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Nothing Matters More Than To Feel More Than Fine


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The Schumann Resonances Exploded Last Sunday During Our Meditation

COBRA Update – Etheric Liberation Report – March 1, 2017

The critical mass has been more than reached. Somewhere between 1 and 2 million people were informed about the meditation with around 150,000 to 200,000 people actually participating. There were so many people meditating that the server for one of the main websites for the meditation crashed because too many people tried to connect and join the meditation.

I first noticed that something extraordinary is happening around 2 hours before the activation when I began to receive certain intel of a critically important nature, parts of which I will be able to release in the following weeks and months. Then less than one hour before the activation it became obvious that we will reach the critical mass and I was instructed to communicate that through my blog just before the activation started.

At the moment of the activation, a huge wave of positive plasma swept throughout the solar system and then through the ionosphere, causing the Schumann resonances to explode.

This wave was detected by Space Observing System in Tomsk in Russia, where the activation happened at 9:55 pm local time. You can clearly see drastic increase of plasma activity starting around one hour after the activation and lasting for about 36 hours, if you click on the picture below:

ШумановскиС рСзонансы (Schumann resonances)

This wave has effectively cleared most negative plasma from the Solar System and the Resistance has communicated that β€žthey can not detect any plasma anomaly beyond the Moon orbitβ€œ. Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed.

It means that the β€žtentaclesβ€œ of the Yaldabaoth entity are gone forever and now only the β€žheadβ€œ remains.

Since our activation, healing of the β€žheadβ€œ of the Yaldabaoth entity is proceeding faster than expected.

Since our activation, Galactic Confederation forces have become very active inside the Moon orbit towards the Earth surface. It is not a coincidence that the next day Elon musk announced that he will send two people to the moon and back in 2018:

Galactic Confederation forces have taken absolute passive control over all communication satellites in geostationary orbit and relative passive control over communication satellites in Molniya orbit:

Passive control means that the Light forces can take over the satellite broadcast but will not do so because the Cabal would then retaliate to the hostage surface population. After the Event they will take active control, meaning they will actually use these satellites for TV broadcasts similar to this one.

Vrillon: A Message from the Ashtar Galactic Command

The rift in the auric energy field above Congo has been sealed. This has triggered a positive chain reaction in the energy grid around the planet, causing the etheric and plasma Archons to start losing control fast, liberating all other important energy vortexes around the planet. This will finally bring world peace because all wars have their occult reason in negative etheric and plasma entities engineering war and possessing war leaders:

The leadership of Daesh is now confused and in shock, suddenly feeling lost without strategic military guidance of negative entities that possessed them before.

They are losing Mosul, the location of a very important Nineveh Goddess vortex.

The liberated Nineveh vortex has already yielded some important archeological discoveries:

They are also losing their remaining strongholds of the Syria pentagram.

They are losing Raqqa:

And Palmyra:

Although big victories have been achieved, the battle for planet Earth is not over yet and we need to keep pushing until the final liberation.

If you feel so guided, you can still join our Ascension Conference on March 11th and 12th in Taiwan:

Victory of the Light!

Feel More Than Fine Workshop At Coco Mat

Combining Meditation,Reiki,Chi Gung,Dance,Music and Playful Interaction here are few pictures of my 4 hour workshop on a rainy afternoon at Β Coco Mat in Dusseldorf,Germany.

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Dear President-elect Trump,

It’s Foster Gamble here, co-creator ofΒ THRIVE and Thrive Movement.

I am writing to congratulate you and to share a profound opportunity to use your extraordinary courage and independence on behalf of a whole new kind of leadership.

I was invited to run for President on the Libertarian ticket and also for Vice President with Jill Stein for the Green Party. I appreciated the invitations, but respectfully declined. I see my role personally as more impactful from outside of a system I don’t believe in. Instead I have spent my time and resources identifying and vetting new energy and healing technologies that obsolete the destructive and dirty technologies of coal, fracking, nuclear and the like in favor of hyper-efficient and β€œover unity” energy technologies. I am confident that a combination of the New Energy technologies, along with the guiding principle of non-violation that we at Thrive are committed to, can yield consistent win-win global, national and local solutions.

You are now in the ultimate position from inside the system. You have used your own resources and resisted the bribes from corporations, bankers, lobbyists and wealthy individuals who would want to buy your obligation and compromise your values. Now you are poised with an unprecedented and hard-won opportunity to make a historic difference, not just for America, but for all of humanity β€” at a moment when we are at a fork in the road between potential paradise and looming oblivion.

Clearly, most would characterize you as an β€œAlpha.” You are strong, talented and athletic. You are drawn to lead. You’re capable of creating wealth. You attract beautiful and capable women, and you have clearly enjoyed the influence that can come with that. But there is a personal transformation that awaits you to become what researchers are now calling a β€œGamma.” A Gamma has those same potentialities, but has transcended the need to dominate by force, to brag, to sacrifice integrity for profit, and the need to react in petty and volatile ways to affronts. A Gamma is dedicated to win-win, to peaceful resolution, and to the empowerment of all those around him.

Right now, as the magnitude of your opportunity and responsibility is settling freshly on your shoulders, is the perfect moment to integrate and continue the style of your acceptance speech into your relationships and decisions every day. You have the talent and the charisma to leave the volatile, vindictive, macho persona β€” which could be cataclysmic on the global scale β€” completely behind you… and begin to operate consistently from a profound and respectful confidence that your leadership can not only help people make America great, but that, together, we can inspire the whole world.

Now is also the critical moment for choosing Gamma men and women for your team.

You already have some good ethical people to assist you and you can easily attract more if you have moral principles on which to base your choices:

Your economic advisor, Judy Shelton, understands the value of sound money. She and others, like Ron Paul, can guide you on the return to asset-backed currency.

David Stockman could bring some integrity to the Office of Management and Budget. Trey Gowdy has shown himself to be brave and relentless in taking on legal and financial corruption.

I am glad you have people like Roger Stone, Laura Ingraham and Alex Jones informing you about theΒ globalist agendasΒ going on behind the scenes. If you don’t know of them already, I hope you will have your team check out the principled guidance of folks likeΒ Stefan Molyneux,Β Larken Rose,Β Mary Ruwart,Β Lew Rockwell,Β Doug Casey,Β Hans Hoppe,Β James Corbett,Β Mark Corske,Β Wendy McElroyΒ andΒ Michael Huemer. If we at the Thrive Movement can be of assistance in elucidating that, both here and abroad, don’t hesitate to ask. We need a deep understanding of the true nature of our predicament if we are going to have solutions commensurate to the problems. Our film,Β THRIVE, already has over 68 million views in 27 languages, spawning overΒ 1,000 solutions groupsΒ all over the world.

I personally have contacts among theΒ Dragon Families of the far-eastΒ who are offering to distribute vast troves of stored, off-market gold to reboot the global economy, erase national debts and empower the world’s best humanitarian projects β€” as long as it is not stolen by the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking cabal. (I understand this is risky. It is what JFK was working on with Indonesian President Soekarno and their signedΒ Green Hilton Agreement, just weeks before he was assassinated. But it is also the quickest route to global prosperity and cooperation of which I am aware.)

This is quite a preferable option to the imminent collapse of the dollar and isolation of the western economies. You must be aware that while Bush and Obama have been invadingΒ one country after anotherΒ (Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Ukraine, Libya, Yemen, Syria etc.) and resisting the move to asset-backed currencies and a Global Currency Reset, Putin and Xi Jinping have been creating win/win trade deals with many countries, both large and small. History has shown that to be the true path to peace. Now is your chance to make Gamma deals on a global scale that can create prosperity and security for generations to come.

