Category Archives: Nikos Akrivos
What is Ascension all about?NESARA/GESARA Q & A.-Interview Richart Voller and Nikos Akrivos-
Happy Divine Feminine in balance with Divine Masculine (DJ SET)
3 solid reasons why no need to wear a mask.
High Vibrations Kitchen
i just finished a booklet i made on high vibrations raw vegan recipes.
There are about 30 easy to do recipes.
You can buy now here :
Dealing with potential unrest in our surroundings.
Last night, as i was ready to go to bed at the usual time (22h00) and feeling really at peace after a beautiful meditation ,a family member that lives in the same house i stay for the moment, begun making noise and fighting with his girlfriend and screaming out loud. Now to my sense, every time this happens it is only because there are intense energies and each and everyone who is angry with another are only dealing with own karmic situation and inner conflict that needs to be resolved with inner work…the way one feels, is never about another but about how one deals with inner trauma. This with the arrival of intense energies of Love and Light may create a bigger resistance in someone who is not aware of the process of Ascension and it may be perceived as violence from the external. And since all this, for me it is quite easy to deal with such situation by not participating, not engaging at all costs and being a silent observer. And then again i ask myself what is this experience offering me here, what is that i can learn since this has been happening for a while now during these last 12 months that i am staying in the same house, as usually i am travelling, this is the first time i stay at one place for so long…i definetely don
t wear a mask and i definetely will not travel with a mask and will travel under my own sovereign conditions in divine time. And so after asking myself this question i was guided to read a book i have in my library :the book of living and dying by Rinpoche. And spontaneously i read a paragraph where a teacher explains to their student how one can assist someone in case of extreme pain in process of dying: The pain can be seen as the pain of all who suffer on the planet and the pain can be transmuted through compassion for all with the intention to heal all who are into pain through the feeling of pain. The pain then becomes smoother and even understood for its deeper meaning….and so i applied this to my experience…instead of trying to impose myself and through ‘common sense’ go down the stairs and say: can you stop making noise? i resolved into this practice. Myself i was not in pain ,just in need to sleep and by doing that i expressed my intention to assist all those that find themselves in same situation like me or even worst when many have to share same space or even worst between couples where situation can get easily out of control if one of the partners is not aware of what takes place within them.
Maybe something that you can try out if you find yourself in similar situation.
I Choose Ease Grace & Flow
Living Hundreds of Years (Ascension within our physical bodies)
Hello everyone, this is my perspective only, it may serve you or not while at the same time it allows me to express out written what i feel is Divinely Right.
in 2012,many of the lightworkers, we were looking into Ascension taking place. Personally, i changed all my life radically , as i have been guided to, left all material possessions behind and started living a nomad life as much possible close to Mother Earth.
We then find out that prosperity funds should have rolled out on 9 September 2001 and that the twin towers in NYC came down to stop this from occuring.
So, to resume very shortly, not only our Ascension has been delayed and also the ability to fund projects that matter in our hearts and also in the current times we are living, the BIG PAUSE of Co_vid in 2020.
For the ones we have been in this journey, it has been a loooooooong journey of feeling good yes and of not seeing tangible results of what we really want to see manifest. Abraham Hicks says :for a while it is just a good feeling , feeling good all of the time and then the Universe has no choice than to bring this forward with which i totally agree…8 years and if i count 2001 it is 20 years of prolonged feeling good that we count and while my Vortex shows me signs of what there is in there all of the time, the tangible physical manifestation is still on the way. The prosperity funds should have been out long time ago, there is so much need on the planet for so many things to be taken care off. Myself i have under the sleeve at least 20 humanitarian projects that need support. And while i know that what belongs to God belongs also to all of Her Sons and Daughters, we are still here on the leading edge in process of allowing this to take may feel a kind of frustration, it is not. It is more eagerness to begin and enthusiasm and love and joy for what is coming.
Our first priority at Feel More Than Fine in projects is that ALL CHILDREN ARE SAFE AND SOUND. You may have heard of how many children are being rescued from DUMBS. You may have heard that Medbeds are being used to save those children and also the traumatized military that are working on that. The deeper we go within the deeper we go without.
We can choose to be in frustration mode or we can choose to be in happy mode as tangible physical results are taking place out there. And allow me to that point to say :Universe, there are many other realities where children need support , when is that we personally get our feet wet and mold the clay in the areas that we know need support?Universe / GOD show me today evidence that confirms that what is YOURS is OURS too. GOD, you know what is in our hearts, You know what we want. Why not get our prosperity funds right now and begin our Hearts song guided by Almighty IAM Presence which is ONE with you GOD and ONE with All Company of Heaven and All Humanity.
Thank You God because I know, You already have given the order for this to take place and it is only human minds in resistance mode that are blocking it.And IAM speaking now to all the higher selves of all those involved in Humanitarian Projects to release resistance and allow for this to take place in this NOW. Feel The Joy, the release, the liberation and the time for action in your bones right now.
It is big time for Balance in all things and The Time is NOW!
Feel More Than Fine!
Invocation for 12 Double Strand DNA activation/Music on 432Hz.
Funky Disco Friday
Light Worker -The Movie
This is a small documentary about Light work that i did back in 2017 which i believe reflects in many ways similar efforts by Light workers across the planet.
