Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos
Ecstatic Dance
One of the best ways to raise your vibration is by loose yourself into dancing beats attuned on 432 Hz.
Eat raw plant based organic foods,drink organic juices,ground yourself and sun gaze!
This is an invitation to find a quite place where you are not going to be disturbed,put some headphones or your volume up and listen to my latest set ,all music produced by me.
A Smooth Ascension with Ease and Grace.
Follow these simple guidelines in Vlog 8.
Ascension in Simple Words.
Ascension in simple words
This blog is not intended to fill you with too much information,there are tones of information out there depending on how far you like to dig in the rabbit hole and what talks to you more.
I always thought :why write since what is given today as truth is changing tomorrow when seen by a higher perspective?
This blog,is more an invitation to read and meditate in a very simple way.
Humanity’s history is much different than what most historians and education would like us to believe.
Humanity is coming out of a 13,000 year cycle of deep sleep and enslavement(mainly for Gold)
to a an alien race called Annunaki ,life after life incarnating into Karmic cycles.
2018 is the 6th year of Our New Earth realities,which has begun on December 21st 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar.
Jesus Christ and Maria Magdalena came on planet Earth more than 2,000 years ago to anchor the codes for the Liberation of Humanity through activation of our DNA codes.
This was the 1st coming:They have achieved their Resurrection from Death and their Ascension into their Human bodies.
There are 7 main masters of Ascension:Lord El Morya,Lord Lando,Paul The Venetian,Serapis Bey,Hilarion,Lady Nada and Saint Germain who is also the Hierarche of the Golden age of Aquarius of Abundance and Prosperity.(For more information about Ascended Masters,please go here:
Saint Germain offers Humanity the gift of his powerful ray of Violet Fire to release all traumas and memories from this or past life times.
Violet Fire and Unconditional Love are our main tools to achieve Ascension.
To Master Ascension,we need to ask the support to the rest of Ascended Masters family.
The 2nd coming is happening right now in our bodies,it is the transformation of our carbon based bodies to crystalline base bodies,allowing those that have chosen this path before they came to this life to ‘Ascend’ within their bodies and live longer lives (up to 1000 years) without having to go through the cycle of dying and being born again.There are those that are very aware of this fact called The 1st Wave of Ascension,that i am part of.
Our agreement into this life is through our presence and example as Deliberate Creators in Joy to wake up those that are asleep still and have chosen to walk the path of Ascension within their bodies which is also is the 2nd coming of the presence of Crystal/Christ energy in our bodies.
There are also those that will Ascend by leaving their bodies.
We all have agreed to play our roles as in each life and Ascension is what defines this lifetime.
And of course Free Will is always available as one can choose which path they desire till eventually allowing and trusting their Higher Self, Soul ,I Am Presence show the way.
All beings are children of God,no matter which roles they agreed to play,all are equally loved and all realise their Ascension with or without their human bodies.(if you want to know more please go here:
Ascension is also the end of Carmic cycles,Total Forgiveness in Unconditional Love stops the wheel of Karma.
This is an amazing period in the history of creation as our young specie called Humanity goes through the process of becoming Luminous Beings within our physical bodies.
It is an experiment that is proving that Light and Love is always victorious.Another specie has been through the process about 200,000 years ago ,our star family,galactic brothers and sisters:
The Pleiadians.
In fact the entire Cosmos is right now observing what is happening and for those of us that ask for help to be supported in our Ascension,help is only a thought away as our teams of Galactic Families:Arcturians,Pleiadians,Syrians,Andromedans and many more,Angels and Archangels,Ascended Masters,our Mother Father God and Mother Earth are all with us instantly to support us.
All we need to do is Ask and it is Given.
Our Meditations and everything in our lives become easier when we ask for support.
Ease and Grace is what defines our timeline.
Ascension is also called the transition from Human to Galactic, going from a 3Dimensional reality to a 5th Dimensional reality and beyond.
5th Dimensional Reality is not a place,it is a feeling and the more one feels into it,the easier things manifest in our lives till we will reach a state where we instantly manifest whatever we desire after extensive work in controlling our thoughts and feelings as what we feel and think we manifest.
There is nothing we can not be,do or have.
The more we feel ourselves into our desire,this manifests faster in our reality.
This is to learn to become a deliberate creator of Joy as this is the main purpose of our existence on the planet.
If this is completely new to you i invite you to relax and do a 15’ meditation in silence to allow yourself to adjust to this information,your soul knows already.
If this is not new to you,i invite you to go below and make the invocation on a daily basis for the activation of your 24 strand DNA given by Saint Germain.
