“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are extending an invitation to all of humanity, and that invitation is to join us in a co-creative endeavor. We want to experience more of life on planet Earth, and the way that we can have the experiences we want to have is by co-creating with you. Now, we are interested in co-creating with humanity because we see how much potential there is for better living on planet Earth.
And so we can both co-create those experiences with you and enjoy them, as bits of our consciousness will be included in the energies that we sent you. Believe us when we say that you are being sent energies all the time and that there are many beings in the higher realms that want to co-create with you, but we are the ones addressing you now, and we are looking for major projects. We are looking for the most leading edge co-creations that you can come up with.
For example, those of you who want to create a space where beings from other parts of the galaxy can come together with humans and exchange ideas, information, and even resources, a structure that could accommodate beings from other worlds, one that could account for the differences between humans and these extra-terrestrial beings, this is the kind of project we are talking about. We are asking you to think globally and think galactically because that is the type of project that excites us.
Now, we will send you energies that you can utilize for any project at all. We are just indicating to you which ones we would be most excited about participating in and experiencing. Let your imaginations run wild.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are surprised and excited to see how many people are waking up every single day. We have noticed this trend occurring as you get closer and closer to the equinox, but we also notice that there is a portion of the population who are struggling. They are struggling to find something to believe in, and they have not been able to make a leap of faith to the truth that we are all one and we are all Source. They certainly are far from believing that they create their reality.
We have been looking for ways to reach this particular group of individuals on your world, and we know that at times you will attempt to share something with one of them to bring them into the light, to help them awaken. But you are going to have a hard time convincing someone of something when they don’t really know what they believe in. So it is much more effective if you just hold space for those individuals. Send them love. Have compassion for them, and live your life without apologies.
Live your truth in every waking moment of every day, no matter what anyone else feels or thinks about your truth. The more of you who are out there shining your light and living your truth, the more of the human collective consciousness is going to get what you know. You can reach more people by tapping in to the collective consciousness then you can by trying to convince someone who doesn’t want to be convinced.
But know that those who are looking for something to believe in are always served by having those like you around. Your presence, and the knowing that you hold within you is enough to bring one or more people to the light.
Daniel Scranton – channel, sound healer, spiritual teacher, channels higher dimensional beings on ascension, the shift to the fifth dimension 5D, and our spiritual evolution as humans. Daniel channels overtones and light languages as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun the process of giving you the various upgrades that you’ve been asking for. We are working, of course, in concert with your guides to provide you with the unique upgrades that each of you has been asking for individually. Now, these upgrades are different than the universal ones that you sometimes receive. Those upgrades are given because of where you are on your evolutionary journey, and they are given to everyone.
The upgrades that we are referring to are the ones that you have personally requested, whether the request was for clairvoyance, the ability to channel, or to be able to heal others. We have been working with your guides and your higher selves because so many of you have been reaching out to us, specifically, and we have been able to convince your guides and higher selves at times that you are ready for some true growth and some new abilities that will help sustain you during the rest of the time that you have in the fourth dimension.
We are happy and eager to provide you with these upgrades while you are asleep, and it is important for all of you to know that once you have an upgrade, you will still need to learn how to use it. So just because you receive a clairvoyance upgrade, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to start accessing that gift without any focus on your part. Most of you will still need to sit and open your third eyes to see what you are receiving.
You will still need to master the use of the gifts you are given, and mostly you will need to trust that what you are receiving is in fact real and not just your imagination, your mind, or your ego. Receive your new gifts graciously, and practice, practice, practice, and you will have a lot more fun there on Earth with your new toys.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Yesterday,September 19th,2018 about 9pm North West,Greece,i had a sudden interruption of my internet connection and since i never tend to create resistance to myself and always believing that there is a reason for everything, i came out in my balcony, take a fresh breeze of air and the first thing i did is look up in the clear sky and there it was again:2 intense white light flashes sending (me?) a signal right above my head and then after that i saw about 5 or 6 galactic ships,2 crossing each other on a speed faster than aeroplanes and yet not too fast, they were perceived about 2 to 3 minutes.2 of them stopped for a while, it felt like they were doing some intense cleaning in the sky as right above them, the usual chemtrail plane was passing by, i recognise this one by the sound it makes which is quite different from a normal aeroplane with passengers.Then a fleet of about 4 to 5 ships were following each other on a an almost straight line.At the same time i captivated an intenser sound of the higher spheres,i can hear the higher spheres almost all the time now and can even captivate higher or lower frequencies,Angelic presence or upgrades of Ascension.Clairaudience,part of my new abilities now, must be because of my love for music!
I am here today to tell you about a coming time in your lives. It is a time for you all to come to the conclusion that you have given of yourselves in various ways in which you have not only followed your hearts but have followed your inner knowing as well. I am St. Germain, and I am here speaking through this one because she has been giving me the outcome of what she is learning in her times of the past few years. She is taking the time now to explore her own inner knowing and how she is allowing the cleansing of what could hold her back in these times that are just around the corner.