The backlash you will be getting for promoting the dangerous and polluting nuclear, fracking, coal and the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines, can ALL go away if you help us set up safeguards for releasing the multiple β€œfree energy” devices (as described in THRIVE) into the world withoutΒ corporate or government suppression. I was invited to the Obama White House and to Bechtel to brief them on this field, which I have been in for nearly 20 years. I declined β€” because I understand the agendas of their controllers. With your help, we could liberate these economic and ecologic game-changers.

If this makes any sense I invite you toΒ contact meΒ for further and deeper discussion of what is really going on and the moral philosophy, strategies, and tactics to truly liberate the people of America and the world. Here’s aΒ video clipΒ describing our inclusive strategy for peacefulΒ transitionΒ from where we are now to a truly free, prosperous and thriving world.

I wish you, your family, your team and every affected individual deep clarity, strength, patience and fulfillment in rising above elitist β€œdivide and conquer” strategies to create a condition and a moral pathway whereby everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Very sincerely,

Foster Gamble
President, Thrive Movement, Int’l.


Seen First at :

Go Vegan.

Manu V Pleiadian is a beloved sister that is doing fantastic work in raising consciousness for The Animal Kingdom that is in service for humanity transmuting all energies.They are the one without voice and I feel grateful to Many that is The Voice for All Of Them.

Here is an email she has sent to Keshe Plasma Tech with few links.

We are a dedicated group of planetary healing activists contacting prominent organizations which also have as their main goal the overall wellbeing of our planet

In your Agriculture workshop intro video we’ve noticed at 0:32 sec a list you have created and are offering to assist with Keshe Plasma Tech

the one particular category which draw our attention was


when we read LIVESTOCK Management we were quite surprised that Keshe Foundation is not yet up to date about the most devastating agriculture form for our entire planetary ecosystems which is

Animal Farming, LARGE and Small ALIKE

whether factory farmed or family owned small far

organic or not

hence we are inviting your organization to Join our movement of truly help liberate this planet from all ecocide, suffering, exploitation and disease cause by animal farming and industries

for your educational data base we are enclosing all the necessary information

inviting you to take part of the largest movement already in full progress

the very word “livestock” gives away the fact that continuing to promote the exploitation of SENTIENT BEings for human profit, not need we need to come together and step forward in the right direction all together

please remember and consider that humans have been considered and continue to remain “livestock” for the elite

in order to earn our FREEdom we need to unplug from our speciest tendencies and FREE the beings in our plates, we unnecessarily use and exploit

and this is the very pinnacle of our EVOLution and by which we will be taken seriously by any other advanced galactic race

if we remain unable to see the sanctity in ALL living beings then we are not ready for the stars yet where countless billions of varied galactic races co exist in peace and harmony

we no longer need to incarcerate, domesticate, exploit and kill innocent sentient beings in order to live healthy long lives

in fact we never did…

as we liberate children from exploitation so should we do with the REST of God’s children in animal form

at 7 billion and growing human population and even less, there is no such thing as “sustainable” animal agriculture

PLANT BASED agriculture remains our Only way out

our planet is ready to be completely healed

we have all the necessary knowledge, research, technology and desire to become an exemplary world

we are ENORMOUSLY GRATEFUL for all that KESHE Foundation is doing for this world and only due to your reputation, integrity and high living morals, ethics principles we feel that your organization needs to upgrade its Agricultural education programs

Please feel free to use any of our materials for your curriculum as a donation for Keshe Foundation Agricultural Programs

in an ever expanding Creation, living by immutable principles is the only way to proper self organizing our lives:

Do Not Kill

Do No Harm

Do onto others, ALL others what you’d want others to do onto you

Live and let live

If we could live long, healthy, happy Lives without harming Others why wouldn’t we?

Thank you!

AGN Veg Team

Sustainable animal farming myth debunked

β€œHUMANE” MEAT, dairy, eggs and fish FOOD myth debunked

Real awakening from the MEATrix (Main link with a large data base of sublinks)

conscious doctors, WHO, UN, athletes and regular people concerned with their health and with their environment

UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet

A healthy vegan diet can meet all your nutrient needs at any stage of life including when you are pregnant, breastfeeding or for older adults

for 5000 years this Himalayan tribe has thrived on plant based foods

world’s longest living canine was on a plant based diet

the oldest living (known) human lived on rice herbs and rice wine plus spiritual practices

even gladiators were vegan

The Year For TRUTH.


The year the dark ones are gathered up and sent to Saturn.

The year for disclosure.

The year for reunion.

The year for the release of prosperity funds.

The year for the release of free energy devices and replicators.

The year for the release of healing technologies that heal and restore us to any age we wish, quickly, easily and painlessly.

The year for TRUTH.

The year for celebration and renewal.

The year we meet again with our galactic brother’s sister’s friends and family.

The year this woman gets her flying ship!Β  (Enough dreaming and pretending my human made automobile can fly.Β  Girl is ready to fly her ship again!)

The year I can talk about this with anyone and everyone without being given β€œthe look”.


The year for transformation.








I am ready and intending.

I hope you are too.