Highly recommended to implement on a daily basis :
I call upon Mother Earth and Archangel Uriel, the Fire of God the Light of God, the Archangel of Divine Wisdom in the North, and the Ruler of Elements of Earth. I project gratitude, light and love, I project my being, my energies, my thoughts deep into the magma of Mother Earth, yellow, purple, orange in color, asking for the assistance in bringing the energy of the creative magma up through my feet, up to my root chakra or coccygeal Plexus, into my second sexual and sacral chakra, the Plexus of Creation. I call on Divine Creative Source and Archangel Jophiel the Beauty of God, the Archangel of Creative Power and Illumination, The Guardian of the Tree of Knowledge with Archangel Uriel. I reach and project gratitude, light and love, high into the heavens, calling forth the golden-white light from Source Energy, bringing down the golden-white light through my cerebral chakras, down through my heart chakra adding love from my heart, and down to my sacral Plexus or creative center just above the pelvic bone. I call forth Archangel Zaphkiel, Keeper of the Orange Flame of Creation, the Angel of Ecstasy and Compassion to bring the creative energy of the orange flame into my sacral Plexus, with the intent of creating 24 strands of perfected DNA. For the Celebration of our Existence I call in the Star Children, Keepers of the perfected 24 strands of perfected human DNA, with the intent to manifest the 24 strands of DNA in my Sacral plexus, the second sexual creative chakra and in every cell in my body. As I place the 24 strands of DNA into every cell in my body, I intend to perfect my body, bones, blood, lymphatic system, nerves, organs, hormones, glands, proteins, telomeres, organelles, carbohydrates, arteries, veins, immune system, adipose tissues, cell membranes, mitochondria and every other cell in my body at a quantum level, manifesting the perfection of the original humans. I reform the 24 strands into 12 double-helix, connecting 2 strands each, into rotated, connected, perfected, spiral, double-stranded DNA, with perfected telomeres at the ends acting as little antennae, transmitting perfection from the quantum field and Source Energy, into each and every cell of my body to rejuvenate and revitalize my body to a perfected, eternal state of health and fitness. I braid these 12 double helixes into 24-stranded rope DNA in every cell in my body, making me strong, invincible, indestructible and impenetrable to all the toxins, petrochemicals, nanobots and radiation and all forms of low vibrational energy. My 12 double helixes connect me to the quantum energies of all other celestial realms. I am now connected and integrated to all my Divine Interdimensional Beings in the Multiverse. I AM now an enlightened Being of Light and Love!
So BE IT! So It IS! I AM!
I also vividly invite you to join our :
**To Send Love and Light To Mother Earth and
all Beings Upon Her!
EVERYDAY @ 3 PM Eastern
Call: 1-641-715-0857 Code: 30347#
Replay: 1-641-715-3579
Blessings & Feel More Than Fine Always!
Nikos Akrivos
In Infinite Gratitude and Love
For :
Abraham Hicks,
David Wilcock,
Wayne Dyer
Lee Carol (Kryon)
Sisters and Brothers Light Workers-Channellers,
Sananda,Mary Magdalene,Saint Germain,AA Michael,Ascended Masters,
Mother Father God,Company of Heaven and all of Creation.
Family,friends and people in my life supporting my work even though not understanding everything,thank you for making my life easier in this 3dimensional physical world.
Credit for the Hologram of Joy to:
The 7 Rays
Message from my higher self:
You are safe and loved at all times,wherever you are,no matter how rich or poor,color of your skin,woman,man or child.You are becoming aware of this truth instantly once you choose to be silent for a few minutes and listen your inner voice.You have reached destination,you are at home in the here and now.And the only thing that may be blocking your manifestations is thoughts that create resistance.You can feel the resistance in you by the way you feel and so when you don’t feel good it is only a sign that you need to release a thought and go to a feeling good thought and another one and another one till you reach again the safe haven in your heart that feels good.Your undivided concentration to feeling good thoughts will bring you closer and faster to your manifestations with ease and grace.
A quick note from me Nikos after reading the post of St.Germain here: and
MASTER DJWHAL KHUL’S message here:
Work with the Ray Chohans of each flame to assist you in meditation and your sleep state.
Call upon the Lords of the Rays to become a True Master.
For Each Master,a music link to connect with their corresponding vibration.
1.El Morya,Lord of the Blue Ray
Initiation of the Throat Chakra
Gifts of Faith in God’s Will and the Word of Wisdom
Retreats: The Temple of Good Will over Darjeeling, India
El Capitan, Yosemite Valley, California
Vibration: Blue, White
Keynote: Edward Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance, March #1
Gemstone: Diamond, Sapphire, Star Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli
Qualities: Power, Goodwill, Faith
Day: Tuesday
Quick Prayer: “Beloved El Morya, in the name of the Christ: Charge my four lower bodies with the will of God and my divine blueprint.”
2.Lando,Lord of the Yellow-Gold Ray
Initiation: Crown Chakra
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge
Retreat: Royal Teton Retreat over the Grand Teton mountains, Wyoming, USA
Vibration: Yellow, Gold
Gemstone: Yellow Diamond, Yellow Sapphire, Topaz
Quality: Wisdom, Understanding, Judgment
Day: Sunday
Quick Prayer: Teach me the way of wisdom and show me how to bring forth my Christ consciousness.
3.Paul The Venetian ,Lord of the Pink Ray
Initiation: The Heart Chakra.
