Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

Conversation with Divine Mother

Me:Divine Mother,I know that the purpose of living as a soul into a human body is to be of joy,of appreciation of what is and eager of what is coming,i totally resonate with Abraham Hicks sharings.My intention is to feel good all of the time which in other words means i am aligned with my Higher Self always, ascending smoothly being loving and kind to myself and all others.I am doing my work daily,many times a day,doing my meditation that serves the highest good for all,always thinking of all others.I know i belong to the team of Light workers that helped transition the planet in the higher dimensions and that my work is done in relation to this aspect.I know this has been the culmination of efforts we did to Ascend the planet,not only in this lifetime and also in all other lifetimes.I have done my work and when i say ‘I’ ,i am also speaking about all Light workers that are on the same train.We were expecting this massive transition to happen in Dec.21st 2012,then we have learned that we as a collective humanity,want and decided that all souls may be able to Ascend,always respecting their Free Will Choice.But then Mother,You know very well that I have done and I am still doing my work,on a daily basis,why is it that i still have to go through intense feelings of pains and suffering when my (our) work is already done and while i am/we are still doing our work in Faith and Trust,day in and day out?Why?

Divine Mother:My beloved son,in your question lies the answer of it.Evolution at a multidimensional level,happens in mysterious and magical ways that the brain is not able to understand.And i know you are not speaking of your mind or ability of understanding,you are speaking of your emotion of feeling Love,of feeling Good of Feeling More Than Fine(i see Divine Mother and Many Archangels Smiling).My son,we applaud you for you tenacity and stubborness in bringing out this message to the world.This is what makes you unique in your endeavors as each and everyone is unique and different in how they are able to bring forward their gifts of creation into The Golden Age New Earth.My son,i understand your frustration and like i always said,every time you feel so,send it up to me,send it in to me,as i am withIN and withOUT you.

Me:Yes Mother,i do and remember to do this everytime i feel intense pain and suffering knowing fully this is not me,i know :IAM the LOVE,IAM The Light,IAM the Truth.I KNOW IT!!!then if i know it and if i am asking you to take the pain from me,why is that at times it takes long time before it goes?like 2 days ago,it was so intense that it remained for almost all day and yesterday my ears were buzzing much more than usually so much so that i decided to go on a water fast for 24 hours,as to have enough energy to deal with this.Why can it not happen more smoothly in my body,feeling good all of the time,since i am already doing my work and i definetely did not come on the planet to meditate all day long?(i am hearing and seeing all Angels and All Company of Heaven laughing and smiling at me while feeling intense Love coming from them and The Divine Mother and Father,it is very colorful place,it feels blissful,it feels unconditional LOVE)

Divine Mother:My beloved Son,we appreciate your humor ,not in a sarcastic way,as you know and i say it for all your readers.We Love You and Me and Father Feel Your Pain.Remember?We are ONE and THERE IS NO SEPARATION.Feeling pain and going into intense suffering in your case,is because you feel the pain of the collective of Humanity which for the moment is very intense indeed,many are awakening every second globally and the awakening is painful for them and since All is ONE,you are getting a glimpse of what the collective feels in this now.We applaud you for doing this work,we support you and are with you all of the time.The Human experience on this Ascension Journey is being recorded and this is how The Supreme Creator knows more about expansion within a Human Body.You all are born perfect and magnificent in the image of The Supreme Creator.And as such,indeed to feel Joy all of the time is the purpose of Living a Human experience.So when such pains from the collective is being felt by you,send it to me.Send me also the surplus of Joy you may have also !This also happens.It is all about Divine Neutrality,being at the zero point in alignement with Who you are really are and being in that place indeed feels good.And being in that place indeed attracts more experiences to expand.And if there is no feeling of unease how do you know that you are expanding?It does not have to be pain or intense suffering.This is an old program that is getting flashed out for your body as we speak.Use The Violet Flame of Transmutation of Magic of Alchemy to do its work.We know you do my son and we say for all your readers.We Thank you All for your service in reading these words.We love You.

Me:Thank you Mother,I Love You,We Love You!

It is 7am and I go enjoy now a nice breakfast.

Nikos Akrivos

Be Neo,Create Your Own Timelines.

