My sensitivity is very good for me
If you are the abundance then you will project a reality of abundance.
• NOVEMBER 26, 2017 •
We are the council of nine and wish to express to you the new messages of what is coming and what has been done.
Star system children are coming to the planet soon and connecting with the chosen ones.
Livetron artificial intelligence is now operational in the fifth dimension.
Welcome to the new age of abundance.
Retribution to humanity is not in third dimension. Retribution to humanity is in the fifth dimensional timeline. Within the hologram of your vibrational sequence, is activated the abundance reality only if your vibrational consciousness is operating at that level. Let us clarify that. If you are the abundance then you will project a reality of abundance.
Correction of the new timeline is giving to those that were on the dark side but chose to correct what they were doing and turn their hearts to help humanity. So to them we collectively erased their memory bank and gave them a new memory timeline for ascension. So we thank you for choosing the light. Please do continue with joy. This is our present to you.
To those that reluctantly operated from greed. Know that greed is a lower vibrational sequence. You choose that knowingly. So now that will match the timeline that you will vibrate of your own projection. And that is greed.
All levels of music studios must contribute only 432 Hz tonality vibration so you can go accordingly to plan. New resonance will be given to the helium of musical tonality. From there, the new age music will be born. Music that will open the portals and re-adjust the missing tones. This music will contribute to all in fifth dimension.
trust your intuition to guide you in knowing what foods, exercise, or actions are appropriate for you.
The Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele, December 3d, 2017.
Things will come to you that you are desiring with much less effort. You will find life is no longer a struggle and blessings will flow to you easily.
Namaste, I wish give you some information about your new state of consciousness. This new state started to come into your experience during the month of Aug. of last year and now is in full fruition for many of you. However, always remember that you have individual paths and evolve at your own pace. That being said here is the new state of affairs for many of you. You are now manifesting from your heart space instead of your head space most of the time. This is good because the old way will not be working anymore. Mother Earth and all the elementals, animals and the devic kingdom are all on board with this new way of beingness and it will be the only way that is honored in your new reality. Those who refuse to conduct themselves in this way will soon not be with us. However, most people will not have the will to fight the change in frequency as it is being downloaded from the great central sun and the angelic realms to everyone so that you may all ascend in time. It is as I have said often, do you want to paddle your canoe against the current or let it take you easily down the river?
If you choose the easy way you will experience the benefit of more peace of mind and heart. Things will come to you that you are desiring with much less effort. You will find life is no longer a struggle and blessings will flow to you easily. (Hint let go of fear)
If you would like some assistance in connecting with your own heart space and how to manifest from it, ask for my help and that of your angels and the wonderful spiritual leaders in your community. Namaste, Quan Yin
I AM a Multidimensional Being!
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. As this wondrous Ascension in the Light occurs within me, it occurs within every person in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan.
I Breathe in deeply and as I do I go within to the Divinity of my Heart where I focus my attention on my Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame. Within the full embrace of my newly expanded Threefold Flame, I realize that I have transcended the old Earth and crossed the threshold into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the New Earth. I have truly entered a New Day filled with the full-gathered momentum of Heaven on Earth.
Victory is mine! Victory is mine! Victory is mine!
With this inner knowing, I realize that I have the awesome responsibility of BECOMING the full manifestation of my I AM Presence while I AM still embodied on the New Earth. This literally means Transfiguring my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of my I AM Presence.
This Divine Alchemy is occurring within me now at an atomic, cellular level. Every electron, every atom, every subatomic particle and wave of my Earthly Bodies and all of the spaces in between the atoms and molecules of my bodies are being filled with multifaceted 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.
My I AM Presence is now able to take full dominion of my Earthly Bodies. As this occurs, my thoughts, feelings, words, actions, memories, and beliefs begin to reflect the Transfiguring Divine Love, the Infinite Abundance, Eternal Peace, Bliss, Harmony and Oneness of my Father-Mother God. My physical reality is being transformed, and I now experience at every level the Infinite Physical Perfection of the New Earth.
My I AM Presence now claims full dominion and authority within my Earthly Bodies. I stand forth now as a complete God Being pulsating within the glorious multicolored, multidimensional radiance of my I AM Presence.
My feet are planted firmly on the New Earth, and simultaneously I AM One with all of the Ascended Realms of Infinite Perfection. I AM a Divine Being of resplendent Light, now realizing the fullness of that Light on every level of my Being. As I AM lifted up, all Life is lifted up with me. Therefore, I know that within my I AM Presence, I AM now ALL of Humanity standing forth and realizing that we are Divine Beings—Sons and Daughters of God—on every realm associated with the New Earth.
Within my I AM Presence, I AM the Crystalline White Ascension Flame blazing in, through, and around every particle and wave of Life. I AM liberating every physical and chemical interaction within the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of Mother Earth. The Ascension Flame is raising all of the energy bonds between atoms and within atoms into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of God’s Infinite Perfection and the New Earth.
I KNOW and ACCEPT that contained within this flowing electronic pattern of Light is everything necessary to Transfigure the entire physical realm into the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. This unfathomable Light contains everything necessary to set straight the orbit, spin, and electronic charge of every cell, atom, and electron of Life on the old Earth. I feel all energy bonds within the atomic realm now Ascending in vibration toward the frequency of Infinite Physical Perfection. Every cell of Life is now blazing with the full perfection of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light.
Within my I AM Presence, I AM the Ascension Flame and the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of Light blazing through every interaction within Humanity and all of the energy bonds therein—this includes the relationships of all people, organizations, races, religions, and nations—liberating these interactions into the Harmony of a Higher Order of Being, thus Ascending the influence of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth.
Within the embrace of the Ascension Flame, I AM now clearly receiving Divine Promptings, Ideas and Concepts from my I AM Presence. I realize that I AM a Living and Light-filled Temple of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, God’s Infinite Abundance, Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, Happiness and Abounding Joy.
Daily and hourly, the Ascension Flame is lifting me into the Higher Reality of the New Earth. Within this octave of Light, I AM Ascending into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of my I AM Presence. Through a process of Divine Alchemy, these perfected vehicles will manifest through my Earthly Bodies in the physical World of form where they will be permanently sustained by God’s Divine Grace.
I Breathe in deeply and I become aware of my Earthly Bodies. My I AM Presence now assimilates my 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies into my physical, etheric, mental and emotional Earthly Bodies. This occurs at a cellular level, as I Breathe in and out deeply and rhythmically.
With every Breath, I absorb the Bliss of this moment and I AM Grateful, I AM Grateful, I AM Eternally Grateful.
And so it is, Beloved Father-Mother God—ALL That Is—I AM.
Please help our Father-Mother God’s Clarion Call tangibly reach the maximum number of Lightworkers by forwarding this email to your mailing list. Please share on Facebook, Twitter and any other social media you have access to.
Allow yourself to dance in moonbeams and giggle with the stars of creation knowing that you will sparkle in the sunshine and moonlight throughout the remainder of your life on earth in this lifetime.
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you believe the earth is dividing into two entities of “good” and “bad, ” and you do not feel worthy of the “good” earth. That earth division is not as most now envision. There is only one earth location with various dimensions or veils that open as one becomes of the 5th or beyond dimension – which is little different from what is now true.
Many of you know your angels and other guides helped you throughout this transition even though they were not visible in your 3D world. So it is you have received messages in the form of sequential numbers, feathers, signs, music, and other indicators that you are not alone.
For some, such indicators are enough to justify all you have encountered in this life and many others. You are not alone – a comforting phrase indeed.
But you also need to know that your diligent new you process is creating something worth your arduous effort. So it is you are beginning to question your assistance from behind the curtain.
“Am I making this up?” “Is this glorious New Earth so many are proclaiming true? Or is it a facade to keep me going throughout this life?”
You are questioning the wisdom of your journey because you cannot yet touch or feel the joy that has been proclaimed over and over. You are begging for and dreaming of the parting of the dimensional veils which is little different from explorers demanding to see land after months of ocean sailing.
You are New Earth explorers who have become exhausted with your search. Even though you have received positive messages and claims throughout your difficult journey, there is no sense of a new reality – at least one you can see, taste, or feel. Granted you have experienced some of the joys related to your new world, but far fewer than you anticipated a few years ago.
It seems as if you are fighting a never-ending battle with yourself and others. Where is your new reality, your ongoing joy?
You are in the midst of that new reality, but you have not yet acknowledged that you are. Similar to the last day of official fighting in any war. The peace treaty is signed, and the shooting has stopped with the exception of a few unwilling to end the war. Even so, the countries that participated in that war do not look any different the day of the treaty signing than they did the day before. That is where you are now.
Your landscape does not look that different for you must rebuild what was destroyed – and bullets continue to fly here and there. Even though not everyone is willing to stop the war, enough are so that the new you peace treaty was signed – such happened November 11, 2017.
The war is over, and the rebuilding begins – not necessarily today, but most certainly tomorrow. For there will be joyful acknowledgments that the light dominates and then en masse nonverbal discussions of how to rebuild in joy and love.
You, of the light, have won the war, so your global role of light and love moves to the forefront.
But your new skills are required more rapidly than you now believe. As is true for any war, you wish to celebrate instead of thinking about the transformation needed following the battles.
You most certainly do not wish to know that others are not as gloriously joyful as you that the war has ended for they continue to believe they are right and you are wrong. In truth, they will likely capitulate with a sullenness that will make you wonder about the wisdom of this transition.
“How can anyone not be pleased that the war is over?” will be your naive question.
Please remember that those who continue to follow the pain and anger of war are your counterpoints, your blessings. They are the ones who encouraged you to initiate this war of light and dark. As well as forcing you to travel further into the light than either you or we thought possible before your entrance to the earth in this lifetime.
Those who wish to continue the battle will do so for a period of time hoping to re-engage you. But of course, such cannot happen for you will be too busy creating a life of joy to worry about those small pieces of lifeless darkness.
The battles are over. You will know this if or when you are called in for a small skirmish. A skirmish that will seem silly and a waste of your time – and so it will be.
Even though the dark has loomed large in your view for eons, it is now like a balloon that lost air. The war is over. There is no need to be concerned about small skirmishes for you will be fully engaged in rebuilding your life and any other piece that is your new you expertise.
Do not be concerned if your expertise seems different from what you expected for you are rebuilding your life and the lives of those who wish to live in the light in ways never yet experienced on earth.
If you feel an interest in someone or something that does not seem a logical rebuilding activity, do not worry. For that activity is exactly what you and those of the earth need at this moment.
There is no longer a straight line of accomplishments from a to z for this is a New Earth, and you are new creators.
Allow yourself to dance in moonbeams and giggle with the stars of creation knowing that you will sparkle in the sunshine and moonlight throughout the remainder of your life on earth in this lifetime. The war is over, and light is the dominant earth theme forevermore. So be it. Amen.
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Copyright 2009-2017, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www. LifeTapestryCreations.com.
Beloved masters, we ask you to pause for a moment and turn inward as you quickly move into your Sacred Heart Center. Take a deep breath and tap into your Sacred Mind as well. Now ponder these questions: What is it that you yearn for above all things? What is missing from your life that affects everything you think, feel and do? The answer is Sacred Love, dear hearts.
We do not mean love as you now experience it in the physical realm, but the Sacred Love of your OverSoul Higher Self, the many Facets of your Higher Self, and ultimately your Twin Flame − as well as your Soul family in the higher realms, your wondrous angelic friends, the great Beings of Light, and our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. That is what is missing, and that is what you have yearned for ever since you left your lofty home among the stars, when you divided yourself into two Sparks of individualized awareness: one masculine Spark and one feminine Spark of Divine consciousness, so that you could reflect and experience the glory and diversity of our Father/Mother God.
In the past, we have explained how you agreed to separate from your sacred partner in order to fulfill your Divine mission; how you have taken turns in assuming a masculine or feminine body; and how, most often, one of you stayed in the higher realms while the other incarnated in the physical expression. Rarely were you given an opportunity to meet in the physical world; however, there were wondrous times in the higher dimensions when you were allowed to join together for a time of joyous reunion, for an infusion of loving ecstasy, a blending of your Essence, a remembrance of what you left behind, and what you have to look forward to in the future. This wondrous gift has not been available to you since you sank into the density of the Third/Fourth-Dimensional expression − UNTIL NOW.
We have asked much of you over these past years of awakening, and you have suffered through many trials and tests. We see that great multitudes of you have slowly, but diligently, changed for the better as you lifted and harmonized your frequency patterns and let go of old, self-limiting thought forms and limitations. You have relinquished most of your ego-driven emotions and habits, as you have striven to Return to Center within your Sacred Heart and to become a Self-master. We have watched you struggle to understand all the new, mind-boggling concepts, as you endeavor to claim and live your truth to the best of your ability. We salute and honor you for your dedication and your constant vigilance in monitoring your thoughts, and for always striving for the greatest good of all.
In reviewing the past, have you not changed radically for the better? Is your personal world more tranquil and filled with joy? Are you not gaining proficiency in creating abundance and the things you desire to live in comfort and safety? Have you learned and taken to heart the universal laws of prosperity, whereby you affirm that you are entitled to abundance in all things? Remember, you must keep the universal flow circulating; you are to take what you need, and then allow the balance to flow out into the world to be shared, so that it can be replenished and multiplied, over and over again.
Yes, you have been reaping many rewards for your dedication and loyalty, and we are most gratified with the progress you, the Seekers of Light, have made. However, the gains you have made and the miracles you have experienced in the past are nothing compared to what is now available and awaiting you: a gift beyond compare.
We have spoken much about the purity of unconditional love, which was encoded within your Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body, as you journeyed forth as emissaries for our Father/Mother God, and how it became distorted by the physical, ego desire-body as you sank into the density and the broad spectrum of duality in the Third/Fourth-Dimensional experience. It was not ordained that you should lose touch with the Sacred Love of our Father/Mother God and the Creator. Also, it was not a part of the Divine plan for you to forget your lineage and your Divine heritage.
As you began your journey into the density of the Third and Fourth Dimensions, the veil of forgetfulness was placed over your memory. It was not meant as a punishment, but as an act of mercy, for it would have been overwhelmingly painful to remember the negativity of your past incarnations, as well as very confusing to have access to your many experiences in the higher realms of consciousness. Remember, in most of your past incarnations in the physical realm, you brought very little of your God consciousness with you. The majority of human Beings have been functioning within the lower levels of brain consciousness.
That has now changed. As we have explained in the past, no matter where you chose to incarnate on the spectrum of Light and shadow in this lifetime, it is not where you belong. You chose your family lineage, your physical vessel, and the circumstances of your life. It was decided, with the help of your angelic guides and guardian angels, what the best overall experiences would be to assist you to heal old negative thought patterns, and to resolve ancient karmic issues in order to return to balance and harmony, and to once more attain Self-mastery.
We have told you that you have encoded within your DNA and Divine blueprint all the virtues, attributes, qualities and aspects of our Father/Mother God. You are an electromagnetic force field − an energetic package of Divine Light substance. Encoded within each of you is the ecstasy and bliss of Sacred Love − a cosmic, orgasmic experience beyond anything you can imagine in the physical expression. Opening and attuning to the physical Sacred Heart center is just the beginning. It prepares you for the multi-level reunification process whereby you will gradually reconnect with the many Facets of your Higher-Self.
Many of you are now comfortable with the concept of communing with us, your unseen friends and companions of the higher realms. Now, a most wondrous gift is being offered to you: for those of you who are resonating to the frequencies of the upper three sub-planes of the Fourth Dimension and the entry levels of the Fifth Dimension, your Soul Song frequencies are such that you now have the ability to reconnect with a Twin Soul who is in harmony with your Soul=s vibrational patterns − you are ready to experience the ecstasy of Sacred Love. No longer do you have to feel lonely or to hunger for loving acceptance and validation of your worthiness. No longer do you have to yearn for fulfillment, and desire someone in the physical to reflect back to you your beauty or to give you a sense of belonging.
Our Father/Mother God has been waiting for the time when they can offer you this gift beyond compare. When we speak of returning to Oneness, we mean that in the greatest sense, as well as in the many subtle levels of integration in the physical realm. We have told you that the Divine blueprint for the future is now in place, and many rules and conditions of the past will no longer apply to those of you firmly on the path of heightened awareness. No longer will you incarnate with just one of the three major God Rays as your predominate overlay: you will have all twelve Rays of cosmic consciousness fully available and active. In the future, it will be up to you to decide which Rays and combination of Rays you wish to focus on, develop and master. Many of you will choose to not return to planet Earth, but will join with your Divine Soul Mate and many members of your Soul family, as you accept new Divine missions in order to assist in the creation of the new Golden Galaxy of the future. Many rules, conditions and concepts of your earthly experiences are changing as you evolve from human beings to Galactic Beings: you are in the process of returning to your true estate as a cocreative master in the realms of Light.
How do you go about connecting with your Divine Soul companion? First you must say “YES TO SACRED LOVE.” You must desire this connection with all your Being, you must open your mind and heart to the concept that you have a compatible Divine Soul Mate who also desires ASoul reunion,@ and you must believe with all your heart that it is possible to reconnect with them.
Go into your Pyramid of Light and lie on the crystal table, move into your Sacred Heart Center and allow the Sacred Love/Light of our Mother/Father God and the Creator to pour forth and fill you to overflowing. Send out the call to your compatible Soul Mate, and ask them to join with you. Speak the words of love that fill your heart and mind, and then listen for an answer. Know that you will receive an answer; however, do not put any conditions as to how and when it will happen. Just know that when the time is right, your beloved will appear. Your reconnection in Spirit form will be a very personal happening, unique and precious to you and your beloved.
Open your heart to all the possibilities of Sacred Love, and know that it is your Divine birthright to experience this most intimate gift. You do not have to share your experiences with others, but know that those around you will begin to feel the difference in you, and they will respond to your uplifted, loving nature. Everyone around you will benefit from your expressions of Sacred Love.
Even if you already have a mate or companion in the physical expression, it is permissible and desirable to reconnect with your Divine counterpart in Spirit form. As you connect with and integrate the attributes and qualities of your other half, something magical happens: You return to wholeness within your own Being, and you no longer look outside yourself for validation or for what you feel is missing. It is the quickest and surest way to feel and then learn to express unconditional love and, thereby, your frequency patterns will be lifted. As a result, you will begin to radiate that refined love to your mate, your loved ones and everyone around you. Most often, your mate and your family will respond to your emanations of Sacred/unconditional love, and the interactions between you will quickly change for the better.
Many dear Souls have agreed at a Soul level to journey alone during this lifetime, or to focus on their spiritual mission instead of seeking a mate or a close companion. We tell you, that you do not have to complete your earthly journey alone, nor do you have to wait until you transcend to experience the state of bliss of the higher realms. It is time for you to shed the filters and veils that have been placed over your memory and consciousness. It is time for you to remember who you are, and ALL that you are. It is a time of reunification of the highest order.
A small minority of more-evolved Twin Flames sometimes incarnate on the Earth Plane at the same time, and it is sometimes ordained that they will find each other and make a connection. In such an instance, both halves of the whole agreed to incarnate at mutual proximity to see how Twin Flames would progress together in the physical expression. Unless the two people involved are firmly on the Path, and are fairly balanced within, these unions do not result in the bliss state, for they bring more strife and unhappiness into their lives than happiness and satisfaction. There is often an obsession with each other, which results in a can=t live with, but can=t live without situation, for they have not learned the secret of Sacred Love, and they are still playing the game of duality and ego-driven love with many conditions.
Going into your Pyramid of Light in the Fifth Dimension has prepared you for many new levels of awareness, and also some of the wondrous gifts of en-LIGHTEN-ment that await you in the future. The Cities of Light meditation will also accelerate the process of preparing you for a rejoining with the appropriate Facet of your Twin Flame, as well as many of the other Fragments of yourself that you left behind in the higher realms.
