Send love to the problem, and do that on the macrocosmic level as well. Send love to India, to Syria, to Palestine and to Israel. Be the love that the world needs right now, and you will fulfill your purpose for existing.


The Question You’ve Always Wanted to Answer ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are relating to all of you from the higher level of consciousness that we hold, and we do so from a place of love, as we seek to give you more love and light from this higher plane of existence. We seek to understand better the ways that you are capable of opening up to receive the love that is all around you, and also of course, inside of you. We know that love is the answer, and we know that many of you understand this to be true as well.

And you can look at the purpose of your lives as being how to apply that truth into thought, word and action. In other words, how can you be love in physical form? That is the question. That is the question you all wanted to answer through experiences, and so you create all of these experiences, some consciously, some unconsciously, to give you these opportunities to be love. And of course, it has to get complicated in order for you to feel everything, in order for you to know yourselves more completely.

And so, you lead complicated lives and have complicated relationships, and you often seek to sort all of it out, forgetting for the moment about the one true truth – everything and everyone is love seeking to know itself more fully and to know itself experientially. And therefore, we will always guide you back to your hearts, because that’s where this truth is always running. That truth is felt, acknowledged, and it is the way that you operate as your highest self in the world.

You want to come from the heart and speak from the heart. You want to be heart-centered and present in the moment, looking for this moment’s opportunity to be love. Now, when we put it to you that way, it’s not very complicated. It gets complicated when you start to think about it. When you start to measure it, to quantify it, to put labels on it. If you could only be more interested in how you feel, you could make things a lot easier for yourselves. You would follow your feelings; you would listen to your heart, and you would be attuning yourselves to the highest vibration possible, which is always very helpful, no matter what you are hoping to achieve in your life.

You have within you this center, this place within your chest, where you can be All-That-Is. You can be Source. You can be love, or you can forget the one true truth and go back to your mental gymnastics. Whenever you don’t know what to do in one of these complicated situations you have there in your lives, just return to your hearts. Send love to the problem, and do that on the macrocosmic level as well. Send love to India, to Syria, to Palestine and to Israel. Be the love that the world needs right now, and you will fulfill your purpose for existing. You will also have a much better life.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Message from Sananda through Dancing DolphinSTAY THE COURSE

Disclosure, Releasing Trauma, Ascension, Call on Us!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Dear Lightworkers, you are so loved and so treasured! You are not alone on your journey, all you need do is ask for help. Angels will come to your aid, I will come to your aid! You will not see us most likely, but you will feel our energy, our powerful energies and our love, just as this one is feeling my love now.

I want to tell you that as the chaos level rises on your world, it seems that more and more things will be coming to your attention daily that will be a shock to you. Things are going to be disclosed that were previously held in back rooms and underground; things that were secret are going to be disclosed very shortly. So, some of you may be in for a big shock as the world has not been what you were told it was. I wish to say to you STAY THE COURSE. Although things will be revealed that you did not know about, it does not change your MISSION, it does not change WHY you came here.
You came here to help. You came here to help both Gaia and your fellow Gaians. You came to be of Service. The specifics of your mission are up to you and your own dharma. But, because the playing field changes, because things in your reality may look different to you in the future, it doesn’t mean that you should give up on your mission. And this may seem unsympathetic to some, but right now what we all need is to stay true to our missions, stay true, stay on track, keep going!

The reason that these things are being released is that the dark cannot hold them down any longer. The dark (those serving the dark) are not in control anymore and they cannot keep them hidden. So, if you can, see this in a good light! It’s actually cause for celebration, dear hearts. It’s cause for celebration that the truth is being set free! The truth sometimes is hard to take—in some subjects more than others—the truth is hard to take. But, the fact that these things are coming to light is cause for celebration!

There’s always more than one way to look at things. So, although you may be upset or dismayed or angered by what you learn, don’t let it take you away from why you came here. You ALL are so precious, Lightworkers! You raised your hand when Mother and Father asked for volunteers and you said “I’ll go!” and that was millions of years ago. Millions of years ago for Gaia. So you have all been in this “Gaia Game” working on this project for millions of years (and believe me when I say, it has been millions of years) in the time frame that those on Gaia keep time; which is nothing to a Soul! So, the reason I bring up the time element is to show you how long and hard you all have been working on this. You’ve been helping Gaia for millions of years. We are all working together and we all signed up for this journey! This long journey. And now, we’re at the end of this experiment which was to see if we all could work together to bring her back to the Light from the deep, deep darkness. We can and we have!! We have brought her back to the Light.