Cocreating New Paradigm For 2017

byΒ PatriciaΒ Cota-Robles
January 1, 2017 = 1-1-1 toΒ January 11, 2017Β = 1-11-1 orΒ 11:11
As we birth the New Year 2017, Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven have set the stage for a paradigm shift that will allow the masses of Humanity to transcend the negativity that has been pushed to the surface for purification during the shocking and tumultuous events that occurred in 2016. I know that may sound too good to be true, but that is only because we have forgotten the Truth of who we are and why we are on Earth during this auspicious time. Please read this entire newsletter with an open heart and mind and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you YOUR vitally important part in this facet of the Divine Plan for 2017. You are powerful beyond your knowing and the time for you to express your Divine Potential is NOW!
When we make the mistake of judging reality by just looking at outer appearances things can seem overwhelming and sometimes even hopeless, but nothing could be farther from the Truth. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are working tenaciously to help all of us remember that we are multidimensional Beings functioning on many levels of consciousness simultaneously. They want us to KNOW that the physical plane of Earth that we think of as being so real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in, and this physical plane is the very last dimension to reflect the changes that Awakening Humanity has God Victoriously cocreated in the Realms of Cause where everything begins.
The New Earth was birthed in the Realms of Cause on Dec. 21-22, 2012. In 2016 we reached a critical mass of energy, vibration and consciousness that allowed the Portal of God’s First Cause of Perfection to be opened to full breadth. This means that now the patterns of perfection for the New Earth are flowing unimpeded into the mental and emotional strata of this planet. These patterns reverberate with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance. But in order for these patterns to tangibly manifest in our daily lives you and I and the rest of Humanity need to invoke the Light of God to Transmute the surfacing negativity. Then we must empower the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God by deliberately focusing on them with our thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories and beliefs.
The first eleven days of 2017 are providing us with an opportunity that will catapult the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her forward in the Light. This Gift of Light from On High is designed to help not only Awakened Humanity, but Humanity en masse to be the Open Door for the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have affirmed that the greatest need of the hour for 2017 is for the patterns of perfection from the New Earth that are associated withΒ Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite AbundanceΒ to become a tangible reality for every person on Earth. To assist with this urgent need of the hour the Beings of Light have given us an Activity of Light which I have included in this newsletter. These selfless Messengers of our Father-Mother God said that they will empower our invocations a thousand times a thousand fold every time we participate in this Activity of Light. PLEASE listen to your Heart and be the powerful Peace Commanding Presence and the Open Door for the Light of God that is your Divine Destiny during this Cosmic Moment.
According to the Company of Heaven, an unprecedented influx of Light will be anchored on Earth through the Divinity of every person’s Heart Flame by his or her I AM Presence during the first eleven days of 2017. Then each person’s I AM Presence will be able to use this Light to assist with his or her greatly accelerated transformation throughout the rest of the year.
We were informed by the Beings of Light that this new frequency of Light will be instrumental in bringing the Truth of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth into the hearts and conscious minds of the masses of Humanity. The realization of this Truth will be a critical factor in lifting Humanity out of fear and completing the purification of the human miscreations that have been pushed to the surface all over the planet during the events of 2016. It will also be a life-transforming factor in manifesting the patterns of perfection for the New Earth associated with Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.
Numerically 2017 is a ONE year, 2+0+1+7=10 and 1+0=1. One is the number that reflects rebirth, transformation and new beginnings. New Years Day, January 1, 2017, will be 1 (month) 1 (day) 1 (year) = 1-1-1.Β Eleven days later,Β January 11, 2017, will be a 1 (month) 11 (day) 1 (year) = 1-11-1 orΒ 11:11. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine.Β 11:11Β is the sacred geometric coding within Humanity’s DNA that began initiating Humanity’s Awakening several decades ago. Many people have been oblivious of this subtle motivator for our Awakening, but with the new frequency of Light we will receive in January we are being told that will no longer be the case.
The first step in this Activity of Light is for us to Transmute the surfacing negativity.
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As One Voice, One Breath, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love we invoke the most intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection that Cosmic Law will allow.
Saint Germain and your Legions of 5th-Dimensional Violet Fire Archangels, we ask that you blaze, blaze, blaze the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection with the power and might of a thousand Suns in, through and around every thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that Humanity has ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, both known and unknown, that is reflecting anything less than Heaven on Earth.
Transmute this energy cause, core, effect, record and memory back into its original perfection and seal it in an invincible forcefield of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.
We accept that this Activity of Light is being God Victoriously accomplished even as we Call. We also accept and KNOW that this powerful Violet Flame is increasing daily and hourly, moment by moment, with every Breath we take until this Sweet Earth and ALL her Life have Ascended into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light on the New Earth where Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance are a tangible reality.
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. What I invoke for myself this Sacred and Holy Day I invoke on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned. This is possible because WE ARE ONE and there is no separation.
As One Breath, One Heartbeat, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, we invoke our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven to assist the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to God Victoriously accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan.
Beloved Legions of Light throughout Infinity, we ask that you gather up every electron of precious Life energy being expended by Humanity in any way during this sacred time. Purify this energy with the power and might of a thousand Suns using the New Solar Frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. Weave this purified energy into the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness, so that every single electron of precious Life energy being released by the Sons and Daughters of God on Earth at this time will be used to cocreate and tangibly manifest Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance for every person belonging to or serving the Earth at this time.
Beloved Father-Mother God, we ask that you expand your Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love which is pulsating within the Divinity of every person’s Heart Flame forming the foundation upon which Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance will manifest.Β  Create from this Sacred Fire a Heart of Love. Allow this Heart of Love to expand and expand through each person’s Heart until it envelops the entire Planet Earth blessing every man, woman and child. As this Gift of Divine Love bathes the Earth, every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on this Planet is being lifted out of the chaos into a Higher Order of Being. Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β (pause)
This unprecedented influx of God’s Divine Light now flows into the mental body, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, the superconscious mind and the physical brain structure of every man, woman and child on Earth.
This Gift of Light from our Father-Mother God is balancing the right and left hemispheres of each person’s brain, and activating his or her spiritual brain centers. Through this Activity of Light each person’s pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of their brain are being restored to their full Divine Potential.
Now utilizing this powerful Gift of Light, each person’s I AM Presence recalibrates the circuitry within their physical brain structure enabling them to withstand a higher frequency of Divine Consciousness than ever before. This Activity of Light heals the fragmented circuitry that has prevented Humanity from communicating with our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.
The I AM Presence pulsating within each person’s Heart Flame now creates the sacred space that enables that person to open their 5th-Dimensional Crown Chakra of Enlightenment to full breadth. This allows each one to communicate with their I AM Presence and with the Company of Heaven on a conscious level while reaching, day by day, ever higher into Christ Consciousness.
As I hold the focus of my attention on the Light of God that is flowing through every person’s physical brain structure, I clearly see Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies being flooded with the resplendent Light of God.
This multidimensional, multifaceted, free-flowing 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light expands into every cell of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies allowing the I AM Presence of each person to take full dominion of this experience.
Now, all is in readiness. Through their I AM Presence, every person on Earth will participate at both inner and outer levels in this Activity of Light, which will raise the consciousness of the masses and assist every recalcitrant soul to shift from a consciousness of separation and duality to a consciousness of Transfiguring Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for Life, Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.
Within the embrace of Divine Consciousness, Humanity now experiences an endless ocean of Light that flows from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God into our Crown Chakra to be anchored in our Heart Flame. With this influx of Light each person KNOWS,Β I AM That I AM. I AM the Open Door for this celestial ocean of Light. I AM the Light of the World, and my time for higher service to Humanity and ALL Life is NOW.
This cosmic ocean of Light now intensifies, flowing unimpeded through Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. As each person assimilates this Gift from On High, they release into the Light all thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs and memories that are based in the consciousness of separation or duality from ALL time frames and dimensions both known and unknown.
The I AM Presence of each person now affirms,Β All that I AM, all of the God Perfection that flows into my Crown Chakra of Enlightenment is manifesting through me now AS the New Earth. I AM resting in supreme God Confidence. I AM opening the 5th-Dimensional Stargate of my Heart to full breadth. I AM One with my Father-Mother God and all of the Powers of Light throughout Infinity. I AM ready now to magnetize the NEW and previously unknown patterns of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance from the New Earth tangibly into my life.”
Now new and unfathomable Golden Rays of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God are flowing through the Β newly opened Portal of Divine Cause into the cup of my consciousness. This Golden Light is pulsating with frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light beyond anything Humanity has ever experienced. Contained within the essence of this Golden Flame of Eternal Peace is God’s Infinite Abundance, and contained within the essence of God’s Infinite Abundance is the Golden Flame of Eternal Peace.
I breathe in deeply, and I become One with this Golden Light as I enter the secret place of the Most High Living God within my heart. As I enter this sacred space on the Holy Breath, I AM open and receptive to the impulses pouring forth from the Heart and Mind of God. My I AM Presence reveals to me that the hour has at last arrived, and the Divine Fiat has been issued by my Father-Mother God for the Divinity pulsating within my Heart Flame and the Heart Flame of ALL Humanity to be given full Liberty and Freedom of expression. My I AM Presence rejoices in this Divine Edict and will now give me every possible assistance in manifesting the patterns of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance tangibly in my life.
I AM this very moment becoming a Keeper of the Golden Flame of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance in accordance with my Divine Destiny. My Earthly bodies are being brought into perfect balance, and the latent powers encoded within my Heart Flame are being released. The abilities I have developed over aeons of time that will assist me in cocreating Heaven on Earth are being brought into a balanced state of true mastery within me.
The Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame within my heart now expands and expands. The Blue Flame of my Father God’s Divine Power and Will is empowering the Golden Flame of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance in the hearts of ALL Humanity. The Yellow-Gold Flame of Wisdom and Illumination associated with Christ Consciousness and the Sons and Daughters of God, is enlightening every person’s mind to the Divine Truth that Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance areΒ inseparable aspectsΒ of our Father-Mother God’s perfection. Our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, is now directing the Pink Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love and Adoration to Breathe the Golden Flame of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance through every person’s Heart Flame, thus flooding the Earth with this Divine Essence to lift up and bless all Life. And all is well.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  Β (pause)
I realize these are days of great acceleration due to the influx of Divine Consciousness that has been flooding the Earth since the birth of the New Earth in 2012. The vibratory action of every facet of Life is being stepped up the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow in every 24-hour period. The NEW frequencies of the Golden Flame of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance that are now flowing through my Heart Flame will assist me in maintaining balance through Earth’s Ascension process. This will allow me to experience the bliss and joy of this glorious Activity of Light in new and profound ways.
I AM now experiencing a higher octave of my Godhood, and my Father-Mother God are able to easily move through me. My eyes are becoming blazing Rays of Light through which the Light of God will now flow to bless all Life. My hands are becoming mighty conductors of God’s Healing Power. My lips are becoming the instruments through which God’s words are formed and directed into the physical plane of Earth. My feet are walking the Path of Light. My Lifeforce is NOW the vehicle through which God enters the world to Love and serve all Life.
I now realize and accept my unlimited ability to do whatever is necessary in order to establish and expand Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance in my world and the worlds of all Humanity. Through my thoughts, words, actions, feelings, beliefs and memories I AM a mighty, balancing Activity of Light pulsating in, through and around every electron of Life on Earth.
In the name of the Infinite Presence of God, I AM, I call to my I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of all Humanity. As One Voice, One Heartbeat, One Breath, One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of pure Divine Love I affirm:
Beloved I AM Presence enfold me now in Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance as I become a Golden Sun of this Divine Light.Β Β Β Β Β  (pause)
I AM a Golden Sun of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance now made manifest and permanently sustained by Divine Grace.
I AM a Golden Sun of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance now made manifest and permanently sustained by Divine Grace.
I AM a Golden Sun of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance now made manifest and permanently sustained by Divine Grace.Β  And so it is.
Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM That I AM.
PatriciaΒ Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

