JFK speaking about Romana Didulo of Canada.

August 25, 2021

Message from JFK


I am still here, beautiful ones! I have not forsaken you by my silence recently…I was merely taking a break as you say…because I felt that I had said all I could say regarding the cabal and their evil doings.

I have never enjoyed focusing on the negative topics and as you all know, negativity has been paramount, for a long, long time.

I am so very happy to see how many of you are trying mightily to stay in a positive mindset, as difficult as that is to do, right now. Losha has been avoiding all news lately, even the alternative versions, as even they seem to be rather fear-full, recently.

It is fine to read something that is not brimming with positivity as long as you do not allow it to “get inside” of you…such as not being able to let it go and to then move on to other, more productive and enjoyable projects for the day.

As Losha was browsing various spokespersons whom she follows, she came upon a very wonderful and tangible update from Romana Didulo, of Canada. She is asserting that she is the now true Queen of Canada, and she calls it “Canada 2.0”…meaning a better version than the old!

Now, there are many discussions about whether or not she is truly who she says she is…however, what I would much rather focus on is that, no matter who she is, she is speaking the Truth, and doing things for humanity which are productive and tangible…and isn’t that what we all are looking for? We are tired of hearing seemingly the same words and phrases over and over…we want action.

Well, Romana Didulo is doing just that…she has created links for all 13 Canadian provinces (in the Telegram app) where all citizens can go to ask for help…and others who have the ability to help, can find a match nearby of someone who is asking for assistance. What a wonderful development!

It is true those kinds of projects have already been ongoing all over the world and many of you amazing Heart Souls either initiated them on your own, or have been involved in the actual helping of the others…either way, you are to be commended for your love and compassion!

What I have found even more uplifting is that Romana Didulo has such a large following of Canadian citizens and even citizens around the world, her actions can exponentially help others…causing the level of caring for others to go through the roof!

Even though these new links have only been available for approximately 48 hours now, there have been many successful interactions of people helping people, which is such a wonderful thing to see!

Romana Didulo has even been prompedt to respond to new situations that have cropped up, such as creating separate links for those who are looking solely for jobs. This project is a “living” project…it is staying flexible and morphing to fit the needs of as many as possible…which is just what is needed, right now.

To make things even better, Romana Didulo has also created links for all of the 50 United States, and is now expanding it to include any other country that asks for it! Is that not the most wonderful creation? I believe so!

Romana Didulo “speaks” with her actions! All of this is something very tangible too…something every one of us can see with our own eyes…see how it is truly helping our fellow brother and sister, when it is truly needed most.

These links are also linking communities together again…they are getting to know their neighbors, especially since they have been “locked down” for some time now…but their hearts are not locked down! No, indeed! Their hearts are wide open for their fellow citizens, and that is a wonderful occurrence!

Compassionate projects such as this makes Losha’s heart soar…and mine as well! It is truly wonderful to observe the humble hearts of love reaching out to our brothers and sisters in need…and to then see those souls who have been helped, begin to reach out to help others, and so on and so on!

Well, I just wanted to provide this brief message because I am always looking for something positive to share with you beautiful souls. I will be speaking more as developments become more positive in nature…and they are beginning to do so now, which is truly wondrous!

I love each of you who are reading this and I am watching over you all. Until next time we meet, I am…

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

Link for Romana Didulo:


Channeled by Losha.


Pleiadians – We Are HappyDear

brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KALIGHAL, Commander of Pleiadian Ship

Much joy! Much joy! I only bring joy here today. Joy for being able, once again, to have a voice for you. We can say that the party is all ready; the guests are many, there are millions, they are all of you. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to release balloons, because it wouldn’t be good for Gaia, but we would love to release a lot of balloons to show our joy. We can say we’re cleaning our ships, cleaning up, getting ready for the big day. Not that we’re messy, nor do we keep our ships a little disorganized. But that you understand how nice it is being, to be sure of the big day.
We are millions around your planet. It would be wonderful if we could all, at once, in a single moment, land on the surface of your planet. At first, it would be strange, first because of the energy of the dimension. It wouldn’t be very easy for some of us. But I can tell you, it would be a very interesting experience for everyone. But that’s not what will happen. We will not impose our presence all at once, it would cause unnecessary panic at this point.
Let’s say that firsthand, we will show our ships; and it won’t be the mother ships, it will be our smaller ships. The motherships will appear in your skies when the planet’s vibration effectively begins to rise to the Fourth Dimension at the highest range; then we can keep our ships without any harm in your skies. The appearance of our ships in this dimension, in the Third Dimension, is not an easy thing for us. It takes a lot of energy, a lot of programming from our minds so that we can stay in this dimension. But some of us have been preparing for some time now, and we can, yes, descend on your planet and show off in physical form, so that you know effectively whom you are talking to.
We’ve been watching to make yourself known, you put little plaques on your chest, so the other person knows whom you’re talking to. So I’ve already had a little sign made to put it, with my name, Kalighal, so that you know effectively that it’s me, otherwise you’ll confuse me with the others, you won’t know who I am. I have already prepared the evening dress, a very beautiful outfit, an outfit that I can present myself correctly to your rulers and show all our love; because that’s what we want to demonstrate. The fact that we step on the surface of your planet is not an intimidation, it is not superiority, it is not an invasion. It is the purest proof of love and trust that we are giving you.
Of course, we will be very careful when we do this. Because everything is also being prepared, to spoil this great moment, to show the great mass of the planet that we are not benign. But we already know this and we have full control of the possible reactions that might happen on your planet. We will not go down without warning. We’re not going down without you being prepared, we’re not that naive. Things will be done gradually; first the apparition. After all the hubbub caused on your planet has passed, then yes, we will start the approach. And some of you who already have direct contact with us will be invited to be with us directly, to get to know our ships. And then at this moment, we will be sure of your trust in us, because much will be said, much will be fought, that we are here to kill you, to invade, to annihilate the planet, to end the human race. Yeah, if we wanted to do that, we would have done it over 20 years ago, when it all actually started.
And here we are, ready for a peaceful and loving approach. To bring you our knowledge, our technology, our support for humanity. Don’t think we got here, just to make up the numbers. We’ve already battled a lot, we’ve destroyed a lot, but our victory was already certain and it’s already happened. So now we’re moving on to phase two, which is the phase of total cleansing of your planet’s surface. From what? From those who were always against it all, from those who enslaved you, from those who manipulated you. Then each one will be removed from its place, wherever it is. Many are huddled underground, thinking we don’t know they’re there. They will be the first to be taken out; and none will remain, because we know exactly where they are. And all this cleaning will be documented, it will be filmed, and then it will be transmitted to all humanity. We still don’t know if we will do it live or later, but this is a decision that is not up to me, it is up to the commanders. We obeyed orders, what we were told to do, we will do.
We are so happy, our hearts are shining brighter than ever with anticipation for the big day. We know it won’t all be wonderful, we will have problems, but we are ready to deal with any kind of reprisal. And as already said here by our great Commander Ashtar Sheran, our priority “1” is you. So at no point will we expose you to anything. We would never do that. So just as we’ll be landing on your planet, we’ll be watching from the skies, every movement around. We think about your safety, because ours, we know what we do.
Humanity is about to take a very important step: to recognize that it is not alone in the universe, to recognize that there are brothers throughout the universe. And that a vast majority of them are here in your heavens protecting you, helping you. The ascension path is open, clean, flowery. And we want to drive you faster and faster there, with our help, as far as possible, as far as is allowed. Again, I want to say that the joy in our hearts is immense. And we can also feel the same joy in some hearts.
Unfortunately for many, the physical meeting will not be possible, due to the distance from where we will be to where you live. But rest assured, that we will contact each one of you, who hold us in your hearts, with the highest respect.
Love will come in time. We understand that this feeling is created, it is developed, it is nurtured over time. So first let’s talk about friendship. We want to build a solid and deep friendship with you, and as time goes by as we get to know each other better, then we can say that love begins to sprout, and a great bond, a great connection will be created between us. Our house, our planet, will have its doors open to receive you always. It doesn’t matter who you are, because we love humanity as a whole, not as one, as another, as a representative, we love everyone. Because we’ve learned to emanate that feeling unconditionally, but we know that for you, it takes a little walk; between friendship, knowledge, coexistence, and then love appears; and it’s all right.
Right now, we only expect respect. If you already respect us, no matter how we are, this is already a big step for humanity. We won’t just feature those who are humanoid; all will perform, without exception. So, we just ask one more time: Respect. For we may not have the same body, the same physical, the same shape as you, but we have a conscience and a soul, just like you.
And it is precise because we have a conscience and a soul that we are here, helping the human race on this beautiful planet. And we want, and we know that we will have, in the future, that this planet becomes a beautiful tourist resort in the universe, with its wonders, its beauty, and its people; known to the Universe as the most warrior, the strongest people, the bravest people, of this universe. And that you chose to ascend along with your planet, to show that nothing is impossible, just believe.
Channelled by: Anjos e Luz Terapias
Artist: Moon Ross

