When you experience yourself feeling sorrow, sadness, or any kind of dissatisfaction with the circumstances of your life, please call on me. -Jesus-

October 14, 2020 by John Smallman


Sorrow is a powerful emotion that arises when you experience loss.

Today I want to address sorrow.

Many people are experiencing great sorrow as a result of being separated from friends and loved ones, due to the present worldwide restrictions on meetings and social interactions of all kinds.

When you experience yourself feeling sorrow, sadness, or any kind of dissatisfaction with the circumstances of your life, please call on me.  I am always available, and I will always answer your call immediately!  It is my joy to assist you all in your ongoing awakening processes, which many of you are finding extremely unsettling.

As you spend more time alone, and find emotional issues arising powerfully within you which need to be addressed, thanked, forgiven, and released, ask me to help you to relax into your holy inner sanctuaries where Love awaits you, wishing only to embrace and honor you if you will allow It to do so.

Allowing and welcoming is the key, so let go of any negative feelings or self-judgments about your worthiness and invite Love to join you there.

Sorrow is a powerful emotion that arises when you experience loss, and which can be extremely debilitating, often leading to intense depression and lack of motivation for life.

In these unusual times everyone needs someone to whom they can talk about personal issues that they would normally not talk about with anyone.  And many of you feel that there is no one to whom you can safely disclose these seemingly private matters, often due to a sense of shame and inadequacy, believing that you should be able to deal with them by yourselves, as others obviously do.

The truth is that you are not alone in experiencing this sense of having no one to whom you can talk, this sense – even a belief – is in fact endemic.

So let it go, call on me, and I will guide you to meet with someone who can and will listen to you lovingly and without judgment, to assist you in identifying and releasing those deeply buried but strongly ingrained beliefs that have never served you.

Also let go of expectations as to who this might be – an egoic fear-driven attempt to limit your choices – thus allowing your intuition to present you with the most felicitous opportunity.

You will, of course, still be completely free to choose whether or not to engage with the one who propitiously appears, as you work with your issues of trust.

Learning how and whom you can trustoften causes worry and anxiety because you have all had your trust betrayed at some time, or many times in your lives.

But with the ongoing effects of the Tsunami of Love, that is flowing abundantly to assist in your awakening process, people are becoming increasingly aware of the need to live their lives honestly and with integrity while respecting another’s trust in them, and are therefore making a conscious choice to honor both themselves, andall others.

Love is your nature, and as more and more become aware of this the opportunities for kind and loving social interactions – one on one, or in groups – are growing rapidly.

There is only One, therefore each one is that One.

As more and more of you recognize this divine Truth your interactions with one another become ever more loving, allowing issues that may have divided you, and even led to conflict among you, to be discussed openly, without any individual setting preconditions or needing to prove to others the rightness of his or her beliefs or opinions.

When discussions are started from this loving state of openness and acceptance, there are no issues that cannot be resolved, although time and patience will be necessary because, even though you have entered the New Age, many are still working on personal issues of non self-acceptance, unworthiness, and lack of trust that can be spontaneously triggered and lead to conflict.

Fear often leads to anger, sometimes intense anger, that can be used to defend the self or to attack another, and when this happens it is inevitably divisive.

Fear is a response to separation from or abandonment by a loved one, and unreal as it is, because you are all permanently and eternally in the Presence of God from Whom separation is impossible, nevertheless, for humans it seems very real.

Were you to be separated from Source, your life force, your consciousness would be terminated, you would cease to exist, and by choosing to incarnate into the world of form you seem to have been separated, so all do have a deep inner sense of fear.

The way to release this fear permanently is to become aware of your true nature as One with God, and to know that that is indeed who you are.

Many who have had NDEs have talked and written about the wonder and joy of that experience, the full knowing realization that there is only Love, the infinite field of divine energy in which all that has been created is eternally present without interruption.

The unreal state of limitation that you experience as beings in form is temporary, a state from which God has promised that you will awaken.

Humanity is now fully engaged in the awakening process because the time for unreality has been terminated by your collective intent, and you are now most actively engaged in awakening.

For most it is a very unsettling moment because the belief that unreality is real has become so deeply ingrained within you.

As humans, you collectively dislike change because it brings uncertainty, and for many to think about aging and dying is anathema, while modern medical science tries desperately to overcome and prevent death.

Therefore, to come to the realization that there is no death, that there is but a transition to Reality is amazingly and intensely freeing.

This realization can be accessed by everyone, because God would not withhold it from any of His beloved children.

The way to realization of who you really are is by going within, and spending quiet time alone there as you ask to know, and then really allow yourself to listen to and hear the Voice for God within you, where It is always present. 

You are never alone, so go within, ask for confirmation of this divine Truth, and allow yourself to hear It, feel It, and Know It.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


And look out at everything that is happening, but just look at it—do not become involved in it. Do not become emotionally involved in it.-Saint Germain-

by James McConnell


I am Saint Germain. As always, it is a pleasure to be with you. To be able to share. To be able to open up new vistas, new understandings for you to come to. For as you are contemplating much that is happening now across your planet, as you are looking at the scene in front of you and wondering, your third dimensional consciousness is wondering what is happening?

Why is this happening?  Why can’t we just get on with it?  Many of you ask that question—why can it not just be over?  Why can we not end this game now?

And the answer that comes back to you in those moments may not be the answer that you were looking for, but you know that it is the truth.  You know that you must continue to play the game for a little bit longer.  And to be able to, as you said in your discussion earlier, trust the plan.

The plan is everything.  The plan has been in motion for thousands and thousands of years, and that is just for this planet here.  That is just for this planet.  But there is the greater plan, the universal plan, that has been in existence for millions, and even billions and billions of years.

And it is all focused now, in this moment, now, that you are in.  All is coming together exactly as it needs to.  As you have heard many times, everything is being orchestrated.  So just trust, now.  Trust in that.

And look out at everything that is happening, but just look at it—do not become involved in it.  Do not become emotionally involved in it.  Just see it for what it is.  But know that so much that is happening behind the scenes still yet today is, again, part of this plan.

And right now, there is a secret operation that is going on, that is occurring.  And it is even beyond the scope of what you could possibly come to understand at this moment, because it is so vast.  It is so much a part of a vaster plan, here, that is occurring.

And all you need to do is just trust.  Trust in yourself.  Trust in the knowing within each of you that you have planned and worked to come to this moment in your lives, and this moment in your collective lives.

This is what you came here to do.  And you are right now at the cusp of that, right now, where you are approaching.  We cannot say The Event just yet, but it is approaching.  We cannot give you a date.  We cannot give you a time frame.  But we can say that everything is leading up to that now, even the announcement that you just had of the President.  Even that is part of all of this.