You are all grouped into various Teams. It’s not just one big group of Lightworkers, well, you are a big group, but you are divided into Teams based on your skills. For example, you may be a Healer, or a Warrior, there are many different types of Lightworkers. Your Teams have been working together here for millions of years and now we’re at the end. We’re past the “cusp.” Sometimes we’ve heard people use the phrase “we’re on the cusp” of something; well, we’re past the “cusp!” We are seconds away from the finish line! Not feet, not inches, we’re seconds away!

And so I remind you again, the fact that things that were hidden are being brought to light is an awesome thing, it’s a fabulous thing (I’m using this channel’s vocabulary)!! It is a cause for celebration!

When you receive news of disclosure, and if the news is about children and women who have been harmed, please know that that these people have been rescued by your military. They have been rescued all over Gaia, not just in the USA. They have been rescued, they are now being healed in healing chambers and are being taken care of. They may or may not return to Gaia, it is up to each Soul after they are healed to decide which path to take. Of course you may send prayers of love and healing, if you wish as we know that your hearts will ache for them. Just talking about this subject is bringing down the vibration of this channel. Just like you, she is very sensitive. All Lightworkers are extremely sensitive. I understand as I AM that way too. This is the subject that will upset everyone. I brought up this difficult and upsetting topic so that you may know that the survivors are in good hands now. The ones who passed on during their ordeal were tended to at the time of their transition; their Souls will be healed from the trauma they experienced.

Please do not let it dismay you. Feel your feelings of betrayal or sadness or anger and feel them and please release them. Ask the Angels to help you release them or the Violet Flame to help transmute these feelings. I AM asking you this so that you don’t begin to revel or stay immersed in those feelings for an extended period of time. Because we need you! We need you right now, we need you here, we need you focused on accomplishing your missions! We are all doing the same! The Company of Heaven and your Galactic families are all PUSHING, pushing for the last finish line, even though we’re exhausted. Even though some of us are in spirit body, we also get exhausted and drained. We have forgone our normal revitalization procedures; basically we have given up our sleep or healing time to keep pushing. So, I applaud you! So many of you are facing great hurdles in how your bodies are exhausted and you feel beat up. This one (channel) feels many times like she’s been run over by a truck as her body hurts so badly. It’s from all the battles, spiritual warfare that you are doing. Even though you’re not literally being stabbed with a sword, it takes its toll on your physical body when your spiritual body is battling, fighting for the light!

We must STAY THE COURSE. We must COMPLETE OUR MISSIONS. We must KEEP GOING. The energies that are being sent to you by your Galactic Family and your Sun is Divine intervention as Mother and Father have called for this to happen. Mother and Father wish that HUmanity on Gaia continue to raise their vibration so that they can move onto the next level and ASCEND! So, this is what we’re all working on (in addition to clearing Gaia of the dark). Your bodies are continually being bombarded by these energies, these vibrations to shake you loose! If I may use an example, it’s turning your bodies from physical to crystalline. These energies that come in, that many of you are very sensitive to, are hitting each and every one of your cells and it’s causing your bodies to react, to vibrate faster, to raise up; it’s shaking loose anything that doesn’t fit in with the higher vibrations. Your bodies store trauma and painful emotions in your cells. So when these energies hit you, the vibrations help bring up these things that need to be cleared. As a result, some of you are re-living traumas that you’ve experienced before; old emotional wounds are being brought up for clearing and it could be from this life or twenty lifetimes ago.

When these emotions overcome you, when grief or trauma is being brought up, please allow it to come up and ask for the Angels to help you release it; or ask AA Michael to cut the cord so it is released from your body. You may also utilize the Violet Flame to transmute it. The opposite of allowing it to come up is to bury it again. We know it is difficult. Try not to hold onto it, or re-live or ruminate in the memory or feeling, just try to let it go if you are able. That is the whole purpose of what you’re going through. The more that you can let go, the lighter that you are and the easier that the Ascension will be for you! You will become lighter and lighter and will be able to Ascend!