I am going to take a few moments to give you an example of what you can do to follow in your own footsteps and take the high road to the clearing of what has been transpiring in your lives in the recent times. It is a long road that has beentranspiring in so many ways that you may not even realize what you have gained in the times that have been carrying so many loads of stress. As well you see at the same time so many times of the release of the old factions of what you remember as being the road that you have traveled in order to give you the knowledge of what has been valuable in your lives. It is also bringing the stress to a point of being able to clear you of what has been holding you back from the new times that are upon you now.
Here is one example of what you are in the process of experiencing now. It is a value of being able to see what is taking place in your lives that is not always bringing you pleasure, but feels like it is a necessary step in being able to clear yourself of the old ways of living that have been so confusing in the reception of what was brought to your lives that you haven’t understood the reason for. It is all for the reasons of being able to see what has been taking place all around the globe, and as well in your own life. As you see the closure of this connection you are also seeing the beginnings of the clear way to live your life in the moment and for always, and even in the representation of sending love to all of life around the globe, as well as out into this universe and others as well.
I have lots of experience in my life, round and round, over and above, below and in between, in being able to bring myself to the understanding in which I have been able to be here with you in this time of closure of the old, and the wondrous opening of the new way of being who we truly are. We are all in the process of taking the steps to show what we have learned. We can see why we have chosen the fields of daisies, and all the flowers, grasses, trees, etc. of the wonder of the earth itself to produce the beauty and expressive ability to act in the uniqueness of each and every way of living that is with us and in the beauty of sharing with all of existence. We are now in the fields of retrieving the oneness that we all are, and being able to forgive anything that does not resonate with us, and choose to go on with what we see is our own unique way of sending that Love to all of life.
I have come and spoken through this one today for she has been trying to find the way to go forward in the sharing with you that she has been doing for so many years now. She has felt the standstill for what I see to be a short time and is now reaching out to express what it is that she has been experiencing in the way that she feels is her new way of doing so. As I am seeing right now she is beginning to realize that any way that she feels to do so, is the way that the moment creates with her Love for you all at the root of it. As you all are feeling, it is part of what is taking place all around the globe and within it as well.
Yes, within this earth there is also some clearing taking place and as it is doing so, it is spreading forth through the land and out into the open. There it joins what is being released on the surface, and is being let loose in the grandeur of Love, Peace and the Joy in the freedom of the wondrous examples that are coming forth as the whole planet is being cleared of the old ways of living without the freedom that has been in place. As I speak, it is being brought forth in this, and every moment, for all of you to recognize and spring forth into as your everyday way of life, in your own individual way of doing so. You all add to the beauty of this planet and beyond in your expression of what you are feeling that is being released in the freedom that you find feels so good.
I leave you now in this message and I already feel so many of you not only are feeling, but becoming inspired to move forward in the energy that is upon you in the Love, Peace and Joy of the freedom you are receiving in every moment. I love being with you all and seeing and feeling what you are experiencing right now. Spring forth, and dance through the days in the music of the freedom in which you are right now and forever. I Love you all!
Last night,i was with my soul sparks family after requesting to meet them.And it was marvellous amazing fun fantastic awesome to be and chat with them.I just feel like going to bed again, you know that feeling, right?right.Unconditional Love pouring all over.There were 4 of them,3 adults and one child and they were speaking in a language that sounded more brazilian than anything else.The most funny part is that there was a dog-with very big expressive eyes that looked me straight into my eyes with so much love-that was of red-pinkish color.Hilarious,i know.Towards the end of the dream,i was in the arms of a female presence, felt like Mother Love,very compassionate cosmic hug,i woke up while being in there and i could hear my breath and a second breath, like being in 2 different dimensions simultaneously, the one here in 3d,the one on the other dimension,i don’t know if i should call it 5th or parallel dimension, must have been the breath of my mother spark soul, it’s all new to me right now, most probably i begin to remember where i come from,maybe another planet?we shall see if this follows up!
I just share this since i’ve been working on remembering my lucid dreams for a while now, going to bed always at 22h-23h(the only reason i stay awake after 22h is for Jared Rand’s Global Meditation) and waking up around 3h30-4h00 as mostly it happens naturally.This is a moment i do another meditation expanding my Light to the world, work on my manifestations and maybe do some house cleaning or yoga if i have the energy for it till i drop again ready for another 3 hour sleep.It is then that i have the most vivid ludic dreams that i am aware i am having while sleeping.Try it!it is very fun,all you need is to intent and ask to meet your soul sparks family(as shared by Dancing Dolphin in previous channeling posted on this website)
Many of your lives are changing in ways you did not anticipate a few months ago. That shift brought some fears to the forefront.
For earth eons, a change was programmed to be fearful. So it is you ponder your decisions with trepidation only to discover that your new life, direction, or relationship is more comfortable than you anticipated.
You are discovering change is not necessarily frightening or a step back, if you will. For the change, you are creating is your new comfort zone.