But again, you must trust.  You must know that there is a bigger reason for everything, here, no matter what it is.  But we can tell you, I can tell you, that what is happening now with your president, he is going to come through this.  It is not even a remote possibility that he will not make it through it, because it is a planned operation, you must understand that.  It is all planned.  And it is all part of the greater plan, the greater operation that is in motion now.  Secret as of yet, but soon to be revealed.

Could this be the great announcement that has been spoken of?  Very possibly.  But there is a series of announcements that will be coming.  One after another.  And this is the ending of one phase now, and approaching the beginning of the next phase.

And the next phase will bring even faster announcements, faster developments than you’ve become accustomed to.  One right after another is what is going to be happening, here.

So when we say for you to ‘fasten your seatbelts because the going is going to be rocky,’ we have not been joking about this, as you have already seen in this year that you are in now, in your 2020 year.  This has been quite a rocky year, and it still may yet get rockier.

But, once that happens, it will all smooth over, and you will be able to unbuckle those seatbelts and give a huge sigh of relief and be able to sit back and truly come to a rest.  Because you will have earned it.

You are all in that part now where you are earning your keep, so to speak.  You are coming to the point where you are reaching the level, the awakening, that you have been preparing and planning for as a whole, as a collective whole.

True, not everyone will awaken.  And all certainly not at the same time.  But many, many more are in that awakening process right now.  All it takes is just a little nudge here and there.

And that’s where you come in:  you, the Lightworking Community, the Light Warriors–that’s where you come in.  To give that little nudge when it is called for.  Even if it is just taking off the mask and showing others that you do not need to wear them, or not worrying about this virus.  For you know it is not what it appears to be.

Everything that is happening right now is not what it appears to be.  If you attempt to analyze, if you attempt to use your third-dimensional mind to come to understand this part of the plan, you will not be able to.

But, if you rise above it, if you raise your vibrations and rise above it, and come to it from a 5-D experience, from a 5-D outlook as we do, then you will be able to look back down at that lower vibrational dimension and begin to make sense of it.

It will become understandable, because you will be looking at it from that neutral point, from that point within the moment.  Whenever you do that, then everything, and I do mean everything, makes sense to you.

I am Saint Germain, and I release this channel now to your One Who Serves.

Just continue to move in the direction that you are.  And do not give up!  No matter what it is, do not give up!  Do not say, “I cannot handle this anymore,” because you can!  You can continue to move on.  You can continue to forge ahead.  Because, my friends, you are the Way-Showers!  Show the way, now!

I want to see Everyone Celebrating. And when your mind tells you… “I still have bills that I don’t know how to pay“… replace immediately with ′′I AM FREE”!!!-Saint Germain-


Dear brothers and friends. Saint Germain speaking to you. I come to tell you that your long wait is OVER.
Everything is coming out of the mouth and as planned… today the redistricting of Wealth on planet Earth BEgins.
It is with immense Joy that I inform you that Nesara and Gesara are Fulfilled for the Greater Good of Humanity.  
I can Affirm that today the planet enters the Golden Age of LOVE… ABUNDANCE for all and the immense PEACE… which so far was the privilege of few.
We’ve had to wait 20 long years to see the full implementation of the Nesara / Gesara Act born.
It’s been a barren and torturous road. But with the invaluable Help of LIGHT Servers… We’ve Made It!
Dark hats haven’t made us easy at all. But, with the help of President Trump… we managed to drain the vast Deep State swamp.
That’s Already a FACT.
There’s still one another who continues to fight against the Unequivocal Victory of LIGHT.
But they are very Aware that the battle is Over and the war has ceased… with the incontestable Victory of LIGHT.
No more delays. No more dilation.
That day October 01 Marks the BEginning of your NEW Way of Life on that Planet.
Ultimately… We enter into the Full Age of LIGHT… with All that entails.
Very soon the Whole planet will KNOW the TRUTH they tried to hide from them so much.
The Earth is… from NOW on… a Full-Fledged Galactic Society.
It’s the BEginning of Paradise on Earth.
Your planet will BE Rebuilt in a completely different way… with a Fairer Society… with Redistribution of Wealth… which is NO longer in the hands of a minority.
Evil has been Removed from Earth.
You can open the Champagne NOW. Let the JOY Reign!  
I want to see Everyone Celebrating. And when your mind tells you… “I still have bills that I don’t know how to pay“… replace immediately with ′′I AM FREE”!!!
From your friend and brother… Saint Germain.

What we wish for you to understand is that you will often experience backward movement as a precursor of a profound surge forward.

October 13, 2020, trinityesoterics.com


We understand it can feel very discouraging when the world seems to be going in a direction that is quite the opposite of the New Earth you wish to create and experience.

What we wish for you to understand is that you will often experience backward movement as a precursor of a profound surge forward. You might think of how pulling the string backwards on a bow is preparation to the accelerated forward movement of the arrow. It seems contrary to pull the arrow in the opposite direction of where you wish it to go, yet the tension created by the backward movement is exactly what creates the build up of energy needed to catapult things forward.

This applies to the times you are in. Keep your eye on the target. Understand the process and believe in where your soul is calling you and what you know to be true. It is the accumulation of the energy from the breakdown of the old that will launch your forward movement into the new. It is from this viewpoint you can keep your balance and see that you are on the cusp of great change.

If you begin feeling overwhelmed just close your eyes, take a deep breath and listen to your heart.

by Jennifer Farley, October 13, 2020, thecreatorwritings.wordpress.com


You are standing on the edge of another series of changes and your future is positively bursting with potential.

Yes, it may be staggering in its immensity but, you have to admit, it is also very thrilling! The choices being offered can take you any direction you want, draw any experience your heart desires.

If you begin feeling overwhelmed just close your eyes, take a deep breath and listen to your heart. The Universe will always be there to guide you in the best possible way.