Thoughts magnetize more thoughts like multiplying smiths fighting with Neo.But Neo neutralizes them by finding the zero point within that feels good aligned with source knowing he is The ONE and where there is unlimited Love and Joy state and so he flies above them all.Neo masters reality because he has mastered his thoughts and feelings at all times and no external thoughts can affect him,this is what the media is trying to do with all,keep the control over you with restrictions,are you going to let this happen?or are you in control of your own thoughts and feelings at all times?setting yourself free is your personal event.You are Your own personal Jesus and Your own Savior.And to cross the bridge one needs to do the work to know He/She is The need to ‘fight’ with thoughts,just allow through breathing going within for at least 15-20′ to clear up the mind and fly and whenever thoughts appear that do not feel good get back in there or have a cat nap even for 5′.Now if one chooses to watches TV all day long this gets harder and harder.



My personal experience with the Law of Attraction.

8 years ago,i remember sitting down on my desk and setting the intentions of how i would like my life to be.This after following a 11 year period where i decided to live a life as much as possible detached from the existing system because of personal experience that showed me that i would be happier if i chose to do always what makes me feel good,in other words walking my talk :Feel More Than Fine for all choices i make in life.In fact i even wrote a small booklet describing the life i had during these 10 years as a Dancer, DJ and Energy Healer living a nomad life in Ibiza during the summer and traveling across the planet in the winter.Of course,little did i notice then that this was a decision that my inner being took as a result of the 9/11 Dramatic Event that took place in New York City.My inner being knew that Humanity’s future was at stake as the true reason behind this was to not allow NESARA/GESARA to be activated releasing Prosperity Funds for Humanity’s evolution in becoming part of the wider Galactic Family.8 years ago,i had no idea about all this last information i just shared with you.8 years ago i felt the truth into Mayan’s prediction of 21 December 2012 and i took action by choosing to live as much as possible close to nature.I knew that the indigenous people are the ones that are the most evolved on our planet because they are the ones most connected to Mother Earth.So i made the decision to walk barefoot for at least 10 minutes touching the grass in city parks or mountains every day wherever i find myself to be.

And so sitting down to write my intentions i got inspired to make a video instead,that i unfortunately don’t have any longer(lost with older mac),where i was describing my personal life,The Ascension process of Humanity and The Financial system serving everyone on the planet along Free Energy Technologies,driving cars that respect Mother Earth and living in eco sustainable communities and even getting at time a little more specific about personal desires and wants like DJing in front of 1000s of people or becoming a father and having a daughter for example.And while all these personal things occured and here is some proof 🙂

things did not happen exactly as i imagined them to happen but indeed so much advanced that it took me some time to recognize that they were the fruit of my thoughts and feeling and intentions.(I did have a 8 year old ‘daughter’ that was already the child of my new girlfriend while i was expecting to get back with my older girlfriend and make a child with her.)

And so coming back to the reason i am writing all this is to share with you the main objective of my intentions was Ascension.Yes,i truly thought it will be all fluffy and butterflies and ease and grace and flow ,it felt so in any case and while witnessing the unfolding all around me,i realized that there is more to the picture that what my main 5 physical senses could perceive.The objective was and always is smooth Ascension for myself and all living beings.I knew that there was inner work to do with more intensity while also not forgetting that we are all here for the purpose of joy.Living a Feel More Than Fine lifestyle is all about it.And demonstrating this to all around me through my example became my path of action as i realized that we are not leaving this planet and that we collectively as humanity took the decision as souls to Ascend all of us (the big majority in our physical bodies,many leaving their bodies). Now, of course can me and you affect free will or make others get into this perspective?no,we can’t.Because Free Will is the God given birth right for every person on Earth.But then isn’t that Divine Mother has decreed that Ascension moves forward and Mother Earth has already ascended?Isn’t that myself along many others have already done the work to transition the planet during these last 8 years through intense cleaning of traumas of this life and past lives?yes,it is.So what is that we collectively observe right now?Covid 19 and the dismantling of the old matrix.Could i see specifically how would this occur 8 years ago?No,i couldn’t and yet when i focus on the end result of my intentions i see each and every day signs around me that prove that this is indeed Victory of Light.I did not know the way to get there,all i knew is to do the very thing that felt good in the moment,that felt more than fine each moment of my days,something that i keep on doing at all times.My physical eyes can not see everything,my inner GPS tells me what feels good or not, even if it is walking down the streets not wearing a mask to be a wayshower for the many that there is nothing to be afraid of.Or to dare to be outside more than ever before,especially during ”lockdown” period,IAM SOVEREIGN,IAM.Now many will say how can you dare to not respect other people’s health and not wear a mask and unfortunately i can not explain to them that i never wear one because my Aura is so powerful working along with so many Light Beings that i trust and have faith to that Well Being and Love and Abundance of all things flows to me at all times knowing fully wherever i go,whatever i do with whoever i do it with,they are ALL also there assisting me,protecting me,inspiring me,uplifting me,acknowledging me and having fun with me.I can only be the example and more forward with conviction that i create my own reality at all times demonstrating through my action how I THRIVE in my life unfolding with ease,grace and flow with much less physical effort and unconditional alignement with Source that feels good always:Feel More Than Fine.