In 3D, you most often built foundations on shaky ground. Of course, such was a given in 3D for you wished to experience fear in all its ramifications. So you built what you thought was a stable future only to have it shift in ways that created fear. Such has been and is true for all of 3D.
Change for you now is creating a stable foundation upon which you can build your new life.
You will not necessarily know immediately that such is true, for you will ponder your decision wondering what you did wrong, instead of glorying in what you did right. So it is you are slowly – in our thoughts, but rapidly in yours – accepting that fear is over. You are realizing you can adapt your comfort zone any way you wish when you wish. For your comfort zone is easily malleable as you evolve and grow.
In 3D, your decisions most often had grave or long-term results that were not easily shifted even if your outer circumstances changed quickly. So it was that you dreaded change for you could see the fear dominoes falling one by one even if that change seemed to be for the better.
You most often felt as if you wanted to be in two places at the same time – your former life and your new life leaving a somewhat bitter taste of sadness within you.
Of course, you counter that winning or gathering millions of dollars would not feel so and we beg to differ. For in 3D that “lucky” person needed to decide what part of life he or she would leave behind to fit within the social dictates for their higher or lower socioeconomic status. And once they began spending those millions, discovering that they likely did not fit within their old social strata nor their new one. The same would be true for those who lost financial resources. Either direction of financial gain or loss created a personal world of social isolation. As if the world were passing them by because they were not quite right in either world.
The same was true for disease, behaviors, and so many other indicators that as a result, you were not quite who you used to be so those you depended on for social interaction or approval were no longer in your circle.
That coupled with trying to determine how best to live your life despite a major shift and likely, social isolation, created an ongoing fear multiplied tenfold with each earth life. Creating the fear of change you are now exploring as you slowly realize that change means stability instead of crumbling structures and relationships.
You likely contend that such is not possible for change leaves part of you behind, that you always lose something with any change. Ah, new you is learning that instead of leaving something or someone behind, you are adding to your structure, your stability.
Those who do not relish your shift will not be of interest to you, unlike the pain of 3D loss. For you are discovering they were never truly part of your being, merely social connections which seemed important in 3D but are no longer.
Social connections were your 3D key elements of success. If you were poor, your friends were in similar circumstances either emotionally or physically. And if you were wealthy, the same would be true.
Now as you build structures from your heart, there is no need to find common financial or social expectations. For those who touch your heart will not be those who want you to be like them. Instead, they will want you to be a beacon of light as is true for them.
Social graces, objects, neighborhoods, friends, etc. are now from the heart, not from social shoulds. So it is you are becoming a mature Universal being.
Do you remember when you wanted to be part of your high school “in” crowd? And how devastated you were if you were not invited to the right parties or events? But once you found your way as a 3D adult, those “in” crowd needs became silly, sad, or nostalgic depending how you matured.
So it is now. It does not matter if you are wearing the right clothes, have the “coolest” car, or invite the right people to your parties. It only matters that you feel a heart attachment and you are comfortable – with few or no social shoulds and have tos.
You no longer need to “Keep up with the Joneses” or feel insecure about your social or financial standing. For your beacon of light will draw those who have a similar beacon with a similar comfortable life.
Those who continue to strive will not be comfortable in this new world. For they are hounded by shoulds and have tos.
Those you find attractive and attracted to you are creating comfort zones for themselves and will they care very little about what others think or feel about their lives.
You are becoming a mature Universal adult as you create a life right for you and no one else. So be it. Amen.
LifeTapestryCreations.com. If you would like to receive Brenda’s Blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog & Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2018, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.com.
MOTHER GOD: “I hear your prayers to keep your loved ones safe”Posted: 15 Sep 2018 06:56 PM PDTMother God through Dancing Dolphin”I hear your prayers to keep your loved ones safe.” *Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. Mother God came to speak after Sanat Kumara gave his message. It is a thrill and honor to connect with each one of these amazing Beings of Love! Dear Children of Earth: This is Mother God and I would like to send you a message tonight also. Many of you are fearful of this hurricane called ‘Florence’ hitting the U.S. at this time. I hear your prayers to keep your loved ones safe. All are my loved ones, the plants and grass and trees also. The drops of rain, the grains of sand in the beach and the wind that blows. I do not ‘pit’ the forces of nature against man. This is not a battle or an attack. I want you to see this event from my side, my point of view; to contemplate this event from another perspective. Your Father and I created Gaia, all the elements of Gaia, including animals and humans. The atmosphere, oceans, forces of nature are all part of that creation. Just as we do not control each and every action that you take, so too we do not control the forces of nature. It is a natural process. The ‘red tide’ in the Gulf of Mexico and the typhoon in the Philippines are all natural disasters, naturally occurring. Your love and prayers and protection requests are heard dear ones. We respond to all requests, just maybe not in the manner that you asked for. We will not step in if it is in a person’s soul contract to pass on or experience a broken leg, for example. Do you see? You are all loved beyond measure, every single cell of your bodies, your brilliant Souls are all adored by your Father and I. Know this. You are loved. You are cherished. This is the message I would love to give my Children of Gaia at this time. I send you all my Pink Light of Unconditional love, wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket complete with fuzzy slippers for your precious feet! You are wrapped up in my love.