~ Creator

The most probable Timeline is a decade of rebuilding-XIAERA Channeled through Jennifer Crokaert

Dark Structures and Systems are Crumbling

Many on Earth at present, are consolidating enormous amounts of LIGHT, rapidly changing DNA structures and Pineal Gland decalcification… that needed time to BEcome Embedded.
What happens on HIGHER planes takes time to trickle into physical sight… but that does NOT mean it is not there.  
It will not come as News to anyone reading these channels and others like them, that the Structures and Systems on the planet are Changing. Rapidly.  
We wish to convey that although you may Not see Obvious, Massive Cracks within the Political Realms or within the Banking and Finance sector, that does NOT mean that they are intact.
The opposite is True… for those who seek to control you… the Walls are Crumbling.
They feel that everything is about to fall in on them and there is no escape… BE-ing stuck on a sinking submarine would be a good analogy.  
You can imagine the claustrophobia and desperation this would induce.
It creates such an internal pressure cooker that many are having internal ‘splits’, psychotic breaks… which are resulting in desperate acts to regain their position.
But the cracks are there… soon these Systems and Structures, which you may describe as hierarchical, are about to crumble.  
This does NOT mean chaos and devastation.
Those who are of the LIGHT have worked tirelessly to make this transition as seamless as possible and… with the Ever-HIGHER vibration on Earth… several more Challenging Potential Timelines NO longer exist for you… you have Evolved BEyond them Spiritually.
This process will be rather ‘stop start’. There will BE some Big Announcements which result in Great Changes… these will have some time to embed, and then there will BE more Changes.  
This is a Process.  
It is not a “one-night wonder” … where you wake up tomorrow and the Golden Times are upon you.
This is a Process.  
You grow and expand your Compassion and Forgiveness with each NEW Revelation and each NEW Leap.
You Re-conceptualize the Structures of Power – whether they are Politics… Finance… Religion… Ethnicity… Education – BEcause Everything… Everything, will BE Changing over the next Decade.  
Some Changes will swoop in unexpectedly and create some degree of psychic shock among those who are still sleeping… in order to assist in their Awakening.  
Much of it will BE more Gradual.
Gradual does NOT mean slow.  
Re-organizing the Structures of your planet in such a short time frame will be an enormous undertaking and an exceptionally satisfying one for you… as you BEgin to remember why you came and how you wanted to share your Gifts.
Fulfilling our SOULS Destiny is the Reward… the Purpose and the Path.
Some NEW Structures and Systems will come into place. There will be much flatter organizational principles in operation moving forward.
There will still be some Macro-Structures… but they will BE almost fractal-like… reflecting the needs and beliefs of those they serve… born of their Conscious Consciousness, created to liberate and expand… NOT to diminish or depreciate. The days of Hierarchy are almost past.
Flat NOT tall… Giving Back NOT taking… Local NOT remote… Flowing NOT rigid… Cooperative and Collaborative NOT coercive… Nourishing NOT depleting … these are directions your NEW Structures and Systems will move towards.  
As Generosity and Compassion increase… you will Evolve NEW ways to organize together for the purpose of mutual Benefit and Upliftment.
There are already Positive Templates in place… Structures and Systems that can BE grafted into the old structures… to support various aspects of life during the immediate transition… then more Organic… Reflective means of Organisation can Evolve.
The most probable Timeline is a decade of rebuilding. In that time… you will also open up to contact with us and our assistance with some of the more challenging aspects of your ‘clean up’ process… such as radioactive waste, for example.
We are here to assist. You have all chosen to incarnate NOW so that you could do it.
That is the reason you are Here. You created the Energetic Surge to bring this Ascension Process into BEing… NOW you are Re-modelling all that you have Rightfully Reclaimed.
It is All within you. It will BEcome increasingly Clear as you embed your Upgrades and the Energy increases… soon you will remember what you wished to bring forth in this Time.
In the meantime… Follow your Hunches… continue to KNOW that LOVE – in its infinite variations – is the Building Block of NEW EARTH.
It is always our pleasure to collaborate with All of You of the LIGHT.
I AM XIAERA Channeled through Jennifer Crokaert

You are on your self-love journey. Other forerunners are doing the same.

It Really Is All About You

Dear Ones,

You are likely stuck and have no idea how to move from one place to another. You have tried the techniques so often touted by New Age gurus – breathing, meditating, writing, requesting assistance – and yet, you feel as if your world is crumbling.

What was, is no more. And what is, remains too nebulous for you to attach meaning or your life to.

Is it a world of fear and heaviness, or a world of light? Is it as prophesized, or as you are now experiencing it?

The heaviness you feel is compounded daily by your political, personal, media news, and experiences.

Where is the joy? Where is the fun? But then, once joy and fun re-enter your life, you will forget the pain you are now experiencing.

This pain is not what you expected after experiencing life after earth life of pain preparing for the creation of this New Earth. Even though you knew you would be tested almost beyond endurance in this life, you expected that testing to stop once you and the earth transitioned beyond 3D.

Yet, like a bad movie, you seem to be traumatized over and over again via the media, your neighbors, friends, and relatives. There are so many lines drawn in your sand that others seem to cross, creating havoc in your emotional inner world. So it is you are again traveling that sometimes unpleasant road of discovery as you uncover more and more of who you are.

Many of you voiced that discovering self-love would be your next stage without realizing what doing so actually meant. Self-love is not about merely voicing the words, but also clearing those personal self-doubts, fears, jealousies, and hate that have attached to your being.

You did much of that clearing before helping the earth shift beyond 3D. The pieces you are now grappling with are those that are directly related to you by you. For as you experienced life after earth life, you collected self-hate.

Most often, when any earth life trauma occurred, you became angry at the instigator. At the same time, you withheld a piece of self-worth from yourself. “If I hadn’t been so stupid, this wouldn’t have happened. If I hadn’t selected this family before birth, this wouldn’t have happened.” And on and on. Maintaining rage within and without. The dust bunnies you are discovering within your being are much more about your self-worth screaming to be let out, than rage at another.

But as you have been trained to do for eons, many of you are turning that self-rage into a battle against COVID, a political party, your home, community, family, and friends. You are enraged at the world because you are afraid to go within, to discover those hidden pieces you did not know existed until now.

Self-love is focusing your energy on those hidden pieces.

Even though these hidden self-love pieces are not as dramatic as was true when you cleared the 3D world, they feel equally heavy. Not because they are, but because you thought you were ‘home free,’ that you had cleared every piece necessary to live in joy. And so you will, and so you are. We are merely describing your anger and why it is occurring.

This anger piece will clear in a few days. Allow yourself to feel what you feel, knowing it is a culmination of eons of hiding from yourself. And because you have experienced earth life throughout the spectrum from functioning as a wonderfully loving being to cruelty by you beyond anything you can now envision, it is time for you to let go. And so you are – in rages, anger, fear, jealousy, and sometimes, just pure spite.

You feel as if you have cleared more than anyone of the earth, that you have sacrificed for eons to be where you are emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

We must remind you that forerunners were initially going to exit the earth once you helped the earth move beyond 3D. That plan changed once you decided en masse to remain long enough to experience a world of love and peace. With that decision, you agreed to clear the elements on which you are now focussing.

The 2nd, 3rd, and beyond waves following you cleared many of the pieces you are now addressing before entering earth in this lifetime.

You are doing double duty as it were. But such does not mean that this rage will last for years, months, or even weeks. Allow yourself to experience what you need to experience despite believing that 3D you had ‘left the building.’ Allow yourself to be.

This is a clearing you are allowing yourself to undergo because your major role of helping the earth transition to 3D is complete, and there are enough awakened 2nd and 3rd wave beings for you to move to the next step.