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Ashian: How to Cope When the Matrix Implodes

August 24, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com


Beloved brothers and sisters of Gaia, very soon you are about to see the rules, norms and cultures of your world unveiled as lies and manipulations. Many of you are aware of much of this information already. Most will have a great deal to learn. Even those of you who know a lot will find yourselves presented with new, more deeply upsetting information.

How to cope with this implosion?

The lies are being made visible in order to dissolve them in the light of clarity, compassion and love. Darkness is dissolved by the light, and you are the light. It is for that reason that every action you take in the name of the light will expand the global grace required to transmute this time most quickly and effectively.

What we present below is a reminder of what you already know, and it is by no means exhaustive. It is a cheat sheet! It is a reminder for when your mind goes blank and your heart goes numb: return to the basics.

1. At your essence, humanity is of the light.

Recentre in your hearts, in your love. It is worthwhile noticing what makes your heart sing now, so that you may develop a menu of solutions and pathways to the feelings of love and lightness.  This will help when you feel overloaded and can’t even remember how to feel love. Suggestions include thoughts of family, friends and pets, meditation, being in nature, practicing yoga and deep breathing….take notice now and make a list of what helps you reconnect with your inner light, your inner divine self, your sense of love.

2. Limit your exposure.

When you feel overwhelmed by the situation, it’s appropriate to take time out for self care, self love, self nurturing. You cannot be there for anyone if you have lost yourself: there’s a reason adults must put on their oxygen masks before children in a plane. Many will return to the experience of child-like overwhelm ~ you cannot comfort them if you have lost your centre.

3. Remember: this is a phase.

It’s been the most painful phase in many respects. It will end. This flood will clear, cleanse and purify more than anything ever has, so when you feel overwhelmed, remember that the worst of this will end…soon.

4. Be Gentle.

Be gentle with your self, and with others. Compassion, forgiveness, heart-centred listening, kindness… these qualities are your soul-compass. When in doubt about how to respond, return to these qualities.

5. Channel anger and outrage appropriately.

This is not the time to divide against each other, it is time to see reality clearly.  When your innate sense of decency is so appalled that you are overwhelmed by anger, take time out, immediately. Write out your anger, speak it out to a plant, cry into a pillow, draw it…there are as many ways to dissipate anger (without hurting or scaring others) as there are humans.

6. Deep breathing…

…is one of the most transformative exercises you can do. It opens up channels to your deepest heart, your innate wisdom, and divine source.

When stressed, B R E A T H E. It is magic.

7. Allow others to have their reactions.

Most will be unable to respond in thoughtful ways. If you are prepared for this, you will not take their reactions personally. None of it is aimed at you. If you are sensitive or empathic, as is likely if you are reading this, be consistent in clearing your energies, daily and even hourly. You may use any and all methods you currently use, from smudging to using light tools such as St Germaine’s violet flame, where you imagine his violet flame dissolving all negative thoughts, feelings and fears from your energy field instantly.

8. Self Care.

As far as you can, use all tools at your disposal to keep your energy clear.  This includes breathing fresh air (open a window), drinking clean water, and making healthier food choices when you have access to them. Zoning out using addictive substances may seem attractive, but it does prolong the pain.

9. Generosity of spirit…

…towards others, and sharing your time and resources, will reassure others that humanity is good, kind and loving. Many will need this reminder, it will be their safety net.

10. Be yourself.

You are the strongest of the strong, the bravest of the brave. You have awoken to be a conscious light in this time. While others will see only tragedy and terror, you will have greater insight and a wise heart. Trust yourself. You are where you are for a reason. Allow your mastery to shine with kindness and compassion.


Whoever you turn to in times of trouble, call upon them. Whether you turn to a divine source, galactics, angelics or nature – whosoever you turn to, bring them closer to you. All who assist humanity on the subtle levels are here for you, as equals, as partners. We are all One. Notice signs, symbols and coincidences: these are our ways of signalling our presence.

We love you and we are with you at all times.

Ashian through Jennifer Crokaert

Everyone Now of Earth Is an Earth Angel

Dear Ones,

Many of you recently experienced numerous emotional ups and downs. Emotional upheavals that were once an accepted part of your 3D world. Now, the least little blip on your comfort screen creates panic.

Because of your new being, uncomfortable moments have become much more dramatic.

You no longer expect to be uncomfortable. An indication of how much you have shifted in a very short time. 

Perhaps you are wondering how you will circumvent these emotional pieces. You will not do so, for the world is shifting to love and contentment – something you have already achieved.

