Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

We Can All See Now (latest intel received)

We can all see now that as the people ask for justice, ‘magically’ floods appear middle of the summer justifying it as “cli-mate cha_nge” , when in fact it is the last attempts of corrupt beings so people won’t be able to testify the apocalypse of more truths coming out in this order : c_ov_i_d , USA elections, kidnapped children, 6000 technologies to be released for healing, mobility, free energy etc. And while MSM try to keep things under control another fact is that : the higher and middle ranks of corrupt people/aliens have already been taken care off, now the lower ones are being exposed and taken care of too.(arrests happening as we speak) (been told some of those are clones, i guess we ll discover soon more)
I invite you to do your best in keeping spirits high for yourself as when you do that everybody else around receives the message too through vibrational resonance : higher vibration always uplifts all others.


Q-The Strorm :

WATCH THE WATERS was a double meaning message from Q /…./in one way Q knew the Deep State was going to use HAARP to kill people and bring in Climate Change through CHAOS and destruction through weather >> [DS] FINAL CARDS>keep charade going_ cover up pandemic/EXPOSER of stolen election>>CONFUSION<//_On the the other hand Q knew flooding the tunnels was essential and kept the OPS. CONTROLLED with no Innocent civilians killed/or minimal.>When [DS] used HAARP and weather modification weapons ( FLOODS) they killed intentionality in their black OPS. for maximum effect and destroyed innocent lives, homes and communities.. But at the same [THEY] were putting them selves in jeopardy in the hands of crime/CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Each event created by the CABAL deep state brought out the SLEEPERS/AGENTS/crooked politicians ,military INTEL, scientist, ext.ect in all countries across the world/EXPOSURE<<Shining light in the dark_ (WHITE HATS MILITARY/watched( documented) and see the crimes committed)_the last part of WATCH the Waters is a NUCLEAR _EVENT<<< NK>>> SCARE NECESSARYStay vigilant PATRIOTS/ANONS/FRIENDS)FAM>>.>INCOMING>>SHIPPING/CARGO/>>MAJOR DISRUPTIONS>> HALT ⚠️

German Spoken report/radio broadcast:Close to 600 Baby corpses washed up in Bad Neuenahr/Ahrweiler Germanyabout 600 baby and child corpses, which are supposed to be laid out in a gymnasium. This process is supposed to have remained hidden from the public. The children and babies are unidentified.”

The sad INTEL i didn’t want to share//but it makes sense now to share since the German broadcast of the 600 dead babies is being talked about._Last year in Five_Finger lakes in the U.S. where a larger portion of underground tunnels and Sub-tunnels are located that run thru the East Coast Into Canadian territories …a large Military operation took place in October… And some 200 hundred Soldiers were killed fighting in the underground tunnels>> Black hats trapped the soldiers and exploded the underground base and Tunnel line in the different areas connecting to Five-finder lakesD U.M.B.s_ since this event last year… The current operations have been destroying the TUNNELS at a faster and massive unprecedented levels. MOST of the NEW operations don’t go into the tunnels but give WARNINGs through robotics that travel the TUNNELS….>> and word is if the [DS] bases and commands don’t surrender, there is no second chance for surrender and everything is DESTROYED .>Gene Decode also gave hints to this operation where several good (200he said also) soldiers died… Several other leaks talk about this sad event that happened and changed the way Operations are approached now.

Basic Universal Credit/ paychecks per month for all is one of these lights now slowly activating through #NESARA #GESARA 

I am blown away by the amount of people not seeing the beauty of not having to work for a living. We are not meant to do that. We are meant to do activities that please our heart. This does not mean i agree with the current ways of worldwide governments trying to buy of people with money…folks wake up, they are at the end of the rope, they know the end is near for them. And little by little we see good actions happening to assist every human being come out of hunger and misery imposed on us by enslaving cabal controled governments that want to think that our Universe is not abundant in all ways.
God loves all his daughters and sons and you living in a body right now, are witnessing the most amazing unfolding of The Golden Age. Everything works for the highest good for all and no matter how hard they try to convince us otherwise there are many beautiful lights at the end of the tunnel.
Hold your heads up ,in prayer and meditation to uplift yourselves daily, it is the only way to feel into what is coming.
Basic Universal Credit/ paychecks per month for all is one of these lights now slowly activating through #NESARA #GESARA .

ps. California just agreed to send up to $1,000 monthly checks to residents in nation’s first guaranteed income program

Have you noticed that your personal desires don’t manifest as fast as you want? -Nikos Akrivos-

Have you noticed that your personal desires don’t manifest as fast as you want?
That is because the highest good for all has priority over personal desires. It does not mean, you never get you want, oh yes, you are, this or better!
How? By trusting the space of nothingness, getting lost in the infinite sky of Father God which in turn will bring all matter (=Mother God) to you.
So i invite you to get lost daily for at least 20′ and if you feel like it join us today and every Sunday at 2/5/8 CET for 30′.
Get lost today, receive many gifts in surprising ways and live happily ever after 😉😘🥰


Join the Ascending Tribe for more ease, grace and flow in your life.

