Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

Ascension Update & High Vibrational Fun Recipe!

What to eat,shall i eat?with all the Ascension energies pouring through, there is little room left for choices of food as far as IAM concerned.If i eat any cooked foods,i feel my body needs extra energy to digest them which makes me kind of sleepy and not at the high top i like to be vibrationally, as it is in this state that i deliver and can be my highest version of all that i can be,do or have.So,while keeping my diet to a minimum high vibrational whole foods,i like to have fun with what i eat,it is all about joy and satisfaction, right?right.There are plenty of recipes to be found on the internet,to keep tummy satisfied and also remain high vibrational all day and night long.

Of course food and drinks,is not everything,meditation and exercising the body, being in nature and always always being aware of the now moment brings us with ease and grace smoothly to the next upgrade of Energies.Yep,it is an ongoing thing and we got to make Ascension normal by  making sure to live a holistic (fun laughing dancing) lifestyle as we enter 5D-New Earth Reality which btw it is the only way to enter into that state/dimension.Joy is everything.

Meditate with Joy and laughter and dance here

Will everybody be able to ascend in their bodies?all 7 billion people?my deepest wish for all them that it may be so,we ‘ve been praying collectively and keep on doing so,thanks to the amazing work of Patricia Cota Robles that you may find here i see the Light taking control in everything and for sure things are much better now than only few years, months and weeks ago even if what it seems to be out there is the exact opposite.It all makes sense from a higher perspective when one realises that older cells carrying memories  from the past are being released bringing forward all kind of no longer needed memories and one of  the best ways to deal with them is to burn them into the Violet Fire of Saint Germain.You may find information how here.

Use these powerful affirmations daily and any second they are needed.

There is only God operating here and anything that is less that is not of the unconditional unlimited love of Mother Father God is not allowed to penetrate my/our field 3 x.

IAM my IAM Presence and IAM  with The IAM presence of All Humanity.

Transmute ,Transmute by the violet fire all causes and cores not of God’s desire,

IAM a being of cause along, that cause is Love,the sacred tone x3

So here comes the cherry on top of the cake 🙂


Raw Vegan Snickers:

Print recipe



For the chocolate

  • 1 cup organic coconut oil (melted/liquid)
  • 1/2 cup organic raw cacao powder
  • 1/4 cup organic maple syrup

For the caramel

  • 1 cup organic medjool dates
  • 3 tablespoons organic maple syrup (or raw organic honey for non-vegan)
  • 2 tablespoons organic peanut butter (or almond butter)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pink himalayan salt
  • 2 tablespoons organic coconut oil
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon organic vanilla extract

For the filling

  • 1 cup organic peanuts


Step 1 Place the caramel ingredients in a food processor and process until smooth (stopping to scrap the sides).

Place the chocolate ingredients into a medium sized bowl and stir until smooth.

Put a thick layer of chocolate on the bottom of your mold, muffin cups, etc.

Put a layer of caramel mixture (patting down with your fingers).

Add a layer of peanuts (gently pushing down into the caramel).

Add a final layer of chocolate to completely coat the top.

Place in the freezer for approximately 30 minutes or until hardened.

Store in the freezer until you are ready to eat/serve (they will melt at room temperature).

Enjoy! The Healthy Family and Home


Recipe inspiration:  Original Snickers Bar (SNICKERS® Brand ®/™ SNICKERS and the SNICKERS Parallelogram are registered trademarks of Mars, Inc. ©Mars, Incorporated)

Recipe source:

Dance Floor Meditation (Part 2)

I finally managed to upload the full set ,somehow youtube or FB wouldn’t allow me on my live sessions,probably because of limited wifi in the area i am at for now.Lion’s Gate is climaxing on Saturday at 11:11 am at this moment we will be having a global meditation.

Information posted here.

In Gratitude to Be Here in the Now,Ask Your Higher Self,Guides, Angels,Archangels,Mother Father God to guide this Dancing Meditation.Inhale and Visualize White Light coming out from the nucleus of each one of your cells,Exhale and Visualize White Light around Your Whole Body,the town or city you live,expanding out to the area and country and all around Planet Earth.Continue expanding your Light around our Solar System,reaching Central Galactic Sun and Supreme Creator.You Are The Glorious Light of All That Is.Make this affirmation:IAM All That IAM,IAM Unlimited,IAM GOD,IAM!And slowly let your body follow the rhythm of the music celebrating this truth while keeping on repeating this mantra vocally or internally.Feel The Power of it.Let’s Dance.