You have retired from helping the earth transition. The earth and its beings are in the good hands of the 2nd and 3rd waves. So it is finally time for you to clear those pieces you no longer wish to remain within your being. Pieces necessary to complete your roles in previous lives but are detrimental to your new being.

An example might be that perhaps you once focused on stopping an enemy from entering your physical earth domain. But by so doing, you harmed or had others killed. So you might have been touted in history as a wise and wonderful leader, yet your inner-being held you accountable for those maimed or killed in your name. Or you might have been one of those maimed or killed, and so you harbored hatred towards the leader who initiated that battle. Both pieces you likely hid deep within you once you exited that life. And so it went, life after earth life.

You have already addressed most of those pieces, but not all. For it is difficult to experience peace and love when you are harboring anger against yourself. This is not a months-long activity. Merely an element of self-love you did not expect. The world has allowed you the time to experience this in the safety of your inner-being as the world supposedly rages in complete chaos. That seemingly complete chaos is no different than overturning a box of puzzle pieces that take shape as the pieces fit together.

You are on your self-love journey. Other forerunners are doing the same. Those of the 2nd and 3rd waves are putting the puzzle pieces together so that once you clear those last pieces of self-love, the world will be in a different place – as will you. So be it. Amen.

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Gratitude opens the door to feeling God’s Love.

October 11. 2020, shantagabriel.com


The Gabriel Message Card for this week ~ Gratitude Opens the Door to Feeling God’s Love.

The essential feeling of receiving Divine Love is so inspiring, most of us wish we could feel it all the time. Once we have had that feeling, we may long with every fiber of our being to experience it again, because it is our true state. I have found that when I allow myself to receive this love, it is incredibly nourishing to me on all levels.

The key that Archangel Gabriel suggested in this message really works. When I slow down and move into Gratitude, it feels as though a flood gate opens within me and Divine Love pours in. This love from the Creator of All That Is reminds me of the vast possibilities that are here for me to choose.

You have heard the expression “act as if,” as a way to change your patterns of behavior. I have discovered that prayers of Gratitude have the same power. They invite the miraculous flow of Divine Love to act in our lives. These powerful prayer thoughts create higher frequencies in our energy fields and allow us to open into new levels of consciousness in seemingly miraculous ways.

When we are having an experience of darkness, we do not have to proclaim the highest states of what we ultimately desire in order to change our experience. When we choose to find even the smallest things that we can acknowledge as evidence of Truth and Beauty, it can gracefully lift our consciousness and shift our feelings. I usually also add in Ease and Grace as big components of what I intend to experience.

In times of darkness, Gratitude becomes the way back Home. Sometimes it takes special effort. In those times I need to find something in Nature to inspire me. When I look at a gorgeous tree or a bouquet of flowers, I can more easily thank God for the Beauty as well as what is present in and around me.

Imagine deciding to let the Universe show you things that you can be grateful for. Here is a list of what has changed my consciousness in less than one hour.

  • Deeply inspiring music
  • Books that speak to my heart and inspire truth and love
  • Breathing exercises that soothe me
  • Green outside my window and the beauty of the sanctuary I have created for myself
  • A friend that called for a brisk walk in the fresh autumn air
  • People that send me inspiring messages, so I can choose to read that which uplifts me instead of what scares and confuses me.

When I do any of these exercises, within a very short amount of time, I feel completely different than when I first began my day.

We are in a powerfully transformative time in which small efforts to change the way we feel pay big dividends in body, mind and emotional states. We are the Way-showers. We are creating a new life on Earth as we make choices that serve our highest good.

Changes can happen very quickly now in the dimensional timelines we are learning to integrate.

I have found it useful to give thanks before I see the evidence of what it is I prefer to experience. Here is my prayer today for shifting into an attitude of Gratitude.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for the gifts and blessings you constantly shower upon me. I am so grateful for the Creative Solutions you provide in every area of my life. I am thankful for my health, my Well-being and for knowing that you are guiding me into situations that constantly serve my highest good.

I am grateful for the amazing beauty in this world that surrounds me whenever I take the time to truly see it.

Thank you for helping me to remember to slow down to take deep healing breaths. I am very grateful that I don’t have to tell my heart to beat or my body to digest its food. Thank you for all the gifts of this physical body that works for me in miraculous Divine Order. Thank you for more Balance in every area of life.

For all these blessings and the life I have chosen, I give thanks. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

When you feel God’s love, there is a sense of Peace and Harmony within you. This feeling allows you to step back from the drama in your life, and to let the love of God flow into every situation. When Divine Love is flowing freely through you, miraculous healing occurs.

There is one place where you can always go to feel God’s love, and that is in your heart. Gratitude is the attitude that will take you into your heart. It does not matter if you see nothing in your life for which to feel grateful, just the act of putting your hand on your heart and giving thanks opens a door in your heart to allow God’s love in.

When there’s nothing else, you can give thanks for just being alive. It is a gift to be in a human body, which is a miraculous instrument. You can give thanks that your heart beats, that your breathing occurs and digestive processes continue without your conscious direction.

If your life feels like a constant struggle, you can give thanks for the lessons you are learning. On the other side of the struggle is freedom. You can give thanks in advance for such freedom.

Prayer shifts our perspective so we can see a larger picture of what is actually going on in our lives. Prayers of gratitude are very powerful, and stimulate an increased flow of God’s energy into every situation. This energy can create miraculous change for good. It may take a little effort to find something to be grateful for when you are feeling down, but it will create a beautiful shift in your mind when you do so. This shift is the doorway into a new awareness of the greater truth in your life.

The greater truth is that you are never alone and that you are here on Earth to remember your connection to the Divine Presence in your life. You are meant to live a happy, abundant life with deep fulfillment. In order to do this, it is necessary to step out of the problems life presents and into the flow of God’s love, which will bring Creative Solutions. It is as if you step through a doorway into right action, trust, and loving awareness.

Gratitude is the key that unlocks the door to all you are seeking — a simple thing that brings miracles into your life. Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

Gratitude opens the door to feeling God’s Love.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel

The act of surrender is not giving up, it is giving Up.-AA Gabriel-

Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Empowered Surrender

October 11, 2020, trinityesoterics.com


The act of surrender is not giving up, it is giving Up.

It is an incredibly empowered act that fully utilizes the assistance that is available to you. What can you hand over today to be resolved by your loving angels, guides, and helpers?

If you pay close attention to your energetics, you will feel a sense of relief the moment you do so. We hope you will hold the space of faith and trust long enough to be led to the solutions you haven’t been able to find for yourself but you know in your heart must exist.

It brings us the greatest joy when you allow us to serve you, and we are always only a heartfelt request away.

Relationships,Medbeds, Ascension.

I find myself these last years enjoying my connection with my Higher Self very very much and i really appreciate the time that i spend all by myself,some would say they feel lonely,i say:i love it!It is in these times that also sweet memories come to my mind,pictures,music with x-lovers.Yes,i had many of them and feeling very much blessed that it was so,all of them wonderful experiences that elevate me every time i think of each and everyONE of them.Many will say,that once you learned your lessons with an x-lover you need to release it and indeed i have done so while at the same i kept the best of the best moments in my mind and feeling those in my now,allows me to raise my vibration.And besides,whether they know/feel it or not,I consider all my x-lovers to be my best friends.There is not one of them that i don’t feel immense gratitude and love and from that perspective i feel quite lucky for not having been married.I love the feeling of freedom.And i love to feel into the possibilities of what Ascension brings.And somehow,knowing what i know now,it feels like i am able to go back in time,go back to my twenties and start all over again using all the tools that i now have.Just think about it?Can you imagine your lives in a few years from now,being able to get into a Celestial Chambers,Medbed and i don’t care if you are 50,60, 80 or 90 or 110 and being able to go to your twenties or thirties or whatever you choose and start all over again knowing what you know now?I feel we can’t even begin to imagine what the possibilities are and where we go as a United Galactic Humanity.

So Just imagines!!! 🙂


Upgrade by upgrade you are becoming enhanced into the galactic human template that you were always destined to become.

Archangelic Collective & Mother God 10/11/2020-Galaxy Girl-

Greetings humanity, we are the Archangelic Collective. Nine of us are speaking to you simultaneously as one in this now, for numerically 9 is the appropriate number in this now. (Looking up 9 numerology represents completion but not finality). We see our ground team holding strong. The days of polishing the armor for preparedness are long over, you have been in the thick of the energy frequency wars and you are well acquainted with suffering. The number 9 is symbolic for those who have humanitarian interests at heart, for those who have seen suffering and processed their pain behind it, ready to serve the world. We are all serving Gaia, just as are you, reading these words. We serve, we support. We lend our light and wisdom. And yet we are continually being blessed by this cycle of giving, for our strength and wisdom, for understanding and insight is always deepened in this process. Where this one is the fall colors are changing. Such is the collective rainbow of energy frequency within the human collective. Upgrade by upgrade you are becoming enhanced into the galactic human template that you were always destined to become. Just as the wind rustles through the trees, much energy is being pushed at humanity to get their branches to bend and yet you are immobile, you are unbending and the dark ones fear you. They fear their own demise. It is time, we feel, for us to enhance the recent portal upgrades that you have been tenuously receiving to allow more ease and more flow of these energies. (I am seeing and feeling colorful angel wings surround Gaia. They are creating their own prisms of light with the rays that they work with. I am seeing these light rays dissipate the gray smog upon Gaia into brilliant prism light). You can ask to do this for your body systems, dear ones, to allow the ease of further energy flow and enhancement. (Yes please). Let in our light and feel the clearing. Add your own light, your own intention of clearing and partner with us. One must be an active participant with their own healing. (I am feeling prism beams of rainbow light at all angles around them penetrating deeply into cells and DNA. I am filled with light).

We are the Archangelic Collective. You have all been working tirelessly and your work has not gone unnoticed. You are heroes in the galactic and spiritual realm where all is known, loved, appreciated. Where efforts are understood and seen for the energy behind them. We are all aware that this incarnation is proving most difficult for many of you, and that you are weary. Gaia too is most ready. Bring this light healing to her that you have just received. Walk barefoot in the grass. Send her your love and it will be returned a thousandfold to you. For the very nature of giving and receiving is like the infinity symbol that we are showing this one. Giving and receiving continues the flow of life, of healing, of receptivity. You all have many ways you can give. Serving. Healing. Sharing a meal. It need not be only financial, for we see and feel the strain. It will not always be so. Along with the liberation of humanity the liberation of the faulty financial system is at hand and changes are well underway. You are safe, secure, protected, loved, provided for. We feel the frustration of those who have been waiting for some time but please remember this was your assignment to wake up early, an assignment of your own choosing may we remind, and for those who are newly awakening and unaware it will not seem so long. They are beginning to wonder at the smoke and mirrors around them creating internal questions. Send them light and healing. But know that we have all been working tirelessly on many fronts, dimensions and timelines. Know that all is proceeding much more rapidly than was previously anticipated because humanity, the awakened ones are able to hold more light. Partner with your own inner light, connect it to Gaia, to Source and shine. Shine, breathe, be, become and align yourself to truly be the radiant light being that you are. The winds of change are upon Gaia and all upon her are feeling it. We are most grateful for this time and bear witness to these tremendous changes of truth. We are the Archangelic Collective.

This is your Mother God speaking. Children, you are tremendously loved and appreciated. I wrap you in my arms with joy. When you see from behind this crumbling veil, you will understand and you will feel tremendous pride and joy at your accomplishments. Many of you have fulfilled some of your missions already for you are holding the light for the others in tremendous ways. New missions, new paths will be revealed to you shortly, but for now, please rest when you are called to rest. Please be easy and gentle with yourselves as you are surrounded by all of the external chaos. Do not let it touch you. Be rooted and anchored deeply in my love and in the light of truth of deep inner knowing that you are more than capable for this task. (I am seeing mothers over the ages saying goodbye to their adult children. I am seeing wrinkled hands paint warrior paint on young adult faces, mothers saying goodbye to their teens going off to school). You have prepared and you are enough and we are with you. I am with you. Feel surrounded by the Archangels, by all of those cheering you on and eagerly watching your successes. The light is brighter now with every passing moment. This exposes the darkness that seems to remain. Pay it no heed. Play, laugh, read, recharge. Hold the frequency of love and hope and you are doing Gaia and all humanity a tremendous service.

I am your Mother God. I surround you with the tenderest of love. I am so proud of my children, so proud. Be proud of each other, and encourage one another on this narrow road. (I am seeing a sliver of a golden pathway along the very edge of a steep mountain. I am seeing this is the road we have been on for sometime but looking behind me more are coming, the golden road must be expanded to accommodate. Yet the road is already at the very edge of the steep mountain rims. I am seeing the golden road behind me expand and become wide enough for the people to walk more enmasse. The golden hue on the right remains the same but the extension is rainbow, shimmering and alive. I am seeing masses of humanity walk this road, helping each other. If one falls there are many hands extended to pull them up. We light workers are not alone, but if we still feel alone it is our choice. We are leading. Leaders often feel alone but our work has been worth it. I am seeing through tears of joy. Mother is crying as well). Children you are so loved, so appreciated. (I am seeing beneath the rainbow road the angels, spiritual families, Mother and Father, as well as all of the intentions and prayers of healing for humanity are all holding up the bridge). I am your Mother God. Not much longer children, not much longer. Feel my joy at your presence and be at peace.

~ galaxygirl

Art Work :Mark Eden

Forecast from Our Sources

October 11, 2020 by Steve Beckow

The storm rages outside.  What’s the 20/20 forecast from our sources?

Adamu pointed to the rude shock coming to those who see others as responsible for their ills.

“Those of you who have been watching carefully, those of you who have been using alternative media sources, will know that the last four years of the present Presidency have really been about putting everything in place, preparation for a seismic shift in the political landscape, in what has been happening in American politics, because there has been so much dirty business and all of this is going to be brought to the surface.

“It’s going to be quite a shock for many, for those who have been attached to their other-responsible position. We see what is coming is that, if you [i.e., society at large] stay in the self-responsible timeline, [there will be] a big shock for the other-responsibles, an opportunity for grand awakening and they may take it or they may not.

“It will be interesting.” (1)

When Mike was channeling SaLuSa, he predicted a time of separation many times.  (2) This may be that time.

The Federation of Light also talks about the same “seismic shift.”

Federation of Light: an Announcement is to come soon that is to shock.

Blossom: Ok … deep breath … be bold Blossom … Is this to come BEFORE the elections?

FoL: Indeed, it is. …


B: So is the announcement or the lockdown the start of Phase Two?

FoL: The lockdown. …

We did not say that each Phase would be worse.

B: Well, you said things are to get a lot more Topsy Turvy.

FoL: And they are … yet, perhaps that is just for Phases two and three. (3)

So Phase Four brings a return to calm? And the beginning of the unfoldment of an era of peace and love?  Mike Quinsey thinks it does:

“The future is not yours to see at present but as unlikely it seems you have a glorious future ahead of you. In a manner of speaking you are setting the seeds for it as you go along even if it is not apparent to you. So try to look ahead with the expectation of some very acceptable changes, as slowly but surely the ‘rubbish’ will be swept away and the many positive changes that await you will come into being.” (4)

There you have it in capsule. Rough and stormy seas ahead followed by increasing calm and, gradually, gradually our destination hoves into view. Not our final destination perhaps but the beginning of the more pleasurable side of our Ascension.


(1) “Adamu Speaks: Coronavirus (Part 4) – a Time of Choosing…,” October 9, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/10/09/adamu-speaks-coronavirus-part-4-a-time-of-choosing/.

(2) “The battle on Earth would seem far from over, but in reality the Light has established itself sufficiently to create its own path to Ascension. The dark are losing their ability to prevent you from discovering your true Self, and instead of separating you from your Light, will find that it is you who separate from them.” (SaLuSa, April 13, 2009.)

“Keep your sights ever on your upliftment, and know that what is around you will have little effect unless you allow it to be so. The world is slipping into two realities, and the division will take place in accordance with the Law of Attraction.” (SaLuSa, Sept. 7, 2009.)

“As you have been informed a number of times when the vibrations have reached a certain high point, those souls who have been unable to reach the same level will of necessity move to a different path to continue their evolution and those who can continue lifting up, will then go all of the way to Ascension. It is a natural progression that enables you to enjoy complete freedom in a vibration that is so pure that only the truth can exist. Meantime you will gradually change at each stage of upliftment, and progress will be unhindered as previously when you had to experience the presence of those of lower vibrations.” (Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self, May 25, 2018.)

(3) The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, Oct. 11, 2020, October 11, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/10/11/the-federation-of-light-via-blossom-goodchild-oct-11-2020/

(4) “Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, October 09, 2020,” October 11, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/10/11/mike-quinseys-higher-self-message-october-09-2020/

The Alliance’s October Global Lockdown .

The Alliance was composed of President Trump, Q (JF Kennedy Jr?), Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Pentagon Generals, the National Security Agency, Military leaders across the globe including Interpol, plus around 100 other influential global figures.
During October 2020 various countries were expected to declare public lockdowns while the Alliance finished cleaning up the Cabal Swamp, according to Charlie Ward, Ph.d.
For the last couple of months they have been testing the Emergency Broadcast System so that President Trump could make announcements. The Mass Media was so corrupt that they wouldn’t allow the news to come out. In preparation for a lockdown you were advised to have at least a two week (preferably a month’s) supply of food and essentials on hand for your family and others who may need your help.
With implementation of the Global Financial Quantum Computer, Cabal Central banks around the world got caught stealing from the kitty. A recent bank sting caused stock markets to crash, gold/silver prices to dip and 100 Deutsche Banks to close.
On Fri. 18 Sept. countries throughout Europe went into lockdown, closing their Central Banks and the non-retail side of major banks. The Central Banks of England, Spain, Holland and Germany would remain closed for two weeks. It was felt that this was due to the transition of the Cabal’s old SWIFT system to the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).
Lockdowns were still needed to cover up the rescue of children from underground tunnels across the globe. Alliance Missions in Australia and Israel (which started Sept. 6) that rescued over a million children in Australia alone, have been completed.
According to Ward, “Melbourne is currently under lockdown for purposes which have nothing to do with saving children. The mission in Israel was about getting rid of the Mossad Deep State that has been running Israel on the agenda of perpetual war. The operation should come to an end sometime around 1 Oct. However, there was a possibility that the curfews would remain.”
There were upcoming missions in Portugal and Switzerland. “I don’t know if there will be anything happening above ground like lockdowns and curfews in Portugal, but there will definitely be operations happening in the tunnels. As far as I know there has already been some preliminary work to prepare the groundwork for missions that are going on. There was going to be action in the underground tunnels in Switzerland as well. However, I’m not able to speak about it in too much depth.”
A HUGE FIRE IN OCTOBER “17 Global Changing Events Coming in October” by Light Bringer – 9.20.20 Entry Submitted by Light Bringer at 1:15 AM EDT on September 20, 2020
Dear IDC Readers,
This thread caught my attention and had to share.
Let’s hope this October Surprise preview is right on the money!
Blessings, Light Bringer
17 Global Changing Events Coming in October… Y the Wait?
1) Global Currency RESET switching from a Central Banking petro-dollars to a gold backed paper/digital currency
This will destroy massive global corruption.
2) MASS ARRESTS of BLM/Antifa + Financial Supporters….
3) This will be possible only one way: The Insurrection Act will be invoked By President Trump with Devastating Evidence and all hostile entities will be indicted.
New Temp. Emergency Laws shall be enforced by military personnel deployed quickly throughout the country…15 min
Trump’s last quote was ‘Our Boys could take care of this in 15 minutes. TVS will go black, Internet will go down, and an emergency notification will be on all devices…
4) SIMULTANEOUSLY Military takeover of all MSM outlets, Twitter, Google etc. for election..
ALL TOP SWAMP CREATURES will be SIMULTANEOUSLY Arrested including Hillary, Soros, Generals, CEOs, Pelosi etc.
5) A broadcast will begin, the likes of which we have never seen before
Arrests, exposure MANY Famous people already agreed to do LIVE CONFESSIONS and live arrests?
6) + Internet Blackout for 15 minutes while we take repossession of ICANN, the internet addressing system. They will do an internet reset and restart with a new global internet security repair, eliminating all hostile artificial intelligence & their attack bots. Necessary for QFS
7) Suspension of Congress will occur and cleaned out Mainstream Media will begin the broadcast of massive Military Tribunals
Announcements of recovered stolen assets and the beginning of giving money back to people… and I have heard that its’ a lot of money we are owed
9) Many Beautiful Laws are already prepared for this time.
10) Suspension of all income Taxes, Rules will be applied via emergency laws that are already written and ready to be make law during this time of Martial Law For which feel like a blessing from God
11) Free Health Care
12) MASS ARRESTS OF SEX TRAFFICKERS AND FREEING OF LOST CHILDREN! This will also be broadcast and send a huge message world wide, It will be a show that nobody forgets and won’t cry tears of joyous celebrations while softening sorrow. Suspension of CPS, Planned Parenthood etc.
13) Suspension of All Student Loans and financial defunding of hostile education NGOs and Unions, and arrests. New education laws (all of these temp. laws will be incentive to vote Republican so they can become permanent)
14) Suspension of all COVID Regulations
15) Trump reveals his relationship to Q
16) Trump begins releasing repossessed patents for amazing technologies and makes programs for great new business & employment opportunities
17) Martial Law will continue through the elections in order to secure election integrity & safety. Then We Vote.
And did I mention that similar things will occur globally, That’s why Trump has been so busy cutting contracts with all these countries

