Category Archives: Ascension

Matters are building up so much so that something has to eventually break out.

17th July 2020. Mike Quinsey.

Matters are building up so much so that something has to eventually break out. It is at long last realized that it would be better now that some secret projects are brought into the open to gain public support. They need to know what is being carried out in their name and be allowed to benefit from them.

Free energy is at the top of that list and it would help remove many problems that presently exist. It would free up immense amounts of money that could be better spent reviving economies all around the world.

There would obviously be opposition from those who have invested in current forms of energy, but advancements cannot be indefinitely held back, particularly since they have already been widely used in secret by the armed Forces for a very long time.

Pressure is being applied upon the authorities to take action, but it is going to be a marathon task. At times some information has filtered through into the public domain and mankind has benefited as a result, but that is only “the tip of the iceberg” It is time that a leap forward was made thus enabling the people to lead a better and more beneficial life.

We, for our part, try to help you by putting ideas into your minds but will not in any way force them upon you. So to say, if you get the ball rolling we are allowed to help and will always point you in the direction that results in fair and honest dealings for the betterment of all people.

You must take the first step so that we know the way you are heading regardless of whether it is seen as the best approach. All of the time we are prompting people to take certain actions that we know will be to your advantage. If you are one who is involved in such happenings please allow yourself those quiet moments when you can get in touch with us.

We would be overjoyed to openly get in touch with you, but it is not yet the right time for such a direct contact, but be assured that it will come. You often see our craft in your skies, but unless on a special Earth mission very few of you will get a personal contact.

Those days have passed when we needed to make you aware of our presence to get you used to being contacted. Fear of the unknown can be very upsetting and not helped by fiction that often depicts us as threatening life forms. We in your solar system are very much like humans, even if different in stature.

When the days for open contact come about you will find our presence very reassuring and not in the least frightening. Our personal energies emit a loving feeling that will make you feel really at ease in our presence.

We are Beings of Universal Love and have long evolved past the level that you are presently at and we serve others in the name of God. Although there are some exceptions that are mainly from the reptilian groups, in general all extra-terrestrials are of the higher vibrations and in no way violent or frightening. They are your brothers and sisters on a more advanced path than you are, although many of you following Ascension will be lifted up.

So what is your ultimate goal and why do you need to experience in the lower vibrations. The answer is that you are, so to say, removing the rough edges so that you gradually become an evolved Being that can express yourself with Universal Love for all forms of life.

That means accepting the many differences that you are presently experiencing. We have spoken of the ego quite recently, and it needs to take a back seat as it is often the cause of arguments and even worse. You cannot continue to allow it to dictate how you respond to situations.

You have to learn how to handle testing moments in a way that you can, if necessary, walk away from a potential argument. It is not being cowardly or detrimental to your self-image, so hold your head up high and know that you are greater for being able to turn your back on altercations.

Be at peace with all around as far as possible and if you must respond do it in a gentle and understanding manner, you will feel all the better for it and others will admire your self-control. You may get caught out when something catches you by surprise, but do not worry about it and know that through experience you will learn to overcome it next time.

The level of experience you are in is intended to help all souls to evolve which is why your life plan is carefully arranged and events take place accordingly. You will have agreed your life plan in advance, thus allowing you experiences to be arranged to ensure they benefit you. So you still have freewill, and if for any reason you do not fulfil your plan it will be simply carried over to another time or life. You cannot ignore or escape your karmic responsibilities and they will keep coming back to you until the necessary lessons are learned.

You will probably be aware that immediately you die to your physical body, you first review your life and will see quite clearly where and why you went wrong. There is no way to avoid the truth that is clearly necessary if you are to make progress. Be assured however that you will always be given guidance and helped to overcome any difficulties.

There is no sense of punishment if you fail to make progress, as you can be helped by suitable experiences being arranged so that eventually you will be successful. Naturally you will be involved in other soul’s experiences so you may in turn be able to help others evolve. It can seem very complicated but because it is carefully planned it normally works out as intended.

No one wants you to fail and it is the very opposite as all souls are loved beyond measure and there is no exception. Go about your life with confidence and know that every effort you put in will be well worth it. You will look back on these present days with amazement to think that you undertook such challenges with a blindfold, without knowing what the future may have held for you.

However you did have the assurance that you would be guided and protected all through your journey in the lower vibrations. Now many of you are on the verge of finishing with those experiences having been through hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes to reach this point in your evolution. You are about to rise up and leave the 3rd dimensional vibrations behind as they will have served their purpose in helping you evolve to a higher dimension.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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Prepare for the Triple Eclipse Gateway of 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~

The Triple Eclipse passage of June-July is very esoteric in feeling and purpose. It may feel like we are traversing a Stargate; because we are. Solar activity has returned in May (we are receiving flares in this moment) and the energies are refining our Ascension process.

This is the predicted passage which includes dynamic cosmic frequencies, quantum stargates (connecting the ancient with the future), and Divine dispensations from the Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light in service to the organic Ascension.

This is a major cosmic event of 2020, in a year filled with dramatic shifts and amplifications of the Ascension.


Embodiment, which began in 2018, takes on a brand new level during this passage. This is why so many have experienced the full-body Solar flash Christed activations since December. We anchor these higher experiences into the collective, as preparation for stronger frequencies and brand new experiences.

Embodiment is defined as a complete reunification with our Multidimensional Christed Self, followed by becoming a Pure Conduit of Source. This Divine state of Heaven is a constant state of BEingness in the heart, physicality and energy fields.

Our goal of Embodying our Christed Self, the Trinitized BEingness, allows for the undistorted Pure Presence of God in these realms. The activation of the Golden Race. As Gaia shared, Embodiment changes everything. When we hold that vibration through the physical, it accelerates the energies Gaia is able to receive and transmit.

The Triple Eclipse Passage

These eclipses work in tandem with the January 13 Stargate opening, and the eclipses in November-December. This is our mid-point for 2020, and a powerful passage for Embodiment. It sets us on highest timelines for the major energetic events later in the year. The first half of this year prepared us for this passage; physicalization of the etheric.

Friday, June 5:
Lunar Eclipse at 12:24 pm Pacific Daylight Time
(Full Moon at 12:12pm PDT)

Focus: Brotherhoods and Sisterhoods of Light activation. This is a Galactic-level DNA activation, initiating the physicalization of the alliances of Light like never before. Expect strong benevolent visitation through this whole passage.

Ancient star families – our higher aspects – are involved. You may remember your pre-incarnational cosmic oaths as this Embodiment occurs. Embrace the Great Law of God’s Love, Infinite Light and Ascension in this Now.