The master plan for Earth’s Golden Age

The master plan for Earth’s Golden Age was predicated upon your world’s readiness for international reconciliation and cooperation by your year 2007. It’s not that the cause of the delay began then, but rather that the council had expected your society to have reached that stage of spiritual and conscious preparedness by that time.

As we continue, you shall see why the expectations were logical, why they were not met, and why that year on your calendar was pivotal in the council’s timeline. Everything took place beyond your concept of time, but we shall do our best to explain it within a sequential frame of reference.

The plan came about because Gaia, the soul that eons ago embodied in what now is your homeland planet, sent out a call for help. The negativity that had accumulated due to civilizations’ relentless blood-shedding had so diminished Earth’s light that her ability to remain in orbit was severely imperiled. The two previous episodes when the planet’s very life was at stake, the release of amassed negativity happened with such cataclaysmic force that all life forms perished.

Gaia loved them all, even the people who contributed to the negativity, and each time of departure sorrowed her deeply. This time she wanted her residents not only to survive, but physically ascend with her planetary body, which would be restored to its original pristine health and beauty so all of her life forms could flourish and live together joyously and harmoniously. Her clear vision of that Earth became manifest in the universal continuum.

Accommodating Gaia’s desire and her body’s immediate need to start ridding itself of negativity required a massive amount of light, and God authorized powerful civilizations to provide it. The initial infusion stabilized Earth’s orbit, jarred her loose from deep third density’s entrenched negativity and enabled her to begin ascending. Naturally, that light and all forthcoming from those far distant sources would be available to all of her life forms, too, but how to motivate humankind to peer through the darkness that shrouded the planet so they could “see the light” was quite another matter.

It was at that point the council entered the picture. They accepted the task of inspiring the peoples to take charge of their personal ascension by receptivity to the incoming light so they could start generating their own with forcefulness.

This was essential for two reasons of equal importance to ascension: Light transforms bodies’ carbon-based cells into the crystalline structure that can survive in vibratory levels that eventually Earth would reach; and by dissolving the “veil” between third density consciousness and soul-level knowledge, the light opens hearts and minds to the spiritual enlightenment that engenders soul growth.

After discussing all the intricacies, complexities and requirements involved—first and foremost that everyone’s free will must be honored in accordance with Creator’s edict to rulers of all the universes—the council came up with a plan. It had to be put into a linear timeframe for your understanding, and since it is your world, it could only be what you want it to be. Therefore, all aspects of the plan had to become part of the collective consciousness, that energy mass of countless thoughts, feelings and deeds that steers activity in Earth’s field of potential and determines what happens in your world.

So a major consideration was how to present the plan in a format that would start people thinking about it. At that time in your history, the United States was considered to be the most globally influential of all countries, making it practical to start there, and so it did—members of that government were inspired to form the National Economic Security and Reformation Act that is commonly known by its acronym NESARA. This legislation has been the dark ones’ target of manifold lies and sabotage, which led to denial of its existence by some who heard of it and to serious misconceptions by others.

If you don’t know what NESARA actually encompasses—it is no less than the basis of world transformation and spiritual renewal!—and its evolution through both light and dark passages, please read previous messages that give detailed accounts. [Special NESARA edition, August 13, 2006, provides background information; a number of other messages include additional coverage.]


Here is a tech house track i produced in 2016 with same title,video contains a message from Ashtar Command,enjoy!

Dance Floor Meditation

Dance Floor Meditation:

In Gratitude to Be Here in the Now,Ask Your Higher Self,Guides, Angels,Archangels,Mother Father God to guide this Dancing Meditation.Inhale and Visualize White Light coming out from the nucleus of each one of your cells,Exhale and Visualize White Light around Your Whole Body,the town or city you live,expanding out to the area and country and all around Planet Earth.Continue expanding your Light around our Solar System,reaching Central Galactic Sun and Supreme Creator.You Are The Glorious Light of All That Is.Make this affirmation:IAM All That IAM,IAM Unlimited,IAM GOD,IAM!And slowly let your body follow the rhythm of the music celebrating this truth while keeping on repeating this mantra vocally or internally.Feel The Power of it.Let’s Dance!

”The goal is to unlearn ,NOT TO learn.There is no NEED to be worried over the performance or in relation to aesthetics, there is no NEED To fake,Each movement is right.The goal is not to be disciplined, beautiful, strong, confident, coordinated, as we so often taught in dance.In many ways, this dance is the antithesis of everything we’ve learned that dancing is supposed to be.
The whole being allowed to melt in the rhythms, allowING ITself to relax and let CRAZY wisdom guide EVERY movements.No dance experience is necessary, just the desire to move”



You are much more powerful than any planetary phenomenon and when you go within nothing can affect your vibration and being.

Hello,these past days i have been witnessing extreme energies touching everything around me and for those who are not doing any meditative work on them self it has been very hard indeed.These are the moments that we need to keep our vibration high enough and not identify with what we see,proceed in F.E.A.R mode :Face Evidence And Rise. And so today i am going to share my experience with you:Feeling the energies getting stronger especially with the Full Moon Eclipse tomorrow,i felt it is time to isolate myself,find Mother’s Love within,you know this warm feeling of Peace and Serenity where you become aware that All Is One and That We Are The Creators of Our Reality.And so i took my bike and went for a 4 hour cycling in nature and meditation.The fresh air in my lungs and the prolonged exercise helped me raise my vibration to a much higher level than usually.On the way back,it started to rain.It was this beautiful warm rain,very refreshing for the local temperatures now in North of Greece.And so,at some point being completely wet,i made a stop under a tree to dry myself and i sat there for a while just watching the empty space between the trees.It felt like a deja vu.I felt like being in the past in the period of Roman Empire.The rain,the smell of it and of the trees,the purity of the air and some memory from most probably past life coming through.These kind of Deja Vu,keep on coming also in my dream states,sometimes it is more futuristic,more playful,more fun and sometimes more dramatic.And so what i always do,when i feel that there is a drama being played out i call upon the Angels and Archangels ,especially AA Michael with his blue sword and i blaze the violet fire of Saint Germain to release once and for all memories or experiences in daily life that no longer serve me.I see the whole space where i am staying being into violet and blue fire,keeping away all negative energies once and for all.I hope this sharing helps you a little more to keep your vibration high tomorrow and in August as we enter The Lion’s Gate and many meteorites rains are taking place that are really affecting greatly our consciousness.And all this can be received in fun way,just like i do with ease and grace or more in a dramatic way just i observe many around me.Do not participate in their dramas.Be a Beacon of Light and just send them Love and Violet Fire.That is truly being in service for The Highest Good for all.And always keep in mind that You are much more powerful than any planetary phenomenon and when you go within nothing can affect your vibration and being.

Love,Light and Blessings,


How About Laughing or Dancing During Meditation?

I always insisted to the fact that we have the power to change the weather conditions and that meteorologic predictions are only giving orders to a collective consciousness which did not become aware of the power  to create from within and instead chooses to accept what is given.And like the weather conditions we can also as collective change everything else for The Highest Good For All.Once again Kryon’s message gives us all we need to know and become aware of to the depth of our beings.And Joy during Meditation is Key.So Keep On Laughing and Keep On Dancing,especially during Meditation!




You Are The Creator Of You Life.

Time and time again comes this beautiful message that more and more people are hearing about,yet not quite understanding how this is possible,how that An Ordinary Day,Is Not An Ordinary Day if one has the skills and awareness to surf along the day remaining aligned with Higher Self while also Being Compassionate in Action.What is it to Be Compassionate in Action?Kryon explains here with a great example that I am sure most will identify with it and most probably and very hopefully will be able to take it to the next step in creating your realities always keeping in mind to serve The Highest Good For All with Ease and Grace,as this is what your soul wishes at all times.


Picture from our latest Ioannina Lake Retreat.

Credit:Photos by A&V Giotopoulos.



Your Merkaba

Visualize Yourself in a Violet Merkaba Field to filter only good vibrations to enter your aura,more often than you think friends,family and others without their awareness are bringing your vibration down.
Protect yourself and be aware at all times every where.
You can choose to allow low energies to enter your aura or not.
Up to you.

(Merkabah, also spelled Merkaba, is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body)


Question:  I wanted to find out about the Merkaba. I have been using the Merkaba now and again before and then on the call I thought well I should use the Merkaba every day and just put it around me. And then I thought to myself a few days into that, well, why am I doing that if my purpose is to bring the light into my body and get my body into a higher and higher realm. Why would I want to put something around me that would block that out a little bit or stifle the effects of that. So then I got into the question as to how to use the Merkaba, when to use it. Maybe I don’t want to just put it on me every morning and have it on all day. So what’s the best way to use that Merkaba?

