Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

The Magnetic Power of Gratitude or How to manifest faster and faster what you wish in these amazing energies we are in. (#FeelMoreThanFine Full Practice here and now)

For these past months, i start my days in a ritualistic Gratitude routine i do each and every morning, usually after having breakfast or sometimes before that, it depends if i feel i want to eat some or not which depends on the amount of incoming Light from Source. There are days, we are less hungry and days we need to eat more. Always taking care of hydration. These past 2 days, we had huge amounts of Light pummeling the planet if we check Schuman frequencies. So less need for sustenance if we are open to receive Manna from Heaven, as the Federation of Light shares makes more sense.

So coming back to my Gratitude routine, what i mainly do is sit and write on my journal all the things i am grateful for, from very small to very big including all things that i have asked the Universe-that i did not yet receive in the physical knowing fully that anything we ask it is always given the moment we ask- and then putting some music on and start dancing on it repeating thank you thank you thank you…

This is the DJ set i recorded being inspired after my Gratitude ritual….doing what i love and loving what i do serves the whole a 1000x than any prayer in sadness :)))))) and i am almost still in my pajamas lol.

Feel More Than Fine in full practice, it is all here the how to manifest faster and faster what you wish in these amazing energies we are in.

Now, i invite you to take these pieces and create your amazing reality and manifest it, faster than ever, better than ever. Trust. Believe. Feel. And You’ll See!

Donations are welcome

thank you text
Photo by George Dolgikh @ on

How is Wealth tranferred to all around the planet through NESARA/GESARA? (RV Update)

If you feel the call in investing in Asset Backed Digital Currencies, transfer of wealth through GESARA get then start by investing in any of the following currencies. They are all safe and gold backed. Everyone Prosperous by learning the New Financial System.

You can invest for pennies.

Only if you trust what i am giving you is the way we move forward.

1. Get app > wallet.

2. Buy some XLM

3. Start investing in any of the currencies in this list. Many are at 0.0000001 , can you imagine when they get 1:1? That is the RV of all currencies worldwide. It cant be clearer than that. I am giving you everything I Know.👇

Whiplash through Telegram :

Here is the latest full list as of 5/5/2022.

🔥 indicates newest domain

QFS oversight domains:


Other domains connected to indus:

Other related assets/domains:

I am not a financial advisor,

A Financial Wayshower yes, that IAM!

Feel More Than Fine : Service to help anyone be happier.

I am reminding you that i am available to give personal coaching 1:1 on demand through skype or telegram call.

The price is 111$ per hour and when you send with the code : Feel More Than Fine you get 50% discount. (=55$/hour)

This offer is available for the month of May and June 2022.

If you need some support or you know of someone that needs support, feel free to send email at : .

This service is available till the moment we begin with our large scale projects. That is why it is always safer to send an email with a request for assistance.

Thank You


New Financial System (NESARA) confirmed by Michelle Fielding

This confirms my previous posts and some more.

Also another great video by Michelle about Elon Musk and all his amazing humanitarian work among some more uplifting news including Healing Tech, Awesome Mobility and Smart cities…the future is here, now in process already 🙂

Moving from the old financial system towards the new one is happening.

We are moving away from the banking system. New financial system begun with Russia golden backed ruble (BRICS=BRAZIL, RUSSIA, CHINA, INDIA, SOUTH AFRICA) Exchanges are happening on digital wallets. In my understanding bitcoin will collapse and other currencies will rise…it is all regulated with protocols in place for our safety. It is all happening and only 5% of global population aware of that. I got already my wallet on and learning along the way. I am not a financial advisor, i invite you to welcome the new by learning to use it 🙂

In my understanding your monies are safe in the banks , transition will be slow and education will begin for all to learn to use new systems in place where you are/become your own banks.

Asset backed currencies are Gold Backed among other precious materials. Not like fiat moneys or cryptos before the time is ripe to back them. Queen is gone long ago. Not announced publicly. I am opening your eyes. Still have doubts about GOLD Abundance? among all other abundances?

This is NESARA/GESARA happening in plein sight.

Over 3 BILLION people have now crossed over to a Gold backed SYSTEM.. CHINA> RUSSIA> // INDIA, SAUDI ARABIA and many countries not mentioned in mainstream media are now trading on the NEW SYSTEM<<<(only took 72 hours for the new system to be up and running and trading 12 countries in an instant)//

The effect of half of 7 billion people leaving the [DS] CENTRAL BANKING system. Which means the [ COLLAPSE] IS IMMINENT and world CABAL owned markets are collapsing ..

[They] are trying now everything they can to create WWIII .. Next PANDEMIC… Next FALSE FLAGS .. weather manipulation……(( [ DS] These people are willing to fight to death.. Because their lives depend on it)/// WORLD DS PANIC!


Watch this 3 hours video to know where we come from and where we go from here.

Alternatively on

Our Financial Systems. Where we come from and Where we are going.

If you never took the time to educate yourself, now is the time.

Over 3 BILLION people have now crossed over to a Gold backed SYSTEM.. CHINA> RUSSIA> // INDIA, SAUDI ARABIA and many countries not mentioned in mainstream media are now trading on the NEW SYSTEM<<<(only took 72 hours for the new system to be up and running and trading 12 countries in an instant)//

The effect of half of 7 billion people leaving the [DS] CENTRAL BANKING system. Which means the [ COLLAPSE] IS IMMINENT and world CABAL owned markets are collapsing ..

Check below for more info:

NESARA in effect

Living in 3D, 4D and 5D and beyond.

amazed multiethnic male friends trekkers standing in forest
Photo by Kamaji Ogino on

We are multidimensional beings. This means we reside as consciousness in many dimensions. There are 352 dimensions in our Universe (according to a channeling of Natalie Glasson). And so we reside in all of them as we are all ONE with Mother Father God and All That Is.

And as incarnations in our physical body ascending from 3D to 5D we get to live in both worlds and be aware of it. And so as we are focusing on being in the 5D awareness and beyond, magic happens in 3D, attracting more of what we wish to experience in the physical reality. That is how we become Masters of our physical reality.

And so this morning, i catch my ego telling me : hey, during the course of all this earthly life we have, we managed to go to many places, be and have a lot of things and yet there was also some kind of limitation in being able to choose more freely, more spontaneously to do things because we were one way or another limited by time or not enough money to do certain things that spoke to our heart. Or maybe we managed to do certain things we did but it felt like all went by so fast. Maybe because back then we (we :my ego and me as my Higher Self) did not appreciate that much being in the present moment as much as we do now. And indeed it was so.

So the ego goes back to having certain material things and not having other ones that will make our incarnation more easy and comfortable.

It feels like the ego wants to take care of the physical reality in a way that it was never done before. And while there are many talks out there speaking about forgetting the ego ,i feel this is a moment in my life that i truly recognize my love for my ego because i recognize that it played and always plays a protector role, now adapted to this new 5th Dimensional awareness working in tandem with Higher Self and choosing together what works best. To me this is just WOW WOW WOW. And here goes the ego saying: you remember when you lost a partner in life because she chose to go on the other side on the planet and you could not go because you were engaged in your career and you did not have the financial means to go on visit her even for a few days?

Well , guess what guys. This is all about to change now, not only with all the new technologies coming in like anti gravity technology and teleporation devices but also learning ourselves to do it with our own consiousness, teleportation or telekinesis. We all have the technology within us to do and the more we remember who we really are ,the more we imagine ourselves doing that, the closer we get to manifest it. In 5D what we imagine, has already happened. So the higher we go vibrationally the closer we get to see our super powers coming forward. I truly believe that. Now this does not mean, i will not enjoy the technologies coming forward…that is where my ego comes in again and says : it is all about enjoying the journey along the way, taking it easy, ,being in full appreciation of what is and eager of what is coming (Abraham Hicks).

I truly feel now this balance taking place within me while i am fully aware there is a big journey ahead discovering more of the even higher dimensional aspects while still in a physical ascending body.

That is so much fun to be here.

Just WOW.

Infinite gratitude to God Creator Source and All That Is for creating me, creating all of us!

Nikos Akrivos

Donations welcome


One of the main projects at Feel More Than Fine is to bring out the message of 100% healthy celebration since 2010. Events have been taking place in cities all around Europe in small or bigger groups. And so this year, we prepare a beautiful celebration and gathering in a beautiful location somewhere in nature and even possible we will look into organizing a tour in more places around the world in Divine Timing.

If you have never experienced it, i invite you to find those close to where you live and try it out. Dancing freely among others without being judged or feeling judged about anything while knowing fully that all participants are coming with the intention of 100% Well Being is very powerful way of Co-Creation and it feels so Good. Truly. Great Uplifting Energies here.

The Renewal Fund and some more -Nikos Akrivos-

The title of this blog is borrowed from the latest movie ”The Batman-2022” that i just watched and enjoyed very much. If you watch that movie you might find staggering similarities with real life stuff that happened in the political arenas worldwide. Is this a White Hat Movie to bring more truth to the masses? I feel that it is so.

The story describes what happened in a period of 20 years since A Renewal Fund of Billions was about to be released for doing humanitarian work and projects in the city. Corrupt politicians and not only fell like vultures on the fund and used it for any other purpose except from serving The City and We The People.

Now, i am inviting you to go back more or less 20 years in our time and we find ourselves into the 11 September 2001 Tragedy in NYC.
Those of you that are attracted to this website for a while now, know very well about what i am referring too. The release of the prosperity funds of Saint Germain through NESARA was about to happen through the offices in the first 2 floors in one of the buildings that came down. We all know what happened next. This is part of our true history that one day will be taught in schools.

And i have good reasons to believe that the education has already begun through entertainment, once of course we have a certain awareness that is gained through conscious inner work practiced daily. You see, this change we are witnessing is the result of millions and now going to billions deciding to live a more holistic life by choosing to follow inner guidance than the world out there events. Events out there are the result of our inner work in finding alignement with who and what we really are.

IAM LOVE, IAM LIGHT, IAM TRUTH, IAM. The more we repeat this mantra the more it gets integrated in our being and the more we realize this is who we really are and the better we feel. When we feel good we are attuned to who we really are, when we don’t, becoming aware that we are not is the first step and the next step is to take action like meditation for at least 15′, taking a nap, write a gratitude journal and dance in gratitude etc. When we feel good we allow and attract what we really want in our lives, when we don’t feel good we are into a resistance mode. And we have the freedom to choose to feel good any moment and every now wherever we are, whatever we do with who ever we are. This is how free we really are. We have always been and always will be.

And so as our collective of Humanity becomes aware more and more of this truth each and eveyone in their own speed and innerstanding we are gaining more awareness as to what occured, what we don’t want and what we want in our lives, both personally -as we all have our preferences- and collectively. And coming back to The Renewal Fund now, what we don’t want is that any form of corruption puts their dirty hands on it to satisfy their ego ways. What we want is that it benefits all of Humanity in all areas of life to assist each and everyone on their Ascension paths, borrowing here Ascended Master’s Ashtar of The Galactic Federation words as to the use of The NESARA funds.

And so this brings us to co-create together as One Unity Consciousnes our New Earth Realities, pluriel because, the way we will experience our New Earth will be the result of different preferences all guided by Infinite Intelligence coming from The Sun of all Suns, Mother Father God and The Supreme Creator and all company of Heaven assisted through The Archangelic and Angelic kingdoms, Ascended Masters, Mother Earth and The Elemental Kingdom along all Benevolent Galactic families, each and everyone playing their roles serving The Highest Good for all.

How will this look like? Much better that we can imagine. Whatever we imagine: This or something much better will manifest.

How can we contribute to that right now?

By envisioning ourselves doing the things we love and loving the things we do serving The Highest Good for all and by feeling ourselves into this reality more and more as the more we do, the more alignement with Our Truth we have and the better we feel.

So it comes back again into setting the intention to feel good in the now, in appreciation of what is and eagerness of what is coming.

And here is what i would do if i had in my possesion any big or small amount of the prosperity funds following my preferences while realizing IAM a new Being in a New World of Love and Joy in the Now.

1.Act Local, Think Global.

2. A. Fund charities and Free Energy inventions in Greece, expanding in European cities where i lived before, that i know are already doing awesome work in their areas of expertise and are trustable 100%, assist them to expand.

B.Feel More Than Fine Africa : we want every child to be safe and sound in Africa. Project is ready and awaits funding since 4 years.

C. Feel More Than Fine Centers ( Ascension Centers and Retreats) (Blue print to be done in more locations)

D. Eco Sustainable Communities & Organic Foods/Vegan oriented organizations (Blue print to be done in more locations)

E. 100% Healthy Celebrations (Ecstatic Dance) on Tour Worldwide. (This year we celebrate 12 years of doing those events in Europe yayyyy!!!)

F. And since God’s Abundance is unlimited and Where We Go One We Go All I CREATE : Basic Universal Income for every citizen on Earth along Medbeds/Celestial Chambers and Free Energy & Awesome Mobility for all with Respect for Mother Earth and All Life upon her.

Beautiful teams that are enthusiastic and eager to begin and to assist this vision are already shaping, i see it all around me and i am so looking forward to begin.

Thank you for taking the time to read my vision and become a co-creator with me. Now your turn, what is your vision for A planet that works for all? Write a blog about it, make a vlog , what is that you wish to see manifest in our New Earth?

And don’t forget, we always get what we need and we will always eventually get what we want both on a collective and personal level, the journey between getting what we need and what we really want is why we are here and our best option is to feel good more often than not as this is how we allow everything to flow to us, this is how we magnetize it. And alignement with Source feeling the appreciation and worthiness that originates from Source , especially when we share our Love and Light with all others on the planet (example sending love, Violet Flame to Ukraine in this now) brings this feeling back to us 10,000 x. Intention to Be the open door of Love to flow through 24/24 for the highest good for all is what allows to sustain that feeling for bigger period of time.

Feeling more than fine and sustaining that feeling is what this website intends to do through a selection of channeled messages. I do not post all, i just post a few that i feel will assist you in your journey the best.

Much Love

Feel More Than Fine

Donations are welcome

ps. whenever you donate or even buy anything remember to always use the magic formula for abundance from AA Gabriel: All The Money That I Give is Blessed and Comes back to Me 10x.

Being Ok with the Uknown.

Being ok with the uknown guided by inner compass in feeling good more often than not and trusting just that for quite some time is true faith and how magic happens. Ultimate freedom is the knowingness of being able to choose to feel good and being able to shift any moment. This is what allowing Universe do its work means. Our effort is not in asking but in allowing and receiving.How one gets there is the description of our life journey. This is not about getting validation by anyone out there as inner validation is happening and so there is no need to convince anyone about anything. When both parties agree through inner alignement is a WOW MOMENT. Can you imagine the beauty of a world where everyone minds their own business doing what they love most? Care only about how you feel, not about how others feel for you, definetely about how you feel for any other and boom MAGIC every step along tge way 🥰☺🙂🙃#LawofAttraction#feelmorethanfine#ascension

How to deal with the fog of uncertainty?

This particular website is focused more on the emotional part of The Self for the simple reason that we are vibration and vibration is the only thing that is real every moment. Everything else is the after effect of the way we feel within both in the now and in the future. What we send out, comes back. As within so without. And if we dig a little further within we find that Love, Joy, Gratitude, Compassion, Peace, Forgiveness are of the highest of all vibrations. Yet at the same time all those feel very similar, not exactly the same and yet all are in the ‘high vibes’ scale of emotions.

I am very aware that this knowingness can not be be reached by simply reading these words or it may very well be when one has practised enough to reach and sustain this state of beingness. It is a moment to moment practice and through my perspective the highest purpose in life as from that state everything flows, everything is created and everything flows in our experience with ease and grace. The very things we desire in our lives, both individually and collectively flow from that realization as we become aware that once we feel good we feel God and so we are everything we want to be, do or have in the moment. IAM that IAM.

So reaching at all times for ways to feel good makes the path to alignement with who and what we truly are, each and everyONE, easy.

To intend to feel good, to vibrate in that state comes from taking action in the moment in a variety of ways that can be fun, playful , full of laughter or simply in meditation or taking a nap. I’ve been sharing a variety of all those on this website. We are ascending yes and we can have great fun and enjoy the ride along the way by constantly finding new ways to raise our frequency. It does not need to be difficult if we choose not to mention it in our conversations. It is a moment to moment choice. Speaking ONLY of what we want.

Now, i am very aware that along the Ascension path, there will be many moments that can be short or longer depending on the energies pummeling the planet, where one can not feel good. And in these moments, again the best thing one can do is to reach for the feeling of EASE. What makes you feel at ease? A meditation practice, singing, dancing, painting, being lazy, taking a nap, all those one after one another? everybody is different and everybody have their own ways and everybody has the abundance of freedom of choice to feel good every moment without feeling guilty when these moments are not always there because Ascension takes place and contrast gives the reason to expand further knowing fully what we don’t want so we can create and feel and be, do and have what we do want.

Just letting it be enough to focus only on the way we feel every moment without having anything showing up in the material world being in the Feel More Than Fine state more often than not is The True Wealth and it is the best option we have at all times and especially when we are surrounded by the fog of uncertainty in the outer world.

Focus on feeling good more often that not and you ll be more than fine!

Nikos Akrivos

Ascension Guidance, Golden Age Wayshower and Healing DJ.

Donations we welcome here

More Solar Flares incoming. Take care, love yourself.

More Solar Flares incoming: Eat light, drink lots of water, Use breathing exercises , meditation, prayers, fasting, ground yourself.This was yesterday afternoon in Europe. The reason you feel exhausted. is because of huge changes happening in your electromagnetic fields. (We are all electromagnetic). Do not ignore this message. Take care and Love yourself.
