Daily Archives: September 12, 2022
I am Helios. There is nothing to fear.
Helios 9/11/2022
Dear children of the Universe, I am Helios, your sun. This one has asked me what I have been up to lately, which caused me to laugh with delight, for I am expanding as you are expanding. Have you felt my light lately? Have you felt the shift that is occurring within your own inner sun, within Gaia’s inner sun? I too am a populated sphere, like your Gaia, there are many living within me, many of the higher dimensional energies who wish to feel my warmth and add their light to mine. You are doing the same here on your planetary realm. You are adding your light, your mirth, your joy, your wisdom and insight.
Plasma waves are building within me, for I am morphing and expanding. Creation is not stagnant. Life continues to explore and expand. Light is always moving, constantly exploring new realms and filling them with light. The light from me reaches into eternity. Light never stops traveling. The expansions and true greatness of the universe nothing but the mind of Source can fathom. You are within the mind of Source. We are but the expression within the mind of Source, which is love. Light is love. I am Love. You are love. You are beings of love. You have been sent on assignment into the darkness of mis-creation to help those ensnared to remember the One, the light.
Many of you are asking your guides and angels what your roles are? What your missions are? What are you to do in this time of the building up to the great change? My friends, my wish for you is for you to truly see the interconnectedness of me, of you, for we are expressions of this universal light and love. We are expressions. We are conduits. I am a massive conduit of change as are you. Much talk has been lately within this community of how my plasma light, my rainbow Source codes are becoming more visible and palpable to your energetic frameworks. You are feeling this, yes? And as you are sensing these changes in me, I am sensing them in you. I am feeing that you are ready for more light, more love. You are all so much more ready, for you were born ready for this in a way. You show your readiness to the universe when you simply allow the light of the universe to flow through you. Your presence is all that is required. Many will say this is not so. And yet, what good is a light bulb if it is refusing to be turned on? What is its function if it is not connected? When you are connected to Source, and you are, each and every one of you, when you are connected you allow this light to flow. That is what is required. You are grounding the new light codes. Deep into your DNA and deep into Gaia, deep into your universal matrix of crystalline light that is flowing faster, deeper, more profoundly. This realm has been starved of true light. The Christed ones from long ago planted the seeds and you are in place to taste the fruition of this project.
I am Helois. Many are watching me, wondering. The plasma light dissolves any matrices. I can no longer be blocked out. I am the masculine light of this realm, and the moon is the feminine light of Gaia. For in this realm of duality there are always two halves to a whole. Many of you are trying to put your halves together. Do you not see that you are already whole, for that is the experience of this realm – the internal fracturing of experiences, and within this is your healing. (I am seeing an orange that is segmented, but all together within the rind, untouched and complete.) Yes, it is like this. These little yellow fruit suns on your realm remind you if you have the eyes to see, that internal fracturing, internal separation from woundings aid to your completion. The orange within the rind, is complete. It is perfect. It is perfect in its expression. You, beloved children of the universe, you are perfect as you are, in your expression. Perfectly imperfect. Your rinds of your oranges, your outer bodies, may have some dings and tears in the ‘rinds’ but that does not take away from the sweetness of the light warmth within. I love oranges, for they remind me of this connection with the All That Is. For if you could see the fractalization, you would understand that the orange is a perfect example of holy fractalization. The tree gets light from the sun. The tree is deeply connected into Gaia. The tree then bears the fruit, the further differentiating of experiences in this realm. And the one orange segment may feel disconnected to the orange it is within and to the tree it is connected to, but it is still connected nonetheless. Your experiences of pain, of growth, have added to the further understanding and growth of your own lives and to the All That Is.
The Great Solar Flash is on many minds. I see your own inner suns and your own abilities to intercept and process and ground these codes streaming from me as equally important. But yes, it is coming. I see you as the prelude to this moment. For all moments are sacred. The Great Solar Flash will be sacred. This moment you share your Source light is sacred. It is all a massive sharing of light. It will be beautiful. (I am seeing rainbow lights and tremendous light, brighter than any white light, embrace the planet. I am seeing rainbow auras, around the people and the animals and the entire planet. I am hearing singing within my cells welcoming it in and yet it is very silent and deep, like creation takes a breath and it is a deep pause of light.)
Children of the Universe, there is nothing to fear. For all is light and all who forgot this will be reminded. I am deeply honored to converse with you this day. I am Helios. I would be honored if you would continue to speak with me, to continue to keep this line of communication open for in the higher dimensional realms this type of conversation is very easy and effortless. This one is asking for the gift of a download. My gift of downloads shines brightly for all to see and feel in all moments. Instead, why don’t you become one with me for a moment. (I am hopping into the sun and feeling the plasma light. Surprisingly it is not hot but the intensity of the light is blinding and rainbow at the same time. I am seeing that the heat is an overlay of the hologram but really Helios is a massive light being and I am feeling that he is saying that so are we. So are we. So are all of us. He is filling our little human bodies with further light and plasma radiance. We are the conduits of this change. We are the light.)
I am Helios. There is nothing to fear. Let the fear that you have been carrying burn away into nothing but light. For that is really all there is anyway. I am Helios. Peace, brothers and sisters of the universe, peace.
~ galaxygirl
Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.
![woman meditating on rock](
You are here on this planet to develop yourself fully. When the ancient philosophers stated “Know Thyself,” they were talking about the power of Self-awareness. This means not just one’s consciousness of the physical, or even of the mental and emotional selves. To truly know oneself means having real discernment of who you are as a multi-dimensional being.
You have the power within you to know planes of reality beyond the physical world in which you live. In fact, developing an awareness of these other states of consciousness creates a link to the joy and love so many are seeking. The deeper qualities you truly desire in life are beyond the physical plane. They exist in the expanded state of consciousness that is your bond with God, the Source of your very being. To commune within yourself is to find these qualities. It requires a willingness to see beyond your outer self, and to take the time necessary to create conscious awareness of the love and light within you.
As you sit quietly and breathe balanced breaths deeply and slowly, there are immediate results in mind, body and spirit. Imagine that you are sitting in a pillar of golden light joining Heaven to Earth through you. This allows you to enlarge your consciousness raising your vibrational frequencies to match your dreams. When you add prayer asking for what you want in your life, you allow the grace of the Angels to work for you.
On this free-will plane of existence, you need to ask for their assistance or they will not interfere. This does not necessarily mean a formal prayer. Asking can be as simple as saying the words for the qualities you want in your life, such as Love, Peace and Freedom. Meditating on these qualities can literally change your life and create a more abundant, joy-filled existence. It allows you to tap into your Higher Self and your guardian Angels, so you are communicating with the deepest levels of your being.
From this place, the answers you receive will be from a level of Divine Order, and all that follows will be for the highest good of all concerned. You will receive intuition and know the actions and words that will best assist you with the challenges you face. Once you begin to act on your intuitive guidance, you will start to trust yourself. Life will feel easier. You won’t need to continue looking to others for the answers. With every fiber of your being you will know what is truth in your life.
Trusting in yourself does not mean you are alone, for you are never alone. At all times, you have with you Angels to assist you. Some have been with you for eons of time. Working in harmony with the Light of God, they know you at the deepest level of your Soul. It is comforting to know that you are always wrapped in their wings of pure love and cared for beyond your capacity to understand.
It is this link within the self that most people are seeking. They hunger for knowledge of the love that is within them. It is readily available through prayer and taking time to sit and breathe in a conscious manner. So give yourself the gift of sitting in light and love every day for five minutes. It is a simple thing that will provide you with wondrous joy.
The Angels are ready now to lead you into the light of your true Self. Create a conscious relationship with your Higher Power and find the joy you so desire to have. Ask for assistance from the Angels. Begin to do this every day and miracles will surely occur, for miracles are your birthright and the natural state of your being. Know that you deserve to have your life filled with Love, Joy and Miracles. Learn to communicate within and trust in your own truth. This is the way you will live to your fullest potential and fulfill your highest destiny on Earth.
The Angels love you and bless you with all that is good. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:
Strengthen your conscious awareness of other states beyond the physical, communicate deeply within yourself and learn to trust in your own answers.
Ecstatic Festival for Equinox from 22nd to 25th of September 2022 at Hunedoara, Romania.
Dear Fellow Human,
Every day, more and more people are waking up to the infinite
Power of Existence.
This is our spiritual playground.
The Truth is being revealed to us. May we open our Selves to it.
Will be Playing ecstatic beats here on September Equinox.
If you wish to join find all information here: