It is time for you to set aside your pre-conceived knowingness of what is possible or right…Different is the term of the hour and the decade. Bad and wrong are of yesterday.

Dear Ones,

You are proving more resilient in your need to be right than even you thought possible before birth in this lifetime.

There is no right nor wrong, merely differing viewpoints. Just as is true with historical perspective. Such can be indicated by the histories of the same event in different decades or historical periods. For example, in the United States, eminent domain was touted as the right course of action prior to the 1900s. Native Americans were considered subhuman and the aggressors as Caucasians claimed the land. That approach is now often reported with disdain. But at the time of those events, it seemed historically correct.

So it is now. Your need to be right is not necessarily the best or only viewpoint – merely your viewpoint. It is time to realize no one claims a perspective without a personal interest. So it is, your view is more personal than global. And your view is merely part of the minutiae of the whole.

That is not to say you need not have a viewpoint, but instead to caution you against seeing that viewpoint as closed, as right or wrong. For it is neither.

As you become more advanced in your 5D and beyond world, you will discover that allowing only one viewpoint limits both your personal and world options.

This is a new world in a new time.

It was necessary for your grandparents and great-grandparents to open their minds to automobiles, airplanes, the radio, and telephones. It is time for you to set aside your pre-conceived knowingness of what is possible or right.

Just as horse-driven carriages went by the wayside when automobiles were introduced, so too will your world change in ways you cannot yet imagine.

You will miss the beauty of all that is now happening in the world beneath the surface of general knowingness if you insist your way (likely the 3D way) is the only way.

Do you not sense how quickly your world is changing? Most importantly, do you not understand how and why you are changing? Your physical, spiritual, and emotional shifts were not created to retain the old. You are a new being in a new world. So it is what once was, is no more. Just as you are creating a new being with new interests, so are all others who awakened the past few weeks.

Until now, you were somewhat isolated and created your vision of rightness based on what you knew. You, and we, did not understand that once the world started displaying new inventions, thoughts, and actions, you would decide that you would rather live in what was instead of what is becoming.

Granted, during this time of global political, physical, and emotional upheaval, it is logical that you revert to what once seemed comfortable. But because you are a new being, what was comfortable will never be again. You are no longer who you were in thought or body.

This is a new age that includes new thoughts and actions. Such does not necessarily mean you will create something that will change the world –  daring to be you is already doing that. But instead, that you open to thoughts that seemed silly in 3D but are now becoming a reality.

Stop playing with the belief that you want your old life back. Your old life is gone, just as would be true if you moved to a foreign land. Yes, even the language is new. For new words are being created to address new actions. And in time, those words will disappear as nonverbal communication becomes the norm.

For you cannot have a cohesive whole if there are physical or language barriers. Eventually, the earth will be more nonverbal than verbal. But that is several steps in the future. For now, you merely need to allow yourself to accept new ideas even from those you believe are your enemies.

That is not to say you must deny your inner rightness. But instead, open yourself to new ideas that might seem farfetched or silly at first. For you, of all earthlings, know that what is may not be a complete reality.

You discovered such is so years, even decades ago. For you, forerunners pushed against everything believed to be ‘normal’ through meditation, chakra knowledge, and similar items from the East; and proved that messages from unknown sources displayed in writing or channeling offered assistance for the world. Many thought you were ‘odd,’ if not a harsher label. Yet you preserved to become part of the mainstream, as is now happening.

Please give the same freedom of movement and openness of thought to those in the 2nd and 3rd waves. For many areas they are discovering, inventing, or promoting may seem farfetched to you. These new idea people might even be those with whom you are uncomfortable. Allow that to be.

You need not become their best friend or even acquaintance. Your only responsibility is to allow them to be. For just as you were once tadpoles who evolved into frogs, so too are now the 2nd and 3rd waves as they go through their testing of what is right for them, and therefore, the world.

You begin your current journey slowly. Perhaps purchasing a psychic readings or a Tarot deck. Or other items you might have outgrown. Those in the 2nd and 3rd waves are just dipping their toes into the creations that will help make earth life peaceful and joyful.

Do not discount their creative intents, nor their sometimes seemingly outrageous conclusions. It is time to put aside divisions. It is time to create a world of peace and, yes, love. Neither of which is possible if right and wrong are pushed to the extent that has been true the past few decades.

Different is the term of the hour and the decade. Bad and wrong are of yesterday. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

The old timelines that many of you have heard about where certain people get left behind during the ascension event are withering away

Better Timelines & a Better Future for All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exploring the various timelines that you have in front of you and the new timelines that you have created for yourselves, and we want you to know that we feel you are doing an excellent job of choosing consciously which timeline to put yourselves on. You have also done a wonderful job of working with the energies you have been given to create new timelines for yourselves and the rest of humanity. This is a time to be inclusive in your creations. There is more power in your summoning of an experience or an event when you include as many people as possible and hold the intention that they will all benefit from that creation as well.

One of the most beautiful aspects of those of you who are a part of the awakened collective is that you take others into consideration when you seek to create a better reality. As we have just said, that makes your summoning of the energies more powerful, and it means that when you let those energies in, you have more co-creators beside you in physical and nonphysical form. You want to be reaching out to the higher selves of all of your fellow humans, especially those who are in your inner circle of your family and friends.

You want to let everyone know that you see them as their higher selves and as creator beings, because that is what they are. And you are there to empower others. You are there to influence and to help every single human in the collective. That’s what you signed up for. That’s why you are awake, and that’s why these more inclusive timelines are lighting up so much for humanity at this time.

The old timelines that many of you have heard about where certain people get left behind during the ascension event are withering away, because more and more people recognize that everyone is a Source Energy Being, and therefore everyone must be included in the shift in consciousness, a shift that is all about bringing you closer and closer to Source.

This shift is not just about creating a better Earth for the worthy and the good. It’s about creating a better Earth for all, and that’s what you all have been doing, and that is why we feel so happy in giving you this progress report about the timelines you are creating and the ones you are strengthening with your attention to them. Keep up the good work and know that better things are to come, more energy will be flowing to you, and you are the creators of that better future for all.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

See the establishment coming down-Sananda-

by James McConnell

Sananda: All Coming Together

I am Sananda. I come at this time, in this opportune time, these times that are approaching now.

You have heard of announcements.

You have heard of many changes that are coming, many positive changes.

But before the positive changes, the seemingly positive changes, come, there must first be those things that bring the awakening forward, that bring the knowing of the third-dimensional frequencies as you have become aware of.

See that coming down.

See the establishment coming down.

See the various laws, and rules, and all of that coming down.

See that happening.

Because that is what’s happening now.

Even though it does not appear to be so, it is.  Everything is coming together exactly as it needs to, and you are in that cusp right now with the Great Awakening that is occurring across the planet.

And again, not only across the planet, but the solar system and the galaxy.

All is coming together.  And all is happening in the moment now.

Even now, as we are together in this moment, the awakening is proceeding forward.

And in order to have this Great Awakening, you have heard that there first has to be this great division, this great dividing, before uniting can come fully forward.

And this is what is happening.  The falling of the establishment. The falling of society as you know it, as you have come to know it.  It cannot, and could not, and will not continue as it has.  It is not possible.

For life to continue here on this planet, you must come into this awakening process.

All across the planet must come to this awakening.

And that is what the three waves of Ascension are all about, is to allow for this awakening to happen as more and more people become ready for it.  More and more people become prepared for it.

Just as you have been preparing, each and every one of you on this call.  Each and every one of you that resonate to my words, you have been preparing, and as I have said many times, acclimating to these energies.

Because as these energies continue to come in, they become more and more forceful.  That is what is creating the chaos that is happening across the planet.  As these energies become stronger and stronger, it is bringing the awakening to those that have been asleep for so long.

And those that have been attempting to hold onto control are doing everything that they can now more and more to hold that control.  They are putting out all the stops, you might say, everything that they can, to follow that plan that they have had, or what we call ‘the playbook.’  They have been following this every time that they can to continue the control issues to hold onto that control.

But as you know, and you have heard many times, this can no longer be stopped.  Your awakening can no longer be stopped.

They cannot do it, even though they attempt to hold on and attempt to do these various things that they have become accustomed to that have worked for them in the past.  They are no longer working, and cannot work.

And you are approaching that time period.  That time that we have been preparing you for.

In every one of these meditations, every one of these times you come together, and in your various other meditations, you have been preparing for the Grand Event, the Great Event, THE Event, the Solar Flash.  You have been preparing for this, so that when it happens, you are ready for it.  And then you can indeed turn around and assist those that may not understand what is going on when they see this great flash in the sky.

First their thoughts might be fear.  They might feel like it is something that is coming from the heavens that is there to destroy them.

But you will be the calming influence.  You will be the one to bring their attention back to the higher vibrations, to bring their attention back to those things that have, and are, being orchestrated right here now in these moments.

And you are the ones.  You are the ones that volunteered to come here.  You are the ones that have brought this forward, this Grand Awakening, forward.  And you are the ones that are foreshadowing the Grand and the Great Event here as it comes closer and closer.

Dates cannot be given at this point.  But that does not mean it is not imminent.  Just understand that.

I am Sananda, and I leave you at this time in peace, and love, and oneness.

And that you continue to carry on, carry on the missions that you came here for.  And not become disconsolate, not become discouraged, even though those things around you are seemingly falling apart—they are not, they are coming together.

Peace and love be with all of you.

Co-Creating the New-Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

If you are finding yourself at a point of stagnation or despair over a certain issue in your life, it is important to not fall into a belief that it can never change or that there is no solution. This will keep the door closed to the possibility of forward movement. The truth is your challenges occur for you to gain mastery over certain areas of your life. Therefore, a solution must exist.

What you are experiencing is not that there is no solution, but rather that the solution does not exist within the realm of potential you are aware of. That means you must allow yourself to be guided into the discovery of where the solution does exist. You must be willing to release the habit of continuing to energetically engage with what is not working for you and begin to explore new energies and possibilities.

If you are really caught up in the idea that there can be no solution, it can be helpful to stop and ask, “Do I really know everything in the universe? Is it possible there’s a solution I’m not aware of? Who has access to all the information I don’t? What guide do I trust to lead me to the piece I’m missing? Where is my soul trying to lead me?”

If you are stuck it doesn’t mean there is no answer, only that the answer is not within the space of what you are already aware of. Surrender. Flow. Allow yourself to be led. Cast your net wider. Trust the process and your ability to navigate beyond the old into the new. This exploration is all part of your own evolution and how you start to experience your own ability to navigate as an empowered co-creator into the new.