Saturday, June 20:
Solstice peak at 2:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse at 11:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time
(New Moon at 11:40PM PDT)
(Visible in Africa, India, China regions)

This is a major Galactic Convergence, bringing an alignment with the Galactic Ecliptic, and a Superwave of Crystalline Light. Ancient Stargates and celestial pathways are opened for benevolent Divine Intervention, right through the Embodiers.

It is a very esoteric event, utilizing brand new stargate flows. This is the consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting flows which we will be using to overwrite and override inorganic distortions.

It feels like a major energetic event is happening already, and our experiences and expansion sensations reveal a more refined state of Divine consciousness is anchoring right now.

While a stronger division of timelines is expected, please note that the goal is to have very few lower timelines running by the end of this year. Ultimately, the distorted realms will have very few participating in them when they collapse completely. However Divine Will and free choice rule the personal and collective experience.

This Solar-Stargate activation includes Gaia’s crystalline core and grids taking on the next level of her star-like qualities. Magnetic shifts are already in progress to adjust her fields accordingly.

Our Solar cosmic Christed heart centers are purified, Divinitized. The Diamond-Solar aspects of our DNA are strengthened. Rebundling and reconnecting feels very stargate-like, and you might see gateways in your visions throughout this passage.

Solar flaring activity, which returned in May, allows the stronger delivery of this new light, bringing brand new experiences for willing hearts in service to the Ascension. Crystalline full-body Solar Flash experiences are expected to increase. Get outside and connect with the SUN often.

Saturday, July 4:
Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse at 9:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time
(Full Moon at 9:44 PM PDT)

There are Galactic Brotherhood/Sisterhood Ascension codes anchored in the United States ancient crystal beds. Deep beneath the major crystal vein which runs down the center of North America are Master Crystals encoded for our Ascension. They beam Revelation, Resurrection and Freedom codes for all willing hearts, and hold the records of Lemurian, Atlantean and Celestial trajectories for the Ascension. America holds a significant role in the Ascension because of these Master Crystals and the Gateways anchored throughout the USA.

This eclipse has deep esoteric influence, reigniting the Christed trajectories set in place eons ago. After two very powerful June eclipse activations of our ancient star lineage within our DNA and hearts, this final eclipse unlocks our Sovereign choice to Ascend, right through the Living Library of Gaia and our Divine DNA.

The next layer of Freedom codes are released through crystal beds. This happens one year after the initial release in 2019. It is an all-hearts-on-deck moment, regardless of your physical location. Connect to America before this event. Call these codes forth throughout this eclipse passage: Freedom, Resurrection, Revelation, Ascension. These assist our Divine right to transcend limitation, and maintain a consistent state of Freedom/Bliss regardless of external circumstances.

Solar activity is heightened, Crystalline DNA activations⁠⁠ plentiful. The natural side-effect of strong passages like this is more chaotic behavior in the external. It is our task to hold the higher light and embody the higher consciousness. Choose and create your experience wisely.

PREPARATION is Key: We are already in the Gate

Own your Ascension journey and take full responsibility for your Creation. Amplification brings revelation, and timeline experiences are a personal choice as well as a collective operation. Pay attention to the moment by moment choice points.

– Global circumstances have disrupted routine. Practice New Earth flow and Presence.
– Meditation, meditation, meditation. What you meditate on you receive. Join us for the Global SUNday Unity Meditations each week, especially during this passage. Invite all willing hearts to participate; there are powerful activations to share through this field.
– Fast: A day or three of water-only fasting can reset your DNA and allow the body to recalibrate. We have strong energies coming in each day now. As always, use your discernment and investigate proper procedure if this is new to you.
– Become the Presence, making highest choices moment to moment
– Live like a Master : You get to define what that is
– Movement to integrate the light and get the meridians flowing. Pooling energies cause dis-ease. Earthing, yoga, walking in nature, dance,etc.
– Get good sleep. Let the body and brain reset.
– Hydration: Magnetic shifts and Solar activity cause dehydration. Water (plasma) is an interstellar delivery system for light codes. Drink plenty of water. Get into natural bodies of water when available.
– FEEL and visualize the brightest outcome for all. So many are swayed into negative otucome reinforcement. Watch your words, thoughts and feelings. Emotions create a chemical response which changes your DNA, which changes your experience. As Yeshua said, pray as if it is done. Feel your future and practice New Earth Now.
– Use your Crystalline DNA decrees: Free ebook HERE
– SUNgaze (safely) or be outside to get those morning and evening codes.
– Open your Heart: Diamond-Solar heart activations are amplified during this passage. Use your Mastery skills to open up in the moment, anytime. Gratitude, Love, Appreciation, Divine Neutrality, Forgiveness and Clemency serve us well and keep us on the higher timelines.

There are more preparation, clarity, eclipse details and unified light codes in the 2-hour webinar replay HERE.

This is a strong passage to re-activate our Creator State and sovereign dominion over our realities. As always, we utilize the energies rather than waiting for them to change us.

Throughout this process we have chosen to create something new. The revelation of higher realms and a new BEingness is becoming quite clear as the old systems dismantle. This is our Galactic Legacy coming to fruition.

Love is an active feeling state, and a choice. By consciously migrating our thoughts, words, actions, DNA, energy fields, feelings and creations to the higher vibration of Divine Will, Divine Love, Divine Light, we allow the Pure Presence of Source to self-correct these realms. We assist Gaia in revealing New Earth as a palpable reality for all concerned, right here, right Now.

This is an exciting eclipse passage! Our personal journeys can be intense as Embodiment launches us into the unknown. Breathe and balance. Check in on how you feel in the heart often. Be open and grateful for the New Light. This all has wonderful higher purpose; use it wisely.

We unify during these events over the next five weeks with consistent highest intent, service and collective meditations. let us show HUmanity what is possible with !