Yes i thought we were going to Ascend and meet with our Galactic Families and move on on our Ascension process towards 6D,7D,8D in the 300-1000 years following where no money is needed and where we have amazing creative abilities.Did this manifest yet?no.Yet,it starts to show up and it begins ALSO with everyone on the planet getting abundant and prosperous as this is an important phase of our Ascension.We can not burn up the steps while at the same time the steps are being created by Universal Consciousness that responds to the collective’s attraction field.Many scenarios and timelines that make it even unpredictable for all Light Beings in the higher realms who have a much clearer picture of what is occuring.

We know that there has been an agenda behind the scenes that was intended to be used against Humanity and that now is being used to awaken the sleeping masses.Will all sleeping masses wake up?Yes,because death is knocking on the door and there needs to be choice between fear or Love,between feeling hate or feeling good.This is what is occuring before our eyes for all to see.And how is that i choose to live life?

I choose to be in the world but not of it.

I choose to feel more than fine no matter what occurs around me,molding the clay of what is that i want to see manifest,imagining more and observing less.

I choose to see All Children being Safe and Sound all across the planet.

I choose Basic Universal Income for all,i choose to see in my mind’s eye what Freedom will do in people’s lives.

I choose to support Free Energy inventions and Awesome Mobility and Creation of Eco Sustainable Communities leading to The Venus Project being implemented in accordance with Cosmic Law before seeing manifest The Light Cities.

I choose Celestial Chambers that brings an end to all diseases.

I choose to see the cleaning of oceans and rivers and reforestation of lands

I choose laughter and camaraderie among all human beings same way the elves work with one another from a place of undontional love.(Watch FATMAN with Mel Gibson 🙂

I choose Galactic Contact

I Choose Clarity,Safety,Security,Abundance,Prosperity,Joy and Sacred Partnership with the self and all others on a loving and forgiving planet that works for all!

What i choose become now the goals of Feel More Than Fine in this upcoming decade and i am eager to begin the works!!!

How this will be manifest i don’t know and i know by choosing to feel more than fine always i make my contribution to the success of what my Higher Self/IAM Presence which is one and the same with the IAM Presence of every person on Earth and of Mother Father God.Maybe you don’t agree with me and that’s more than fine,i accept you in our differences and i allow you to be in your belief as i know WE ARE ONE and WWG1WGA.

Let the prosperity funds arrive!Let us us begin!!!

Let NESARA/GESARA become known!

Let us enjoy this process of uplifting one another,i help you and you help another and so on.Let us make the Ascension Journey smooth for each and everyone so it is firmly grounded in the planet as per request of Lord Ashtar representing Millions of Galactic Fleets parked on the higher orbits of our dear planet.

That is Feel More Than Fine’s main goal about to be tangibly manifest.

I can not tell you how,i can only show you once it is done.

I create my own reality.

Create yours and remember to include The Highest Good for All and Do No Harm as this is the only rule in The Golden Age of Aquarius that we have already entered.

Much Love


Donations are Welcome

ps.This Block is dedicated to my dear Grand Mother Alexandra that passed away or better words Ascended without her physical body this past week,as she has told me was her choice 6 months ago.I Love You Grandma!

11/11 After Math.

Look.We all have been traumatised.There is not one human on the planet that has not been traumatised.
Traumas from this life and also traumas from past lives, on and off this planet.Have you heard the expression:We are made of Stardust?It is all in our DNA.Our DNA is being activated and with it brings more awareness that needs to be seen and acknowledged with disciplined introspection.In other words embracing our own darkness and bring balance with Light that we allow flow through us.The more we allow, like for example with meditation, the easier it becomes and the easier our lives get.We have in our DNA a lot of information originating from other Star systems too, to be precise all of them!!!This is why it is being repeated over and over again it is not about politics or religion or anything out there, it is about the relation one has with the self, it is about self love, it is about knowing the self ,it is about ‘who AM I?’
Our own darkness is not an enemy, it is part of who we are and it needs to be seen and embraced like a child that is very afraid.It needs tenderness and care and patience and love.It needs breathing, it is needs Faith.When one does this, one discovers neutrality within =balance within which then expresses itself in the outer world more and more.Do we want to live on a loving and forgiving and peaceful and abundant planet?We MUST Love and Forgive and find peace within us for the self and all others.No politicians can make us do that.No drugs or toxic substances or mainstream media can do that either.We are born magnificent.And to find our magnificence is about feeling into it.’’IAM a Magnificent Multidimensional Being of Love and Light and Truth.IAM.’’
IAM in big letters because EVERYTHING IAM is of GOD and GOD is everything.
The time of distractions is done.The truth is setting us free.
Free to be part of the much wider galactic family rushing in as we have entered The Age of Aquarius ,The Golden Age of our existence in 5D,6D and 7D.
11/11 energies have done their miracle and even those not aware of what i just wrote have successfully received those energies.Humanity is rising and as Humanity rises ,expect more chaos to be seen in the outer world till its finally balanced at some point when more and more learn to live in peace and Divine Neutrality and Unconditional Love for one another, even with disagreement and differences.
EveryONE is different and so very special.EveryONE plays their role that they have agreed before incarnating.
Let’s appreciate everything and move on in Celebration as Celebration keeps our vibrations high with the intention to be always loving and kind with the self and all others no matter what arises.
Let’s observe less and imagine more what is that we want.What is that I Want?and what gives me joy brings with it The Highest Good for all too.

Nikos Akrivos

Trump Winner=Light Has Won.

Before anything,please know that what i post here has nothing to do with supporting politicians and it has to do everything about sharing the wonderful news that The Light Has Won and all see is the gradual manifestation of this fact into 3D World,which is btw is no more 3D,we have evolved further than that.Collectively we are in 4D and many already know how it feels to be on 5D,6D and 7D.

And so these links confirm what i know already in my heart for quite some now.

1.The One Who Has Been President Shall Carry On-Saint Germain via James-

2.Ashtar: People love Trump, and love is winning.He Will Win.

3.Elections & Disclosure -Prime Creator via Susie Beiler-

4.Key people must be removed in order for the Light to prevail. :

”Sharon: In four years, when Trump has served his term, what will happen then? He’s not going to be eligible to be re-elected.
Ivo: Others will step up to serve after him. Others who are willing to be transparent and heavily audited, because earthlings will not trust that readily. They will be very wary of new politicians because they were so fooled the first time. They will not allow it again. Out of this mistrust will be born a new system of transparency. There will be watchdog groups that will report to the people. You are seeing the beginnings of this now, as new social media reporters emerge, those aligned with the Light.”

I Create.

Diving into our powerful co-creative abilities feeling into each outcome.As you read you assist in allowing this to attract it faster in our reality.When 2 or more of us come together,that is where our power lies.

I Create The Highest Good For All.
I Create Abundance and Prosperity For All Humanity.
I Create that All Children are Safe and Sound
I Create That All Men and Women are Safe And Sound
I Create Celestial Chambers for everyone on the planet.
I Create Beautiful Eco Sustainable Communities where we live harmoniously with one another.
I Create Free Energy and Awesome Mobility for everyONE
I Create the cleaning of Oceans,Rivers and the Reforestation of all Lands
I Create Homes for all Homeless.
I Create the most Posititive Ascension Timeline for everyone on the planet.
I Create a Planet that is loving ,forgiving and with respect for All Life.
I Create Basic Universal Income for everybody on the planet.
I Create Basic Health Care and Care for free for all :Children,Elders,Single Mothers or Fathers and for all in need.

Please add your creation and share with others my dear.

Intention is the plan.

Frequency is the plan executing itself.

Feeling is Frequency work.

Feel More Than Fine!

I also created a House Music Dance Track on 432Hz where i speak these words,adding movement while listening and /or speaking out the words is a very powerful way to co-create.



Imagine & Feel New Earth Creations.

This is an invitation to focus together on what truly matters.And this is the Rebuilding of New Earth.This is where we choose place our focus as to how can we can best serve to assist each and everyone on their Ascension Journey so it is firmly grounded on the planet.What i/we imagine is already true.So please dance with me here and now 🙂

What are our intentions at Feel More Than Fine?