Gift of the Holy Spirit: Discerning of Spirits
Retreat: Château de Liberté, Southern France; and Temple of the Sun over Manhattan, New York, USA
Vibration: Pink, Rose
Keynote: I Love You Truly, by Carrie Jacobs-Bond
Gemstone: Ruby, Diamond, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Pink Beryl
Quality: Love, Creativity, Beauty
Day: Monday
Quick Prayer: Instruct me in the law of love and give me the formula for the victory of the love flame within my heart.
4.Serapis Bay,Lord of the White Crystal Ray.
Initiation: Base-of-the-Spine Chakra
Gift of the Holy Spirit: Working of Miracles
Retreat: Ascension Temple Luxor, Egypt
Vibration: White, Crystal
Gemstone: Diamond, Pearl, Zircon, Quartz Crystal
Quality: Purity, Discipline, Joy, Ascension
Day: Friday
Quick Prayer: “Beloved Serapis, in the name of the Christ: Give me the discipline and training I need on the path of the ascension.”
5.Hilarion,Lord of the Green Gold Ray
Initiation: Third-Eye Chakra
Gift of the Holy Spirit: Healing
Retreat: Temple of Truth Crete, Greece
Vibration: Green, Gold
Music: Onward, Christian Soldiers may be played to draw the radiance of Hilarion
Gemstone: Emerald, Diamond, Jade, Quartz Crystal
Quality: Truth, Science, Vision, Abundance
Day: Wednesday
Quick Prayer: “Beloved Hilarion, in the name of the Christ: Teach me the way of truth and the divine application of science and healing.”
“I AM, I AM, I AM the resurrection and the life of my four lower bodies now made manifest!”
6.Lady Master Nada of the Purple Gold Ray
Initiation: the Solar Plexus Chakra
Gift of the Holy Spirit: Diverse Kinds of Tongues and the Interpretation of Tongues
Retreat: The Rose Temple, New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA; and Jesus’ Arabian Retreat, Saudi Arabia
Vibration: Purple flecked with metallic Gold and Ruby
Keynote: Mattinata (‘Tis the Day), by Ruggiero Leoncavalio
Gemstone: Topaz, Ruby, Alexandrite, Diamond with Pearl
Quality: Peace, Service, Brotherhood
Day: Thursday
7.Saint Germain,Lord of the Violet Ray.
Initiation of the Seat-of-the Soul Chakra
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: gift of Prophecy and the Working of Miracles
Etheric Retreats: The Cave of Symbols, Table Mountain, Wyoming, USA; Transylvania, Romania
Vibration: Violet, Purple, Pink, Aqua, Teal
Gemstone: Amethyst, Diamond, Aquamarine
Quality: Freedom, Alchemy, Justice, Diplomacy, Transmutation
Day: Saturday
8.Maha Chohan,Great Lord
Initiation: The chakras and the All Power in Heaven and in Earth
Gifts of the Holy Spirit: The Nine Gifts Multiplied by Free Will and the Threefold Flame
Retreat: Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Vibration: White, Pink, Rose, Ruby, White-Fire Core of All Rays
Music: The radiation of the Maha Chohan is drawn through the musical composition Homing, by Arthur Salmon.
Gemstone: Diamond, Yellow Diamond, Topaz, Ruby, Rose Quartz, Pink Beryl, Pearl
Quality: Comfort Enlightenment. Breath of Life
Day: Liberator of the Sacred Fire of the Seven Rays/All Days
“Come, Holy Spirit, enlighten me.”
Text and more extended information about our Ascended Masters here:
Focus more on light and love and less on the money for love is the true energy exchange of the cosmos
Every dedicated Light Worker knows that if one wants to clean house completely,one has to bring light to every corner of the house,every hidden spot.
There are few things that came to my attention while connecting the dots from channeled messages and what we can do to bring more Light and help any sister and brother that knows too much and is kept in prison.
One of them is Dave McCann,Irish man framed in California.
Reading the complete message from Montague Keen via Veronica Keen here will help you understand further and see how you can assist.
Montague Keen has been insisting that if this man gets released,the information he will share will take the cabal out of the picture once and for all in just 3 hours.
Remember once their crimes are fully exposed to send Love and Light always and not identify with what you observe.
Another thing you can do is to allow more Divine Love and Light do the work for you,instead of trying constantly to read all intel and posts on the internet.
To allow means to go within and hear the voice within while while focusing on your breath and also participating in global synchronised meditations at specific times with specific purpose.
This is a very good website where you can find many meditations with specific purpose to accelerate healing on the planet.I invite you to have a look and participate as much as you can on a daily basis to one or more of these meditations.Remember that no meditation is lost time,one always rips the benefits and lessons of each and every meditation,clarity and focus and pure joy are the immediate effects.So why not use this tool sisters and brothers?
Focus more on light and love and less on the money for love is the true energy exchange of the cosmos and is your greatest asset, and you are my greatest treasure – Father God –
And so to end this,my invitation for you is to go deeper within on a daily basis and more frequently,Your God spark is needed and each one of you has this special ability to affect change for The Highest Good For All,easy to use from the comfort of you house , this is how beautiful and magnificent a Human Being is,this is how powerful and amazing you are.