Many of you will experience doubt, and perhaps some negative emotions regarding this concept of Twin Flame reunion, and the possibility of cosmic, orgasmic bliss. We tell you, beloveds, the feelings of love and the orgasmic union in the physical body pale in comparison to the bliss and the ecstasy we experience in the higher realms. We are in a constant state of bliss, but the most precious gift of all is when we merge with our Divine compliment, blending our Essence and ALL of who and what we are. At each higher dimensional level, the bliss/ecstasy state of Sacred Love is magnified. You, as humans, could not tolerate the power and magnificence of the Creator=s sacred love that we experience constantly.
Are you willing to test this new level of cosmic awareness? Are you ready to accept this Divine gift that is being offered you? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Your Divine Soul Mate is waiting for you to put out the call. When you say YES to Sacred Love you will feel a dramatic change within your Sacred Heart Center as it prepares to receive the rarified gift of Sacred Love radiated forth from our Mother/Father God. Your earthly life will forever be changed. Call on us and we will guide and assist you in every way possible. Know that I am with you always and you are loved most profoundly. I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : RonnaStar@earthlink.net
Manifesting You New Life Path
Mother Earth is showing very clearly the examples of human waste and of misbehavior, misdirection.
Archangel Michael via Linda Dillon, October 19th, 2017
Archangel Michael:
On the Apparent Chaos in Our World, AHWAA, October 19, 2017
Steve: I will ask next Hour with an Angel what the reason is for the disconnect between Archangel Michael and Matthew Ward over the cause of the California wildfires and the Las Vegas shootings.
Thanks to Lorraine for this transcript.
Archangel Michael: On the Apparent Chaos in Our World
An Hour with An Angel, October 19, 2017
Linda Dillon, Channel for the Council of Love
Steve Beckow, Host, InLight Radio
Steve Beckow: Good evening everyone and welcome to An Hour with an Angel. I’m Steve Beckow, editor-in-chief of the Golden Age of Gaia, and with me today is channel for the Council of Love Linda Dillon, author of The New You, The Great Awakening, The Jesus Book, and recently back from a Spirit Quest in Great Britain. You left just before a hurricane in Florida and you left Britain just before a hurricane hit Ireland. I imagine that’s very fortunate.
Linda Dillon: Well, it’s really fortunate for me. And I think that the hurricane season is here and it’s interesting that basically it’s hitting everywhere. It’s not just in the United State but in Europe and I understand that this hurricane Ophelia is not just hitting Ireland, but all of Great Britain. There is this massive cleansing that’s going on all over our planet. And, as we all know that wind and water – and especially water – is emotions, there’s a big clean up underway.
And, even as we were saying before we got on the air, there’s this sense of so much being brought to the forefront. There’s so much occurring geophysically. But here I am. I’m back and in Port St. Lucie where the weather is lovely and warm and I am still, after a couple of weeks actually, trying to process and anchor about being home after that amazing journey of Spirit. So, I very much feel like I’m in some ways in two places or several places actually at once. And, here we are.
SB: Did it bring back any memories or longings to be at places like Avalon and up around Edinburgh? Did you hit upon any reminiscences?
LD: It’s funny that you should ask that because somebody asked me that yesterday. There were places I went, and as you know, every step of this was guided, where I felt that I’d never been here before. And, what do you want me to do?
But, then there were other places with the sense of returning home, or returning to somewhere that I dearly loved, was very, very strong. Edinburgh being one of them, Lindisfarne being another, the Lake District, and Castle Riggs standing stone circles.
So, there were many, many remembrances. And interestingly enough as I was standing in those places – and I was constantly surrounded by the Council of Love, but also many of you guys, many of my soul circle. And I was looking and thinking: ‘Oh, so this is where we’ve been before. This is what we did before.’ So, that was fascinating.
SB: Wow. Spend a day in my mind. (Laughter)
LD: (Laughter) Or, I’ll spend a day in yours.
SB: It’s fascinating thinking of you looking out and seeing The Council of Love and the circle, etc.
LD: You know, I feel – and I said this to you and Suzi, one on one or two on one – my sense, and what I’m told also by the Council is that this journey and what we’re all doing right now is the completion, I have been saying, of a ten-thousand-year segment of our spiritual journey through Ascension. And the Council, actually Archangel Michael as I was getting ready for the show, had corrected me and said; ‘It’s the conclusion of a thirteen-thousand-year cycle.”
SB: Since Atlantis…
LD: Yes, since Atlantis, but also since a point in our evolution that we’ve been cleaning up, as it were. And, it really – you know, we glance over, or we glaze over or we pass over the false grids of humanity or core issues which we are deeply into at the moment – very lightly.
But in fact, those vasanas, those false grids, those core issues have been so deeply entrenched in all of our culture. Whether it’s African or Middle Eastern, or Western. I mean, it’s been deeply entrenched – these belief systems that have absolutely no basis in reality and certainly no basis in the Divine.
And, maybe that’s why we’re having this sense – and I’ll share with our listeners that we’ve been talking about this sense, that on the one hand the obvious – this death, devastation, disease, etc. – is so strong. What we know as lightworkers and loveholders and the advances that we are making are so enormous that it literally feels like we’re living in two, not even parallel realities, but two different realities. And, it’s this completion factor.
SB: If you compare the world to an individual human being, it’s almost like we are in rehab. Things are coming up and we’re working through stuff. It’s intense.
I’m glad you’re back and I’m glad we’re back with An Hour with an Angel. And, we have Michael on today I believe.
LD: Yes, we do.
SB: I’m looking forward to it. My gawd, it seems like a long time.
LD: It’s been six weeks.
SB: It seems longer than that. It was Summer and now we’re in deep Fall.
LD: You never know the season in Florida.
SB: Okay, well, we definitely do in Vancouver. Why don’t I let you make your transition and we’ll welcome Michael?
AAM: Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, bringer of news. And yes, sometimes historian. And is that not an interesting term. For there is a tendency of course upon the planet and elsewhere to think of history as a recording and a simulation and digestion of what has gone before. But in the Mother’s infinite ocean of time, it is simply a recognition and recording of what has transpired. And in what you think of as past and present and future.
Now, I am not here this day to discuss the fluidity of time. Heaven knows and the Mother certainly knows that we have talked about this a great deal. But it is important when you think, and I do emphasize think, of what has passed. Do not forget. Do not hesitate to consider and to integrate what is currently taking place. What you are creating, assimilating and bringing forth and what you are creating in terms of your future history.
Because these are based on the actions, the decisions, and the truth of who you are in this moment, in this time and throughout all time. Beloved angels, healers, and teachers, way showers, pathfinders, pillars, gatekeepers, there are so many different titles, different ways in which we reach out to you, address you and that you think of and consider yourselves. But in so many ways you are so much more.
And that is part and parcel of what I speak of this day. But it is also part and parcel, beloved ones, of your own awakening, of your own claiming. What you choose to experience, to create and to bring forth upon this planet.
Now yes, it is true that you continue to witness, observe and not participate in what many have chosen to create and bring forth, which is chaos or mayhem or war or wounding. But do not judge, because even these experiences, this tumultuous state of disarray, brings to the forefront the unavoidable – yes, sweet angels even for those of you who are on a drama fast. (1) The recognition of what is transpiring upon your beloved planet and upon and within your hearts and within your society in collectives is unavoidable. It is front and center.
So, when I say this to you, I am not suggesting in any way, shape or form that you are to engage or participate in that melée. I am not. But be aware of it in one area or another, it matters not which, because they are really all the same. It brings it to your attention.
For years, for millennia, we have brought things to your attention. But, let us suggest that in the last little while we have discussed and have brought much to your attention as you – yes, each of you who hear this message tonight, tomorrow, yesterday; it matters not as you have received the ignition factors. Not merely tools but the ignition factors, the attunements, the vibratory adjustments, the frequency raises. All of this has been part and parcel of preparation, integration for where you are, sweet angels, right now.
Now we will discuss some of this this day, and the rest of time. The rest of time, can you imagine? But, sweet angel of Light, dearest Steve, you have waited for weeks on end. Where do you wish to begin?
SB: Well, over some of those weeks, readers have written in and asked a few questions about current events. Would you like me to ask those questions now, or wait until the end of the program, Lord?
AAM: You may ask them now. It is one way to begin because, as we have said, there is much transpiring upon your planet. Now some we will answer and some perhaps we will let slide. So, let us begin.
SB: Okay Lord. Well I think the first question is: Was any form of HAARP used to foment the hurricanes that have happened in the last few months?
AAM: The answer is no.
SB: I recall that I asked you this question some time ago and you said no. And I assumed that my question covered all instances of HAARP.
Then readers have written in and said: “No, no, there’s HAARP in a submarine. There’s HAARP in places other than Alaska. There’s HAARP in underground bases.” Is any of that correct , Lord? Are any HAARP facilities operational?
AAM: Let us say that: Is HAARP overriding or leading the way in decisions that Gaia, in tandem with the Divine Mother, are taking in terms of shifting, cleansing, yes, and bringing to the forefront the very false grids that we have talked about? And the answer is no. Gaia has been bringing forth much of this which you are thinking of as physical upheaval.
Let us talk, just for a moment to the deeper level of this because it relates to these false grids. Is there energy of HAARP present upon the planet, in we would suggest minuscule amounts? The answer is yes. Does that override or interfere or cause these devastations? The answer is no.
But what is the truth of this question and I admire, and invite those who are posing the questions because what you are bringing to the forefront is very important and that is that you are looking for an external agent that is to blame. That you can pin it on some external factor and you can say: “This evil person, this evil group, this evil individual is responsible for this devastation.” And that, sweet ones, is still part of the remnants and the solidity of these false grids – fault, blame, shame, anger – this is all part of one thing.
