Content is Light-Encoded to assist your journey |
Blessings Beloveds ~ Gatekeepers have been working with this October 25 influx, and here we glow with the Schuman & Geomagnetic storms this day. HYDRATE and meditate on Divine Love, it’s a strong influx. Create a moment to receive this. These are Source codes and 2020 timeline energies, preparing for the final 11-11 and 12-12 Gateways which deliver brand new levels of our Embodiment. The December Solstice and December 25 eclipse are already in our fields, pulling us into new states of consciousness and Divinity. That said, the frequencies are very refined, so we anticipate final releasing activity to be amplified as well. Create your journey responsibly; zero point energies amplify personal outcomes as well as the collective timelines. Align, align, align. Many have received beautiful rewriting activity over the past week; including intense hours of full-lightbody alignments and DNA activation. A new experience, and quite Divine. We are being prepared, dear hearts. Make space for a truly sacred passage.We are IN it. All available hearts send Divine Love and stability to the Crystalline Corridor, especially California, and migrate those amplified energies out through the grids toward the Midwest/East Coast. Gently, with ease and grace. Responsible Creation ~ All is well. So it is. We are *resolving timelines* as they say upstairs. We hit the sacred seven year mark of Gaia’s ascension on the 12-12-12 (12-12-2019). Everyone participating is ON that higher trajectory, which is changing your experience for the better – to something new. Note the difference in denser time dynamics as Freedom codes resolve the influence of the lower timelines (the past.) Celebrate this transition into the flowing, creative states of the New Earth consciousness. The intensification of Divine Love purifies the memory fields, which are the emotional creations of the collective which create our experience of time. The re-alignment of your path with the higher trajectory is the purpose of these energies. This is the 2020 energies already in play (since mid-year.) Acceleration is ON. Freedom Codes are activated by the Embodiers, through the ascending collective. Receive the bliss, level up. Dismiss concerns about operating in the lower realities. This is our task at the moment. Rehearse the feeling of bliss, gratitude, global forgiveness and abundance OFTEN. It changes your DNA, your energy fields, and your timeline choice. Then create, light-ground, take action to pull that reality into your lifestream. Pause. Get outside in the cosmic influx to receive light codes Now. it is truly a moment to let your Christed Self step forth, take over the Heart, and direct this phase of your Ascension. Use that Crystalline DNA, it holds all that you are, and all you are becoming! This week’s Beyond the Ordinary Show replay HERE. Latest video on Crystalline DNA HERE We unify as open conduits of this Divine NEW light level. Let us create positive, brilliant transformation, with as much ease and grace as possible. See you on SUNday for our Global Unity Meditations. Thank you for spreading the word with your friends, groups and loved ones. Social Media links for updates in the moment at the bottom of this newsletter. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service, Sandra |