Your inner child is the CEO of presence, imagination, and fun.
When was the last time you connected with that part of you? You will come to recognize the natural traits of the inner child as essential to your spiritual journey as you move further into the energies of 2022 and beyond. This is yet another example of you having everything you need within yourself just waiting for your acceptance and inclusion.
Why not allow your inner child to serve you with its lightness while you serve it with your attention and love? You will find this relationship to be synergistic and rewarding in so many ways.
Many helper souls have a strong tendency to put others before themselves. While your society has taught you that it’s noble, in reality that is exactly what leads to emotional and physical exhaustion. Some humans use helping as a shield to avoid doing their own healing and growth, and begin to define themselves only through their efforts for others. Over time, they will find those efforts will never feel like enough, and will become less and less satisfying.
Externals, no matter how well intended they may be, will never make you whole. Your wholeness can only come from within, by embracing and honouring who you really are and your sacred connection to Source.
If you really wish to be of service to others, put your soul growth and wellness first. That will allow you to create a firm foundation to truly help others from a place of empowerment. Disempowered helping frequently masks low self esteem and is out of balance. True service empowers everyone.
Message 63 from Healing Balm for the Enlightening Soul
You are currently in a time that is ripe for manifestation. The question is, what kind of manifesting would you like to do?
When you try to manifest something right down to its tiniest detail, you are creating within the realm of what you think is possible. Being too detailed about what you would like to create can be quite limiting. The vast majority of the time what you think is possible vs what is actually possible is quite different, with what is actually possible being a far greater match for you.
More often than not, humans will sell themselves short when they are too detailed with their manifestations. It is, in effect, attempting to micromanage the universe, which is control, not flow.
When you are going it alone with your creation, meaning you are going to be in charge of every detail, that is what we would call 3D manifestation, or singular creation. You are doing it all on your own, and only playing within the pool of what you think is possible. It is like fishing within a small barrel even though you are on the shore of the ocean.
When you choose to co-create, you start playing within the realm of potentiality, and you open yourself up to so much more. To co-create, you work with much wider parameters. You have a broad intention but leave lots of room for the universe to fill in the details. This allows your guides to take you so much further down the road into the discovery of your highest outcomes in ways that can only amaze and delight you.
You experience so much more magic in conscious co-creation, because it works with the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust…a higher vibrational navigation system.
You are ready to up-level your manifestations, Dear Ones. Choose a core desire.
Possibly, to be:
Of your highest service,
In soul partnership,
In your most joyful employment,
Relocating to a place that will beautifully support the next phase of your incarnation…
allowing your guides, helpers, and your highest self to lead the unfoldment and fill in the blanks. This is how you can take giant leaps in your life expression in ways you never imagined, but that your soul always knew was your true calling.
Dear Ones, you can’t surrender and be in ego at the same time, because the ego’s preferred state is control, not flow. In fact, if you try to surrender, the ego will likely try to prevent you from taking that empowered step through the use of fear and doubt.
To be clear, the ego is not the enemy. Far from it! It is a beloved and necessary part of you that is required to be in the body, on the planet, and having a human experience. It is simply not the part of you that you wish to be in charge of all decisions, because it is very much about wanting things to stay the same in a controlled or contracted state, while your soul is seeking freedom, growth, and expansion.
So if you are having trouble with surrender, we suggest you sit with your ego and simply reassure it. Let it know you always will need it and that you love it, and that it is a very important aspect of you. Then, let it know that you are the wise adult, and you will be making decisions that are best for all aspects of you. Feel into that. Can you feel how empowered you are and how the ego settles under your loving guidance?
Trying to eradicate the ego in the name of spirituality only activates it more, and puts you in a state of resistance to a vital part of yourself. It is, in a sense, trying to practice separation consciousness with yourself in an attempt to move into unity consciousness, which simply cannot work.
It will only keep you in a perpetual state of tug of war within yourself, expending all of your energy but getting nowhere. By accepting all parts of yourself, and knowing yourself to be part of an even bigger whole, you will find the act of surrender much easier. From there, true progress can be made on your journey.
It is common for human beings to experience fear if they don’t know where they are going, yet your greatest discoveries are made through exploration. You lose that gift if your path is always mapped out ahead of time. If you have deeply-honed faith and trust, you can get comfortable with not knowing, and simply allow the unfoldment with peace and a sense of curiosity.
You spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure things out, when in fact it is unlikely you will ever figure everything out because you simply do not have access to all the pertinent information from your vantage point. That amounts to trying to successfully solve a puzzle when you only have half the pieces.
That is where connecting with your guides and your own inner wisdom will help shine the way forward. They lead you to the collection of the next puzzle piece. The unfoldment is your own personal treasure hunt, and can be filled with the joy of discovery.
What we are trying to tell you is this: If you simply shift out of the futility of trying to figure it all out, and into simply being present and navigating through your highest, most supported choices one now moment at a time, the grace and ease you yearn for would be yours, as would be your highest outcomes.
A wise human being knows when it’s time to stop expending their time and energy on old practices that simply cannot take them where they wish to go, and start concentrating on the new practices that can.
Allow the grace of the Angels to work in everyday functions.
Dear One,
The Angels are always available. Their presence is blessing all that you do and say. Their intention is for Peace, Harmony and Divine Order on the Earth. When you call upon the grace of the Angels, all situations are blessed with their intentional energy. This is a very powerful tool to use in daily life.
Do you want order in your workplace so that all your work is done quickly and easily, so that all you need is available, and all your words and actions are guided? If so, call the Angels into your workplace. Ask for their blessings and know divine order will be the result. Allow the Angels to intervene on your behalf even with the smallest details that you feel you should take care of by yourself. You will find your work flowing more easily and smoothly. Even more, Creative Solutions will abound.
Do you want peace and harmony in your relationships? Ask the Angels to assist in your family and in all interactions with others. More harmony and a new level of grace will be the result.
The Angels are here to bring more love, harmony and order into daily life. They are here to demonstrate how much easier life can be when you allow a higher frequency of energy to work through you. But they will not intervene unless they are asked, so there must be a willingness on your part to bring peace-filled energy into your life.
The Angels are messengers of God. They are not here for you to worship nor to gain power over you. They are here to assist you. The Angels are a part of the Divine Presence just as humans are, so there is no need to fear when you have prayed to experience more miracles in your life. Your willingness to have more love, joy and harmony will bring to you those very qualities you seek. You can bring the Angels into your life to assist you in enhancing the energy you work with every day.
It is a great gift to have the Angels offer their assistance for planetary good, as well as for the good of your personal life. Allow yourself to receive this blessing. Ask for assistance in all the mundane things that bring you stress. Ask for angelic intervention in all overwhelming situations.
Allow yourself to feel this incredible level of support. Be willing to have yourself surrounded in wings of Pure Love and see how much easier your life will feel to you. You can receive the love, light and wisdom of the Angels now, all you have to do is ask.
Please remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Allow the grace of the Angels to work in everyday functions.
Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for your caring hearts, your consistency, your courage, and your success in reaching this moment in time, for it is far more exciting and pivotal than you may realize.
We understand the journey has been arduous for most of you, particularly over the past two years of your linear time. You have been clearing, releasing, healing, receiving, and integrating in a non-stop manner as you leave the first phase of your incarnation behind in preparation of stepping fully into the new. It has been a life review in every sense of the word, and now you are poised to begin anew in the next exciting phase of your incarnation.
On a soul level, there has been much excitement about this. The serious demeanor that so many lightworkers have had has been due to being present on your or other planets when a great shift of consciousness has been attempted and failed. You came onto the planet because you had so much faith in humanity that it could succeed this time, but you were not going to drop your guard for a moment!
You were dedicated to your soul mission, and due to this, may have felt quite isolated from others, misunderstood, and feeling like you have been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. There was no time for nonsense or frivolity, as your dedication to your mission came first and foremost.
The wonderful news is that the shift is well underway! Might we say it is a runaway train at this point. It is occurring and has gathered so much momentum that it will not be stalled. This is the first of the profound shifts that have occurred that we wish to speak of. The fact that critical mass has been achieved marks a release from the old service roles (that felt very much like martyred service) into a new, far lighter and more joyful service that serves the whole, including the one of being of service!
It is time to open to the joys of being in the body, and some of the lighter, more fun aspects that are available to you. And let us tell you, your inner children are beyond excited to play more of a pivotal role in your experience on the planet! Their expertise is fun and presence, and they’ve been waiting a long time to be consulted.
