Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message | September 18, 2020

Your future is up to each individual,
each one having the opportunity to project it as they see it and want it
to be. It then becomes the great possibility and will gain strength as
more souls project similar ideas into the ethers. It is how it should be
and you will advance collectively to the degree that you have
yourselves reached. So whilst matters are still in a turmoil it is a
good time to cater for your own needs and put them above any other
commitments you may have. You have entered one of the most important
periods in your entire life, and the opportunity is there for you to lay
down your own pathway to Ascension. Understand that those of you who
have chosen to ascend will need to maintain a high level at all times if
you are to be assured of reaching your goal.
Because you all have freewill, you can
choose a path that will enable you to achieve success to suit your own
ambitions and aims. You should by now be well aware that you are
accompanied by Angels who look after your life and guide you in the
right direction. Helping others is a normal feature of souls who have
reached the higher levels. Giving of self to help others is a very
worthy cause indeed and quite common amongst those who have already
ascended. It comes quite naturally and seeks no reward except the
satisfaction of helping another soul to progress. Help like this is
given at each level until you have yourself achieved Ascension.
As you progress it is as well to
remember that you do not yet have full consciousness, but now that you
have moved beyond the 2012 marker you will have made great strides in
increasing your levels. Consequently you are seeking to understand the
greater picture and be given greater truths than ever before, because
you are now ready. It is another reason why you are about to expand your
level of consciousness. Already you have been told that you are Angels
in the making, and those who have gone before you will help you onto a
new and greater level of understanding. You cannot truly ever be alone
and at any time your Guardians will be on hand to assist you to find
your feet and make spiritual progress.
We note that there is still a lot of
racialism in your societies and it is sad because it occurs from a lack
of understanding about the Human Race. You are One Race and all
worshipping the same God, and where colour or religious beliefs come
into it, it should not make any difference at all. You are One Family
sharing experiences in all manner of situations that often bring you all
together. You often act as though you are on Earth for the first time,
and bound to the tenets and creed you have been born into. Naturally you
will follow the teachings you have been brought up in, but life is full
of different beliefs and should never be learned to the exclusion of
all else, particularly now you are encouraged to follow the God inside
you. Religion is ingrained into many souls, but now you can be your own
person and follow your own intuition and beliefs.
We realise that it is not easy to give
up or change from teachings that you were schooled with, but it can be
made easier if you speak with your Higher Self, for confirmation of how
you can lead a spiritual life from within. Your Higher Self would love
to have a closer relationship with you and is waiting with keen
anticipation for your call. Needless to say, your Higher Self has been
helping you all along and most souls would admit to talking with that
“small voice” inside. Know that when you rise up and reach a certain
higher level you will pass through the veil and meet up with your Higher
Self because you are One, and it does not matter what path you travel
now as it is inevitable that there will come a day when you will be
“re-united” again.
Moving into a new understanding of your
spiritual self does not make your previous one wrong as religion served
its purpose to help people find their feet. It was too early to
encourage them to go within to find God, and they needed the reassurance
of their teachers to help them along. You could correctly say that many
spiritual beings have been ready for a major upliftment having passed
the marker in 2012. Clearly there is no reason to change your beliefs if
you are happy the way you are, but it is almost certain that when you
are ready you will find it easy to uplift your way of thinking to a
higher level. For many lifetimes you have relied on others to help you
find your path to the Light, but now you can simply go inside and in
your quiet moments receive guidance.
What you have learned is that whilst you
may seek help outside of yourself, it is no longer necessary now that
you have awakened to the presence of your Higher Self within. You have
been guided all along and been prompted to follow them as they are
intended to keep you on a path to enlightenment. Often you have not even
been aware of the help given but it has always been present. Now you
are getting even closer to your Higher Self and somewhere in your future
you will totally re-join with each other. It is a natural progression
to the higher realms from whence you came.
Dear Ones it is a unique time for you to
completely break away from the lower vibrations, and eventually enjoy
the freedom and joy of becoming a Galactic Being. It has always been
your goal and destiny and now after several attempts you have raised
your vibrations sufficiently to rise up. You are to be congratulated for
your perseverance and dedication to your Life Plan. Greater and
pleasurable experiences await you never again to have to go through the
lower vibrations of the 3rd dimension. You have nearly completed the
hard work and beauty and peace await you as you continue to rise up.
I leave you with love and blessings, and
may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message
comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same
connection to God.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
Source: Tree of the Golden Light