We have already removed chips from vaccines that were intended for the public.

Note:according to my sources through Charles Ward,the 13 main families have been taken down in Venice and according to Adama of The Pleiadian Monad,the head of the beast has been decapitated (the Red Vampire).Now to this,one needs to add the change of timelines that occur as we keep on doing our collective work in meditation and assisting the planet in raising in frequency,there are no low vibrational elements that can be sustained here and so they vanish out of our collective reality.That is the Magic of Vibration rising thanks to the work of dedicated Light Workers who focus on creating the NEW.So ,whatever you read,please consider this as an update of observation of what is occuring and that our imagination is more powerful than observation as imagination is 5th dimensional thinking and what we think and feel has already occured.I vividely invite you to send Violet fire to all situations that need Light everytime you read something that feels shocking and unpleasing :IAM my IAM Presence and IAM ONE with the IAM presence of every person on Earth.Transmute Transmute by the Violet Fire all causes and cores not of God’s Desire x 3.and then imagine a Peaceful Planet that works for all.We are that powerful and that works from the comfort of our homes,trust me on that.And now let’s observe this update from Sharon .Thank You!-Nikos-

Soren of the Pleiadian Delta Forces – Preparation for Election

Me: Hi Soren. I just intuited that the upcoming American election, which is about two weeks away now, is being prepared for and you are the person to ask. Is that correct?

Soren: Hello Sharon. Yes, I’m one you could ask. You could also ask Ashtar, but I see you’re still busy asking him other questions.

Me: I am. So then, first of all, why does Switzerland keep coming up? What initiative is being undertaken there? Why do I keep thinking of the Alps? And then the American election, how can you prepare for this?

Soren: Thank you. Lots of questions you have. Yes, I tipped you off to Switzerland a while ago and it is because of the mountains. There are many underground bases in the Alps and many Illuminati have taken refuge there in light of the fact that we are scrutinizing the surface and having them arrested now.

Me: How does that work?

Soren: In fact we can see their heat signatures. They differ from those of the earthling because of their different DNA and because of the fact many of them aren’t even human. So we’re searching for these beings. When they hide in the mountains, it’s harder for us to track them, so we send in military forces to capture them.

Yes, we even have them numbered on our computer system and get alerts when they come into view.

Me: Oh, that’s pretty neat.

Soren: It makes our job easier. Given also that we’re telepathic and that we have cognizant abilities, very developed ones, we can also access their minds to find out where they’re headed. So we can send in the resistance members, some of whom are military, in order to catch them.

Me: To date, who have you caught.

Soren: Ah, yes. A few counts and countesses, earls and whatnot, but we don’t have the big prize yet. There are certain families we are seeking and they are more elusive than those we’ve caught to date. Many Italian families are Archons, we are seeking them. We also have to watch their ships above the earth to see if there are landings as these are now forbidden by our forces. No more dark ships landing on earth’s surface. No pick-ups. And none of them leave this sector of space either so none of these criminals will be removed. We have to track them all down and relieve your planet of them.

It stands to reason that there are Illuminati members on the surface who are working to harbour them so our crews have to go and question them as well. To see what they’re trying to hide.

For example, a particular banker family in Italy is well known for harbouring dark fugitives under their mountain villa, and so we have to keep an eye on this family and watch all of their transactions. Banking transactions as well. We have, at times, frozen their bank accounts in order to starve out Illuminati fugitives and so we have this course of action available to us as well.

Me: It seems to me that things are just rolling along on the surface right now. All the deep state minions are doing their jobs and forwarding the covid agenda nicely.

Soren: But you see the resistance coming up as well. People are not believing it. People are protesting, getting word out and they’re not complying. This is the progress we’re really keeping an eye on. The dark program will continue as long as your resistance to it is inadequate to stop it. Pleiadians will step in and work to reduce viral strength and change outcomes, but people still have to learn to stand up and think for themselves. So many are not. The more there are who come on board, the more will begin to wake up. That is spreading your light.

Me: I see in Holland that doctors are declaring the covid plandemic over with.

Soren: What you’re seeing is a double-sided war. Which side will you side with? Who do you believe and which will you support? You’ll see that more and more institutions will break into two camps going forward. You have a choice.

Me: Now, as for the United States, how are you helping to prepare the States for deep state backlash, because I’m sure there’s going to be a fit of rage when they lose.

Soren: We’re constraining all nuclear weaponry. We also have buffers on nuclear plants.

You know already that the resistance is capable of infiltrating the medical system and nullifying toxic effects of vaccines, for example. We have already removed chips from vaccines that were intended for the public.

Me: Yes. Thank God.

So in effect, with the Resistance being there, with the Pleiadians helping out, it’s almost as if we’re playing out a less virulent form of the war that is actually intended.

Soren: Yes, we intervene whenever necessary to make sure the outcome they’re planning doesn’t affect you that greatly. You see this in the true Covid results, for example.

It is one hundred percent effect for the deep state; they will reap one hundred percent of the consequences for their heinous acts, and the effect on earthlings will be dampened down by our interference.

Me: They still have weapons to start fires.

Soren: We’ll be watching for this. But the fact is, they can go and start a fire with a match just as easily. Nonetheless we’re always on the lookout for DEWs. We’re trying to level the playing field as much as possible. By rendering their weaponry inert, this becomes more of an information war than anything else and we’d like it to remain as such. We’re trying to eliminate all severe consequences for earthlings.

Me: What could the deep state possibly do next month when they lose?

Soren: What couldn’t they do? Unleash more viruses, start fires, start earthquakes and flooding. Drop a nuclear bomb. We have nuclears arrested for earth but their dark ET allies still have these capabilities.

Me: And you know who the Democrats are allied with?

Soren: Yes. We’ve been making an effort to rid your world of this facet of the dark alliance that works with your governments. Particularly this facet of it just because of the upcoming election.

Now, there is also economic measures. They can ruin the American economy, since Trump is trying to Make America Great Again, they can throw the economy into a tailspin. They still have the means to do this. It can be done through external influence more than internal but both are possible. Yes, whoever appears to head the Democratic party is not actually the head, not by any means. The head of that party is someone nobody on earth is familiar with at all. Not even Soros. They are puppets.

On top of this party, Trump must watch for defectors in his own party. Not all of the Republican party is aligned in thought and good intent. Some are spies, some are working to sabotage and some are aligned with the deep state still. So this must also be taken into consideration.

Me: Hmm. Interesting. So if there’s a death threat on Trump, it might come from within his own party.

Soren: It could. Again, we of the Delta Forces are infiltrating all sides.

Me: I know who one of them is, an American politician.

Soren: Yes. You are correct.

Me: So what advice would you give the American and perhaps Canadian public for next month?

Soren: To be prepared for all eventualities. Have money at home, keep your car gassed up and make alternative arrangements. Be prepared also to leave your home. Have food on hand but have preparations made to leave quickly as well.

Me: So be a prepper. By the way, folks, there are loads of prepper videos on line which would help you to figure out what to do. But be sure to have cash on hand.

Soren: The easiest way to shut down the American economy is to close all the banks. Also, shutting down the internet would be another easy way. There is still enough power in the deep state that they can do this.

You have been hearing of these things for years now, and now you suspect there will be punishment meted out by the deep state next month to the American people for “voting for the wrong candidate”, despite the fact that the alternate candidate has done a terrible job of campaigning and representing the deep state.

Me: You’d have to wonder why they’d put him in there, but then Ashtar said that with so much light coming onto the planet now, the dark is getting confused and showing a poor thought process. So it’s having difficulty carrying out its plans with impunity. But we still can’t dismiss them yet.

Soren: No, you can’t. You have to be prepared.

Me: I am.

Soren: Thank you for this opportunity to share, Sharon.

Me: Thanks for helping us, Soren.

Soren: Adieu.

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Eventually, as the lockdown progresses, so much more will become apparent.

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, Oct. 18, 2020

Greetings to you. Blossom Goodchild reporting for duty! (I know it’s not a duty!) Just had a very frustrating morning trying to get a White Cloud video done … so I thought I’d go for a double whammy and see if you have anything to say today, also?

Dearest Blossom … Dearest Lights that Brighten you Planet Earth, allowing those who are not of it, to see the Energies of those who are completing their mission as you LIFT YOUR MOTHER EARTH INTO HER RESPECTED, RIGHTFUL POSITION.

Yes, we are aware of much that is proving difficult to contend with. Yet, we KNOW that the winning streak is around, above and within Each One.

As White Cloud said (this morning) KNOW, KNOW, KNOW THE LIGHT HAS WON.

I try hard to hang on to this. Truly, I do, because if I didn’t think so, well then, who knows what would befall us. Yet, there just seems to be such negativity all around. With respect to all … I know there is A DIVINE PLAN. Yet, at the moment all we can do is TRUST that, for there is little concrete evidence. Much speculation, yet, no concrete evidence as such.

Yet this is soon to change Blossom. It will not be too long (in your timing of days) before evidence to the contrary of that which is being broadcasted on your mainstream media will be brought to Light.

Exposure of the deepest, darkest secrets are to be revealed and so much so, that there will be no question as to whether or not your world has just turned upside down!

It is then … although one will be confused and ‘disturbed’ … that A STRONGER YOU shall emerge.




You have mentioned before that there will not be mandatory vaccines etc. because the plans of the dark ones will not come to fruition and Divine Intervention will have stopped this from taking place. Is this a certainty?

IT IS. We say this boldly to you, Blossom, and yet, is it that you are questioning …?

I feel you are wanting to add some term of endearment to me like ‘little one’ or ‘our Loved one’ or something like that, but cannot find the term you want. White Cloud has called certain souls ‘little one’. Shall we just skip that and I’ll just take the warm feeling coming through? Thank you and yes … I am questioning a little, because how is it that you are so sure?

Because it is a Divine Plan that is playing out and that … doesn’t/wouldn’t … include souls of Earth being ‘held against their will’ to do anything …

Yet, already the ‘control’ is taking over and many falling for its reasons. And we are to go into another more ‘sinister’ lockdown you have said … so more control?

Let us reiterate that ‘sinister’ when ‘you’ checked it’s meaning read ‘Giving the impression of something harmful’. This is what it shall be … for it is necessary to keep one inside to discover all that is to unfold. Yet, this next step/Phase will not be able to take you into the depths that many are assuming it might. For there shall be far too much taking place and many cracks in the walls, enabling the Light to let itself through and reveal what IS actually taking place and what HAS been taking place behind the scenes.