These are times, we are asked more than ever to allow the flow or to be the flow aligned with Source as much as possible as this is the only way we can feel true authentic joy from within which means we are on the good path of our existence. From a personal point of view and while i remain aware of the events taking place, i really feel that i am already giving my best in keeping the vibrations high and hence already doing my service for the highest good for all. This might sound selfish and yet i feel that i don’t have to lift up my small finger for anything else ,except be the open door for the energies to flow , which is already a work of itself in the sense that i will take the time to go within and uplift myself and participate in a much as possible global meditations where i know this is the true good work to be done. We might not agree and i am ok with that and yet there is such tremendous value in the work we are doing in this now for those of us dedicating our time to this as we know this is truly authentic joy. So yes ,there is the direct award of feeling good, of feeling more than fine everytime of doing this, of going within and feel the gratitude coming directly from Source as immediate effect. And so with this, once again i want to invite you to join us in our global Sunday meditations taking place at 3/6/9 pm for 30 minutes each session .There is nothing that can be compare to this feeling in the now 5 years i am practising those. Beginner or not, what do you have to loose to try this out? Sitting for 30 minutes, breathing consciously and receiving the ever increasing energies arriving from Suns beyond Suns , pure Love and Light indeed!

The New Financial System:Clarity Time – Nikos Akrivos

The New Financial system through NESARA/GESARA has nothing to do with what is being called the great reset.The first is Divine, the 2nd is just trying to immitate in order to control more globally. This is the reason there is confusion for many about Basic Universal Income ,thinking that only the 2nd rule of total control applies when in fact this is a process coming forward to benefit all citizens of Earth. Many amongst you called me a communist among other stuff. I am with no political party. I am for the highest good for all. So to resume, this is coming forward now for all to enjoy and work if they desire too. But let’s not forget the reason all this takes place ,:is not just to eradicate hunger and cover basic needs ,it is also for offering enough free time so one can dedicate more time to their spirituality and Ascension process. So no more excuses like :i got to work for a living. This will be covered through BUI.(basic universal income).We have strong reasons to believe it will be 1200€/adult in Europe and 600/under 18 years from the moment they are born.


3D to 5D Boost UP-date

3D to 5D Boost UP-date : In the United States FOR America : Vac-cine passports & mask mandates are dead. Fauci’s & MSM & most politician’s / bankers credibility are dead. We are thankful for the few that do the work for all humanity with The Alliance, Military and President Trump to start with. Big Pharma exposed. Bi-DAn admin falling off the cliff. Rats and Traitors exposed and eating each other alive. More countries are following. Matrix is breaking down for All to witness. WE remain in Celebration mode from withIN out at all times, it’s the best formula to keep keeping on . Don’t ask to be understood, go within and allow the LOVE of The Creator fill your being with authentic joy and from here take inspired actions if you feel so. Do everything you want/can/need with joy from within ONLY. Anything else is not of service to you and any of those around you. The changes seem to be slow but as one can observe from the first part of this post it is accelerating and tangilbly manifesting now in the physical world. This won’t last forever ,this too will pass but before we can go on the next level, there is much more to be witnessed .Enjoy your pop corn and don’t get sucked in the fear based illusion playing out. Know that you are SAFE. The Galactics and Angelic Beings got our backs at all times, they work 24/7 to keep up with what is needed and our efforts in prayer & meditation are more than ever needed as each one of us is SUPER powerful in our intentions and only such collaboration guarantees 100% success. SUPERMAN AND SUPERWOMEN when you know, you know! Galactic codex will not be violated any longer. It is the end of Power on Others people. Power from with-IN people are LEGION . LOVE HAS WON. Communities are coming together be it physically ,online or telepathically through our collective meditations. To Be Loving and Kind with the Self and All others no matter what arises is the ART of POWER from with-IN. This power gets stronger the more ones spends time constantly with consistence and consistently with constance to go within for at least 15′-20′ daily. That’s the formula of success feeling it and living it in THE NOW. Not in the future, right NOW. And what one feels right NOW creates the best possible timeline where one is the highest version of what one can be, do or have. And So Be It. And so it is. AHO, NAMASTE AND HALLELUJAH Feeling GRATITUDE of what is and however it plays out and EAGERNESS of what is coming at all times.

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies

When finished studying French i was asked to write a small essaie so i can express myself so jury may approve my level of vocabulary in order to enter Univercity…i started speaking about One man standing in front of the tanks in china…little did i know then that what i was speaking was going deeper to the games that ca.bal was playing via CCP to control….since then i ‘ve learned that behind every war it was never a nation but the ca.bal using people in every country who chose to sell their souls for money instead of following what gives them true joy, many thought that just having money is the definition of success…not here to judge anyone, just i remember speaking about Free Energy, Ascension , Galactics , UFOs , Self Healing , Resource based Communities etc and people not understanding looking at me like i cone from another planet and indeed i do just as you do too …till i figured ,i am not here to be understood , i am here to understand others holding firmly my place just like this man in front of the illusion namely here the tanks or co.vid or whatever other ways they might try, that always feels good as feeling good is being closer to God and #feelmorethanfine even closer lol. SO MY FRIENDS remember this man when more intense lies hit your screens, hold your position within and do not let illusion scare the S$%t out of you even though i know already many will need tones of toilet paper

Schuman Frequencies are consistantly rising every day now…

we just had a blast from The Sun only 2 hours ago…if you feel tired and sleepy…now you know why…best thing to do have a nap and then do a 15′-20′ meditation after what you will feel refreshed. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water or fruit juice helps too ,especially coco nut water or watermelon juice, they both contain high amounts of electrolytes.