1.Basic Universal Income for everyONE.Imagine what Freedom will do in people’s lives.

2.Celestial Chambers for everyone on the planet as part of the program for Universal Medicare,Pharma Care and Dental Care.Imagine that everyONE can get healthy and rejuvenated in less than 3 minutes.Picture elders being astonished to discover this reality.

3.All Children Safe and Sound on the Planet:We have 1 project in Dakar to assist children and from there expand in more African Countries :Feel More Than Fine Africa leading to Universal Elder Care, Child care, and Single-parent care. (1) Picture children being happy and feeling fulfilled in their daily activities.

4.Support and Creation of Eco Sustainable Communities leading to The Venus Project.

5.Free Energy and Awesome Mobility that respects Mother Earth.

6.The Cleaning of Oceans and Rivers and Reforestation of all lands and cities.

Light Workers we will come together and take things in our hands in Local and Worldwide Gatherings Conferences to bring forward solutions that make this planet work for each and everyone.It is all happening and it is beautifully unfolding as we are observing now in the U.S.A. elections.It is not what we see.What we see is the dismantling of what does not work.The implementation of NESARA/GESARA is happening and GODSPEED for this as this is what will lead to Divine Governments on our Ascending Earth From Human to Galactic before being able to use replicators and other technologies that will make the use of money obsolete as no-one of our Galactic Families needs to use this.It is a gradual process and Divine Mother’s has already decreed and Her plan is unfolding and for this reason,the next months will be quite a ride.There is no turning back.We are blessed to be living in these times.And i wish you all the best in your discovery of how you will be best be of service on New Earth.

Much Love



The Six Point Plan

One, universal basic income covering all normal living expenses for every person living in that country, lesser for young children (under twelve). Everyone has their basic expenses in life covered and can choose to work on top of that.

Two, universal (free) medicare, pharmacare, and dental care. Public health of excellent standards available to all people living in the country, without distinction.

Three, universal accessibility to all levels of gender-equal education (K-Ph.D.) for all people living in that country.

Four, universal elder care, child care, and single-parent care.

Five, the elimination of personal debt.

Six, the elimination of the national debt.

Hold on to your hats,big announcement coming(predicted before the elections)

According to my sources a big announcement is coming in the next days,predicted before the elections,we are about to find out very soon!I invite you to stay centered and open in receiving the energies in prayer and meditation as much as you can in these coming days,keeping your vibration high and aligned with your Higher Self with the intention of the best timeline of Ascension for all living beings and The Highest Good For All-Nikos-ps.tomorrow is my b’day,i expect only GOodness coming forward however this shows up!!!

Federation of Light :

Yes. The Announcement is to come.

In the time frame you suggested?

Yes. Does that satisfy?

Oh! How I wish it did. It simply amps up my trepidation! Yet, to be honest, I’d rather this was your answer, than saying ‘things have changed’, type thing!

We are on course and ready to set sail.

Okeydokey! … … … Now what?


The Final Battle:

As the day of the US elections draws near, there are important astrological configurations taking place. The first one is the Jupiter-Saturn synod (heliocentric conjunction) on November 2nd at 6:52 pm UTC. Jupiter-Saturn synod will effectively trigger the Age of Aquarius for all Solar system beyond lunar orbit. At that moment, a massive operation of the Ashtar Command will commence and it will require a complete reorganization of all Ashtar Command fleet beyond lunar orbit.

Conversation with my Future Self.

This morning,i was like:ok, i will engage into a dialogue with my future self of 2030 and see what i am getting when i am feeling into having all our projects globally running smoothly for the highest good for all with joyful participation from each and everyONE on the planet.And the feeling i got mostly was SATISFACTION while my future self reminded me that it is all about FULL APPRECIATION of everything around me in this present moment.So,i am inviting with this to do the same,for your own life and then expand further globally for each and everyONE seeing everyone satisfied in life coming back to the now and feeling appreciation of everything around you,even if there seems to be a big fog out there,not allowing to see with our physical eyes what is really taking place on a multidimensional level which is now busy manifesting tangibly in our reality and with CV19 being the official opening of this party.For sure God works in mysterious ways and we are about to find out in the days,weeks and months to come.And feeling Full Appreciation and Satisfaction every Now attracts more of this in our personal realities as we Create our own reality from within out moment to moment through the way we vibrate =Feel.

and Namaste!