‘Perhaps’ it may be that the Phase Two lockdown, which is not far away now … is a double-edged sword?

‘Perhaps’ it may be conducted as a ‘safety strategy’ for a time, as mayhem … if it were not in place … would certainly become rife and much emotion from souls could spin out of control?

I know you can’t spill all the beans, yet, do you mean this could possibly happen because of that which is to be revealed to us?

Yes. Eventually, as the lockdown progresses, so much more will become apparent.

Yet, it will start under the guise of the ‘virus’ … as you have said before?

Yes. Yet, know it is indeed, a dis ‘guise’. Eventually, as Truth comes out of the woodwork … more and more will come to the understanding of the reasons and necessity behind it.

You see, Blossom … this time that you are walking right into NOW, is to CHANGE EVERYTHING FOREVER.

An explosion of emotions from all sides is to come to the surface and Each Soul must go within to connect with their Truth.

There already is such a divide … is it to get even more confusing?

To a degree … for a while. Yet, as more and more is ‘shown’, more and more will accept the Truth and therefore, more and more shall Awaken unto themselves and the Light shall get ever Brighter.

Take your meditation times to be filled with PEACE.

PEACE within your own Beings …

PEACE within and without your Planet …

PEACE around your Planet …


Can you imagine, Dearest Souls … a world where there is no fighting … no war … no greed … no animosity … no hatred?




There are many who … know this /feel this … yet, wonder if it will be within their lifetime, as many have been serving upon the Planet for many long years and are in their late 80’s and more.

Yes, they shall see Great Changes. As we have said, this change cannot happen overnight. Yet, the Energy transference from Dark into Lighter times shall certainly be most apparent and those whose ‘time’ it is to leave, will leave in PEACE … KNOWING they played their part and that all is going according to plan.

That’s nice to know. Thank you.

Allow your KNOWING that this Divine Plan is on target, to fill your Beings with HOPE.

Allow your KNOWING that this Divine Plan is why you came. In all Truth, would you have volunteered if there were possibilities of it being otherwise?

Well, I guess yes, we would … where there is a will, there is a way. So, did we KNOW then, that the LIGHT was definitely a winner … and that outcome would not change?


HOW was it known it would not change?

Because it is a Divine Plan, Blossom.


The Game has played itself out. The LIGHT-LOVE that is … cannot be beaten.

Sure has seemed like it on this Planet.

Yet, have we not said many times ‘It is all a Game’?

Yes, and many who do not yet understand that, get infuriated by that statement, for it makes us feel like pawns.

Because they do not understand THE GAME. Because you are not in a position to see it for what it is, whilst living within it.

Yes, I get that and we have discussed this before.

Blossom. Blossom. Blossom.

Yes. Yes. Yes.


Then, with respect, heaven help the weaker ones!

‘Heaven’ is nurturing the weaker ones.

‘Heaven’ sent the stronger ones to finish The Game.

So, when we have moved everything up into a Peaceful Lighter Brighter stance … will we no longer be in The Game?

A NEW ONE … Of a very different sort.

Blossom … EVERYTHING is a Game … Depending on how you interpret Game …

You are asking me to look it up and I usually go with what I am presented with straight away … in this case:

An activity that one engages in for amusement or fun.

A complete episode or period of play, ending in a final result.

Eager or willing to do something new or challenging.


Love is never-ending … in order to experience Life and Love in all of itself, it will play games. It will experience ALL that can possibly be experienced … in order to BE ITSELF and it shall continue to play out Games FOREVER.

Think of that!

To be honest … I’d rather not!



Couldn’t have put it better myself chaps! Love you … We are hanging on by tooth and nail … and SOON … very SOON … we shall KNOW the next step of the way … shall we not?

Without question.

Oh! I doubt that … as more unfolds the more question shall arise! In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.


And A new video with White Cloud. and myself. Although it is quite apparent I am not my usual Joyous self! Just one of those mornings. Started well and went steadily downhill from there. I am fine now, thanks for asking!

The Shift from Carbon base to Crystalline Structure bodies


The Shift from Carbon base to Crystalline Structure bodies
Have you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t seem to fit with who you know yourself to be, or that just don’t make any sense? Or wondering why the people in your life seem to be reacting differently to you? Either they’re more excited than ever to be with you, or the complete opposite, they’re picking fights with you or being upset with you for no apparent reason? Or perhaps in going through what you consider to be a normal day, at times you feel as if you simply cannot keep your eyes open, like sleep is simply begging you to come and be with it? Does life at times seem empty and without meaning, even when you’re doing things that you used to love? Welcome to the ascension process, and the symptoms that many experience along that path. The primary thing to know is that you are not alone, and things will get better. For those folks who’ve been aware of and consciously involved with ascension, these physical and emotional experiences are all too familiar. Some of these folks have been experiencing the changes for some time, or may have even passed through them by now. For some this may go back a decade or two or even more. When confronted with these unusual and often unwanted experiences, the first thing we typically want to know is why?
Why are these things happening?
You may have heard it said that we’re shifting from carbon-based beings to crystalline-based beings. 
Perhaps you’ve heard that there’s more to our DNA than we have thought or that science has thus far been able to discover; that what we were told were the junk parts of our DNA are being reactivated. Maybe you’ve heard people talking about Pineal Activations and similar things.
These concepts are all very real, and even our physical sciences are beginning to be aware of them. It all has to do with the light energy that’s penetrating us, our world, and everything on it, easing us into the new world and a new way of being. So you could say that it isn’t just Nova Earth we’re building, it’s Nova Human as well.
Steve Rother and the Arcturian group add: “If you would see one of your periodic charts, you would know that the carbon-based structures you currently have and the silicon structure are actually only a few molecules away. With a few re-arrangements, you have a shift from one to another. That is happening not only throughout all of Earth, but also the plant, insect and animal kingdoms are taking on crystalline structures.
Archangel Michael and St. Germain commented: You eventually will not have the carbon-based bodies you have now; they will evolve into crystalline bodies and further along the path, light bodies, with less and less need for physical food to sustain you. Your energy will come directly from Source light and love. You have the ability to tune into this energy now as well. It is just that many of you are not aware of it.
List of Common Ascension Symptoms: Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or intense energy or stress. This is one of the first ascension feelings that a person usually feels. In the beginning, when the energy shifts arrive, they bring with them a new and higher vibration. Old patterns and behaviors are being pushed to the surface for release.
Feeling all this pressure going on inside of you can feel like great stress or that you are on overload. If you are still in a conventional life with mainstream pressures, this New energy can really add to your pile. You will eventually adjust to this higher vibration and much will be activated for release within you as well. More room inside for more of the higher energy!
This symptom is most definitely in the top three and very widely experienced. The ascension process purges so much of the darker and denser energies from us, that we find ourselves in them for quite some time. We may feel like things are simply never going to get better. And to add insult to injury, the outer world is no longer in alignment with the new, higher vibrating you.
Anxiety, panic, and feelings of hysteria.
When our egos begin to depart, they literally freak out as they do not want to cease to exist. It may feel as if everything is ending (most of everything is!). Your system is also on overload and you may feel as if you are hyperventilating. Things are happening that you may not understand.
You are also losing behavior patterns of a lower vibration that you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviors you are losing are not needed in the higher realms. When we experience death in a 3D world we can panic and have anxiety as we do not know where we are going.
A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar.
A craving for protein. This is another of the first symptoms that is felt by many. Our bodies are using up an incredible amount of fuel for this process.
As we are literally being turned inside-out, every ounce of energy that we have is being utilized. I have found it best to eat the protein along with being still during this time. These low blood sugar periods come and go for several years, but get much better as our bodies begin adjusting.
Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body.
This is another of the most common symptoms. Manifesting just about anywhere, this is a sign of purifying and releasing blocked energy that is vibrating at a 3D level while other parts of us are vibrating higher. You may feel pain in various parts of your body for several weeks and then it will simply vanish with no explanation.
Continual neck and upper back stiffness and pain.
Our spines are vibrating differently and also connecting to a higher form of light. This area of our body is where it all happens.
Skin eruptions and diarrhea.
Acne, rashes, and hives, etc. usually arrive when we are in the purging process and adjusting to a higher energy. Rashes are fairly common and diarrhea can last for weeks and even months. Be mindful of what you eat. Your body is going through intense change and cannot handle heavy foods that are difficult to digest. Use your discernment and consult your Higher Self if you are unsure of what to eat.
Heart pain and palpitations.
These symptoms are common for many. Our hearts are trying to accommodate a new and higher frequency. At times you can feel as though you are having a heart attack. When this happens it is important to rest as any exertion can make the symptoms seem much worse. Know that you are not dying! At times it may even feel like your heart has stopped beating, and you may feel fear. Stay calm! Keep in contact with your Higher Self for reassurance.
Periods of very deep sleeping.
When the energy is not moving and we are done for awhile, we get to rest. While we are integrating and preparing for the next phase of intense moving energy, we become very lethargic. It can become near impossible to keep your eyelids open in the daylight hours and daytime napping can become a regular and necessary habit.
Even if you think you can exercise your way back into some energy, you will usually find yourself dropping dead on the sofa at every effort.
Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping.
Our emotions are what carries the energy. When we are falling apart (and we are doing just that), we can get pretty emotional.
When we are releasing, we can cry at the drop of a hat. A sad movie can make us cry, or even a sad commercial. We can cry when we experience kindness. We can cry when we feel relief. We can cry when we see any kind of suffering.
These tears are a great cleanser and releaser. I always know when some New energy has arrived because I can simply cry while I am driving along in the car. This seems to be an on-going symptom that is here to stay for awhile. But at least it is fairly painless!
Night sweats and hot flashes.
At certain times you will become very hot for no reason. This happens when your Higher Self moves into close proximity to you for some reason. Their energy is much more dense than yours and when they are close to you, you will feel intense heat.
Feeling cold with an inability to get warm.
As your body adjusts to the higher frequency of energy, you may find that you have periods of intense cold. It is normal. Add an extra blanket to your bed and take hot showers or a hot bath when this happens.
Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams.
We are releasing many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy through our dreams. If you are one who receives their higher information through dreams, you will likely do a lot of releasing at night. I consider you to be lucky, as some are doing much of their releasing when they are awake.
These dreams usually do not make sense, but if you are good at dream analysis you can usually figure them out. These acid-trip-like dreams are up and visible because they contain energy that’s on its way out, never to return. Through this process we are releasing all of the negative energy we accumulated during our past lives.
Dizziness, loss of balance, vertigo, and spinning.
This happens when our Merkabah is forming. The Merkabah is the transportation vehicle of the light body. It is a 6th dimensional cube that rotates and spins. During its formation you may feel periods of dizziness and vertigo as the cube calibrates itself with your energy. When this happens, sit down and take a break for a little while. It usually doesn’t last for long.
Overall body pain and days of extreme fatigue.
Our bodies are taking in higher density energy and this is the reason you will experience these symptoms. High density energy can make you feel as if your bones are crushing and your muscles ache as if you have just sprinted in a major marathon. You may suddenly feel as if you are 100 years old and can barely walk across the room.
Gritty, itchy eyes and blurred vision.
Very simply, our eyes are adjusting to see in a new and higher density of energy. When this adjustment has been completed your vision will be sharp and clear, and colors will stand out for you as they never have before. 
Memory loss and difficulty accessing words.
So many are having this symptom that we can only laugh as we try to converse with each other. “I was having a glass of…you know what I mean…that white stuff…uh…what’s it called?” “Did you watch the…er…that event where everyone competes from around the world?”
At times we cannot talk at all because we are simply unable to access much of anything. When this occurs you are going back and forth between dimensions and experiencing disconnect.
Another somewhat related occurrence is trying to type words and having the letters become jumbled in the wrong order. In this case, we are not in alignment with time and our flow is disconnected, as part of our energy is here and another part is further ahead.
Difficulty remembering what you did or who you talked to a day or sometimes just an hour before.
In the higher realms, reality is very much in the moment. If we do not hold something in our consciousness, it simply ceases to exist. We have no attachments. We are creating our own world around us through our beliefs and thoughts and what we do not hold onto does not exist.
Everything is brand new as we are starting completely over, moment to moment. We can tap into whatever we choose to at any moment and create and experience just that. This state comes and goes, but is practice for living in the higher realms. It can feel a bit creepy when it occurs. In addition, at times we are neither here nor there, as we are in between dimensions.
A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place.
“Where in the world am I? I do not fit anywhere and nothing seems to fit or feel remotely right! And I do not know where I belong or where I am going or what I am supposed to be doing either!” Ever had this conversation with the Universe!?
You have been knocked out of your old grooves by an energy shift and are in between realities. You have successfully left much behind and are in a very new space but have not integrated yet. A loss of identity.
You look in the mirror and have a strange feeling of disconnect as you no longer recognize that once familiar image. You almost feel out of body. Once this phenomenon occurs it never ends. You have released so much of your ego self, that you are no longer the same person, and do not have that attachment or connection to your physical vessel.
As you begin to access much more of your soul or higher self, you are not in your body much. You may still use your voice to communicate and other bodily aspects, but you are slowly beginning the process of disappearing and releasing the human form. In addition, you have cleared much of your old patterns and are embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order…you are OK.
Feeling ‘out of body’.
The same explanation as above. The physical body is the last to catch up. Much of us is now in a higher dimension and residing outside of our bodies, as our physical bodies are not there yet.
‘Seeing’ and ‘hearing’ things.
As we can now access different dimensions fairly easily, it is common for many to see things out of the corner of their eyes or hear things when nothing is there. Many also experience ringing in the ears, which is common when we are going through “the tunnel” and accessing a higher dimension.
Depending upon how sensitive you are and how you are wired, this can be a common experience. Many are seeing orbs and vibrating blobs of color as well.
Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort.
We are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly opening. Much is available to us now. You are just not used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone.
This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.
Intolerance .
An intolerance for lower vibrational things (of the 3D), reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally make you feel ‘sick’ inside.
When we begin arriving in the higher realms and in a higher vibration, our energies are no longer in alignment with the old, outside 3D world. Through a severe intolerance to the old, we are being “pushed” to move forward…to and create the New.
In addition, you may feel like staying home or just being alone, as much of everything “out there” no longer matches the higher vibration of YOU. This is simply a very common experience of evolution. We are moving forward before the outside manifestations are. Being in the old can feel downright awful.
It is similar to having to “go back” after you have had a near death experience. As the ascension process continues, going back to the lower dimensions will not feel good nor will it be possible for long, as it is difficult to drop our vibration down in order to reside there.
You don’t feel like doing anything.
You are in a rest period, ‘rebooting’. Your body knows what it needs. During this time you may feel as though you have lost your passion and joy and don’t know what in the world you want to do with your life and don’t really care! This phase occurs when we are realigning.
At higher levels much is realigning as well. Things are being put into position so that all will be ready when you move forward again. In addition, when we begin reaching the higher realms, doing and making things happen becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing.
Ask the Universe to bring you what you want while you cannot do it for yourself. And know that you are always being taken care of during the ascension process, even if it does not feel like it at times.
Those in the physical going through this process are very highly revered by all the cosmos. We are most certainly being watched over.
A longing to go Home, as if everything is OVER and you don’t belong here anymore.
We are basically done with our incarnation that involved raising the frequency of the planet with a goal of reaching critical mass. We achieved a lot of this through transmuting the darker and denser energies through ourselves. Now we don’t have to do that anymore and may feel like we simply want out of here and away from that experience.
What is coming next is simply divine and does not remotely resemble the first phase.
Sudden changes of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences.
One of the most basic and prevalent experiences in the higher realms involves the Law of Attraction. Like energies always attract like and similar energies. This relates to the dimensional hierarchies as well. We will always be matched with what and how we are vibrating.
As we go higher and higher, this phenomenon becomes much more magnified and also becomes one of the basic cores of our reality and existence. Through the ascension process we evolving beyond what we used to be, and therefore the people and surroundings that no longer match our vibration simply leave our space.
This can sometimes occur rather dramatically or at times through a simple desire resulting from the inability to relate to them like we used to.
You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful.
Same as above. You’re no longer a fit and it’s time to move on to a much higher vibrating way of living, being, and creating.
Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m.
Much is going on in your dream state. You can’t be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the ‘cleansing and releasing’ hour.
When we awaken in the middle of the night we’re not only in enhanced awareness, but we’re also in an enhanced state of creation. In this state, our ability to transform our thoughts into reality is greatly increased. The challenge is to become conscious of what we are thinking about, and therefore what we are creating. Instead many simply allow their thoughts to flow from them by default, thereby creating realities that are not really to their liking.
Meaning .. if you worry about not being able to sleep, and worry during this period that you are going to be tired in the morning because you can’t get enough rest, you’ll only be adding to the likelihood that you are going to be tired in the morning.
A much more useful plan is to enjoy the enhanced creativity and tell yourself instead that you’re going to be invigorated and energized by this period of heightened awareness and creativity. Then be amazed at the result!
Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings.
Bright light, crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulation are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. Know that this will eventually pass and you will be able to ‘tune out’ and be in control of what you wish to experience.
Humming and/or ringing in the ears.
This is not Tinnitus, though it feels like it might be.
The other thing that will be happening very soon as a result of all the things that you are moving through, is that your ears will take another step into change. Some of you will hear ringing that will go on and on and on and on. Take it as a vibrational imprint for it simply means that you are vibrating in harmonics with a new alternate reality which is very close to yours.
From Archangel Michael: Oh, do not think that you cannot hear the sound
Artist: unknown

You are a sun in human form We urge you to go into that portal in the centre of your sun and realize the ENORMITY, the EXPANSE, the INFINITY, the CREATIVE WELL inside of you, it is infinite dear ones. We playfully ask you to contemplate this to feel it.

October 17, 2020

Adama of Telos (17th October 2020) – The inner star gateway, move into and become your inner world self

Greetings beloveds of the planet earth, I am Adama of Telos and this is my message to you this day. A great many things are transpiring all around you, and most importantly within you. This is the real secret dear ones. What is happening within your heart centre is the real deal. I know that sounds a little strange to use those words… we wish to approach you in a more grounded humorous way for we see that far too many of you are becoming distracted with the outer world.

We have said many times just how important it is to reach inside, to feel inside of you, to feel the infinite expanse that is within you, which is who you truly are.

It is important to grasp and fully understand that the events transpiring around you are a direct reflection of what it is within you collectively and as an individual being. You can change your outer events by going inside. And here’s how we suggest you do that… Inside you dear ones, there is a labyrinth of light possibilities. The quantum field that you are and that you are within is now brimming with possibilities. But why you continually focus on your outer world, as if these are your only options, you will place your focus on them and continually re-create them. Dear ones, this is not what we wish for you. It is time now to come inside, to realize that the inner world, the great expanse within you, is waiting for your return home.

Much like a diver being afraid or somewhat hesitant to go into an unexplored cave, because of the ‘unknown’ factor, we see many of you resisting, or feeling unsure. Because you have known yourselves to be ‘of’ the outer world, to be ‘In’ the outer world for so long. We understand this dear ones, we know this is difficult for you to transcend, but it is what you must do at this time. This is what we ask of you.

It is VERY important dear ones…

Going into your inner world is a little like melding into a great and tremendous sun, that has infinite expanse and infinite connection. Just like the womb of the mother, this is where all your creativity happens. When you look at your outer world, it is a holographic projection of what you choose to create WITHIN your inner world. In an analogy, we see so many of you believing, as you have done for so long, that to change your outer world you must take action, that you must take control of the outer world components, move them around, form them into what you want and then that is considered ‘job done’.

But this is not true dear ones…

You are moving into higher vibrational realms of the fifth dimension. Here, everything is created from within. If a fifth dimensional being wishes to create something, they go within themselves, they create the reality they wish to experience WITHIN the infinite expanse within themselves and then they watch it unfold very quickly in the outer reflection, that is your outer world (I feel this is much like a womb of pure creativity of which the outer world completely and faithfully becomes in holographic form, like a mirror that constantly jumps to become what you are inside).

This is a very important concept to understand dear ones. We wish to help you, to assist you to transition from being stuck and lost in an outer world, to being beings that are fully centred, fully connection to their inner creatorship. Where you can create and generate the outer reality EAXCTLY as you wish it to be dear ones, no more being blow around like a feather in the outside space as if you are to succumb to outside influences this way and that way. This is not how it works, and this is ONLY a symptom of you giving your power away… And what is it to give your power away? It is to entrench yourself, to believe yourself to be OF the outside world. You therefore allow your power, and you are doing this to yourselves dear ones, you allow your creations to take command of YOU. By entrenching your focus, by entrenching your sense of what is real, your sense of self – that’s the most important part – in the outer world, and then you become OF your outer world.

Dear ones, you get pushed around so much by the outer world elements while you do this. You know this, you experience this. This has caused much frustration in the human race and we see this.

This is why we continually ask you, please come back into your inner space, your inner truth, your inner world.

Your inner world is an infinite expanse… The outer world is but a fraction of what it is to be in your inner world dear ones. And like an analogy this one has used before, the outer world is much like a virtual reality headset that you put on. It can seem very real, so real in fact that over many eons of time you have become enmeshed in this game.

This is a time to wake up and to awaken to your deeper truth dear ones. We talk to all of you the awakened ones. Many of you are still, including this one we will say, still spend far too long, with your attention and your focus on the outer world, seeing what happens, seeing how things change. It is ok to do this dear ones, but do not get lost in this. Do not allow yourselves to be enmeshed in the outer world’s goings on. Do not identify with it, for you are your inner world.

The outer world is an expanse for you to experience your inner world creations as a reflection… We wish for you to ponder this, to contemplate this. Take the time to meditate, go within, go into that beautiful heart centre of yours, feel the love, the potential, the expanse of who you are. Play with it, like a child going into a sand pit for the first time, playing with the sand, feeling it, moving it around, sitting within it, covering yourselves in it, have FUN dear ones!!! Then, certain important powerful truths will dawn on you. Things that we cannot explain here, through this or any other channel, but that which you musty experience for yourselves, you must realize for yourself. And oh dear ones we wish so much for you to do this, and we rejoice in knowing that you soon will. We only ask… we only ask for you to take the time to go within, to meditate. We know you hear these message often dear ones, and we know many of you feel they are repetitive, but this is SO VALUABLE for you dear ones, this is so important.


It has NEVER been outside of you.

The events taking place outside of you are but a jostle of energetics in this giant transformation, where the old chaotic hidden is coming out and dissolving away, and you are seeing it. This is not who you are, do not involve yourselves in it, unless you feel guided to do so.

Please place AS MUCH OF YOUR FOCUS, YOUR ATTENTION within yourself as often and as deeply as you feel you would love to.

We love you all so very much, and we will leave you with this final thought and feeling if we may…

We are giving an image to this one of a bright sun, a beautiful powerful sun with a universe all around it. This is analogous to your inner and outer worlds. The sun is your inner world, when you step through that portal inside an expanse, an infinite expanse opens up to you. You have yet to fully understand what suns are, many of you have a good idea, but most do not. And the outer expanse around the sun is your outer world. Dear ones, where does EVERYTHING in the outer world get its light from, yes dear ones, the sun.

The centre of you is the source of all your life.

You are a sun in human form

We urge you to go into that portal in the centre of your sun and realize the ENORMITY, the EXPANSE, the INFINITY, the CREATIVE WELL inside of you, it is infinite dear ones. We playfully ask you to contemplate this to feel it.

Find and connect with your inner world portal, your SACRED HEART as many call it. The gateway to the truth of who you really are.

When you do this often enough, you will release your attachments to the outer world, you will realize it full for the illusion and non-existence it really is…

We bid you farewell, until the next time, this is our message to you this day. We thank this channel and all for listening.

We love you so very much and we look forward to seeing so many bright stars, switch on far more deeply.

We bid you adieu, goodbye for now…

Channeled by Davey

That ‘work’ is to be loving whatever arises

A Saul Message by John Smallman
Humanity’s awakening process is advancing rapidly now, as each day increasing numbers of the population worldwide become aware of the essential need now for major changes in the manner in which people think of each other – friend, untrustworthy other, or foe – and understand that all, without any exception are, like themselves, the beloved children of God. Realizing that, and knowing it, they are then able to let go of judgment, dislike, and dismissal of others as different and wrong, and instead listen to them and discuss with them issues that need to be resolved. There are many issues that humanity can most successfully resolve if they choose to listen to and hear the opinions and beliefs of others in order to engage in meaningful discussion. Remember, you have limitless loving assistance and guidance available to you from your support teams in the spiritual realms if you will call on them and allow yourselves to hear them – your intuition – without believing the instant egoic disparaging thought arising: “That will never work!”
All are in Relationship with the One. There is only relationship because all are One. The experience of separation that you undergo as humans in form is unreal, although you experience it as very real, and that was the intent with which it was designed. When you feel that you are a separate and tiny individual being in a vast universe filled with uncountable numbers of ‘others,’ that are not you, it causes you to feel fearful, alone, unsafe, threatened by the vastness of which you appear to be such a small and insignificant speck or particle. And yet, in truth, you are that vastness, because you are in relationship with it. It and you are One. At present, as your awakening approaches and as so much is moving from the unseen – the unconscious part of the collective mind in form – into your individual conscious minds that is extremely unsettling if not, in some cases, terrifying, it is not surprising that many are feeling the extremes of uncertainty and confusion. Over many incarnations, due to the nature of the game of separation in which humanity is engaged, much negative karma has been built up by the human collective over the eons which is now arising into each soul’s individual awareness for forgiveness and release. It may well seem totally alien to the person experiencing it because, not being from the individual’s present life time, it is unrecognizable. A
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You all chose to incarnate at this moment in the awakening process to assist one another with this mighty task. You all knew that it would be difficult and painful, but you also knew that you would be totally supported by God and by your spiritual support teams, and that your success was inevitable. Nothing has changed!

However, because of the amnesia involved in taking on human form, that knowing, that certainty is hidden from you, and at times the lives you are leading and the suffering that you are undergoing seems unfair, unwarranted, very real, and something that a loving god would never allow to occur. You need to keep on reminding yourselves of the unreality of the game of separation from God, in which you are engaged, and in which all are playing their parts precisely as planned to bring about your awakening, even though, when you observe the divisive and chaotic situations in so many areas of the world, it is frequently difficult for you to remain convinced that your collective awakening is imminent.

Although it is good to be aware of the pain and suffering that so many are experiencing, so that you can keep sending them love and healing – a very powerful and effective thought form – do not allow yourselves to be constantly distracted by the angry content and reports of intense suffering on which the mainstream and social media channels focus so much attention.

When you do, as you must have noticed, your energy fields weaken leading to depression and a sense of helplessness, even hopelessness.
You are very powerful beings! And you are precisely where you are meant to be to assist most effectively and lovingly in humanity’s awakening process.

When you focus on what is not loving in the world you are permitting your egos to distract you from the work you incarnated to do.

That ‘work’ is to be loving whatever arises, letting go of judgment and condemnation of others who are behaving in unconscionable ways, and sending Love to all to help them to become aware and awaken to their true nature which is identical to your own . . . It is Love!

Go within at least once daily, and preferably much more frequently – it need only be for a few moments as you set the intent to be only loving – because when you do the loving energy that is flowing through you, and out to all of humanity (you really do affect All of humanity), intensifies enormously, raising your frequency and also the frequency of countless others of whom you are unaware. That is the ‘work’ you incarnated to do, and when you remind yourselves of this you realize that it is not really work at all, it is, instead, a most enjoyable occupation that fills you with peace and contentment, because you are doing the divine Will, and you know it.

With so very much love, Saul.

Message from the Angels

Messages from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,

We are so proud of each and every one of you. You have been working hard to reap the gifts offered by this extremely challenging year of contrast upon your earth. You have been diligently striving to gently shift your thoughts towards ones that make you feel better. You have been doing your best to stay out of fear. This is the work your soul came to do.

You wanted to create from the arena of contrasts. You wanted to grow into mastery of your mind, so you could master your own energy. You wanted to use your free will to aim the power that creates worlds in directions that please you and thus allow the expansion of the Divine. This year, more than any before in recent history has afforded you an opportunity for amazing growth and therefore, amazing grace.

Some of you are chafing at the bits, ready to get going with life, but not yet motivated to act. Some of you have surrendered to truly enjoying your time under current conditions. Some of you have gone inward to create your future from the inside out. Some of you have been working non-stop to assist in healing, delivering, re-birthing, and more. Many of you are feeling exhausted and in need of great rest.

Wherever you find yourself at this time, remind yourself, it is OK. I am perfect exactly where I am. I am feeling exactly what I need to feel now. My feelings are my guidance. If I am tired, I am being guided to rest. If I am energized and inspired, I’m being guided to act. If I dream of the future but don’t want to act, I’m being guided to dream and create in my inner world. Trust. Don’t compare yourself with others. You are on a unique and beautiful path which has been defined by your very own desires.

Embracing the here and now is actually the quickest path to your dreams. Finding loving thoughts in the here and now ensures more love later. Appreciating the abundance you have in any area will increase your abundance in every area. Sleeping when you are tired, moving when you are energized, eating when you are hungry, are all ways in which you can honor your guidance. You want to feel good, so when you have thoughts that don’t, continue to gently switch them one by one.

You are tired of a non-stop barrage of negativity and conflict, so give yourself permission to disengage. You are weary from having to “defend your position” so give yourself permission to simply listen to others rather than having to explain yourselves, unless of course you enjoy it.

Just be yourself in a given moment. Instead of asking, “What should I be doing?” ask instead, “What do I feel like doing?” and trust any feeling that feels good and loving to you. We understand many of you have to work, keep schedules, etc., but you can always ask, “What do I feel like doing?” and then at the first available opportunity honor that. Trust.

You are all doing such amazing work upon your planet. We would love to help you see yourselves through our eyes. You would see your courage, your tenacity, your beautiful love and concern for our Mother earth, your love for all souls, even the ones that drive you crazy. You would see your sweet, sensitive, strong and caring hearts. You would see yourselves as nothing less than the Divine embodied in so many perfect, beautiful, precious forms.

Don’t be hard upon yourselves. Trust that where you are at is exactly where you need to be. Trust that if you feel like doing (or not doing) something and the thought feels kind or loving, that is your guidance. Trust that there is nothing wrong with you, no matter how you feel – whether you are joyous or working through grief.

This has been an exquisitely challenging year. You are still going through change as your Mother earth continues to release her pressures and cleanse the energies that have been stagnant for so long. You are, in many cases, facing highly charged political decisions. Nonetheless, if your guidance is to rest, rest. If you guidance is to ignore the world’s problems and tend to your own vibration, by all means do so. If your feeling is to act, act.

As you honor your own feelings, rather than contrasting and comparing yourselves with others or superficial standards – as you do what feels like love to you in a given moment – you allow yourself to feel the energy that creates worlds moving in you and through you. In this reality your very existence is a gift to the world.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels


Multiple Sources are confirming that the only reason the funds for assisting humanity are delayed is because of the Alliance deliberately doing this for reasons of security and safety. (1) (2).And while i totally understand this,i also know deep on my heart that Prime Creator has already released them to reach all of us,what belongs to God belongs to each and everyONE of His/Her Sons and Daughters.We Light workers need to understand deeper in our beings that Vibration shifts and rises constantly on the planet and whatever is being read or witnessed in any inter has nothing to do with what really is taking place on our New Earth reality really.We are the ones creating it every now and while it is good to get out there and check the ‘news’ the most important work to do is to FEEL into what FREEDOM does in our and all people’s lives right NOW.This is what is all about:FREEDOM to allow smooth Ascension process for each and everyONE.There is no need to focus on what is happening out there,while i must agree quite exciting while i eat my organic pop corn but then again it is all about the way i feel within me that creates my reality every now.

I observe less and i imagine more and so i feel more right NOW.And so this is my invitation to you to feel into what Freedom DOES with the NESARA/GESARA funds being released getting Basic Universal Income for everybody and all means to release Free Energy Inventions,to create and distribute Celestial Chambers/Mebdeds,to create Eco Sustainable Autonomous Communities (and The Venus Project?),to Clean the Rivers & Oceans,to Reforest all land across the planet,to offer Safe Havens for all Animals to live the lives they deserve too,to create awesome mobility going from Electric Vehicles to Hover Car and Anti Gravity Vehicles,to create an environment where all Children and all Women and Men are Safe and Sound at all times and to assist all Charities to do better work in their respective fields,to assist each and everyone get the roof of their liking over their heads and to create amazing gardens all over the planet for abundance of Whole Organic Foods and clean water for each and everyone and to create Intergalactic Station where some of the smaller ships of our Galactic Families can land and so we begin open contact in the backyard of our new homes maybe?when i speak about those things with those around me,most of the time i loose the connection with them because most are entrapped in the 3d illusion that is playing out and if you managed to read this far,it means that you are receiving this information with open heart and that you already know in your heart in this now how FREEDOM feels.


The way we truly Free Ourselves as Aware Light Workers is by feeling into our FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY FROM A PLACE OF JOY AND LOVE EMANATING FROM WITHIN in the NOW.We are the ones creating IT with the assistance of all Light Beings and Mother Father GOD that are right by our side supporting us,inspiring us,assisting us,loving us,acknowledging us wherever we go,whatever we do with who ever we do it at all times.(3)

It is simply a question of easying the process from within by FEELING FREE in OUR NOW because timelines are shifting and as they shift vibrations speak louder than any words .

We FREE ourselves right now by CELEBRATING right now our victory of LIGHT and intel will follow that shows the result of our Collective VORTEX of creation,i promise you that!!!NOT CONDITIONAL HAPPINESS BUT AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS IN THE HERE AND NOW FROM WITHIN OUT.

We are that powerful and I KNOW IT!


Namaste Dear Ones.

I Love You All!




(3)Infinite Gratitude for Abraham Hicks for these words that express fully Feel More Than Fine for which btw i got the insight back in 2003,long before i start reading Abraham Hicks,i guess this is how Law of Attraction works :))))))

The Alliance has been delaying the progress on your planet for too long, so our new Grand Counsel Queen An-Ra replaced the person in charge of releasing the funds to humanity-Ashtar-

October 16, 2020


I am Ashtar Commander of Galactic Federation of Light,

Finally, I am here, I have been trying for a couple days to deliver my message. It was interrupted a few times by different events. One of them, I would like to share with you, it was a battle with the Dark Ones. I received a report from one of our Commanders that the Negative Ones where stationed on one of the planets near by and their forces were quite large. I made the decision with my fleet to attack them unexpectedly, as that was a lot of ships in one area, which were planning to go to Earth. They would interfere with our plan for Ascension on Mother Earth.

We attacked them and destroyed their fleet, we also captured and delivered many of them to Prime Creator. He is going to make a decision, on what he will do with the survivors. We usually try to preserve life, unless we don’t have a choice, if they don’t surrender and keep firing at us, then we have no choice, but to destroy their ships and they unfortunately lose their lives. Most of the time we try to capture them alive, if we can. Prime Creator tries to bring the Dark Ones back to the light, if they continue to resist, then they can be stripped from their soul.

I am happy that this battle is over and that we won. Afterwards, we needed to remove all of the debris and to clean up all of the area around the planet where the battle took place. My fleet almost daily has encounters with the Negative Forces. This is why my message got delayed a few times.

As you know from Prime Creator’s last message, we started The Final Phase for Ascension on Mother Gaia. We have a lot of work still to do, and we are expecting more battles and encounters with the Dark Side. Their agenda for planet Earth has changed, they no longer want to keep the humans alive and use them as a slave labor. Now, they just want to completely destroy Gaia and all life on it.

Before, if you remember, the Negative Ones were planning to eliminate 95 percent of the human population by using vaccinations and other negative means, and only 5 percent of the survivors would be left from the whole population, which would have been used as their labor force, now they lost any interest of keeping this planet for themselves, and they don’t want anyone else to have it either, so they are trying to blow up Earth and eliminate everyone on it.

We, The Galactic Federation of Light and all of the Light Forces are doing our best to prevent that from happening and we are making sure that none of the Dark Fleet Forces make it here to your world. This is why it’s important for everyone on this planet to do your daily meditations, this will speed up your Ascension Process.

As a Commander, I have been lately very busy with a lot of different events going on behind the scenes. My crew and I are doing our best trying to keep Terra Christa and you safe. We have been reminding many times to the Ground Crew and Alliance that they also have responsibilities and duties to fulfill. The Alliance has been delaying the progress on your planet for too long, so our new Grand Counsel Queen An-Ra replaced the person in charge of releasing the funds to humanity.

I would like to ask all of you please, take seriously your tasks and duties, because the progress of your Ascension depends on it. My crew, I and our fleets have been stationary around Mother Gaia for a very long time and we would like to finish this assignment and move on to a new one. The human beings on Gaia receive daily blessings from Prime Creator, Galactics and etc. Now, we need your help to finish this process here, all of you have missions to accomplish here.

Millions of beings are involved in this Process of Ascension, which is very important for us and all of you. We want to see through this to the end, which has been long over due to be finished, so this is why Prime Creator announced about The Final Phase of Ascension, so he gave a timeframe for the Alliance to redistribute the wealth to humanity, so they can’t give anymore excuses on why they can’t get it done and not fulfill their duties.

As you know, Prime Creator is very serious about it, and he is not going to let go of anything without consequences, because it’s effecting too many people on this planet, so he and we will make sure that Alliance follows through and delivers the wealth to humanity in a timely manner.

Also, regarding Light Workers, Light Warriors and Twin Flames, all of them need to reunite and start doing their missions, and the ones, who will try to run away from their responsibilities and missions, we, The Galactics are going to make sure that they will be brought back to fulfill their duties. We are not going to let anyone escape from their commitments, which are expected from them. A long time ago before coming to this planet, they took a vow to help Mother Earth and humankind. We are not going to allow anymore delays with this Ascension Process.

My message and other messages by other beings coming through this channel are very important and are going to have only the truth. Please, learn how to accept the truth and don’t run away from it, because it’s very crucial and important time for you and your planet now. As we mentioned before, Gaia already ascended and she is only keeping this 3D version alive, because humanity, animals and nature are still here in this 3D reality.

Millions of Light Forces are working together very hard making sure that this Ascension happens. Terra Christa is constantly beaming with high energies to help you with the process. We are all watching over you, even if you don’t see us in a physical form, we are always connected with all of you. Please, raise your consciousness by doing your daily meditations 3-4 times a day, to lift your energies from 3D to 5D. You want to transform yourself to a Galactic Human Being. If you don’t know yet what is your mission, then meditation is your mission.

As I said before, many things are taking place out of site and in secret for now, until the right moment comes to reveal everything to you on what’s really going on behind the 3D curtain, so please, don’t worry about what’s is happening there, just focus on yourselves, your daily tasks and on your day to day work that is expected from you, which is going to help us and all of you to come closer to the finish line. Please, remember you are here to help Mother Terra Christa and everyone in this world to ascend and move to The Golden Age, where there will be no more suffering, only peace, harmony and immortality.

This is why we put so much effort and time as The Galactic Federation of Light now is working together with our new Grand Counsel Queen An-Ra. She is very much involved in this Process now. Queen An-Ra is doing a lot of incredible and amazing work for us. At this moment she is focusing her attention on one of the Twin Flames, who is causing us a lot of problems by avoiding the responsibilities and missions that individual, who swore an oath to do before coming to Earth, so she is in charge of that issue, and she will take care of that matter, so we are very grateful for her stepping in and helping us with this problem.

Please, Alliance, we cannot specify enough of how important it is for you to do your part in this Ascension Process, like the announcement of Nesara Gesara Republic, redistribution of wealth, mass arrests and etc. I understand that everything here works at much slower pace, because of the density of 3D energies. I, Ashtar and the rest of us have faith in you with your dedication, time, effort and diligence that you are going to be successful in delivering the expected results in this long overdue Process of Ascending to 5th dimension.

The Ground Crew, your contribution and all of your hard work is very much appreciated. We are coming to the end of this Process, so please don’t get discouraged, we are following the divine plan, which was created by Prime Creator, so trust yourselves and trust us, we are going to meet one day in person with you as a new Galactic Human in 5D. I am Ashtar and I was happy to be here today with all of you and give you on update on your Ascension Process. Thank you.

Channeled by Erena Velazquez


Galactic Confederation and Resistance Forces are making good progress in eliminating the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC).  
The vast majority of the Draco ships and also the majority of negative Secret Space Programs ships have been Cleared already, with very few remaining in the Low Earth Orbit.
Many of the Dracos are fleeing the Draco fleet and trying to hide in underground bases, where they are Cleared anyway a few days later.
The Resistance is clearing the underground bases with full force, with Neu Berlin and most other Antarctic underground bases already liberated.
Positive Military sources with no access to Resistance intel are reporting unusual seismic activity in Antarctica. Those military sources are also reporting evacuation of surface US, Russian, Chinese, and Argentinian military bases in Antarctica for unknown reasons.
The LIGHT Forces have also begun the full force operation of clearing the Chimera fleet that was until now hidden in Quantum Superposition State in Sublunar Space.
They have already managed to clear the majority of Chimera forces from Sublunar Space and NOW most of the Chimera fleet is gathered in Low Earth Orbit.
Draco military commanders are surrendering all their highly advanced technology to the Chimera forces just before they get cleared by the Galactic Confederation. Draco military high command is NOW in a state of panic, smelling defeat.
Chimera fleet is using the so-called quantum black goo as their defense weapon against the progress of the LIGHT Forces.
Quantum black goo is simply compressed form of quantum primary anomaly that has been exposed to extreme entropy and is now being released by the Chimera in Low Earth Orbit and is being very effectively cleared by the LIGHT Forces.
Yet, it still does contribute to the overall primary anomaly around the planet and to general feeling of doom and gloom which surrounds the Earth.
Chimera beings were once highly evolved angelic beings who chose to subject themselves to controlled toplet bombs explosion experiments long time ago in the Galactic past. This, and numerous genetic experiments has mutated them into Spider BEings of unimaginable darkness.
Soon, they will All BE finally dealt with.
To counteract all this, Saint Germain is NOW sending Strong Energies to empower the implementation of the Constitution of the United States:
The Constitution is a legal document that forms the legal basis for the creation of New Atlantis before the Galactic Codex can be implemented.
Saint Germain was deeply involved in the creation of the United States and in the creation of the Declaration of Independence.
Both Constitution of the United States and Declaration of Independence are legal documents that will have important role in the events which are about to occur in the United States in the Next Few Months and which will have Global impact.
We are NOW in the midst of the Final Battle:

And Envision our Future.
The BEST is yet to Come: At a certain point… Energies of the Galactic Central Sun will burn through All obstacles…
The Net Must Come Down… It Ends… LIGHT Enters!
Victory of the LIGHT!

Activated Hearts are holding the Balance, Peace and Highest Outcomes for all concerned.

Activated Hearts are holding the Balance, Peace and Highest Outcomes for all concerned. Remember: In any moment as the 2020 dismantling intensifies and revelations step forth, personal or collective, you may pause, unplug from the reaction ripples, align with your Christed Heart, and command forth Peace, grace and stability to the unified field.

Blessings Beloveds ~

A passage we have all seen and felt is about to reveal another layer. The frequencies are flowing in to support an acceleration of our Revelation phase. We utilize our Heart compass and discernment to navigate this rushing river of change.

The Ascension trajectory (Primary Christed Timeline) is already an inevitable conclusion to this Divine HUstory of Gaia. How we get there, and how tumultuous it is can be GREATLY aided, steered and assisted by activated hearts in service.

Activated Hearts are holding the Balance, Peace and Highest Outcomes for all concerned. Remember: In any moment as the 2020 dismantling intensifies and revelations step forth, personal or collective, you may pause, unplug from the reaction ripples, align with your Christed Heart, and command forth Peace, grace and stability to the unified field.

We do this every SUNday in our Unity Meditations. All hearts in service to the organic Ascension are welcome to participate. It is a training ground for Peacemakers and Responsible Creators.

The next weeks provide an uptick in old-reality-shaking, recoding energies.

The SUN (Solaris) was completely recoded a few months ago. The PRISM has changed again, so new realities can be projected by our greater beingness. Reality-shifting codes are blazing through in this Now. This is related to the solar-flashing experiences and precognitive visions many have had since last December. The recoding provides the instrument for our 2020 perception-shifting conclusion.

This is a passage to Master your own narrative, internally and externally. Rewrite HUstory in this Now with your thoughts, feelings, visualizations, and Christed actions.

Dismantling on Overdrive

The Frequencies are taking a jump. Sounds, harmonics, colors, vibrancy of energies and their complexity increases. Quite loud if you hear higher harmonics, and bright if you see them. They are ringing the body and DNA as well.

These frequency jumps are amplifying the dismantling as predicted. It is an exciting and challenging last quarter as the photonic light codes reveal, reveal, reveal. Upsetting old systems is evident; they have the opportunity to expose themselves. Subtle censorship becomes blatant abuse of power (we are already seeing this; please hold the field for open communication regardless of your beliefs.)

All is presented to the awakened collective so we may choose to unify. It is best to embrace Unity Consciousness Now, as some of the lingering chaotic timelines have yet to release. Sleight-of-hand positive agendas hold peaceful highest choices for all, and honor free will, with positive solutions that honor highest outcomes. Let that sink in; some revelations are the temporary highest choice which serves the end game – the Ascension.

Pull back to the higher perspective of the unified multidimensional experience. Just enough separation to perceive the game of you-and-me, and enough Creator State wisdom to know all is Love. Express what is is the highest interests of all concerned in every prayer, meditation, ceremony and decree.

The Responsible Creation Principle

We are entering into the hot zone of this new light, still set for the December 12 – January 14 Gateway.

You are going to feel it shaking, recoding, overwriting old realities. It may sound like commotion in a distant room, a collapsing reality happening in a parallel dimension.

Remember the point of dividing timelines is the splintering off of uncomplementary realms: peeling off the collective experiences which do not align with unity and New Earth consciousness. Our goal is to have most of the collective on the higher timelines, so that very few are on the lower timelines as they collapse. Mass awakening is accelerating this, and the unfoldments of the next months demonstrate this acceleration.

Photonic light frequencies amplify everything, lifting the self-imposed veils so you may examine, release and clear what does not serve. Zero focus on what you don’t desire. Amplify the Light and it will blast the distortions into a faded memory.

In your Mastery, utilize the Responsible Creation Principle. Create from the highest platform of Unconditional love you have achieved, stabilized and are able to implement. Integrity, honor, do-unto-others, and service in the highest interests of the whole.

Life without Veils

Physicalization of the etheric continues; what was unseen is now seen. It aids in the removal of what does not serve. The Light purges these realms of distortion, step by step. Mastery-level patience as the collective awakening unfolds; Mastery-level self-realization as the self-imposed veils lift.

You cannot outrun the lifting the of the veils. Best to witness personal revelations, clear what does not serve, shift your behavior, and get on with the New.

Shifting your reaction to collective veil-lifting is possible at any step. Best to keep a sense of Light about deceptions or sleight-of-hand switches in the storylines. Your perception is based on the spiritual maturity of your heart, mind and emotions. Become still, centered, and clear on what you desire as an outcome for your own path. Then deal with personal veil-lifting, moment by moment.

The latest veil-lifting for this (very) interesting passage stepped up this week. I noted spontaneous remote-viewing style vision of behind-the-scenes meetings. Vivid detail. Nothing I can share at the moment.

Higher realms are gaining vibrancy. Every meditation opens with the Krishna realms now. Brighter, clearer … this does occur when I teach (creating a new class at the moment), however the intensity is profound. Embodiment looks through the prism of Self without the veils of division.

Contact experiences are vivid, clear, direct, and quite active with Lightbody and DNA adjustments. Invite it in with healthy parameters (that you define) if you want the eyes-open experience. It teaches comfort with other realms, and to be able to discern genuine interaction from inorganic manipulation.

I feel my perception shifting, and the heart center gaining more strength. My Gate crystal – and my body – felt like it was electrified after Gatework this week. [See photo above!]

A Vibrant Passage for Dismantling and Choice Points

You may choose to be quiet and with Gaia during this passage. Some of us are actively preparing the Crystalline Grids and Gates for the new light. Express the sensual, joyous, creative Crystalline energies and your realities will follow.

If you can, assist those who are thrown off balance by the revelations. This continues all year, dear hearts. While there are stronger dismantling effects due to the US election, making the next month a tumultuous one, remember to feel into the victorious outcomes often. It will assist your personal journey – and more importantly, the highest trajectory for all concerned.


LEVEL UP: Module Two begins Saturday

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SUNday Unity Meditations: Stronger than Ever

Join the Global #SUNdayUnityMeditations at 5:11AM, 8:11AM and 11:11AM PDT (UTC-7).

We hold the Divine intent to amplify the Divine HUman qualities of peace, love and Unity Consciousness. Override and overwrite all distortions through infusions of the Truth of Divine LoveLight in this New Earth Now. Details at Let us show Humanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Your planet is in the stages of an evolution of consciousness. The chaos, confusion and intense energy are the resistance to this evolution and awakening.

October 14, 2020,

We are here once again to empower you. We are here to remind you that you are a magnificent multidimensional being of Divine Light and Love. We are here to acknowledge you as a sentient being. We are here to acknowledge and honor you as the physical Human that you are.

These qualities and aspects are interwoven into the energy that makes you unique and powerful. The idea that you are alive and conscious is where your power resides. When you can acknowledge these qualities within yourself you are awake and aware.

It is that awake and aware quality that we want to engage. You are here to transmute and transform energy through the alchemical chalice of your heart. There is a consciousness process in which you sit quietly and breathe in the suffering of the world and then breathe it out transformed. That is how powerful you are as a divine being.

It is the physical mind and consciousness that feels overwhelmed by the chaos and intensity that is occurring on your planet. Your divine self is not overwhelmed.

You came here to do this work. You came here to step up and into your personal power as a Divine Being in a physical Human body. Being physical in this dimension is what gives you permission to do this work.

We cannot transform energy for you. It is your birthright and responsibility to transform negative and misqualified energy that you witness or experience.

Your planet is in the stages of an evolution of consciousness. The chaos, confusion and intense energy are the resistance to this evolution and awakening. Remember that all great changes are preceded by chaos.

So your task or your mission is to hold firmly the truth of Love and Light. Your task or your mission is to transform all personal negative patterns or emotions that you have repressed or suppressed from past experiences.

Imagine as a Divine Being that when you came to this dimension you gathered all these intense negative emotions with the intention of transforming them. However, in this reality of unconscious limitation you forgot your agreement and you forgot just how to transform this energy.

We have offered many suggestions to remind you of how to shift, delete or transform negative and misqualified energy or emotions. First say to yourself “I am fully embodied, I am anchored to this planet, I am my Divine Self in physical form.” This is your foundation, this is your source of power, this is the chalice in which you do any and all alchemical work of transformation.

Next ask yourself what percent of this negative emotion is personally yours. Realize that the minute you begin to feel an emotion, the minute you begin to feel the energy or vibration that you call an emotion, you entrain, resonate with, connect to or attract a similar vibration or emotion that is in the collective consciousness.

If, for example, you are feeling fear, imagine that only twenty percent of that fear is personally yours. However the moment you feel that fear, you connect to the broadcast of fear that is held in the collective.