Micro to macro. First, you shifted to peace and contentment. That energy is now spreading throughout the globe to create a new essence of being. A love vibe that others are quickly accepting.

But you do not necessarily feel such is so, for you are surrounded by media reports and gossip about how terrible everything is. Such information is merely the last gasps of 3D fear. It is almost like an uncomfortable beauty treatment. Even though you know the treatment will be uncomfortable, the expected rewards are worth it.

So it is this last gasp of fear appears painful for those of you who have completed the “treatment.” 

You do not understand why others need to experience fear or pain because you completed that treatment months, even years ago. And memories of that 3D pain are fading just as we, of the Universes, prophesized.

You cannot imagine why anyone selects pain or fear when comfort, love, and peace are so readily accessible.

There is nothing you need to do or say, for others must complete the same actions you did, even though you have difficulties remembering why or how you did so.

Perhaps you remember that time as extremely difficult, but you no longer feel the pain you felt when you were in your dark night of the soul.

Allow others to evolve as and when they wish. Those who are doing so are not your responsibility. Shining your love, peace, and comfort is your role. To move beyond that shining role by trying to make the lives of others more comfortable is to reduce your light dramatically.

Even though it might not seem as if shining your light of joy and comfort is that important or difficult, trust us, it is. Your role is much larger than you now understand.

If others are uncomfortable, should you not walk them through their discomfort or provide resources to do so? Only if doing so is your burning desire. Which, of course, means doing so is one of your new you roles.

If you merely wish anger, pain, and fear would disappear, eliminating the pain of others is not one of your roles and never will be.

You are part of the whole. But just as you cannot read for another, so they never need to learn how to read, you cannot assume the pain of others. They have to throw off their cloaks of pain, just as you once did.

Nothing is ever solved by taking on another’s pain. Each of you decided before birth what you wanted to explore in this earth life. Assuming others are not as strong or capable as you in whatever transition stage you are in is to return to 3D caretaking. 

All humans of the earth at this time are earth angels – with much greater strength than any previous human grouping.

Even those fully mired in anger and pain are earth angels. Allow them to spew their rage and anger. They studied fear in as much depth as you studied love flitting throughout the Universes, frequencies, and dimensions preparing for this life.

There are no slackers or slow learners on earth at this time. Everyone is successfully playing their role. Even if you disagree with them, they are as powerful as you.

Does that mean those who oppose your views, your need for peace and joy, are similar to the devils you claimed in your 3D religious lore? Not at all. They are merely counterpoints encouraging all to move to peace and joy.

If there were nothing to push against, many humans would dilly-dally through their transition – stopping as soon as something became difficult. The counterpoints are forcing many to work through their fear and anger issues. Something most, if not all of you reading this, have completed.

Do not allow those enmeshed in fear, rage, and disbelief in the good of human/universal kind to push you from your radiant energy of comfort and love. Your role is to shine your light brightly so those who wish to transition beyond 3D fear know there is a more joyful life. All they need do to live that joyful life is to throw off their mantles of 3D fear. Something you cannot and should not try to do for them.

Earth angels all, with different roles and awakening times. You have awakened. Allow others the freedom to do the same when or if they wish.

Your role is to shine your love light brightly enough for others to come in out of the cold. So be it. Amen.

LifeTapestryCreations.com. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via WordPress.com. Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (LifeTapestryCreations.com), and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. 

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.

Singapore has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) of a COVID-19 body.

Singapore has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) of a C—OVI___D-1__9 body. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather as a bacteria that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by clotting in the blood. It was found that Covid-19 disease causes blood clots, which leads to blood clotting in humans, and causes blood to clot in the veins, making it difficult for a person to breathe; Because the brain, heart and lungs cannot receive oxygen, causing people to die quickly. To find the cause of the shortage of respiratory power, doctors in Singapore did not listen to WHO protocol and performed an autopsy on COVID-19. After doctors opened and carefully examined the arms, legs and other parts of the body, they noticed that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, which impeded blood flow and also reduced the flow of oxygen in the body causes the death of the patient. After learning about this research, Singapore’s Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocol and gave aspirin to its positive patients. I started taking 100mg and Imromac. As a result, patients began to recover and their health began to improve. Singapore’s Ministry of Health evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home. After a period of scientific discovery, doctors in Singapore explained the method of treatment by saying that the disease was a global hoax, “It is nothing but intravascular coagulation (blood clots) and a method of treatment. antibiotic tablets Anti-inflammatory and Take anticoagulants (aspirin). This indicates that the disease can be cured. According to other Singapore scientists, ventilators and an intensive care unit (ICU) were never needed. Protocols for this purpose have already been published in Singapore. China already knows this, but has never released its report. Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends and colleagues so that they can shake off the fear of Covid-19 and realize that this is not a virus, but a bacteria that has only been exposed to radiation. Only people with very low immunity should be careful. This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Victims should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg. Source: Singapore Ministry of HealthMoved (must read)*Forwarded as received*@NicholasVeniamin

what you fail to realize is that you are NOT human!You are, as you are continuously being reminded, perfect divine beings. -Jesus via John-

Master Jesus


We are all One . . . there is NO separation. The experience of separation is unreal, illusory, like an excessively long dream, from which you are awakening. You need to awaken to enjoy the fullness of life as One with Source, life as it is meant to be lived, fully conscious, fully mindful, fully aware, fully AWAKE!

However, your thinking human minds are constantly distracting you from your intended path of spiritual evolution, the path you designed for this human lifetime, and which is leading you – ALL of humanity – back to Reality, the Home that your Father created for you, and in which you have your eternal existence. Separation never occurred, never could occur, because there is only the infinite and limitless energy field that is God, Mother/Father/God, Source, LOVE!

You are at Home, you just chose a moment ago to be unaware of this divine and unchanging Truth, and it appears that that choice was made eons ago and has, since then, been remade and remade, finally bringing you to this NOW moment of awakening in this ancient physical universe.

Modern science has shown that in this seemingly vast universe there is practically NO physical matter, that to all intents and purposes matter is quite unreal, there is only a vast emptiness of limitless or infinite energy. As awareness of this spreads throughout humanity your awakening takes place.

To awaken is to become conscious that You are that limitless energy, and to realize that You have been hiding from Yourself, pretending to be many billions of diverse insignificant sentient beings lost, terrified, and alone in an overwhelming vastness of nothingness. To ease this immense feeling of being insignificant, lost, and alone you took human form and chose to inhabit a material world where you were able to relate to one another either in seeking the Love that you always and already are, or where you could choose to be in conflict with those who seemed to threaten you – an ‘us or them’ environment that was always very threatening to your sense of safety and well-being.

As humanity’s awakening process accelerates and intensifies, ever more among you will become aware that you are spiritual beings having a temporary experience of life in form.