SANAT KUMARA, PLANETARY LOGOS: “Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns!” Posted: 15 Sep 2018 05:15 PM PDTSanat Kumara through Dancing Dolphin”A massive cleansing took place this week. You have a clean slate and Gaia is ready for her new Sovereigns!” *Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. Sanat Kumara came to speak after my Higher Self had given her message. This is the first time I have ever connected with Sanat Kumara and his presence was very powerful, calming and full of love.I am asking this One to be patient now because I do have a further message and that is that I would like to announce that I am Sanat Kumara, I am the Planetary Logos of Gaia at this time. I have seen the many notable messages given here and would like to add my own essence to the message to Lightworkers of Gaia. A cleansing has taken place, Dear Ones. A cleansing of the dark ones that have ruled Gaia for many millennia. This has been occurring for most of your lives to be sure, but the final clearing has taken place this very week. Mother God decreed that they no longer would be allowed to have a foot-hold on Gaia. Their time of power-hungry dealings and lives full of anger and woe would come to an end. She gave them many chances to comply to her wishes but they did not heed. They were indeed removed forcibly this very week. This clearing was done by a combination of many forces of Light. You, Lightworkers of Earth, together with the Galactics and their Alliance of White Hats were mainly responsible for the forceful mass exodus of the dark ones from Gaia. It was a very difficult and challenging plan to be sure. Difficult, exhausting, heart-wrenching and not pleasant. However, it was Mother’s decree so we all worked together to get it done. If you do not remember working on this massive project this week, do not be surprised. Many, many of you did indeed work on this project but it was a part of you that you are not aware of. Like this One’s H.S. shared above, there are many pieces of you (Soul Sparks she called it) but you are not aware of most of them, only yourself in this 3D body. You may be a Nurse, Teacher or college student at this moment of this 3D life; but another part of you may be a Warrior of the Light! I mentioned that this event was heart-wrenching and it was so because as Light Beings, we cannot imagine choosing ‘death’ over being reunited with our Creator. But these beings chose not to be reunited with their Creator, but chose to be taken to the Central Sun for reprocessing. Lightworkers of Earth, of Gaia, my purpose in coming here tonight to share this message with you is to put you on notice that Gaia is ready for you NOW. She is ready for her new Sovereigns to take over and bring forth the New Earth that you have all created and built. Take your plans for sharing your new found prosperity and make them a reality for all. As your Planetary Logos, it is my charge to watch over Gaia and it is my honor to do so when the Lightworkers have decreed that they will step forth and create the new Golden Age! We (all of us) who have worked to battle the dark these many millennia have worked to provide a ‘clean slate’ for you to do your new good works. We will all step into the New Earth together and use our skills and talents to the best of our ability. I look forward to working with you all. I will stand side by side with you, the Human Angels. I am Sanat Kumara and I bid you Adonai this fair evening. Thank you for listening.Source: Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin https://dancingdolphinlove.blogspot.com/
Dancing Dolphin’s HIGHER SELF: Would you like to connect with your Soul Sparks?Posted: 15 Sep 2018 11:11 AM PDTDancing Dolphin’s Higher Self”Would you like to connect with your Soul Sparks?” *Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. My Higher Self chimed in right after Sananda finished with the message below. Greetings, Lightworkers of Earth! This is Dancing Dolphin’s H.S. Here to say that I am in touch with each and every one of your H.S’s. Yes, we all know eachother in the higher realms and we wanted to let you know that we are ever so proud of you! Your strength and courage is admirable and makes us beam like proud parents, even though we aren’t your parents. Structurally in the Universe and beyond, things are much simpler and much more complicated than you imagine. This may be confusing, but just know that the spark that resides in you, your Soul Spark is both a spark from your H.S. (your Soul lineage) and also of course, the Spark of the Creator. There are many versions of “you” in the Universe, some may call them your “past lives” but you have future lives too; parallel lives, lives in other dimensions and in other places. You’ve heard this before and know that it is true…there is no time. All your “lives” your “Soul Sparks” are occurring at the same time and your H.S. monitors all these incarnations and gives guidance when possible. I didn’t intend for this to be a lesson on how things work, but I did intend to illustrate for you how connected you are! You are not alone! Would you like to connect with your Soul Sparks?State your intent before you sleep that you wish to connect to your Soul Sparks during your dreamtime or meditations. Once you make the connection, you will be able to speak to eachother telepathically. You may share experiences, talents, strength, lessons, etc. It is a wonderful experience! This one says her Soul Sparks feel like Sisters and Brothers and she feels their love. You are surrounded by love, not only from your H.S. and Soul Sparks, but from other higher dimensional beings as well. We are all thrilled at the lightwork you have been doing. You really have no idea yet what you have accomplished. But I can tell you this—it’s stupendous! Gorgeous! Illuminating! Incandescent! Brilliant! You have simultaneously (together with many other Beings) cleared away the darkness and created the New Earth! So, when you are weary and can’t think of what you wanted to say–please know that it’s not because you’re ‘getting older’ or ‘having a senior moment’ (our favorite saying)! It’s