Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos

Intermittent Fasting Benefits

I am Raw Vegan since few years now,occasionaly eating some cooked vegan food for fun and celebration with friends.I am reposting here 2 videos of mine talking about my fasting experience while i was into receiving the energies as a First Wave Ascension-er and below these you will find an article where you can read more about the benefits of Fasting: It Slows Aging, Fights Disease, Builds Muscle, and Burns Fat.

The newest diet trend is NOT eating. That’s right. Intermittent Fasting. It certainly makes sense, given that our primal ancestors went through periods of not eating while searching for food, as well as periods of feasting when food was plentiful. Our bodies were made to adapt to that—not regularly timed, three meals a day, 7 days a week readily available food. So it makes biological sense to skip a meal or two occasionally.

Taking a break from eating has several proven dramatic health benefitsincluding slowing down aging, increasing Human Growth Hormone for muscle growth, increasing insulin sensitivity, and overall fat burning.

In addition, IF has been shown to help fight cancer, disease, diabetes, and other serious diseases,according to this study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Additionally, according to other scientific studies, IF benefits extend to asthma, allergies, infectious diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Tourette’s syndrome, cardiac arrhythmia’s, hot flashes from hormonal fluctuations, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s and more.

Intermittent fasting can also increase energy, help with focus and clear thinking, and improve mood as well. Practicing IF helps reduce symptoms of depression. This studypublished in the Journal of Nutritional Health and Agingfound a significant reduction in anger, tension, confusion and low moodin a group of older men who were practicing IF.

Researchers have also found that intermittent fasting lowers the risk of degenerative brain diseaseslike Alzheimer’s, dementia and even helps improve recovery from strokes. It is thought the fasting protects the neurons against various kinds of damaging stress.

During a period of intermittent fasting, the body switches its energy source from glucose (unless you are fully ‘fat-adapted’, to burning fat for energy. When we fast for a longer period of time, we use up all glucose stores and convert body fat to fatty acids or ketones. It is a way of helping to flip your ‘metabolic switch’ and help your body become better at being ‘fat adapted’.

A scientific review, published in the journal Obesity, shows that it is likely that intermittent fasting may be more healthful than other dieting strategies, as ketones put less stress on cells than the byproducts of other diets. In addition, IF helps the body become better and more efficient at utilizing fat for energy, especially if IF is done on a regular basis. It also helps the body switch back to fat burningif you have gotten off-track and carb heavy with your diet. It is, in essence a way to get back on track.

The point of intermittent fasting is that the periods of food deprivation allow your body to rest, renew and regenerate. Plenty of scientific studies on both animals and humans show that periodic fasting not only helps you lose weight but also increases your longevity. Caloric restriction through fasting also helps to turn on genes that repair DNA and cells. This adaptation of IF may allow certain cells to actually live longer, preserving the body’s energy, according to a study published in the journal, Cell Metabolism. This may also be part of the reason that fasting helps to extend longevity as well.

Scientists think that the IF acts as a form of healthy stress that revs up the cellular defenses against molecular damage. Fasting mice have been found to have higher levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a protein that prevents stressed neurons from dying. Low levels of BDNF have been tied to depression, anxiety, and dementia.

Fasting also ramps up autophagy, a kind of garbage-disposal system in cells that gets rid of damaged molecules, including ones that have been connected toAlzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases.

Intermittent fasting has also been shown to reduce cancersresulting from oxidative damage, and to help maximize the positive effects of chemotherapy, while minimizing the negative effects of cancer treatment.

The question is—should you try it? Intermittent fasting obviously can be a powerful tool to maximize health, but it’s important to carefully weigh its effects. Intermittent fasting can last for a period of hours or even days, but generally it entails a brief fasting period of 12-24 hours. Most of us may already be fasting from dinner time to breakfast, and if you skip breakfast, you are fasting—provided you only drink black coffee, tea or water during your fast.

There are a few primary types of intermittent fasting to follow, and you can switch them around as much as you want—the point is to create episodic eating/fasting/eating similar to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. So, you don’t really need to follow any particular fast–just surprise your body every once in a while with 24 hours of little or no food.

One of the easiest waysto incorporate IF into your routine is to just skip breakfast. Ignore the old saying of “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, and just drink black coffee, tea or water in the morning.

After a full night’s sleep, you wake up with the perfect hormonal terrain for burning fat. Low insulin and high glucagon levels make delaying your first meal an effective strategy for prolonging this fat-burning period.

Types of Intermittent Fasts

Skipping Meals–Every week or so, skip breakfast and don’t eat until lunchtime or dinner. Or just eat a late lunch and skip dinner and breakfast. Listening to your bodyand eating when your natural hunger occurs, instead of sticking to the meal clock and eating every morning, noon and night is a good way to readjust hunger.

Condensed Eating Window—One of the more popular and easier to follow IF routines is to condense your food intake into aset number of hours, usually about 8 hours. This generally means you eat an early dinner, and a late breakfast, much like the 16:8 plan. For sixteen hours you avoid eating, and eat only during a compressed time of 6-8 hours during the day.

24-hour Fast—Generally this works for most people by eating a normal dinner and then fasting until the following evening. Others can choose to extend the fast until the following morning. For many people, this can be a weekly or monthly routine.

Why Women Should Be More Cautious About Fasting

Fasting sounds like a terrific way to improve health and lose weight, right? Well it’s a little different for women and there’s a few things to consider, if you are a woman, before you jump headlong onto the fasting wagon. Some of the great health benefits do not extend to women.

We women have hormones that help to regulate our cycles and fertility. IF is a hormone stressor, so for men this creates an adaptive response that is positive for health. For women, IF can interfere with fertility and menstrual cycles. Because women’s bodies are meant to nourish and support a pregnancy, our bodies are extremely sensitive to calorie restriction.

Fasting affects the hypothalamus in the brain which can disrupt the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is responsible for releasing Luteinizing Hormone, and Follicle Stimulating Hormone, both important for menstrual regularity and fertility.

When these hormones cannot communicate with the ovaries, you run the risk of irregular periods, infertility, poor bone health and other health effects.

Even if you are not planning on having children, fasting creates nutritional stress, which decreases fertility, and even decreases ovarian size.

Where IF improves insulin sensitivity in males, females don’t often see the same positive results. In fact, one studyshowed exactly the opposite results—glucose tolerance worsened. One studycompared caloric restriction to intermittent calorie restriction in overweight and obese women. Both groups lost a similar amount of weight, but unfortunately, the intermittent restriction group lost significantly more lean body mass. This is muscle, the kind of body mass you want to keep.

Another looked at healthy men and women doing moderate intensity morning cycling either fasted (overnight) or fed (breakfast). Although both men and women displayed greater increases in VO2 max and resting muscle glycogen concentration in response to fasted cycling training, only men showed greater skeletal muscle adaptations when fastedWomen had better muscle adaptations when fed.

So what does this mean for women? IF can be beneficial, just be cautious if you are trying to have a baby, nursing a baby or have menstrual irregularities. Instead of aiming for the longest fast you can tolerate, aim for the shortest fast that gives results.

Fasting for women is good if:

• You have significant amounts of fat to lose.
• Your oncologist giving you the go-ahead to try using it to improve the effects of chemotherapy.
• Your neurologist giving you the go-ahead to try using it to improve brain function in the face of cognitive decline or dementia.

Be aware–fasting in an extreme or unhealthy way can be a symptom of an eating disorder.

Fasting for both men and women can have some major health benefits, especially done in a controlled and safe manner. Just be careful you don’t take it too far. Prolonged fasting has also been associated with:

• increased cholesterol
• pancreas damage
• worsened insulin function (which increases the risk of diabetes)
• irregular heartbeat, headaches and fainting
• slight reductions in athletic performance, exercise ability and muscle mass

Note:Fasting is not recommended for those who need a regular supply of nutrients for their health, including pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people with certain medical conditions. Possible side effects related to fasting include malnutrition, dehydration, disordered eating and even death in some cases. But serious risks are rare and usually related to prolonged fasting, not IF.

The Best Type of Intermittent Fasting…

Deciding to do Intermittent Fasting can be pretty scary, but there’s one method I trust more than the others…

In fact, this method of Intermittent Fasting has been shown to help people lose upwards of 7 pounds in the first 5 days, and some have lost 4 pounds OVERNIGHT, as well as boosting sex hormones for both men and women, improving your energy, skin, & brain function, and so much more.

The great thing is that the fat loss from THIS type of Intermittent Fastingis the most stubborn fat on your body – the fat you’ve tried to lose for years, but just won’t go away. But please keep in mind that this is so effective it’s only recommended you do it once, maybe twice, a week…


Each one of us is God Creator Being emitting vibration at all times,creating reality from within out.

I don’t agree with any information coming about the influence of Mercury Retrograde on our consciousness nor of Astrology.

Each one of us is God Creator Being emitting vibration at all times,creating reality from within out.

One person connected and aligned to source is more powerful than millions that are not.Alignement does not depend on planets or intel or politics or any news.Alignement is an inner work and our task as conscious beings is to raise and sustain vibration at all times for ourself and all humanity as when we do it for ourself we assist the highest good for all.

Our environment reflects the within.Peace within,Peace without.

Abundance within,Abundance without.Well Being Within Well Being without.Love within,Love without.

Our star sisters and brothers are always here to assist us and our work as boots on the ground is to Be The God Being Creator in Joy we came to be while asking the support of All Light Beings,Ascended Masters,Mother Father God.

Take care to hold your vibration high 24/7 for yourself and everything else will take care of itself.

We are creator of Realities!

Go within, find that sweet spot connecting you to God’s Unlimited Potential that you are, feel it and enjoy the rest of your day and night.And when there is resistance, do it again, do the infinite breathing of AA Michael or get some sleep, sometimes a few minutes is enough, eat light, mainly raw vegan organic, drink fresh juices and pure water.

Feel More Than Fine Always!


Last night i found myself flying while sleeping.It was so intense and vivid that i am totally convinced that i was indeed flying in this other time space reality/dimension called Lucid Dreaming.I felt the breeze of the air on my face and body and i felt the freedom of flying wherever i want to.It felt i was flying for longer than the few hours i was asleep and like every mornings always wake up around 2 or 3am.Call it Ascension symptom or just a habit that is part of me since i’ve been sending out my intention of remembering that i am dreaming while i am dreaming,which also called Lucid Dreaming.So,in a way The Ascension symptom that wakes me up early hours it always serves me in writing down my dreams.This habit of mine lead me also to do my inner work in starting my day in quite meditation only to find out not so long time ago that the best time to create our reality is the early morning hours.It takes about 45′-1 hour to write down my dreams and meditate -always for the highest good for all- and usually after that i go back to bed, unless of course there is an early hour activity to do like a healthy dance celebration, me among 500-700 people dancing ecstatically on house music for about 3-4 hours ,drinking just water or fruit juices and enjoying raw vegan treats, sometimes i am just a dancer in the crowd some others me DJing for the crowd.Sorry for digressing,just using the opportunity to share on how i live currently a high vibrational life style 🙂

So,to come back to me flying!How did i dream about that? well ,i always believed that i can fly!Maybe i was a bird in past life, maybe i was/am an Angel living in costume called human body,maybe i just happen to day dream a lot about being free and flying, maybe i fly too often with aeroplanes,maybe my 24 strand DNA becomes more operational and activating hidden powers in me that i was not aware off(effects of Ascension,going from carbon based to crystalline based cells) maybe i just happen to believe in what i see when monks in Tibet can levitate themselves through intense meditation and like another dream we have in life, this also it starts to become true and maybe maybe it is the total activity of what takes place in my throughts, feelings and emotions, all becoming one and expressing through my dream states before manifesting in my physical reality.Maybe i am just nuts for daring to think and feel like that and maybe too it is also because i eat too many nuts as part of my raw vegan diet that keeps me uplifted and sustained in a high vibrational state 24/7 and yet there is something in me that as i continue speaking of that is rising up and feeling happy and total excitement and eagerness in what is coming in what i am about, we are about to become as i/we learn to guide our thoughts, feelings and emotions with intention to that what we mostly desire:Freedom,Abundance,Prosperity,Peace,Love,Purity,Compassion,Patience,Joy,Trust,Fun,Playfulness,Smooth Ascension,Ease,Grace & Flow the Highest Good For All(me and all of Humanity and Mother Earth including all animal and planet Kingdom,Our Solar System,Galactic Society,Cosmos,All That Is!) to name the top priorities.Am i asking too much?ooooops sorry i forgot seeing all children of the world being fed and being happy, going to bed at night knowing they are goods,i forgot all homeless having shelter and all hungry having more than enough foods forgot all the people that are in prison without reasons coming out and breathing the fresh air of freedom,i forgot all mothers or fathers that raise their children alone being in communities assisted by others with ease and flow,i forgot vehicles that respect mother Earth i forgot clean oceans, rivers and air we breath,i forgot medbeds to heal and rejuvenate all elders that wish to live in 20’s bodies for up to 900 years and anti gravity scooters and Free Energy and Replicators to create homes and anything else we desire in the now.Am i asking too much?how about telekinesis:ability to move objects with the power of my mind and teleportation and telepathy and walking on water!Sananda aka Jesus Christ said:this and more than i did you will do!Ask and it is given right?right!i/we have asked and now i/we receive!