Love Yourself Always,Have a Nice Bath with etheric oils,Take time to please yourself in the simple things of Life as the best things are free as the air we breath and Join Us In Joy and Feel The Joy.In The Now.
Thank You,I Love You
Nikos Akrivos
Guerison Instantanee et Purification Eau Et Nourriture
Forgiveness,Unconditional Love & Violet Fire.
To forgive is not an easy thing.Agreed!To witness a brother or sister insulting and hurting seniors or even parents ,not easy to forgive.A brother or a sister blackmailing or killing another brother or sister or even worst raping and killing children,not easy to forgive.However necessary if one desires to get out of the perpetual wheel of karma being blocked between earth and astral plane for thousands of years.13,000 to be more precise.And humanity is starting to awake to this truth now.There is such beauty to be discovered when one finally chooses to use unconditional love and violet fire.This is a choice that humanity is facing right now.And let me get this straight to the point!When DNA is manipulated by an alien specie(Annunaki etc.) in order to enslave humans to serve them and doing everything they can to keep them asleep and not wake up to their Godness within (cabal,illuminati) while operating in absolute secret ways in the shadows as to not be witnessed by anyone is a difficult pill to swallow.Yet,a necessary one as it allows forgiveness to become easier.And this is exactly what it means to see things from a higher perspective.From the moment that Truth hits our neurones,as hard as it can be,it liberates us and sets a new start in our lives in order to see our magnificence and beauty within as EVERY Human being is pure Love and Light and nothing else.This is to wake up from the illusion played around us on a daily basis.An yes Humanity we are receiving huger support from benevelontant galactic beings called Arcturians,Pleiadians,Andromedans and so many more brothers and sisters of the pure light to help us be successful into this experiment called ASCENSION as we are the only ones living on a surface of a planet instead of living inside it.(see Hollow Earth).So make up your mind and FORGIVE FORGIVE FORGIVE everything that has been done to you.FORGIVE AND BLAZE THE VIOLET FIRE AND LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY!DO THIS FREQUENTLY AND JOYFULLY,MAKE THE CHOICE TO ALWAYS BE RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH TO ALWAYS FEEL GOOD WITH YOUR CHOICES AT ALL TIMES!
Nikos Akrivos
Spiritual Gym
For all of us that are dedicating our lives in fulfilling Mother’s Divine plan,it has been a long road,some of us for 10+ years some for decades or a lifetime and it seems like there are no rewards to rip from it except from all the small changes we see in our worlds and in our creations – which btw are not a small thing from a multidimensional point of view.
A smile from a stranger, a child talking to us,a dog coming to greet us,a butterfly that comes to sit on our hand,a tree that once we touch we can feel an intense connection,sometimes stronger that with a human being and so much more, are all the small things we can perceive as we become aware of our 5th dimensional realities,while from the other side of the veil we are receiving continuous support from all sisters and brothers of Light,talking to us through multiple channels,through our I Am Presence and to our Higher Selves with words that always say YES to JOY,PEACE,LOVE,FULFILLMENT to follow always what makes us FEEL GOOD.A thought that feels good is the door way.Every Human Being is able to receive and channel a message which is no other than the reward of long hours of having the habit to go within on a daily basis to listen the sound of silence.To do Spiritual Gym.Cause once one is attentif to the sound of silence,the empty space created allows for beauty to come within.To discover our Divine Feminine (for Men and Women) is to be able to listen the sound of silence,to be able to listen the sound of silence is to be able to be receptive and to allow Love and Light to fill in our beings charging us with Power from Within which allows to manifest our desires through our Divine Masculin.Sounds simple and it is actually simpler when one starts practicing.One can only be thankful of the simplicity that is needed in order to harness the power of creating worlds!Mother Father God Thank You!I Love You!And i see you in the eyes of every child,woman and man and sentient being!I see you and i know i know that it is You that looks through my eyes!
Nikos Akrivos
We Are Above Everything Vibrational Beings
We attract what we think,we attract what we fear and we strengthen what we oppose.We accept the fact that above everything we are vibrational beings and taking responsibility about the way we feel in the present moment is the most powerful way to create our realities.We are creators within our minds,there is no need to ‘work’ hard to get something done in a physical way,unless this is your path of less resistance, the power of our minds and the way we use them in the present moment defines what we will manifest in our lives.Smartest thing of all to do is to choose thoughts that feel good at all times.To be in alignement is to make the choice to feel good at all times.And yes during our days there will be moments that our vibration may go lower du to the fact of interacting with our current reality and we can appreciate the fact that we know that we are vibrational beings above everything and of the fact that we know now that by shifting our thoughts towards ones that feel good,we are able to change the outcome our experiences towards ones that are full of bliss,joy,peace,truth,love,abundance , prosperity ,well being and the highest good for all as what happens in our inner world manifests in the outer world.We are magnificent beings becoming aware of our powers and as we remain in these high vibrational thoughts,more like minded thoughts are coming to us.
And wouldn’t be nice to know that all the children of the world are well fed and that they go to sleep knowing that they are good?Wouldn’t it be nice to know that Gaia is restored to its pristine beauty and there is only a collaborative work between humans and nature in a way that energy is used with true respect for all life?And wouldn’t it be nice to know that all beings are living a peaceful and loving life with all their needs and dreams being met and beyond?Wouldn’t it be nice that we use new technologies that are solving all health problems within minutes,technologies that are non invasive to our bodies?Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to travel freely at anytime anywhere we want to go?Wouldn’t it be nice that our tables are abundant of great fresh organic foods and purified water?We have the abundance of time to do this work anytime in our days,17’’ seconds of thoughts is enough to attract another good feeling thought and 68’’ seconds of similar thoughts is what is needed to create the necessary momentum towards manifesting our desires.
We are at the final stages of mastering this game.
Nikos Akrivos
Feel More Than Fine
Text Inspired by Sananda & Abraham Hicks Teachings.
Feel More Than Fine is a non profit association and works on donations.Your donations confirm your faith and will to be part of Eco Sustainable Holistic Communities ,work For The Highest Good For All and get to know more and also be able to participate in their creation while you are being helped for your Ascension and the Project that is dear to your heart.
Only those whose projects are in accord with our New Eart Law: ”Do no harm to self,others or a thing’‘ will be considered.
Service To Others
Our societies need more awake conscious beings that are taking their responsibilities within their human form in service to others.Humanity is awakening!Taking responsibility means to remain in alignement with what makes us feel good.It is the end of suffering as lived in a 3rd dimensional reality and it is the beginning of authentic joy in the core of our being in 5th dimensional reality,defined also as unconditional love which is nothing else than being connected at all times with The Creator within as The Creator within guides our moves by following our intuition.This happens with surrender and harmonious wedding of our male and female energies within in a way that our ego can be of service to our Higher Self.It takes a lot of diligent work on a daily basis to go within and listen the voice within and also setting the intention to shine our light from within to spread love all around us,to the area we live in,to our Beloved Mother Earth extending to All That Is,always supported by The Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods of Light in The Higher Realms,when we ask for it.It takes time and practice to integrate these notions in our brains,there are many ways to go and if you have a look on my website,you will find tones of information,blogs and videos on how to do that.
It is an Academy online,free for all to learn.
And along with that you have few events and retreats that happen every 3 months in order to bond and get to know each other.
If you wish to receive emails,once in while serving your being and getting information of our activities please,go here,subscription is free of charge as well.
or through Facebook account
Feel More Than Fine is also a Humanitarian Project always in search of showing the way in smoothing The Ascension Process and also Awaken Every Human Being to The Magnificent Beings You All Are.
If you have look at my new created page ,
you will find out that there is a clear line on how we will achieve the creation of Eco Sustainable Holistic Communities based on knowledge and technologies that we have right now.Such communities are in the process of being created in various places across Europe and we also have a project manifesting right now in Dakar,Senegal,
So,feel free to send a small description of your project you have in heart and i will create a special link for you along helping out for its manifestation:
Feel More Than Fine is a non profit association and works on donations.Your donations confirm your faith and will to be part of such communities and get to know more and also be able to participate in their creation while you are being helped for your Ascension and the project that is dear to your heart.
Only those whose projects are in accord with our New Eart Law: ”Do no harm to self,others or a thing’‘ will be considered.
In Service To Others,
Message From My Higher Self (Sept.15th 2017)
Message from my higher self.
Humanity,today i am coming to you to make you aware of the importance of shining your light from within to the outer world.The Ascension proces within our bodies is about the transformation of our carbone based structure towards a crystalline based ones.This process is being activated with firm intention and advanced level meditation technique of cellular breathing.Each Human you have within you,part of God and this part of God in you awaits your command to activate it and expand it out towards all creation in your world and in all worlds,seen and unseen.You have the support of your Higher Selves,Your I Am Precence ,Mother Earth,Your guides,The Galactics ,Ascended Masters and Company Of Heaven.Asking for help,even if you know nothing about meditation helps.Ask and it is given.Walk and let God wihin you lead the way.And for that you need to be able to listen.Once you learn to listen,you start to know what self love means.And once there is self love you have more power and will to help your world be a better place from Pure Power from Within.That is all you need to do.The creator gave you perfect bodies,when you bring oxygen within each of your cells you activate your part of God within.And when you send your light out,you are receiving light within you multiplied by 1000 times,especially when you join with others in prayer,meditation,dancing and celebration free fron any toxicity.More light within your cells and atoms activates your crystalline structure and makes your Ascension process easier while also helping Morher Earth to ascend as well into her 5th dimensional self.Life is much simplier than you have been taught to think.Supreme creator thought about everything already and everything works out good for you all the time,if you only allow this within your being.Be A STAR!Surrender,Trust,Allow,Receive.And shine out your light twice day with intention and notice how your life unfolds in amazing ways.Thank You,I Love You.
Q&A About Hurricanes
Breanna:Hey Niko, I’d love your thoughts on this!
So on one hand you say the hurricanes are not natural, that they are created by the cabal and haarp.
On the other hand you say that they are natural, a response from the earth due to humanities lack of emotional flow.
Which one is it??? I’m trying to figure this out! And if it is true that the cabal is directing these hurricanes, then don’t they know that it will assist in waking up humanity? Why would they allow This?
Help !!!! Thank you.
Nikos:Hi Breanna,great question:truth is that the majority of humans don’t do work with loving self,earthing etc remaining in lower vibrations realities and Earth is a living being and she wants to rise above into her ascension process and as she rises she takes as many as possible children with her,the ones that are connected with her know this already while the other ones remain in lower vibration timeline dimension fiels where cabal still play their games of haarp etc.We are talking here about 2 timelines,one can choose always by going within.
Breanna:Thanks Nikos I really appreciate your explanation. So as the earth is ascending, she has hurricanes happening due to a large amount of ppl on the planet still living in 3rd? It’s like she is shaking them off?
Or just responding to their lack of emotional healing?
And do you think the ones who are on a higher vibe like you can possibly be touched by the hurricanes in a negative way?
Thank you and sorry for all the questions
Nikos: The ascending ones can not be touched as we are one with Mother Earth and are in direct communication with her.At your service,thank you for asking,i will share for all sisters and brothers to read
And yes your explanation of shaking earth is closest to truth as it can be.Earth loves all her children and the ones who go are most possibly the ones that have done their work here,no drama,there is no death.Just in a 3d world,yes.
Breanna:Perfect thankyou for clearing this up for me. This makes sense!
Nikos:You are Welcome!
PS.I invite you to listen to this video linked here : and by same occasion i am inviting you (without any obligation) to scroll down on left side of the website there is a paypal donation button,any donation small or big is helping to sustain my work and help many others to know more about ascension process.Alternatively if you feel like getting some music in exchange of your donation you can go here and support my sound,as you wish :
Thank you and blessings!!!
True loves sets free and Ascension requires this to be firmly grounded in your being.
It is about time you understand that the time to please others is done.What matters is to please yourself without caring what the consequencies will be for your partner,lover,friends or family.It is big time to face your true self and know who you really are and you can do that only by feeling good with your choices.True loves sets free and Ascension requires this to be firmly grounded in your being.Any attempt to go towards something that feels less than good for you in order to please others will come like a thief in the night and rob you everything including all your clothes so you finally see and recognize your self for what you are:pure love and light.All masks down,dare to show your light.This little light of mine i am going to make it shine!
Nikos Akrivos
The Art of Ascension/Prosperity Programs/Free Energy
”If you really want to create Abundance for Yourself, start Blessing everyone with Infinite Abundance, start perceiving everything as Symbols of Abundance. The meanings you give to everything, is what creates your vibrational environment. The more positive you are, the more positive your reality will be.” Archangel Uriel.
Last night i had a such a beautiful dream that i like to share with you:I witnessed planet earth being surrounded by an intense violet flamme as intended by St.Germain and with the help of Archangels,Ascended Masters,Unicorns,Dolphins and the Unified Field of All Light workers the planet was removed from the space it used to occupy to another parallel reality where there is no more control over our lives from any outsider forces as we have realised that if we look for the sun in our hearts the sun will always find us .Everything that we have witnessed in past lives was a reflection of our self.We have learned that forgiveness to ourself and others stops the wheel of karma and that self love is the key for peace and for achieving ascension.
And you? which planet you choose to live on?The old one that you are witnessing today all around you or the new one that i just described in my dream?
While photons from the central galactic sun keep on bombarding everything on earth,called also gamma radiation,it is primordial for every human on the surface of the planet to integrate in their daily lives few very simple habits that can create the difference in ascending to New Earth Realities.
One simple way to guide you to the truth and right choices is by following your internal radar called feeling.What makes you feel more than fine?This touches all areas starting from your food and drinks choices to things you choose to think of.Stopping for few days eating meat or drink alcool can be a great booster in helping you having more awareness of your feeling called also the power of being present in the now.Choose to think thoughts that make you smile and happy and do things that you feel excited with where time flies by.
Daily Discipline in practising Meditation in your preferred area,call it Yoga,Reiki,Chi Gong,Tai Chi,Danse which combine breathing and moving.
Participating in synchronistic global weekly meditations with everybody on the planet is the most effective way of all:This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of compression breakthrough. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the timing of the Event. – See more at:
More detailed observations between the light and dark forces find on this blog:
So why not get out your galactic vacuum cleaner,the violet flamme, in a worldwide co-ordinated effort via St. Germain from
”I, St. Germain, will be sending Violet Light and enveloping the entire planet at the top of the hours in your time zone of 6:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m., and 12:00 a.m. each day for the next three weeks. Let it be one or more of those times that you choose to join with me and the Legions of Light who are in service to this cause. The Ascended Master realms have joined with me in this effort and so we have the entire team of Heaven working to transmute the chaos that has shown its face on your world”
Ascended Master Hilarion asks us to continue further with this meditation for the weeks continue towards 2016.
Mira From The Pleiadian High Council Via Valerie Donner:”These are chaotic times. They will continue intensely for the next couple of years and then they will level out”
Free Energy Devices are now available through The Keshe Foundation of very affordable prices for everybody for our homes and electric cars.(800 €).”The Keshe Foundation is advising that systems manufactured, from the Foundation, as well as those that built systems at home, are in perfect working order”
On Prosperity Programs,Finland’s Free Money System is becoming reality:
Feel More Than Fine
Dancing Mayan Workshop with Dj Nikos at Healing Ibiza,Atzaro.
Dj Nikos or Nikos Akrivos is a Channel of 22 Angels and with his Dancing Mayan Workhop he shares how To Center ,Ground and Protect our Auric Field using Ancien Mayan Knowledge and Pleiadian Wisdom alterning with active mediation,concert in silence and dancing session using music attuned on the natural frequency of 432 Hz and Miracle Frequency of 528 Hz.
Enjoy few moments of the end of his workshop at Healing Ibiza Atzaro , May 10th 2015.
Self Cleaning Energies/Centering/Grounding
Daily Practise to SELF Center & Ground & Clean The Aura.
It is the first thing i do as soon as i wake up from bed.
Place your hands in meditation position,say Thank you to Your Self ,Your Angels/Higher Self/God,Goddess for Being Here and Now.
Visualize energy coming from the center of The Earth into your heart.Take your time and feel little by little YOUR connection with Mother Earth.Take Your Shoes off for a better connection.
When you feel you are present with this energy,focus your attention to the energy coming from our Sun to the Crown of your head and then to you Heart.Take your time.
When you are ready place your hands in various places as shown in these pictures.Visualize energy going from your heart to each position you place your hands.Take your time from 1-3′ for each position.
Visualize energy going from the center of each one of your cells around each one of your cells all over your body.
See you body being covered with White Blue Golden Light.
Bring back your hands in meditation position and BE THANKFUL.
Release The Champion In You.
Author:Nikos Akrivos,
Holistic Life Coach & Musician
7 Ways to Feel More Than Fine.
Self Love is The Key.
1.Start your day by Being Grateful for Being Here and Now and for
Being able to spend another lovely day on Planet Earth.
2.Make a strong affirmation of your I Am Presence by using the power of your emotions :
I Am Peace,I Am Love,I Am Joy,I Am Healthy,I Am Abundant.
3.Breath Fresh Air,Stay Grounded by walking barefoot in nature for few minutes or by visualizing roots growing from your feet into the ground and Practise DAILY and with DISCIPLINE Physical Exercices for few minutes without forgetting to combine with Stretching, Meditation & Energy Cleaning like for example Pilates,Yoga and Rei-ki or Qui Gong.
4.Start Breakfast with Warm Water and Lemon to wake up your intestines smoothly and a Glass of Organic Fresh Juice to clean your Pineal Gland.
5.Become Raw Vegan.
Google recipes, have fun discovering delicious tastes and spend less money too!
By choosing to eat High Vibrations Foods that are not cooked you are also contributing in the happiness of all animals and for a healthy Mother Earth.
6.Life is a joke,nothing should be taken too seriously.
Filter what you choose to watch and remember to have few loughs during your day if not all day long.
7.Be in Your Bed the latest at 22h,even if you don’t feel like sleeping.
Sleeping between 22h and 02h, helps to balance and restore your interior organs and getting into the cycles of Lucid Dreaming for manifesting better reality in Your Life.
Nikos Akrivos
Holistic Life Coach
Love Frequency
Lisa Chadderton talks to Ibiza DJ, Producer and Holistic Life Coach Nikos Akrivos about the power of reiki and music and the significance of 21.12.2012.
Greek native but true Ibiza spirit Nikos Akrivos is the creator of the ‘Feel More than Fine’ project – dedicating himself to helping others achieve happiness and raise their vibration. Amongst other things he hosts creative non-alcohol events incorporating fashion, music and feeling more than fine! He’s a well respected DJ, producer, dancer and fashion designer. A popular visitor to the Garden of Light Ibiza, he shares our passion for Reiki and for finding new ways to live in this exciting time. Nikos shared his views with us on all of these passions and of the significance of today’s date – 21st December 2012….enjoy!
How does Reiki work?
Reiki is channelling Universal Energy. When we practice Reiki, we become aware of the flow of energy in our body through our breath and we learn to channel it to our heart and from the heart to our hands. Like any meditative discipline, to really know how it works you have to practice long enough to feel it so you can believe it. We all have it in us and I was always a believer even when I was not feeling it. We are never alone, our Spiritual Guides, Angels, Jesus, Buddha, the Universe or name it how you like, are the ones who are doing the job. We just learn to be a channel.
How did you discover Reiki?
A very close friend suggested it to me and I tried it out.
How has learning Reiki changed your life?
I became aware of the importance of staying grounded and of self love. This brought an amazing series of synchronicities into my life, enough to know today that all I have to do is to surrender to it and to be present every moment with a big smile, as there is no reason to worry about anything. When any form of fear left the building (my body!), there is only place for a more than fine lifestyle!
What sort of effects do you see on clients that come to you for Reiki?
I don’t like so much the term client, I prefer to say my brothers and sisters. The ones who experienced it usually come sad and leave with a smiling face and an open heart as a few “keys” are transfered to them through my being.
When did you start incorporating Reiki into your DJing and why?
I started with it a year ago as soon as I felt I had mastered Reiki, as I know that there are many lessons yet to be learned for the rest of my life.
Music is the most powerful tool that can be used to help raise the vibration on a massive scale in the rapid process of evolution. I’ve been dreaming all my life to be able to help humanity reach the next level of evolution in a fun way. At the same time, I am aware that most of us have to go through suffering to get the beauty of what is really happening right now.
My imagination has reached a level to believe today that when I DJ, I am truly helping people to be more aware of the amazing instrument they all have, their body-mind-spirit complex. With the use of only water and fruit juices we can get into an altered state of consciousness where we can discover who we really are in a natural way. This gives a great satisfaction to our being as we reconnect with our soul and we learn more from it every time the experience happens.
This is actually the reason I became a DJ.
How can music and sound heal?
Music/sound is atoms travelling into the air to create a wave, like a wave in the sea, that will be captured by our ear to be heard and by our body to be felt.
Atoms vibrating at a certain frequency reaching the atoms of our body to vibrate at the same frequency…if the frequency is right we have a pleasant warm feeling in our belly and that is already a sign that the music is “healing”. However, ”healing” is not a term I like to use as none of us are sick, we are just not aware of the changes that are taking place in our body right now in a geometrical speed as we arrive at the 21st December 2012. Today’s date is supposed to be the climax of this change that happens every 26,000 years, following the Mayan calendar and many other predictions that resonate as the truth in my heart.
Generally all music is made with love, if the intention at the moment of creation is to “heal” it becomes healing. So it’s as simple as that!
Please tell us about how you create your music so that it can have healing power and can you tell us a little about healing frequencies?
I find my inspiration and ideas always by being in touch with nature and with the help of few good friends that are professionals in sound engineering and we find a way to agree with each other about the final product. My music has healing power because I believe, so for those who also believe…it will be so!
There is a lot of work that has been done on it from scientists that test the reaction of frequencies on the DNA. There are two theories, one is talking about the 432 HZ frequencies and the other one about the love frequency, 528HZ. I’ve been testing both and to be honest I can’t really say something sure about it except from the fact that it has really helped me understand how vibration works in its core.
I believe that they both work on differnent levels, one is for regenerating cells (528) and the other one (432) to help consciousness following the Fibonacci numbers in nature.
What is the potential for DJs and Musicians to affect world change through music and performance?
As soon as all musicians, performers and DJ’s understand the importance of taking care of their body-mind-spirit complexes and staying centred, when they play in an environment where the audience is being served what is truly healthy for them – the world can change for the better in only a few moments!
It is a question of vibration, intention and awareness.
Should everybody learn Reiki?
Yes, everybody should know how to stay centered,grounded and clean the energy centres in the same way we brush our teeth and take a shower every day.
What drew you to the island of Ibiza and how is living in Ibiza in 2012?
I came to Ibiza 16 years ago performing as dancer in all of the main clubs for a few years. What drew me here was the love for expressing myself through electronic music, in an environement where I was not judged about my appearance.
I spent summer 2012 living at Camping La Playa in Es Canar, mainly helping people with Reiki and my knowledge, having a great time and DJing in few places, keeping in the back of my head that unconditional love knows no boundaries and the island embraced me as always!
After 16 summers, it is Home to me, living in Ibiza in 2012 is more than fine!
What things make you feel more than fine?
Celebrating life, creating music and clothes, giving or receiving any kind of energy treatments and massage, making love, clowns and comedians, dancing and everything that brings a smile to your and my face!
What does the 21st December 2012 mean to you?
It’s good news! It marks the birth of the New Earth and the rebirth of humans from Homo Sapiens to Homo Consciousness. In a more scientific way, somewhere between 21st, 22nd and 23rd December 2012 our planet reaches its maximum vibration, a phenomenon that happens every +/- 26,000 years and has to do with huge quantity of light that left the centre of milky way long time ago.
The rise of vibration has a positive effect on our body-mind-spirit complex we all need learn to be grounded and focus our intention to BE LOVE,BE PEACE,BE JOY in the present moment. We are in control of our reality and what we think will manifest now almost instantly as this is a result of our evolution as a species.
To be grounded all we need to do is, from today and in the coming months, inhale and visualise energy coming from the centre of the Earth and from the centre of the Universe to our heart, feel the loving energy all around us and love ourself enough to become our own master, by focusing our intention on the things that makes us smile in our life which I call:Feel More Than Fine!
How will you be spending this special day 21st December 2012?
I will be spending this day as usual – taking a long walk or run into the forest, preparing more than fine meals, dancing and making music:
If you would like to check out Nikos’s ‘Feel More than Fine’ album it is available on Beatport.