Now you have one hundred percent of fear running through your body. This energy now triggers your adrenals, your muscles contract, you are on alert. You are overwhelmed with fear and your mind/ego begins to tell you more stories that cause you to feel even more fear.

At this point remember that you are your Divine Self in physical form.

  • Now invite divine beings of Love and Light to witness and support you as you transform the energy vibration that you have labeled fear.
  • Now take a breath and sound the fear. What would this emotion sound like if it was just expressed as a sound?  Do not use words because this engages the left brain which is the guard of suppressed emotions.
  • Continue to sound your fear or whatever negative emotion you want to clear until it feels complete.
  • Now name the quality or emotion you want to put in place of what you have cleared and call that emotion of peace, strength, hope or joy with sound.

Now you have completed a process we call emotional and energetic Alchemy. You are an Alchemist. You are here on this planet at this time to transform all the negative emotions you have experienced or have empathically taken on from others. This is one of the most powerful processes we can offer you during this time.

Now imagine that you are your Divine Self in physical form and you call upon Divine beings to witness and support you as you transform some of the distress that has been created by a tragic event. Sound the distress until it feels complete for you. Replace it with healing, harmony or love and call that quality into form with sound. Now you are doing global service work without feeling that distress running through your body.

If each and every one of us began to do this work, that would be a tremendous shift and change with all the current events. You see, everyone stores their suppressed emotions in the tissues, organs, cells and bones of their body. Everyone has been taught to repress emotions; no one has been taught how to clear them in a healthy manner. No one has been taught that they are an Alchemist.

What Humans don’t realize is that if you suppress sadness because you don’t allow yourself to feel that sadness at the time, then you have suppressed that sadness into your body. When you encounter someone who is feeling sad, your sadnesses are going to be triggered. Emotions are contagious.

You are witnessing that very process in your reality at this time. All the repressed emotions of hatred, judgment, anger, fear, and prejudice are being triggered. There is not a safe way to express these emotions. We have observed the practice of huge stadiums of people all gathering to watch their favorite sport. Everyone screams, yells and is very expressive with sounds that are not usually expressed.

Everyone leaves the game or sporting event feeling so good. It was a great game. What they don’t realize or didn’t understand is that in one of the areas in which loud sounds/emotions are acceptable and expected, they just cleared lots of emotions that they had been repressing.

We are inviting you to begin to step into your awesome power to transform negative and misqualified emotions. Be the Alchemist. Imagine that you are clearing and cleaning up toxic vibrations and energy in this process.

We are honored to remind you of your power and your ability to shift the energy very consciously with dedication and intention. Be sure that you invite us to join you as well as other divine beings; we truly love working with you. the ‘team’

©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

Everything that causes you to feel and experience less than LOVE is inviting you to Align your SELF with SOURCE on a deeper level.

“We are Here NOW. 
We LOVE you. We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Dear Ones, as you are going through the Grand SHIFT of Earth, please KNOW that everything is being orchestrated at the HIGHEST Cosmic Levels to move planet Earth through this Ascension process.
Your Higher SELF is in direct connection with this orchestration to provide you with the Experiences, Lessons and Breakthroughs you had planned to have, before you came into this lifetime.
It might seem very intense right NOW, but it is important to Focus on the Big Picture and what you wish to experience vs what is currently happening.
Everything that causes you to feel and experience less than LOVE is inviting you to Align your SELF with SOURCE on a deeper level.
In other words, every time you observe something that is unpleasant, instead of interacting with it, go Inward and connect to SOURCE.
Instead of giving unpleasant experience the power, give your POWER to SOURCE. Withdraw the Energy from unpleasant experiences, may they be in the past, present or future.
Give All your ENERGY to what you wish to experience.
You have the POWER to choose your Responses, Thoughts, Feelings, Words and Actions.
You have the POWER to create your Reality by connecting to the All-Powerful SOURCE and ask for what you wish to experience.
Then, Hold your Unwavering Focus on it.
Keep Holding your Focus on your Vision for your Reality, even if it takes some time.
Acknowledge every little SIGN that points towards your Vision.
Eventually, you will experience it.
We are holding the vision of the NEW Earth with you and from our vantage point it is Glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are Loved BEyond measure.
We are with you… Always. We LOVE You.
WE are YOU.
Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light! Channelled through Asara Adams

Meditation is the way to enlightenment. For what is enlightenment but the removing of the negative thoughts and ideas implanted by your social structure.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self – October 2020

Our Dear Holy Ones, Our Dear Bright Souls, Dear Hearts who radiate love and light out into your dark and chaotic world. Your life is interesting indeed.

For you know, and you know you know. You know the truth of the earth’s entrainment. You know the truth of the prison planet, Earth’s history. You know that you are Divine, immortal Souls

You do not know the details, for the truth is hidden behind layers and layers of fake words and false teachings. Yet you do know that mankind (and man is inherently kind) you know that mankind has been deceived in the deepest and darkest way.

Humanity is hypnotized. Humanity is asleep, in a dream state, parroting the words and ideas of its controllers, of the shadow government. The majority of mankind, in the third dimensional, low, fear filled vibration are not aware of the truth of their entrainment.

And, deep in the morass of their negative perceptions of the world, they believe strongly, that what they are told is the truth. They are obsequious and conform to the wishes, the agenda of the shadow government.

You who know, and know you know, cannot tell them what you see. You cannot tell them that they have been grossly deceived, grossly put into the fear vibration to fulfill the agenda of the dark ones.

You cannot tell them that they are living a lie. They are living with the idea that they are powerless. They have surrendered free will to conform to the controllers, the shadow governments dark agenda.

Their perception of life has been hijacked. Their thoughts and ideas, their morality is dictated by the constricting, unjust laws and regulations they live under and by the words and narrative fed to them by their news media, government and religion.

You see this clearly, and yet you cannot tell them so. You have discovered that it is spiritually wise not to teach with words. Not to tell the sleeping ones the truth that has enlightened you.

You have found that spiritual wisdom, when spoken to the wrong person, at the wrong time or in the wrong place, can bring hatred and vitriol on the speaker and make him/her look very foolish.

Speaking the truth leads to aggression and anger from those who do not have ears to hear or eyes to see. And, it lowers your frequency, your joy quotient and causes dissension.

You are here to spread love, to radiate love. You need do nothing except revel in your new beingness. Revel in every now moment. Two words describe what it is you most need to do. Innumerable books have been written about spirituality and enlightenment.

Yet it all boils down to two words – these words are “go within.” Enlightenment comes from communing with Spirit, with your Angels, with your Higher Self. Go within and true, deep abiding love, the love of God, Divine Essence. the electro magnetic force that powers your physical body, can be accessed in all its peaceful, blissful, contented magnificence.

Humanity is God experiencing. Mankind asks what is my life’s purpose? What am I here to do? You are here to experience. You are here to feel the feelings, positive and negative, that are not to be felt in the Spirit Realm.

With your body and your ego you experience deeply, and often painfully, the vicissitudes of the planet earth journey. You are God’s instrument here on Earth. You are to report to Divinity what you learnt on this earthly journey through your feelings, through your emotions,

The ego consists of the thoughts into which Mankind has been indoctrinated, the false idea of the world as threatening that he has taken for his own. The ego directs humanity to look at the world outside and find it dangerous.

As danger and fear are experienced, addictive adrenaline flows freely and Humanity becomes more and more deeply enmired in the false narrative it has been fed.

How to escape from this circular negative entrainment? How to free oneself of the negative messages that one is fed everyday?

The answer is to go within. Commune with your Spirit. Contact your Soul. Listen to the still small voice of your Higher Self. Follow your intuition. Take your self worth from the God that dwells within you.

Here on planet earth, as humans, we can listen to one of two voices – the voice of our ego which revels in fear and misery, or the voice of our Soul, the voice of God, that dwell within us.

When we listen to the harsh arrogant and angry voice of the ego, we are caught in the negative narrative of the day. The negative narrative that the shadow government uses to control humanity. We believe the story that the news media and corrupt politicians parrot at us day after day after day.

Going within, listening to the voice of our Soul makes universal truth, God’s truth, available to us. Going within is communing with love.

Love, love, love, is the flow of electro magnetic Source energy, the flow of God power that animates us. That loving flow contains all of universal knowledge, all of the knowledge of the universe, the knowledge of God

When we go within that knowledge is available to us. It is akin to going on the internet and typing in a question. Many answers to human life and living on this planet earth, are available to us there.

As earthly knowledge is to be found on the computers, So is Divine knowledge to be found in the universal flow of love that is God.

That flow of love is Source Energy extending his/her/itself to his particles, to the fragments of God consciousness that we are.

The ego does not want Humanity to go within, nor does our shadow government. Yet, when we go within we find the truth of our existence.

When we go within, when we quiet our mind, we connect with our Divine Higher Selves, our Soul and we are in the enfoldment of the flow of love of which we are an inherent part.

The human challenge is in thinking. We think endlessly about every little happening. We worry, we obsess about the smallest negative word we hear, about every event.

We analyze happenings to the smallest detail, we theorize about what can be done. We fight everything, we fight war. How ironic is that? We fight to have peace, we fight disease.

And what do we achieve by this fighting? We keep ourselves in the third dimension of fear. By delving into the unexplainable, illogical minutiae of the events on planet earth, we keep ourselves enmeshed in the planet earth schoolroom.

It is by going within that we leave that schoolroom behind and move to the fifth dimension of love. What you focus on out pictures in your life.

So, violence and dissension will be your experience when you look at the outward reality of the planet earth journey.

Within, communing with your Spirit, is love, is knowledge, truth, wisdom, discernment, joy, compassion, caring, kindness and a peace that passeth all human understanding, a peace that transcends all of human misery.

Meditation, the silencing of the minds circuitous, complicated thinking, the listening quietly to the voice of the Spirit within, the listening to the voice of your Soul, meditation is the way to ascension.

Meditation is the way to enlightenment. For what is enlightenment but the removing of the negative thoughts and ideas implanted by your social structure. The enlightening of the minds heavy thought system, the removal of that thought system.

Enlightenment is the removal of the divisive ideas about life that society has given you. Thus ends separation, for separation from the Divine is living in the ideas of the earthly entrainment.

So, Dear Hearts, Dear Souls, you are great ones indeed. You are very powerful, for the love of God, the knowledge of the universe is waiting to be accessed inside you. The wisdom of God, the wisdom peace, joy and love of the universe is your birthright when you go within to access that wisdom.

Aita Channeling Her Higher Self. We are Blessed Beings Indeed.