Β©2017Β PatriciaΒ DianeΒ Cota-Robles

Mainstream News Not 3

-Free Will Taken Away From Those That Are Power Over Others

Listen to Zorra’s call here:


Swissindo Fund Rolled out in stages

ByΒ Β sopiyan sopiyanΒ on 5:16 PM

Swissindo Advocate says fund has been rolled out

A while ago there was a conversation among Swissindo officers by virtue of WhatsApp Β in regard to Swissindo fund being invested in stages amounting to 2 trillion Rupiahs. The following is the conversation mentioned above. We will find out later what action will taken by the relevant banks and whether or not the follow-up shall be officially issued by virtue of BI Governor Circular Letter:

[26/12 09.37]


Accordinig to the information, the fund have already paid in to each bank in stages totalling 2 trillion IDR. This is due to the prayer and fight of Swissindo’s volunteers, officials, and members.

[26/12 09.38]

Ani Forest

Thank you, Pak Yuzar!

[26/12 09.39]


The account is now in the name of UNS.

[26/12 09.39]

Mas Paijo

That’s superb,Β  Pak yunas.Β Merdeka!!

[26/12 09.40]Β 


Is is what was being mentione by Romo (Bapak)? That’s cool.

[26/12 09.41]


Bapak asked this information be informed to all. This is the victory of our voluntees – fighters for Swissindo.. Bank employees were all shaken with fear, numb and dumfounded when seeing that the invested fund was so huge…..

[26/12 09.41]


Yay! I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth — BJB, BRI, Mandiri, and BNI…

[26/12 09.41]

Mas Paijo

What Great Almighty God!

[26/12 09.42]


Debt has been erased! YunasrilVoucher M1 will soon be rolled out!

[26/12 09.43]

Mas Paijo

Can I share it Mas Yuzar?

[26/12 09.43]


At your serviceΒ BundaΒ Ani. Thanks to the insistence of 5 Continents. Thank youΒ BundaΒ Ani.

[26/12 09.43]


Yes, you can!

[26/12 09.44]


Do share it in the group…..This is for the joy of all people in the world.

[26/12 09.45]

Mas Paijo

Β Amen amen, oh my God.

[26/12 09.51]

Abdul Malik

Amen, Pak Indra and Pak Yuzar. Thank God. Thou have answered the prayer of our people. Amen Oh my God – the creator of the Universe. From North Sumatere Swissindo Officer (Abdul Malik).

[26/12 09.54]

Ani Forest

Wow wow wow!!! I just talked to Bapak! MERDEKA!

[26/12 09.55]

Ani Forest

Thank you, Β Pak Yuzar!

[26/12 09.56]

Harris Baginda

Peace be upon you. Thank God. I do hope all are happy and create happiness with God’s fortune. Amen. Peace be upon you

[26/12 09.57]

Yelfian Kepri

Thank God…..Slow but sure the light has showed the way to our INDEPENDENCE

[26/12 10.13]

Harris Baginda

: Peace be upon you. Let Honorable Bapak Sino decide. It should be true for all. We are all the same. We the people are equal before Almighty God. We will soon discover the people who want to dominate others. Let’s cool down,patient in awaiting Honorable Bapak Sino’s decision.

-Free Energy Device Available For Sale In Croatia from March 2017.



-Cobra Call December Interview.

Cobra is a Pleiadian contacteeΒ and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Cobra / Prepare for Change: December Interview

-Archangel Michael:β€œThy will be done for the greatest good of all,”


What A Ride.

2016 has been quite a ride confirming with every day passing by the amazing strength that lies within every human being, that we are in fact unlimited as we learn to surrender to the ascending waves of divine intervention.We have learned that we are powerful transmuters of all energies around us, that we were, are and never will be alone and that the pure awareness that Each One Of Us Is in fact The Light That Lies Within In Each One Of Us:”I Am The Light,The Light I Am” described here in a beautiful and fun way.

We have been witnesses of some truly shocking apocalyptic facts confirming that mostΒ ‘conspiracy theories’ were in fact closer to truth that anyone could imagine and showing how far we have been mislead as humanity which has been Β enslaved over 13 millennia and kept in quarantine serving the interests of a ruling elite that have been puppets of unseen dark entities .

Mainstream media and governments have been lying to all of us just about everything and still today as i am writing this they are still promoting negativity ignoringΒ Β HUGE positive changes that took already place.They are talking about Berlin ‘terrorism’ event which is another cabal attempt to control through fear just like Paris or Brussels incidents and they do not mention the fact that 100,000 children Β have been liberated from darkΒ forcesΒ in L.A. Β California that were planning to rape,torture and take their lives in their satanic rituals.Just this Β detail is already enough to show how much the fiat money has been used against humanity.This is also the moment that ‘fake news’ came to surface since so many alternative news were exposing all those who lie , those who lie tried to disrupt the flow of divine intervention with the intention to create confusion without success as The Light brings all to the surface and returns as a boomerang to hit those who have conceived these intentions.

We had Brexit,we had Trump and now we are having Frexit :

Secret Space Programs and The Industrial Military Complex ,terms thatΒ any Truth Seeker should know about,are exposing what has been happening without humanity’s awareness since the middle of the last century.David Wilcock is a Lightworker that does an amazing job on uncovering truth and you can have a listen to his show here:

The Prosperity Funds Β destinedΒ Β  to support Humanity’s and Gaia’s Ascension through NESARA /GESARA have been blocked countless times by people working for the cabal.The most evident was the 9/11 Twin Towers incident in New York which was the main reason that over 75,000 people died , creating fear on the way:the first 2 floors were containing all the information necessary to help Humanity towards its leap.Humanity has learned since and this time everything is being secured with extreme caution reaching perfection while understanding that before The Celebration we have first to clean The House.And this is achieved with Peace for Real.Peace is now real with Aleppo and Mosul being liberated and with Ukraine signing the Minsk agreement.

2016 a year that finishes with amazing news such as The Healing Computer able to heal just about everything.