For many that new awareness will be startling, even shocking, while for others, who have been consciously following what you might well describe as a religious or spiritual way of life and hoping that death will not be a final termination point in their lives, this new awareness will auspiciously confirm for them that their faith in God is utterly and completely valid.

Your awakening will be a most glorious occasion, as all your doubts and fears just fall away and dissolve, and the intense knowing that you are indeed, and always have been, Divine Beings will fill your hearts with the utmost joy.

The only thing that you need do to awaken is to allow the Love, Who has been patiently waiting and loving you, to enter your hearts and embrace you into wakefulness.

It truly is very simple.

However you have all been trained to believe that you are not worthy of Love, and that you have to improve yourselves by working very hard to obliterate that unworthiness, that sinfulness, that sordidness that appears to be a major aspect of life as a human.

You accept that, as humans, you have severely limited abilities and restrictions that prevent you from living your lives as abundantly as you would wish, because it is the nature of being human.

But what you fail to realize is that you are NOT human!

You are, as you are continuously being reminded, perfect divine beings. You were created in Love, from Love, by Love, and what Love is and does is always and eternally perfect.

Love is All, It is the divine field of infinite energy from which all of creation springs forth in divine and perfect harmony to delight and fulfill the Creator and All that She creates. You do not need to change anything about yourselves, you just need to allow yourselves to be yourselves.

Throughout the seeming eons during which life moved into form and evolved there has been an intrinsic or inherent sense that it is not good enough, that it needs to be improved upon. But that sense, that thought system is a major aspect of the unreality of the illusion which you need to release.

You all know or know of people who are very loving and who give themselves continuously in service to others, and you think of them as saints – and so they are. But, like you, they too doubt, or have doubted their worthiness, believing themselves to be sinners.

You have all heard the term “the dark night of the soul,” a very deep and painful experience that it seems is necessary for all to undergo to cleanse themselves of sin and make them acceptable to God, and which some of the saints have reported on in detail. But, as I and many others have told you many times already, you are Perfect Divine Beings, just as you were created, and that has never and can never change.

Therefore, go within at least once daily, or preferably for many brief moments during the day, to your holy inner sanctuaries where Love – your real nature – is in permanent residence awaiting your recognition and acceptance of It.

When you tell yourselves that you are unworthy sinners, unworthy to be in God’s Presence, you are denying your true God-given nature, the nature in which you were created for all eternity by Mother/Father/God, and that makes absolutely no sense at all!

You are eternally the beloved children of God, forever in Her Presence, and now it is time for you awaken to the Reality of that infinitely loving divine State. Just allow yourselves to feel Her loving embrace waking you up.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Arcturian Group Message 8/22/21


AUGUST 22, 2021

Greetings dear ones. In spite of everything you are hearing about and seeing, know that all is proceeding according to plan. Allow the Divine plan to unfold both personally and globally trusting that it cannot be influenced or stopped by those who do not want it, fear it, or believe it doesn’t exist. The Divine Reality that underlies all things is held in place by Divine law, and remains intact despite the actions of three dimensional minds.

You volunteered and were chosen to be on earth during these intense times because you were spiritually evolved, strong, and capable of assisting with earth’s ascension process. You were well aware before coming that your choice would involve experiencing and witnessing events of negativity and chaos. You wanted to serve earth’s ascension process by bringing in and holding Light for the frightened and spiritually unaware majority.

Your choice never meant that you were not to enjoy yourself or have fulfilling earth experiences, but did mean that while doing it you would remain connected to higher levels of awareness allowing the Light of your consciousness to impact those around you as you went about ordinary living unaware of your influence.

You are the way showers, a Light in the dark for those who do not understand what is taking place and who live fully in the density of a three dimensional belief system. Your calm and trust will provide an example to others when things become even more intense as they soon will.

At this point your work is simply to allow which means trusting that you are right where you need to be and experiencing what you need to experience for your spiritual growth. Even for the very evolved, the Higher Self will bring about situations that seem problematic from a human standpoint but which in reality are clearings or learning experiences necessary to evolving into a higher level of spiritual awareness. This is where trust becomes very important.

When a soul incarnates into the lower frequencies of the third dimension, they are no longer in full alignment with the higher frequencies they came from and forget who they are. They begin to think of themselves as just human beings and accept what they are taught by parents, teachers, and society in general. Many very evolved souls have lost sight of their mission simply because they got caught up in earth’s belief system which is why it is very important to keep yourselves consciously connected at all times.

Remember always that you are not a human being subject to every belief of duality and separation floating about in the collective. You have been that state of consciousness in many previous lifetimes but have evolved beyond it and no longer need to keep holding on to its beliefs. You know who you are and now must actually and wholeheartedly accept it.

Allowing means resting in the truth of your being and accepting that your Higher Self is running the show. There are no accidents. Allowing can be difficult if not impossible for those who choose to remain aligned with old energy by spending hours watching and analyzing the news or in close contact and agreement with others fully enmeshed in third dimensional consciousness.

Stay above the fray. But “how?” you ask. Learn to turn off phones, computers, and televisions. Spend time in nature, do short meditations while at your desk, doing dishes, waiting at a stop light, or whenever… Wean yourselves away from addiction to constant distraction–music, voice, texting, radio, phones. The human mind loves distraction and gets a sense of satisfaction and even accomplishment from it, but if you are seeking alignment with the Higher Mind you must understand that IT speaks in Silence and cannot be heard over the noise of distractions.

When things get difficult as they often do because you live in a lower resonating society, stop, take a step back, and contemplate– “I am love. I am connected to all life within the ONE LIFE. I am peace, harmony, completeness, abundance, intelligence, wholeness etc. etc. etc. I am everything that Source/God is because I am Source expressing ITSelf.” Then ask yourself if you really believe it.

Many begin to practice truth but when things don’t immediately change or get better, they give up in the belief that it does not work. Truth must become your state of consciousness before it can manifest outwardly because consciousness is that which forms the outer. It takes practice and patience even when nothing seems to change or even gets more difficult.

As truth gradually integrates and becomes your state of consciousness you begin to experience more synchronicity, choices becoming easier and better, life events unfolding easily and without effort and struggle, abundance of what is needed when needed and often from where it is least expected– harmony in all facets of living.

Do not lose hope for realization is a gradual process although in reality, it already is complete. No need for struggle and work to attain spirituality, for these actions simply solidify the belief that God and your good is outside of you. Cease any further struggling and rest in what is.

You the awakened ones, have reached an important spiritual point. “Do I really believe what I have learned is the truth of myself and others or do I still question and consider truth too impractical for everyday living?” This is your personal journey and you must accept that no guru, book, channel, ceremony, religion, or even Jesus or the Buddha can do it for you.