How about meditating with all sisters and brothers and making all this become true for all that live in costumes called human bodies in the now!If there is no time and the time is now, the time is now to make this happen true as we Are God Beings Creators,each and everyone of us!Maybe it is just the time to remember our power of God Beings Creators and start first with the ‘small’ things in our own reality before taking it to the next level.

Does meditation help?does it help spending quietly time to go within, each and every day to feel the joy that one is indeed God in the now,connected and being one with Prime Creator,Mother Father God and supported by Company of Heaven if one remembers to ask for their help in gratitude before going within?Sorry i distress again!And if you like to join us out of free will, here is all information.

And yet all this is one and the same, so while i dream on being free and flying ,maybe one day we will fly together side by side, maybe you will see me flying and you will be inspired to do the same as to what i just shared indeed works in creating my/your reality.If of course you choose to fly,mayb e you choose another quality that i am not aware of :)I expect the unexpected and what an amazing time to live in this costume called human body ladies and gentlemen!

I close this, going to my feelings of flying and freedom while i expect each and everyone of you reading this to surprise us in unexpected ways that you didn’t even dare to imagine or think and feel of.

Maybe time for you to dare?

Feel More Than Fine

The Veil Is Thinning More and More.

Hello my beloved friends,today , it feels right to share with you what is taking place in my reality.My reality of living a 5th dimensional existence as the more i work on keeping my vibration high 24/7 in a Happy Like a Puppy mode , the more i become aware of so many things around me that i know were there, yet i couldn’t see as my vibration at that time didn’t reach this level.So how is it in my here and now, what do i experience in this ascending human body?

Hello my beloved friends,today , it feels right to share with you what is taking place in my reality.My reality of living a 5th dimensional existence as the more i work on keeping my vibration high 24/7 in a Happy Like a Puppy mode , the more i become aware of so many things around me that i know were there, yet i couldn’t see as my vibration at that time didn’t reach this level.So how is it in my here and now, what do i experience in this ascending human body?

Before anything if you didn’t do this already i invite you to read my previous blog on how to raise and sustain vibration 24/7 for the highest good for all.

So 10 days ago , as every morning that i know that the Sun will rise and be seen in the horizon i Sun Gaze while Earthing (connecting my bare feet or hands with Earth),it was freezing and the rays of the sun going through the frozen drop of water on the apex of each green grass it transformed light to appear through all its rainbow colours.It felt like New Earth was welcoming me, laying her Beautiful carpet in front of me.(5th Dimensional Experience number 1!)

A week ago,i was invited to go to a spiritual church in U.K..I didn’t have the slightest idea what will take place here.We were a group of 6 and few more groups of 2 or 3 and some came alone.The welcome presentation begun and here comes a lady that after doing a short prayer in gratitude, saying that she is receiving a message for x person, asking this person if she is ok to receive the message.The message comes from member of family that passed away and the channel asks questions and describes with amazing precision, the person speaking through her, always making sure that the receiver is 100% confirming the facts that took place sometime in the past.I can feel a sense of joy, of upliftement while all this is taking place and then at a moment, comes a message for one of my friends in our group.The description of the channel is breathtaking in the sense that it is very accurate in all ways.I know this cause my friend has been talking about her mother -that passed away last year – and what the channel says, fits exactly what she has been saying to me. Now , of course i know from very early stages that there is no death and that this lifetime of ours is an amazing experience of living as a spirit in an ascending human body.I am not at all sceptic for this kind of things, it is part of me.Yet for those of you reading this, even from a sceptic point of view, there is no doubt that if you choose to live a high vibrational life style, you will also be able to witness these kind of experiences taking place.It is only question of Self Love and where one chooses to focus their attention upon in the now.(5th Dimensional Experience number 2!)

2 nights ago,i feel the urge to go outside in the evening and even though i have no idea that the sky is crystal clear,i know deep within that there is something to watch up in the sky.So i follow my intuition,i go outside and i look up in the sky, i see few planes passing by and then just between 2 stars, another kind of star,is moving across the sky.I have a deep knowledge that is a galactic ship and not a star,i know it is a pleiadian ship, confirming their presence.(5th Dimensional Experience number 3)

Where attentions goes, energy flows instantly!A very is simple example:I think and talk about  finding and tasting nice organic bananas and then one day going to super market and finding those in exactly the way i like them and even better than i imagined!Now,you will tell me this is easy!and i will reply, well yes, it is easy for ‘small’ or ‘big’ things!The Universe replies to vibration and does not make the difference between small or big things, they way one perceives them in a 3dimensional way of existence.(5th Dimensional Experience number 4!)And then during my sleep times,i make lucid dreams were all dramas from my past are transforming to comedy where each and every character is loving and caring, full of love, full of compassion,loving self and totally aware of their connection in oneness with our supreme creator, each different respecting one another AND yet in oneness celebrating and laughing.(5th Dimensional Experience number 5!)Aaaaaah the beautiful effects of using the Violet Fire of Saint Germain for transmuting all that is not of The Unconditional Divine Love!!!

So my friends, to rap it up,after reading this do you feel you are already there and if not what are you waiting for to choose to live a 5th dimensional way of existence in the here and now?All you need is intention and asking in gratitude the support of your Higher Self,Company of Heaven and Mother Father God,if of course you choose to remain in your body and experience a life up to 900+ or more(up to you!) in the Golden Age of Aquarius!Free will always yours!

And me here doing my best on the bridge connecting Heaven To Earth with the hope that each and everyone of one of you will make the leap and choose to live a life of peace, bliss,love and joy in ease, grace and flow by making sure to Feel More Than FineAlways!

Only you can do this work, nobody else can do this for you.

You are the creator of your life.



Before anything if you didn’t do this already i invite you to read my previous blog on how to raise and sustain vibration 24/7 for the highest good for all.

So 10 days ago , as every morning that i know that the Sun will rise and be seen in the horizon i Sun Gaze while Earthing (connecting my bare feet or hands with Earth),it was freezing and the rays of the sun going through the frozen drop of water on the apex of each green grass it transformed light to appear through all its rainbow colours.It felt like New Earth was welcoming me, laying her Beautiful carpet in front of me.(5th Dimensional Experience number 1!)

A week ago,i was invited to go to a spiritual church in U.K..I didn’t have the slightest idea what will take place here.We were a group of 6 and few more groups of 2 or 3 and some came alone.The welcome presentation begun and here comes a lady that after doing a short prayer in gratitude, saying that she is receiving a message for x person, asking this person if she is ok to receive the message.The message comes from member of family that passed away and the channel asks questions and describes with amazing precision, the person speaking through her, always making sure that the receiver is 100% confirming the facts that took place sometime in the past.I can feel a sense of joy, of upliftement while all this is taking place and then at a moment, comes a message for one of my friends in our group.The description of the channel is breathtaking in the sense that it is very accurate in all ways.I know this cause my friend has been talking about her mother -that passed away last year – and what the channel says, fits exactly what she has been saying to me. Now , of course i know from very early stages that there is no death and that this lifetime of ours is an amazing experience of living as a spirit in an ascending human body.I am not at all sceptic for this kind of things, it is part of me.Yet for those of you reading this, even from a sceptic point of view, there is no doubt that if you choose to live a high vibrational life style, you will also be able to witness these kind of experiences taking place.It is only question of Self Love and where one chooses to focus their attention upon in the now.(5th Dimensional Experience number 2!)

2 nights ago,i feel the urge to go outside in the evening and even though i have no idea that the sky is crystal clear,i know deep within that there is something to watch up in the sky.So i follow my intuition,i go outside and i look up in the sky, i see few planes passing by and then just between 2 stars, another kind of star,is moving across the sky.I have a deep knowledge that is a galactic ship and not a star,i know it is a pleiadian ship, confirming their presence.(5th Dimensional Experience number 3)

And then during my sleep times,i make lucid dreams were all dramas from my past are transforming to comedy where each and every character is loving and caring, full of love, full of compassion,loving self and totally aware of their connection in oneness with our supreme creator, each different respecting one another AND yet in oneness celebrating and laughing.(5th Dimensional Experience number 4!)Aaaaaah the beautiful effects of using the Violet Fire of Saint Germain for transmuting all that is not of The Unconditional Divine Love!!!

So my friends, to rap it up,after reading this do you feel you are already there and if not what are you waiting for to choose to live a 5th dimensional way of existence in the here and now?All you need is intention and asking in gratitude the support of your Higher Self,Company of Heaven and Mother Father God,if of course you choose to remain in your body and experience a life up to 900+ or more(up to you!) in the Golden Age of Aquarius!Free will always yours!

And me here doing my best on the bridge connecting Heaven To Earth with the hope that each and everyone of one of you will make the leap and choose to live a life of peace, bliss,love and joy in ease, grace and flow by making sure to Feel More Than FineAlways!

Only you can do this work, nobody else can do this for you.

You are the creator of your life.



Feel More Than Fine Always =Raising and Sustaining Vibration 24/7.

I am reposting here an interview and article so more of you may be able to understand the intention behind my work while i play music or give my workshops:

Lisa Chadderton talks to Ibiza DJ, Producer and Holistic Life Coach Nikos Akrivos about the power of reiki and music and the significance of 21.12.2012.

Greek native but true Ibiza spirit Nikos Akrivos is the creator of the ‘Feel More than Fine’ project – dedicating himself to helping others achieve happiness and raise their vibration. Amongst other things he hosts creative non-alcohol events incorporating fashion, music and feeling more than fine! He’s a well respected DJ, producer, dancer and fashion designer. A popular visitor to the Garden of Light Ibiza, he shares our passion for Reiki and for finding new ways to live in this exciting time. Nikos shared his views with us on all of these passions and of the significance of today’s date – 21st December 2012….enjoy!

How does Reiki work?

Reiki is channelling Universal Energy. When we practice Reiki, we become aware of the flow of energy in our body through our breath and we learn to channel it to our heart and from the heart to our hands. Like any meditative discipline, to really know how it works you have to practice long enough to feel it so you can believe it. We all have it in us and I was always a believer even when I was not feeling it. We are never alone, our Spiritual Guides, Angels, Jesus, Buddha, the Universe or name it how you like, are the ones who are doing the job. We just learn to be a channel.

How did you discover Reiki?

A very close friend suggested it to me and I tried it out.

How has learning Reiki changed your life?

I became aware of the importance of staying grounded and of self love. This brought an amazing series of synchronicities into my life, enough to know today that all I have to do is to surrender to it and to be present every moment with a big smile, as there is no reason to worry about anything. When any form of fear left the building (my body!), there is only place for a more than fine lifestyle!

What sort of effects do you see on clients that come to you for Reiki?

I don’t like so much the term client, I prefer to say my brothers and sisters. The ones who experienced it usually come sad and leave with a smiling face and an open heart as a few “keys” are transfered to them through my being.

When did you start incorporating Reiki into your DJing and why?

I started with it a year ago as soon as I felt I had mastered Reiki, as I know that there are many lessons yet to be learned for the rest of my life.

Music is the most powerful tool that can be used to help raise the vibration on a massive scale in the rapid process of evolution. I’ve been dreaming all my life to be able to help humanity reach the next level of evolution in a fun way. At the same time, I am aware that most of us have to go through suffering to get the beauty of what is really happening right now.