Sean Christopher

My Alchemical Chamber

Note :Do You know why my sunglasses are of violet color? because it reminds me to blaze the Violet Fire wherever i go:Transmute Transmute by the Violet Fire,all causes and cores not of God’s desire!IAM a Being of Violet Fire,IAM the Purity of God’s Desire.IAM a Being of Violet Fire,IAM the Fulfillemt of Mother’s Desire.I repeat and repeat these words in my mind all day long.The Violet Fire assists me in creating my Alchemical Chamber anywhere,whatever i do and with whoever i do it.The Violet fire is my direct connection 1:1 with Saint Germain,with the Angels of Violet Fire ,with the Golden Eyed Dragons of the Violet Fire(only those are of the Unlimited Unconditional Light and Love),with the Amethyst Crystals and AA Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst:these are the Light beings that assist me in relation to the use of this powerful tool i have in my armour, among many others.

And so I go often into my Alchemical Chamber.It is within this space that i create my reality.It is within this space that messages are coming to me guiding me to what feels more joyful.Many years ago,i asked the Divine to show me how to best navigate through the upcoming years and i have created a vision board that was in relation with the way i for-saw my and the collective’s Ascension process.Of course in my visions there were only roses and smiling children and animals and beautiful gardens and nice people celebrating and abundance and prosperity of all good things in life including all material things with excellent well being being the most important of all along Free Energy and Eco-Sustainable Community(-ies).Of course little did i know back then that today i will be talking about living in this body for 1000 years or speaking about the shift of financial systems or even a ‘plandemic’ or even being in someway interested in watching what is happening with politics worldwide.Even as i know now,politics do not have any impact in my life,i feel happy in sharing messages that show that even in these ones,changes are taking place that lead to the highest good for all.As governments of the world are collaborating directly with the Light Beings in bringing about changes that will assist each and everyONE in their Ascension journey with ease,grace and flow.Of course the way we choose to perceive the ride to go there is a personal choice.And since i only saw in my visions,pure joy,this is what i feel and experience in this now,even with all the so called ‘chaos’ happening all around me/us.To me this is even a great cause of celebration and i know before hand that in 100 years from Now as shared by Kryon,this period we are going through will me remembered as a very positive one where all the shifts took place and so many more became awakened!

There is a way to remain in joy 24/7 and the way to do it is by always choosing what feels joyful every now.To participate in global meditations is super powerful way to do this.Not only we are helping the collective and being of service from the comfort of wherever we find ourselves to be AND also absorbing more Light which in turn assists the body receiving and perceiving smoothly all that is happening withIN creating more compassion and Trust and a feeling of Safety/Security/Balance/Harmony/Peace all day long.

Among those global meditations the ones we do on SUNdays are very powerful indeed.I have been doing them since 4 years now and they take place every SUNday at 14h11/17h11 and 20h11 Central European Time.

I vividely invite you to join us and sit with us for 33 minutes for every session and feel what is taking place within you.I vividely invite you to to do this one on a daily basis even for 15′ ,i promise you will feel the well being and clarity filling your being.

Just going into your ‘alchemical chamber’,do the good work and imagines what is that you want and feel into it and the more you feel it,the more your life is/will be so.So simple indeed.

Much Love


Powerful Shift week & Level Up begins Saturday 10-10

Blessings Beloveds ~
We are still feeling the effects of multiple-day geomagnetic storms. This positive veil-lifting, revelatory shift passage affects collective trajectories – for the better. In our personal lives, magnetic fluctuations can cause fatigue, brain fog and deep heart openings to the inevitable Ascension experiences.

Sleep patterns are interrupted since SO much is occurring behind the scenes – this may continue for another week as we are called to be present with Gaia and the Higher Realms upleveling the collective, grids and gateways while the collective is in dreamstate.

You can feel the undercurrent – the New Light – pulsating and flowing through these realms. Many of us are holding tremendous space for the next few months, right through the dramatic waves of the December-January Gateway. I weep with gratitude every time I AM shown the effect of that new light. Funny how miraculous it feels after such a tumultuous year, which is always the way of these realms. Darkest before dawn as they say.

Kindwhile, be kind to those who are triggered by or enveloped in the external show. Concerns about *physiological fallout* from these energies has been written about for years. As we witness the amplification of distortions, in order to reveal all which needs to be addressed, corrected, or cleared, remember the core principles of Unity Consciousness. Patience, unconditional love, and kind thoughts, words and prayers are elixirs when anger and judgment are amplified.

Remember the sleight-of-hand aspect to this passage. Things look like one thing, then reveal another. It is purposeful. Pay attention to where your consciousness is being steered to reinforce narratives that may not be in the highest interests of all concerned.  [READ THE FULL UPDATE ONLINE]

LEVEL UP Begins on Saturday 10-10

The Level Up course launches this weekend! This 7- module Master course prepares us for the new light in December and the Ascension unfoldments of 2021. We prepare for our new gifts Now, and learn to utilize the Creator State as our consistent reality. Details in the events section below.

Class Participants:
– LOGIN with the email used for purchase at https://www.ascensionpath.com
– Use the forgot password function if needed. Check your spam/trash/promo filters.
– The Level Up course will appear in your class library

SUNday Unity Meditations: Stronger than Ever!