Everyone has all the time they want to shift into a higher state of consciousness but now is a perfect time because the energies of earth are rapidly changing as new and higher frequencies of Light come in. Right now is the time you have hoped, awaited, and chose to be present for, but free will allows you choice with no wrongness or rightness about it and no mandate from “on high”. We simply say that now is a really good time.

Time has run out for playing the role of being a “spiritual person”–reading books, taking classes, and spouting the “truth” words without being willing to live them. All serious students of truth will soon be needed to assist those shocked and afraid as events and information unfolds. You don’t want platitudes and truths learned but never fully accepted to be all you have to offer.

You need not seek strength and courage in these times because you now know that these qualities already exist fully present within you as does love, security, peace, etc. and everything else you have sought from people and spiritual practices throughout your many lifetimes.

The times for seeking are finished but only if you choose. Every person at some point faces the choice of accepting that everything they have ever sought already exists fully present in the Divine Consciousness of their real being or continue living from the concepts and beliefs of the third dimension many of which have actually served well at times.

The world is rapidly changing because its vibrational frequency is rapidly changing. Learn to stand back and observe while holding spiritual reality in your head and heart. Practice seeing the light within every person, especially those who are causing disruptions and trouble. You may see only a small pin point of Light in some while with others you see Light filling their whole body.

The acknowledgement of Light within every person is love and is how you love yourself as well as others. Love does not mean accepting without question everything another says or does nor does it mean you need to somehow develop an emotional attraction to the person. In its highest sense, love is simply knowing and accepting that all are Divine Beings in spite of any outer appearances and then taking what ever human actions you may be guided to take. Love is the interconnecting energy between all within the ONE.

Love is not an emotional attachment as so many believe although that is often a part of it. Love is not forcing someone out of their chosen “gutter experience” if that is what they are choosing. Love is not doing nothing while spouting “God will take care of it”. Love is knowing the truth in all situations while allowing intuition to guide you to appropriate actions which may on the surface look very three dimensional.

For some of you, living Love will be a life of quiet awareness, silently acknowledging the truth and Light for everything you see and witness in the world. Others will be guided to become actively involved in movements and groups where their Light will help guide others to higher ways of creating a better world.

Allow yourself to be guided as to how you can best serve the ascension process because there is no right or wrong way to be Light.

Love yourself and all your seeming flaws in the realization that God has no flaws.

We are the Arcturian Group 8/22/21

​Donations are welcomed

Higher Self Message through Nikos Akrivos

Be at peace with where you are with the ever increasing energies. It is true that this demands even more inner work in order to surf the waves of Solar/Mother God Energies smoothly. The work you are doing is also benefitting all those around you who are not as aware of what is taking place. The shift ,as we have repeatedly shared, is first within and then without in all things, for all manifestations both personal and collective. We are always one breath away to assist you and once you ask , support is immediate as you may notice more and more. That is the thinning of the veil manifestation and the shift on how you feel is equally a direct manifestation in the now to be tangibly manifest soon in the physical world. Notice that the word soon means: time of manifestation is shorter and shorter as the vibration rises on the planet. Another direct manifestation is the time of sustaining a good feeling, a good thought or a frequency of manifestation is getting longer and longer. This means that what the collective of Humanity wishes is about to become tangibly manifest more and more sooner than later. This is why it is good to write down ones thoughts as they come through a personal dialogue as this brings more clarity and a higher perspective, first felt through vibration , then translated through feelings, thoughts and finally words. Trust, have Faith and Surrender. Or as you like to say be a S.T.A.R. Surrender, Trust, Allow and Receive.
More than ever the Surrender part is the one that you learn to practice and be at in this now.
Allow Universe/God brings the beautiful uknown at your door step and you will discover that it was really worth it!
I Am Your Higher Self and I Love You.

we highly recommend that you have the courage to try surrendering into the flow with your faith and trust and staying there long enough to discover what all the fuss is about.

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Unique Within the Oneness

August 20, 2021, trinityesoterics.com


We have spoken for many years of the power and importance of the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, which is the higher vibrational navigation system. While many of you are interested in the system, we understand that entering it through the act of surrender can feel somewhat scary. We wish to address this today.

It is common to feel like if you surrender you’ll have no control at all. You may perceive it as being completely un-tethered, or bouncing about much like a pinball in a pinball machine. This is not true at all. Once you surrender, you enter into the flow, and the flow comes complete with a steering system that is directed through your focus and gratitude. Your free will is paramount, and will always be honoured as your divine right.

Another fear about surrender is you will somehow lose your identity. Surrendering into the flow does not in any way take your identity away. In fact, it only helps you become more of who you really are. Your personality and traits are yours, and how you serve both your incarnation and the planet. You can never, ever lose them, nor would we ever want you to because we would miss your uniqueness terribly!

Surrendering is choosing to end your perceived separation from Source and to experience the love and support that is your birthright as an individuated aspect of that Source energy. It is choosing to work with an entire team whose specialty is loving and guiding you into your highest potentials and aspirations. It is ending the pain of going it alone and experiencing the wonder and magic of Home while you are still in the body. It is taking the courageous step of experiencing yourself as a beloved and integral part of the whole, and being willing to see what becomes possible from there.

As all those who have worked with the tool of surrender will tell you, you can very easily be in the flow or take yourself out of the flow. Once you surrender you are not committing to losing yourself in the flow for the rest of your days. Again, your free will dictates whether you are in or out of it. The Divine Combination isn’t a permanent vow or commitment but rather a system that is dependent upon you continuing to choose it.

So we highly recommend that you have the courage to try surrendering into the flow with your faith and trust and staying there long enough to discover what all the fuss is about. We guarantee that once you start experiencing the many ways it serves and supports you, it will very quickly become your preference.

US, Non-Vaxed/Non-Masked/Non-PCR Testing Employment Page by State A to O.

US, Non-Vaxed/Non-Masked/Non-PCR Testing Employment Page by State.

Link to States from letters  A to O,  click here the link below.

Pennsylvania-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

Rhode Island-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

South Carolina-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

South Dakota-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

Tennessee-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

Texas-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

Utah-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

Vermont-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

Virginia-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

Washington-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

West Virginia-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

Wisconsin-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

Wyoming-Employment non-vaxed/non masked/non PCR tests

🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸  Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸

Peace and Prosperity. Or perish.

I don’t play Politics.

HRH Majesty Queen Romana Didulo,
Head of State and Commander-in-Chief,
Head of Government of Canada,
Queen of Canada/President of Canada
#WWG1WGA 🙏🇨🇦 🇺🇸  🌎 🐸

Humanity’s awakening is a done deal!-Saul via John-

Humanity’s awakening is a done deal!  Many are now feeling/intuiting the truth of this, the actuality of it, because it is occurring NOW.

There is only Now, and more and more of you are becoming aware of this at moments of peace that arise in your daily lives, and it is inspiring and uplifting you as you wonder how many others are also experiencing this inner peace in these now moments.

Initially they are but brief fleeting moments, bringing you a sense of wonder, of delight, but as you continue to open your hearts to invite Love in to embrace you they will manifest more frequently and last longer, as you realize more fully how lifeis Love, is Source, is Oneness and is always happening NOW.

This is the age of Miracles!  Life is a miracle, Love is a miracle, humans are miraculous beings and are now becoming aware of this divine and wondrous truth, and this is what your collective awakening is all about.

You have been preparing yourselves for this momentous event for eons by constantly choosing to evolve spiritually.  To evolve spiritually is to become aware of your eternal and divine nature as One with Source in every moment of your existence, and to become aware that separation from Source never occurred, and never could occur because there is only the One Who contains within Itself ALL.

Your seemingly long-term experience of separation was an experience you collectively agreed and chose to undergo in an extremely brief moment of collective insanity.  Instantly, Source, knowing that you would change your minds, and would choose, desire, and set the intention to return to Reality, provided the means for you to do so, knowing that what you had constructed with your infinitely powerful mind was a vast space in which you would and did become horribly and alarmingly lost.

You were created Free, totally free, because Love, Mother/Father/God, Source is infinitely free and created you like unto Itself.  Love accepts all without conditions because Love is unconditional, and therefore It honors your choice to experience the illusion of separation, and waits patiently for as long as it takes for you to change your collective mind and choose to awaken from it into your natural and eternal state of Oneness with the ALL.

Therefore, in your daily visits to your holy inner sanctuaries, remind yourselves that you are One with Source, that you are Love, and invite Yourself in to embrace you.  As you do so, set the intent to open your hearts to receive Your loving embrace and to feel the Love that you are.

Release all sense of unworthiness and allow yourselves to know that you are loved and that you are Love.  There is nothing to fear because you are eternal beings created in Love from Love as Love, and that state, your natural state, is eternally unchanging as is your continuing and everlasting presence in the Presence of Mother/Father/God, the infinite field of Energy that is All that exists – It is Consciousness, It is Awareness, It is Knowing, It is Intuition, It is REALITY!

You are Reality!  There is only Reality, and all sentient life is One with That.

You have forgotten this because it was necessary for you to forget in order to be able to experience an unreal reality seemingly separate from All.  Your forgetting, and the environment that then became possible for you to engage with, do not exist.  You can all imagine places, situations, things, or events that can arise or be created by you in the environment that, as humans in form, you are inhabiting.  In fact you have all done this as you have dreamt of a new job, a new relationship, an exotic vacation, or any other kind of temporary escape from the monotony or drudgery of everyday living, until that state of everyday living once more demands your full attention.  And yet many have brought what they have imagined into being.

Your ability to imagine and create from that state is awesome because you are One with Source.  However, because you chose to forget Reality, you mostly have also forgotten how powerful you are and thus do not avail of your amazing creative abilities, but instead focus your attention on the seemingly real and very demanding material environment in which, as humans, you experience your lives.  This is changing, because modern science has discovered that All is pure energy, and in recent decades this has made it possible to enormously alter your living environment with the help of the technologies that this knowledge has made possible.

Because you have been living separated lives for so long and making war on one another almost continuously – and there is still a lot of that happening today! – modern technology has been almost always used first to build better weapons with which to destroy one another.  Awareness of the total insanity of this way of life is now growing very rapidly because the horrifying consequences of these self-centered behaviors is being revealed to you ever more clearly every day.

There is only Now, and the reality of Now is becoming daily more apparent as what was new yesterday is found to be out of date, no longer useful, today.  You have known about planned obsolescence for decades, but the obscenity of it can no longer be ignored.  Planet Earth willingly provides all that is necessary for all life forms to thrive, and in spite of all the damage that industrialization has caused over the last few centuries, and particularly since the late nineteenth century, rapid healing and restoration can and will occur when the choice is made to cease desecrating the environment on which all life in form is completely dependent.

That choice is being made Now.  It is your wake-up call, your call to Awaken from your eons-long unreal state of separation and become fully aware of who you are, the dearly beloved children of God eternally at Home in the divine Presence.  More and more of you are becoming aware of this daily.  Your awakening is assured, is certain, is unavoidable, so Trust in the Love that you are, That is All – Mother/Father/God, Source, infinite and unconditional Love, the energy field in which All has Its eternal and most joyful existence.  Be prepared NOW for the most glorious celebrations as you are welcomed Home into full re-awareness of Who You truly are – One and All.

With so very much love, Saul.

Sol is assisting all of you now in moving to the next level of Earth life, and that is the level needed in order for NESARA to be birthed into full enactment, yet it does not come without some cost to your Earth selves, as you have known them.

A Message to Lightworkers – August 20, 2021

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones!

We are very happy to have this time to speak with you today, and to address this excellent question from a Light Bringer:

There are relentless personal bombardments of dense energy coming at me almost nonstop, especially during my sleep time.

I am keeping centered, grounded, and my Sun shields all around me, yet if you have any insight here, it would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

THE COLLECTIVE: We would say that for most people upon the Earth at this time, very little appears to have changed in the past month or so regarding the energetic flow upon the planet.

This is mainly due to the fact that humanity tends to process life in terms of outer appearances—how you and your loved ones feel physically, what you see on your many screens each day, how your work day flows (those who are working now), and how your outer world appears.

So that for some, very little appears changed.

And yet, everything has changed.

The bombardments of dense energy are the release of the old matrix, by which we mean, a disturbance in the Earth’s overall vibration in which millions of lower energies and entities are being pushed out of Earth’s atmosphere, surface, and Inner Earth.

It is so that there has been a cleansing happening for some time, in which these denser energies have been leaving Earth, partly due to Earth beings’ own soul intention, and the intent of the Earth Herself.

Enough Earth beings have been raising in vibration, that their higher frequencies have been chasing out the lower vibrations, energies, and entities for some time now.

This is one reason why you see so much desperate action on the part of the old power structure.

They are losing their minions, for one, which were long counted on to anchor the vibrations of discord, fear, confusion, helplessness, and strife into certain parts of the Earth, as much as possible.

They are also themselves feeling increasingly uncomfortable and ill at ease with the rising consciousness of humanity and the rising vibration of the Earth Herself.

You have heard that the Schumann Resonance, by which scientists measure the vibration of the planet, is ever-rising to new higher frequencies, as Earth’s vibration continues to climb.

Many of you speak often of your Sun, and the damages done by the warming of the Earth’s surface.

And we would say, there is a great cleansing occurring now of that which the Earth can no longer sustain or tolerate, and that the energies brought in by the higher temperatures, though difficult for many, are a part of that cleansing, and not to be feared.

We will not, and your own souls and soul families will not allow Earth to be destroyed, whether by the machinations of the old structure or by the unremitting strength of your Sun. Sol is assisting all of you now in moving to the next level of Earth life, and that is the level needed in order for NESARA to be birthed into full enactment, yet it does not come without some cost to your Earth selves, as you have known them.

There are ways in which the Earth can be protected from the more difficult effects of the solar rays that are reaching you, and ways in which the Earth can be climate-stabilized—ways that have been blocked until now.

Likewise, there are ways in which you all can be protected from the intensity of the energies occurring now, though we will say that most of your higher selves are allowing the “onslaught” of energies to further your evolvement on all levels—mind, body, and spirit.

Most of you work powerfully in the etheric in your sleep state, and are working as your higher selves at all times via your own vibration, to protect Earth and Her beings in this precarious time. Understand that in these last days of the old regime, you face great opposition to that work which you came in to do, and that this will not lessen until the task is done completely—or those anchoring the opposition are removed from their place of influence, a process that already began some years ago.

In addition, your energy bodies’ strengths often well outweigh your physical body’s strengths, and while the greatest “cure” for the current discomfort is moving into a fifth dimensional form, you are still able to assist yourself in moving into levels of insight and vibration that mitigate the effects of the bombardment of dense energies.

Humanity has requested, as a soul group or an amalgamation of soul groups, that we not take this path from you due to difficulty or any other reason, but that you be free to express your evolvement and Ascending path in ways that are natural to that process, for your planet.

Now, there is an inherent problem with that request, because the kind of evolvement that Earth and Her people are experiencing is extreme and highly difficult to navigate.

You have seen how not everyone has decided to remain on the Earth for the whole of the process, and this is understandable.

You are never fully defined by your physical selves, and often now the physical body and sometimes also the emotions are saying, “I have had enough,” and will find whatever out is required in order to release the spirit and let go of physical Earth life.

These dear ones will return, if that is their decision once they return to the higher realms. Much of that is yet unwritten.

But you speak of how to mitigate the immensity of the dense energies as they reach you, and we will perhaps surprise you by saying, though much of this experience was not created by you, some of it was, on a higher level.

It is your own experience uniquely, because you are feeling the difference between where you increasingly are in your own vibration and where the Earth is, and where you have been vibrationally in other Earth lives.

So that suddenly Earth feels to carry antagonistic energies that work against you, making it a denser, more difficult energy to move through, similar to wading through deep water rather than water that only reaches your ankles.

In part, humanity’s own density it is facing now.

Yet for your particular Earth mission (and that of many others), much of the bombardment of density you are feeling now is due to the broadcast of dark energies being transmitted, to set people into dense emotional vibrations and feelings of fear, helplessness, and loss.

Due to your particular Earth work, you tend to increasingly meet that head-on in your waking hours, as you do in your sleep state.

This is part of why you are here, and we find increasing levels of overlap happening now as people begin to enact that work they have been doing in their sleep state, unbeknownst to their conscious waking self, but in a round-the-clock, ongoing way.

We would say to this dear one, it is wonderful that you remain centered and grounded—excellent work!

You do best now to simply observe the density without involving yourself in a struggle with it.

Struggle is what it wishes to elicit from you, so that if you are at a disadvantage, as a person who is embodied and dealing with dense energies or entities, that is indeed a very vulnerable place to be.

Consider that you are far more powerful than anything that would try to joust with you etherically. When you laugh or smile at a dense energy, rather than feeling attacked or annoyed by it, you have already won.

Remember the writing of Sir Thomas More, “The devil . . . that proud spirit . . . cannot endure to be mocked.”

We do not suggest applying any religion’s theology to this situation, yet that bit of advice offers an interesting viewpoint, and one that reveals what you have always known—that anyone who must use fear or oppressive presence to assert their superiority, power, or authority, has already lost.

Particularly in these energies now, as the old power structure issues one fear-based clarion call after another, it is obvious that they are scraping the bottom of a barrel of very old tricks that no longer work as they once did.

Some of these energies will come to you for assistance, and so, tell them, “I hold you in the Light of all that is Calm, Peaceful, and of Divine Love,” and release the need to push against them or even to react.

Reacting to that which feels oppositional only brings in more of it—you have seen this in the schoolyard, with bullies who push for a reaction and have far less fun when they find none.

Before you sleep each night, call upon Archangel Michael, not in the manner of one who is lost or frightened, but with all the authority your Light Bringer status affords you, and say: “Lord Michael, I request and require that you and your Legions of Light gather round me to protect and assist me as I do my work etherically each night. “Spread Angelic wings around me, so that I am free to do my work, untouched by opposition, while gaining increasing strength, resilience, and Joy. I give thanks!” Then expect that help to arrive with no delay, and to be there for you consistently.

In the morning, likewise, call in all the help you require: “Lord Michael, I request and require that you and your Legions gather round me to protect and assist me today and every day. “Spread Angelic wings around me so that I am free to do my work, and to grow, heal, and learn, untouched by opposition, while gaining increasing strength, resilience, and Joy. I give thanks!”

You may still be aware of the density flowing around you, but do not feel it is your job to fix, heal, or even react to that which is being released upon the planet now, dear ones.

Part of why you came in at this time was to absolve yourself of the need to rescue, to be a savior, or to be saved, even in the most dire of times and places.

Release judgment of this time you are in, as you release the need to have all you experience make sense to you at this time.

Celebrate each person’s path, including your own, and do not feel that the density you may experience now is yours to dissolve.

Do not engage with such, and release the feeling that you must push against it, that something must be done.

Something is being done, and that is your very presence on the planet at this time! Along with that of millions of others who likewise have come in from all over the galaxy, and the Universe, to assist Earth at this time. Somehow, we are able to assure you, that is enough. Namaste, friends! You are never alone.

Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-august-20-2021.

Thank you.

Cease And Desist Groups Europe.

Cease and Desist groups are taking over all over the world. We The People are called for action. To know more about it, join your country’s group. This is only for Europe:For Europeans Note: Queen Romana’s main channel is https://t.me/romanadiduloIF you are not a Citizen of the individual Countries listed below or living in it – please do not join. Links to join:

Albania -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/xl_xbNZut6BlNWRh

Austria -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/6SWA63HALbY5OWM5

Bosnia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/4rT93MPQRGM2NzFh

Bulgaria -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/cYga2PaG4_IxYWQx

Belgium -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/y-BOvUyXLhBmYTMx

Cyprus -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/NKqDrugTLFhmZWIx

Czechia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/nkpyAOM6ts0wOWYx

Croatia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/usT26MemcqJkOTIx

Denmark -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/j9rapdEYiXo3ZDYx

Estonia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/a85Q3qwZmWhkZWEx

Finland -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/GKW-tqoeLjo2MWUx

France – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/SorvcoifyPcwYjAx

Greece – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/JTaNRrDb4N82OWUx

Germany – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/rwow5izlOBg3MDJh

Hungary -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/sI82x1XpBnE2MzAx

Ireland -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/kTnXyFCJQd5jZjIx

Italy -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/ebfbKEJvOTowYjZh

Kosovo -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/qxhgJn_Vl202YzMx

Latvia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/Oazbrp8Kn85kYWQx

Lithuania -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/_VpaI3IKSK9iM2Zh

Luxembourg -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/vdbHuPIvyG8wNjhh

Malta -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/4_YwPVj5lzIwZmQx

Macedonia- Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/vW13NI_YtVxmZGQ5

Montenegro -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/UblYRPnm0BgzYzNh

Norway – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/UqsgMS2ayWc3OGEx

Netherlands -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/e0p4wLdgTRA5ZmYx

Poland -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/FJQ70UTRZkRhYmMx

Portugal- Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/-0suom37EuMwMDEx

Romania -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/qXTK7j9bDJtkNTIx

Slovenia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/fLhteunnYRQ3YWRh

Slovakia – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/tQZ5MdLwJAJlMjc5

Serbia -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/udLgU8K6WQ8yNDU5

Scotland – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/X7lbuU0LWMJkMDQ5

Spain – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/39xGHYS3jcMyNzNh

Sweden – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/wBxtRIh4EUViNmU5

Switzerland -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/eRFC7PPE7Zo2NDZh

Turkey -Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/ZdVpIGfxVVJjN2Yx

UK – Cease and Desist https://t.me/joinchat/5kMZpNrhOuFjOTcx

Ukraine – Cease and Desisthttps://t.me/joinchat/eXGP_RsT_kI0MDUx

🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Q 🐸🐸🐸🐸

Peace and Prosperity. Or perish.I don’t play Politics.

HRH Romana Didulo, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief,Head of Government of Canada, Queen of Canada/President of Canada #WWG1WGA🙏🇨🇦🇺🇸🌎🐸https://t.me/romanadidulo

Telegram: Contact @romanadidulo

T.METelegram: Contact @romanadidulo

You can expect to start seeing manifestations coming faster and faster, as the energies keep increasing in their speed and their vibration…You will demonstrate your ability, the results that you get from practicing.

Mastering the Creation of Your Reality ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been focusing quite a bit of our attention on your ability to hold your vibration in a particular frequency, and we are very pleased to report that humans have been showing a greater ability to stay in the vibration of your choosing for longer stretches of your time. This is a skill that you need while you are still fourth dimensional, because you need to hold that vibration for a longer period in order to manifest something and know that it was you that was responsible for the manifestation. So it is very empowering. It also keeps you feeling the way that you want to feel, which is even more important than the manifestation part.

In a fast-paced society where people are often rushing around and giving their attention to whatever is grabbing it, it is very important for you to be able to hold a vibration, and it is a skill that indicates to us that those of you who are doing it have been able to tune out the physical realm long enough to relax into your internal realm. You can only really be aware of your vibration by going within, and when you are willing to go within, you are capable of accessing the vibration of your choice and holding it. But like anything on your world, it takes practice. It takes your time, your attention, your focus, and your effort, and we want you to know that the effort you have been putting forth has been paying off.

Those of you who have determined for yourselves that it is an important skill to have are noticing that your lives are getting easier. You are noticing that your powers of manifestation are increasing, and you are noticing that you are in the mood you want to be in more often than not. Now, the tricky part will be sharing this ability with others in such a way that they will be able to notice the difference in their own lives. So those of you who are holding meditation classes, sound healings, and gathering together in groups, holding various intentions, you are the ones who are mastering this ability and figuring out how to help others in their quest to feel that they have a sort of mastery over the physical realm.

Remember that you have all been masters in at least one previous lifetime on Earth, or perhaps elsewhere in the galaxy. So you are remembering abilities like this one, and it is through your practice and your continued interest in all things spiritual that you have come to this point. You can expect to start seeing manifestations coming faster and faster, as the energies keep increasing in their speed and their vibration. And this is one of the many ways that you will serve your fellow humans that you have there in the fourth dimension. You will demonstrate your ability, the results that you get from practicing, and you will figure out ways of teaching them how to master vibration. And in mastering their vibration, they will master the creation of their reality, and that is what so many are looking for at this time.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

If you are focused on expanding love ~ your love for yourself and your love for others, you are in complete alignment with the Divine Plan. You are effortlessly creating external change, through your internal transformation.

Jennifer Crokaert ~ Xiaera: Are You Distracted?

August 19, 2021, jennifercrokaert.com


Beloved sisters and brothers, it is our great pleasure and honour to revisit you this day. You are both on the cusp and in the moment. This is an historic moment that those of the dark side have tried to steal from you, to vanish from in front of your very consciousness, but they could not, as they had stepped beyond the laws of the Divine Oneness.

This is the legacy that you were always destined to experience, and although it has been delayed more than you may like, it is in perfect alignment for this now moment.

The truth is unfolding in layers; what seems “true” one day, is revealed as lies in a subsequent now moment. ‘Truth’ as you understand it, as you conceptualise it, is a process; it is created in layers, and each layer reflects your consciousness at that point in “time.”

It is for this reason that there are many layers of “truth” all being shared in this now moment, because there are many layers of consciousness currently co-existing in your now moment. These will very soon converge around two dominant “truths” that reflect two dominant world views and two consciousness vibrations.

For this reason, we ask, are you distracted? Are you externally focused? Waiting for revelations and change? Waiting to be “right?”

Or are you internally focused?

This journey is a journey of consciousness, first and foremost. The external landscape changes to reflect the evolution in your consciousness. Your ascension is what matters.  Your ascension is the focus and the pivot point, your alignment to your Divine Self, your Christed Self, your inner Yoda…  That is the focus.  That is the engine of all external change, truth and evolution.

Look inside! Look at your heart, your actions and motivations. Become as clear as you can be: that love is the super-power of your evolution.

At one level of consciousness, love of self is seen as a failing. At a much deeper level of consciousness, love of self is seen as the quantum power driving this evolution. Without surrendering to the totality of who you are ~ the light and the shadow ~ you cannot embrace the totality of another in compassion and understanding.

The wise men and women who walked your planet were revered for the love they extended to others, but they all began with love of themselves ~ that was gateway to the ocean of love.

By truly loving yourself, you mark yourself as a Master, where upon you are accepted into the ocean of love, so that you may bathe in it and allow the love within to flow from you to all around you.

So we ask you: Are you distracted? Are you looking at the external world waiting for change? Or are you focused on the real transformation at hand: the evolution of consciousness, the Ascension?

If you are focused on expanding love ~ your love for yourself and your love for others, you are in complete alignment with the Divine Plan. You are effortlessly creating external change, through your internal transformation.

(c) 2021 Jennifer Crokaert www.jennifercrokaert.com