My imagination has reached a level to believe today that when I DJ, I am truly helping people to be more aware of the amazing instrument they all have, their body-mind-spirit complex. With the use of only water and fruit juices we can get into an altered state of consciousness where we can discover who we really are in a natural way. This gives a great satisfaction to our being as we reconnect with our soul and we learn more from it every time the experience happens.

This is actually the reason I became a DJ.

How can music and sound heal?

Music/sound is atoms travelling into the air to create a wave, like a wave in the sea, that will be captured by our ear to be heard and by our body to be felt.

Atoms vibrating at a certain frequency reaching the atoms of our body to vibrate at the same frequency…if the frequency is right we have a pleasant warm feeling in our belly and that is already a sign that the music is “healing”. However, ”healing” is not a term I like to use as none of us are sick, we are just not aware of the changes that are taking place in our body right now in a geometrical speed as we arrive at the 21st December 2012. Today’s date is supposed to be the climax of this change that happens every 26,000 years, following the Mayan calendar and many other predictions that resonate as the truth in my heart.

Generally all music is made with love, if the intention at the moment of creation is to “heal” it becomes healing. So it’s as simple as that!

Please tell us about how you create your music so that it can have healing power and can you tell us a little about healing frequencies?

I find my inspiration and ideas always by being in touch with nature and with the help of few good friends that are professionals in sound engineering and we find a way to agree with each other about the final product. My music has healing power because I believe, so for those who also believe…it will be so!

There is a lot of work that has been done on it from scientists that test the reaction of frequencies on the DNA. There are two theories, one is talking about the 432 HZ frequencies and the other one about the love frequency, 528HZ. I’ve been testing both and to be honest I can’t really say something sure about it except from the fact that it has really helped me understand how vibration works in its core.

I believe that they both work on differnent levels, one is for regenerating cells (528) and the other one (432) to help consciousness following the Fibonacci numbers in nature.

What is the potential for DJs and Musicians to affect world change through music and performance?

As soon as all musicians, performers and DJ’s understand the importance of taking care of their body-mind-spirit complexes and staying centred, when they play in an environment where the audience is being served what is truly healthy for them – the world can change for the better in only a few moments!

It is a question of vibration, intention and awareness.

Should everybody learn Reiki?

Yes, everybody should know how to stay centered,grounded and clean the energy centres in the same way we brush our teeth and take a shower every day.

What drew you to the island of Ibiza and how is living in Ibiza in 2012?

I came to Ibiza 16 years ago performing as dancer in all of the main clubs for a few years. What drew me here was the love for expressing myself through electronic music, in an environement where I was not judged about my appearance.


I spent summer 2012 living at Camping La Playa in Es Canar, mainly helping people with Reiki and my knowledge, having a great time and DJing in few places, keeping in the back of my head that unconditional love knows no boundaries and the island embraced me as always!

After 16 summers, it is Home to me, living in Ibiza in 2012 is more than fine!

What things make you feel more than fine?

Celebrating life, creating music and clothes, giving or receiving any kind of energy treatments and massage, making love, clowns and comedians, dancing and everything that brings a smile to your and my face!

What does the 21st December 2012 mean to you?

It’s good news! It marks the birth of the New Earth and the rebirth of humans from Homo Sapiens to Homo Consciousness. In a more scientific way, somewhere between 21st, 22nd and 23rd December 2012 our planet reaches its maximum vibration, a phenomenon that happens every +/- 26,000 years and has to do with huge quantity of light that left the centre of milky way long time ago.

The rise of vibration has a positive effect on our body-mind-spirit complex we all need learn to be grounded and focus our intention to BE LOVE,BE PEACE,BE JOY in the present moment. We are in control of our reality and what we think will manifest now almost instantly as this is a result of our evolution as a species.

To be grounded all we need to do is, from today and in the coming months, inhale and visualise energy coming from the centre of the Earth and from the centre of the Universe to our heart, feel the loving energy all around us and love ourself enough to become our own master, by focusing our intention on the things that makes us smile in our life which I call:Feel More Than Fine!

How will you be spending this special day 21st December 2012?

I will be spending this day as usual – taking a long walk or run into the forest, preparing more than fine meals, dancing and making music:

If you would like to check out Nikos’s ‘Feel More than Fine’ album it is available on band camp and on itunes.

I am, first and foremost a cynic. I am relatively logical, highly analytical and if I had the energy could probably explain away all that took place but frankly, I feel no need. Regardless of the ‘why’s and cynicism, it was clear that those relaxing, experiencing the painting, the reiki, the music, were gaining from it– be it a sense of rest and peacefulness or just some much needed time out. The children were calm and smiling, and this was reflected in the adults who had arrived, looking a little rushed and now were blatantly contently peaceful, still, as the gathering came to an end.”

Cat Milton,Journalist on her article about my work.

Feel More Than Fine Always!

It is time to share my work with the masses and if your organisation t is willing to support me in bringing this innovative and fresh way out there, please communicate with me so we take this to next stage together! Alternatively if you wish to follow a workshop of mine online or even organise one for a bigger group in your area, city or town,you can also come in contact with me directly here by sending me email at

Blessings of peace, love,joy,well being and prosperity for the highest good for all!


Working Hours 4444.

As a holistic and ascension life coach i always felt that the system of 4 4 44 of working hours in any kind of service is more than fair to anybody. Imagines working 4 hours/day,4 days/week being paid 44$ or € per hour while also having a basic income assured where you don’t need to work for a living, you only work for servicing the highest good for all doing what you love most with passion!How about them apples?

This study below brings us more and more closer to this reality i’ve been sending out through my vortex for all humanity.I know i am a dreamer AND i am not the only one and the more of us dream this the faster we attract it and make it become our reality for ease and flow and grace for all to live in peace, joy,abundance,prosperity,love and well being and freedom and freedom of expression.

The study:

In Brief

  • The Facts:A 2016 study indicates that people over the age of 40 should only be working 3 days a week, or 25 hours per week, to maintain good cognitive function.
  • Reflect On:Where did the idea of a 40 hour work week come from? Are we all working too much? If we changed the way we operate our economy, might we all have to work less? Didn’t we make up all these rules to begin with? Can’t we change them?

We all feel a little overworked, don’t we? Is this truly why we’re here? To work 40 hours a week for many years of our lives simply to survive within our society?