You will be operating without the heaviness of your “to do” list, since your main goals in the first phase of your incarnation have been met. This can be disconcerting to you as your service contract has been leading the way. It is no longer about what you have to do in order to be successful, but rather about how you wish to express yourself moving forward. It is about creating as you go, forging new paths, and finding value in experience rather than in the old models of good or bad, right or wrong, success or failure.
One of the hardest things for enlightening human beings to wrap their brains around is that your beingness is your service. It is also difficult to release the reins of service that you have carried on your own, and to begin to willingly receive help. It is shifting from the solitary path to a much more unified path. And that is the next thing we wish to explain to you.
2022 marks the beginning of a next phase of your evolutionary process. This is one of the most pivotal changes you will ever see in your lifetime, for it marks the end of the solitude of the 1’s into the connection and community of the 2’s.
You understand that throughout a year of your time, you pass through many gateways. You recognize these as the lion’s gate (8/8, for example), or the 11/11. What most of you have not realized is that this is a smaller version of a larger system that you are part of. For the past 22 years or so, you have been under the influence of the 1’s. You recognize the 1111 as an awakening code. It is the beginning of the journey. It is a path of solitary exploration, as you stepped out of the density of 3D and started seeking on your enlightenment journey.
There have been many discoveries made along the way! In fact, we would say that the shift you are so successfully participating in has been due to a wondrous army of souls waking up and shining their light, one brave soul at a time. You have fumbled through the darkness to your own light within, making the most amazing discoveries, both internally and externally.
It is due to the work of this collective that you are now stepping into the power of the 2’s, with the number 2 become your guiding light, just as the 1’s were over the past 22 years. This marks the end of the solitary journey! This means that you will be coming together.
There will be many soul reunions and communities forming. Kindred souls will be seeking each other out and shifting into joyful, supported service, so no one will ever have to carry the weight alone ever again.
The focus will be on allowing your beingness to lead the way, and drawing to you those who can see and honour you in that space. This means that you will start to experience 5D bonding through your collective preference and beingness rather than through the old 3D bonding, which was predominantly focused on what was wrong.
Family, connection, and partnership will be the focus as you are now ready to reunite. You have gone as far as you could possibly go on the solitary path, and now it is time to come out of the cave and join with others in a way that is safe, supportive, and joyful. If the 1’s were part of awakening codes, you might consider 2’s as part of the reconnecting codes.
We cannot stress enough how incredibly pivotal this grand shift from the solitary 1 energy to the partnership 2 energy is. Be ready to start to see repeating 2’s replacing the 1’s that had been guiding your path! And of course, repeating numbers of all sorts will speak to you in perfect timing, too, as one of the many ways we like to wink at you.
This next phase is about allowing yourself to be who you really are, and allowing your authenticity to lead the way. There are no other options, really, for anything else simply will not be supported. Yours is the path of personal embodiment and empowerment.
Because of this, you are assisting with the anchoring of the new power structures that serve the whole. The old ways of power will continue to crumble, in some ways, most spectacularly, and will be replaced with systems that serve the many rather than the few. And you realize that as you step into your own power in a way that is mindful and wise, you assist the collective shift from power to empowerment.
Again, no small feat, but you have arrived in the space where this is now truly possible! Just as your personal light created a wave of light that has been driving the shift, your collective empowerment creates a new wave of leadership that focuses on the core values of transparency, truth, integrity, and unity consciousness.
As many of you step into the energies of 2022, and have fully released the first phase of your incarnation, you may have gifts show up for you that feel familiar. The reason for that is that many of you will be picking up old skills that you used well in other life expressions, and taking them to entirely new levels that are now possible in the new energies.
You are releasing the glass ceiling of your previous well-lived expressions to reach even greater heights and discoveries. This is why so many of you have been feeling so anxious to get moving beyond the slower, reviewing energies of the past two years. That anxiety, in many cases, is simply your soul’s excitement over where you are going!
You will find the next wave of awakening humans will move much more quickly. This is thanks to the trail you have blazed before them! Many of you will change your service offerings, creating vacancies for the next wave to fill. Some of you may even move into a spiritual retirement of sorts, simply allowing your beingness to be your service. And let us assure you, that is more than enough as you are powerful leaders by example, and your energetics serve the whole.