We have low cost free energy tools such as The Magrav Β systems from Keshe for Home and Car use saving up to 90% costs.We have low costs Pens and Belts to alleviate any pain.I have myself been even experimenting with combining techniques to heal severe cases of Diabetes in case of my father.


We also have Electra,Free Energy Machine able to supply a Β whole city and replace the destructive plants destroying our Gaia!No information given in this moment,i confirm that I have seen the machine and it works.Cities that are willing to take serious actionΒ towards Free energy please contact

We are just at the beginning of an amazing adventure that will bring each being ,that chooses to recognise The Light Within Out of Free Will,in rejuvenating and be completely restored in crystal chambers to live an ever ascending Life in Joy of 1000 Years!


Live Long and Prosper as our Star Trek friends say.

And May All Your wishes aligned with Your divinity become True!

Thank You Mother Father God,Thank You Archangels,Thank You Angels,Thank You Ascended Masters,Thank You Galactic Brothers and Sisters,Thank You Animal Kingdom,Thank You Elementals,Thank You Pacha Mama,Thank You All Sisters and Brothers on the surface of the planet working to bring out The Message,Thank You All Heroes Know and Uknown that dared to give your lives in search for Truth,Thank You To All of you Who Are Intending For The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All,The Highest Good For All!

Feel More Than Fine 2017!







Smoothing Ascension Tricks

Here are few ‘tricks’ i integrate in my every day activities before , after or during my silent meditations.
1.Looking at my thumb and spinning clockwise 3 x 33 times every day.When i stop i the spinning i keep on looking at my thumb till my vision has stabilised completely.
A teaching i learned from the Pleiadian Channeling for raising our vibrations.It takes less than 2 minutes and it is super effective.
Here is a short video where you can also see another movemevent from the mayas, little harder to achieve but also super effective at it helps to create a Mercaba through movement.

2.Walking Barefoot or touching Gaia with my hands for at least 20′ ,even better when it rains.(Same like ionic baths)
3.Doing Few Yoga Salutations to the sun (i do max up to 6)
4.Drinking a lot of water with lemon.
5.Listening to music attuned on 432 Hz and 528 Hz.
6.Sungazing for at least 10′ on sunrises or sunsets.
7.Extatic Dancing.
Put the volume on and dance silently for at least 2 hours with as many people as possible around me.
Chi Gung Warm Up


As you are going about your daily lives, from moment to moment, you can choose what kind of person you wish to be.


We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

As you are going about your daily lives, from moment to moment, you can choose what kind of person you wish to be.

Why is this so important?

When you begin to contemplate your being and existence this way, you’ll begin to create your reality from within.

You’ll begin to set the tone for your way of life.

Just for a moment, we invite you to describe the kind of person you’ve always wanted to be… no matter the circumstances.

Would you like to be a kind, uplifting, inspiring, joyful, loving, collaborative, harmonious, creative, spiritually growing, ascending, generous, abundant, visionary, leading, supportive, healthy, youthful, vibrant, glowing, loved, revered, supported… [fill in your own] person?

How would this person walk and move?

How would this person talk?

How would this person interact with others?

How would this person react?

How would this person go about work?

How would this person go about all areas of life?

As you begin to write this down, you’ll might notice a shift in the way you feel.

As you’ll remember what you wrote throughout the day, begin to move, talk and react the way this new person would.

When you are doing this for 21 days, you will notice a very positive change in your life.

You are taking back your power and become in charge of the way you feel on an ongoing bases.

Dear Ones, you had the power all along to create your reality and experiences,

Now, you are in the process of learning to remember this fact more and more and any of your created illusions begin to fall away.

You are the creators of your reality.

Welcome home.

We send you all so much love…

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos.

Free Gifts 12 Activations

Healing Diabetes with Keshe Pen,Reflexology and Reiki.

I have been working on finding a solution for my dad’s diabetes which is a severe case as he is a nervous person and difficult to handle with a routine of applying the pen on the specific point of the hand for pancreas.


The idea is to stabilise the diabetes back to the values between 80-120 while he is using insuline and eating what he usually eats.I have noticed after applying the pen for a month(some days not, as i said he was difficult to approach) that the values of levels of sugar started to stabilise.The pen works effectively, it is only his resistance to the change that delays the effects of it.He has had many time hypoglycaemia lately which can be explained with 3 hypothesis:

1.Injecting too much insuline and/or

2.Not eating enough and/or

3.His pancreas starts to produce insuline thanx to the pen.

This 3d thought needs to be examined further.

Also it is my opinion that injections are not good for anybody as they Β create holes into the auric field disturbing on a day to day basis the energetic harmony, lowering the vibration Β and allowing certain undesired energies to enter.

The observationsΒ in these videos:



Violet Flame Meditation Reminder

Violet Flame Meditation – Transmute And Uplift Your Energy Field

Source:Β Well Being Alignment


Saint Germain

There are thousands of Ascended Masters currently supporting the Earth and those of us who live here. They are Beings of Light who have learned the lessons of our Third Dimensional existence and have ascended to a higher state of consciousness. Giving assistance to all who call to them for help, they are our β€œelder” brothers and sisters. Some famous Ascended Masters are Jesus (Jeshua) Christ, Gautama Buddha and Krishna.

Saint Germain is an Ascended Master who has long been associated with the Violet Flame. You can call on his assistance as you practice Violet Flame Meditation. Along with many other Ascended Masters, he has been preparing us to transition from the Age of Pisces (Third Dimension) to the Age of Aquarius (Fifth Dimension), beginning an era of peace, freedom and enlightenment.

With Violet Flame Meditation you can consciously access powerful Fifth Dimensional frequencies that dissolve lifetimes of unresolved, unhealed energies with love and light. This is crucial to each of us as individuals and for humanity as a whole, especially at this specific time on our planet.

The distillation of all experiences we’ve ever had in any lifetime or dimension is still in our individual and group energy field, both positive and negative. Until the dense negativity is transmuted into love and light, we, both as individuals and as a race, suffer from the resulting chaos and negativity that we’ve experienced for eons on this planet. Violet Flame Meditation can help us do that.

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The Fifth Dimensional Perspective

The power of Violet Flame Meditation comes from the Fifth Dimension, which resonates with unity consciousness, transcending the ego-based ideas of separation we have lived in the Third Dimension for eons. We are free of the illusion of time and space as fixed realities. They are perceived as the fluidity that they truly are. From a Fifth Dimensional perspective, we are always in the present Now. There are still cycles of being, but they have no real power over the creative potential of the present moment.

We recognize that where we place our attention in the present moment is what creates our essential experience. What we focus on we begin to resonate with. Our focus literally creates our perception of ourselves, as well as how we experience the world. This is the key to conscious creation: Whatever we focus our attention on manifests in our lives.

Space and distance are also seen as illusions. In the Fifth Dimension we are always connected to those we love, no matter where they β€œare.” Furthermore, we will see that we are all energetically connected as human beings and that the Earth we live on is a co-creation of our group consciousness, including animals and non-sentient life.

In the Fifth Dimension we move forward in our lives through our passion, by naturally choosing that which brings us the most joy at every choice point. By connecting with our passion we expand outward and open our consciousness to higher energies. Following the path that brings us the most joy unfolds us into the conscious awareness of the true essence of who we are.


Things Might Look Worse But Are Actually Getting Better

The extent to which we hold on to old structures and concepts of separation correlates directly to the extent of the fear, anxiety and stress that we feel. As we open into expanded awareness, uplifting energies continue to pour into this plane at an accelerating level. These energies bring to the surface all that is within us of a lower vibration that needs to be healed, giving us the opportunity to see what we’ve been holding on to that no longer serves us so that we can let it go.

Because of this exposure of the negativity for healing, it can look like things are getting much worse on our planet and in our individual lives. However, this is far from the case. We are actually in the midst of a group awakening into the Oneness we already are with our Creator.

Violet Flame Meditation Can Help Us Open To A Higher State Of Awareness

Violet Flame Meditation can greatly assist us in making the transition from a fear-based life to a Unity-based life. No matter how intense things look in our lives and/or in our world, we need to keep using the White Light, Violet Flame of Love, and The Miracle of Forgiveness Healing to release old concepts and beliefs that obscure the light. Whenever we invoke the light in our own lives, the light and wellbeing of the entire planet and human race expands.

No matter how far we think we’ve turned from the light, once we turn our attention back to it and choose love and forgiveness, we are enfolded in its healing embrace. We can do this merely by focusing on upliftment – on whatever brings us a feeling of relief, love, and expansion. These feelings tell us we are on the right path.


Law Of The Circle

Whatever energy (emotions, thoughts, etc.) we think we are sending to another person, place or thing we experience ourselves. The energy seems to travel in a circle, always back to the source from which it came. However, in actuality, we are all One Being, so whatever energy I think I’m sending to “you” is still “me” so I feel it.

This principle is demonstrated by The Golden Rule, β€œDo unto others as you would have them do unto you.” How we β€œdo unto others” is literally what we are doing unto ourselves. This principle is also known as β€œkarma,” β€œcause and effect,” etc. Basically, the energy of any thought, word, deed or action we’ve ever emitted in any lifetime or dimension, whether positive or negative, we ourselves feel.

Also, by the Law of Attraction, if we feel these negative energies (the ones we originally thought we sent out to “someone else”) coming at us and then react negatively again, we keep attracting more of the same negativity to ourselves. As we vibrate (negatively or positively), we create.

With Violet Flame Meditation we can release negative energy from thousands of lifetimes back into the pure positive God essence that is at the core of who we actually are.

Self-Healing With Self Love

Anything unresolved within our energy field will keep manifesting itself in our physical / mental / emotional / spiritual life until we heal it. There is no escaping this. When we understand that life is presenting us with an opportunity to heal something within us it becomes easier.

When negative experiences occur, if we can acknowledge, accept and decline to resist what is happening as well as the feelings evoked, we can then bring love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness to ourselves, as well as to other people involved and the situation itself. In this way we can heal the wounded aspects within us so that we won’t have to keep going through the same painful scenarios again and again. Violet Flame Meditation can help us to bring love, forgiveness, healing and release to all of these painful feelings.


The Three-Fold Flame

Violet Flame Meditation The Violet Flame is actually a three-fold flame of gold, pink and blue light:

The pure Divine Feminine ray of energy (relating to our right brain and heart) is crystalline pink, with the qualities of pure unconditional Divine Love, nurturance and compassion, and adoration and reverence for all life.

The pure Divine Masculine ray of energy (relating to our left brain, throat and heart) is sapphire blue, and relates to the desire, inner resolve, power and will to follow Source’s Divine Will. It also carries our ability to have leadership over ourselves.
When the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine rays of energy are merged and balanced within us, our higher centers and Christ Consciousness – which is the gold ray of energy – is awakened. The Gold Flame embodies wisdom, discrimination, and illumination.

When all three of these flames are balanced within us, love balances power and wisdom blends with love, and the Violet Flame of forgiveness and transmutation is activated within us.

How Violet Flame Meditation Works

At the core of every single electron of energy, even a negatively charged electron, is the divine aspect of pure being. When the Violet Flame is consciously blazed through any electron of energy, it awakens the pure spark of divinity within it, which then burns up the outer negativity and transmutes that electron back to its original state of pure love.

During Violet Flame Meditation, I experience the Violet Flame as infinite Love, forgiveness, tenderness and freedom. When we call it forth with the intention of forgiveness and healing, it bursts as a flame within our hearts. When we consciously direct it into a situation, it blazes through it with a loving force so undeniable that everything in its path has no choice but to resonate with its love.

The Violet Flame permeates every cell and atom of our bodies, minds, emotions, memory, subconscious and spirit. It transmutes anything negative that is lodged anywhere in our spiritual or physical being, raising it to a high vibration of love and light.


Healing Occurs On An Atomic Level

Negative thoughts and feelings create an excess of acid within the body that is too much for our bodies to detoxify. This causes the breakdown of our physical energy systems, dis-ease and illness. The Violet Flame can help heal our bodies on a physical level by removing the negative energy that creates the acidic conditions. It goes to work on the deeper causes on the mental, emotional, causal, and psychic levels.

On the atomic level, vibration is the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. In form, Violet Flame Meditation actually changes the vibratory rate of the body, working on the atomic level. When the atoms of our bodies are imbued with negativity, we vibrate slower, at a lower vibration, which causes us to resonate with MORE negativity and actually attract it. Our bodies and minds become more dense and coarse, with less light shining within.

With Violet Flame Meditation we can transmute this negativity. When we invoke it with forgiveness in our hearts, for ourselves and others, it raises the frequency of the negativity into a vibration of love and wellbeing. It literally transforms whatever is out of alignment with wellbeing back into the light that is at the source of every atom. Consequently, in Violet Flame Meditation the vibration of our entire energy field in form is raised to a higher level, and we are more aware of ourselves as Spirit, light and love, resonating with optimum health and wellbeing.

A really wonderful thing to be aware of is that you don’t have to fully understand the nature of Violet Flame Meditation or how it works for it to work! It isn’t possible for our minds to encompass what lies beyond the parameters of the mind. You can ask your I AM Presence (yourself from your highest perspective) to take command, and then simply invoke the Violet Flame as described below.


In experimenting with Violet Flame Meditation, I’ve found that I significantly increase its healing effects if I can call up the intention of forgiveness in my heart first, before invoking the Violet Flame. Even if I’m not feeling particularly forgiving, but I’m WILLING to feel it for myself, other people involved, or a situation, this opens my heart and increases the power of the Violet Flame to do its transformative work.


Heart Chakra Clearing and Opening

Opening The Heart Chakra For Healing

To increase the effectiveness of Violet Flame Meditation, or ANY healing, it is helpful to first open our heart chakra, the seat of the Divine Feminine within our being (whether we are currently embodied as male or female).

The heart chakra is where ALL emotions are felt. Because of the pain we’ve experienced from our lives in the dimensions of form, we as a race have shut down our heart centers in an attempt to not feel the pain. Therefore, our connection with Divine Feminine energy and unconditional love and forgiveness has been narrowed down and the misuse of masculine power (by both men and women) has taken precedence on our planet and in our lives.

To heal and open our heart chakras, we need to go into our hearts and acknowledge the pain there, bring love and compassion to our own wounds, and turn them over to The Divine to heal them. Then we can begin finding the balance between our masculine / feminine aspects, and bring love and forgiveness to others.

You can call on Divine Feminine / Divine Mother energy to assist you in healing your heart center and bringing more love into it. Envisioning pink light all around and permeating your body, especially around your heart center, can help a great deal.

The Tipping Point

Everything is energy, vibrating at different speeds. Negative thoughts, words, feelings and actions vibrate at the denser end of the energy spectrum, while the positive thoughts, words, feelings and actions vibrate at the higher, more uplifted end of the spectrum, closer to the original God Source.

To shift our state of consciousness from one of predominant negativity to predominant health, wellbeing, joy and aliveness, we can do two things:

Use Violet Flame Meditation (see below) to transmute all of the energies of our past thoughts, words, feelings and actions back into the original vibration of Love from Source.

Pay attention to our current thoughts and feelings so that we don’t set ourselves up to receive more of our own negativity. When we become aware that we’re following a negative train of thought, we can choose a different thought instead – one that brings a feeling of relief and expansion.