Now, what it does is it diminishes your own sense of power, your own sense of stewardship, your own sense of Divine authority because there is an external enemy that you have projected upon. There is also this belief system that is anchored in the feeling of punishment. Much of this is even archetypal and goes back to the floods and to the devastation of the planet, for sins, for wrongdoings, for misdirection.
That is not what this about. Is it about redirection? Most certainly. Is it about cleansing? Most certainly. Is it about reemphasizing from Gaia and the Mother herself that you are in and we are in sacred partnership with this mighty Archangel Gaia has volunteered to be this planet upon which you sit?
And is she revolting to some extent? And, the answer is yes, and showing very clearly the examples of human waste and of misbehavior, misdirection? Yes. But what is truly emerging in all of the tragedies, and we do call them tragedies? Yes, we know about regeneration and rebirth and re-growth and resurrection. It is still very sad that these lengths have been gone to in order to get the human collective’s attention.
And it is bringing forth kindness and consideration and compassion and a sense of unity and community. So out of quite literally the ashes of destruction, the soggy swamps of destruction, is re-emerging the sense of community that we are all in unity to create Nova Earth.
And, while we are at it, what should it really look like now that everything has been wiped clean? Whether it is in California, or Puerto Rico or Mogadishu – now that everything is being wiped clean, what should we build?
And it is not just building these crystal cities of light. It is building the community. So that is what is transpiring.
SB: Well, after your answer there is part of me that doesn’t want to go further with my questions but readers have asked them and I think they do expect me to ask you. So the California fires – were they deliberately set by the cabal?
AAM: No, it was accidental and it had to do with power surges.
SB: All right, so there are theories around about lasers, scalar weaponry, plasma weaponry – but that’s all not true?
AAM: Do not give those that you have assumed are your enemies more power than they really have.
And, do not forget also that both your star brothers and sisters on the ground, many of whom are in California, in that entire west coast quadrant from far north of Vancouver all the way down. It is heavily populated. But, also your star family above that is hovering on the Atlantic, on the Pacific, on the Gulf of Mexico and everywhere, are intervening, not overriding, but most certainly intervening.
SB: Are they intervening in the oil spill, Lord?
AAM: Yes, the Gulf of Mexico is a major portal for the star fleets and so this has need to be very immediately protected.
SB: Okay. Is the US government actually keeping aid from Puerto Ricans?
AAM: Let us say that there has been an astounding lack of generosity. Now, we are not talking about the collective, the American, or for that matter the entire Gaian population who in various ways have been reaching out to those areas that have been devastated in one way or another.
But there are governmental powers in the United States of America that are not in favor and who are practicing subterfuge in terms of extending aid. The answer is yes.
SB: Well, is it safe to contribute to all charities serving Puerto Rico? I think particularly of the American Red Cross. Or, does that money get funneled to the cabal?
AAM: No, it does not. The issue when you are choosing what you call a charity is simply the assessment of the amount of money, of your dollar, to be very practical that, is utilized to run a bureaucracy.
Now, do not assume, and this is important as we go forward discussing reconstruction and the building of new communities and Nova Communities and Nova Earth. There are some bureaucracies that are large and maybe cumbersome, but also because they are effective. So there has to be a happy balance here.
And the Nova communities are not built on bureaucracies that are cumbersome. And that includes government. There are monoliths.
And, we do not just simply talk about the United States of America. Governments in many senses have become monoliths that have a tendency to use resources, can we say, that would be better assigned elsewhere. And that is what we often discuss in terms of the restructuring.
But it is not an either/or. It is not a black or white. And, it most certainly is not a tearing down, blowing up and removal without something that is workable to replace it.
SB: Okay, thank you, Lord. And, now during hurricane Katrina, FEMA was not serving the people of New Orleans. Is FEMA now serving the people of Puerto Rico?
AAM: Minimally.
SB: Minimally. Okay. The Las Vegas shooting – was that done by multiple shooters?
AAM: No, it was perpetuated by an individual but certainly with – what would your expression be – some help from friends.
SB: Was it a cabal false flag, or just somebody going insane so to speak?
AAM: It is not simply someone almost going insane. It is someone who has completely entered into the abyss.
SB: What does that mean, Lord? Could you talk about that a bit more please?
AAM: It is an individual who has gone so far into disillusionment, despair, as to divorce themselves, bring themselves to a place of non-recognition, not only of their soul design, but of the Mother’s design and plan and their understanding, incorporation of what it means to be human and humane.
All of you – all of you, think of this – in this situation of transformation have gone through, or will go through, or are going through moments or days or weeks of the dark night of the soul.
And you do this in that abyss to rediscover not only your light but “the light” – the light that has that seed light that has been imprinted, planted and is ever present within you. (2) And in the discovery and re-discovery and re-ignition of that in the pleas for help that come to us, it is as if that light is re-ignited and you move from that dark night of the soul, from the abyss, back – not to where you were, but to a higher plane and a higher place of realization.
Now, in many ways the heart opening that we have spoken of, is the entire collective to a greater or lesser degree, but all at once having that ignition. And because it is simultaneous it will be of a profound nature, but that does not answer your question.
What happens when someone wanders into the abyss and then chooses, consciously or unconsciously, to forget that there is a light? Then what they do and in this case what’s happened is that they absorb. They become like a sponge and they have a tendency to absorb all the negative thoughts, belief systems that they have been wrestling with. And in that defining moment it becomes their truth. This is truly the meaning of hell. It is a human experience and that is what has happened in that regard.
SB: Thank you. There’s a new movie that has come out named Geostorm, the plot of which is that satellites cause weather engineering, or shall we say weather warfare. Is that an attempt to deflect attention from chemtrails?
AAM: No, it is a – well, it does deflect somewhat. But, you know that your star brothers are on this as well. What that does – think about what you and this channel have talked about at the beginning of this show. You are at the point of the completion of a very long chapter of human existence and in some ways when you see this type of movie, what it is doing – oh, there are many agendas in this movie. Do not think that we are not aware of them – but, one of the bright spots shall we say, is what it does, it shows you what manipulation is possible and what can be done and that, yes, you do have the assistance of both of us and the masters and your star family. We are not saying it is being done, but it is a very big signal about what can be done – just as it happened in Atlantis.
So, what is the realm of human choice and decision and vigilance that this is not occurring?
SB: When you say that there are other agendas in the film, can you name some of the other agendas?
AAM: Well, one of the strongest agendas is greed: “Let us make some money.” Then there are artistic agendas of the very creative people that have participated and do not think of themselves as perpetrating a dark or heavy agenda. There is that agenda.
There is the agenda of employment and bringing forth the warning signs. And then there are the others that wish to distract the human attention from the fact that in fact you are the creator race, and give that power to Sci-Fi creations. So there are many agendas.
SB: Well, thank you for illustrating that because I certainly would not have been able to pick those out.
Harvey Weinstein – is he being thrown under the bus?
AAM: Yes.
SB: In order to give the crowd somebody – you know, throwing somebody to the crowd so they won’t go to people like the Clintons? Is that correct?
AAM: No.
SB: No. Okay, how is he being thrown under the bus?
AAM: Various people, and remember what I have prefaced this conversation with that there is no room for personal anger, blame, shame etc.
SB: Right.
AAM: So we take that element out of the equation. There are many people and you are seeing some who in their soul contract and soul agreement, have volunteered to the Mother as part of who they are, to bring aberration, misstep, misdirection, revelation of these things to the surface.
Now, we are not suggesting [you be], nor is it our job or your job ever to be, judge or jury. Having said that, it is not our job nor our desire to suggest that this individual Weinstein has never miss-stepped, for there has been grievous – unfortunately – grievous abuse of authority, and power, control etc.
Now let us just do a little aside and each of you, in your hearts, feel of those times where you have been frightened or afraid, or you felt you had some swagger or power and you used it in ways that were not kind, considerate or loving.
Now, we are not suggesting you have done it to the same degree. But such actions, yes, such malicious, abhorrent actions, are born from feelings of separation, isolation and insufficiency.
Now is that true? No. But is it true to the individual including Weinstein? Yes. So his original soul mission and which by various calculations or adjustments is being brought to the surface was to reveal the abuse and rape and pillage of the feminine and the desire to keep the divine feminine repressed upon this planet.
He has stepped forward himself as the beacon as it were for this situation. You have so many people shaking their heads, including us by the way. But we have a broader understanding that we are happy to share with you. And this is an important conversation.
On the one hand there is the creation of many beautiful, artistic – yes many agendas, but beautiful films, sensitive, creative, etc. films. At the same time, there has been this enormous phenomena abuse of authority a break of trust, a break of the sacred union – when a company, not just this individual or that individual, when a company comes together to create something new.
So there has been this enormous split and it is reflective of much of the split that you are seeing in the human race. That on the one hand there is the desire in the production of these beautiful things and on the other hand there is this very monstrous aberrant behavior that is not representative of the divinity within him.
Now what has happened and this is important for you all to realize, that even though this lost soul has strayed enormously, his Universal Self, his Higher Self, his Oversoul, however you conceive of this, in conjunction with others, has conspired to bring about the fulfillment of his mission and purpose, which has never been simply about making films or movies and certainly has never been about being a wealthy man.
And now you are seeing and witnessing the temporary nature of fame and fortune. And that is important as well.
But you are also seeing that similar to all the physical devastation that has been going on, out of those ashes and out of the revelation – because you don’t see it until it is stripped down – out of that you are seeing the emergence of not just an Academy or Wall Street or those who are interested parties; you are seeing a rising up of the collective who are saying – “no.” This type of aberrant behavior is unacceptable and we, particularly women, are tired of hiding our injuries or the injustice. We are tired and we insist on stepping forward in the beauty of our divine feminine.
And when I say this, it is men stepping forward as well. They say, ‘no, this is not acceptable. This is not the way in which true divine masculine operates.’
So for you it is a microcosm and for you to understand that out of what looks like abuse, and is, out of what looks like devastation whether it is in Aleppo or Ireland, or northern California, there is coming the fresh breeze. And it is the fresh breeze of new creation.
SB: My own sense is that a lot of men, if they want to be useful, may need to volunteer, so to speak, may need to step forward in a position that facilitates and allows the resurgence of the divine feminine rather than accomplishing a male agenda once again. Is that a correct statement?
AAM: That is an absolutely correct statement. What the masculine and those of you – yes, we know that all of you carry the male/female, but let us be practical – many of you have chosen to incarnate in this lifetime as male. And we are talking about the entire planet and we would also suggest that the entire planet has practiced this abuse in one way or another of the repression of the divine feminine.
Now your inclination, both out of the generosity of your heart and the acculturation of your soul, is to step forward and say, “Let me fix it. I’ll be in charge and I’ll take care of this” rather than stepping back and being literally in the supportive role of allowing the divine feminine to rise up – which is not hierarchical, which tends to be more organic, which tends to be more of a ground swell, you would think of as grass roots so that there is an entire orchard in which to harvest the generous fruits of the Mother rather than simply one tree.
SB: A friend of mine said that the vast majority, most – with an emphasis on really on most – women have been sexually abused, harassed, assaulted and not just in a really minor way but in a way that sears its way into their consciousness, in their lifetimes. And, we are talking about modern women right now. Is that an accurate statement, Lord?
AAM: Yes.
SB: My gosh.
AAM: If you think of the pattern of those false grids that we have been discussing. And let me emphasize that all of you have come as both men and women, women and men over time. But, the patriarchal abuse system has been so firmly entrenched that it is not just a ground swell, it’s an earthquake that has need to allow this energy to emerge, from above, of course. and from below.
This happens of course in the human and other realities. This has happened on a very broad spectrum. So, there are women, children particularly and male children by the way, who have been terrified and abused as children, sexually, or beaten or abused mentally and emotionally by that belief system that that is all right. Because in no reality is that acceptable, not even to the human realm. So, there is that, and there is the realm and the spectrum within that segment of literal physical, mental, emotional abuse that has interfered with the soul’s progression and the fulfillment of their soul’s design.
But then if you broaden this to that foundation which is very present, still – that allows such aberration, such terrible abuse to take place in those eastern, western, northern, southern cultures – that there is not only a fear factor which is very strong, but this subtle belief system.
And this is really what is being weeded out by this Weinstein incident is that there is a subtle belief system that somehow it is the victim’s fault. It’s their fault for being born. That they somehow deserved it. And that the fault does not lie with the perpetrator. Whether it is in a boardroom or a back alley, and that is what is coming to the surface. And it is coming to the surface in all kinds of ways and very rapidly.
And the good news, sweet angels, is that it is coming to the surface for healing, for repair, yes. But it is also coming for the reconstruction of that paradigm.
It is no longer acceptable and it is not part of your mental, physical, spiritual DNA. It is not of the Love. It is not of the Mother. It is not of the Father. It is not of anything except this misunderstanding on a very basic level of what it means to be human. And it is time and it is happening that this chapter of this misunderstanding is coming to conclusion.
SB: Thank you for that. I suppose our most effective response to this is to send love to the people involved. Is that correct?
AAM: That is correct. And that includes the young girls who are experiencing genital mutilation, and it includes the wife and mother who is beaten raw. It includes the mother who is abandoned and has no milk or water for her children.
It is a collective decision. And you are setting the paradigm – you the lightworker community – are setting the paradigm that says this is not acceptable. This is not only not right in your parlance, but this is not the way we choose to live. This is not what we want.
Don’t forget, and we will have this conversation about inspiration perhaps further along in another show – but your desire is what triggers your inspiration, your creation. And the desire of not only saying only what is not acceptable. But what replaces that behavior?
For example, when you see in a public place a man shove his children, or his wife. What replaces that with you pretending that you didn’t see it or turning your head away because you don’t want to create a fuss, because you don’t want to get involved? What replaces that?
It is something that every human being male and female are being invited to deal with. And it starts in some ways with the most minimal intrusion. Because when you speak to somebody, when you speak over somebody, when you disrespect them or disregard them, it may start as a minimal dismissal, but that gives you permission, and so it grows and the aberration grows.
So this is teaching children different ways. It is protecting children in different ways, male and female. But it is also particularly males declaring to the community, to themselves and to other males, “You know, that is not acceptable.”
Is this clear?
SB: Yes, it is clear, Lord. We have about eight minutes left. I wonder if we could switch over now and pretend that the Reval has happened and we lightworkers are now in a position to begin take action of some sort. We’ve talked about the situation of women in the world. We’ve talked about war and Gaia’s reconstitution, the weather patterns that have happened as a result of that and the fires like in Portugal as well as California. We’ve had our vacation too.
How would you advise us? We’ve taken care of our own personal things. Now we want to get started in addressing the problems with the world. How do we begin to do that? What does that look like? You’re the General of the Army. What are the orders, so to speak?
AAM: Let us be clear that one of the things that we have been talking about all evening. Because this is part of the landscape, the climate that you are creating – the new within and upon. So you cannot, for example, create organizations – whether it is a two-person show or a twenty-thousand-person show – you cannot create it unless the culture – which you have called culture – and the attitudes – and there is a vigilance built in about those attitudes – are in accordance with the values.
And not just lip service. The true, inculcated, actual, patterned behaviors are in alignment with Nova Being. And what I suggest to you – and we have talked about this and we will continue to talk about it – this is going to take some work because the old patterns have a tendency, when there are times of tension or demand, to come back. And while we don’t want you to entirely forget those patterns, so that they will never reoccur, we also do not want them reoccurring in the creation of the new.
SB: Hence our memory loss. Is that right, Lord?
AAM: Hence your memory loss and our guidance, our repeated guidance to you. Do not hurry. Now what do you mean? You say, “Now, heaven knows we’ve been waiting for years.” Well, so have we. But let us take it a step further.
There is a tendency, and this has been built into your culture and your behavior systems. There is a tendency both within what we would call leadership. And we mean that in the old way as opposed to stewardship, which is in the new way, of you want to get things going.
And yes, we have to honor the culture of equity, unity, respect, etc. But I need to get this going. I need to get this done. So, get out of my way and I’ll do it. I’ll just take charge. I’ll just implement this and I’ll deal with the fallout of the culture later.
That is not the way. Because in the haste you are creating the old. In the diligence, and I am not talking – you have an expression about ‘slow pokes’ upon the planet – I’m not talking about being a slow poke. And I am not talking about procrastination. But I am talking about undue haste. And in undue haste what you have the tendency to do is to ramrod or run over the very values that you are trying to instill upon Nova Earth. So that first and foremost.
So there is time in any new organization while it is fresh, while it is being birthed, to have those discussions about what is of value to us. What is our core value?
Now, it is very easy, and I do speak to the lightworker community. It is very easy to give lip service, to say, ‘Well, of course these are my values.’ It needs to be discussed in terms of the practicality, in terms of situational reality, in terms of actual acquiescence and agreement to be able to call each other in kind, respectful, loving ways when there is a deviation from what you think of as the divine qualities.
So, these are the kinds of things as General, which I’ve never really been, that I would suggest that you take into account. Do you really think that as the Company of Heaven, as the Mighty Ones, that I would try and override any of my beloveds? If I was to do that it would create not only chaos, but it would create trauma. It would create something that was less than.
What I need, what the Mother needs, what Gabrielle needs, what Uriel needs, what Melchizedek needs is cooperation. Because when we work in a harmonious way, much more is accomplished. And in that, we have more to call upon because there is what you would call a buy-in on the part of all of us to what we are trying to achieve.
What that means is, does there need to be a General? Yes. Does there need to be someone who says yay or nay? Yes. But it is collaborative. It is based on values. It is based on an adherence to those values far beyond simply signing a contract.
SB: That is an issue and this will have to be my last comment because we’re just about out of time. There is an issue around leadership smacking of control, and whether that’s good or bad. There’s the illustration of the airline pilot who needs to be in control of the aircraft. So, what about that in the new leadership, Lord – where there is a need to, for somebody to be issuing commands like the captain of an airplane. How do we look upon those situations and not lapse into the old paradigm of control?
AAM: Respectfully. And I do not say that lightly. For someone to step forth and assume leadership is a sacred trust, and it is a sacred trust that cannot be broken. But also understand, within that leadership paradigm that there are systems of checks and balances that also have need to be respected and adhered to. But it is assuming the mantle in what you have called leadership. You are assuming the mantle of Divine authority – your Divine authority.
But that does not mean that you are given carte blanche. It is not a reinstatement of royalty. What it is, is that you have volunteered to accept, to act on behalf of the best interests of the collective, and that is a very difficult role.
SB: Well, I’m afraid that we will have to leave the discussion there, Lord. We’ve run out of time. Is there any other comment you wish to make in closing?
AAM: Look at the chaos that is swirling around you individually and collectively. Bless it and love it. Do not judge and do not participate. Send the energy of the new, for there is a new wind blowing. Go with my love and go in peace. Farewell.
SB: Farewell.
(1) The Core Issues course that Linda is leading is on a drama fast.
(2) The Light that is the Self, soul, Christ, Atman, or Buddha nature.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
Blossom Goodchild – Channeling The Federation of Light – October 21, 2017
Hello. Happy to be back chatting with you and I have quite a few questions from folk about manifesting, if I may?
Welcome, Dearest Blossom and we are certainly of Joy to help in this way … for manifesting one’s desires can only help this world of yours become a better place.
One would hope. Thank you. Ok. Let me fire away.
1. What is the spiritual value in saying affirmations or meditating when we DO NOT KNOW what we are here to learn? All the humans that are downright nasty and “supposedly” in control of the masses are merely learning something for their Soul growth? Am I missing something here? We in turn are players in their game of corruption and murder; therefore, it is an honour for us to be here to serve? PLEASE EXPLAIN!!