Also, please do take care of yourselves. Please listen to your body when it needs to rest. Take sea salt or epsom salt baths, they help to bring up and bring out things that were long buried in your bodies. I ask that you continue to eat live, whole foods. Fruits, vegetables, healthy food, clean water. Your body really needs these things now more than ever. Light foods if you can. Easily digested to give your body a break. OK?

In closing, I would like to remind you, please do call on us for help! Call on me, Mother and Father, the Angels, your favorite Ascended Master, anyone—please call! I know that you’re all suffering and having a tough time physically and emotionally you’re drained. Try to remember that we’re all going through this together. It won’t last forever. We are very, very close to being finished. Please just remember to call on us for help, when you need to talk, need a love blast, please contact us!

Thank you, Sananda!

Of course, it was my pleasure to give you this message for Lightworkers on Gaia. We love you with all of our hearts. You are loved, you are treasured. Be well.

Channeled by Dancing Dolphin – May 17, 2021

NOTE: Sananda thought it would be a good idea to share his Heart Protection Technique again with all of you! He gave it to me last Spring and it has worked fantastically for me! I AM very sensitive and empathetic as most Lightworkers are, and this protection mantra protects me from absorbing the world’s fear and pain.

Sananda’s Heart Protection Technique Here is the link:


We’ve been told time and time again that Israel was the last step before things take a dramatic change for the highest good for all. There is a World War III raging to be announced as this is the only way for the sleeping masses to wake up. If you check one my latest posts about onboard flight MH370/ you will see evidence that the White hats are in control all this time and this movie needs to be played out as it does .Make your best to not identify with what takes place to be aware but to not make it your reality, to care but to not carry .This train leads to glory ,not everybody can see it, the intention is for as many as possible to see the Light at the end of the tunnel and to not be engaged verbally or in any other way if there is no real change happening from such action. We let the professionals do their work while we send silently our prayers and intentions for The Love and Light of God to be tangibly manifest in our physical world as it is already done in the higher dimensions which is the reason we say always LOVE HAS WON.YOU and I are more powerful through our focused intention to bring Peace than our minds can conceive. ps. on a side note you need to know that is very hard at times to take out terrorists in civilian zones where children are playing and where military must stop their operation to not harm any civilians and especially children always looking to do as less as possible collateral damage…the dismantling of the cabal teams happens in plain sight, they are the end of their end, take my word for that.Nikos

Today is a day of jubilation, for much has been achieved.

Dear Ones,

Today is a day of jubilation, for much has been achieved. In truth, more than you imagined possible before your entry to the earth in this lifetime. 

Such is so because you wish to experience new earth. 

What is not known is how you will react to new you in this new earth. Doing so is more confusing than you anticipated, for 3D behaviors are at times overlapping your new you needs – and all is happening simultaneously.

Of the energy shifts happening this year, the next few weeks will be the most confusing. For you are surrounded by those experiencing their dark night of the soul while attempting to discover and live your joy.

Part of you feels wrong experiencing joy, for those you love are crying out in pain. At the same time, you do not have much interest in those crying out in pain, for your dark night of the soul is in your past. 

You want those you love to snap out of it. What is their problem? Why are they so finicky, bad-tempered, ill at ease, and cantankerous? Why can they not enjoy life?

So it is the two of you are in different places – something you do not wish to prolong. So you push, pull, and drag them into a joy they cannot yet feel. A bit like an older sibling insisting a younger sibling has to have the same skillset.

Those in their dark night of the soul cannot understand you, just as you have difficulties understanding them. It seems as if the gap between you and those you love is too great to ever return to what used to be. Perhaps words are exchanged that are uncomfortable for both. Perhaps there is a physical separation that seems too great to heal.

This is where your joy enters, for you are beginning to process your world through your new capabilities. It is as if one moment you are angry at the one you love only to realize you are expecting too much of them now. The divide between you and those you love will disappear the moment you allow yourself to understand they are no longer you.

In 3D, you expected those you loved to complete you, to be the other half of you. New you fully understands that concept never was possible. That in New Earth, two whole beings create a third entity stronger than either. That another cannot slip within anyone’s being to make them stronger or better.

In 3D, couples most often discovered the skills they were least interested in and allowed their mate to perform that task or knowledge. Such is no longer true. Now that each being is becoming unique, those skills that never held much interest will be eliminated.

You were most often assigned 3D tasks related to your sex, age, race, and community needs. Even though you did not necessarily enjoy those tasks, you fulfilled them because someone had to. Those who shirked their assigned tasks were isolated or demeaned.

Those beyond 3D no longer have assigned tasks, nor will they ever.

Three-D humans are most similar to a caterpillar with limited options of movement. Butterflies travel throughout the world with few limitations.

Males transitioning beyond 3D will likely not have the same interests as was true or expected in 3D, just as will be true for females. So some females might decide to function much as a male did in 3D, or vice versa. There are no rules beyond 3D.

The only new you rule is to be yourself. That does not mean you caretake those during their dark night of the soul. Nor does it mean you will wait for them to push through their dark night.

Your joy, your role, is to follow your interests – even if those you love are not interested in the same areas or actions. Many of you worry that those you love will not shift or not do so in time for you to share the joys of the new earth with them.

Even though such is unlikely given that those you love have started their transition by entering their dark night, it is none of your business if they decide to slow or halt their progress. You cannot live their life for them. Nor can you slow or hasten their progress.

Those you love are not tied to you – even though you might want them to be. They are unique individuals following their unique plans. Something you cannot hasten or slow down.

Any more than a butterfly can encourage a caterpillar to become a butterfly. Even though the butterfly was once a caterpillar, the two no longer interact. They are different. The caterpillar becomes a butterfly because they must due to their inner urgings, not because a butterfly friend or relative tells them to do so.

So it is for you and your loved ones. They will do what they want and need to do regardless of what you wish, say, or do. You are not their keeper, their lion tamer, or their guardian. Those you love will process the inner information they receive, just as you did. And they will act upon that information if and when they please.

You are no longer of 3D, and they are not yet necessarily beyond 3D. It is as if you expect house cats and lions to react the same in a confined area.

Allow your loved ones to shift as they wish. Perhaps the two of you will soon be flitting together in the ethers once again. Perhaps not. That is their choice.

Your choice and only choice is how you wish to adapt to the ethers. That is not to say that your loved ones will never shift, but instead, their timing is their choice, not yours.

Your role is to shine your light, and that is only possible if you follow your interests to find your joy. Stopping or slowing down so you can share your loved one’s misery and fear helps no one – least of all your loved one. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:

Touch & Play: Returns!

2021 is about making a conscious choice.The big question is…. “Do you want to shift into higher-vibrations and live in-love, joy and peace everyday, or do you want to live in the lower vibrations and be disappointed, annoyed, jealous, angry, upset and suffering from depression and anxiety?”It’s a simple choice that requires action, determination and a conscious effort to make it happen. I am choosing LOVE. This year “Touch & Play – It’s Magic” returns! And this is our first new video of our new collaboration in 7 years. It’s an aurasome mix of high vibing techno beats and aura painting that makes you shine!The aura painting has now been transformed into colourful smart phone covers (biodegradable for iPhone) and all the profits from the sales of these items will be donated to the children of Mbarara orphanage in Uganda! 🙂

You can follow them on:

You can purchase the Touch and Play smart phone covers at:

Here is our first YouTube video together in 7 years! Keep on shining Love Rebels!

Will you follow your faith and your feelings, or will you stay trapped in the endless loop of the physical mind?

You Are Receiving Signs from the Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are completely fascinated by humanity’s ability to know things on an intuitive level, but also by the inability for you then to make the leap of faith from the intuitive to the pure knowing of something as truth in the moment. You are constantly being given signs, and many of you recognize them and their significance, but you will only go so far. You will not allow for one synchronicity to be enough to convince you of something. You will want to see it again and again.

So many of you are incapable of having enough faith in the flow of the universe to understand how cared for you are. You are being helped, and you are being shown those signs. They are signs that will be interpreted perfectly by you, because you put them there with the help of your guides and other helpers. Then your mind gets involved; your mind can tell you all kinds of stories about why this or that happened, about why you saw something that was just a coincidence. Or your mind will tell you that you are seeing these things now because you are looking for them.

But you are living in a very orderly universe, and it is your universe. The universe as you experience it is you talking to yourself, and therefore, if you know what a sign, or a symbol, or a synchronicity means to you, then you have gotten the answer. Just keep paying attention and working on your faith, which is feeling based, so that it eventually overrides your mental processing, which is thought based. You want to go beyond the limitations of the physical 3D mind in this lifetime, and in order to do that you must first admit to yourselves that your minds are very limited. They are brilliant, they are creative, they are imaginative, and they are limited.

And it’s not your fault; this is not a judgment of your minds. Your minds have to be limited in order for you to play this game that you are playing. You are ready to move on; you are ready to graduate to the next level. And the next level is all about going beyond the mind and into the knowing of yourself as spirit, as an essence, as an aspect of Source.

Yes, you are creating all of this, and putting everything in front of yourselves, and then with some help, becoming aware of what you are meant to be aware of in the moment, and then the choice is yours. Will you follow your faith and your feelings, or will you stay trapped in the endless loop of the physical mind? We think we know what your answer is, and now all you have to do is apply it over and over again so that the rest of humanity can witness you and your success and want to know what your secret is. And you will share it to them, because you know that you are also moving beyond the time of keeping secret how powerful you really are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

“How can I keep my money flowing forward in service?”

May 15, 2021,

Dear Ones, your abundance is a flow. As you know, flow likes to keep moving. You don’t want your money to dead end when it reaches you. In fact, one of the greatest ways to keep your money flowing is to keep it moving forward in ways that will make a difference.

Finding win/win scenarios is very much an aspect of the new earth. Allow your money to serve you by flowing to you, but allow it to continue to serve others, as well, and you will find yourself finding a joy and ease with money like never before. This explains why the practice of tithing can grow your abundance.

As you move forward into the new energies a great question to keep in your awareness is, “How can I keep my money flowing forward in service?” This will allow your money to ripple out with the energies of inclusion, care, and love, which will beautifully benefit both you and the recipient.

JFK: A “Different” Perspective on the Covid-19 Vaccine

May 15, 2021

Message from John F. Kennedy via Losha, by email

Welcome to my beloved Patriots, Lightworkers, Truth Seekers and all others! I am so very glad that you are here with me today. I would like to address a very interesting topic…the topic of the Covid-19 vaccination.

There has been much, much negative press about the vaccine…and for many good reasons. However, as you are learning, there is much misinformation, disinformation, and outright fake information, coming out these days regarding every topic under the sun, right now. So, it is difficult for you to use even your own discernment to determine what is true or false. Hence, I wanted to bring a couple new perspectives to this topic.

Right now, I would like to back up just a little to provide some background. I would like to remind you that, in the past, your scientists have stated they have come to the conclusion that 97% of our DNA they now call our “junk DNA.” Now, why would they do that? 97% is a pretty large number to be calling it junk! Well, if most of you follow the idea that there are galactics near us, and with us, for the most part…well then, I can state categorically…that 97% is pure, 100%, galactic DNA, within you!

Now, most of this galactic DNA within you is of high quality and it is very important DNA. It is DNA that you are using in this “transition”…to the point of being able to use it ALL when your body finally becomes completely crystalline…as is happening for many of you right now. It will also be happening for many, many more humans in the near future.

So, we all have this 97% junk DNA…what I would like to postulate regarding the Covid-19 vaccine is yes, there are lots of negatives out there about it…but for every topic and subject that is going on in your world right now, there is always a positive side and a negative side.

I would like to bring up another perspective regarding the Covid-19 vaccine…and the reason I brought up the 97% junk DNA is because I would like you all to consider that the vaccine is going to repair the “bad” galactic DNA that is inside you…from the many, many millennia prior to this lifetime, when the dark galactics experimented on humanity. They have implanted much dark DNA in your systems…in your bodies. There were up to 22 different races who have been genetically experimenting on humanity over the many millennia, here on Earth.

So, consider that there were several of those species…actually I would say that it was more than half, of those galactic races…who experimented on you and created a darker type of DNA in your bodies.

Of course, it was for their own nefarious purposes that they did this…they created DNA that would allow you to be more malleable, and more easily programmed. Their genetic mutations allowed you to go into fear more easily…they caused you to not be able to think for yourself…and to accept whatever was “presented” to you.