A 2016 study published in the Melbourne Institute Worker Paper seriesfound that people over 40-years-old perform best on a three-day work week.

The Melbourne Institute of Applied Economics and Social Research at the University of Melbourne took 3,500 women and 3,000 men through a series of cognitive tests such as matching letters and numbers under time pressure, reading aloud, and reciting lists of numbers backwards.

Analyzing those results with various other factors such as life quality, family structures, economic well-being, and employment, the team found that people who worked an average of 25 hours per week performed the best. What happens past 25 hours? Cognitive test results begin to drop due to stress and fatigue.

The study says:

“These results indicate that, for both males and females, the magnitude of the positive impact of working hours on their cognitive ability is decreasing until working hours reaches a threshold, and above that, further increases in working hours have a negative impact on their cognitive functioning… Then, where is the threshold?

In other words, when does the impact of working hours on cognitive ability change from being positive to negative? …

Using the test scores of memory span and cerebral dysfunction for the respondents, it is found that working hours up to 25–30 hours per week have a positive impact on cognition for males depending on the measure and up to 22–27 hours for females… Our study highlights that too much work can have adverse effects on cognitive functioning.”

Colin McKenzie, Professor of Economics at Keio University who participated in the research stated:

“Many countries are going to raise their retirement ages by delaying the age at which people are eligible to start receiving pension benefits. This means that more people continue to work in the later stages of their life.

The degree of intellectual stimulation may depend on working hours. Work can be a double-edged sword. It can stimulate brain activity, but at the same time, long working hours and certain types of tasks can cause fatigue and stress which potentially damage cognitive functions.

We point out that differences in working hours are important for maintaining cognitive functioning in middle-aged and elderly adults. This means that, in middle and older age, working part-time could be effective in maintaining cognitive ability.”

Are We Overworked?

Considering that the average adult finishes high school and attends university until around 22 years of age, that’s only about 18 years of work until they should theoretically be working part-time. Is it due to the fact that we’re overworked starting from high school, or maybe even earlier? What can be said about the number of tasks we do within that timeframe that we simply have no interest in?

We see it in millennials as we see it in older generations, people are showing signs of burnout and overwork as our world continues to become more and more demanding and less connected. Not slowing down can lead to things like depression, fatigue, lack of sleep, excessive pain, poor relationships, and consistent cannabis, drug or alcohol use. These are all issues that are incredibly prevalent in today’s society.

What Can/Should We Do In Our Time Off?

Well first off, if we aren’t working 40 hours what could we do? We often hear the stories of people who retire and seem to go crazy, degrade or not know what to do. While there can be reasons for this that relate to not being sure how to slow down and enjoy life, there is also something to be said about having a lack of direction or task in life that can lead to feeling uneasy.

The Okinawan Centenarian Studyhas shown that the people who live the longest, and who also happen to be the happiest, don’t believe in the idea of retirement nor do they even have a word for it. In their experience, they ‘work’ their entire lives, but as you might imagine, their ‘work’ is much different than how we see it in the West. The study indicates that people choose their jobs based on their ‘ikigai’, which is their cultural word to define purpose. In their eyes, their choices are driven by a deeper meaning to each person individually, not based on societal norms, culture or money. This sense of greater connection to self and ‘purpose’ allows them to contribute to their community in a meaningful way and also make them happier.

The Takeaway

We seem to approach many of our societal challenges with the mindset that we can create change as long as it fits within our current systems. However, our system, and our reactions to it, are providing a feedback loop that shows us things aren’t working, and that we are becoming more and more unhappy with how we’re living.

While it’s true that through self-developmentone can find peace in many modern-day situations and challenges, the bigger question we may want to ask ourselves is: Do we want to keep living this way? Are we bored of the way life is? Get up, go to work for 40 years, come home, and maybe retire to explore more of this world … one day. Is this what we’re capable of? Is this the life we want to continue to fight to protect? Or are we ready for something new?

Think of the fact that the 40 hour work week is simply a response to an economy we made up and designed as humans. We don’t haveto have it operate this way, we simply all agree to it. We’re agreeing to our own slavery, our own struggle, and our own demise in a sense. Can we not change this as a whole? What’s stopping us?


And you?how many years you want to live in this costume called human body?

Those of you visiting regurarly this website, know very well that i am dedicated in offering insights towards a Smooth Ascension process,from myself and numerous channels i resonate with.

In this time space reality we are actually at experiencing our multi dimensionality and discovering and learning to use our new toys resulting from the transformation of our carbon based cells to crystalline based cells and our awareness as Pure Divine Source we start to become very aware that indeed there is nothing we can not be,do or have!Imagination is 5th dimensional thinking and everything one can imagine and practise and visualise on will manifest in diving timing by always taking in consideration the highest good for all and respecting the law of doing no harm to self, others or a thing if one of course wants to attract good things through the law of instant karma.Today i came across this article:

Dave is using stem cells through invasive technology to keep himself young, he wants to live till 180 years old.

Now,from my own perspective, already 10 years ago, i promised myself that i want to live another 100 years.But i got news for Dave!this has now shifted to 900 years or more.Cause that is what Ascension is all about.One can choose to leave their body or remain in their body and live by doing the good work in raising and sustaining vibrational frequency of mind, body and spirit which translates in living a successful 5th dimensional life in the present moment.As Yeshua aka Sananda once said:Heaven is present here and now!From my perspective we are pure love and light and our intention to remain pure in our body leads in prolonging our life in rejuvenation and to discover ways that can prolong our lives till 900 years or more.It is my firm belief that there is no need for invasive technology, we are born perfect, our bodies are perfect ,they have an unlimited number of portals to be discovered as we progress in our Ascension.That is what we came to experience, that is why each and every day i am so grateful to live to be here in the now living this human life.And not only that, we are already discussing about Med Beds and Celestial Chambers that will assist each and everyone in their Ascension process in rejuvenating, living longer lives and even change  genre if they wish so.There is nothing we can not be, do or have!t is a choice to make and a choice that we made before coming to this life and yes free will is always available to use.And besides that, it is  good to know that invasive technology cuts in the energy lay lines interrupting the chi flow of energy in ways that can not totally be understood as science did not reach that level of understanding of our electro magnetic bodies,our bodies seen from the perspective of vibrational frequency.And what is high vibrational frequency?very simple :to make sure to feel good in all choices we make or better said:to Feel More Than Fine always!