About Intermittent Fasting

Ok,i am Raw Vegan for few years now and i am doing intermittent fasting eating around 8h00 breakfast and 16h00 my main meal and having a lot of water,tea or juices in between and that works awesome for me.Sadhguru explains here his perspective and while i agree with all i also add that after trying only you can decide what feels best to you as we go through our Ascension Process within our physical bodies which to my sense it means we can live hundreds of years if we want to.

Parallels Realities and Jumping Timelines

I come often to think that everybody and everything around me is a reflection of what i imagine and of what i think of them.And what i think of them brings me to what i feel for them.While my brain will try to go to past memories, i catch it before time by the way i feel.Because the way i feel defines how aligned i am with Source.And so if someone has been mean to me in the past and while my brain is trying to bring to the present this memory, i go directly to the way i feel about them in the now and since :IAM the Love,IAM the Light,IAM the Truth, this awareness allows me to raise my frequency and feel good about everyone and everything without being attached to the past and so creating a parallel reality where everyONE is loving and forgiving and kind.This is why it has been hammered so often that :YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY.And so the more i do the work of reminding myself that IAM the Love,IAM the Light,IAM the Truth in deep meditation (at least 15’)the more my brain disengages from the past and comes to the present and creates thoughts that feel good almost automatically.The way i feel is directly connected to Higher Self/Soul and so the more i do this practice, the more through entrainment i create parallels realties that are getting closer to my highest good and the highest good for all which is what my Higher Self and hence me in this now really wants.And i believe what my Higher Self wants is one and the same with everyone else’s Higher Self fully aware that each and everyONE is different in the way they achieve this through passion and different interests in life.’Same Same but Different’ as they say in Thailand.
Does it always go up into better realities?no, because one gets affected by events that are felt through our senses and through meeting with many who are not aware of this Truth.That is why the term :to be in the world but not of it.To be fully aware that one is The Love and The Light and The Truth while walking down the streets among many who are not or even in social media(don’t stay too long, this can bring vibration down super fast).And by holding that thought as much as possible, one does greater service than trying to express with words anything.In this way, one affects the whole and creates a parallel reality for all around him/her.The name of the game is to not be affected by it, to keep vibrations high, to be loving with self and all others no matter what arises.That is to be The Christ Present in the here and now.And that is how i jump timelines and the name of the game is to go to a higher timeline where more of the things that are in my Vortex are showing themselves to me.
I am about to find out what is this day bringing to me and i know this is ALWAYS in direct relation about the way i feel in the now.If i feel good i better check for signs and if i don’t i better go within in meditation to calm my mind till i feel good again.And when i send out my Light for The Highest Good For all this feeling multiplies a 1000X and that is what it means to be Of Service:sending love to all that are in need on the planet ,feeling compassion and visualising beautiful outcome for all, these are very powerful tools that keep our timeline always high as what we visualise for others becomes also our reality.If i see all others being abundant and prosperous, i become it in the now.If i see all others being happy, with enough food on the table and the roof of their living over their heads and awesome mobility for all being healed and rejuvenated i become it also in my now.I am what i think and feel for all others in the now.I take responsibility for it.I Create It.I Rise and Soar and Fly within my beautiful Ascending Body firmly grounded on Gaia every now.That is the work to do.And i love every second of it.


Donations are Welcome

About Politics & Defending President Trump.

I never got interested in politics to be honest and yet in this moment i feel it is more important than ever to share with all of you the reason i do this along so many incredible Digital Soldiers of Love bringing Light to what needs to be seen by all.

Why is that i support Trump in my blogs?

Not only because of inner knowingness and also because of tangible channelings i resonate with :

1.Prime Creator ,you can listen here latest message channeled by Susie Beiler after subscribing to her website :

2.Ashtar :

3.A Teenager says it all :

If you’re liberal, can’t stand Trump and can’t fathom why people will vote for him – this is why.

Much Love



















TRUE ENLIGHTMENT means to be around all people and not being triggered by anyone accepting each and everyone is Divine.The 2nd coming of Christ/Krishna/Buddha is this and you are each Christ/Krishna/Buddha in your ascended Crystal bodies living an immortal life within physicality as we become more telepathic as souls in our Galactic Human bodies with our 12 Solar Chakras and DNA strands getting fully activated every NOW.There is no end to this,just the realisation it ALL has begun and there is no going back to what was.All New All Different All Love.This is Our Destiny and C_O_V_I_D was the official opening which at some point in the future will be celebrated.To my perspective most people left their bodies,not because sick but because they decided so before incarnating.Somebody dies because they stopped making decisions or just decided that they want so.Ascension can be a fun ride if one chooses to be happy instead of being miserable and that takes effort to imagine more and observe less to create more and listen to anybody else less to be more present and do less to be more receptive and less resistant to change to be more a visionary including all and less with personal desires.Divine Mother is in control here,not me,not you.And inner joy defines how aligned one is with The Highest Good For The Self and All Others.Sobeit,Amen & Hallelujah & Hare Krishna Krishna Hare & Om Mane Pad Me Hum



Your Power To Change Any Relation/Condition to a better one.

When we are with someone with mostly aspects we don’t like we have the power to change by focusing on the aspects that we do like,on making a list of all things that we do like on someone and that of course goes from a potential lover to friends or partners or even politicians etc.It makes sense when we understand that The IAM Presence is ONE and the same in each and everyONE and so by focusing on the very things we like on someone we activate only those as contrary when we focus on the negative things we don’t like(by for example speaking about it and complaining about it) we activate those.Surprised that your neighbour next door does not behave nice to you?or your lover or friend?how about finding something you like about him/her or visualizing him/her being nice to you for a change?


Multiple Sources are confirming that the only reason the funds for assisting humanity are delayed is because of the Alliance deliberately doing this for reasons of security and safety. (1) (2).And while i totally understand this,i also know deep on my heart that Prime Creator has already released them to reach all of us,what belongs to God belongs to each and everyONE of His/Her Sons and Daughters.We Light workers need to understand deeper in our beings that Vibration shifts and rises constantly on the planet and whatever is being read or witnessed in any inter has nothing to do with what really is taking place on our New Earth reality really.We are the ones creating it every now and while it is good to get out there and check the ‘news’ the most important work to do is to FEEL into what FREEDOM does in our and all people’s lives right NOW.This is what is all about:FREEDOM to allow smooth Ascension process for each and everyONE.There is no need to focus on what is happening out there,while i must agree quite exciting while i eat my organic pop corn but then again it is all about the way i feel within me that creates my reality every now.

I observe less and i imagine more and so i feel more right NOW.And so this is my invitation to you to feel into what Freedom DOES with the NESARA/GESARA funds being released getting Basic Universal Income for everybody and all means to release Free Energy Inventions,to create and distribute Celestial Chambers/Mebdeds,to create Eco Sustainable Autonomous Communities (and The Venus Project?),to Clean the Rivers & Oceans,to Reforest all land across the planet,to offer Safe Havens for all Animals to live the lives they deserve too,to create awesome mobility going from Electric Vehicles to Hover Car and Anti Gravity Vehicles,to create an environment where all Children and all Women and Men are Safe and Sound at all times and to assist all Charities to do better work in their respective fields,to assist each and everyone get the roof of their liking over their heads and to create amazing gardens all over the planet for abundance of Whole Organic Foods and clean water for each and everyone and to create Intergalactic Station where some of the smaller ships of our Galactic Families can land and so we begin open contact in the backyard of our new homes maybe?when i speak about those things with those around me,most of the time i loose the connection with them because most are entrapped in the 3d illusion that is playing out and if you managed to read this far,it means that you are receiving this information with open heart and that you already know in your heart in this now how FREEDOM feels.


The way we truly Free Ourselves as Aware Light Workers is by feeling into our FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY FROM A PLACE OF JOY AND LOVE EMANATING FROM WITHIN in the NOW.We are the ones creating IT with the assistance of all Light Beings and Mother Father GOD that are right by our side supporting us,inspiring us,assisting us,loving us,acknowledging us wherever we go,whatever we do with who ever we do it at all times.(3)

It is simply a question of easying the process from within by FEELING FREE in OUR NOW because timelines are shifting and as they shift vibrations speak louder than any words .

We FREE ourselves right now by CELEBRATING right now our victory of LIGHT and intel will follow that shows the result of our Collective VORTEX of creation,i promise you that!!!NOT CONDITIONAL HAPPINESS BUT AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS IN THE HERE AND NOW FROM WITHIN OUT.

We are that powerful and I KNOW IT!


Namaste Dear Ones.

I Love You All!




(3)Infinite Gratitude for Abraham Hicks for these words that express fully Feel More Than Fine for which btw i got the insight back in 2003,long before i start reading Abraham Hicks,i guess this is how Law of Attraction works :))))))