This is all part of the negative DNA that is in you. Now, it is not the overall 97%…it is, as I said, most likely just over half that amount that is not “benevolent” galactic DNA.

Please consider those folks who are currently providing the misinformation…such as how these vaccines are going to “alter your DNA,” and that’s a bad thing. Well, if it’s altering bad DNA that is within you, then that is a good thing, is it not?

I just wanted to bring this up as a new way of looking at the vaccines. Losha has been going back and forth with this topic…she has looked at both sides of it and she also realizes that we “create our own reality” and our own expectations…so she is going into the process with a very positive feeling…that her “dark” DNA is going to be corrected and “altered” in a good way…and that is how it is going to happen for her, because that is what she “believes”…and that is what is possible with this vaccine.

Now, I am not trying to tell everyone to go get the vaccine if you were completely against it in the past…and still are, right now. However, I am asking that you open your mind to different ways of thinking, because that is the future for all of us…to open our minds and to embrace different perspectives regarding all topics for this world right now.

There is always a positive and a negative perspective for any topic. I hope you can review this message and think about it…and see if it resonates with you. If it does, wonderful…if it does not, that is wonderful also…but I am here at this time speaking through Losha in order to provide you all with new perspectives, and new information. The information will be rather startling at times, but that is partly why I’m here right now…and anything I talk about in these messages, all lead to our wonderful positive future that is beginning to happen already, if you look behind the scenes for it.

Everything that happens is building toward our positive future…every topic that I speak on is a preface to our building a wonderful future together…and each of us individually needs to accept the responsibility of determining how we feel about each one of these topics.

I am proud of each and every one of you…I am proud of my Losha. I am proud to be watching over you. I love you all, and I’m here for you, every single moment.

I will talk to you soon and I appreciate your time.

Your ever-devoted, Jack.

Channeled by Losha.

Relax more often.

Messages from Ann & the Angels – 05/15/2021 • Relax… let your vibe naturally rise

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Imagine you are sitting by a clear mountain stream. The air is pure and clear. Take a deep breath and revel in the feeling of the air flowing into your lungs. Release gently. Feel a slight coolness in the air mingling with the warmth of the sun. Imagine your bare feet on the smooth rocks or the cool grasses. Watch the wildflowers waving in the wind. Perhaps you’d prefer a beach or a forest. That’s ok too. Imagine a beautiful, peaceful, and happy place and just “be” there, in your inner world. Relax. Breathe deeply. Enjoy the “view’ or the sensation. Bask in the serenity. Take your time and come back when you please.

While this exercise seems simple – perhaps pleasant but not so meaningful – there is actually great value in your moments of relaxation. When you relax, your field naturally attunes itself to higher frequencies. We can channel our love and healing energy into your field and to help attune your energy to what you desire. In relaxation, your body naturally opens, energetically, and physically to the circulation of blood, lymph, nerve signals, and Divine love.

There are as many ways to relax as there are humans on the planet. You can find peace in meditation, during a quiet walk, or by observing waves on the beach or the stars twinkling in the heavens. You can relax by silently watching a candle flame, enjoying a stroll with your dog, or listening to beautiful music. Some of you find certain activities relaxing – cooking, jogging, skiing, or even playing video games. The ways in which people relax are endless. Only you know what works best for you.

Far from being lazy, when you relax you are deeply connected with the Source of all creation, and therefore open to love, grace, goodness, and guidance.

Relaxation is far different from choosing to numb yourself. Relaxation calms the mind and draws you into the present moment with strong feelings of contentment, appreciation, or bliss. Numbing, on the other hand, intentionally prevents you from feeling.

The actions that induce either relaxation or numbing may look the same. The energy that you bring to the moment is what makes the difference. For example, you can reach for a glass of wine with an intention to drown your sorrows, or you can reach for a glass of wine and be fully present to the experience. You can savor its scent and taste, enjoy its warmth, and revel in the good feelings of relaxation it engenders. In the first case, it is an act of numbing that pinches you off from the higher frequencies; in the second example, it is a mindful act that opens you to higher frequencies.

