Sonya is a Life Coach and Event Manager in Chicago and after her kind request for what i am very thankful we our point of views and knowledge regarding Ascension Process,Music and Healthy Dance Events.
With all the Light and Truth shining through it is difficult for many to perceive the good things that are manifesting in our realities as our collective consciousness evolves.
Here are the reasons that i am sure while you read and makes you become aware your vibration will rise and you will feel more than fine naturally as this information talks directly to your soul.
Read these past blogs with an open heart and you know it is all true.
Russia is not part of the great Conspiracy of darkness of the Elite. The Russians have fought their wars of freedom and overcome the demons of their anterior political system. It is not that everything is perfect in President Putin’s government, but there is no self serving agenda representing an obstacle to the manifestation of the Divine Will on Earth, as there is in the Western countries. This is because Russia has already been led and influenced by a Galactic Walk-In for a few years. This Walk-In is conscious of his connection with Ashtar Command. I am permitted to make this revelation. One country never was better than the other one in the so-called Cold War. Understand that the War has always been one of the Dark attacking the Light in the sons and daughters of God called lightbearers, lightworkers, or boots on the ground, or Star seeds, in every nation. The Secret occult government of the world is the one that pulls the strings of the Illuminati Elite and of the elected governments. The deluded members of the Elite and Military have entered into an Alliance with negative entities to obtain superior technology in the era of World War II and as a result have been in possession of undisclosed sophisticated technology for many decades but have not disclosed this fact, nor shared its possible benefits with mankind because they had an Agenda of global control. Although the spiritual Hierarchy together with its Galactic fleets have recently regained control of the Earth and the Solar System, and negative aliens have been removed for the most part, the Elite and its military arm, the Cabal, have maintained one foot in one country, and the other in the enemy they have created to carry out terrorist deeds. That is the reality of the situation if you want the big picture. The Illuminati is occult and Satanist. They have taken decades to implement their strategies of darkness. They have master-minded a plan involving political manoeuvres to cause chaos in the Middle-East as well as Western countries, as part of their agenda of control, and we, the spiritual gardians and mentors of mankind, are letting them do this because this situation has to unfold so that the people awaken, react to atrocities, and take a stand to obtain change. The clear-up that has to be achieved must be carried out by the incarnated ones who have freewill to do so. This cannot be done by your Galactic cousins or Star kin, for instance, because of the law of non-interference. This is the time of the Harvest when souls are choosing whether they want to walk the path of Righteousness or not. If they chose the left one, it will keep them in the world of duality and a 3rd dimensional Reality. The way you perceive what is happening in the world due to the way world events are presented in the Media, may make you feel that the global situation is worsening. It may be what the occult Elite wants you to believe as they still control most of the media. Beware the propaganda that is designed for control and to cause fears. The angle presented in Alcyon Pleiades’ videos is reliable. Be aware that there is no Global Warming crisis. It has been disclosed that they want to prevent the Third World from becoming prosperous and that Africa is three times larger than it is represented on the national maps. The scientific dissemination of knowledge is inaccurate from Darwin’s theory of evolution to Genetics and Physics. It has been exposed, that the conspiracies have plans for policies that would be lucrative, so follow the money. However, they have spent trillions of dollars on chemical trails and geo-engineering for purposes that have not been fully exposed, and that are not related to Global Warming. Political Analysts have said that I S I L or ISIS is the product of a Western conspiracy and received funding from the West, although it is much more complicated than that. HOWEVER, a development into a Third World War can’t be allowed and most nuclear weapons have been deactivated, or actually taken away. Yes, as in ‘beamed up’! There is a spin in this timeline that the occult powers may not be expecting, or are dismissing: it’s Disclosure. They are surprised that it is happening and is out of their control. They are presently being exposed for what they are and are doing. It’s happening now. This phase will reach a peak at which it can only explode in all directions in the mainstream media. Some people in position of authority can still open their eyes and realize that this Agenda of the Elite force is self-serving and destructive for the world. The subject of the suppression of Truth in regards to the Extraterrestrial presence, is the explosive that will set Disclosure in motion towards an understanding of what has really been going on. It will eventually set it all in the context of Galactic History, its alien take-over as well as the world’s liberation by the intervention of our Galactic families, as well as the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Solar System. The next step in man kind’s re-education will be on the subject of the existence of higher dimensions, although the ideas are already present in Science and science fiction. A connection will be made between them and the Heaven of religious scriptures. People will discover that the human family’s DNA has been manipulated by geneticists many thousands of years ago. So the fact that people should not even have to die after such a short lifespan, never mind get afflicted by diseases, will represent a great new hope. The fact that the Solar System is moving through a part of the Galaxy in which Photonic Light is very intense, and causing an Awakening, leading to a recovery of full consciousness in people, will be understood, and this will begin to happen within a few months and will expand. A change is on the horizon of Destiny. We are about to enter a phase of Transition, as you know. The worst among the recalcitrant ones will eventually be taken away, though Gaia loves them as she loves all her children, and is reluctant to give up. She is however on the verge of having to let them go, for the freedom of the many must be restored.
The Lightworkers already are experiencing more than fleeting moments upon the lower levels of the 5th Dimension in their consciousness. Some are firmly established upon it, but for the most part mankind is passing through the 4th Dimension. It is not by coincidence that it is at this time that they are experiencing the effects of the Elite’s desperate attempts to increase their tyrannical control of the world, by all manners of political moves. They have funds for doing so as they own the financial Institutions. They want to play a few more cards. They may attempt to claim that the Galactics are a threat when their suppression of truths is exposed concerning the Extraterrestrial presence. They have holographic technology at their disposition and could use it to present a false scenario of invasion. However, Disclosure will uplift mankind upon the ladder of the dimensions and frequency vibration, because information is Light and vice versa. So you see, that is why Disclosure plays a major part in the Ascension process.
The Aurora Borealis are now visible in parts of the world where they were not before, because of electromagnetic changes taking place due to the irradiation of the planet by photonic light. As regard to the threat of Robotic Control, the question of transhumanism and whether the occult satanic powers will attempt to steal the human DNA for supreme power, do not forget that billions of Star seeds and Galactic beings, as well as Ascended Masters, now have incarnated in human bodies. They are holding the balance of Light and will render these evil forces powerless by transforming all systems. The Elite is in fact fearfull of them though they possess sophisticated undisclosed technology. Their malevolent tactics will lead them nowhere. They already have robots that look perfectly human but understand that the forces of the Light are very active and actively opposing these malevolent forces in the measure permitted by Cosmic Law. It is the way that they operate in the higher dimensions. Whether biotechnology could be applied to medical use and whether the occult rulers plan a scenario similar to the one in the movie The Terminator, the answer is that as with the matter of alien implants, nanotechnology will not pass when people physically move into the higher or even middle levels of the 5th Dimension. The killer robot was unleashed from Pandora Box on Maldek, and artificial intelligence is as dangerous as nuclear power or weaponry.
As to the zealots who will blow themselves up because of their fanatical nature, they are lured into self-annihilation by the false hierarchies of the astral plane, sometimes called the bottomless pit. There is a record of the original Fall of certain entities called Nephilim, or Fallen Angels, whose rebellion against the Almighty was driven by jealousy. It’s in relation to the Reptilian humanoids. Their rebellion constituted a spiritual suicide. They acquired densities within them as well as self-destructive tendencies. Whether on the astral plane as discarnate entities, or in incarnation, the Illuminati have attempted to draw humanity into their Cult of Death and Hell for revenge against Life itself and in order to continue exercising control. The denizens of the pit have preyed upon the Lightbearers with thoughtforms and psychotronic weapons computerized by those who originate from Orion and Draco that affect the psyche.
You may call for the cutting free of mankind from the momentum of suicide, because those recruits of the Terrorist organizations, who are prepared to detonate bombs that they are wearing in the midst of innocent citizens, are under the influence of vortices of malintent.
There also was an Illuminati opposition to the Constitution, the divine document that was born out of the heart of Saint Germain. It was his dream that America would be an example for all nations but an infiltration of dark forces prevented this from happening. In defiance the dark caused internal weaknesses so Justice and Freedom have not triumphed in recent decades.
You may call the Elohim to overlight every aspect of the Running for Office, at this time of the coming Elections in the United States of America. Pray that the Council on Foreign Relations and Agencies, as well as Pentagon and CIA, may be turned upside down and shaken up, until beings of the Light are in position of authority, for it is the time when they awaken and have a change of heart, or Walk-In advanced souls move into position. Pray that the elected ones can never pass legislature for programs that are not of the Light. Demand changes to manifest by the intervention of the Mighty Blue Eagle from Sirius and the Legions of Mercury of El Morya. Demand the removal, by the action of the Cosmic Christ, as well as Archangel Michael’s Legions of the First Ray and Elohim Astrea, of the individuals in the governments of all nations who are not serving the Light. The Sacred Fire and Violet Transmuting Flame can also be invoked. Demand the manifestation of the Plan of Abundant Supply. The blueprint of divine Destiny will manifest with the descent of the Light Body, as you become heart, head and hand of your Higher Selves. This multi-dimensional assistance can be tripled each instant of each hour, until all are ascended and free in that quantum leap to a 5th dimensional Reality.
I now ask that you may all be enfolded in a gigantic pillar of pure dazzling White Light so that you magnetize to you the destiny of America so desired by Saint Germain, as well as the global peace so desired by Jesus the Christ, Archangel Michael, the Universal Mother and all of heaven, as well as the lightworkers.
May the great Prophecy for the Earth that is the manifestation of Divine Will be fulfilled now! Be sealed in the immaculate design of the timelines leading to Ascension. Awaken in the knowledge of the all-consuming love which never fails to give Earth her Freedom now! Let the Truth be revealed in this time of DISCLOSURE.
There is such a thing as the authority of Mother Mary and the release of Cosmic forces in the Great Central Son. Mother Mary embodies the presence of the Mother Universal and the Cosmic Virgin who commands the full force of the Sun behind the sun. The Cosmic Virgin rescues the Universal Manchild so he appears in the hearts of the sons and daughters of God. You may invoke her power to devour the power of the occult tyrannic false hierarchies. The armies of darkness will crumble! They wil tremble in the cup of their harvest in the physical octave in a way never seen before. The Mother will step through the veil in the flesh of her children. Therefore affirm: I AM Mother Mary, heart, head and hand. I ask for the consecration of every nation to the heart of Mary. Our burdens can be set aside by her intercessions. That is why we say ‘Hail Mary, full of grace!’ and ask that she prays for us, the Lightworkers. Let all receive the awakening presence of the divine Manchild, higher consciousness. Let the Twin Pillars of the Twin Flames manifest in the Solar Ring that is the platform for the Tube of Light, our tool and pathway to the manifestation of New Gaia, as well as Ascension.
The Flame of Living Truth will transmute all erroneous concepts and feelings. It will set free. It will manifest the science of precipitation whereby one can bring into form one’s perfect health, happiness, and divine plan for one’s families and communities. This can be manifested as part of the Vision that Saint Germain, El Morya and the Darjeeling Council hold for the world to recreate a civilization that is abundant for a time of Transition.
With love and blessings to all, I represent Archangel Michael saying ‘I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS’.
Channel: Christine Preston
Questions on our Guardian Angels,Ascension , Nibiru, Menstruation Stopping in Women as the transition in Crystalline DNA happens,The Celestine Prophecy, and much more covered in this channeling by Suzie Beiler.
We all channel information from our higher selves one time or another,being aware of it or not.
We can channel consciously by sending out intention to be pure and connect with an Ascended Master,Angel,Archangel or Father Mother God//Prime Creator.
Here is an amazing channeling of Saint Germain talking about The New Age,Beauty of Life , Understanding and Prosperity
Jerzy: This is a wonderful time for Humanity
Machinery of Global Reset is moving forward at 100 miles now.
Currency changes are going on.
It is all beginning.
Banks received final docs and has issued a clearance which allows paymaster to get funds within the next 24 hours and then we will receive their first funds for the infrastructure.
Royals and Chinese Family are releasing funds for Humanity.
The System we are in will be changing. Common Law will come in and fair tax system for the people. It is to be done as quickly as possible.
Made in the USA label will be sought after .
Amazing time for the people of the USA.
Royals and Chinese family are both saying the same thing about the GCR.
Will: Rumor mill is in high gear. Loads of misinformation.
Doug: The USA will be restored to the organic Constitution.. and then we will see other countries following and doing the same thing.
Won’t see the news in Cabal controlled media.. Look for information in Chinese papers, Vietnam papers.. etc.
Will: We are going to see Abundance on the planet like we have never seen before.
The Angels April 9, 2016
by Ann Albers…
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Don’t sabotage your dreams by doubting, becoming impatient, and losing faith. If you grew a garden, you would plant the seeds, water them faithfully, weed them, and trust in their ultimate ripening. You would not dig them up in frustration, stop watering the garden, or allow the weeds to grow. Think of your dreams like those seeds. They are planted in your heart. Water them with your love and good thoughts. Weed out negative beliefs. And then trust, that your dreams, like those seeds, will ripen to fullness in your own lives.
You are not subject to the whims of a God outside of yourself dear ones. The love that creates universes lives inside of you, and indeed in all of creation. When you intend with clarity and an internal commitment, you send an energetic ripple into the universe – one that will ultimately create its reflection back in your life. Your fear based thoughts create weak ripples, and your thoughts rooted in love create strong ones.
You do not pray with your lips and your words, but rather with every breath you breath, with every action you take, and ultimately, dear ones, with your energetic vibration.
So you may be praying, “God deliver unto me the perfect relationship!” but if your energy exists in fear you will not have one, or doubt that you can have one, or defensiveness against one… then dear friends your prayers are weakened. If however you pray with confidence, courage, and commitment, expecting the best, trusting in the ultimate love and goodness of the universe, loving yourself enough to know you are a cell in the body of the Divine worthy of all that resides in your heart… then dear ones your prayers are strong!
Try, this week to pray one prayer with complete courage, confidence, and commitment. Pray as if you know the universe will deliver. Before you go to bed, ask your angels to remove your fears, your blocks, your hesitations – anything that would weaken the integrity of your prayers. Watch what transpires.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
On March 15, 2016 there was an attempted nuclear attack in Brussels. No one in the media reported it that way. It was the cabal’s final attempt to begin World War III. It was ended before it was started. One week later the well publicized false flag attack at the Brussels Airport was payback. That has all ended now. No more attempts will be successful. The dark cabal have repeatedly tried to push away the inevitable and that was their final effort.