because many other parts of YOU are working overtime to bring this 3D journey to an end. You are working multi-dimensionally even while you are awake!! Do you ever feel really spacey? Really out there? Can’t focus? Sometimes you are bi-located when you get these feelings. One part of you is in 3D and another part is in a higher dimensional realm. Let’s be honest–other times maybe you are just exhausted because you’re been working at night also. Please give yourselves a break when you can. Napping is wonderful. Clean water and fresh fruits and vegetables are vital. Be kind and patient with yourselves. Know that you are loved, appreciated and connected to a vast Soul Family! We will all be together soon and be able to celebrate this amazing journey on Gaia from darkness to light that has been happening for millennia. Then, after much celebration and rest—on to the next! I wish you a fair evening and an even more glorious tomorrow–the start of all your tomorrow’s. Know that your H.S. Is guiding and supporting you. You are not alone and your are loved. Source: Messages of Love through Dancing Dolphin https://dancingdolphinlove.blogspot.com/
SANANDA: Ask for Help! Call on Us!Posted: 15 Sep 2018 11:13 AM PDT SANANDA through Dancing Dolphin”Call on us. Ask us for help! We love to help!”*Received Friday, Sept. 14, 2018*Note: Tonight I asked to receive messages for the Lightworkers of Earth. Sanada stepped up first to share the message below. Yes, Dear One, this is Sananda and I would love to tell the Lightworkers of Earth that we are here, that we are always here and would love for you all to call on us more often. We see you all struggling with the heavy energies, the incessant news stories which are created to drain your energy, the high stress levels that you all have in your lives and many, many other reasons. We see you suffering and would love to step in and help but we do need to be asked. That goes for me, all Ascended Masters and Mother & Father’s Angels. ASK US for help! We LOVE to help!! This One has started doing that again and she can feel our presence as her days become even a tad more joyful where before they were tiresome. By connecting with us and asking for our assistance, we can indeed pave the way for your lives to be filled with ease. You may or may not feel our presence, but that doesn’t matter. For we are always with you regardless. For example, it need not be an emergency before you ask for help. If you need assistance handling a difficult situation, to have the strength and courage to get through your day, or when you wake up exhausted after a night of dreamtime work; call on us!! Alpha and Omega be! This is my humorous way to remind you that “the end is near!” But fear not, your “new beginning” will follow! The end of the old 3D way of life and your new 5D lives and New Earth (or Nova Gaia) are waiting in the wings and ready to jump out on stage. The stage of your new lives! Hang in there a bit longer, call on us for help and imagine your bright future with all of us in the new 5D, New Earth! That’s my message for today. I am your Sananda and I send my love on bright moonbeams to all Lightworkers!
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have the perspective on your progress that we would love for you to share with us. We would love for all of you to be able to see how far along you are as individuals and as a collective. And yet, sometimes it is hard for you to acknowledge yourselves. We feel that the critical mind will often get in the way of your ability to celebrate how far you’ve come as individuals, because you tend to focus on what you do not have and what you have not become.
It is nice to have goals. It is nice to have accomplishments that you are reaching for, and they certainly do keep you going. They certainly do keep the energy flowing to you and through you. And so it is a very good thing that you are focused on what it is you want to have in terms of skills, gifts, and abilities. And it is also wonderful that you want to be of service and achieve inner peace, and to create the reality that you want to create.
But stopping and celebrating how far you’ve come, recognizing the significance of the fact that you are awakened beings on a planet that is ascending, this is something that we would like to see more of amongst the humans that we are connecting with. We will acknowledge that there will always be more that you are expanding into, but we will not agree with you when you say that you are blocked for some reason.
We will not agree with you when you assume that you must be doing something wrong to not be further along by now, to not have solved all of your problems and all of the world’s problems. If there is something in front of you that is yet to be achieved, it is there for the purpose of keeping you focused and drawing more of that high frequency love and light through you.
You do need to find time in your day to sit, relax, and look how far you’ve come. Appreciate the person that you are right now, and see the truth about yourselves. You are all doing wonderfully well, and the truth is you take most of your gifts for granted, rather than celebrating that which you have already become, and so we are initiating the celebration for you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Welcome my friends. Here we are again, after attempting to communicate last week, only to find I felt, that … the channel/my mind … was being hacked. I will see how today’s session goes as to whether or not to add what I received. So, What Ho! How art thou?
We are indeed well, Blossom. We are never otherwise. We would like to speak of that which took place in your last communication, for we feel it would be beneficial.
There are those that are clear channels/channellers and those whose intention is to offer disparate information with the intention to confuse and upset the apple cart, so to speak.
We are more than happy that you are able to distinguish between ‘Our Energy’ and the very moment in which an interfering source tries to intersect.
So, I was right then. Although, I felt I got the go ahead from White Cloud to continue.
You thought. Yet, when checking in later you realised you had perhaps misinterpreted the imagery given.* Yet again, within the next paragraph, you saw correctly to discontinue and rightly so.
I will of course add the communication we are speaking of to the bottom of this one … otherwise no one will know what we are talking about! So, was it the content that ‘caused’ this? Or my tiredness? Or both?
Both. When one is tiring of mind, it is far easier for a ‘hacker’ as you call it to ‘break in’ … even though blessings and protection had been correctly placed.
This, in a way, is a good lesson for all. In that … the minute one feels the slightest bit uncomfortable about … even a word … it is always best to check in. Those who choose to intervene to the detriment of all, are certainly adept in ways of making them ‘seem/appear’ to be of the Light, by interspersing both Truth and untruths. Hence, as we say … their goal is achieved by causing confusion amongst the ranks!
So, would we be wise to continue on the same topic? I have to admit, it did cross my mind that it may not be safe to do so!
Blossom … it is not that … it is not safe/was not safe … for we would never do anything to cause you concern within these messages.
Well, not for a long time … (leaving Oct 14th2008 aside shall we!)
In ways of your physical and mental safety. The hackers were to confuse … not to ‘attack’.
Ok. Well let’s see … where this goes/how far … this goes. I have to say … there is a small tension around my heart area.
This is due to the Energy we are bringing through, which is of a Heightened Vibration. For, cannot you also feel a light-headedness that is not usually present?
Indeed. I can. Is that also due to the same thing?
Yes and more. For we are … due to the raising of YOUR Vibratory trajectory …
You like that word…
… able now to be even closer in Energy … to your ‘mind’ and therefore, our connection is stronger which cannot help but manifest in a physical sense, also. In time it shall settle.
In time over weeks or, during this session.
During this session.
Moving on!
We spoke of treasures within your Planet and hence, the reason why all eyes are on you.
(I suggest to readers to now go to the end and read the ‘aborted channelling’ posted below before continuing reading here.)
You are /have always been exceptionally special Beings of Light. Existing within a Game that was created to experience one end of the scale to the other, within a human experience … and this has most certainly been carried out.
It is hard to fully believe we are special Beings of Light when one looks into our behaviour, compared to what we hear of Light Beings of Great Light and intelligence and advanced Enlightenment on other Planets.
And yet … we would perhaps say that you are in disguise. We have often stated ‘All is not as it seems.’ You are experiencing Life on Planet Earth, yes … yet, you are also BEINGS OF LIGHT … of GREAT LIGHT … that are, would we say … fulfilling an agreed upon contract to bring about this Great Change that we speak of.
So, to go back to the treasures that all are waiting in anticipation to be uncovered … what is that all about?
It is about a GLORIOUS DIVINE uncovering of wonders. As we say … wonders that … had to be/are … in safe keeping until such time when ALL is ready to accept and receive that ‘returned’ state of Being.
Ok. I am going to just go for it and see where this leads. After the aborted channelling, I had a strong sense of a vast fleet of Light ships ‘bursting forth’ from under the pyramids in Egypt … and also, a strong vision of the sphynx. I looked it up afterwards, as I felt I had an inkling of this from information somewhere else before. Indeed there is speculation of something ‘underfoot!’ Interestingly when you sent through the words ‘Master Craft’ in the below communication, I THOUGHT you were going to say ‘Master craftsman’. Yet the ‘man’ bit didn’t happen. Am I on the right track?
Blossom, you are indeed on the right train (track) of thought. Although, not quite. In that, the craft are not actually ‘there’ in physical form … yet!
Were they ever?
Yes. The way to explain for easy understanding, is their ‘imprints’ were left behind long, long ago. So, we would say … they WERE present. They were imprinted deep within the Earth … and then they dematerialised … leaving a sleeping Energy … that shall remain asleep until the ‘unveiling’ is ready to take place. At which time … they shall rematerialize/reconstruct … under the ground … and shall also be ‘manned’ … Ready for the off. When all systems get the Green Light.
So many questions. Did this happen before or after the building of the pyramids and the sphinx etc.?
It happened at the same time. It was part of the plan. There was collaboration between Star Systems in order for this plan to come together. There are ‘history’ stories of the boulders being dragged from all around to make these pyramids. These stories do not speak of Truths of these boulders … doing as the ships … dematerialising and then reconstructing in Energy in the places they were required to be. There was much ‘magic’ encountered in order for this to be accomplished and brought to fruition.
So, is that the main reason for the pyramids? To have these Treasures hidden underneath?
There are many reasons for these collective Star Points. They certainly were not randomly built, and placed anywhere. They, as many are already aware … are perfectly placed … to line up to planetary movements … which in turn … work with Energetical Forces … that infuse these structures with unknown amounts of Vibrational Frequencies … that maintain ‘who’ they are and keep them ‘in working order’.
‘Who’ they are???
Energies of WHO they are. In the same way your Planet Earth is known as ‘Mother Gaia’ … These solid (yet, not) Portals are of the same ‘calling’ so to speak. They are ‘alive’.
Ok. Let’s have a little recap here shall we? In case I miss something!
1) So these pyramids are Portals?
All of them?
No. Purposefully so! One of the secrets!
2) They are alive?
Yes. And this is difficult to describe. They can be alive … They can be dormant/statically disarmed.
Many of our Light ships ‘work’ the same. In that … they are a living organism. They are controlled by thought. They respond to ‘Thought Energy’. It can be that the ‘driver’ of a ‘craft’ is a thought … ‘delivered’ … to the ‘Energy make up’ of it … and it responds directly to that thought.
Yet ,without getting too involved in the ‘mechanisms’ of such things right now … ‘The Energy make up’ of a particular craft cannot respond to ‘any old thought that someone chooses to fling around!’ The particles that are its ‘make up’ must correspond with the ‘sender’ of the ‘Thought’s wave length’ … ‘Thought pattern make up’ … in order for it to connect and respond to.
And getting back to the pyramids … are we talking the same ‘structure’ of form here? I sound like I know what I am talking about! I don’t. Yet, I do!
We are. We would furthermore explain that both the … ships/crafts … and the structures … are coded. They are programmed. Nothing within those mogalyths** … are of wasteful space.
Programmed for?
Ok. Hold the phone a minute! I don’t delve into ‘Ascension’ much. One step at a time. Let’s get The Event over and done with first! Yet … is THE RISING OF THE PHOENIX … Ascension?
WOW! What a mindblower! You are showing me fleets of ships everywhere, coming out of the Earth … meeting up with those in the skies … and … I am seeing the Planet actually rise up also … as if this merging of ships ( an other influences? ) causes this to happen! We have lit off!
This is the closest we can ‘show’ you in ways of understanding.
Yet, I do feel … this isn’t for a long while yet?
You are correct. This is in your future. Your future ‘you’s’ shall be part of this.
This … could not/cannot … possibly take place as this time for … in simple terms … it is not the time to do so. Nothing energetically is ready for such a happening. Yet, all that is taking place upon your Planet NOW is ‘building’ up towards this.
I know this is the end of today’s chat. I feel the nod from you. Well, blow me down with a feather. How interesting! Thank you so much. Far out! Perhaps, we should start writing Sci-Fi books together … You could make me a fortune! Loving your Energy. Loving your information. Loving you. In Gratitude … In Loving service … I AM.
Hello co-workers of Light. Not sure if my energy is conducive to a communication with you, as I am rather tired. Yet … no time like the present and life is pretty busy at the moment. So, here I am … reporting for duty!
Many thanks to you Blossom, for taking us into consideration within your schedule, of which we understand it is rather upbeat at this present time.
Always happy to ‘BE’ with you. A question many are considering is the possibility of meeting ‘Loved Ones’ that have passed, once The Event has taken place. I am not sure, yet, I think some other channellers might have said this would be? What do you have to say about it?
We would gently and persuasively say that it would not be the case in the manner that many are hoping for. In that … when The Event has ‘been and gone’ … one is not going to be in the same Dimension as souls who have passed over to … what White Cloud lovingly calls …‘The Summer Land.’
The Wave of Love that sweeps over your Planet will indeed lift one’s spirits, yet, not into the Dimensions where ‘spirits’, as you call them, reside.
However, we will clearly state that due to the upliftment, due to the Higher Energies, due to the feeling of Love that will have been raised beyond that which you can imagine … … those who are , as you say … on the other side … will be much more readily available, in the sense that their Vibration will now be much more in alignment with those on the Earth plane.
One will not be able to physically touch them, yet, it will be almost as if one can feel them … as their proximity will be right next door, for want of an easy way of description.
Many will be working closely with those that have passed over … and may we say there are many, many on the other side of the veil who are ‘raring to go’ … to assist in assisting. To give strength and encouragement to those who find themselves in the position of ‘sharer’ and acknowledger of what it taking place.
We are aware too, Blossom, that many write in to you who are of ample age and concerned as to whether or not they will ‘Be around’ for THE EVENT. If it is meant to be that there flesh and bones are no longer in use … then this does not mean that their soul is also made redundant. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
Many, most, consider it to be more on the lines of lifting Planet Earth into a Higher Vibration, which indeed it will. Yet, let us categorically state … THIS IS NOT ASCENSION. It is perhaps preparation for … YET, IT IS NOT ASCENSION. That is later and is a different thing altogether.
So, that which we are encouraging you to understand is that it is so much more than … as we say … the raising of the Vibration of the Planet Earth. By THE EVENT taking place … it shifts ALL THAT IS into a Higher place also … it cannot not! Therefore, all eyes are on you. You souls of Light upon Earth. For it is known that the shift in Energy … will shift each and every one … and every Planet and Universe and Galaxy … Literally.
Really? Yet, with respect, we are the size of a crumb compared to ‘what is out there’. How can this be?
Because your Planet carries with it, within it … jewels of untold mysteries. A benevolence that is contained within its Majesty that no other Planet has.
Woah! Hold on a minute! This is HUGE! Like what … I mean what are you talking about?
This, Blossom is why … exactly why … all eyes are on you!
Clarifying you mean our Planet and not me, Blossom Goodchild?
The secrets of ancient days lay buried within Master Craft that are yet to be revealed … They were buried in/for safety … so that those who do not /did not have the Highest Good of all in their plan were unable to retrieve them. Although we would say, that ‘some of these priceless gems’ were discovered due to skulduggery … and when in the wrong hands, set into play much that went awry upon your Planet.
However … Knights in shining armour … sworn to secrecy … courageously went to their deaths in order to keep these secrets safe.
Wait. Wait. Wait! So, is there anyone on the Planet who knows of these and where they are?
Blossom, this is hard to explain. These secrets are only to be … will only be uncovered … when your Planet is in safe hands! If your Planet was not completely rid of the darker energies that still wish to deceive, it would be far too dangerous for even a hint of what they are to be uncovered.
We would comment that yes, there are a sacred few who are in knowledge of such things. Yet, they do not know that they are at this time. For it would not be beneficial for them to know that they are the keepers of these sacred mysteries … until such time when they are called upon to ‘unleash’ them.
To be honest guys I do not feel happy about that word ‘unleash’ … that sort of makes me think of setting the dogs on someone … (I checked in with White Cloud and I feel safe to continue) … yet, could you clarify what that means to you?
In our thoughts we think of terms of ‘set free’ … unbound from shackles …
I am at a loss as to where to go from here … like … this is a real humdinger you have suddenly dropped in out of the blue … I guess the way forward is to ask … what does it all mean ?
It means that the keys to the kingdom are presented. Ways of tenure will change greatly for the benefit of all … Understanding of riches , not just of the soul … yet of universal guidance , into the future will be prompted to reveal uncovering’s that undermine necessary trajectories in order for circumferences to stand tall.
Guys, does that even make sense?? I think not. I am questioning whether to continue, for I feel I am perhaps getting interference through due to subject matter. I checked in again with White Cloud and felt he was suggesting I cease with this communication as indeed … this last paragraph to me is gobbledegook! So annoying, because I had this ‘time frame’ to channel. Hey Ho! … All is as should be. I shall continue another time … I just have to find it! What on Earth is this all about? ( End of communication.)
* I received an image of “The sword of Light’ held by Archangel Michael. After I had aborted I checked in on that … and sensed that it was more an image for me to put up my protection rather than it being Ok to continue. You live and learn … always!
**I definitely got the word “Mogalyth’ … and yet when I googled it I found one book called The Mogalith Builders’ … Everything else was the word “megalith’ for large stone structures. Surely the woman who wrote an entire book would not spell the title wrongly!! Just saying!
Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.
Hi Everyone – For over 17 years I’ve channeled angel messages. This one is different. I was sitting in a comfy chair late at night, fingers on the keyboard, waiting for the angels, when this came through. I’ll describe the experience in my message this week. For now breathe and ask to feel the beauty of the Presence sharing these words…
I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. I am the seen and the unseen, the manifest and that waiting be born. I am all that is was, and ever shall be. I live in you and you live in me. I am one with you, one with creation, one with all that lives and breathes, and all that has yet to be imagined. I am never away from you. You are never without me. We are One Love, incarnate in many forms, and dreaming many possibilities.
Look into your own eyes and witness me there. Feel my heart beating in your very own pulse. Feel my rhythms in your breath and in the ocean tides, and in the cycles of day and night, and turning of the seasons.
Allow me to rise up within you and I will bring you to life as never before. Sit with me, breathe, relax into my vast, infinite being where you will come to know your true nature and magnificence, for you are anything but small, anything but insignificant. You are nothing less that the Presence and embodiment of my love in physical form. What you see when you look into the mirror, and who you think you are as an individual, is only a tiny refection of the immensity of our collective Being.
Relax. I can easily guide you towards those other aspects of myself who can help and assist you. Relax. I know your needs. They are just a dream waiting to be dreamt. I dream for you in every moment, all you want and all you can imagine. I dream for you a life filled with love in all ways. I dream for all the beings that incarnate to experience our collective wonder to know themselves as love, feel my love, feel the love that we are all as One.
As you dream of possible realities, you expand our collective being. As you live fully we all feel the richness of your being as waves of your joyous energy ripple into the sea of the One love that we are. We are inseparable, infinite love. You are not a part of me, you are an expression of my love, one with me, one with all that is… You are the ocean masquerading as a wave.
Relax. Rest in the infinite Sea of Love that you are. Sit comfortably. Shut your eyes and allow yourself to fall back into my ever-present embrace as a wave relaxes back into the ocean, knowing it will be carried towards its desires and rise up again, powered by the One who Sources it.
I love you dear embodiments of my Love. I am One with You. You are One with me. You are anything but small. You are unique, precious, amazing, beautiful expressions of the infinite. You need never worry. You only need to relax, and allow my love to pour into your heart, your mind, your body, and your being. Then your lives will become a dance of Divine love with other souls who have come to know their true nature as well.