Already 15 years following this way of living my life and if i take in consideration all that occurred only these past few years or even these 12 past months Oh My God!what is this going to be next year or 5 years or 10 years from now?What is this going to be when The Light Cities will appear and both those who believe before they see and those who only believe when they see will see!

Excitement and eagerness in gratitude in peace and bliss, joy and love,abundance and prosperity, amen and Hallelujah!

How does it feel like?

X and Y is all about positioning and framing things.

Z is about creating out of the box.

How do we create out of the box?

By feeling into the frequency of our creation.Making it a habit, till each and everyone of our cells is convinced of GOD within.

Like attracts Like.Vibration attracts Vibration.

You want a home?how does it feel like?

you want a car?how does it feel like?

you want financial prosperity?how does it feel like?

you want a lover?lovers?how does it/they feel like?

you want to fly?how does it feel like?

you want to channel a high vibrational being,Ascended Master?how does He/She feel like?

you want to create Joy for The Highest Good for all?how does it feel like?

you want global peace, well being,abundance for yourself and all humanity?how does it feel like?

make your own list.

Think and Feel in Z mode.We are in 5D.

Nikos Akrivos

picture credit from movie:The Mad Ones.

We Are Home!

This message comes from my Higher Self and The Collective of 22 Angels:

”Greetings to you and congratulations in doing such amazing work in keeping a high vibrational state of awareness 24/7.As you hold up this frequency in feeling good at all times you are creating the space and assisting all in understanding the power of emotions in the now.Meaning by that, that as you keep staying on the high vibrational disc of joy, the Universe keeps bringing to you confirmation of what is taking place through an unlimited series of manifestations that keep you and all those who understand the name of this game in an ever increasing fun unprecedented in the human history as you are creating your own reality with ease and grace, peace and bliss in abundance and prosperity for the highest good for all.”

The message right now continues with a high pitched sound that is very pleasant.It comes from the higher spheres and in times like this i can only sit and appreciate this sounds instead of trying to translate them.My heart is filled with Joy,Eagerness,Excitement and the time is 4h44 right now(Repetition of numbers=Angelic Sign that all is going marvellous).I call this:In Receiving mode.As Love and Light keeps flowing in ,when one stays in total observation of what is taking place, one can feel a natural high which in combination with conscious breathing brings a great sense of fulfilment in the now.One remains in total state of gratitude of what is being given.How did i manage to get myself here?easy,everytime i feel tired i get some nap, any time of the day,sometimes even 2 or more!Always good to have a nap.And then i remain aware to the energies talking to me, sometimes with sounds, sometimes with clear words, sometimes with synchronicities, some times through other people.Expect a beautiful unexpected and miraculous moments unfolding one after another and make the commitment to choose to feel good at all times no matter of what is taking place around you.Start with small things,easy,best things in life are free!Those of us who are doing the work at this time to keep the vibrations high we are doing the work for all humanity to uplift all in their Ascension paths.And for those who are on this game for quite some time, now we are receiving our toys and gifts almost instantly and that i must say is one of the most exciting times i have ever been in my life!There is deep sense and security in me, that all i desire and wish is coming to manifestation,i become witness daily and hourly of many signs confirming this and all i can is :

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah I/We have arrived!We Are Home!Creation process to be continued!

Feel More Than Fine

Nikos Akrivos

picture:yes that’s me pouting in a container building in a recycled material museum in Stekene Belgium

A message came to me from somebody experiencing extreme pain even if they are being told by their doctor they are healthy,please read our Q&A here:

”My name is XXX and I’m looking for healing.My health is very bad. I feel very sick. Traditional doctors can’t find any disease in my body. They tell me that i’m healthy. But i feel these symptoms in my body: pain, temperature, depression, fatigue, anxiety, headaches and much more. I have tried many types of healing, but nothing helped me. Maybe your healing could help me… My financial situation is bad, so volunteering would be the best option of energetic exchange for me.Looking forward to hearing back from you” Nikos:Hello XXX,i just came across your message.You may possibly not be aware of it,i do have a website and on the website you can find very valuable information to assist you in understanding deeper what is occuring to you,which btw is not as bad you imagine,on the contrary it is about taking time to love yourself and be connected with your inner self.All the symptoms that you feel are result of the Ascension process taking within each and every one’s body on the planet right now.The planet itself goes through this Ascension process.What is Ascension?Ascension is the rise of vibration on the planet,it is the influx of Love and Light coming from Divine Source,The All That Is,Mother Father God transforming our carbon based cells to crystalline based cells,transforming our body,mind,spirit complex,having as a result to make more of our ‘junk’ DNA be activated and discover new powers that manifest in our being.Indeed,it is a process that can be painful if one does not do the inner work.Most Doctors have no idea of this.This has not been taught in medical books.This information i am giving you is embeded with Light and Love codes and it is something that i came here on the planet to assist for all my sisters and brothers.Now,how one does go from here in total simplicity:By going within and sitting silently for about 15-20′ each and every day called also meditation.In this blog of mine i share many more ways to ease your Ascension path,to help you smooth any pain and be able to find the joy in the now of the amazing things that are taking place in your body:

If after reading you experience pains you may reach out to me here and we take from there.I wish you all the strength to get there with ease and grace and never forget you are never alone,call upon The Angels to assist you!They are waiting eagerly for you to ask their support.And i do the same for you right now on your behalf.Blessings and Love and Light in Peace and Bliss !


Veganation is a place in Antwerp city where one can enjoy great vegan food prepared in arguvedic ways by Hare Krishna devotees and where has the free will to pay through donation (or not).This is the place where i met with Erna,a local and popular artist and with who we have produced a song honouring a vegan lifestyle with the same name.

And of course, many of you coming on this website know very well that i am very much dedicated in conscious health celebration with the intention to raise the vibrational frequency of every participant in mind, body and spirit for the Highest Good for all.

All information about next event here  on Wednesday January 23rd. : 2PM-5PM.

Listen to our music here:

Raising Your Vibrational Frequency For The Highest Good For All.

The Highest Good for All means YOUR HIGHEST GOOD AND THE HIGHEST GOOD OF OTHERS and ALL THAT IS.To help others the best one can do is to remain aligned with the deepest truth, higher self,GOD within to live a life of Love & Joy & with Ease & Grace,in Peace,Bliss,Abundance,Prosperity & Well Being.To gain access to these, one has to make sure to keep their vibrational frequency at high levels 24/7.

When one takes care of raising their own vibrational frequency, one is in service for The Highest Good for All.

‘One person connected to divine source is more powerful than millions who are not” -Abraham Hicks-

The intention of this blog is to bring a deep and simple meaning in understanding what Ascension means to each and every one of you and to lead you towards your personal breakthrough living a miraculous life in 5D:To be in the world but not of it.

So here is my perspective expressed in the simplest way i that i suggest to integrate in your daily holistic life style practices:

1.Starting the day with gratitude for living in the now and everything in our life and with Meditation:going within for at least 15-20′ after asking support from company of Heaven and Mother Father God.The purpose of the meditation is to find the sweet spot of feeling truly peace within connected one with The Creator.I  meditate 3 – 4 times/day for about 15-20′ or twice when doing longer sessions.

2.Doing some kind of exercise each and every day even for 10′-15′:It can be running,yoga,stretching,pilates,chi gong or a combination of all those always making sure to not exceed more than 50% of our capacity.Less is more.Ascending bodies need more Love and Care,less hard work.The rule of ‘no pain,no gain’ is of 3d and has no meaning here.We don’t need to work hard,we practice with joy being mindfull of how body feels in the now.

3.Dancing and singing is 5th dimensional existence at its purest form.(Ecstatic Dance or Healthy  Clubbing  Celebration).

4.Laughing:At times and especially when there is some type of frustration or anger appearing it is good to ‘turn the other cheek’ and simply laugh,even if it a little forced.Laughing Yoga is very good for that ,speaking out these loud for about 5′:hahaha hihihi hehehe hohoho houhouhouhou

5.Having a balanced light vegan diet,if possible at 90% raw vegan organic foods,drinking fruit juices and adding super foods such as spirulina,maca,cacao etc.can help the digestive system to work less and therefor more energy remains in the body with result to keep vibrations high all day long with ease.

6.Drinking a lot of water,preferably alcaline by adding 1/4 of bicarbonate of sodium and lemon after each meal.We always bless our water and foods with Gratitude.It changes their vibration.In the end of the day,we eat and drink what we:Pure Love & Light.

7.Walking,preferably in nature and Resting and Sleeping whenever one feels so and especially during the days that huge amounts of energetic upgrades taking place:Also sleeping is the easiest way to release resistance.

8.Grounding :Make direct contact with Mother Earth, bare feet with Gaia every morning first thing after meditation and before taking a shower for a balanced body starting the day.Buy grounding shoes if possible.Grounding our bed is equally very good.

9.Sungazing:looking at the sun when it rises and when it sets:it is the best angle and it is the best news and the freshest intel one can get directly from source.Exposing the body in the sun as much as possible equally.

10.Taking a shower,a bath and/or Doing short duration spas 2-3 hours :Sauna,Jacuzzi,Swimming pool.Water is a conductor of Ascension.And of Sea & Sun is one of the best combinations for Raising Your Vibration and this you already know.

11.Going to bed at night always at the same time.It is very much accepted in Reiki cercles that the best time for the body to recover is between 22h-02 am.

12.a.Listen often to Guidance from masters of manifestation such as Abraham Hicks.b.Make a list of affirmations to speak out loudly:I AM LOVE,I AM LIGHT,I AM GOD,I AM ABUNDANCE,I AM PEACE,I AM UNLIMITED,I AM ALL THAT I AM,I AM PROSPERITY,I AM FREEDOM,I AM TRUST etc.c.Making rampages of appreciation:Writing or speaking out gratitude for more than 17”uplifts instanlty.

13.Participate collectively in global meditations and making the commitment to serve for the highest good for all.Our meditations with Jared Rand happen every day at 3PM eastern and we are now at the mark 2,1 million and growing doing this each and every day.It is almost one year and when one participates one can feel instantly the effects in the now.A truly Ascending Experience. 

I vividely also suggest our meditations for Christ Light Expansion by Sandra Walter every Sunday at specific times that can be found on her website:

14.Doing any kind of Humanitarian work,volunteering or supporting a charity with a donation,or donating simply at a light worker’s website,or  for examle helping/talking to a homeless can greatly help in raising one’s vibration.It is in giving we are receiving.

15.And here is my very own special way to raise vibrations instantly,something i learned from The Pleiadians:spinning 33 around myself looking at my thumb clock wise.When stopping keep looking at the thumb till eyes stabilize.

16.Give Real Hugs of at least 20 seconds as The Mayas do where one can feel the exchange of energy and truly connect.

This list can be completed with your very own ideas, you are a Creator!Have Fun with your Ascension process.Be in Joy and Celebrate New You each and every now in total playfulness.

Et Voila!

Nikos Akrivos

Ascension Guidance,Certified Personal Trainer & Holistic Life Coach,DJ & Producer,Channel.

For Workshops & Webinar for Raising Your Vibration please contact me directly at

Donations are Welcome here

Picture credit :Morning Gloryville

Happy 2019 To All!

May this year bring to all and each one of you the accomplishment of each and every one of your desires and wishes and manifestations with ease and grace in peace and bliss, love and joy.May all Humanity and Gaia Ascend in 5D in the eternal Now and May All realise with real eyes all lies so the Truth of our oneness may come forward for all to be seen and felt for ever and ever.There is no separation.All Is One.All is Love.And May all come to this realisation by feeling the Love of the One within, may we all be inspired and blessed to connect with our Higher Self-God within and truly feel this truth deep in the core of our beings so we can move forward united as one in this stage of our evolution as humanity from carbon based bodies to crystalline based bodies, from Human To Galactic reaching out to the Cosmos and connect with all Star brothers and sisters that are of the unlimited unconditional love of Mother Father God.May all Live Long and Prosper in Your new lives on New Earth Cities and Light Cities with Free Energy and Advanced Healing Technologies that respect the energies of our electromagnetic bodies.May 2019 be the happiest year ever for each one of you and all humanity and Gaia and The Cosmos.

Feel More Than Fine Always!Amen and Hallelujah!So Be it,So it is.