In Love, Light and Service,Sandra


Uncovering A Deeper Meaning of Life.My Agenda and Vision for 2020-2030. (part I)

Life is a spiral.For example we always have somehow the impression that we are visiting the same places as we go on about our days whether this is what we call our home we live in or a place we like to walk to or jogging or travelling to etc.We may chose always to visit the same place countless times because of its familiarity or because of comfort reasons for working reasons , for finding peace etc.And along that path we are learning our lessons of evolution.
In my case, it was 16 years ago that i was jumping up and down when i discovered for the first time in my present incarnation the power of the words Feel More Than Fine.I was at a private party celebrating with friends.And it took me 16 years to finally grasp the deeper meaning (so far) of it:it has been always been my human nature to share with others this important discovery i made in me and i confess that i used everything that i found as information and tools around and in me from workshops to events and music to bring all those who come in contact with me to the importance of these words.Without a visible success for the most part, in fact i lost many of my friends and connections because of my stubbornness to prove my discovery, which is of course nothing else than resistance to the creation process.So now, as we come to the end of this very shockingly revealing 2019 ,as more of us, of humanity learn to always live in the now, releasing all that do not serve us any longer while also learning to navigate in our newly found multidimensional selves in the 5th dimension and beyond having at an accelerated pace a clear understanding of the importance of our conversation with our God within which is one and the same for all and yet with different messages for each and every one, we are discovering that we are made of the same stuff of Love and Light yet with different missions and purposes from each other all at the end in Joyful service for the Highest Good for all, fulfilling Divine Mother’s Plan.Every moment is to be lived from authentic Joy emanating from within that one can truly feel when there is alignment with God within.Feeling and Being the Joy that one truly is ,is now becoming the definition of Feel More Than Fine.While at the past i was trying to convince others about the truth of my message, now all i need to do is go within, refill my cup and share my light in all places i want anywhere on the planet, sometimes physically most times through the ethers.
One now has the opportunity to truly feel the Joy they are in their being according of own ways of self discovery that are very different from one another and a subject that i avoid to discuss nowadays because i don’t want to come into discussions of being right or wrong.Meditation , silent contemplation , Light work for the planet and the collective, dancing ,mindfulness in all things is doing the ‘trick’ for me.
And so speaking about Spiral of Life, in my case i have been living in many same places all around Europe that i come to ask myself:What is it that makes me travel to same places ,is it because of people i meet, is it for comfort reasons ? what is it that i have always tendency to go visit and travel in same or at times a new place after a while like feeling that my work is done and need to move elsewhere.And so in my spiral of Life while going to same or new or same new places, it has been always a very different experience.In the past i will go to places to meet like minded and hearted people for doing same job, same activities, learning from each other while today this has totally shifted in me as i know i have always been GOod enough, that I Am The Love and The Light and The Joy at all times and all i need to do is connect to my God within, ask for guidance and i will get a clear message on where or what to do next and if i need to make a move and even at times take even 1 or 2 steps back.
And so in these last 7 years of my life starting in 2012 more than anything intuition has been guiding my choices about always choosing to do what gives me joy.I knew there is a transition in process for humanity and the planet and about Ascension.This has been embedded in my DNA like inner knowing that can not be described with words.I received the call to go to Ibiza while at an airport in Paris and with the last of my money i buy myself a ticket and land in Ibiza without preparing anything in advance.Just a call and a joyful feeling and my decision to Trust it.This Trust that i learned to cultivate brought me constantly in many discoveries about myself that i have not encountered in my earlier years.Again in 2016,i leave my partner and choose to isolate in meditation in Ibiza while following my passion for playing music and 2 years later being in U.K. or France visiting all these sacred places in Glastonbury or in Nice doing Grid work, only to read about the leylines later on.Quite interesting rider I must admit!(Most people will go about reading some information before visiting places, i personally never liked to do that.Maybe because i never really trusted books since the time i chose to quit my medical studies and pursue a more artistic career following the inner path joy and nothing else).

I call this my awakening process:7 years of purification,7 years of transition ,7 cycles of 7 years as i become 49 circles around the sun, feeling always 22 in my age :))))), 7 years of discovering that the more i purify myself even from past life traumas, the more this affects my reality and all life on the planet understanding that all the clearing i do for myself i am also doing for all humanity and the planet.Did i always choose for the path of Trust?well,i can confess again that at times i did some really daring things, like going to Senegal in 2013 with the last money i had in my pockets, at times i felt that i was going to die, at times that lasted for even long periods of time nothing was feeling good , not to mention ”more than fine!” in my life.Only to discover that after few days or weeks or months all i was doing is to just did not truly listen to my inner voice and chose for the comfort mind solution or for pleasing others including mostly close family members.And i can also affirm that in these moments, i felt the presence of God, of my angelic team and guides so powerfully that my ears will be buzzing for long periods of time.I know today that the buzzing in my ears is the confirmation of high vibration beings, my soul family and guides around me confirming their presence and that all is well.Some call it the kundalini rising energy.I feel it is both.The sounds of the spheres come with different tones.

Tomorrow part 2.

Can’t sleep?Take it as a good sign.

This post comes from my Facebook wall shared this morning :

Can’t sleep last night?too much energy?feeling angry cause your cycles are being disrupted?no panic, the only constant is change, lol , i think and feel we can all FINALLY agree about this now , right? or maybe instead you are experiencing some digestive problems, maybe you think you ate some food that wasn’t good for you yesterday ?can be! or it can just be that there is such a huge shift happening in you cells and body right now that the ‘symptoms’ are here for all your neihbours to witness.At least now you can agree about something with them , right? Or maybe the other way around? you are so tired that you want to sleep all the time.Or you are so hungry that you eat all the time and can’t feel to get enough while visiting your toilet at least 6 times a day.MMMMM,strANGE what can it be????How about The transformation of your carbon based cells to crystalline based cells ?=Ascension process in your physical body which means you don’t die, you get to keep your body and experience the shift as you experience it in your now , even scientists start now to confirm this FINALLY and about time in their DNA observations . One needs more crystals = minerals in the body means eating more veggies ,more of the green stuff, drinking MORE mineral WATER.That’s what love and light coming from the central galactic SUN does.In spiritual terms :The Tsunami of Mother God is here).
Nikos shut up, i don’t want to hear / read that stuff!
sorry m8, my wall.
One can choose to resist and remain in the same old same old way =struggle (=do too much social media, watch movies , play games for distraction ,eat too much or bring more toxicity to the body with smoke / substances in order to mask the pain or one can choose to celebrate and instead of fighting it and wanting to sleep at all cost of they can’t sleep, take a walk, go for a run while at it, hug a tree or 2, do a dance do some stretching, pilates, yoga or tai chi or all together combined ,play some music, take off the shoes and let the feet touch the green grass even if it is winter and it is cold or wet, to discover the goodness that comes from connecting with nature, with Ascended Mother Earth inhaling the breeze of fresh air purified to vitalise body, mind and spirit.Everything is available and it is for free.And while you are at it, don’t forget the most important of all parts: make a prayer and ask for support to your soul team for assistance , go within and listen what the team has to say for your highest good =the highest good for all.After all you are only becoming aware that you are a member of an Angelic Love Race called The Human becoming Galactic Race .That’s not too bad for good news to rejoice or is it? what’s not too bad and what’s too good to be true news ?what do you prefer? how about news?Just my perspective, one is always free not to read it ,lol.

There is not going to be a separation of the good from the bad.

energy from mother earth - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have focusing our attention and energy on the ways in which all of you have been responding to the waves of energy that have been coming up from the Earth’s surface recently. We always want to know what is working on you and how you are affected by the various energies that come from physical and non-physical sources. Now, we have just recently discussed the crystalline energy grid and how you can tap in to that. Now we want to talk to you about the Earth herself and what she is doing as a being right now to support you. This beautiful planet that more and more of you are reaching out to with heartfelt compassion is the co-creator of this experience with you. She is what makes all of this possible for you, along with others, of course.

But on the physical level, you could not be having this Earth experience without your Mother Earth right there beneath you, and she is as interested as we are in your evolution of consciousness. And she is not interested from a selfish perspective. She is not worried about herself at all. She wants to be of service, always, to the evolution of your consciousness.

And so, the energies that she gives off at this time are about getting you to pay more attention to your physicality, while at the same time getting you to expand your consciousness to get you to feel like you are a part of a global community. It is not just your televisions, phones, and internet that are informing you of what’s going on all around your planet. Mother Earth herself is sending you those messages to let you know where help is needed, and also to lure you to her spiritual hotspots.

She wants you to benefit from the places where the energies feel particularly good, and at the same time, she wants you to know where things are not going so well for humanity. Those are the agendas of the planet that you live on, because she knows that it will be through sharing in the experience of the good and the not-so-good that you will become the collective that she knows you will become.

And as you may know by now, you’re not going to ascend without the rest of the collective. We want that to be very clear. There is not going to be a separation of the good from the bad. That is such a slim possibility in terms of timelines that do exist that we can confidently say that it will not happen.

So, your planet, your mother, your co-creator, wants you to see the person living in Nigeria as your brother or sister, and to see the person living in Brazil as your co-creator, and to see the person living in Ireland as one of your long-lost friends and soul family members, because you are a collective. And what you do affects all of those individuals, and more, just as what they do and experience affects you.

And so, your planet is the great unifier of humanity, while at the same time supporting you and helping you to expand your consciousness. Feel for those energies coming up from beneath your feet, as well as the crystalline grid, and you will stop telling people that you are from Sirius, or the Pleiades, or our star system, and you will start acknowledging that you are an Earthling, right here and right now, and that’s what matters.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Oh, Anchors, Lightholders…holding, holding, holding…you lifted. It was astonishing to behold, as you reached up and anchored these two Rivers one over the other. To Bridge. Two opposing vibrational gradients you hold so that all who choose may cross. You hold as two diametrically opposing Rivers work against one upon the other, like two magnets fighting to separate. Within that space of the cross-over are reverberations so powerful, it is felt within the fabric of ALL, shear force as the lower Timeline crumbles. It will be when the Anchors let go –the Snap. And you WILL know just when, for it is in your very being. You will let go.

C.L. Day ~ ‘The Nuts and Bolts’ -A Vibrational Engineers Handbook, November 16, 2019

Multi-dimensional self, Seian (See-i-ehan).

I enter into form first through the Royal House of the Pleiades, and please let me explain that the word royal does not mean what one thinks of it on Earth, most accurately it means a lineage that is unbroken. So, my lineage works, builds and designs vibrations, one might think of us as vibrational engineers.

It has been requested by council that light messages are to be offered, with the intention of providing new concepts and practical information to the newly minted ‘Unity Consciousness’ of Earth, to assist you in acclimating to your new realm. Welcome all!


We would like to speak of Timelines, for this is a most auspicious moment, a moment that calls to each.  In this node point is a space to choose, for here Timelines converge, merge and cross, one over another.

For Timelines are powerful organic structures.  These massive light worlds flow as expressions born of Source. Timelines are the space in which we move, that we call home.  When outside of these structures, there is what is known as Zero Point, or ‘The Event Horizon.

Timelines are born.  They bubble up from the core of the central sun.  Some become mighty, some do not.  Many rise, only to collapse early within their course. It is not unusual for a Timeline to falter; they may lose integral support or reach a dead end, and yes, some endings can be catastrophic in nature. But all Timelines are held in great reverence, for they are the highest form of intent.  They are pure expressions of Source-being, gifted to the Dreamweavers.

We are the Dreamweaver’s, and we ride upon their expressions and navigate them. We weave within the weave, for these massive highways and byways present as the largest of grids you see, on the grandest of scales, if one could only look down upon them. Grids within grids, mirroring, one grid within another, going deeper, ever inward.

Mighty Light Rivers

May we ask that you set in your mind ~ a Timeline ~ as a Light River, for the components of a river act and move in much the same manner. We show you now ~ Rivers of Light potential that are not bound by terrain.  Up and down they twist and turn, hemmed by nothing but a match in gradient.

The Event Horizon holds their space, like the banks of a River.  Should one be breached, a stream is formed.  Though small, they too can be a delight to navigate…for they flow into and out of other Timelines.  They may move through quiet pools where one might rest.

Where should one flow then? Well… isn’t that the fun bit?

Born is a word we have used with deliberate intention, for each Light River born will present uniquely.  Each will hold particular characteristics, magnetic properties, and carry individualistic spaces. One of these spaces will feel like home to you. You choose where to express your beingness, for you, like the River, are light, and bound by nothing but vibration.

You have navigated these Light Rivers throughout time.  You are very skilled in this, our boots on the ground.  In fact, you are Masters of movement.

Let us speak now of the ‘The Event’, for it is the reason we are all present. There is a level of anxiety that is unwarranted in this now. For the word ‘Jump’ implies that you are being expected to catapult yourselves onto a speeding train.   (laughter) You are not!

You are wading into this Light River now.  You have not missed it, for it is seeping in like a tide. At this space in time, a new beautiful Light River is beginning its presentation.  The convergence is seeping in and lapping up against you. You take with you from one flow to another what is aligned within your life, and leave what is not.

Light Rivers are natural flowing organic spaces born through Source to give us space.  Spaces to create are revered by those who themselves are light.  We flow, light to light.  It is most natural.

But we must say this Light River that is presenting now is of vast importance, for it is in fact A Rescue Mission. Under what conditions would the ALL deem it necessary to alter the course of a Light River, or even be allowed by Source to do so? For altering the course of a Light River is tampering with the ALL That Is.

What if a once-natural flowing Light River had lost all in it that was organic?  What if lightbeings had become trapped, dammed in, their light funneled and taken without consent, in whirlpools with no exit?


The ALL That Is came together: the architects, builders, engineers, councils, gatekeepers, beings of a planet, nations, the magical ones, and the holy ones — ALL came together for this project, this rescue, this undertaking of Universal proportion.

We came together to divert a mighty Light River of the highest caliber, and run it right into and over the top of a different river that had been mistreated. By turn defying the rules of vibrational gradient; and to pull it down, against its own nature into a density that was low, without losing its light quotient in the descendent.  From the river below, our star seeds, our coverts, our sleepers of Light would lift up and reach out, to grab on and to Anchor these two Rivers.

Oh, Anchors, Lightholders…holding, holding, holding…you lifted. It was astonishing to behold, as you reached up and anchored these two Rivers one over the other.

To Bridge.

Two opposing vibrational gradients you hold so that all who choose may cross. You hold as two diametrically opposing Rivers work against one upon the other, like two magnets fighting to separate. Within that space of the cross-over are reverberations so powerful, it is felt within the fabric of ALL, shear force as the lower Timeline crumbles.

It will be when the Anchors let go –the Snap.

And you WILL know just when, for it is in your very being.

You will let go.

C.L. Day

Yes, Gaia is of and in another dimension, the 5th, and you are morphing and changing in real time, evolving with enormous speed. Indeed it is now happening faster than we had imagined it would…Truly, you have all earned your PhD in Spiritual Evolution. You are our A Team!

Commander Ashian ~ It Will be Unparralelled

by Jennifer Crokaert, September 6, 2019,

Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters of the earth dimension, a dimension which is undergoing rapid change.

Indeed, if you could see it in the same way we are witnessing it evolve, it would almost appear as your time lapse photography appears, the changes would be so rapid, so apparent.

Jennifer: You’re showing me an image of the planet, but it’s as though it is squeezing and turning, as if it is having contractions.

A: Yes, that is precisely what we wish to convey. There is enormous change and literal, physical movement. This is the last stage of the birth process, which many of you will know is the most painful stage in childbirth. It is to yourselves that you are giving birth.

Yes, Gaia is of and in another dimension, the 5th, and you are morphing and changing in real time, evolving with enormous speed. Indeed it is now happening faster than we had imagined it would.

I hope that this news will give great comfort to all of you who have held on so long, so strong. You who have endured so much to bring the light to your brothers and sisters, so that they may share this glorious transition, ascension, metamorphosis with you.

It will be glorious. It will be unparalleled, for never before will so many have ascended in form, and so rapidly. Truly, you have all earned your PhD in Spiritual Evolution. You are our A Team!

So please, continue to invoke the light, to ask for help, to accept everything that bubbles up within you, between you and others…. Accept it all.

Realise that nothing that you are seeing now is real, or even of this present moment. It is all the outpouring of old, dead history; of vibrations that require release and can only be released when you notice them and let them go.

Let it all go. There is nothing here that you need to bring with you. Within yourself, you have it all.

You are All.

You have our love, our friendship, our assistance and our enduring admiration.

J: Thank you Ashian.

You are triggering others codes to awaken and you are also being triggered by others who are awakening to their multidimensional divine self.

by Peggy Black and the ‘team’, August 19, 2019,

We are here to once again support your presence in the dense, challenging reality. We invite you to pause, take a deep breath, and acknowledge that all is well and more. It is a simple exercise; however, you will discover that this is a simple method to reset your energy.

In the world of quantum physics, everything is energy. Realize that the tissues and organs of your body are composed of cells, the cells are made up of molecules, the molecules are composed of atoms, atoms are made up of sub-atomic particles and sub-atomic particles are made up of energy!

You are pure energy – light in its most magnificent form and expression. You, as energy, are constantly changing and you actually control it all with your powerful mind and awareness. You are one big stellar and powerful Human Being.

Your entire existence, all matter, all life, all experiences, everything owes its existence in the physical world to energy Absolutely everything is energy.

Right now the energy of your reality is really unpredictable. Humanity is riding chaotic waves and navigating massive energy oscillations. Notice when you go from being peaceful to being frantic, and unfocused.

Remember the importance of resetting your energy. Pause, take a deep breath, place your awareness in your heart and create a coherent energy vibration of compassion, appreciation, love, forgiveness and allow that vibration to radiate out into your personal energy signature. Allow this energy field to surround you and touch all those you encounter. Trust us, the others will feel this calming energy that you offer.

There is an opportunity to create a new earth template. You are a part of the collective consciousness as an awakened and aware multidimensional being who is setting these goals and calling them forth.

Consider for a moment that there are multiple timeline patterns that are crossing your current time line. When this occurs there are opportunities to use these moments as portals of change. With your focused energy and intent you can call forth a new pattern from the future.

Using your focused energy and imagination, envision, invite, summon, or command a reality for this dimension that is life sustaining, honoring for all, an evolution of consciousness. Invite your future self to assist with this creation. Allow yourself to feel this realization, celebrate this realization with gratitude.

Imagine the possibilities that these realities will be carried in your own energy field and act as holographic communication to all that you meet or encounter. In this manner you are seeding the field with awesome future possibilities.

Watch what you focus upon. Where you place your focus is where your energy goes. So don’t feed your energy to a reality that you do not want to continue to create. You are powerful beyond measure. We will continue to remind you of this fact until you truly step into that power. You are here to assist the transformation of this dense dysfunctional reality. There is a future reality awaiting your invitation and command, never doubt that.

Imagine that your desires and dreams come from a future dimension where they already exist. Imagine that it is your future self that is inspiring the desires and the dreams and is willing to show you all the possibilities.

Realize that the future is never fully formed. It is the personal energy of the individual as well as the collective energy of all earthwalkers that call forth a reality that matches their focused energy.

Knowing this and embodying this truth is your mastery. This time is calling you to enter a new level of consciousness of the power of your perceptions and your words. Activating a new awareness of how your inner world affects your outer lives.

We will continue to remind you that you are the creator of your reality. This truth has been expressed in many ways and many languages. We support your understanding and awareness of how truly powerful you are.

We invite you to continue to free yourselves from the limited concepts of linear time by becoming sensitive to your own natural rhythms, and to the galactic support and energy that is being gifted.

Humanity is healing the past and encoding the future by awakening their hearts in the present. Begin to ask yourself how are you encoding the future? What is your focus? Where have you placed your energy and awareness?

With these simple questions you begin to step into your power as creator. Notice when you are engaged in some form of limited thinking, some negative or misqualified thought. Catch yourself quickly and reset your focus. This just takes a little practice before you will begin to see and experience the shifts.

Recognize that many of your limited beliefs have been given to you by others influenced by this 3D field of limitations; these are just old programs in your thinking process. It is time to begin to shift, delete and transform these limitations. First begin to recognize and acknowledge them. Say to yourself, that was certainly a limited thought. Then have fun replacing that limiting thought with an outrageous thought.

This awareness is occurring within the minds and hearts of humanity. Earth and all other living systems have a magnetic field and your scientists are discovering that those energy fields connect you all and actually carry biologically relevant information. You are triggering others codes to awaken and you are also being triggered by others who are awakening to their multidimensional divine self.

Step into your true power and call forth from the future a new template for this time and reality. We acknowledge you for the work and service that you continue to offer. Honor and accept the galactic gifts that are being offered to all those who understand who they are.

~ the ‘team’

©2019 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

August Accelerations:
 Its Time to Choose Your Timeline.

A Message from The Arcturian Collective

via channel Marie Mohler
Received August 15, 2019

Dear Ones,

It is Mother Earth, Mother Mary, El Morya, and the Arcturian High Council here, bringing through a Message of Crystalline Light and Frequencies of Clarity, Empowerment, Strength, and Abundance from our Hearts to yours, through the portals of your Central Suns and the Wisdom they wish to share with you in increasingly accessible ways.  

Dear ones, can you feel the Acceleration of August?  Can you sense the profound changes unfolding as the Earth quickens her pace to rise into Higher Alignment with the Center of your Galaxy and the Center of the Divine Matrix of Light within the All That Is? We would guess that each one of you listening to this message today and any day going forward that you can relate to the Essence of Change . . . and that you can relate to an inner sense that what is changing now is Forever, Eternal, and for the Highest Good of All in all directions of time.  Because there is a releasing of that which was not for the Highest Good of All in all directions of time in this past world age and its cycles.  

The word Change in the way we offer it today is a dynamic, fluid, timeless, expansive, loving, and guiding process . . . whereby every single particle within you and within all things . . . is moving at a quantum speed of light to always be in harmony with the Light.  For Light by its nature summons to itself that which is like itself.  And so, the Change that each one of you may be feeling on your world at this time . . . is really . . . the Light’s summoning to itself that which is like itself.  And each and every one of you is that Light . . . that is the Essence of the Living Light in the entire Creation.  In the All That Is.   And therefore, what is being summoned forth is your Lightness Within Your Beingness as well as anything that is out of resonance with the Light.  

That is why dear ones debris from every nook and every cranny within each of you personally and within the greater collective is being summoned to Source Light . . . and thus out into the Light . . . of humanity’s consciousness . . . so that it can be seen . . . and to ultimately be collectively alchemized into luminous and eternal light again.

In this way, the Essence of Divine Change of which we speak today is calling movement.  Its calling out e-motion . . . which many of you know as Energy in Motion.  It is summoning healing.  Integration.  Awakening.  It is calling back to the Hearts of All Within Humanity as a Collective Invitation . . . through the thick fog and atmosphere of the Earth’s 3D Vibrations . . . and showing the way forward into the clarity, empowerment, strength, and abundance that the New 5D Light Rings and Brings to this New Earth to reset its codes in the Light.  In the Truth.  In the Grace of Who You All Truly Are.

So where in your life are you seeing and feeling this movement?  Where in your life do you feel uprooted?  Upended?  Upside down even?  How did things spiral so out of control on your world today?  How did you get where you specifically are today?  Do you like where you are?  And more importantly, do you like how you feel?  

Because what you feel is now your quantum positioning and experience in time and space.  How you feel is determining the timeline that you are experiencing.  For what and how you feel emits your vibration.  It is your frequency.  And that is what you broadcast through a telepathic, interconnected, and highly sentient universe . . . about who you are, what you are, how you are, and where you are.  This is your unique soul signature and cosmic coordinate throughout all time and space.  

And so, while many of you may presently feel upside down, uprooted, or upended in the present moment, or you may have felt that in the recent weeks, or you may still in the coming weeks and months, know this.  That you have a Divine Inner Compass within you that can reset and reorient you to your new timeline any time you wish to take the time to go within and consciously breathe that new coordinate into form . . . by consciously intending, affirming, and knowing your vibrational destination.  

By default, fear, uncertainty, and upheaval might be the vibrational emission and destination of many who are unawakened to the Truth of the Divine Light and the Truth of Who They Truly Are as a Divine Spark of the Godheart.  It is easy to feel those e-motions on your world . . . for that is in many ways the offering and invitation that your present outer world on a global scale is vibrating. It is a powerful attractor and summoner of human experience.  It is pulsing a frequency that is in resonance with the 26,000+ year cycle you have just emerged from.  So is it any wonder that some of you find a resonance with that vibration?  It is familiar.  It is like an old shoe that fits so well because it was so loyal to you and so deeply worn.  The pathways when you journey with it are well-worn.  They are all places you have known.  They are vibrations you have experienced before.  And therefore, they are invited to vibrate in resonance with the old codes that are failing, crumbling, and crying out themselves for help.  Because the old matrix itself is failing, falling away, and dying to itself.  

When change of this scale and this magnitude unfolds in times of deep celestial and cosmological transitions, a call to turn back and align with the old ~ is strong.  Is loud.  Is in many ways a path of comfort.  Only we would ask ~ is it . . . comfortable?  Really?  If you were to go back, and try to squeeze back into your old self . . . 2 months ago . . . 2 years ago . . . 20 years ago . . . can you?  Squeeze back into it?  It feels familiar because you know it so well.  You already know it because you have lived it.  And yet, you’ve grown.  In some way, shape, or form, you have physically changed over the weeks, months, and years . . . but you have also spiritually changed.  

So even if you don’t know where you are going yet, you don’t really fit in a world that is behind you.  A world that you have already journeyed.  A consciousness that is already expired, or outdated at best.  

So the squeeze of change on this scale . . . the biggest squeeze in many of your lives right now . . . is the sense that you can’t return to what you’ve known before . . . because you have outgrown that experience and it simply doesn’t fit . . . no matter how much you might try to squeeze yourself “back into it” as if it were a garment or a costume 3, 5, 10 sizes too small.  And we would agree . . . that that approach to this level of change simply will not work.  The old energies simply cannot expand to accommodate this level of change.  That is why they are already obsolete.  They are already dematerializing at their core, even if their structure still appears to be intact.  It is the fading of a great optical illusion ~ that those energies do appear true even if they have no vibrational core to hold them up much longer.

And yet . . . and yet . . . where you are going has not fully materialized yet.  Has it?  The new is not fully born.  It is not fully manifested.  It is not yet clear and easy to see.  For it is emerging in you.  And through you.  And your vibrational choices now.  And your vibrational emissions now.  You are creating your world in every moment now with your vibration.  With your thoughts, your emotions, that generate your feelings.  Those feelings render the cosmic coordinates that determine where you are now . . . and what you are experiencing in your daily lives.  That is different than the old way of pulling out a map.  Or pulling up a list of jobs that you can apply to.  Or getting out your datebook or your calendar and scheduling appointments.  It is more.  It is so much more than that.  

Do you know the old adage, wherever you go, there you are?  To which we think it means . . . you bring yourself with you wherever you go.  So you can change your environment, but you always bring you and your vibration, your consciousness, and patterning with you.  

