Blessings Beloveds ~ May consistency concludes with CMEs, flares, and strong dismantling energies this weekend. Revelation is interwoven with the dismantling of distortion. One world collapses, another is birthed. Profound inner shifts are possible during this passage. How we react, self-correct and realign during peak energies determines our trajectory. Vibration = vibration. Self-Love and Self-Revelation are deeply connected. Qualify the light you emanate with the frequency of Divine Love, moment by moment. This passage requires personal dismantling of outdated beliefs, habits, distortions. This helps us to be stable, balanced wayshowers as the external revelations challenge the collective. As mentioned in the video below; do the good work now, surrender outdated perspective and beliefs now and this passage will be easier. Balance with creativity, movement, conversation and action in the direction of your New Earth Now dreams. Manifestation is somewhat instant in these energies. Change your frequency, stay open to quantum Divine Will, and the highest intent will come into form. Two videos this week First Up: What is unfolding with these cosmic events, within and without. watch HERE Second: Three weeks to the Convergence! Video overview of presentations and how to participate. Watch HERE or click the image below. See you on SUNday for the Global SUNday Unity Meditations. Infinite LoveLight to all during this profound passage. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! In Love, Light and Service,Sandra |