Read more here:
Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. You have just completed one of the most intense months in the history of Planet Earth passing through two Eclipses, the Spring Equinox, two Comets and Easter. An open window for the Event called Disclosure. On March 15, 2016 there was an attempted nuclear attack in Brussels. No one in the media reported it that way. It was the cabal’s final attempt to begin World War III. It was ended before it was started. One week later the well publicized false flag attack at the Brussels Airport was payback. That has all ended now. No more attempts will be successful. The dark cabal have repeatedly tried to push away the inevitable and that was their final effort.
Back in 1987 we had Harmonic Convergence. It was at that time the 4th dimensional Astral Plane collapsed into the 3rd dimension. That was when time ended with those with the knowledge and the light to experience it. All of those Indigo Warriors, Sages and Saints began working with it back then for the sake of the rest of Humanity. Also at that time began the 6th Age of the Sun in the Milky Way Galaxy. We crash landed into the dark Matter Universe at a Star called Vega. Our Sun Sol has been rotating around Vega ever since. It has been almost 30 years since the Astral Planes were a part of Earth reality as Earth continued to move into the 6th Dimension. Very few of Humanity had the knowledge to understand this and stayed with the language of the 3rd going to the 4th and the 5th. Many channels were kept in the dark as well because their readers could not handle such advanced thinking. As fear used as a mass psychological attack, one after the other, through the years continued to bombard the collective consciousness of those waking up, the 4th Dimensional Realm continued to be used by the dark cabal to wage war within the lower Dimensions. It was from here plans were made for further false flags and from here they were launched. Actions begin in the Causal or Astral Realms before they are made manifest in the Physical Realm in the 5th Dimension and above.
A Group of Sages came together on a Mountaintop in the Mountains west of Santa Barbara, United States near the west coast March 31, April 1, April 2 and April 3rd, 2016. Sacred Vedic Ceremonies were performed for four long days which have not been done on Earth in thousands and thousands of years.
On the first day the 5 Elements were invoked together and made to lay the foundation for putting their Blessing on New Earth. The Galactics were present throughout on the ground and in the skies assisting with the manifestation of needed energies to move through the changes. The Diamond Energies merged with the 5 Elements to set the stage for what was to come.
The second day there was a walk taken with the Rishis around the mountain top inside which a very large yellow diamond the size of a large house, had been installed in 2014 preparing for this day. This diamond represents the energy of Mt Kailash in the west. It connects the energies with the intersecting tetrahedral diamonds in the core of Earth which line up with 19.5 degrees. 19.5 degrees north and south are the latitudes where the apex points of a star tetrahedra within a sphere will contact that sphere’s surface, when one apex is positioned at the north or south pole. The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is at 19.6 degrees north. At these intersections on both Earth and other Planets, these points have pyramids covering the StarGates there. On Venus the Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5 degrees. On Mars the Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5 degrees.
On Jupiter the “red spot” which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees. On Neptune there is a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north. This diamond energy inside the mountain connects with the diamond waves of light energy pulsing into Earth and opened all of the StarGates on Earth for these four days. They are now fully functional and working together.
The third day the we honored 7 generations before and after the lineage on Earth now according to the tradition of Pind Daan in India. This offering can bring innumerable blessings for them that can be seen as a rare connection to Grace that might not have happened otherwise in this stage of their evolution. What happened was the Rishis on and off Earth offered a Ceremony to all sentient life on Earth, animals, plants and minerals as well as all of Humanity. We also included the Extraterrestrials living on Earth now as well as the hybrids produced in deep tunnels and laboratories on Earth such as Los Alamos, Dulce and Area 51.
From he 1930’s until the 1970s super soldiers were produced which were the size of ants. They were tiny super soldiers performing very specialized operations, breaking into bank vaults and many other special and secret places to provide intel to what was there and move small things in and out. These super soldiers went mostly unseen except for those very sensitive. They were all forms of animals which were given special abilities and also shrunk down to the size of ants, not by alchemical processes, but rather by advanced technology. They made an army of small hybrid animals, insects and humans. They penetrated into secret areas like the White House, Pentagon, Congress, China’s Forbidden Palaces, The Kremlin, Cybertechnology and Underground Secret Bases. They were retrofitted with wings and secret abilities like bilocation. These tiny animals could become directed vehicles of human technologies, including surveillance cameras, sensors, and chemical or biological weapons. Researchers are fashioning insects, beetles to be precise, with wireless transceivers and neural implants so that a human operator can dictate where the beetles fly. Currently, these beetles can be flown with a hand-held control, much like hobby airplanes are flown with a joystick.
During this long Ceremony we did include all sentient Beings and healed their karma going back 7 generations and going forward for 7 generations. We also included those on the verge of passing and not yet passed. Everyone living on Earth has had their karma end now. No one has karma anymore. The 4th Dimension has closed and that means we are in No Time which only happens at the 5th Dimension and above. It is all forgiven, dissolved, gone. There is Amnesty for all. This prepared the way for mass arrests, removal of clones and solid holograms and all members of the dark cabal to be removed from Earth never to return. We also reunited the Shadow Side of the dark cabal to return to Unity Consciousness. The entire DNA system of all these groups was repaired completely. No matter where you are in your evolution at this moment, the decision has been made. Either you are to progress at Earth evolving back to the 12th and finally the 100th Dimensions or you have been reassigned. Some few will need to be uncreated. In order to repair the Timeline and take Earth back to it’s rightful place in the Milky Way Galaxy, this had to be done now.
Balance was returned to the Planet and all living on her and this prepared Earth for the Ceremonies which would follow.
On Day four Earth was taken back to it’s beginning 5 creations ago. It was a very difficult process with many in attendance on Earth as Unseens and in the Skies. These were benevolent Archangelic Beings and Galactics. Having Blessed all of Earth and her StarGates two days before and all of Sentient life the day before, it was now appropriate to close the 4th Dimension and remove all of the dark cabal, all the Souls living as clones and solid holograms, all the demons and dark Ones. 100s of thousands of souls were removed. It took a good portion of the day to complete this Blessing. The Souls had to move through Mother God with the assistance of Father God through her Yoni and back through the Scorpio Black Hole to be returned to the Light Matter Universe and so permanently removed from the Timelines.
To understand the Gaya Ceremony we look at the story of the Ganges River descending from the Stars and taking it’s place on Earth. The Mystical and Esoteric meanings hearken us back to the last time this Ceremony was performed on Earth millions of years ago at the beginning of the 5th Sun Creation. This was an extremely rare and special multidimensional experience. The Himalayan headwaters of the Ganges river are in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India. It is as the mouth of a cow. The cow represents Earth and the Ganges represents all knowledge. This is considered a sacred gift from Mother Earth to all her creations. As the changes take hold on Earth it is required that the TRUTH be revealed so everyone who wants to can make their ascension. It is impossible to do without the highest knowledge. Meditation, Contemplation, Asanas, Pranayama, reading the Ancient Texts and a healthy and clean lifestyle are required for ascension to be possible. Completing these ceremonies quickly and in secret were required to bring about the reformation and a New Age on Earth.
Now Earth continues to move back toward the Eye of An preparing to return to Alcyone in the Pleiades, Source Energy, healing Earth’s journey down into the lower dimensions. With the 4th Dimension healed, no dark Ones will have access back to Earth ever again. In physics the 4th Dimension is Time. We have closed off Time. We are at No Time and the ZPMs are all charged up to 100%. We are able to go to Zero Point on Earth any day now. In the right timing. Nothing can stop it.
These processes which were necessary to take place before the Event Called Disclosure the 6th Age of the Sun on Earth is now possible. The rest of the changes are inevitable and expected to appear in the Physical Realm of Earth within this window of opportunity during this Easter Season. It is unfolding right before your eyes. We Are All Going Home Now. Keep all of your thoughts positive as we move through unexpected and long anticipated changes. This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, April 9, 2016. © All Rights Reserved. Greetings Everybody! I attended these 4 days of ceremonies and helped with the energy work. I have to travel again for another event this week. This is a special call for donations. Please if you are able, send a small amount today, everything helps. If you are able to send more I am truly grateful. I have had some travel and ran into bumps on the way. I am finally home safe and preparing for the next steps to the event we all have been working toward. I share freely as part of my duty. From time to time I need more help and today is that day. Not all can help and that is ok. I am free for readings now and I will contact those who have waited to hear from me. If you are interested in a reading please book from my website Private Session and schedule soon, I only have a few free days now before the next. Thank you for your generosity and kind compassion. All My Love, beth. scroll down and here is a link that may work Travel Donation … Namaste!
A massive energetic shift is coming and we are here to make you aware that as of April 9, 2016 at 11:00 pm PDT(8:00 am Central European Time) and for the following 3 hours, a massive energetic message is being remotely communicated and shown to an innumerable amount of people on Earth. This message is one of love, peace, surrender, forgiveness, healing and powerful vibrations being sent through directly to individuals through their energetic field. This means that large amounts of energy will be moving through you during this time. It will come through you as an amplification system. All individuals in your field of awareness, without realizing how or why, will be receiving this through you. There’s nothing to fear. They won’t know who it’s coming from. If you are surrendered enough, and awake while it’s happening, all you will feel is blissful love, peace, an urge to celebrate.
While there are some things we are choosing to keep close to the vest, please be aware that this will be the first of these blasts that will be going out. Certain points in this process have to be very specific and particular but, all those who have already been able to tap into the collective are invited to send your energy also. This is important. Just your emotion, no message attached, no sender needs to be named. Getting yourself into the fullest trance like, meditative and/or psychedelic state possible is important for this to be as effective as possible. Adding powerful music (free of lyrics) is helpful to the process. Once you are in this state, bring yourself to the highest vibrations of positive emotions possible. Forgiveness, peace, love, bliss, laughter, whatever comes up. Laugh, cry, release. Whatever positive emotion comes up must be expressed to the masses. Blast out those feelings and send all that goodness to whomever you can envision. Allow your mind to move swiftly through faces you are directing it to whether you know who they are or not. Please be sure to send it to those who need it the most and remember that this means FORGIVENESS without fear or judgment. Again… FORGIVENESS WITHOUT FEAR OR JUDGMENT.
More info here.
You can subscribe to the mailing list for these messages by going to:
I am your St. Germain, in service to this great Earth Project: the Ascension of all humankind. Namaste!
(St. Germain Channeled by Dr. Kathryn E. May;
Archangel Michael
Feel More Than Fine are Healthy Dance Events thriving in bringing people together with the intention to raise the vibrations on ecstatic beats and with the intelligent use of The Mind/Body/Spirit Complex through Dancing.
Purified Water or maybe just Divine Love is all is needed!
And Dancing is the best form of Meditation!
Our next event takes places in Bonn,Germany on May 22nd,2016.
Here is a full description:
Absolutely no need to use alcohol or drugs to get high.As a matter of fact these substances are attracting entities in our auric field,creating negativity on the environment of the person who makes such choice.Free will is ours and nobody can interfere for our well being except ourself.Watch here this 10′ video explaining the spiritual effects of alcohol with a scientific proof.
Here few of our events involving Yoga and Acro Yoga.
and the early opening at Solar 2014 when everybody is still sober 🙂
Daybreaker are similar events taking place in United States,here is a video of their party:
Michael’s Message | |
Beloved masters, the Rays of Divine Light, which are radiated throughout Creation via the great Archangels, not only contain the all-encompassing attributes of our Father / Mother God, but their thoughts and emotions of love and wisdom are also constantly being Ray-diatedthroughout all Creation. However, it is each person’s responsibility to be receptive to this gift of Living Light, to integrate as much as possible, and then to pass on a portion to humanity, and also a “tithe” of Love/Light and gratitude back to the SOURCE of ALL.
Universal Law mandates that there must come a time when all conscious Souls begin to return a portion of the Divine gifts of Love/Life they have been allotted—it is called the Law of Responsive Return.
When you actively participate in sharing your allotment of Adamantine Particles in times of prayer, affirmation, meditation and via the World Pyramid, you are fulfilling your obligation to our God Parents as an active and caring cocreator. This is the highest and most effective form of tithing. It is important to share your earthly riches, but even more important to share your loving energy, gifts and talents of Spirit.
The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened Self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount— that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at their current level of en-Lighten-ment—can be stored within the physical vessel. The remainder must be RAY-diated out into the world of form. The Supreme Creator is composed of infinite, indefinable Essence power which is so overwhelming that you cannot even imagine ITS magnitude. That wondrous Essence power has been reduced within every dimensional level of Creation so that you, the Star Seed cocreators, may claim your portion of this magnificent energy.
Each human Being contains hundreds of potential personality traits, which have been stored within the genetic structure of his/her four-bodily systems (physical / mental / emotional / etheric). It is up to each person to determine which personality traits he/she will develop and present to the outside world. The faster you neutralize or harmonize your negative personality traits, the more quickly your godly potential or your master Self will emerge. Only then will you gain access to your full potential as a cocreative master within the physical planes of existence.
When you achieve a certain level of harmony within, you open the physical body gateways or portals to the higher Dimensions: the Ascension Chakra or Medulla Oblongata at the base of the skull; the back portal of your Sacred Heart; your Sacred Mind, which is located in the upper, back portion of the brain; and the expansion of the opening of the Crown Chakra and your column of Light. These are major physical steps in the Ascension process, for they will clear and expand your connection with the River of Life, which contains the Living Light Particles of Creation called Adamantine Particles.
At that point, you begin to build a force field of the Full-Spectrum Light for this Sub-Universe, as you strive to become a Self-master, and a conscious cocreator who only creates those things which are for the greatest benefit of all. From that time forward, your breathing exercises and affirmations take on a whole new meaning.
In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow the Essence of Life to flow into and through you. You must use what you need, and then allow the remainder to flow forth, ready and available to be used in the wondrous creations of the new Divine Blueprint. In this way, you will become bearers and servers of the Light. This is the ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past years. This is the goal of Self-mastery. This is the way of Ascension.
The SACRED TRIAD is the vehicle through which the God-Seed Atom works, just as the Soul works through the personality on the Earth Plane. The Seventh sub-level, Fourth-Dimensional, Causal Body is a vehicle of higher Soul-consciousness. The Causal Body is the Spiritual Body of the God-Seed Atom Soul Fragments, and it is an intermediary between Spirit and matter, life and form.
THE THREE COSMIC CORDS OF LIGHT: There are three COSMIC GOLDEN CORDS OF LIGHT FROM WITHIN YOUR GOD-SEED ATOM, which flow down through your many SACRED TRIADS into your Fourth-Dimensional Causal Body, and then down into your OverSoul / Higher Self into the physical vessel. The three cords are the LIFE FORCE ENERGY CORD, THE CONSCIOUSNESS CORD, AND THE CREATIVE CORD.
The higher wisdom and refined energy required for traversing the sub-levels of the Third/Fourth Dimensions are supplied by the three God Ray attributes and qualities of each, more refined, OverSoul/Higher Self. This vital energy flows through the Threefold Life / Light Cords within the person’s Column of Light: Life Force Energy / Conscious awareness / Creativity.
As a person gradually awakens to the nudgings of the Soul and Higher Self, thereby becoming a Seeker of higher wisdom, the Consciousness and Creativity Cords become active, and vital frequencies of Self-mastery and Ascension begin to flow into the physical vessel. Eventually, higher frequency, vibrational patterns will be radiated from the GOD-SEED ATOM down through the River of Life column of Light–the Antakarana–into the Soul Star, and then directly into the Pineal and Pituitary glands, and also into the Sacred Mind and Sacred Heart. The physical mind, controlled earlier by the ego desire-body personality, is now controlled by the higher frequency consciousness of the Soul Self.
Each Sacred Triad was diminished in Light Quotient as it moved further out into the void and the density of Creation. The beginning Fifth-Dimensional stage of awareness—the densest, first sub-level—will initiate a focus on the mental body, and the integration of Divine Will. Specific evolutionary laws apply on each sub-plane as well as on each full plane of consciousness.
Every SACRED/SPIRITUAL TRIAD contains the Essence of the Three God Rays for this Sub-Universe: DIVINE WILL * LOVE/INTUITION * INTELLIGENCE IN ACTION.
THE LAWS OF SPIRIT WITHIN THE FIFTH DIMENSION ENTAIL: Learning how to wield energy in the physical, material world using the three God Rays from within your GOD-SEED ATOM, via the SACRED TRIAD of the first sub-level of the Fifth Dimension, to which you are gradually becoming attuned. It is also vitally important that you learn to stay centered within the Still Point of Infinity—the NOW moment of God Power.
The TRINITY aspect of the Third/Fourth Dimensions, BODY / MIND / SPIRIT, will become a perfected DUALITY, a Soul-Infused Personality—a fully conscious Soul on the physical plane. From that point onward, the Soul-infused personality is directly connected to the Fifth-Dimensional, entry-level, Sacred Triad, which is connected to all of the higher-frequency Sacred Triads throughout the Multi-Dimensions. After completing this stage of evolution, there will no longer be an Over-Soul/Higher Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions.
SOLAR PLEXUS: * SOUL-INFUSED PERSONALITY (This occurs after the ego-desire body has been returned to its proper role as a servant of the Soul, so that it may then be incorporated into the SOLAR POWER CENTER). The Soul’s primary goal is to prepare Its physical vessel host to integrate enough Creator Light to lift Its frequencies from the Third-/Fourth-Dimensional environment into the base Fifth-Dimensional level. At that point, the physical vessel becomes Soul-infused, or an empowered Soul, within a complimentary vessel. The aspirant is no longer just a human Being with a sustaining Soul. Each person is like a miniature whirlpool in an ocean of the Creator’s dynamic, swirling energy.
As you traverse the sub-levels of the Fifth Dimension, there is a Sacred Triad stationed within each of the Seven Sub-Dimensional levels, each one diminished in size and Light Power from the one above. All of the Sacred Triads were sent forth directly from within the Heart-Core of your God-Seed Atom, and they have been stationed within every Sub-/Full-Dimensional level—all the way down to the lowest—the first Sub-Plane of the Fifth Dimension. As human Beings—Spirit/Soul/Physical Body—you are infused with the WILL to create, a sense of purpose, instinctual incentive, and a complex nature. Each person will have unique moods, desires, qualities, inherited complexities and inhibitions, for each incarnation is the sum total of the major aspects of a person’s thousands of life experiences. The Soul is reflected through the personality until Soul integration is complete, at which time the Soul Self OverLights the personality and expresses directly through it.
Your planet is now plugged directly into the Heart-Core of the Great Central Sun within the Milky Way Galaxy. The new cosmic waves of Creator Light are a great gift to the awakened Souls on planet Earth. Even though these refined, higher-frequency Rays are not being beamed down directly into the lower Fourth- and Third Sub-Dimensional levels, the transforming frequencies of Light will gradually filter into and affect everyone and everything on and within the Earth.
As a result of its alignment with the Galactic Center and attunement with the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy, the Earth is in the process of raising its frequency patterns—its Soul Song—so it can return to its status as a Sacred Planet. This Sub-Universe is also being upgraded in vibrational frequencies as a result of being bombarded with the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light via our Universal Mother /Father God.
Beloveds, the process that is now taking place is called the Inbreath of Creation. A new, powerful and all-encompassing clarion call has rung forth on your planet, and millions have once more stepped forward to answer the call. We are gathering our forces, of which you are an integral part, as preparations are made to expand Creation out into the great void. The Creator’s radiance is now viable and active in your galaxy, solar system and on planet Earth, and you may draw forth as much of this rarified Love/Light as your physical body can contain as long as you use all you draw forth for the greater good.
Ask and we will assist you in every endeavor. Call on us and we will bolster your courage and lighten your burdens. Know that the days ahead are bright with promise as you walk the path of the masters before you. We shower down upon you a full measure of the radiance of our Father/Mother God. I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna/Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from :
Note: Please scroll down to the bottom of this email for links to foreign language translations.
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It comes back to where we started with deepest truths,I ‘ve been talking about connecting bare feet in nature for quite some time now,here is once again Hilarion’s confirmation,along my blog about Grounding /Centering.
HILARION’s WEEKLY MESSAGEby Marlene Swetlishoff ~ March 27 – April 3, 2016 |
Beloved Ones, The world is moving into the process of renewal and regeneration. This can be readily seen in world events. All the outworn systems that do not serve the highest good of all are being highlighted through events that are taking place. It is difficult for humanity to comprehend that a higher law is in force when all that they see is chaos and a world gone mad. This is the time for which all Lightworkers of the world have been incarnated upon this planet. Your Light is making a difference! Do not become discouraged by what you view through the lens of the media, there is more at work in the higher perspective than is presented to you. Within you there is much recalibration taking place. Like it or not, your physical vehicles are being transformed into higher versions of more rarefied form. Most of you are by now intimately experiencing waves of heat throughout your spines at regular intervals. When this happens, you know that your DNA strands are being activated and opened up. There are many strange symptoms that are being experienced by many of you and this will continue to occur. Some of you are experiencing anxiety without knowing the cause. This is in relation to the fact that you are heading into unknown territory and you do not know what it holds for you. Be at peace and ride these waves as they come, you will emerge victorious! |
You are not alone in this transformation; the entire world is in the throes of great change. It begins in the minute cells of every living thing upon the planet and it is being felt internally. It is important as we have stressed many times before, to connect to the Earth each day. Stand upon the ground in your bare feet and take a few moments to breathe deep rhythmic breaths and give thanks to the Earth for sustaining and protecting you. This is something that humanity as a whole needs to become more aware of, for it is the Earth your planet that is your home. There is only one Earth and it needs acknowledgement and love from its inhabitants. Each day ask your Divine Essence to shift your consciousness in order that you see your individual circumstances through the higher perspective. A higher connection to the divinity within you can make your way through life more peaceful and harmonious. This also develops the qualities of trust and courage within you. Trust that all that is experienced by you and your loved ones are happening for a higher reason and purpose. If we could share one most important piece of advice at this moment in time, it would be that you begin the daily practice of blessing. Bless every circumstance that you find yourself in and look within for the gift it contains. Bless the loved ones with whom you are experiencing challenges, for they are being the courageous souls who agreed to play this role in order that you learn your soul lessons and grow beyond them. They took this on because of their love for you. |
Bless every bird, every animal, every tree, every plant, and living thing within your immediate environment. Realize that everything you see is the Source of All That Is in physical manifestation. This is practicing the highest form of love in action and it is what is needed now. Do not allow distractions to take you away from this practice. Realize and become aware of the cycles that are occurring on the planetary and seasonal level and work in unison with them. You are an integral part with all of it and your love helps to maintain and sustain it. In everything that occurs, choose love as your response. Until next week… I AM Hilarion Share video version by using this link: 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message. |
We are moving together, dear friends, and our journey takes us to unexplored territory every day. Our beloved Michael has spoken with you about our CO-RV, and of your personal clearing and dedication to the Light which helps bring through the energy of Ascension, and therefore the RV along with all the other wonderful programs that bring Freedom for Earth and all upon her. Your response to his messages this week has already helped to reduce the back-wash of negativity that flooded our Lightworkers who are standing on the front lines transmuting the intense toxic energies produced by feelings of frustration, disappointment and resentment.
Prime Creator channeled by Suzie Beiler answers the following questions:
1.What will occur after the monetary reform.
2.What is the connection between anunnaki and religion.
3.How progresses the soul during incarnations.
4.How to set a clear boundary with the substance we choose to put in our body.
5.How to cut off any connection with a substance.
6.Why the human brain of most beings is not at place to understand all that is happening.
7.Why is it important to always choose our focus.