Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

Choosing Ease at all times.

The other day i went to the store for grosseries & since i never wear a mask, seller rushed to tell me to wear one…i did not resist nor did i comply…i took out a bandana i carry around & wear it under my nose , mostly around my neck while in the store. I could feel the frustration but mostly resistance of the seller claiming that if i don’t comply and get caught , shop will close for 2 weeks and pay 5000 euros fine. During that moment all i was thinking is : i can’t change people to please them, appreciate them where they are is giving me EASE. And so if you like me never wear a mask, remember that what mostly matters is to feel ease. It is not about us against them. That is what corrupt governments would like and by choosing to be at ease and at the same time not complying is A Master Creator Skill that works its magic.


Hello everyone, i have a simple vision to share with you and it is about knowing the power of feeling good and holding our vibration high.

Included i add the support of all Beings of Light and God Creator Source, it is expressed as the IAM of everyone reading this and the mantra i am sharing is a gift from Archangel Michael sharing with us that whenever we use these words The Higher Selves of all Humanity participate in our vision:

IAM my IAM Presence and IAM ONE with the IAM Presence of every child, woman and man. IAM my IAM Presence and IAM also ONE with Legions of Light throughout Infinity and God Creator Source.

We envision a loving and forgiving planet where every child, woman and man know what alignment to Source means and that whenever one feels good one feels GOD. WE envision a planet where everyONE knows that there is nothing more important in life than to feel good and that one always has the freedom to choose to feel good by going within for at least 15′ each and every day and in this way allowing God Creator Source to flow through with ease, grace and flow. We envision a planet where everyONE is educated from an early age that the highest in the scale of emotions are the ones of Gratitude, Appreciation, Love, Kindness , Compassion and Forgiveness and where children are taught at schools fun ways and games to play with in order to sustain their vibrational frequency high.

I hope you like it,



Manifestation Skills practice.

person sitting inside car
Photo by Roberto Nickson on

One of the many things i practice manifesting is my next Vehicle, be it Electric or Hover Car. I feel myself driving it, i hear the silent motor, i have few pictures of various models i would like to drive and daily i am doing this work feeling into it, among other things, describing with at least 12 different words how does it feel…after 21 days, it is fully integrated in my system and now i am having fun doing this wherever i am. Nothing matters more than to feel good. And doing this feels really good and by doing that i am serving the collective as one keeping their vibration high is more powerful than millions who are not. I Am a Source energy Being living in this body and i know it and that is why i always get what i want or better!
So i invite you with this to practice and see how this works for you.
For me when walk in the streets in a city where there are almost no electric cars at all well, i manifest daily at least 3 or 4 times of those driving around. Universe always confirms what happens in my Creation Vortex.

Feel More Than Fine

white and black car parked
Photo by Burak Kebapci on


close up photograph of flowers
Photo by Secret Garden on

Just a few days, i went to the store to buy some flowers for my grand mother’s memorial of one year since she passed away. And while waiting for the bouquet to be prepared, I started a conversation with the seller after i said to her that all flowers come from the stars and that they are directly connected to the stars at all times. She looked at me a little puzzled but also curious to know more so i went on and told her that we are not alone on our planet. There are many of our Galactic families that are watching on us and taking care that the Galactic Codex does not get violated while also respecting our free will at all times. I also shared that what is really taking place on our planet is that we are becoming part of the wider galactic society and that we have now entered in this new era of our existence as Galactic Humans, a result of increasing our vibrational frequency and of Earth. So far so good. And then at some point feeling that she enjoyed our conversation i went on saying that i don’t agree about the bible where the role of Divine Feminine has not been considered and that the original bible was 777 books instead of what was out there of 66. There are of course many things in the bible that i know are pure lies, like for example that Christ is the only son of God when i know that WE are All Sons and Daughters of God now becoming aware as we expand as Christed Consciousness ( Christ = Cryst = Crystalline Cells) aware of our ONENESS with GOD and each other. And that was the moment of cognitive dissonance when she said that i am just part of GOD but not GOD ITSELF. Without trying to be right, i replied with kindness and love that everything is GOD and there is no separation. She kept on repeating that i am only part of GOD and in that moment i laughed, not in a sarcastic way but because i found that this was pretty amusing. That is the moment that she got even more angry saying that i should be humble and that the people is the voice of God and when they many believe in God in ‘her’ way there is no space for anything else. I could really feel her anger and her need to be right…that is what we call cognitive dissonance. So i replied : I am sorry if you took this personally, we all must learn to live on a planet that accepts all belief systems and i accept yours. She kept on repeating that i am just a tiny fraction of GOD. I smiled, finally got my bouquet of flowers and left saying Thank you while the seller herself was already serving another client without getting back an answer.
And so, sharing this experience with you, i am not here to convince you of anything, just to share freely my very humble opinion :
I believe IAM GOD, not just a tiny part of GOD, IAM GOD constantly expanding just as you are and everybody else, while having a physical experience within this costume called Human Body evolving now to accommodate higher frequencies of Love and Light in 5D, and beyond, it never stops, so we never get it done, we are constantly expanding and therefor change is the only constant. Appreciation of what is and eagerness of what is coming is the best way to make any journey enjoyable.

In fact there are 352 dimensions in our Universe and our awareness about it, brings more integration and INNER-standing.

I felt that this was a great opportunity to share with you my perspective about ONENESS consciousness and consciousness of separation.
As always take what you resonate with and leave out all the rest.

You are Loved, I am Loved, We are Loved at all times.

Namaste and there is nothing that matters more than to Feel More Than Fine.

Nikos Akrivos.

ps. i dedicate this post to my Grand Mother Alexandra.

My perception is magnifying.

close up photo of butterfly perched on flower
Photo by Joseph M. Lacy on

These last days, more than ever i am experiencing a magnification of perception of all things. I feel more present than ever with every little thing i do, be it looking myself in the mirror, during my meditation, when i prepare food, when i walk, when i eat, when i drink, even when i am busy of social media! Yesterday i had the inner nudge to just let go everything i usually do and treat myself to a nice walk, do some shopping, be out in the streets , smile and greet as many as they are receptive to it, i feel like i want to hug every one ,i feel i want to share my energy with all those around me! This must be it, the beginning of 5th dimensional life expressing in the here and now, even when those around me have no idea whatsoever , except of those that i really take time to hung around with, that includes my parents…as soon as i decide to go and get busy with my stuff, they are like : where are you going? stay a little longer…in my almost 51 years of existence ,living mostly far away from family in other countries and even when i was a child being raised by my grandmother while parents were working abroad, this is all feels new to me. And i must say i do my best to hang around as much as possible and there is so much i can as the inner calling for self love lets me know that it is time to fly high in my own company. Never before have i enjoyed my own company than now. I had many partners so far in my life and these past 20 months i have been all by myself and pretty much enjoying myself so much so that i don’t know when will i get again with some one…just this time i feel that the one that will show up will happen through magnetics and out of the blue when i least expect it. In the mean time i enjoy the beauty of my own company and constantly reaching higher states and deeper truths and how exciting this has been so far, even if i had some moments of intense pain…in this moment I Am Flying! my wings are wide open and i enjoy this ride so much that i am eager to explore more, eager to travel again without all the restrictions anywhere (i didn’t do the jab, no PCR tests for me and no wearing mask either :)))))). I am eager to begin with our humanitarian programs to help people help people!!! There is such a need of prosperity funds in this now! In all countries across the planet, there are so many in search of monies to buy grosseries and pay bills…i am part already of few groups and all i can say is Thank you God for having already received moneys to assist them, thank you Spirit of Money to assist us in the journey , to assist every human being to be benevolent working for the highest good for all, thank you, thank you, thank you.

So for now, i remain in this blissful state, knowing fully that this how more of what i want and need is magnetized to me. It is all about the way i feel and i feel so good! I Feel More Than Fine! And so It Is!

Nikos Akrivos

Red October

The take down of social media beginning by Facebook, instagram and What’s up has begun ,it seems it is back today but things are now moving forward as We are entering now the next phase. To all of you reading this i wish Strength holding the space for all our sisters and brothers.

Urgent – Social media down over 75% of planet.

Don’t panic white hat operation.

Be calm.