OneWho Serves:  Wonderful question. When you use the Merkaba though, you are not keeping the light out. In a sense you are actually inviting the light in more. You are bringing the light in. It’s easier here when you use this. But you are keeping out the negative vibrations. Those things around you whether it be family, friends, acquaintances, people that you meet where you walk into a room and you feel those negative energies and they bombard you and they bring you down into a lower dimensional frequency, into lower vibrations. This can block that. It can literally repel those negative vibrations, those thoughts, those negative feelings and emotions away from you. Unless you want to let them in. It’s up to you. You can let them in or you can hold them off. That is up to you. You see?

read more here :

One Who Serves via James McConnell, June 3d, 2018

and here :

Sananda via James McConnell, June 3d, 2018


Keep On Dancing

We remain in alignement with our higher self at all times,aware of the vibration we offer at all times in all circumstances as responsible co-creators and manifestors of our realities  for the highest good for all leading to The Golden Age of our existence and what a better way to celebrate  Oneness than getting into the groove of this deep session while approaching next Full Moon.Celebrate You Beloved Soul!

Healthy Celebration

Being in the dancing scene as DJ and Performer for over 15 years in and stumbling across this article about 5 reasons why the most dangerous drug is not illegal ,i felt it was the right time to once again share the other side of the coin,my personal work I’ve been doing since 2010 in continuing the celebration as to keep on dancing in inspiring and  healthy ways, called also:

Feel More Than Fine -The Party.


Feel More Than Fine Workshops.

Here you can discover some moments of  past events,it is a truly a Super High Vibrational ,  5th Dimensional experience  when  all participants are dancing while their body mind spirit complexes are free of any toxins.


Feel More Than Fine in Cologne,Germany.

Flow with the Masters ,Yoga in Amsterdam.

And latest co-creation in Antwerp City,Contemporary Dancing!

Keep on Dancing!








Healing , Alignement & The Power of Self Responsability.

As a Reiki Therapist during this past decade,here is a very interesting discussion we have begun with Adele who is currently channeling amazing messages that resonate to me from Sananda,Father God and AA Michael,Raphael and Metatron.

Dear Adele,i’ve been doing Reiki Usui on myself and others since 2008 and in 2016 i read in a channeled message from an Archangel that i don’t remember the name right now,saying something that i completely resonate with:We can not heal somebody,somebody can only heal him/herself ,especially now that we have full entered into the Ascension energies,one must take full responsability for her/himself.
IAM first wave of Ascension and the message also was saying that when we touch somebody and think we heal somebody,actually we are only healing part of the self and secondary every time we touch somebody we are taking into our energy field his/her energy which has for effect to drop our vibrational field.I learned from Zorra,Hollow Earth a Self Healing Technique that is very powerful and since that time i stopped doing Reiki on others,teaching them instead the Self Healing Technique and moving forward in becoming a Master of Ascension.I always knew that to remain at the High Flying Disc at all times is what matters more,hence why the name of my website :Feel More Than Fine,i have deep connection with AA Gabriel and Raphael,it is my soul’s namel.I completely resonate with all your channeled messages and i would like to know your opinion about this always remembering that there are layers of Truth that can be different from one another.Love,Light and Infinite Blessings in Gratitude and Appreciation for your awesome work.
Nikos Akrivos

Adele Arini
Hi Nikos,
Thank you for your comment. A lot of what you have brought up will be discussed in the next channeled message by Sananda & Father God. But for now, this is all I have time to say today. I only use the label of ‘healing’ because that’s what people are most familiar with. During any energy healing session, I help my clients to ‘realign’ themselves back to their powerful, perfectly healthy Higher Selves. Their Higher Selves and mine, totally took over the healing sessions and I’m just their physical vessel of ‘higher-energy transference’. And yes, my mission in life is to help everyone to return to their powerful Creator selves. To take back control and the responsibilities in creating their lives to how they want it to be. Including healing their bodies of all ailments.
Make sure to read Part 3 (coming in approx. 1 or 2 weeks max) from Sananda cause it’s sure going to be an interesting reading for all healers and people who are currently experiencing health challenges. I never know what the content of each message will be until Sananda is ready to channel it, but I can already sense it’ll be another powerful message.



While we eagerly wait on Sananda’s message in the coming 2 weeks,IAM sharing here with you The Instant Self Healing from Zorra of Hollow Earth:

You can follow our discussion also here:

Matt Kann on The Power of Self Responsibility

Way Shower

Just for fun here is a track i produced few years ago,the video is of low quality recorder on an old Olympus Camera that I still use instead of any android.

the message:

I choose not suffer to convince you of my truth,i am already a S.T.A.R. and  have nothing to prove.IAM a Way Shower.Now Follow my Groove.