And for those of you who have been dedicated to anchoring and serving the grids through your energetics but yearning to be released from that role and move somewhere new, many of you will find yourself moving to new locales that will feel far more energetically supportive to you. Again, the solitary heavy lifting is over, as the next awakening wave steps forward into those service roles.
One of the things that has been disconcerting to many is the emergence of so many vast and varied conspiracy theories. What we want you to understand is that this is actually a sign of expansion, and that masses of people are waking up. It indicates that people are starting to question beyond the 3D reality right in front of them, and that is a positive thing. They are beginning to explore many different potentials and possibilities.
This is leading people to develop the skill of discernment. And let us assure you that any conspiracy theory that is not based on truth or empowerment will ultimately show itself to have many holes in it – holes that will only get bigger and bigger until the believers realize it is not taking them where they wish to go. This can be a difficult realization, but it is a necessary one in the honing of discernment. It can also be a pivotal step in people discovering their own truth and wisdom.
One of the most important things you can do as you enter into the energies of the new is to create a space of safety and understanding that allows others to change their minds. Many have been very vocal and emotionally invested in their beliefs, and the realization that those beliefs do not serve them can be very painful and deeply triggering. It is also important to allow your own truths to shift along with your own evolution.
The unfoldment of everyone’s journey has been the continual replacement of old beliefs with new ones. Hold the energy of grace for those who may be feeling disillusioned and are struggling to find new beliefs that better match them and where they truly wish to go. This is a part of evolution you all go through.
Be kind and gentle with others as they go through that process of discovery as it can be a difficult, yet necessary part of the journey. Your understanding and compassion can make all the difference in the world to someone who is in the throes of trying to find their own truth.
You have earned where you have arrived, Dear Ones. Now is not the time to be tentative. Own your energetics. Own your attainment. Embody the energies of peace and love, and know that you serve the planet by being the anchor of your preferences. This is the power of being the change.
Allow your mastery to lead the way! Claim your truth and create as you go. You are ready to fully assume the role of empowered co-creator, and the sky is the limit. Stay grounded in your truth for that is your pillar of your soul’s attainment, and create from there, for these are the exact times you couldn’t wait to experience.
There is a time for healing, and there is a time to allow yourself to be healed. If you are using the divine combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, you are not going to miss anything. If something needs your attention, it will come into your awareness, you will attend to it, and then get right back into the flow.
It is time to release the habit of being in trouble shooting mode with yourselves all the time, and into simply allowing yourself to be, secure in the knowledge that is more than enough.
Speaking of the Divine Combination, you are entering times that will have periods of accelerated forward movement and manifestation. Enlightening human beings can find super flow as challenging as long lulls, perhaps even more so. Please know that your flow is customized to serve you in all ways. Stay in your faith and trust, and simply make your highest choice one now moment at a time, and you will navigate these energies just fine.
There is always some energetic overlapping from one phase into another, but you are now in energies where you can make some truly spectacular changes on your planet, and we cannot wait to see what you will create moving forward. The key here is in allowing your beingness to lead the way, and knowing that it is more than enough! Be willing to receive the help, money, and support that has always been there for you, and you will finally start to truly enjoy the fruits of your labour.
The time of separation is over, and it is now time for you to connect with your own divinity, your own capability, your own truest, authentic self…and lead from that space of embodiment and wisdom. As the wayshowers evolve beyond the old habit of holding themselves separate and shouldering the burden alone, the separation you see on your planet will also heal.
There will be many voices with many opinions, as is normal during times of transformation. The collective agrees, however, on the overarching desires that are prevalent on your planet: the desire for health, peace, freedom, and safe connection. You just have different ideas on how to get there.
What matters most is your connection to your own ever-evolving truth, and allowing that unfoldment to lead the way. You have worked hard to find your way back to your true essence. It is time to trust that your beingness is more than enough!
There will be times of intensity. This is to be expected during times of profound change. If you stay grounded and remember to use your tools and your inner guidance, you will navigate the energies much more adeptly than ever before, because it is a skill you have been honing for quite some time. There will also be pockets of great joy, and of pure presence and wonder. We advise you to embrace all of it!
We are in awe of all you have done, and all you will continue to do, and we celebrate with you that you have arrived in this space of pure potential. You amaze us every single day with what you have accomplished, and we cannot wait to see what you will create as you pioneer into the new, one glorious, authentic step at a time.
The belief that money is power is prevalent on your planet, and that is true from a 3D standpoint. Many of you, as agents of change, have been rejecting the old power structures, and in doing so, have also been subconsciously rejecting money.
What we want you to understand is that as your relationship with power shifts from the old ways of separating power into the new ways of unifying empowerment, so will your relationship with money. From your new place of unity consciousness and empowerment, you will find it easier to embrace a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving, and that includes allowing the flow of money and other forms of abundance.
Just as you can have a conscious relationship with power, you can also have a more conscious relationship with money. We would even go so far as to say once you have one, you have the other. So at their core, money problems aren’t really money problems, they are power issues.
They likely stem from:
Fear of falling into ego, becoming like those you consider to be unevolved,
Fear of being judged,
Fear of owing another,
Fear of responsibility,
An unhealed belief system that money is the source of all evil, or some other disempowering or separating belief.
All of these issues heal as you evolve beyond 3D power structures into 5D empowerment, and as they do, your issues with money will naturally heal as well.
As you’ve been peeling back the layers to discover your true essence, you’ve also been peeling away the layers that kept you from experiencing your authentic wealth and your inherent ability to co-create.
What we want you to understand is this ~ As you step into your authentic power, all things shift. That will open the door to ease with abundance, which ultimately is simply allowing yourself to acknowledge what has always been yours all along.
Do you see? Authentic power will naturally lead you to authentic abundance if you allow it, and it is safe to embrace both.
Shelley’s Note: I’m so happy to announce that I have a full length channel on 2022 that is soon to be released! I think this is a wonderful sign about where we are going, as I didn’t receive one at all for 2020 or 2021. This is an excerpt from it that I found very interesting…hope you enjoy it!
One of the things that has been disconcerting to many is the emergence of so many vast and varied conspiracy theories. What we want you to understand is that this is actually a sign of expansion, and that masses of people are waking up. It indicates that people are starting to question beyond the 3D reality right in front of them, and that is a positive thing. They are beginning to explore many different potentials and possibilities.
This is leading people to develop the skill of discernment. And let us assure you that any conspiracy theory that is not based on truth or empowerment will ultimately show itself to have many holes in it ~ holes that will only get bigger and bigger until the believers realize it is not taking them where they wish to go. This can be a difficult realization, but it is a necessary one in the honing of discernment. It can also be a pivotal step in people discovering their own truth and wisdom.
One of the most important things you can do as you enter into the energies of the new is to create a space of safety and understanding that allows others to change their minds. Many have been very vocal and emotionally invested in their beliefs, and the realization that those beliefs do not serve them can be very painful and deeply triggering. It is also important to allow your own truths to shift along with your own evolution.
The unfoldment of everyone’s journey has been the continual replacement of old beliefs with new ones. Hold the energy of grace for those who may be feeling disillusioned and are struggling to find new beliefs that better match them and where they truly wish to go. This is a part of evolution you all go through.
Be kind and gentle with others as they go through that process of discovery, as it can be a difficult, yet necessary part of the journey. Your understanding and compassion can make all the difference in the world to someone who is in the throes of trying to find their own truth.
Many of you want to experience more ease in your lives. Ease comes from following your heart, being willing to be guided, being willing to receive, and using your conscious awareness to follow the signs and synchronicities of the flow with your faith and trust.
You cannot experience ease and practice resistance at the same time, because ease is a state of acceptance and gentle expansion, while resistance is a state of defiance and contraction. Or, if you prefer, ease is a 5D trait, and resistance is a 3D trait.
You get to choose which system to operate from, Dear Ones, and we highly recommend you put your time and focus into energies that can get you where you wish to go. Do you have old habits to release and new habits to anchor so that you can finally experience the ease that you crave?
Walk in Beauty, live in Trust, and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.
Dear One,
These words clarify the way to a carefree, joy-filled and peaceful life. Walking in Beauty means to look at all you see with your heart and mind. This might mean to see beyond the surface appearance of disharmony and know there is perfection and beauty within a situation.
There is beauty all around you and sometimes it takes a prayer such as “let me see the beauty here, Angels,” to make this apparent.
Walking in Beauty also means to allow the awareness that there is beauty in this world to bubble to the surface, so you can be conscious of the great beauty of God’s creation. One flower holds as much of the key to universal knowledge as does a whole field of flowers.
Do all you can to be aware of the beauty around you and to bring more beauty into your world. Bringing that one flower into your home can brighten the day, as the spiritual essence in that flower permeates your world. Look for beauty every day and be grateful for all that you find.
Living in Trust means that deep within there is an inner knowing that you are never alone, and that the Angels are working for you in your life. As you give your life to God and pray that Divine will be done, you can trust in the appropriate outworking in every situation for the highest good of all concerned.
Living in Trust means accepting what is apparent in your life, and making a claim for the Divine Order inherent in every situation. Living in Trust allows the Angels to comfort and inspire you so you can receive support in every area of your life.
When you know the benevolent love of God guides your way, there is a beacon of light to follow. This love is the most powerful force for good in the universe. This love creates Peace and Harmony in the heart and soul of each person who remembers. Allow Faith in this statement to permeate every cell of your being. You are always guided by God’s love and you are never alone. You can call on this love at any time and know truly it is there for you.
So allow this message from Archangel Gabriel to become your way of life. Belief will create more Love, Joy and Peace for you in every way.
Again dear one we say to you:
Walk in Beauty, live in Trust and know the benevolent Love of God guides your way.
What does freedom, what does soul expansion, what does joyful self expression look like to you?
An even better question might be what do they feel like to you, because these are some of the core traits of 2022 and beyond. You don’t need to know the exact details you just have to be open to the discovery of your truest matches that make your soul sing.
That is how you allow the full potential of unfoldment and open to receive the gifts it holds for you. The universe has been excitedly waiting to watch you open those presents! As you step up into the energies of the new year, if you simply commit to allowing your life to get as big and beautiful as it wants to be, you will be setting yourself up for the most marvelous new experiences and brand new levels of attainment.
You are fully supported in stepping into your fullest, ever-unfolding, glorious expression of self, so embrace the wonder of where you have arrived and all the up-leveling that is now possible for you.
As you step into the energies of 2022, you will be committing to playing in brand new energies. The Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust is the perfect navigation system to allow you to shift into those new energies and discover all they have in store for you.
The Divine Combination allows you to be a great explorer while being guided through the compass of your soul, which can only bring you truer matches, perfect solutions, and greater experiences.
Isn’t it remarkable that all you have to do is commit to staying in the flow, and be guided into your highest life expression? Are you ready to release the old ways and habits that glorify struggle?
Again, we tell you that deciding to embrace surrender and flow are not in any way giving up into powerlessness. It’s the giving UP that’s the empowering move. It activates your ability to navigate through your highest self while harnessing the full amount of support and guidance you have available to you…and that is the greatest game changer you can ever make.
Every human being that is prioritizing balance and peace is a stabilizing point on the planet. As more and more of you embody these energies, you create the scaffolding for change.
This does not mean you need to be perfect. Far from it! For even if you lose your balance temporarily, by finding your way back you support others in finding their way back, as well. Realigning with your truth and preference, time and again, is exactly what creates momentum and is driving the shift of humanity that is occurring on your planet.
Your sacred mission at this time is to peel back the layers of societal expectation and conditioning to discover the treasure of who you really are. As you allow yourself to settle into your truth and divine essence, you will be able to let your beingness lead the way.
This is essential for you moving forward, because once you are clear on who you are and what matches you, you will be able to very quickly discern what is true for you. What might be true for another may not be a match for you.
Again and again, you will be able to try things on to see if they match your truest intentions, how you wish to express yourself, and where you wish to go. You can’t be a truly conscious creator if you do not know your core truth first.
You don’t need to know all the details of where you are going as you step into the new. You just need to honour your core essence and your energetic preferences. The unfoldment will take care of the rest by the potentials it brings into your awareness.
You continue to hone your path by your focus, your gratitude, and by saying yes to what is an energetic match for you, one step at a time. This is how you customize your journey into your highest life expression.
To put it in its simplest terms, you have been in the process of coming Home to yourself so you can then begin to create your own heaven on earth, and that is exactly what is possible for you as you step forward into the energies of 2022 and beyond.
Deep within you and all around you is Divine Love. When you are free from distracting thoughts about the surface appearance of the world, it is easier to remember this truth. Even if you are in a situation that appears to be upsetting, know deeply in your heart that God’s Love exists within all things.
When you remember this higher wisdom, the outer world of appearances has no choice but to fall in line with your focus of attention.
It has become a scientific truth in the study of quantum physics that the particles of atomic fields arrange themselves into form when the focus of the scientist’s attention is there. Before this focus of attention, the particles were waves of energy with unlimited potential.
Many books have been written which describe this process in detail. This field of unlimited potential, waiting for your focus of attention, is why your thoughts are so powerful. This is why you can create your new reality by holding a vision of what you want to see happen.
The universe will be creating your reality according to your thoughts, whether you are paying attention or not, so having a conscious awareness of the future reality you choose to create is very potent. Imagine a world of Love in your thoughts, focus your attention on this as truth, and you shall have it.
Know that with God all things are possible. This means it is possible for the world to live in Peace and Harmony, for all people to have enough food to be healthy, and that all can live in joy-filled Abundance. Despite appearances to the contrary, this is Divine Will for all human beings.
Your deepest beliefs will affect this process. It is good to be aware of the subconscious thoughts that run contrary to your future visions. Your thoughts are the vehicle to create a world of Love and Peace for yourself and all others in alignment with this idea.
Know that one of the greatest truths in the universe is that God exists in all circumstances and Divine Love is within all things. Hold your mind on the power of God’s Love, ask for a miracle if you need it, and allow this Universal Presence of Love to show you a reality where Harmony and Beauty are all that exist.
Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance of disharmony but to hold to the Love within all things.
Settling into heart-centred navigation and trusting your own mastery will not make you fall into ego.
There is a huge difference between egoic self expression and conscious self expression! Trust the work you have done. Trust your awareness. Know that if you start making decisions that aren’t in line with your true self and your truest intentions, you will get uncomfortable in record time and will naturally redirect.
You don’t have to be afraid of stepping into your power, Dear Ones, because you have learned a healthy respect for the responsibility of power which has shifted you from 3D power that seeks to serve the one or the few, to the higher vibrational system of empowerment which seeks to serve the whole.
This shift means that you are ready to step into your fullest expression of self in a way that serves everyone involved. We cannot state enough what a glorious thing it is that you have reached this point of your evolution.
You are in the throes of accelerated unfoldment. You have been for the past two years. While sometimes it may feel uncomfortably intense, and other times uncomfortably slow, it is, indeed, leading you somewhere better. Trust the process.
Trust the guidance of your soul. Trust in your own ability to move with the energies and to get where you need to be. Trust that the flow can only serve you and that its specialty is divine timing and support. As you move into the energies of 2022, you will be stepping up onto a higher platform which will allow you to see further ahead of you.
Pieces of the puzzle will start to drop in. The scaffolding that kept the old in place is falling away, being replaced by updated grids and templates that support the new earth. You will start to feel the expansiveness that comes from integrated healing and the release of the old. You will start to feel the excitement that comes from landing in a new place that you have yet to explore.
These are indeed the times you had hoped and prayed for and wanted to come onto the planet to experience. Your work has been consistent and powerful and transformative. Look to the future and allow the fruits of your labour to show as you shift into allowing your beingness to lead the way.
We would like to wish you a Happy Solstice, and honour you for being on the planet at this moment in time.
Acknowledge where you are.
Acknowledge how far you’ve come.
Own who you are and where you are on your journey.
Embody your truth in this right now moment and commit to navigating yourself from that space all the way into the new.
If you can fully commit to being in a state of non-resistance to yourself and your highest potentials, you will be amazed at what you will be able to discover and achieve as you move into the energies of 2022 and beyond. We congratulate you on all you have done, and we cannot wait to see what you will create moving forward as your heart-centred dreams are being supported like never before.
Allow the Solstice to serve you by locking in your progress, leaving you well-prepared for the next phase of the adventure.
No one has power over you unless you allow it to happen.
Dear One,
When you are in a situation where you begin to feel powerless and less than another, this can be viewed as a wake-up call. We are referring here to any situation in which you feel devalued, not necessarily one of obvious abuse.
If there is another person who wants to have a certain level of power over you, consciously or unconsciously, your physical body is often a good indicator that something is not right. You may notice a feeling of discomfort in your solar plexus area. Perhaps a weight descends on your shoulders, and your head hangs down. Paying attention to your bodily discomfort can help you become aware and allow you to disengage yourself from the situation.
Photo by Samuel Theo Manat Silitonga on
When you feel strong in yourself, you are less likely to stay in situations that may harm you, or allow others to treat you with disrespect. You do not have to stay in places or around people who do not give you the respect you deserve. However, it is also not necessary to react in anger. As much as possible, stay in your heart, bless the person or people involved and remove yourself from the situation.
When you feel strong within, good about yourself and centered, the area of your solar plexus is filled with energy. When you begin to feel drained, that is literally what is happening to you. When we say no one has power over you unless you allow it to happen, this is the first place where your power is given away. It is now time to take it back.
Sometimes people become so used to being devalued, disempowered and talked down to, they accept this as a natural state. It is not. Every soul on earth deserves to be treated with respect. To stay strong in yourself, steps must be taken so that you feel your inner power, that connection to the light of Pure Spirit that is within you. The solar plexus is the area most affected by the power maneuvers of another person, so the following visualization is helpful in achieving and maintaining your center of balance.
Breathe with conscious awareness into the area from your rib cage to below your navel. Imagine this area filled with the warm glow of a huge sun and allow this bright, golden light to radiate out from this place within you and to fill your entire being. Then see or feel this light moving from the base of your spine into the earth, so you can be connected to that rich, nurturing and grounding presence. Continue visualizing the golden light of the sun filling your solar plexus, centering you with a clear, steadying power that will allow you to take the necessary steps to care for yourself. With practice, you can draw on the calming power of this light and the steadying presence of the earth whenever needed.
Begin today to respect yourself. Know that you are a radiant child of God and that you have purpose, presence and connection to all the love in the universe. Call on your Guardian Angels at all times and know that you are guided and protected by the light of God. Begin to know your personal connection to a Higher Power, the true power containing all the energy you need to do whatever is required in your life. Fill yourself with the golden light of the sun and feel the nurturing presence of the earth beneath your feet. Reclaim your true power and remember you are never alone.
Your message from Archangel Gabriel today is:
No one has power over you unless you allow it to happen.
Your own healing journey is so important, because coming to a place of peace with yourself helps to anchor the energy of peace on the planet.
This is a prime example of how your growth is your service, and your internal shifts are far more powerful than you realize. Not only are they honouring the unfoldment of your soul’s journey, they are driving the shift.
So for those of you who think you are not doing enough or aren’t making a difference: Please know that the fact that you are interested enough to read this message is proof positive that you are contributing in ways that will create real change, and you are doing it through the organic process of your own evolution.
Every release, every integration, every ‘aha’ moment creates ripples of expansion across the universe, and adds to the momentum of the shift of consciousness that is occurring on your planet.
Shelley’s note: I must say today’s daily message was a total surprise for me. In almost ten years of doing these messages he has never offered anything like this. I think it speaks not only of the importance of the times we are in but also how much support we have through it all. May you enjoy your blessing and may it help you ride the waves into the new.
Dear Ones, we would like to offer you an energetic blessing today to assist you with the final shifts you are moving through as you prepare to step into the energies of 2022.
Simply still yourselves for a moment and with your inner voice, state your intention to receive our blessing. You may feel tingles on the head. You may feel heart expansion. You may feel a minty sensation under your nose or a cooling on your chest. You may hear ringing in the ears. You may feel momentarily teary. All of this is absolutely wonderful!
You may sit in the energy as long as feels good to you, and you may ask to receive it as many times as you like. And if you have felt nothing at all, it does not mean that you did not receive our blessing! It just means the best way for you to receive it was the subtlest way, but make no mistake, it is settling into your energetics as beautifully and efficiently as it is for those who have a stronger physical experience of it.
If it makes you feel better, you can always ask for a sign that you have received our blessing. Keep your eyes open for a little piece of magic to present itself to you as confirmation, and it will surely come.
Allow us to love and guide you. Allow us to make our presence known to you. Allow us to experience this glorious shift on the planet through you and with you, as your devoted servants and biggest cheerleaders.