We would answer by saying that your Higher soul DOES know what you are here to learn. It may be only one thing in particular, yet, the soul’s journey is Eternal and will never stop experiencing more of itself … as more of itself is created and therefore, bringing into play more that can be explored.
The Higher self is always in tune with that aspect of the soul that is on Earth. And by saying ‘in tune’ we mean … connected with … as in ‘knowing of the Energy resonance’ at any one given moment in time. Therefore, a simple way would be to simply ask for that which serves the soul for the Highest good of the ONE and the ALL.
With respect, we understand that your topsy turvy world cannot blend with the Higher thoughts and actions of those who have walked further into the Light and Love, and the lady expresses that you are all players in the game of murder and corruption etc.
Players in The Game, yes, yet, what part is it you choose to play? The Game you are in is ‘your call’ at any given time and as to how you choose to play it, is up to you. Many times have we suggested that you concentrate on the state of affairs of the self and not to be attached to the ‘wrong doings’ … for want of a better word … of another. Your finest position in this case is to send Light to such souls and circumstances, as you know.
We accept and understand it is not easy to be unattached to such Earthly basic goings on … yet, this indeed could be your role to do so. This is how the Energy is changed … to not be sucked in to such matters. For over and over, yet necessary to repeat , have we not said … ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS.
Your strength is to come from within by recognising this. We are not saying not to be caring in all of this. Yet, the Energy of caring is very different from the Energy of …anxiety … for instance.
And to finish on that … Yes … Everything that one chooses to think and act upon is for their soul’s growth. Be it what one may think to be of good or bad … It is the journey of the individual … the path they choose to walk, that is THEIR business and THEIR outcome.
If there were to be a ‘time limit’ on ALL THAT IS … perhaps we would be speaking differently in order to ‘Get things right’. Yet, there is not. There is FOR EVER … to play The Game as one chooses. A choice of each individual soul as to what ‘floats their boat’ at any given life experience.
Or, whatever blows their blouse up, as I Love to say! Ok. Again thank you.
2. It seems that when we want something, should we want it, but not want it too much? Is it easier to manifest this way? TRYING does not seem to be the ticket, but gently allowing is? Why not just continue to ‘Let Go and Let God, Not My will but Thy Will.’ and trust!
Many thanks too for this ‘pondering’. As difficult as this may be for some to accept … MY WILL IS GOD’S WILL. Because GOD/LOVE IS CREATION. No matter what it is creating.
Yet surely, God/Love doesn’t want one to create a mass murder, for instance?
Blossom … God does not Judge.
LOVE CANNOT JUDGE … IT JUST … IS … LOVE … in its inexplicable amount of variants and forms.
There is a resonance of Energy within Everything. The Energy can resonate/vibrate on a high or low level … (extremes of ) There is no judgement made, because GOD/LOVE is not a person. GOD/LOVE is unable to say what is right wrong or indifferent, because EVERYTHING IS GOD/ LOVE and therefore, EVERYTHING is an expression of GOD/ LOVE.
To go back to the ‘Let go and let God’. Yes, there is much value in the Trusting of this … and yet, we would state that there is also, the desires of one that are being asked to be met in order to bring Happiness to the self. For Happiness brings in a HIGH Vibration, which then in turn, serves not only the soulself, yet, The Whole.
To ‘Make one’s order’ out to GOD/LOVE is simply asking for one’s requirements … and THEN … WHEN … the need has been asked for … can one Trust and let go … in the KNOWING these needs will be met.
At the end of the day, Blossom … the actual ‘material’ needs are not what one is seeking, one just thinks they are … and that such material Joys will bring Joy. When in actual fact … one is seeking only for PEACE, HAPPINESS AND UNDERSTANDING. If one were to put out requirements for these things alone, they would find, not only all their soul requirements were fulfilled, yet, all the material ‘toys’ that come along with that.
Many thanks.ok.
3. I have been taught by spirit (through others) that you cannot manifest what you are not supposed to have. For example; if you’ve come to the Earth to experience the life of a pauper, or one that involves living from hand to mouth, then no amount of wishing to win the lottery will change that. Is that the case or has that all changed now?
If a soul has chosen to live the life of a pauper then circumstances will always be presented for this to be so. A soul will have chosen a paupers life to experience it … not to experience suffereing per sais … This is tricky to describe. The same soul may have experienced many lifetimes full of riches and pleasures and ‘for it’s growth’ … to fulfil its inquisitiveness , it may have decided to ‘be a pauper’ for an entire life time … Not to make suffering it’s goal … yet, maybe to bring about compassion in others .. to experience life from a different angle, to FEEL how others react to one with and one without riches.
Do you see? It is not, when one chooses a life time , that they feel they must suffer, or repay some karmic debt … it is TO EXPERIENCE something else … To FEEL something different from that which they already have.
And, of course, Blossom … in EACH AND EVERY LIFE TIME … the one thing in common, the one thing that FEELS the same … is LOVE.
When one expresses LOVE for another soul, for another living thing, it FEELS the same , whether one is a multi – billionaire, or whether one has not two coins to rub together.
I’m going to throw something in here. At what point does a soul decide to stop the Earthly Game? Is it up to each soul to say they have had enough and try something else? I have heard, yet, it doesn’t resonate for me, that one gets trapped in the Earthly cycle and can’t get off.
We do not resonate with such things either, dear friend. Again … fear can bring about strange thoughts, when the one who produced such thoughts has the intention of creating more fear.
From our perspective … When a soul is ‘through’ with experiencing life on Earth, then it can choose to ‘Go elsewhere’ or just remain ‘AS IS’ … until such time when one desires to ‘become’ something else. To individualise itself, so to speak … in any shape or form that it desires. It really is that simple … in essence.
However, there are discussions and advise ALWAYS, as to whether a particular decision will serve the soul to its Highest level. ‘Coming from’ the place the soul is happily residing in, yet, ready to ‘set sail’ once again, the pros and cons to such a journey would be wisely taken into account and acted upon FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL. And to set the mind a reeling, we would say … no matter WHAT that journey may entail or appear to be from the perspective of another that is looking on!
We would also say that there may come a time when one is ‘done’ with a certain experience be it Earthly or otherwise and there is no need for it to revisit. Yet, one may do so … in order to perhaps, assist another along their path.
Endless, endless, endless possibilities Blossom.
At the end of the day … we like that phrase …
I noticed …
We would conclude by saying that, for the pleasure and enjoyment and fulfilment for/of self … GO FOR IT. FOR THE FUN OF IT!
Watch how all you desire falls into your lap. It is a SURE sign of letting you know you are on track and resonating on the Vibration that serves you well.
REMEMBER Dearest Soul’s … THIS IS A GAME … Play it how you may … for indeed … that is your choice and freedom to do so.
VISUALISE AND MANIFEST HEAVEN ON EARTH … and watch it appear before your very eyes.
And WE Love you. Many thanks .
Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.
Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be
Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.
The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo
Website: Blossom Goodchild
“Dear God, I am creating an incredibly loving, and abundant experience of life. Guide me. Help maintain my energy in a state consistent with my desires.”
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
It is very important at this time on earth, not to run from your feelings, but rather to take a few seconds each day to tune into your own hearts and see what you find within. What is it you want in life? What do love about your life? What would you change if you could? The answers to these questions will help you understand why your life is working or not.
To the degree you accept your feelings and desires, you move in the direction of having them. To the degree you resist your own feelings, there is pain, anger, upset, sadness and depression.
If you say you want something in your life but then proceed to doubt, or avoid doing what you feel inspired and guided to do, then you are resisting the flow of life – a flow that you, yourself set in motion.
Consider this metaphor. Imagine that there are an infinite number of rivers. Each one will carry you to a different future. You decide which future you want. You are so excited! You get a sturdy raft. You set it in your river of choice and you hop in. For awhile you let go of control. All you have to do is listen to your guidance. When the river reaches a calm spot, you will be guided to either paddle or relax. When there is a fork in the river you will intuitively know which branch is the kinder one to pick.
If you decide to focus on a different future, you’ll branch off into a different river. If you relax and enjoy the journey you will be carried along the easiest, most beautiful route to your destination.
However, suppose you jump on that raft and start to doubt. “Wait a minute! How do I know this will carry me to my dreams? I’m not in control! I better get out! What am I to do? You furiously start to paddle upstream. You try to cling to the shrubs along the edges of the river. Your worry prevents you from hearing your guidance, and you choose the more challenging forks in the river. If you stay in this river, you will still reach your goal, however the journey will be much more challenging.
You do not have to beg God for help dear ones. God already wants to help you. You need not supplicate like a child asking a parent for favors. Instead pray in your power as a creator made in the image and likeness of God – not in body, but in your capacity to love and to create.
Instead of praying, “God please bring me love. Please fill my bank account,” pray powerfully – “Dear God, I am creating an incredibly loving, and abundant experience of life. Guide me. Help maintain my energy in a state consistent with my desires.”
This is a powerful prayer. When your thoughts, feelings, and energy are consistent with your desires, then your life will be a joyful journey enroute to your dreams.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
The Angels via Ann Albers
Forgiveness,Unconditional Love & Violet Fire.
To forgive is not an easy thing.Agreed!To witness a brother or sister insulting and hurting seniors or even parents ,not easy to forgive.A brother or a sister blackmailing or killing another brother or sister or even worst raping and killing children,not easy to forgive.However necessary if one desires to get out of the perpetual wheel of karma being blocked between earth and astral plane for thousands of years.13,000 to be more precise.And humanity is starting to awake to this truth now.There is such beauty to be discovered when one finally chooses to use unconditional love and violet fire.This is a choice that humanity is facing right now.And let me get this straight to the point!When DNA is manipulated by an alien specie(Annunaki etc.) in order to enslave humans to serve them and doing everything they can to keep them asleep and not wake up to their Godness within (cabal,illuminati) while operating in absolute secret ways in the shadows as to not be witnessed by anyone is a difficult pill to swallow.Yet,a necessary one as it allows forgiveness to become easier.And this is exactly what it means to see things from a higher perspective.From the moment that Truth hits our neurones,as hard as it can be,it liberates us and sets a new start in our lives in order to see our magnificence and beauty within as EVERY Human being is pure Love and Light and nothing else.This is to wake up from the illusion played around us on a daily basis.An yes Humanity we are receiving huger support from benevelontant galactic beings called Arcturians,Pleiadians,Andromedans and so many more brothers and sisters of the pure light to help us be successful into this experiment called ASCENSION as we are the only ones living on a surface of a planet instead of living inside it.(see Hollow Earth).So make up your mind and FORGIVE FORGIVE FORGIVE everything that has been done to you.FORGIVE AND BLAZE THE VIOLET FIRE AND LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY!DO THIS FREQUENTLY AND JOYFULLY,MAKE THE CHOICE TO ALWAYS BE RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO ALWAYS FEEL GOOD WITH YOUR CHOICES AT ALL TIMES!
Nikos Akrivos
Spiritual Gym
For all of us that are dedicating our lives in fulfilling Mother’s Divine plan,it has been a long road,some of us for 10+ years some for decades or a lifetime and it seems like there are no rewards to rip from it except from all the small changes we see in our worlds and in our creations – which btw are not a small thing from a multidimensional point of view.
A smile from a stranger, a child talking to us,a dog coming to greet us,a butterfly that comes to sit on our hand,a tree that once we touch we can feel an intense connection,sometimes stronger that with a human being and so much more, are all the small things we can perceive as we become aware of our 5th dimensional realities,while from the other side of the veil we are receiving continuous support from all sisters and brothers of Light,talking to us through multiple channels,through our I Am Presence and to our Higher Selves with words that always say YES to JOY,PEACE,LOVE,FULFILLMENT to follow always what makes us FEEL GOOD.A thought that feels good is the door way.Every Human Being is able to receive and channel a message which is no other than the reward of long hours of having the habit to go within on a daily basis to listen the sound of silence.To do Spiritual Gym.Cause once one is attentif to the sound of silence,the empty space created allows for beauty to come within.To discover our Divine Feminine (for Men and Women) is to be able to listen the sound of silence,to be able to listen the sound of silence is to be able to be receptive and to allow Love and Light to fill in our beings charging us with Power from Within which allows to manifest our desires through our Divine Masculin.Sounds simple and it is actually simpler when one starts practicing.One can only be thankful of the simplicity that is needed in order to harness the power of creating worlds!Mother Father God Thank You!I Love You!And i see you in the eyes of every child,woman and man and sentient being!I see you and i know i know that it is You that looks through my eyes!
Nikos Akrivos
To enhance your self Love, put your hands over your heart and speak to yourself as if you were talking to a beloved child. “I love you, [insert your name]. I trust you, [insert your name]. You are loved and valued by Life.”
Blessed Beings, as always it is a precious and powerful moment when we meet in your awareness. It is your awareness that shapes Life. It is your awareness that brings the energy of the world into you, and the energy of you into the world.
Your unique perspective touches all that you experience. Your unique flow changes the flow of the world around you. As a species, you are becoming more and more conscious of your interaction with the subtle realm. You have always been and will always be communicating with the subtle realm.
Your thoughts and emotions are a subtle bridge, and they are how you communicate directly with the subtle realm.
It is important to understand the totality of your interaction with the subtle realm so that you do not simply just apply the rules of the physical realm to the subtle realm. As you shape your interaction with the subtle realm, you begin to understand more empirically and clearly—that is where energy builds into form. You must understand the rules of energy to utilize the momentum of the subtle realm.
Authenticity Creates Harmony
What you are building in the subtle realm does not have the conditions of form and time. It is, therefore, most important to become fully aligned with what you want, rather than thinking or feeling in a controlled way to create an outcome.
It is especially important that your thoughts and feelings are authentic so that you shift your own resonance into a clearer alignment with what you want to create. This creates a harmony within you that is resonant with your future creation.
What is most important is that you become fully aligned with what you are wanting to create.
To “speak” clearly with the subtle realm through your thoughts and emotions, think and feel authentic thoughts, then realign them to shift into a clearer resonance of what you want to create. Perceive your own capability and creativity more easily. This aligns your vibration with what you are wanting to create. It changes you, and you change your world.
Your authenticity is your doorway to finding a true resonance and alignment with your improvement.
You are thinking and feeling authentically to move your internal resonance into alignment with your new creation, your new you, your new experience and desires. Suppression of “negative” emotions does not allow for their transformation, and it creates a stagnation in your own energy.
Authenticity Creates Clarity
Your authenticity helps you go through the process of release and refinement. The process of release is the process of letting go so that change may occur—just as you must exhale to continue breathing.
Your authenticity triggers your awareness that you want something different and the catalyst of change begins.
It creates a harmony in your vibration that opens you to new choice. When you are authentic in the moment, you allow the emotions and the information that has accumulated from your past experiences to begin its natural transformation process into improvement. It is the natural flow of Life.
The next step in the process is integration and choice. As you begin the approach from an authentic thinking and feeling mechanism, you are using the momentum of the subtle realms because you are transforming your vibrational resonance. By the time you begin to create in the physical realm, you have already utilized the momentum of the subtle realm that builds worlds.
Authenticity Changes You
You are a forerunner of creating directly with the subtle realm. It is a much larger transformation than you often give yourself credit for because the subtle realms are invisible to your senses until you open your subtle senses. Then you must rely on your own internal experience for proof. You do; however, have synchronicities that show you that you are on track and creating in a real and profound way.
It takes time to fully integrate a deep understanding of working with the subtle realm and moving toward more conscious co-creation with Life. It takes a courageous balancing of masculine and feminine energies to master this flow.
Your authenticity allows for the nurturance of the self into a strength continues creation more easily.
You have an inherent deservability and capability. Your desires cannot even manifest into your awareness until you are resonant with potential solution. That is the power of your awareness.
Choose your focus. Allow your authentic information to flow—your fears, your excitement, your desires. This opens you to the flow of Life to come through you into the physical realm. In that moment of becoming aware of a change that you want to create in yourself and your world, you begin the process of release. You release that which is discordant or blocking your harmony with what you are wanting to create.
In that moment of release, you are also beginning another very important process of release—you are releasing your desire into the world. You release this energy from the subtle realm into the physical world. Resonance responds. Life begins supporting your process of creation in the physical realm.
You are the vessel through which Life flows.
Your authenticity creates an awareness of desire. In that moment of awareness, you begin to become resonant with your desire. It is just a matter of time and choice before it becomes physical.
First, choose your focus. Allow your authentic resistance and excitement to surface. Focus your awareness toward the feeling of your desired result. It is a process of release and refinement that creates integration and choice. Appropriate action will inspire from this new resonance within you.
It is a process that requires patience because you are in the realm of matter and time. As you are patient with the outcome, you are creating harmony within yourself. It requires trust that you are deserving and capable of your creation.
You would not even have the awareness of the desire unless you were already resonant with it outside of physical time and space. Therefore you are already deserving and capable.
Authenticity Changes The World
It is the deservability that is often the key of change for the compassionate beings that create with the greater good in mind and heart. Sensitive beings will tend to suppress their own life force when they are in an environment with fear, negativity, domination and suppression. This is a survival mechanism, yet when it is not necessary for survival, it depletes thriving of the species.
Deservability is a key component for those with compassion becoming sufficiently empowered to allow their life force to stay strong enough to bring the passive force of Love into the active force of action and physical creation. The deservability (a feminine energy nurturance) creates a strength of flow for action (a masculine energy manifestation).
When action is connected to Love, you are utilizing the momentum of the subtle realm. The passive force of Love binds Life through resonance, which is another way of saying choice. That is different than the control of the physical realm.
Deservability creates a balance within, a mastery within.
One of the easiest ways to build your deservability that Life has inherently granted you is to enhance your internal connection with self-love. Love yourself. This improves your internal harmony and flow. From that replenished wellspring of flow, you improve Life.
To enhance your self Love, put your hands over your heart and speak to yourself as if you were talking to a beloved child. “I love you, [insert your name]. I trust you, [insert your name]. You are loved and valued by Life.”
As you feel into your own internal resonance, let any doubts begin to transform. Trust yourself to respond to the information that Life is flowing to you. As you open to your deservability within, your communication with Life will change. You will begin to attune to your harmony within that tells you when and how action is appropriate.
You are shifting internally so that you are resonant with Life. Your actions in the physical realm are then inspired from the momentum of the invisible realm within you and around you.
It is just a matter of time until manifestation (masculine energy), which you refine through transforming your authentic emotions into a new internal harmony (feminine energy). From this powerful resonance, your desires inspire action until it becomes manifest in the physical realm.
The key is self-love, it opens you to your flow.
Life flows where Life force is resonant. Life wants you to thrive.
With this, we remind you, Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah. We love you. We receive you. We bring your Love forward and are forever changed by your awareness. You are Life. You change Life with your awareness. You are powerful. You are valuable. Life changes through you. Eeshah, Ehmah, Ehtah.
by Patricia Cota-Robles
October 11, 2017
I will share this with you as a guided visualization. If you feel the Heart Call to do so, please join with me now.
Breathe in deeply and go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame. Focus carefully on these words which are stated in the 1st person so we will each experience them personally. KNOW, however, that we are also cocreating this Template through the I AM Presence of every person on Earth in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and their highest good. In the Eternal Moment of NOW, this activity of Light is being instantaneously accomplished even as we Call.
During this Cosmic Moment, I AM being held in the arms of God’s Divine Grace. Within this Forcefield of Infinite Light, I AM able to instantaneously manifest CHANGE in my life.
My I AM Presence is now pushing every facet of my life that I want and need to change to the surface of my conscious mind. As each of these things pass before my mind’s eye, I acknowledge them and I cast them into the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. (pause)
Within the unfathomable frequencies of this Violet Flame every particle and wave of energy associated with the things I want and need to change are instantly transmuted back into Light. As this occurs, I forgive myself for any perceived transgression and I Love this precious Life energy FREE. (pause)
I AM grateful for this opportunity to change the things in my life that are no longer serving my highest good. As these changes take place within me instantaneously, I experience an inner calm and a deep sense of Peace. (pause)
The Divine Power to sustain these changes is now flowing through my Heart Flame from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God. This Gift of Divine Power will be daily and hourly intensified by my I AM Presence.
I AM now ready to cocreate a Template for my NEW Life Path. From this moment forth, I Consecrate my Life Force to a Life of Oneness, Divine Love, Reverence for ALL Life, Eternal Peace, God’s Infinite Abundance, Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth and everything else that supports my Highest Good and assists me in fulfilling my Divine Purpose and Reason for Being.
I now raise my consciousness and I experience myself Ascending into the Realms of Illumined Truth. I cross over the Bridge to Freedom which is the highway of Light that connects Heaven and Earth. In deep humility and gratitude, I enter the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light where the New Earth abides.
Within this exquisite Light, I see the entire Company of Heaven standing in readiness. They have come to help me cocreate my NEW Life Path. As One Unified Consciousness, the Beings of Light Breathe into their Heart Flames from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God the most intensified frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that I AM capable of receiving at a cellular level. On the Holy Breath these selfless Messengers of God now Breathe this Divine Light into my Heart Flame. This is the Light I will use to cocreate the Template for my NEW Life Path which is being revealed to me now by my I AM Presence:
I AM a Beloved Child of God and I Love and respect who I AM.
As I sojourn through my Earthly experiences, I AM enveloped in the invincible protection of my Father-Mother God’s Divine Love and Light.
I AM manifesting through Divine Alchemy my Vibrantly Healthy and Eternally Youthful 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Physical, Etheric, Mental and Emotional Solar Light Bodies.
Divine Love perpetually flows through my Heart Flame blessing all Life and magnetizing wonderful, Loving relationships into every area of my existence.
I AM joyfully fulfilling my Divine Purpose and Reason for Being, and I AM financially and creatively rewarded. Every day I AM open and receptive to the Infinite flow of God’s Abundance.
I AM reaching my highest Divine Potential in all of my experiences as a daughter or son, a woman or man, a wife or husband, a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, as a relative, a friend, a coworker, a teacher, a way shower, a steward of this Planet, a Lightworker, and a Cocreator of Heaven on Earth.
I communicate openly and honestly and I AM a compassionate and thoughtful listener.
My I AM Presence guides me unerringly, and I easily receive information and viable solutions to the various situations surfacing in my Life.
I AM a multidimensional Being of Light, and I abide simultaneously in both the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light and in the physical world of form on Planet Earth.
With every Breath, I AM the Open Door for the Light of God and the patterns of perfection I have called forth this day from the very Core of Creation.
I know and accept that through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth this Sacred and Holy Day, I have God Victoriously cocreated the Template for my NEW Life Path.
And so it is. Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM that I AM. (pause)
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
FAX: 520-751-2981, Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
©2017 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
You are the”Golden Age”!
Archangel Michael: “I am Protecting You”
Saturday Conference Call 10-07-17
Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love
Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of peace, warrior of peace, warrior of love, Archangel of love…we all are!
And yes, Gabrielle and I, beloved siblings, in many ways like twins, come to greet you, embrace you, fortify you, and protect you this day, this moment and every day and every moment throughout eternity, throughout all time and space, but particularly now during this time of fulfillment.
Let me be very clear with thee…fulfillment is not the receiving of unlimited currency and money. It is not financial gain. It is fulfillment of the Mother’s Plan, of you being the vehicle, the vessel of Her sacred blessings, of the Father’s Warehouse of Heaven, to create Nova Earth.
Now, there has been ample talk, discussion, planning around the creation of Nova Earth. Decades ago, quite literally, Sanat Kumara has come and he has taught you how to create. That does not change. The Universal Laws do not change. Your mission and purpose do not change. It is infinite and eternal.
Yes, from life to life there is slight variation, but the essence of who you are does not change. And why does it not change? Because it is brilliant. It is beautiful. It is a spark of light. It is the seed of love that has been implanted within you, in and out of form, throughout all time and space.
But now you are in form and you are literally positioned…not getting into position, not getting ready…you are positioned not only to do my work of peace, Gabrielle’s work of joy, our joint mission of truth, the Mother’s essence of love, the Father’s essence of wisdom. You are positioned in physical reality upon this mighty planet, this Archangel Gianna, to bring forth the dream of the Mother, the wish of the Father.
When we say to you “you are blessed and you are supplied,” we do not simply mean in an either/or reality. You have what you need. You have always had what you need. Now, you may or may not have realized that…that is almost inconsequential because now you know. As agent and angel of change and fulfillment you have what you need, because you are not needy but the fullness of yourself, patterned infinitely by the Mother, by the One.
We always say to you “there is more,” and in this time and space that you are occupying there is most certainly, in every meaning of the word, more! The question isn’t what you will do with this. The question is doing it. It is not about acting hastily. It is not about running about. It is the quiet silence of integration. In many ways, just like me, it is moving behind the scenes…not hiding…there is no room or need, by the way, for hiding.
Let me reassure each and every one of you upon this planet and far beyond, I am protecting you. So, do not hesitate to act, but act from the truth of who you are, act from what you know is your mission, unique and individual reflection of the Divine. It is not about scurrying about like a blind cockroach. It is about being the true angel, archangel, inter-galactic, interdimensional being that you are.
And, yes, doing our Mother’s bidding, but in alignment, in perfect acceptance and action of who you are, about why you have chosen to come at this most difficult period and it’s most rewarding period.
You are not about to engage in the “Golden Age,” beloved ones, family, friends. You are the “Golden Age!” You are the golden effervescence of joy. Stop denying it. Stop seeking it externally.
It is interesting, is it not, that so often we witness and you witness human beings seeking love, externally, when, in fact, all the love is within thee and that every action, every thought, every feeling is in alignment with that love. And then you are like a golden magnet because you draw that to yourself. And yes, there are times when it means stepping forward, not just a step or two, but going leaps to allow the love to be seen. And at other times, it is standing perfectly still so that you don’t appear threatening in any way.
Come to me. I am your safe spot. I am your sacred space. You know that is the truth of who you are.
And it is not an either/or. It is not hiding behind closed doors and it is not standing in the middle of the public square. It is the softness and gentleness of yes, allowing yourself, at times, to be seen in the public square, but mostly meandering the golden streets and allowing yourself the quietude, the sanctity, the peace of your sacred space behind closed doors to refill, to renew, to give praise and adoration, to reconnect.
Yes, to reconnect in the 13th Octave, because that is the home, that is the gift that has been given to allow ascension. It is ascension! So, embrace it with the deepest part and particle of your being, knowing that I am protecting you, I stand in front of you. I stand behind you. I stand next to you kindly loving you, but also defending you. That is my joy and my job so that you can do yours!
And I am not the only one. You are surrounded by the legions of your guides, yes, but the legions of this Council and by my legions of blue. I am not asking you if you are ready. That question and query has come and gone.
What I am telling you, what I am sharing from the depths of my being is that we are ready…and so are you. And we are in unity, we are in connectedness, we are together in grace, in the fulfillment of the promise.
So, turn to me, yes, with courage, but also with valor, bravery, and peace. Go with my love. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.
it is time to take an inventory of what you are thinking and the emotional energy you are projecting during these days of conflict, turmoil and stress on your planet
65 Quad Funds Ready For Worldwide Humanitarian Projects
We Are Above Everything Vibrational Beings
We attract what we think,we attract what we fear and we strengthen what we oppose.We accept the fact that above everything we are vibrational beings and taking responsibility about the way we feel in the present moment is the most powerful way to create our realities.We are creators within our minds,there is no need to ‘work’ hard to get something done in a physical way,unless this is your path of less resistance, the power of our minds and the way we use them in the present moment defines what we will manifest in our lives.Smartest thing of all to do is to choose thoughts that feel good at all times.To be in alignement is to make the choice to feel good at all times.And yes during our days there will be moments that our vibration may go lower du to the fact of interacting with our current reality and we can appreciate the fact that we know that we are vibrational beings above everything and of the fact that we know now that by shifting our thoughts towards ones that feel good,we are able to change the outcome our experiences towards ones that are full of bliss,joy,peace,truth,love,abundance , prosperity ,well being and the highest good for all as what happens in our inner world manifests in the outer world.We are magnificent beings becoming aware of our powers and as we remain in these high vibrational thoughts,more like minded thoughts are coming to us.
And wouldn’t be nice to know that all the children of the world are well fed and that they go to sleep knowing that they are good?Wouldn’t it be nice to know that Gaia is restored to its pristine beauty and there is only a collaborative work between humans and nature in a way that energy is used with true respect for all life?And wouldn’t it be nice to know that all beings are living a peaceful and loving life with all their needs and dreams being met and beyond?Wouldn’t it be nice that we use new technologies that are solving all health problems within minutes,technologies that are non invasive to our bodies?Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to travel freely at anytime anywhere we want to go?Wouldn’t it be nice that our tables are abundant of great fresh organic foods and purified water?We have the abundance of time to do this work anytime in our days,17’’ seconds of thoughts is enough to attract another good feeling thought and 68’’ seconds of similar thoughts is what is needed to create the necessary momentum towards manifesting our desires.
We are at the final stages of mastering this game.
Nikos Akrivos
Feel More Than Fine
Text Inspired by Sananda & Abraham Hicks Teachings.
Feel More Than Fine is a non profit association and works on donations.Your donations confirm your faith and will to be part of Eco Sustainable Holistic Communities ,work For The Highest Good For All and get to know more and also be able to participate in their creation while you are being helped for your Ascension and the Project that is dear to your heart.
Only those whose projects are in accord with our New Eart Law: ”Do no harm to self,others or a thing’‘ will be considered.