IAM a Channel between parallel words guided by Higher Spirit to get you on the other side To Surrender Trust Allow and Receive (S.T.A.R.) what your deepest Desires are.

IAM a Wayshower now follow my Groove.

and here is another one:Believe in You.

5 Simple Habits To Make Your Ascension Normal

To live a holistic lifestyle means to be able to integrate in our daily activities,specific actions that help us raise our frequency to higher levels of awareness with intention and determination and in a way that it is definitely not defined by what we see,touch,smell,taste or hear around us.Inner work makes our Ascension normal as more energies from the Central Galactic Sun also called The Tsunami of Love and Light are pouring on every living being and Gaia.

And so here is again my invitation and a little reminder  of few daily activities,seen from my perspective,to keep practicing in order for you to make your Ascension normal as this is an ongoing process as we come closer and closer to Source Energy of All Creation :

1.Meditation in silence for at least 15′ to find peace within

= to align with your Higher Self.Always remember to call for assistance in Gratitude upon your Guides,Angels,Archangels,Ascended Masters,Mother Father God and Company of Heaven.Always remember to connect your Heart Centre with Centre of the Earth and Supremer Creator

2.  24 strand DNA Activation,speak out loud this invocation:


I call upon Mother Earth and Archangel Uriel, the Fire of God the Light of God, the Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North, and the Ruler of Elements of Earth. I project gratitude, Love and Light, I project my being, my energies, my thoughts deep into the magma of Mother Earth, yellow, purple, orange in color, asking for the assistance in bringing the energy of the creative magma up through my feet, up to my root chakra or coccygeal Plexus, into my second sexual and sacral chakra, the Plexus of Creation. I call on Divine Creative Source and Archangel Jophiel the Beauty of God, the Archangel of Creative Power and Illumination, The Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge with Archangel Uriel. I reach and project gratitude, Love and Light, high into the heavens, calling forth the golden-white light from Source Energy, bringing down the golden-white light through my cerebral chakras, down through my heart chakra adding love from my heart, and down to my sacral Plexus or creative center just above the pelvic bone. I call forth Archangel Zaphkiel, Keeper of the Orange Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion to bring the creative energy of the orange flame into my sacral Plexus, with the intent of creating 24 strands of perfected DNA. For the Celebration of our Existence I call in the Star Children, Keepers of the perfected 24 strands of perfected human DNA, with the intent to manifest the 24 strands of DNA in my Sacral plexus, the second sexual creative chakra and in every cell in my body. As I place the 24 strands of DNA into every cell in my body, I intend to perfect my body, bones, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins, immune system, adipose tissues, cell membranes, mitochondria and every other cell in my body at a quantum level, manifesting the perfection of the original humans. I reform the 24 strands into 12 double-helix, connecting 2 strands each, into rotated, connected, perfected, spiral, double-stranded DNA, with perfected telomeres at the ends acting as little antennae, transmitting perfection from the quantum field and Source Energy, into each and every cell of my body to rejuvenate and revitalize my body to a perfected, eternal state of health and fitness. I braid these 12 double helixes into 24-stranded rope DNA in every cell in my body, making me strong, invincible, indestructible and impenetrable to all the toxins, petrochemicals, nanobots and radiation and all forms of low vibrational energy. My 12 double helixes connect me to the quantum energies of all other celestial realms. I am now connected and integrated to all my Divine Interdimensional Beings in the Multiverse. I AM now an enlightened Being of Love and Light ! So BE IT! So It IS! I AM!

3.Transmute the past and all negativity within and without by speaking out loud these words :


“I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all Humanity.”

Then repeat the Violet Flame Mantra three times.

 Transmute, transmute by the Violet Fire all causes and cores not of God’s desire. I AM a Being of Cause alone; that Cause is Love, the Sacred Tone. 


Transmute, transmute by the Violet Fire all causes and cores not of God’s desire. I AM a Being of Cause alone; that Cause is Love, the Sacred Tone. 


Transmute, transmute by the Violet Fire all causes and cores not of God’s desire. I AM a Being of Cause alone; that Cause is Love, the Sacred Tone. 

4.What you think and feel manifests.

Make it your habit to think and feel good thoughts constantly during your day of perfect

well being,abundance,prosperity,love,fun,joy,success etc.

5.Walk or Run Barefoot in contact with Mother Earth for at least 10′ and Be in nature and Outdoors the longest possible.


The Light In Me Sees The Light In You


Current situation withIN and withOUT observed from my personal perspective

Dear Reader,

there comes a time that an update of the current situation withIN and withOUT  observed from  my personal perspective is necessary and this is one of these times.