I recently received a comment from Carla that says :
I truly believe I was guided to this channel!, learning or remembering what was lost by just watching this movie. In minute 1 hour 22 you speak on Nesara. Well literally last night I had my third dream of President Trump and he said “Gesara is rolled out” he had a very strong military presence around him. This is my second confirmation regarding that dream this morning. Waiting on the third. Thank you light worker 🙂
Speak only about what you want
Negative thoughts?
This is the story of a dear friend on my facebook profile that was trapped in negative thinking just for a while.It can maybe help those around you or yourself : “stupid unnecessary worries which caused me to loose my positive thoughts I normally have…
It weren’t doubts, more frustrations, anger,… A spin of madness thoughts witch came creeping in my mind the past 36 hours and created a negative spin that turned into what I was feeling when creating this post. I then saw what Nikos Akrivos replied, turned of my phone, dimmed the lights, drank some water instead of beer, put on some shamanic sounds, took a candle in my hands, closed my eyes, counted to 17 and experienced the images/thoughts that came in to replace the bad ones. And as a few happy tears started rolling over my cheeks when picturing this beautiful thought, and writing it down as Nikos suggested, my head became lighter again. I remembered a saying from a movie : “you have to select your thoughts every day, like you select the clothes you are going to wear. When you clear tu your mind you create a gateway and than the universe can rush in and fill your mind with more love than you could ever imagine”
That’s exactly what happened.
So, now it’s Friday morning and I am ready to start the weekend with renewed energy and good vibes 🙏💜🎶😊
Thank you Wendy De Schutter for sharing this.
100% Forgiveness Releases from The Wheel of Karma
Let’s Come Together in Sweet Harmony.
KNOW the Truth and The Truth will set you Free.
The Truth Is.
The Truth is that we have been asking collectively for a smooth transition.This means that specific dates with specific events may not happen same way as we expect to see them in the physical material world within our minds.The Truth is that Victory of Light is assured.The Truth is that the way to go there happens as smoothly as it can be for each and everyONE.The Truth is that those who know must be patient and forgiving and loving with those who are in the process of getting to know.The Truth is that we are ONE Consciousness and our power lies in our Awareness of this withIN.The more of us KNOW this Truth the faster tangible physical manifestations happen.The truth is that those who are in the know can enjoy our lives and feel good all the time ,when we know we know!And from this knowingness- which is nothing else than the highest vibration of LOVE and Light, of Joy and Peace and Abundance and Clarity and Prosperity – we allow the timelines that work for the highest good for all to be manifest.The Truth is that it is not too bad to feel good, feel more than fine all of the time lol.The Truth is that once One has done the work on a daily basis to be in that state, everything unfolds magically.The Truth is that no one is in control of our lives except from ourselves and how we feel reflects how close we are to this truth.If one feels angry or in fear he/she simply has allowed outside circumstances, call it MSM, politicians etc. to create such distraction that she/he has forgot that the way he/she feels only reflects Source telling her/him :COME BACK TO YOUR TRUTH IN THE HERE AND NOW.If you read this far, it means that you understand what i am sharing here with you and i invite you to just visualise all those who are not in this knowingness to find it and oh how wonderful amazing awesome this will feel.Let us blaze the Violet Flame in through and around the planet for this to be manifest in this now ,so we may all witness the most beautiful outcomes on a planet that works for all.Let’s Make Earth Great Again.God is withIN us and with us.
I Love You All!
Divinity is The One & Only Reality.(everything else is illusion)
Time Travelling and The Violet Fire.
Behind The Scenes POSSIBLE scenario.
Ok, here is a possible scenario of what happened behind the scenes and soon to be future dates and times while keeping in mind that these timelines may change as the positive military forces aim to confuse the enemy who just like you and me are reading this information.WE TRUST THE PLAN however is unfolds as we know GOD is in control and Victory of Light is assured.
The official announcement of martial law and legitimate military government, in place since 12 a.m. on January 20, 2021, was made on Friday January 29 at 6 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT). The official announcement of the arrest of Biden as well as 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators (or 464 elected) on January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 p.m. EST (10:35 p.m. GMT).
These announcements were communicated on the above dates and times to all American media (television, radio and national newspapers) as well as to all world press agencies. As expected by the legitimate military government governing America as well as Trump and Qforce this official news has been 100% censored by all of the world’s official media.
The US military government knew it and wanted it. As with Biden’s and his party’s coup, the legitimate US government allows the US media to commit the act of high treason of censoring official communications from the legitimate government regarding measures of national security and immediate danger to the nation. American nation.
The Illuminati media of the 4th Reich all fell into the trap.
From now on the legitimate military government can take (provisional) control of all these media guilty of terrorism whenever it wishes, as provided for by the laws and the American constitution.
The US military government will take control (by force) of ALL of the official media (radio, television, newspapers) on Friday February 5 at 6.30 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT or midnight in France) exactly on all American territory.
This includes taking control of all American channels on direct broadcast satellites broadcasting in France and Europe. This also means that all French and Europeans with a satellite reception antenna receiving American channels can no longer be censored and will therefore learn the truth from Friday evening.
Among other things, the American army will broadcast by force on all these American mass media the revelations on Biden’s coup d’état, on his arrest with elected officials on Sunday January 24 and Monday January 25 …
Finally, on February 12, the government American military will officially publish (evidence submitted to all world governments and the international press) all the evidence of the plot perpetrated by the French government and China to create a false global epidemic to overthrow the American government. This by ruining its economy by destroying the entire world economy. It is an act of war which gives among other things the legitimate right to the American government to overthrow the Macron government.
You can read more here