There will be no real war.

This is the actions that so many of you have waited for.

I warned during my last podcast.

I gave the dates so hopefully you have all prepared.

Unless the plan changes dramatically, expect US and U.K. to lose all communication soon.

Some extra intel by Queen Of Canada : Romana Didulo who is real as a heart attack 😉 Enjoy! and join Feel More Than Fine channel too :

My Dear Fruitcakes,
Please make sure you are using the Telegram App from, not the App from Google..

Dear Fruitcakes,
To translate my posts to any language…You can use this online translator below.

Queen Romana, I am concerned that I wont be able to understand the 8 hour video that will show once the ebs has begun, will it have subtitles? Those of us that are deaf are concerned we will miss out

Whitehats Operations –
Stay calm 😁
80% of the world has no Social Media / Internet Communications…Expect to loose communications in US and UK too and the rest of the world.

IF you cannot comment- it’s fine…Telegram is overloaded probably with everyone coming over 😊

Remain calm 😊 this is what you’ve been asking for…And, I have prepared you for it…👸☝️🙏

When the Pissositos use Social Media to scare Canadians and Patriots around the World about Martial Law and turning them against their own Military and Special Forces…
Expect a Whitehat response…Capisce?

Now you know that even if Schiltz Book and all of their Major Social Media Holdings go down.. #Telegram and #Signal would be up and running 🤣😂

I wonder how many millions Schiltz Book users migrated to Telegram and Signal, today? 😎

Who arranged these Social Media Funerals, today ? 😂🤣

80% of the World experienced today what it is like not to have Social Media. Training Session day 1? 🤣

alm down my Dear Fruitcakes…
The truth is – there are millions of people addicted to Social Media for years…

Shutting it down permanently all in one go will push so many people off the edge. Just like when Drug Addicts or Alcoholics go through withdrawal stage…
So, stop all that pouting 😂

Training Session for both sides.
The ones who are still sleeping and the ones who are awake…

How many of you who are awake went to someone and said, I told you so?
Not supposed to…👽

Did you have Friends, Family Members or Co-workers message you to ask what was happening?

How many of you are aware that Schiltz Book users (1.5 billion) data were made public (dumped) on the Internet today?

Welcome to all of you 62,099 Patriots (and counting). Glad you found 👸 @romanadidulo, Channel. God Bliss You all ☝️🙏

Yes. This Channel @romanadidulo, has had an average of 1,000 subscribers join daily, in the last 4 days.

Thank you God very much for the full blissings. And so it it ☝️🙏

Isn’t incredible to witness real Patriots resilience? The 👸 @romanadidulo Channel continues to grow despite the efforts of the FakeTriots, PAY_Triots, Controlled Oppositions, DeepState / Cabal’s minions, and the egocentric bunch who have sabotaged our Go Fund Me, efforts for the BC Fire Victims…The criminals, corrupt and evil cannot withstand the work of light beings…

You see – when you donate via Go Fund Me, they have records of who made the donation (full name, credit card, email, etc) even if it is $5.00 😊

Plus, their mainstream media global efforts to discredit my work and person…

And, all those low vibe videos and tik tok created by several men from #Alberta, #Quebec and #Ontario… I know all that and more…

By the way, thank you, I have all of your information..

It’s high time for, Go Fund Me, to have change in Management- Me Thinks 🤔

Now, they (Pissositos) are shocked 😲 to see I released the Flag and the Seal digital art work to the Public so they can go out and print Flags for themselves or create a business selling the Flag and for Printers from each Province/Territory to print Flags and Seal.

Usually, the Flag is printed by a specific printer at a specific location #monopoly

And, I AM Queen Romana @romanadidulo did NOT use my Royal Privilege to choose a printer to monopolize the printing of the Flag and the Seal…

Yes the Pissositos heads just went 🤯🤯🤯

Any guess on which businesses stock crashed or took a dive today?

Who lost $7+ billion dollars (actually close to $10 billion dollars) today?

Can we have you as our Queen worldwide???❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

My Experience so far as a First Ascension Wave (living in and out of 5D).

(this note is added after i posted this because simply the skies have ALL the answers , after reading this ,please read this one from AA Gabriel :You will not experience a smooth trajectory forward, but rather a path full of experiences, stops and starts, and what you consider to be successes and failures. | FEEL MORE THAN FINE)

I am part of the team that assisted the planet shifting collectively to 5D. And so from that aspect my work is done, knowing fully that in this present timeline i am here to show the way through my own thriving and growth. But here is the catch : i really thought that after crossing this line, my life will feel much smoother and easier and free; it makes sense from a linear point of perspective , , while most around me for over 13 years since i begun this journey seem to lead a life beyond happy with their families and jobs eating junk foods , partying, drinking without seemingly being affected by it etc. As a Reiki teacher i gave all i had so anyone who came to me could discover the beauty of connecting to the Divine and from here leading a life happily ever after and succesfully done my work as i witness . Truth be told, in this current time, after the end of 2019 where i had confirmation that my work is done from The Light Beings, i though i would be able to move forward now without any negativity felt in my life and let me tell you: it is not the case at all and let me explain why: the more i become ONE with the Divine through my personal Ascension process the more i have also at times feelings of great resistance and emotional rollercoasters from fear, hate, anger to joy, love , peace, happiness…these do not last for ever but at times with then rise of Light seen on The Schuman Resonance becomes very accentuated and even though i do my daily meditations up to 2 hours a day at times these feelings may persist!

I know that the indicator of alignment to Source is to feel good and my intention to feel more than fine -as shoot a little higher than just feeling good- works its miracle and yet these moments of unstable emotional rollercoaster happen too! It would be a lie if i told you that i feel more than fine all the time while you will never hear me say to anyone out there i don’t feel good because i simply choose to speak of what works and even at times lie about how i feel as when i make the affirmation I FEEL GREAT, I FEEL MORE THAN FINE with power and resolve guess what happens next? I am a creator of my reality as you are and the results prove it! So in contrast with The Arcturians , who have no idea what it means to live in a human body really that share in their messages, that we must share our ‘pain’ with others i go for THE MAGIC FORMULA : I FEEL MORE THAN FINE instead and create reality from here. And let me also explain why : The pain i feel is not mine but of the collective’s, that is what happens when one aligns more with GOD, one feels more the collective’s energy and one learns to transmute it from within out which a huge work by itself. So the pain i feel i can easily release by asking Divine Mother to take it from me, i am not alone, i got Legions of Light throughout Eternity supporting me in my journey along Father Mother God and The Supreme Creator. This does not happen though in an instant in our linear 3D time. It takes time , it affects my eating habits, i can’t even enjoy my raw vegan chocolats lol or a simple light raw vegan meal…I must be very careful of what i ingest and water is the best beverage of all along fruit juices…so this brings progressively to becoming a breatharian…do i want to become a breatharian now ? no, not yet i want to enjoy raw vegan delights 🙂 It seems though that once we cross the line, we can’t go back to things that the body/mind/spitit complex is used and change happens more and more as body shifts from Carbon based to Crystal based from Human to Galactic.

Basically i feel that i am/ we are the experiment and the Galactics are observing me / us and learning from me / us and then share in their messages what i go through and how i / we smooth it out. This is why i post so often messages from The Arcturians here because i agree with them and now i found the reason. They learn from me/ us and then they share to their audiences through other channels. Call me / us selfish or self centered i don’t care because i am!!! knowing fully it is in my thriving and raising my vibration that i am helping the collective leading the path to Ascension for each and everyone following that path. I lead through my example, through silence when i walk in the streets and through answering questions only when i am asked and only then.

I am grateful for all the support i am getting from all Light beings and please Arcturians i know you innerstand what i mean here lol.

So from a personal point of view i wish that this emotional rollercoaster i feel ends sooner than later cause then this means we are ready for the next phase of our evolution as a collective.

From a Light Worker / White Hat working in silence among millions doing the same work as Gate keepers and Bridge to 5D Hosts in service for The Highest Good for all that does not expect to be understood by the widest population of humanity and is more than fine and very ok with that.

Besides all that Our Financial Freedom through NESARA/GESARA is long overdue. For those amongst you that have the means please and thank you for your contribution : Donate here


Nikos Akrivos