Join the Global #SUNdayUnityMeditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC-7).

We hold the Divine intent to amplify the Divine HUman qualities of peace, love and Unity Consciousness. Override and overwrite all distortions through infusions of the Truth of Divine LoveLight in this New Earth Now! Details at http://www.sandrawalter.com/unity

Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,


by Blossom GoodchildThe Federation of Light

Hello there. Here we are again … not much changed on the ‘outside’ from last week. Let us Trust much is going on undercover as we wait. I feel a huge shift will be coming soon due to the elections in the USA. You have many followers who feel they want the current chappy to remain and many who call him the vilest, evilest man to walk the Earth. (According to my emails.) What would you say on this?

Welcome, Blossom. Welcome to all upon your Planet who have decided that our words are of resonance for them and continue to walk with us as SO MUCH BEGINS TO FALL INTO PLACE.

We ‘The Federation Of Light’ are not of a political persuasive. This is not within our thoughts … to persuade anyone … one way or another. Yet, we would decidedly say, that the outcome of the elections that are so soon to be upon that country will be for the GREATER GOOD OF ALL.

I did mention in an interview that if this is a ‘Divine Plan’ then what happens HAS to be for the Highest Good of all … and we have to Trust that … especially at this stage in ‘The Game’.

This is correct Blossom and wise words, indeed.

If I was to have a concern, it is that regardless of who ‘wins’ … there will inevitably be uproar from the other party.

Is there not always?

Somehow, I feel this is different, and as I say, I don’t do politics. It doesn’t agree with my digestive system!

We have stated many times that your world is to get far more Topsy Turvy than it is now. We also state, we do not say this to alarm, yet, to prepare you in strength.

Yes, an Announcement is to come soon that is to shock.

Ok … deep breath … be bold Blossom … Is this to come BEFORE the elections?

Indeed, it is.

Oh Lord! That is really putting yourself on the line there Guys and I feel a little concerned about you saying so, yet, I asked! Therefore, I must Trust and wait and see. Is there anything that could prevent this ‘particular’ announcement from taking place?

At this stage, we can see no intervention for it has been kept very ‘Sacred’ and under wraps.


Yes, Blossom. That is the word we are choosing.


We can feel your trepidation?

Yep. You can … that’s quite a statement. Ok. For once, let me behave like an Awakened, Enlightened specimen of the Ground Crew Light Force and ‘go with it’ instead of trying to knock it, just to cover my street cred, once again. So, onwards, please.

In our last communication, we said it would not be long before Phase Two begins … and we hold True to that.

Let us firstly clarify.


So is the announcement or the lockdown the start of Phase Two?

The lockdown.

Many countries are already in lockdown, either dragged on from the first or gone into a second. So, when you say Global, do you mean Global?

We say Global … because we mean it.

So, every country in lockdown all at the same time. That is going to have to be one big announcement!

We choose to move on as to not divulge more … For it is not correct to even ‘suggest’ further possibilities.

Fair enough. I respect your word on that. Let me ask then, if I may … during this Phase Two … are we going to be ‘stunned’ by what is taking place?

Yes. Very much so. For many … there will be immediate transparency displayed and thoughts and discussions as to the next move forward as a WHOLE … as a COMMUNITY OF LIGHT. For others that live in fear, they shall ‘peak’ as such fears become more and more prevalent to them. There shall be much more of a divide than you are encountering at this time. Yet, for all those who are Awakened and for those who are soon to do so … one’s strength in KNOWING shall prevail and there shall be an overall acceptance of the state of play in the KNOWING THAT ALL IS MOVING FORWARD AS IT SHOULD.

We wish to reiterate your earlier statement of wisdom, Blossom.


Ask your Heart if it feels strong and Knowing in that which we speak of?

Here you all are … after so long … right within this transformation … YOU KNOW THIS IS WHY YOU CAME.

Do you find it odd that we doubt sometimes?

Yes, we do. For we know you. We know your dedication. We know why YOU … Each One … were chosen. Within our knowing of ‘who you are’ we find it peculiar that you question at times.

As I have said, come vacation on Planet Earth in human form and see how YOU go.

This you have said before. We are certainly nor undermining you. Yet, because we SEE YOU IN YOUR TRUTH … because we SEE YOU … IN/AS … THE LIGHT OF WHO YOU ARE … it is ‘strange’ for us to pick up when you waiver a little.

We do our best to explain to you how ‘WE SEE IT’. How ‘WE KNOW’ the DIVINE PLAN to be. How ‘WE ARE WATCHING’ it play out.

So, are the results definite? Could it suddenly swing the other way?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. Has not White Cloud and ourselves said many times ‘All is not as it seems’?

Many, many times.

Therefore, Blossom and All … Know that ALL IS WELL.

Let us dissect ‘DIVINE PLAN’

… … … … … … … … …

There … we have done so!

Eh? Your point I assume, being there is nothing to dissect? For DIVINE IS OF THE HIGHEST and that is all we need to know, right?


And each one defining God as they choose?

How would you define GOD, Blossom?

LOVE. In all of its facets.

Thank you. We heard your thoughts of, ‘Yet, Love is everything and can Vibrate on low as well as High frequencies’.


Yet, we would suggest your thought pattern change to the fact that ‘THIS PARTICULAR DIVINE PLAN’ has been underway for many, many of your years. Its purpose to bring your Planet from the lower frequencies … from the lower Vibrations … into the HIGHEST that it has known … EVER.

There certainly have been times upon your ‘plane’ when JOY and HONOUR and TRUTH abounded. Times when the Vibration in which one resided was far Higher than that of now, in these current days.

Yet, the Energies that are flowing in … the changes that are to take place … will find you experiencing a Vibrational frequency that your Earth has long forgot.

Hang on to this KNOWING.


I do my best. An old WW2 song has just come into my head ‘There’s a long, long trail unwinding into the land of my dreams’ …

And another?

Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile!


And we will … The long, long trail unwinding can be a bit daunting, as you say there are Five Phases … and we are only just about to enter number two!

Yet, we did not say that each Phase would be worse.

Well, you said things are to get a lot more Topsy Turvy.

And they are … yet, perhaps that is just for Phases two and three.

Perhaps. If only you could let us in on the plan.

If we were to do so … the plan would not work out as planned!

Ok. So, if my maths serves me well, there should be a ‘Huge announcement’ (Not a huge, huge, huge announcement) within the next four weeks. We’ve waited this long, another few weeks won’t hurt. We don’t have a choice anyway. Do you know how much my heart is in my mouth?!

We know exactly where your Heart is Blossom … in the right place!

Thank you. We are all doing our best … whether we are having a good, or not so good day! In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM.