Pink of Mother God,Blue of Father God and Golden Yellow of Christed Self.This picture i took, is the closest i can possibly take to share with you,colours were much more vidid and evident to the naked eye.

To this here is a channeling i did yesterday from our beloved Saint Germain:

Be at peace my child,be the gentle breeze flowing everywhere you go bringing your Christ Light to all who you meet on your path and in doing so,awakening their Christ Self.We Love you, we applaud you for your stellar work.This and more you will achieve my child as brother Sananda once said.Allow the Love of God to flow even more through you to shine out like the first rays of the Sun rising at sunrise from the horizon.

Be Love,

Be Now,I thank You.

Be the joy you are,

be the abundance you are,

be the prosperity you are,

be the freedom you are,

be the Light you are,

be the Peace you are,

I Love You.

I Am Saint Germain.

Channelled by Nikos Akrivos,Feel More Than Fine
20 September 2019.

I am travelling a lot these days ,God in me always provides with all i need on my path,even so,your Free Will Donation here is appreciated and will be returned to you a 1000 fold in divine timing and if you don’t have money, sending your Love is even better!

Ley Lines in Ibiza.

All places are special, but there are some that have been considered especially special since ancient times. Ibiza is one of them, it is neither better nor worse, it is different. After spending years touring temples aligned to other temples, it is perceived that there is something in common around the world that relates some places to another, even crossing continents and oceans. It may be coincidence that the location of some very important places of the past are aligned, but there are times when chance is very short when explaining locations and distances, in other cases that could be coincidence, it does not stop making those alignments, as coincidences often surprise. These lines have been called Ley lines in England, Dragon lines in China, or megalithic alignments, and travel the entire world. In England we have followed for years the lines of Saint Michael and Saint Mary, named for the amount of churches, hermitages and cathedrals with those respective names they go through, and something extraordinary is there. It is difficult to define the feeling that you have when you travel those lines and those places, but it happens and has happened to many people, especially those who allow the instinctive and sensitive part of their brain is not collapsed and silent on their part rational. The reason is very useful for our species, but we can not let it handle the whole brain, if it will not happen to us as it is happening to our civilization, too much mind, little instinct.

It is assumed that in some cases there are currents of underground energy, produced by faults, underground rivers, deep currents of magma or some unknown geological cause, which can be felt by both animals and humans. These lines intersect with others and that is where some of the ancient main sanctuaries are located. In the case of Ibiza, I am convinced that there are several lines that link ancient sacred places, some are geographical, others geometric and equidistant, but they make it appear that in the past there were geomants or people who knew a lot about measurements and spatial geometry. One can only conjecture with these ideas, since there is no evidence of the intention of their placement, but I am convinced that in this island there is an enclosed cat.

The most important line crosses the island from one end to the other, coincidentally it is the solstitial line, from the center of the island looking to the southwest, we would see the sunset of the winter solstice above the line, just above San José de S ‘Atalaya and above the islet of Es Vedrá, both the highest points of the Pitiusan Islands. And looking northeast we would see the summer solstice sunrise over the line. This divides the island into two practically equal parts. From the center of the island, there is the same distance to the sea from south to north, from east to west, from southwest to northeast, and from southeast to northwest. That center through which this line passes, which we might call imaginary, passes through the well of Gatzara, in the same geographical half of the island, one of the most historic and oldest wells in Ibiza, where since time immemorial, before Muslims have even performed rituals and ancestral dances.

Total solar Eclipse in Tsengel, Mongolia 2008

Es Vedrá, Ibiza

This main line, which passes over Es Vedra island and the summit of S’atalaya, passes through several curious places. From Es Vedra, it passes right by the viewing platform, where there is a Phoenician sanctuary, of which a few stones are left. From there it passes just above the Phoenician necropolis of six Countries of Cala D’hort, in which there are several tombs that can be visited, from there it goes through the top of S’atalaya and directly passes next through the church of San José, which is very likely to be located where there was once a mosque or a Roman or Phoenician sanctuary. It continues several kilometers to the northeast passing through the geographic center of the island, by the Well of Gatzara, in Santa Gertrudis. From there it continues passing through the church and the Muslim constructions of Balafia and continues towards the church of San Vicente passing very close to the Phoenician sanctuary of Es Cuieram. It may be all a coincidence, but a very beautiful and special chance. Interestingly enough, and speaking of the Phoenicians, the Phoenician sanctuaries through which the line goes on and on the island also have their meaning. For the place where you see the summer solstice sunrise, where the line begins in the northeast, there is exactly the same distance from the coast to the Phoenician cave of Es Cuieram that from the place on the coast where the line ends at the southwest, at sunset of the winter solstice, to the Phoenician sanctuary of Ses Paises. The sanctuary of the cave on the dawn side is dedicated to the goddess Tanit, Phoenician female divinity, goddess of love, motherhood and life, and on the side of the sunset is the sanctuary to the dead, the necropolis of six Countries The sunrises and sunsets have always been considered in the ancient culture related respectively to birth and death. The idea of ​​this main line, I found in a book about peasant constructions and the relationship of Ibiza with the Phoenician and Egyptian cultures. There is another very curious line that links the Neolithic stone circle of Ca na Costa in Formentera, with the top of the Dalt Vila, in which the main sanctuaries of the island have been since ancient times; Phoenician temple, dedicated to the god of medicine and healing Eshmun, Roman, Muslim mosque and Christian cathedral, passing through the Phoenician sanctuary of the hill of Puig D’en Valls and arriving again at the center of the island in the Well of Gatzara , another cluster of surprising coincidences.

I kept measuring with the rule, thinking that I could find some more lines of union of sanctuaries on the map. I thought that the older the civilization was, there would be more of these alignments as it happens in the rest of the places in the world. I looked at the most important Phoenician places on the island, and there they were, exactly aligned and equidistant. The place of Sa Caleta was the first Phoenician settlement on the island, a world heritage site. From there they moved to the city of Ibiza, to the top of the Dalt Vila, also Heritage. And the third important place was in the Cap des Librel, where the temple of Baal Amón was located, the main divinity of the Phoenicians, in which there are still some vestiges. Uniting the three, with center in the castle of Ibiza, there is a perfect straight line, with the same distance from the castle to Sa Caleta as from the Castle to the temple of Baal. Extend this same distance with the compass from Sa Caleta and it gave exactly in the Phoenician sanctuary viewpoint in front of Es Vedrá, through which the main line passes. Would these points be united and equidistant on purpose or is it just coincidence? We may never know, but this type of alignment does not occur everywhere, and I believe that the ancients took them into account. Maybe all these things and many more have made Ibiza a special place. There is not only sun, beach and party on this little island, and the ancients knew it. For something, Ibiza was dedicated to the Pythian-Egyptian-Pygmy god Bes, divinity of hedonism, revelry, dancing and debauchery, to the female goddess Tanit and representative of love, and to God Eshmun, god of medicine and healing.

Total solar Eclipse in Tsengel, Mongolia 2008

Saint Michael Ley Line, South England