The continuous arrival of higher energies of Love and Light that are now constantly pouring upon Earth touching everything having breath  are bringing about a huge transformation of what we call reality.

A little follow up of the blogs and channeled messages i am sharing on my website will give you more clarity in understanding and also attuning to this change.

Of course,you don’t need to read everything,the main effort should be about being present in the now,being able to listen this inner voice within giving direction of what should be Your next move as deliberate Co-Creator In Joy.

At times the mind will try to bring us back to old manifested scenarios and our work at this time is to be able to focus constantly on the very things we want to occur in our reality and not the repetition of something that has already manifested or being done.

Keeping the body alkaline can help for a better focus.

Meditation should be a day activity same way we brush our teeth or take a shower every day.

A basic discipline to appreciate and love the self on a daily basis is essential.

Talking about the very things we want and completely forget the past also essential.Past exists only in our minds.

And i am talking about those of you that wish to Ascend in your bodies and be part of the golden Age of our existence as Humanity.As those who don’t most probably are not reading these lines.And if you just happen to become aware,you are always free to keep on reading or not as this is the only Free Will Planet in the Universe.

The signs of worldwide peace are becoming more apparent each and every day.This is the condition to move to the next stage as a collective.Accept and love each other with our differences and always intend to find harmony even with those that we feel we don’t resonate at all.Finding the missing piece and making peace,start from within and spread out.

The global meditations we do are helping to fine-tune the desire for worldwide peace.It is an every day conscious effort and work or Light Work.This is what dedicated Light Workers do:they meditate and they ask for support to Mother Father God,Angels,Archangels and Ascended Masters and directing their laser of Love to where is needed.1 conscious person can touch 1 million.8,000 conscious persons affect for the better 8 billion.This is why our global 8,000 meditation and a commitment to participate every day is essential.We have now reached 15,000 and the numbers are growing and for all of us who participate we feel the benefit of it at every level in our personal lives and around the globe.We are the change we want to see and it is happening from withIN .

So the withOUT is already the manifested and the manifested one can observe in amazing articles done be David Wilcock.Here is what the current situation is from his perspective with which i completely resonate(it is very long and worth reading).

From our side as dedicated Light Workers we continue our work every day at 3PM EST with the 8,000 global meditation and on Sundays with the Christ Light Expansion Meditaton,you can find complete schedule  Here: 

Humanity we start to remember why we are here and where we really come from.Listening to this message from Kryon will help you understand more.

Indeed it takes a lot  of study and internal work and internal work is the real work we are meant to do during these unprecedented times,the time of struggle is done if we choose so , the timeline of Ease and Grace  is here.Feel into it and ask your guides for support as what we think and feel manifests.

Powerful affirmations of The I Am Presence will create astonishing change in your life when practised on a daily basis.We are not here to face Reality,we are here to Create Reality with intention and determination.


A few affirmations of what I wish to share with you:

I Am Love,I Am.

I Am Light,I Am.

I Am All That I Am.

I Am Freedom,I Am.

I Am Peace,I Am.

I Am Unlimited,I Am.

I Am God/Goddess,I Am.

I Am The Highest Version of what i can be,do or have,I Am.

I Am The Highest Good For All,I Am.

I Am Abundant and Prosperous at all times,I Am.

I Am Divine Will,I Am.

I Am the Manifestation of my all desires and dreams,I Am.

I Am in possession of my beautiful spacious abundant eco sustainable 5th dimensional  Home,I Am.

I Am Transportation of all means respecting Mother Earth,I Am.

I Am Teleportation,I Am.

I Am Telepathy,I Am.

I Am Telekinesis,I Am.

I Am The Activation of Humanitarian Projects,I Am.

I Am Wealthy,I Am.

I Am in Excellent Health,I Am.

I Am in constant Gratitude,I Am.

The Pink Full Moon coming after this weekend will accentuate and bring about The Manifestation and Fulfilment of our Desires.

Btw even though i am not following astrology,i am a Scorpio and this is going to be Pink Full Moon in Scorpio.And God i love Pink!(picture from our latest indoor healthy dance event in Amsterdam)

I wish you all a constant perfect happy abundant prosperous  celebration of The New Multidimensional You.

Hold The line,Hold The Line,Hold The Line,

Feel The Joy,Feel The Joy,Feel The Joy!

Expect The Unexpected!

I Am All That I Am!

In Love and Light and Appreciation.

Thank You for taking time to read these lines.




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