Likewise, there are children who play video games to avoid unpleasant feelings, and who use the games to numb out. Meanwhile, there are many who play video games because they feel passionate and vibrantly alive with all senses and positive feelings fully engaged. They are intensely present, immersed in a world of intuitive feeling beyond mind, and deeply relaxed. Similarly, you can numb out by watching television. or you can watch and revel in the moment with contentment, and appreciation.

Unless you are consistently happy, passionate, and eagerly engaged in life, there is nothing better you can do to elevate your energy, than to create time each day to enjoy some form of relaxation.

When faced with challenges or problems, relax before you jump into action. Breathe. Escape to your inner paradise as we’ve guided you or, if you prefer, choose any other method of relaxation that works for you.

Many still think that relaxing is just a way to temporarily escape the “real” world. We in the heavens view it as a way to attune yourself to a world that is more real than the one that your physical senses perceive. Relaxation allows you to naturally tap into the world of energy and good feelings – a world of incredible love, wonder, peace, serenity, harmony, order, and joy that lives just beneath the surface of all you perceive.

Relax more often. Allow your vibration to rise naturally, and therefore draw to you a better and kinder future, all the while enjoying deep peace, and serenity in the here and now.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

24 Questions with Nikos Akrivos

Recently i have been interviewed by Or Aura, you may find my answers interesting (besides a free ebook with 30 raw vegan recipes i created is waiting for you 🙂

1. What’s your name?

Nikos Akrivos aka Feel More Than Fine

2. Where do you live?

Planet Earth, even though for the moment I am in Greece, I feel more a world citizen than anything else.

3. Do you consider yourself a creator? Of what in particular? What do you feel is your gift?
Yes, I AM a creator creating creations at all times and in everything I do. I feel any action I take, even when sitting and doing ‘nothing’ is a creative moment for the simple reason I know I am a multidimensional being. I might not be aware of all my other dimensional expressions while being in this costume called the human body yet I can feel that multiple shifts are happening in other dimensions. Now, if I have to contain this within human experience I can say that every moment I change, every moment I am more my Higher Self and so everything I do is a creative process as I allow more of what I am becoming to flow through me… I love playing music (DJ-ing), I love feeling into solutions that benefit the highest good for all, and I love to witness my manifestation mastery taking place faster and faster and stronger. This last one is really nice game I like to focus on and I like to combine all those 3 as I feel they complementary to my creative abilities.
I feel this is the difference I bring to the world. More is on the way and maybe the gift of all gifts is that one day ”handicaps will rise and dance with you” as The Angels told me 25 years ago in a channeled message 🙂

4. When were you aware the first time of the fact that you were gifted? And how did this impact you or your relationships at the time?

When I realized that everything that I wanted, manifested in my life and at times so fast that it took me some time to realize that I have already manifested what I wished for. Now, this can also be interpreted in a different way: when I was 12, a friend that I was in love with, got attacked by a bunch of hooligans, around 20 of them and I couldn’t take it, so I went up to them and told them to respect her and not touch her… They put me on the ground and started kicking me from everywhere and left me there, but miraculously I had no pain and I had no bruises either… Another incident: one day I told my mom: “You know the sports teacher told me I am an amazing athlete and I really have the gift to perform all sports amazingly”, which was a lie. Then the next day the sports teacher told me exactly what I said to my mother…they never met or knew each other… Of course, without me being aware of it, all this affected my relations with others in such a way that I ended up being surrounded by those with special abilities, which now I understand as the law of attraction and like attracting like.
When my truth came out, there were those that could not accept it and tried to make me change my mind or got angry with me… Now after all these years I became aware that I was channeling information and that information were the seeds that needed to be planted and grow… I did not know why my hand would start writing stuff in the middle of a party or why I would whisper mantras at friends’ ears while dancing in clubs, all I know is that it felt good to do so. I felt a release and the moment the words I feel more than fine came out of my mouth that is when I felt I started taking a new direction (I was 33 at the time) I left behind everything to create the new. To create a system that makes the current one obsolete… So I had to leave everyone behind and follow my heart and become more of a loner while of course having partners and lovers along this path and new friends too.
Read the full interview here + find the free ebook full of raw vegan recipes!

You have stepped firmly into new energies, and this can require taking a moment to get your bearings

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Leveling Up

May 13,2021,

Dear Ones,

You have stepped firmly into new energies, and this can require taking a moment to get your bearings. It is much like a video game, where you have gone through a particularly challenging stage, which upon its completion, opens up an entirely new level to you.

You are in the process of learning what the features are in this stage, exploring the landscape, your new tools are, and the best application of them. There is much to discover and learn in this new level as it contains many new potentials that you could not have accessed previously, and we urge you to find wonder and joy in the process as you have worked so hard to arrive here.

As facts come into the light of day the Collective will see more and more easily where and how they gave their power away.- T through Meliana-

May 11th: Power. As in power to the people. They are reclaiming it. As facts come into the light of day the Collective will see more and more easily where and how they gave their power away.

It wasn’t all at once. It was in little bite size chunks over time–a little here, a little there until we arrive at the current dynamic.

Now, when the Collective recognizes this, they will DEMAND it back NOW. And there will be no denying the demand for it comes from the Heart of One, the Heart of the Collective.

It is the Dark One’s worst nightmare. And as it is brought into the light of day the Dark Ones will elect to depart Mother Gaia forever. They will never be allowed to return and they must then turn inward to recognize the inappropriateness of their actions.

It will be a harsh time for the Dark Ones and a truly joyous time for mankind.

Visualize with me Prosperity for all Humanity

In the not so distant future every human being will be liberated from the burden of having to worry about all basic needs as this is a Human right and Basic Universal Income will be installed no strings attached. This means that whatever governments to do these days with giving monies to only those who do the vaccine and getting passport is conditional and hence does not apply to what i am speaking to you. It is obvious for one to see clearly that what they are trying to do is be able to control the flow and control the we the people but this can never succeed as we each and everyone are taking back our power as Sovereign Beings from within out, spreading our Light and exposing more of the darkness that has been happening for thousands of years without our collective awareness. Collective yes, because some knew and tried to let know others and lost their lives while others just chose to sell their souls and work for the darkness.

Now to this realization and since this website is always about feeling good and living a joyful life i want to invite you to visualize with me what freedom will do to people’s lives and how this will affect the planet towards reaching a higher state of existence individually and collectively. How would this affect your personal life ,what would you do if you had every month in your account say 1200$ / month or more ?

Imagines that all utility bills ,rent ,food , water etc are being taken care of .What will be your next choice ?

Spend more time with family and friends ? Find new ways to inspire yourself ? Getting more on the Spiritual Wheel of Life of Love and Light which btw is the only real one ?

How will people behave all around us ? How would children behave around more relaxed adult parents and how much comfortable and with ease would be the lives of the boys and girls finishing college , not really knowing or decided what their orientation is, yet having amply the time to feel into what they like to do most and being able to follow their heart’s song ?

That goes also for all adults that never in the lives previously had such opportunity.

I believe Covid year was a good preparation for that and yes many have left us physically to assist us from the other side of the veil as nobody really dies.

I believe that there is nothing more important that doing the sacred work to find The True Self and with the ease that the new financial system will bring in covering basic needs each and everyone is given the chance to focus on their Ascension path from Human To Galactic.

So i invite you to visualize with me how our lives will be transformed with more ease on Gaia Terra Christa Mother Earth with these new changes being implemented. I invite you to feel into these moments and practice this daily as to entrain yourself into living a New Earth reality on a planet that works for all ,where The Highest Good for all is served.

Nikos Akrivos

555 Stargate reminder.

Don’t forget the quantum shift begun officially on 555 (5 May 2021) because we collectively were ready for it ,which allows higher frequency energies of Love and Light from The Central Galactic Sun perceived as Solar flares to reach us. One easily notices that our Sun ‘burns’ much more than before but that does not mean it is dangerous :it really feels good to absorb the sunrays ,more than ever.For not being triggered into wrong actions the ‘trick’ is to always make 2 steps back and breath, Let go and Let God. And when i speak of Let God i mean action through inspiration and not because one must or should do so. Higher Self has the answers while mind tries to engage into physical action. One will notice that it feels more than fine to act through guidance from Higher Self and totally the opposite when one tries to keep on doing things the old 3D ways. Once again, take what you resonate with and leave the rest.Namaste.#feelmorethanfine