Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

Bip me up Scotty??? or are we here to ascend and remain on an ascending planet???

Are we here to be bipped up like in Star Trek or are we here to stay ? Personally i am here to stay and ascend within my physical body for the next 1000 years +. I know that in Hollow Earth our neighbours live for thousands of years. I refuse to go through the incarnation cycle again. I AM here to stay and observe and oversee the renewal and restoration of our beautiful planet towards New Earth.

So now i invite you to read these 2 posts and choose for yourselves what resonates more.

Mastering the art of allowing and surrendering.

rainbow hands lifted in search for freedom
Photo by Dusty on

This is such an amazing time to be alive, witnessing the unfolding, even if most often than not it appears that nothing is really moving forward out there. To be aware that the shift is internal and to remain in this open space of appreciation without seeing any outside changes is the key. To not give in negative thinking rather remain in the present moment, aware of the smallest to the biggest detail, depending where focus is placed. I look at a flower and focus all my intention on it, feeling the life in it. Then looking at the clouds, fully immersed. And as i do that an even greater feeling of joy invades my being. So simple and at the same time so effective. So Present. Feeling empowerment through being present. Magical and at the same time so new that the mind might want to go back to older ways of doing things. Yet even when i try to do so i feel immediately a big difference between being in the now and thinking of past or future. The key here for me is to feel into future creations and allow them to be attracted to me through enjoying their specific frequency in the now. Like feeling satisfaction, elation, bliss etc not because a condition is fulfilled rather being in that space unconditionally, relaxed, at ease.
That is what i call Mastering the art of allowing and surrendering.
In appreciation of All That Is.
I AM The Flow, I AM.
I AM the witness of my created Reality I AM.
I celebrate!

Nikos Akrivos

Mini High Vibes Dancing Workshop

Take few deep in and out breaths, call upon Your Guides and Angelic Teams and get into Dancing for the next 30 minutes with this 432hz tunes High Vibes tunes or so and right after blast the planet with Love all around wherever is needed. After that, lie down and allow body to rest for at least 15′.

Have an AWESOME THURSday and weekend!!!!!

We Party Sober!!!

High Vibes Sounds Summer 2022 #432hz



My Gifts for You:Mini Retreat/Powerful Mantra for attracting money/Does Money grow under trees?

worms eyeview of green trees
Photo by Felix Mittermeier on

Ok, here it is. While i know that it is impossible to share how i feel with anyone, what i can do is share on how do i spend my days lately so it might give you a glimpse of inspiration to try something new, to integrate something new.

Let’s begin:

1st thing in the morning, i have some water and meditate between 20 to 50′ depending on how energies flow…i am doing a lot of affirmations all along while also asking to be of service for every woman , man and child on the planet through my work and also asking support from All That Is, Universe, Mother Father God, Angelic and Archangelic kingdom, Mother Earth, the elementals and The Elohim and All legions of Light throughout eternity.

Right after i do my yoga or chi gong session and stretching and if i feel tired i opt for some more sleep, otherwise having breakfast or getting out of the ouse for a walk depending if i feel hungry or not. Ascension energies play a lot and at times there is no feeling of hunger at all, since the cells are becoming crystalline and are fed directly from absorbed Light through conscious breath.

The day continues with writting about all things i appreciate in the here and now from the very small to the very big to dreams that have not manifested yet, since i know, once i ask, it is given at all times, this or better.

And then comes the time of allowing, surrendering doing activities that can be creating some music, preparing some lunch, meeting with friends, dancing at a 100% sober party, anything that pleases my inner child, including eating ice cream, chocolat etc. Child wants to play and child gets to play 🙂

And from here if more ideas and inspiration comes i follow those ,if not i will make a stop during the day and go within again to radiate peace and love all around me.

All the previous activities repeat all over depending where inspiration guides me.

One my main practices is to feel into what is that i wish to see manifest through the 369 practice. = 3 times a day, choose 6 things i want to see manifest and describe with feelings how each feels, writting down or simply speaking or thinking about while i am hiking or walking around. Child wants to play. Playfulness is something that i most definetely prefer that patience. I like to play and have fun instead of waiting for something to happen. Sorry folks up in the skies and all gurus all around, that is what i come to bring on this planet :))))))))))

Appreciation and eager anticipation and playfulness and fun are the tools i am using to attract all that i desire and it works the miracle for me.

And i hope for you too.

Try, maybe for few days or a week.

Your own retreat in the comfort of your space.

By the way we will be launching a retreat of 3 weeks in ibiza in September, i will be posting about this soon here.

To this here are 2 vlogs to attract more financial means in your reality and an invitation to not follow MSM. Just follow inner guidance, find alignement and get momentum going!!!!

Much Love and Namaste

aaaaaaand Feel More Than Fine Ever After :))))))

Nikos Akrivos

Donations welcome here

Using words that feel into ease, instead of just accepting what any channel/prayer shares.

I find myself often in resistance of the words used by mostly well know channels and spiritual guides in order to achieve alignement. Through my personal experience nothing brings me better ease than the words expressed through Abraham Hicks. I often feel like i am channeling Abraham in my expressions and ways to share insights and that feels fantastic to me.

This recent channeling by AA Gabriel through Shelly Young speaks exactly of that :

As your own wise guide, it can be helpful to use mindful speak with yourself as you navigate the elements of your spiritual journey. Words are so important, and they carry very specific energy. Finding the language that allows you to move forward into your expansion with the least amount of resistance can make a profound difference.

For example ~

  • You may feel resistance towards the word ‘power,’ but feel perfectly comfortable with the word ’empowerment.’
  • You might find yourself challenged by the concept of surrender, but be happy to allow yourself higher guidance.
  • You might consider growth a painful, arduous process, but think the idea of unfoldment is lovely.
  • You might dig in your heels at the idea of change, yet embrace the idea of rebirth.

Pay attention to where you find yourself balking at your evolutionary journey, and explore what words trigger that resistance in you. Then, start to play with new words that you can substitute for the originals until you find one that is easy for you to embrace.

This is the key to shifting onto a path that you can feel truly excited about that still matches your highest intentions, but allows you to move forward with much more comfort and ease.

July 1, 2022,

Ringing in the ears???=The Sound of Spheres.

I’ve been working as producer with many healing frequencies since 2010, my ear is used to that as i used them for healing purposes in my dj sessions as well…if you want to dig down that rabbit hole all you need to do is find out what are the 9 basic solfeggio healing frequencies starting starting 174…use for yourself in one session or few and get used to the sounds…you will notice that the ringing in ears is almost same …pure sounds is one example , read description and download for free 😉

The Next Moment of Mass Awakenings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Note from Nikos : sometimes channeled messages don’t resonate 100% with me in the use of some words…there is a difference between being an empath and being compassionate…compassionate is about sending love to all others from a place of detachement, empathy there is no detachement. If you know this, then you know what to do when reading this message. Much Love and Gratitude always.

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are absolutely aware of how many souls choose to awaken there on Earth in every single one of your days. We know that it may seem shocking to some of you to learn that when a soul awakens is a choice, but souls like to have all kinds of experiences, and certain experiences can only be had while be in the state of being asleep. They are all awakening in their own ways and for their own reasons, and sometimes one of you gets to feel that satisfaction of being a part of their awakening. You will have more people to talk to about the things that matter most to you as you continue on there with your experience of ascending through the fourth dimension to the fifth.

You have all been very patient, and the next batch of mass awakenings is coming soon. So you will have more people to talk to and play with in the very near future. At the rate souls have been awakening there on Earth, we see a mass awakening occurring in the month of June. This mass awakening of souls will enable humankind to access more of the energies that are upon you at all times. You will be getting help from your newly awakened cohorts there on Earth; they will be anchoring in the higher-frequency energies with you. And you all will be assisting those who are still asleep by planting seeds and by supporting them as they awaken.

Again, these awakenings are planned by their souls, so you can facilitate the process and feel that you are spreading that which you want to spread to your fellow humans, but ultimately you must be patient and allow for those seeds to sprout. And most importantly is the support that you will bring to them, the healing, the comfort, and the confirmation that what they are experiencing is real, beneficial, and that you have been through it yourselves. You know what they have to expect and can help them with your knowledge, your wisdom, your experience, and your compassion.

Being empaths and being sensitive ones, as you are, has never been more important there on Earth than it is right now. You can relax when one of your family members is not yet awake, and you can connect with that person on the topics you are able to connect with them on, as you wait for their souls, their true selves, to decide to have their awakening. And then of course they will know that you are the one to talk to about it, because you’ve always been into that sort of stuff. Again, everyone gets to awaken in their own way and in the perfect timing, and it all supports the ascension of humanity’s collective consciousness, which of course we and so many others are in support of all the time.

We love you, and we want you to feel that, and we want you to feel how much support you have coming from us when you are supporting others in their awakening experiences and in the aftermath that can be a bit challenging for someone who is newly awake. Trust that you are right where you need to be and  that you will be there for everyone who has ever been in your life in the next moment of mass awakenings.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”