Once 51% of the energy we are emitting is of a positive nature, we achieve a β€œtipping point” where ALL energies within us are transmuted into the positive spectrum. And we never know when that 51% tipping point can occur. This is a β€œcritical mass” where an unstoppable shift occurs. It is a natural law of the Universe. And with Violet Flame Meditation we can do this!


Growth Periods

It is important to keep the tipping point of transmutation in mind when we are going through a β€œgrowth period” and are tempted to wallow in negativity. Growth periods are times of chaos when it feels like the whole world is against us and we have lost sight of wellbeing. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. These are periods when our wounded aspects are being brought to the surface for healing. Each of these periods are a window of opportunity to heal something that has been wreaking havoc in your life, maybe for many lifetimes. This is a good time to focus on the light with even MORE tenacity.

Knowing that by keeping our attention on light and love when we feel challenged, we will eventually reach the critical mass of positive energy that can transmute all the negativity of that situation to positive energy. We just need to keep working with uplifting tools such as Violet Flame Meditation and the positive principles we know to be true, to keep our attention focused in a positive direction.

Here are some good questions to ask while going through a challenging growth situation:

What is it that I DO want in this situation?
(Negativity comes from focusing on what we don’t want instead of what we do want.)
Am I adding to the light of the planet or to the shadow?

Tipping Point ~ For The Planet

This tipping point isn’t just applicable to us as individuals. It applies to ALL beings on this planet, and the planet itself. When there are enough of us focusing on the light so that our group consciousness is vibrating at 51% in the light, then an unstoppable shift into a higher vibration can occur for the entire planet!

I believe this β€œtipping point” is the same as what I described earlier: our ascension as a race and as a planet, from the Third Dimension of egoic separation to the Fifth Dimension of unity consciousness. And it is entirely within our power to do this. Violet Flame Meditation is a powerful tool to make it happen.

Using Violet Flame Meditation And Decrees

The most effective use of the Violet Flame that I have found is through a combination of meditation and β€œdecrees” – spoken (silently or aloud) prayers that use visualization / imagination while being in a meditative state.

1. Sit in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and your arms and legs uncrossed. Place your feet flat on the floor. You can rest your hands on your legs, palms up.
2. Breathe in love and / or white light through your heart center. Do this several times until you can FEEL it. This method is most effective when you feel devoted to love and forgiveness. If you can’t quite get there, just keep breathing in love and/or white light until you begin to feel a softening and opening within. Envisioning a soft, unconditionally loving, pink crystalline light around and through you can help open your heart as well.
3. To begin Violet Flame Meditation you can start with something simple like, β€œI AM a Violet Flame of love and forgiveness.” Slowly repeat this several times out loud, and tune into your feelings and perceptions. It is much more powerful to speak out loud than silently. Remember to keep a loving, forgiving perspective (or be willing to have that perspective) and a sincere desire to heal. If you wish, you can keep repeating this simple phrase over and over again, even hundreds of times. Repeating a decree draws in more light.

You can add to or change the words of your decree however you’d like to. Keep it simple. For this type of meditation, I’ve found that the fewer the words, the more focused the energy is. Start your decrees with the words β€œI AM.”

Speaking from your I AM Presence is the most powerfully creative perspective you can center yourself in. It is where you are One with Creator.

Decree Examples

β€œI AM the Violet Flame of Love, blazing through anything within me that needs to be healed.”

β€œI AM calling forth the Violet Flame to cleanse, uplift and purify everything within me.”

β€œI AM blazing the Violet Flame through all my thoughts, words, feelings and actions regarding this situation with (fill in the blank).”

While slowly repeating your decree, notice if you feel more loving and spacious. Experiment with different words to see if they evoke more healing energy or less. Go with what brings you relief, feels fun, softens your perspective and is inspiring.

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Visualizing / Imagining The Violet Flame

Another component of Violet Flame Meditation is the use of visualization and imagination, which are β€œview ways” into other realms. Anything we can visualize is real somewhere within the vast realms of form.Β The more frequently that we return to a visualization, to that same extent it manifests energetically in our human lives – physically, mentally, emotionally.

As you speak your decrees during Violet Flame Meditation, picture a huge bonfire of Violet Flames, wide enough and high enough to encompass your body and extend three or more feet above your head and all around your body. Within the flames see different shades of blue, pink, gold and purple colors. See these Violet Flames all around you and permeating your body. Feel into the places within your being (physically, mentally and emotionally) where you need love, and see the Violet Flame touching and permeating all of them with love and transmuting them into light, love and forgiveness.

Helping Others With The Violet Flame

You can use Violet Flame Meditation to help others individually and also collectively, such as for the entire human race. Breathe in love through your heart center and visualize a person, group of persons, or the planet as a whole (i.e. NESARA/GESARA) . Picture them with the Violet Flame blazing through and around them, permeating them with love and forgiveness. State a decree, such as β€œI AM invoking the full force of the Violet Flame of Love and Forgiveness for (person(s) you wish to assist).”

That’s all you have to do. You don’t even have to be specific about what to heal. The Violet Flame knows exactly where to go within their being and what to do. The key part is to feel your intention of love and forgiveness for them and to visualize them within the Violet Flame.

After you have invoked it for one person you can add something like, β€œIn the name of Source, I ask for this Violet Flame to multiply and assist all beings here on Mother Earth who need any kind of assistance, according to God’s will.”

A Comprehensive Violet Flame Meditation

As I mentioned above, I highly recommend formulating short decrees in order to focus the energy of the Violet Flame on specific areas. However, it is also very useful to use a comprehensive decree to do ongoing, multi-level Violet Flame Meditation targeting facets of ourselves that we aren’t even aware of, but are still affecting us negatively. Doing this regularly can steadily unwind whatever negative karmic energies we have accrued.

A good time to do Violet Flame Meditation is first thing in the morning, or last thing before sleep.

As mentioned before, sit in a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed, with your spine straight and arms and legs uncrossed. Breathe in love and/or pink or white light through your heart center until you can feel a softening and opening within. You can use the following as your decree or formulate one that you resonate with the most.

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Use The Gold Flame At The End

I find it comforting and balancing to bring gold light in at the end of Violet Flame Meditation. Pure gold light is a manifestation of Christ Light. It fills your being with peace and illumination. It deeply nurtures your energy field on all levels, for balance and completion after any kind of energy healing.

Afterwards Envision What You Want To Create

After doing a Violet Flame Meditation, your heart is open and you are in a powerfully creative vibration. This is an excellent time to envision what you DO want in your life, now that the Violet Flame is at work transmuting what you’ve released.

Experiment with different visions to find one that brings more light, love, and joy into your being as you view it. Then keep expanding and adding to that vision, testing to see if each thing you add brings more relief and joy. If it doesn’t then let it go and experiment with something else until you find something that does. Whenever you focus on something for 17 seconds or more, by the Law of Attraction, the energy expands exponentially, and you begin to draw the manifestation of your vision to yourself.

Wherever We Are As A Light Worker It Is A Powerful Spot – Prime Creator

Warming Up Our Hearts in company of Prime Creator.

Quick notes:

1.Wherever we are as a Light Worker it is a powerful spot.As we travel these energies go with us activating Gaia and The People around us.

2.Understandig the desire of Gaia of the collaboration of all Beings living on her surface to assist her in the process.

3.The Sun is a Beautiful Light Being containing great energies of power,compassion and light much more than we can imagine.

4. New ”Matrix” carefully executed that supports All That Is is being created by our work as Light workers and it the one that will thrive towards exponential expansion.Teleportation(= Dematerialization and Dematerialisation) and Telekinesis to experience increased ease and prosperity,the freedom we have longed for.

5.Creation of New Light Matrix by The Light Workers to move in and out.

6.Does Prime Creator feel emotion?

7.Integrated Ego is assisting in navigating.How we can strengthen it.

8.Love Everyone Unconditionally.Love is all that is

9.Difference between soul and I Am presence:Soul is,Soul is,Soul is.I Am presence is an aspect of the soul more fluid than the soul changing and adapting

10.Light/Etheric Body,Astral Body

11.Conscious Creation.

12.The Rising Up of the New Paradigm.Trusting Our Creations and what we are setting forth as more Energies reaching Gaia.Being Gentle with Ourself,releasing to experience Heaven on Earth.






It’s time to use your new skills developed as a result of discovering more about new you.

Dear Ones,

It’s time to use your new skills developed as a result of discovering moreΒ about new you.


Even though many of you remain in disbelief that you are any different from that which was true five years or even one month ago, such is an accurate assessment of who you now are.

Perhaps you do not feel that difference for a variety of reasons – most notably that new you is the CEO of your totality. So new you is dominantlyΒ you with new helpers and assistants.

You have transitioned beyond your guides, angels, and most of your council – for you are a member of your council with greater transition knowledge than any other member. So it is that even though we of the ethers can prod you and give you hints here and there, as you develop more clearly into new you, we can no longer fully comprehend your capabilities.

Perhaps it would be easier to understand if you remember how filled with joy you were the first time you held your infant son or daughter knowing that they were a unique individual but not sure what they would experience throughout their life. So it is for us. We love you dearly, but we do not comprehend how your past, present, and future experiences will β€˜play out’ during or after this transition.

You are a new Universal entity – just beginning to realize that kicking your feet and feeling with your fingers is enjoyable. Yes, you are in the baby stage of your new creation – for you created new you. But a baby stage far more developed than anything you can imagine.

For many of you, personal computers are a relatively new invention. Yet, your children and grandchildren cannot comprehend life without computers, nor do they have a fear of computer technology for they were computer savvy before they were born.

Such is how your skills and paths will become commonplace among those of the future. But for now, we are speaking to you about your new being and therefore, new skills.

Test your new skills for you can do no wrong in doing so. What is your dominant thought this moment? Is it an ongoing dream, fear, or request? That thought is that with which you will test your skills.

Perhaps you have no idea what we are speaking of for your dominant thought seems unattainable. For many such is true, but not for you.

Granted, your new skills will feel somewhat cumbersome, perhaps even difficult at first. Just as infants have difficulties picking up small objects or crawling until they have practiced a bit.

You declared self-love and therefore, greatly expanded your personal repertoire. Now it is time to act upon those skills.

The first months or weeks of your new skill experiences will seem somewhat unwieldy just as when as an infant you were given a rattle that you waved so wildly you hit your head. You did not give up until you learned how to shake that rattle. And once you did, you moved to other objects, others skills.

So it is for you now. Stop for just a moment to crystallize your dream; your dominant need within your being. And KNOW you have the skills to achieve it.

Some of you are questioning that thought for your dominant need is to have another person love or accept you. Ah. What you truly wish for is the experience of love or acceptance. For if another were to appear that produced the same feelings within you as is true for your current love object, you would be joyous.

So it is that it is beyond time to wish for a certain someone or something – and instead to generalize what you are dreaming of.

It is no longer your concern how that dream is fulfilled for you are now a natural creator. Creating those sensations you dream of in the way most right for your being.

You no longer need to be concerned about the specifics. Such as was true of 3D when your creative skills were limited to focussing on one item long enough to create at least a portion of what you wanted, as well as allowing you to retain some of your creation skills.

Now that you are no longer boxed in with the shoulds and have tos of 3D, you are free to create those pieces right for new you.Β Which seems somewhat difficult because you feel little different from just months ago. Yet, you opened your being to a new totality with new creation skills.

Perhaps those skills need a bit of honing – just as is true for an infant with a rattle. But also just as true as for an infant, your world of possibilities is so vast as to not be tallied now or atΒ any time in the future.

Think of the first time your infant eyes focussed. And then imagine all that happened to infant you following that. Such is your world now. It is so far beyond any past expectations that it is no longer definable.

That is new you. That is the you who no longer needs in-depth assistance to forge ahead. For you are creating a new world and new Universes as you deploy your new talents in ways no one, least of all you, can now imagine. Allow that to be. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright Β© 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source websiteΒ link:Β

Making choices to Feel More Than Fine every moment keeps our vibration high and let us Ascend Smoothly no matter where we are in our evolution process.

Know that each one of us on the surface of the planet is being protected by our security teams stationed in millions of galactic ships and Motherships guided by Commander Ashtar. Our work on Earth at this time is to be peaceful and share Our frequency wherever we choose to be without paying attention to the illusion that has been created around us,to be In the World but not Of it.Those who work against The Light are being taken away one by one or imprisoned.This Fall Everything Changes.Making choices to Feel More Than Fine every moment keeps our vibration high and let us Ascend Smoothly no matter where we are in our evolution process.

This message comes from My Higher Self :Gabriel Raphael

A Boot on The Ground:Nikos Feel More Than Fine Β Akrivos.



Most Powerful Incoming Vibrations Ever

Wow this past full Moon along its Eclipse has been quite a ride and wash out of all deep rooted beliefs that had to evacuate The Building:My Body,Mind,Spirit Complex bringing me even closer to my Higher Self.

With this comes the confirmation of what i am reading from Deborah Faith :


Incoming Frequencies of Light, Most Powerful so Far Ever Received on Earth

ByΒ Deborah Faith


How are you doing Beloveds?Β Are you okay? You are indeed experiencing the most powerful incoming frequencies of Light so far ever received on Planet Earth. Some of you are already feeling a shift as this energy is calibrated within your energy field. Those of you whose purpose it is to merge your Essence with that of your Twin Flame in the 5th dimension will experience a phenomenal shift after the partial Lunar Eclipse later today (16:54:42 UTC) as further alignment in your energy field is achieved through the higher portals of ascension.

It is through the alignment of theΒ Masculine and Feminine energiesΒ of the Eclipses that affords you clear passageway through the higher portals of your ascension. May we remind you Beloveds that there is nothing you have to do, just surrender, let go, and allow the shift to occur.


Unconditional love is the most powerful transmuting force in the universe. Remembering how to utilise the power of unconditional love will help you to remain in the higher states of your consciousness that so many of you are now enjoying. You are being assisted in every conceivable way in this NOW to help you stay more in your multidimensional awareness.

Perception is the key to overriding the limiting programs of your human consciousness. Expanded perception comes from letting go of all that you previously believed yourself to be and embracing the knowing that there exists nothing outside of you. Literally nothing. When you can perceive yourself as being an intricate part of the Whole-ness that exists within you, and that everything you see around youΒ is merely a projection of consciousness into the Hologram of Life,Β a huge shift will occur within your energy field.

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You are powerful beings Beloved Ones, and you hold within you the power to change your World through unconditionally loving every aspect of yourself. It is through your unconditional love that you create change within yourself and everything around you and it is in this manner that you assist Gaia and humanity in their ascension.

We leave you with one last thought. You are indeed an intricate part of the patterns of Perfection that make up the Tapestry of Life, and your contribution is priceless. You are brave and courageous Beloveds, beyond your knowing, as you have willingly taken on the task of assisting in the ascension of Earth, and you have succeeded against all odds to create great change so far.

May this message also provide you with comfort knowing that in our perception, and that of your Higher Selves, you have ALREADY ascended and all is well.

We leave you with our Absolute Love and our Blessing for a most magical NEW day!


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