In this way, the changes on your world are reflecting that sentiment but on a much more galactic scale, increasingly so, every day.

So let’s go back to the question we asked earlier.  Where in your life do you see and feel this movement?  This sense of deep and profound change?  Where in your life do you feel upside down?  Or inside out?  Or in some version of upheaval at the moment?  Do you even relate to those words or that kind of experience?  If so, how so?  If not, how not?  

The bigger question we are asking is ~ how do you feel right now in this moment?  And right now in your life?  And right now in your job?  Or in school?  Or in your marriage?  How are things working for you?  How are things not aligned and not working for you very well?  If you had to pick 1 or 2 words to describe the overall energetic picture of you right now . . . if a vibration scanner existed on your world that could generate these words to you by reading your vibration in its complexity and totality for the MOST DOMINANT VIBRATION of you at this time . . . what would those couple of words be?

Whatever those words are, they are the beginnings of your New Earth Cosmic Coordinates.  They are the beginnings of your New Earth Cosmic Coordinations and Creations.  They are the beginnings of where people will know how to find you and to connect with you . . . based on the vibrational emissions you ARE at that time.  In this now moment.  Its as if you are your very own radio station . . . and people can find you by dialing in to the frequency coordinates you are offering.  

Do the words themselves matter that you chose?  Or is it the vibration of those words?  The literal essence of vibration and frequency that those words collectively and cosmically express?  We would say ~ the latter.  So by saying words that people wish to hear ~ does it put you on the timeline that you wish to be on?  That you might claim even to yourself that you desire and that you most wish to reside in and to be?  No.  

The universe is activating on a whole new level now a requirement to be impeccable with your word.  But even more than that, the universe is activating on a whole new level now a requirement to be impeccable with your vibration.  For it is vibration, frequency, and/or your unique energetic signature and matrix that is recognizable to all sentient life in the cosmos as a distinct code.  It is your code.  It is an increasingly transparent code.  And it is a transmitter then of that frequency that you are emitting.  

That is your cosmic coordinate.  Your frequency.  Your energy.  Your vibration.  That is your location emission in the greater cosmic map of your life.  That is how people are awakening to remember each other . . . in this whole new language with themselves and with others.  

So part of the aspect or experience of change that your world is undergoing at this time and in these times . . . is an awakening to the truth of yourselves as vibrational beings.  It is an awakening to the activation of yourselves as powerful creators of feelings, emotions, and thoughts.  For some it is a pleasant awakening, for others, it is a rude awakening.  And there may be a myriad of ways that each of you experiences this expansionary sense of what “awakening” means to you.  But regardless of how you experience it, awakening at this new level is happening.  And it is determining your life experiences on a scale that is more profound, more clear, more direct, and more impactful than ever before.

And that is because you are in a New Landscape on this Emerging New Earth.  What is that landscape?  It is a VIBRATIONAL LANDSCAPE.  You are what your vibration is.  You live where your vibration lives.  You communicate from your vibration’s location on the vibrational scales of frequency . . . that speak their truth ranges of density to light.  Darkness to light.  Fragmentation to wholeness.  Fear to Love.  Muted to loud.  There are vibrational expressions within each of those continuums, and each and all will find themselves there on those timelines . . . on those vibrational scales . . . with increasing frequency.  

Thus the frequency of your pitch, tone, and self expression is going to manifest more of the experiences within and around you with increasing frequency.

Your Unique Frequency determines the frequency with which you will experience that Vibration or Frequency. 

So where do you wish to be in your frequency as the Earth and the Collective rides out these shifts?   

What is your vibration gauge saying about how you feel in these changes?  

Where are you being triggered by your own debris or that of others right now at this time?

How can you meet those triggers with a vibrational willingness to listen deeper for their messages to you?  So that you can receive those messages . . . begin to convert them to soul wisdom and self knowingness . . . and then release the triggers themselves?  Who were simply acting as the messengers of your Greater Light and your desire now for a greater integration in your life?  

Triggers don’t tell us who we are. 

Triggers tell us who we are not.  

If we don’t take the time to hear what the triggers are actually saying, then we will place ourselves on a vibrational map that is a vibrational expression of who we really are not.  

If we do take the time to hear what the triggers are actually saying, then we will place ourselves on a vibrational map that is in greater alignment with the vibrational expression of who we truly are . . . as an expression of Living Light and the Talents we divinely and innately possess as Divine Sparks of the Godheart.

These times invite us to either pine away for a world that was never what we truly thought it was . . . since at its core . . . it was a holistic illusion on a grand scale . . . or . . . to reset, regroup, rebalance, and recalibrate our vibrational fields of energy and awareness . . . and set sail if you will for the Higher Light, the Greater Unity, the Infinite Joy and Abundance, that is truly meant for us.  That is truly meant for all of us.  

And yet, Admission to this New Light is truly by Vibration.   

Admission to the Timeline you are experiencing presently is by Vibration.

Wherever you go, there you are.

Admission to the Timeline you wish to experience is also by Vibration.

So wherever you consciously vibrate within, is where you will vibrationally experience yourself to be, with increasing frequency, in the New Earth Energies.  

So when they say, Be The Change You Wish To See . . . 

It means be the vibration you wish to experience.

This is similar to . . . Be the Timeline You Wish to See . . . 

Which means be the vibration that you want to template all of your experiences . . . that collectively add up to your daily life experiences, life unfoldments, and life outcomes.

Now is a time to CHOOSE YOUR TIMELINE.

From the continuum of vibrational experiences offered in great abundance and with a broad depth and scope, where do you wish to be vibrationally as a Soul Code . . . and as a daily energy and lived experience now? 

If you don’t like the old codes and the old matrix, get off the old code train.  Vibrate something new.  Choose a frequency that you CAN align with or that IS inherently in your core already aligned!  And step in a new starship that can take you anywhere you wish to go!  Physically, nonphysically, experientially, or consciously in the astral planes.

Change is here.  Change is upon you.  Change is within you.  Change is within planet Earth now.  All is quantumly shifting now to get up to speed with the Light Codes of the Greater Galaxy and Infinite Expanse of the All That Is.

If this transmission today doesn’t resonate with you right now, that’s okay.  Be an observer.  Look around you.  Witness your own experiences over the next few weeks and months.  Notice if anything atmospherically or vibrationally has moved you into a new location . . . simply by your being here on this planet at this time.  That can mean . . . has your bank account shifted, have your paycheck shifted, have any of your relationships shifted, have your beliefs shifted, have your emotional responses to personal or global events shifted, . . . is there order in your life’s experiences, or is there an emerging presence of disorder? Just observe from a place of awareness and see if any of these insights today are relevant for you at some point.  You don’t have to take our word for it.  You can do your own self study and you can see for yourself if things around you are moving and creating change at a deep evolutionary level that cannot be explained at some point by mere chance and circumstance.

We invite all of you to become those witness observers of your own lives. That is how you become a Conscious Change Agent.  And a Conscious Change Maker.  And a Conscious Change Embracer.  

Because you begin over time to learn ~ that you are the conductor of your own ship.  You are the driver of that journey.  You are the map maker of your life.  And thus you choose the coordinates where you wish to vibrationally be at any given point in time.  If you arrive in a timeline you consciously chose, or that showed up through your more dominant default vibrations, that you don’t like, or don’t desire, simply go into your inner control panel and steering wheel . . . which of course is the metaphor for your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs . . . that create your vibrational footprint and map inside you . . . and select the next best vibrational feeling, thought, or belief that will move you in the direction you wish to go.  From the contrast of what you do not want and from the desire and intention of what you do want.

This time and timeline on your world today is a Global Reset time and timeline.

All of you signed up to be aboard the mother ship for this journey, who is your heavenly host.  Her name is Mother Earth.  She is Mama Gaia.  

Each one of you is invited now to get your Inner Light Codes up to speed with where the Earth Mother is going . . . and that is . . . into a 5th Dimensional Consciousness of Unity, Light, Love, Compassion, Cooperation, and Manifesting for the Greatest and Highest Good of the Entire Collective in all directions of time.  

To get up to speed, to begin that process within yourselves, is to become keenly aware of your Vibrational Fields as your Steering Wheels and Cosmic Maps . . . to navigate this new changing landscape . . . and vibration-scape really . . . to be who and what you most desire to vibrate, to reset, to energetically embrace yourselves to be.

Offerings and options to go into vibrations of fear will be on your world in great abundance in these coming weeks and months.  

Offerings and options to rise into vibrations of faith and love and trusting in the perfection of your soul light and your soul skills to vibrate yourselves out of that fear timeline and into a new, holistic, happy, light-filled timeline will be on your world in great abundance every day in every moment going forward as well.

It is your Time to Choose the Vibration You Wish to Be . . . to Choose the Change in your own Life’s Experiences you wish to See and to Be . . . and to Choose the Level of Light and Consciousness you wish to experience . . .  as the old world continues to fail, crumble, and fall away as even an option anymore of a timeline.

You are the Change, dear ones.  You are the Light.  You are the Vibrational Awareness that is Expanding Now to Create and Build a New Earth . . . templated and cosmically coordinated to be . . . A Gift and Blessing of Planetary Light once more . . . to seed the entire galaxy with Renewed Faith and Light and Love . . . that the Light Always Reigns even in the Greatest Darkness.  The Light Always Returns and the Light Always Reigns from the Inside Out.  Because the Light Created All Things.  And the Light Restores All Things.  And the Light IS All Things.

Remember this as increasing change, exposure, and upside down-ness comes to your world and the world stage.

Remember this as you become the witness observer to it all . . . and you feel the choice of the Vibrational Timeline you most wish to participate in.  

Choose well vibrations that align with where you most wish to go and to be.  

And be that vibration you have consciously chosen for as long as it serves you and the greater collective to embrace it.  

If you outgrow that vibration, there is another ticket to a new timeline waiting within you . . . to be selected, chosen, appreciated, and empowered to move you into a new feeling, thought, or belief . . . and into a new timeline of experience . . . through that conscious choosing and that conscious creation inside you.

You are this Living Light.  All is Returning to the Living Light.

Listen for vibrations beyond the words.  Listen carefully.  Listen consciously.

Vibrations never lie.  Only words, distortions, and people do.  

Vibrations tell the Truth 100% of the Time.

Welcome to a New Earth Experience and Star Ship . . . increasingly becoming the Frequency of Vibrational Integrity and Timeless Truth in your lived experiences with increasing Frequency in all ways now. 

You are loved dear ones.
You ARE Love.
All Our Love.

QCTV: Energy Shifts, Diamond Heart Activation & Disclosure -Sandra Walter-

Blessings Beloveds ~

Here is the video replay of Tuesday’s Quantum Conversation TV episode. An informative and expansive connection, with a guided activation for the Diamond Christed Star of the Heart.

Notable sections:

Beginning: Discussing the recent timeline shifts and guidance from the Higher Realms

32:11 – Guided Diamond Heart Activation – use this often for expansion of the New Lightbody

51:51 – Disclosure, contact and experiencing the Christed state

If this content assists your journey, please click through and subscribe to my youtube channel. Thank you!

Gratitude to all who participated in the powerful Global Lion’s Gate Unity Meditation. See you in the field on SUNday for our Unity Meditations. 

In Love, Light and Service,

The Event. Let us explain this. Yes. You are. This is.

There seems to be some lingering question among our readers about whether or not ‘we are actually into the change’ – whether or not you are into what most have come to think of as The Event. Let us explain this. Yes. You are. This is.

Now the changes are many and extremely complicated. The event, like any other, can be broken down into component parts and is therefore a process. Although there will be a climactic happening. Isn’t there always?

We have told you multiple times in these messages that you entered this process when you passed the marker more than six years ago. There has been a distinct ramping up, of energy, of what you may call velocity, of intensity, all of which we have spoken of, have we not?

There are thousands upon thousands of changes required to effect this “Change” that you await. None of the final result can occur until the groundwork has been laid in a myriad of places. There are mental changes, societal changes, technical changes, legal, governmental, physical – and on and on.

So, look around you now. When we said that some time ago, many of you could not see what we spoke of. When you look now, can you not see much of this beginning in earnest?

We also warned you often about your wish for us to ‘bring it on’. Well, you have brought it on, just as was necessary. We said that there was more involved than you knew or would ever want to know. That is still true. There is more involved than many will be able to believe.

We said that you should fasten your seat belts. You should. The ride is about to commence in earnest. Now here is a trick. When you keep your arms, and your attention, inside the ride, it is much easier on your senses. You are less likely to lose your breakfast. Keep your focus on your own inner progress. Let this stuff play out. It may seem endless, but it will not be.

Always know that it is all necessary, and it will lead to the world that you will create in its wake. Why can we say that?

We can say that because you have learned, and continue to learn, that you do create it. You have created it. You will continue to create it. It will be as you determine it to be.

Participate in that this time. This time, have your way. Do not allow. Create. Only alone, which you never really are, do you seem powerless. Only alone, which is an impossibility, can you be controlled. But you can believe this impossibility to be possible. That is what you have been taught to believe. It is a lie. Cease believing the lies.

This is where you are going. And so, yes. These are the changes. And they are beautiful even though they appear very much not to be.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link: