Another great message from Hatton,Galactic Federation of Light as channeled by Nancy Tate.
Love Is Always The Answer
Message From Hatonn -Channeler Nancy Tate – 1-4-16

Good morning! I am Hatonn, and I am here this day to tell you of a rapid change that is about to unfold. Yes, there is an ongoing motion that is bringing in what is needed for the joyful exuberance of the times of pleasure and the waywardness of that which is in abundance in more ways than you have imagined.
I tell you this because there are many reports out there in the lines of communication that say the opposite. They are bringing forth that which they determine to be the opposite of what they see in the foreground. They do not want the people to be ready for what is coming, and so they seek to overcome that which, in many instances, is already in place for the freedom of this land to be shown in so many ways.
Take a moment and sit in silence as you think about what this can mean for you. This is the opening of so many ways in which you will be living the new freedom that you are helping to bring to the people. I speak of more than just the abundance of money, but also the overture of the song of Peace, Joy and welfare of all of the people.
There is coming a wave of energy to this planet that will be felt and lived in so many ways. It has already begun, dear ones, as so many of you have seen. There will be many more examples of how to live the abundance of this planet without it having to represent having millions of dollars in your hands. Not to say that won’t be forthcoming, but till then there is an onslaught of wealth of the heart and soul that is reaching out to work itself into the lives of so many people.
It is time for you all to see what is coming forth from the hearts of so many. It has been making changes for some time, and now those changes are coming to the forefront in the news and even next door for many people. It is a façade of being without that is being brought to the open as no longer being the truth.
Yes, I am saying that all around the globe people are being set free from the devastating lives that they have been experiencing. It is coming from the people who have the ability to step forward and hug their neighbor. They can reach out to those who cannot afford the next meal in their day, or cannot place themselves in a bed of comfort at night. There are many people who are reaching out to help thy neighbor, and it is working in so many ways. That is the power of Love, my dear ones. Living the Love is the best way you can help thy neighbor as you help yourselves.
In closing this message, I say to you all to watch for the next cloud in the sky as it reaches its epitome of color and changing shape. It will be speaking to you and letting you know that it is with you in ways that it cannot show at this moment. However it can give you the truth in motion and expression that there is coming a brand new day of Love and expression in everything on this planet and throughout the universe. You will be seeing it in so many ways and it will tell you that you are walking your talk and singing your dance throughout your life. It is a wonder to behold! It is a beautiful sight to see and to live as you look around you and see the smiles on the peoples’ faces as they feel and recognize the face of family in you.
You are One with us all! We love you and we see and feel your ability to step forth in your lives and be the One who lives in Love forevermore.
Thank you so much Dear Hatonn,
Much Love,
Nancy Tate