The Venus Project is very excited to present the just-released new visuals of our next phase: the Center for Resource Management.
The below images show the current stage of development of the project and the design is subject to further improvements.
The Center for Resource Management complex:

Interactive exhibitions will be located throughout this central portion of the complex. Here visitors will learn what can be achieved when we direct our resources and efforts toward worldwide social betterment and sustainability.

This represents the entire site which includes all five rings:

Along with these new visuals, we have redesigned the Center for Resource Management page to better present this exciting new project. Completely new on that page is the Masterplan section, which includes a description of the various aspects and functions of the complex. The Masterplan also includes a step-by-step strategy to build the Center for Resource Management, and to realize The Venus Project’s goals of a collaborative global network of cities.
A better presentation of the progress we have made so far is also included.
Read more here