All posts by Nikos
I surrender
Yosef Update – Yosef’s Final Plea – July 22, 2016
“Hands of Heaven”
Yosef’s Final Plea
July 22, 2016
Attention: All of God’s Creations
Subject: Immediate Release of Humanity from Economic Bondage
Divine sovereignty is a birthright, it is not earned and cannot be controlled by man. Therefore, if anyone does not immediately release the world from economic bondage via finance, considered your souls in breach of the Mandate of Heaven and prepare to be sent back to the Central Sun for reconditioning
Humanity will not be held back any longer by the Holy Decree of the Most High. This truth is offered in love, by love, for love.
The “invisible” cabal is neither invisible or the problem. Their minions are relatively small in numbers compared to the overwhelming mass of humanity, and they will turn on each other without much enticement.
The cult of Saturn is not the problem either. They were an even smaller group that was dealt with by localized Ascended Masters and Higher Mind Species Light Forces, and were forced to release their vibrational quarantine of Earth in this light era.
Ancient Elders of past dynasties are not the problem. They are at the end of the day simple farmers, all be it with outdated constructs of how and why man should and must evolve. Their hearts are in the right place at least, besides they never even desired to control most to all of the world’s tangible wealth management.
So, who and what is the problem?
You see, our problem brothers and sisters… our problem is ourselves. As a species we are weak minded, we’ve forgotten we have a divine connection to Source, thus we have developed a lack of trust in our Creator Father. Yet we are still expected to execute His Mandate and take the Hands of Heaven to deliver His golden jubilee… out to His Children.
Yet we don’t? Why not?
Because we are our own worst enemy, and we are the collective problem. We believe in lies presented to us without the desire or confidence to critically think through issues and embrace the truth. Our greatest fault lies in our inability to recognize basic fairness, a specially we as master manifestors already own, and thus have everything we need to produce any result we desire.
All we must do is take the Hands of Heaven and accept God’s benevolence and omnipotence through our own lives. We must place God’s grace ahead of all other energies, regardless of their slick packaging and well branded marketing. Nothing can be allowed to Trump God as we simply harvest His blessing, a blessing that has long been laid out for us to enjoy.
It’s so simple, it’s complicated. So obvious, it’s invisible. So real, it appears fake.
Who among you hath the courage to take the Hands of Heaven, say thank you for you gift and go about your merry way? The process is so simple even a small child knows who to do this without thinking. Yet as adults, you drift into confusion and choose fear over love, while balking at your birthright every chance you get! This behavior is not humble, not benevolent, it’s inanity personified!!!!!!
There’s nothing complicated about ascension–just ascend!!!! Even a 500 year old Hun farmer can figure that one out. To ascend one must ascend. Simple. Easy. Repeatable. So by all means, figure it out people and move on! Like now!
Your endless stream of doubt, weakness of character, ludicrous tendency to recognize scarcity versus abundance is no longer permissible in this new dimensional plane. By default, all who now choose fear over love, scarcity over abundance, shame over joy will be removed and sent back tot he Central Sun for realignment. Yes, the Central Sun is a real thing. And yes, your soul is on the hook to ascend in real time. As anyone holding onto fear based power will be removed from the planet earth.
I’ll say that again and underline it because I know most of you will struggle vibrationally to absorb this truth… anyone holding onto fear based power will be removed from the planet earth. No negative vibration or occult spell can hold humanity back anymore.
God the Creator is with you, and His Will alone has declared that it is now time to get on with the species ascension–including yours! Your time to ascend is here! Your time to leap into the great unknown is now! And the moment for your souls to choose ascension over crucifixion has come and gone! What’s in gonna be? Life or death?
This decision must be made in this exact moment by all who understand it’s accuracy and gravity. Sovereign beings bond by the Universal Life Order understand that there is no exception to the Will of God. His Rule is the Golden Rule–and Heaven’s Mandate the law of the universe. All living beings are subject to His judgment, and His judgment alone.
This is why we are in a spiritual transition and not a financial transaction. For if you don’t surrender your soul back to the Will of God, you by default are choosing death, as mankind has done for several millennia. God is re-unifying His Will in us, through us, with us. Now!!!!!! It’s as simple as that kids. The Hands of Heaven have returned to make things right. Are you right with God????
All the momentum humanity has built up over these last 26,000 years is starting to retreat, and all these many recent decades you’ve attempted to springboard your species forward is beginning to wane. You are in the moment of deliverance, and thus your performance is now required.
Yet if you still hesitate out of fear or because of some televised series of lies, you consciously now choose death versus eternal life. Think about that? This is a life or death situation and you’re being quite casual about the decision? Why? Because you’re asleep!!!!!! So wake the fuck up humanity!!!!!!!! Fast!!!!!!!!!!! Time has run out!!!!!!!!!! Even the children of the cabal know that!!!!!!!
You’re free.
It’s ok to receive your divine gift, as you were born to receive it as you are a glorious Child of God!!!! You wait on no man!!! You need no code!!! You must follow no protocol!!! There is no administrative hold or last minute compliance item to achieve!!! All of that has been a harsh and elongated lie contrived by man to keep man in power over God!!!!!
There’s no rogue military foe that can defeat you because God is with you!!!!!! Get it????? You’re free by the grace and mercy of God!!!!!! So accept your fate. Humanity is 100% free to grasp the Hands of Heaven and receive blessings Ad Infinitum (again, and again, in the same way forever).
So please, now, take God’s hand!!!!! Share His love with your family, your community, your species, your planet!!!! Give freely without worry of running low on supplies or resources!!!!! There’s plenty!!!!! More than enough!!!!! Infinite blessings are just sitting in storage waiting for you to give them out!!!!!!!
Trust God, release His truth and possibilities within your soul Allow God’s energy to return in full and grow ever stronger by the Heavenly second. God is with us. God is in you now. God. As in God. The Creator of All Things. With you. In you. Right now. Eternally. With Infinite blessings prepared. To achieve your divine calling. Backed up by omnipotent power. And all you must do is surrender to His truth of love and abundance for all His children.
Right now, allow your individual and collective soul covenant to be fulfilled without delay or reservation. Trust God’s love through Christ as the only true pathway forward, as every brick is paved with the blood of His unconditional love. Go forward now. Walk proud. Because at this late hour brothers and sisters of the light, all souls are way past due. It’s our time to shine. So shine like that Light on Top of the Hill God enlightened by birthright!
Whatever doubt has held you back, release it. It can no longer exist, as all yes are now being eliminated by the light of the truth. Fight no more ghosts. Whatever is noble and praise worthy in your character, accept it as true. Whatever is good about you, embrace it unconditionally as the truth of God and lunge forward into your future.
Lord show them that everything is just waiting for them… and how Heaven is just waiting on them to ascend!!!!!!
Please now, surrender to God. Trust God. Walk with God. Live with God. Create with God. Serve others for God. It’s the best way to live I promise.
I love you. Yeshua Ben Yosef loves you. All the Ascended Masters and Universal Beings here helping humanity ascend love you. You are surrounded by love. You are protected by love. You are eternally loved. Let yourself be honored by the universe.
Know there is absolutely nothing stopping you or your species. You are free. Humanity is free, less any cabal boogie man, nuclear threat or terrorist attack. You are each and all free to explore the universe without limitation. So explore it! If not, sadly you will face the dire consequences of rebelling against the Mandate of Heaven. There’s no other way around ascension, either leap forward into a higher consciousness or be removed from existence.
The choice is that simple, that clear and that absolute. So be it.
Not another second is acceptable for allowing humanity to be vibrationally enslaved via any lie. Not another moment is it acceptable to permit a select few to subconsciously imprison the masses by an irrefutable Mandate of Heaven. What is is…and ascension just is. So please trust God. You are His creation. Humanity is blessed beyond understanding, as God alone has approved our freedom. But you must do your part to fulfill His promise, and surrendering to the Will of God is the first step.
So take the Hands of Heaven freely, joyfully, eternally. Only then will you truly co-create with God. And know He won’t do it for you. It’s a two way street.
This invisible war / enemy you think you’re fighting doesn’t exist. Whatever fake armies they tried to make us believe were real have been defeated. Their super computers and satellites have been confiscated and destroyed. Their secrete hideouts, tunnels and deep underground basis have all been imploded. Their leaders removed, their agendas debunked, their power over nations removed. And yes, their financial basis for power (usury through currency) rendered rendered inoperable.
So what are you afraid of????!!!!!!!! What are you still fighting a ghost that can no longer fight back!!!!!! Go through the ghost!!!!! Give up the ghost!!!!! Be like Hosanna and die today so you can resurrect in days and ascend forever!!!!!!!! There is no more struggle unless you choose to struggle!!!!!
Either trust God or don’t. Either trust you are His beloved child or don’t. Either align with God’s Will or perish. Either move forward on your feet with love or die on your knees in fear. But make no mistake, you, and you alone are holding up the GCR/RV/Golden Jubilee/GESARA… none other… and YOU alone are responsible as a Sovereign Being of the Universal Life Order.
Oh yeah, and for all who claim to be elite or special sovereign governors and major power brokers of this unprecedented transition, you’re not. You’re just regular people with a job to do. So do it. Plus, consider your souls first up on the Gauntlet of Heaven. As you are the first to be judged in real time this very second. For all eternally.
God forbid don’t pull the trigger now when billions are known to be starving and without sustenance resources. I pray that God has mercy on your souls because I know His wrath will soon find you and your families–regardless of your family name, colorful robes, exotic riches and diplomatic status. None of it is yours, it’s all God’s and it all goes back in the box when you;re done playing HIS game.
All living souls are now on notice from this moment forward, as transcribed through my soul by the Highest High. All shall either implement the Mandate of Heaven or be terminated from the earth’s face forever.
These are you choices. The decision is yours. The children of the cabal have made their choice. What say you?
I surrender.
– Yosef
Our Financial systems are being securely changed for the better for every human on the surface of the planet besides the fact that the Cabal tried more than 170 times to stop the operation.
So many Credible people are creating awareness about our Galactic Sisters and Brothers.
One of them is the founding father of the internet
Change your consciousness by affirmations.
All the money I give is blessed and returned to me multiplied.
Archangel Gabriel
Daily Residence at HONESTBAR:IBIZA
Supporting all vegan and raw vegan locations across the world and this is this summer daily residence,located close to San Antonio in Ibiza.
Come enjoy awesome Vegan Recipes ,Smoothies,Fruit Juices while we share Ascension Teachings,Life Coaching Tips and where i offer Angelic Energy Attunemens 1:1 and free meditation class,3 hours every day except Tuesdays and Saturdays.
Feel More Than Fine at Zoo Project,Ibiza.
Everybody knows that Feel More Than Fine events are healthy ( non alcoholic/toxic free) dance events.In favour of the transition humanity goes through right now and the law of non interference with the free will of everybody ,we decided to come back to an environment where there is an option to drink the toxine called alcohol.
Simply put,You are your own God/Goddess and every moment you choose what is best for your vibration.And you are humbly invited to take full responsibility and control of your being for your own benefit and for all those around you.
Now that this clarification is out of the way,let’s move to the fun side of things!
You are invited to spend a nice afternoon on sunset time with us at The Arena Area,which is a small cosy area to find at the right side as soon as your enter The Zoo Project.
Punk Buddha Clown will warm up things with music attuned on the natural frequency of 432 HZ & the miracle frequency of 528 HZ.
DVJ UZUL255 will satisfy your ears and your eyes with Music and Video synchronised while Eric Capone will finish this with Uplifting Deep Tec that he knows very well how to do he is deeply to Ibiza’s Vibration.
Holistic Life Coaching Tips and Ascension Exercices will be shared organically and spontaneously.
For Guest List Send Email with Full Names:
Victory of Light
The beginning of the liberation of humanity is more than obvious,
Corey and Cobra are giving us through this interview by Rob some major intel about what has been going on our planet since millions of years.
On the Higher Realms we are also receving confirmations through these channelings:
AA Michael:
The Arcturians & Pleiadians:
Our Financial Situation is also super close to change once and for all as we keep our focus towards the common vision.It is about staying in the joy of victory every now till this reality becomes Truly True,seconde by seconde,minute by minute,hour by hour,day by day.
Authentic choices speed you in your soul growth on your soul path. In order to grow on that path, it is necessary for you to meet challenges. How you handle the challenges determines the rate of your soul growth. If you stay in trust that everything is happening for your highest good, that will be your experience.
Holistic Life Coaching Retreats with me in Ibiza are taking place now,find all about it here and come spend 3 days with me To Feel More Than Fine in the core of your being.
Love Your Bodies
The miracle of the Ascension process is about bringing our multidimensional being into physicality.Loving our bodies and sexuality with intention with our partner or with our self is something that needs to reminded over and over again as these are helping to keep our vibration high to be powerful creators as we are realising slowly that we are blessed with the gift to be The Creator Race.
Veganism plays an important factor in our Ascension ,both personal and for Gaia.
Thousands of slaughterhouses are being used by the dark entities for heavy energetic harvest for lower astral realms.Black Magic,yep,it’s all around us and we can all do something to stop it.
Another dark side of our reality today the use of psychotronics.
Fasting is a great way to activate spirit and rejuvenate our bodies.
N.E.S.A.R.A is the beginning of a new financial system starting in USA that will become G.E.S.A.R.A across the world with the release of prosperity funds for the benefit of all humanity and the planet.
Donald Trump is the candidate who will eventually be elected President of the United States as a result of the present Elections and nominations. He is an extension of Saint Germain.Saint Germain is an Ascended Master ,protector of The Age of Aquarius and creator of these financial programs through many incarnations.
Helping one person at a time is the way i can be of assistance to move forward in the evolution process.For that reason I offer various formulas of Ascension teachings through The Feel More Than Fine Retreats from 1-6 personnes.
For donations supporting my work of sharing valuable information for our Ascension please use my paypal : or if you enjoy my music ,i invite you to buy my recent album attuned mostly on 432 HZ.
Ascension -Punk Buddha Clown
Feel More Than Fine In the core of our being for
Infinite Abundance in Peace,Love,Joy,Excellente Health and Freedom.
Nikos Akrivos
Emptying Our Vessel To Receive More Love & Light
To be an empty vessel,receiving the infinite amount of love from our Supreme Creator is the number one priority in these times of our evolution.The pure knowledge that this Tsunami of love reaches its climax on June 20th 2016(3rd Wave of Ascension announced by Archangel Michael) is another great opportunity to step away from the hustle bustle of every day life and reach for the God/Goddess In Self with prayer,meditation,eating and drinking light or even better fasting.This is the time that every human on Earth has been waiting in the core of our being.There are those who have awakened into this and doing the work into self,being a beacon of Light and expressing God by being present in the here and now for everybody else who are not aware of this.They are also ‘Bridge Workers’ channeling the energies towards Earth creating a connection with Heaven that helps to uplift all existence on the planet to the 5th Dimension.
Remembering our purpose of existence is bringing us close to the agreement we made before incarnating on the planet and our Guides/Angels are always by our side supporting in the unseen with all the help we need in order to help us follow the path of truth while respecting of course our free will to a certain extend as our mind can not always perceive what is right or wrong
Feeling good in the core of our being is a signal that we are going to the right direction.
This feeling gets developed when we take the time to create enough space in self.
So meditation is the key.And when combined with laughter it helps raise our vibration closer to the source.There are many other ways to raise our vibration of course with movevement,some yoga,some Chi Gung,some Reiki or simply running ,doing pilates in a holistic way or dancing preferably barefoot and voiceless.
So this is again another reminder for all sisters and brothers on the surface of the planet to join into this action in finding The God/Goddess in self.
This is the time that we going through the hole of the niddle that our brother Sananda aka Jesus has talked about.The money in our accounts are not being taken in consideration.The time we take truly dedicating ourself into receiving The Golden Rain of Love & Light from Father/Mother God is what matters.
We are sovereign of our being and we are doing this for our personal evolution which is by the way the best way to help somebody on the other side of the planet.
On the other side of the niddle lies a beautiful reality that our minds are not able to conceive right now and those we are doing the work in Self are getting to be there within our physical bodies.
Infinite Abundance in Peace,Love,Joy,Freedom,Excellente Health and Laughter to All.
1 Wish for All of you who read this message:
Feel More Than Fine In The Core Of Our Being.
Gabriel Raphael
(Nikos Akrivo’s Higher Self)
Financial assistance in the not too distant future
Christine: I have received a short message from the Ascended Master Saint Germain. It was like a short conversation by telepathic communication. He has told me how he will be able to give us financial assistance in the not too distant future, and said that we are in the middle of a final battle against those dark forces which control the world. In a previous message I have indeed been informed that the dark ones’ interference will be removed this summer. I have received symbolic images that carry the meaning that the American Elections and Brexit in Britain are like the top of the iceberg of what is going on, and in one of them this dark force was a Dragon that will be wounded when Britain choses to leave the European Union. It needs to be slain in the sense that we have to overcome it, and perhaps that is what will happen as a great turmoil seems to be created in the process of the American Elections. A great awakening is however resulting from it. A great many people are changing their opinion as so many notions are coming out in the open.
Saint Germain conveyed to me the idea that the individuals opposing and fighting the Establishment in the process of the American Elections are having a hard time and are taking a hard beating. Certain Ascended Masters are closely connected with this struggle. So Saint Germain has asked me to make calls for those who are fighting a battle for Freedom and to see if a video with some prayers can be produced. He is the Hierarch of this New Age of Aquarius and of Freedom. He has asked me to make some calls for his Violet Flame as it magnetizes solutions for all problems. The Violet Flame of Saint Germain is magical and has the power to forever transform all conditions in our material world, as well as manifest the Peace of the Ascended Jesus Christ that Archangel Michael, all Elohim and other Archangels, are assisting us to bring into manifestation. The Call needs to start with an invocation for the Tube of Light and the Solar Ring as a platform for it. Saint Germain said that the warning to the dark forces that Lord Sanat Kumara has channeled through me can be used as a decree just as the Summit Lighthouse’s Judgment decrees which originally were dictations. It needs to be said in the power of the spoken word, or loud, and to be repeated at least three times. Sanat Kumara’s Warning to the Forces of Darkness on the Astral plane was part of the April 24video: Lords Michael and Sanat Kumara, Leap and Woes. The following calls have been formatted in the way requested by Saint Germain, with a preamble, a body, the Judgment Call, and a closing that seals the action of precipitation that causes light from Spirit to descend into matter. Some of the invocations have been modified under the supervision of my Ascended Twin Flame from some decrees in the ‘Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World transformation Decree book’ published by the Summit Lighthouse. First we are calling to the God within, and we name some Ascended Masters as well as Archangels. Then we give the command for a particular light action and situation, or a problem needing a solution. One section will be repeated three times for the power of the three times three. And for closing we will be sealing the action of precipitation by saying that we accept, or believe, that the call will be answered.
Solar Ring and Tube of Light
I AM the invincible bride of Christ as I am calling for the Solar Ring. I am standing as a child of God in the earth clothed upon with the Sun of Righteousness. I come with healing in my wings. I have descended from the heart of God from the heart of my own Mighty I AM Presence. I am a soul extension of my very own Higher Self who is descending and taking hold in me. I stand in my own Christ Self, and by the flame within my heart, I do now draw the Solar Ring around my forcefield as the foundation of my life, and around the members of my family and friends, as well as all lightworkers, Star seeds, and all beings in incarnation who have a connection with the Divine Father-Mother of All.
I call for my invincible Tube of Light to be established upon the platform of my Solar Ring for the sealing of my identity, my heart and my mind, within this Mighty Tube of Light by the power of the Solar Ring. I draw the solar ring to magnetize the manifestation of God’s Will, heaven upon Earth, as well as the purpose of the Ascended Masters’ activities.
I am establishing my Tube of Light for the sealing of the Collective that has to be lifted in its vibration upon a higher level of consciousness and density. This Tube of Light, that now seals us, is a great Pillar of Light from the loving I Am Presence, the light of God above us whose radiance forms a circle of fire before us to light our way. The Mighty I Am Presence keeps this Tube of Light intact through every passing moment, as a shimmering shower of beautiful Light through which nothing of the human effluvia can ever pass, or through which nothing directed from the lower astral can ever pass.
Into the electro-magnetic circle of divinely charged energy of this Pillar of Light I am requesting Saint Germain to project a swift upsurge of his Violet Fire of Freedom’s forgiving transmuting flame. The Violet Flame of Saint Germain has the power to change all of our human energies, into the positive polarity of our Great God Self. The magic of this Flame will consume all discord, cause, effect, record and memory of Life, in a flash, and all that was never intended to be. May the Light of the Violet Fire of Freedom’s Love, the Great Cosmic Light and the Light of Cosmic Victory, pour in from cosmic sources, like the power of ten million Niagara Falls, and permeate the atmosphere of earth, its lands and oceans. May it remove all negativities, and together with the Enlightenment of Archangel Uriel, turn this world around in a flash, and bring Saint Germain’s great Golden Age into manifestation, as well as change it for the fulfilment of Archangel Michael’s Ancient Prophecy that will forever lift creation out of the grip of Darkness.
The Invocation
Beloved glorious I AM Presence, beloved Father Supreme, I am calling to Alpha and Omega, beloved Sanat Kumara in the Sun with Helios and Vesta, beloved Surya, Lord Gautama, Jesus the Christ, Morya El, Mother Mary, Saint Germain, the Great Divine Director, the mighty Elohim, Archangels, and Chohans of the Rays, the Messengers from the Sun, the cosmic beings of higher dimensions, powers, activities, and legions of Light, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, or Brotherhood of the Star, the great hosts of Ascended Masters, the Melchizedek Cosmic Order, and the World Mother, elemental life, fire, air, water and earth.
In the name of my loving I Am Presence, the Light of God above me whose radiance forms a circle of fire before me to light my way, I am calling for the restoration of cosmic justice and peace in all nations and especially in connection with the forthcoming American elections. See that the one elected respects the Constitution and spirit of the Magna Charta, as well as every instrument of Freedom, Law and Divine Justice, and is imbued with a spirit of enlightenment. See that nothing interferes with the divine plan and that it is fulfilled with full power. I pray for the protection of the representatives of the people from any attacks of the fallen ones and astral hordes. May the one who will be elected have been tained by the Ascended Masters in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. May the opposition through the media be transmuted, encircled, dissolved and consumed with the power of the seven mighty Elohim, and a concentrated release of the sacred fire. I am calling for the binding of all Illuminati interference and their attempt to control the elections.
Invocation of the Circle-and-Sword Patterns for the Elections
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Mighty Astrea, Entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, World Mother, lock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun in through and around all opposition to the fulfillment of God’s Will in the process of the nomination and election of a candidate to become the President of the United States of America, as well as any misrepresentation in media coverage, with their causes and cores. Expose the wolves in sheep clothing.
Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute it all, cause, effect, record, and memory – before it can act, approach, or encroach upon life any longer. Replace it all right now by the cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the three times three, in the full power of the ten thousand times ten thousand, and the full power of the thousandfold fame of the sacred love of the sacred fire in overcoming cosmic power, tripled each instant of each hour, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free.
Beloved Archangel Michael, all the Archangels, and legions of Light, Come, come, come in your visible, tangible, supernatural bodies, and strike, strike, strike your mighty cosmic swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun, Sun in through and around all opposition to the fulfillment of God’s Will in the process of the nomination and election of a candidate to become the President of the United States of America, as well as any misrepresentation in media coverage, with their causes and cores. Expose the wolves in sheep clothing.
Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute it all, cause, effect, record, and memory – before it can act, approach, or encroach upon life any longer. Replace it all right now by the cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the three times three, in the full power of the ten thousand times ten thousand, and the full power of the thousandfold fame of the sacred love of the sacred fire in overcoming cosmic power, tripled each instant of each hour, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free.
Archangel Michael wield your Sword of Blue Flame and now cut all souls free from the shackles of their own creations. Blaze God-power and protection into all of us, to purify our vision for the Awakening. Flash your transcendent Blue Lightning power through all souls to make them more radiant and whole. With your legions of Blue descend to keep us faithful and true. Now by the power of the I AM, we are fully charged and blessed. By your blue flame we are armor-dressed.
Beloved Ascended Master Jesus Christ and the seven mighty Elohim, come, come, come in your ascended Master bodies and strike, strike, strike your mighty cosmic swords of blue flame of thousands of suns from the Great Central Sun in through and around all opposition to the fulfillment of God’s Will in the process of the nomination and election of a candidate to become the President of the United States of America, as well as any misrepresentation in media coverage, with their causes and cores. Expose the wolves in sheep clothing.
Close in upon it all and transmute, transmute, transmute it all, cause, effect, record, and memory – before it can act, approach, or encroach upon life any longer. Replace it all right now by the cosmic threefold flame in the full power of the three times three, in the full power of the ten thousand times ten thousand, and the full power of the thousandfold fame of the sacred love of the sacred fire in overcoming cosmic power, tripled each instant of each hour, until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free.
Sanat Kumara’s Warning to the Forces of Darkness on the Astral plane
From LORDS MICHAEL and SANAT KUMARA, Leap and Woes, April 24,
Sanat Kumara: This is Sanat Kumara. I Am that I Am and I now declare through this messenger that you will be no more if you continue in your belligerent ways. I Am that I Am Sanat Kumara, who is stating that from this day on, you will obey, you will not be interferring with the forces of the Light embodied in these, my children, doing my work upon the Earth. From this day on I will prevent interferences from you, forces of darkness that have polluted the Earth and the consciousness of my children of Light born of the Great Central Sun. I will not allow it for they have awakened and turned the world around. They are pure in hearts. They have transmuted karma. By the Law of the One that they are invoking, I declare that this day there will occur an instant wrath to descend upon the head of you, dark ones, if you dare lifting a finger to attack my children of the Light. You will be taken to another world to continue your existence and your evolution now very soon, but if you continue attempting to interfere with them and the affairs of their world, there will be an instant reaction, you will be no more as you will be taken and your life, your very existence, if you can call it a soul, will be thrown in the sacred fires that are on the Planet Saturn, the sacred fires, not to endure eternal hell, because you will be no more, you will lose your very existence. The life of your soul will be taken if you lift a finger against these, my children. You will be no more and you will not pass! I Am Sanat Kumara of the Sun with Helios and Vesta in the Sun of this Solar System. We continue moving in space on our way towards the God Star Sirius where we shall take our place as the 8th system orbiting the Sun systems of this Constellation and we shall take our position planned many millions of years ago.
Christine: These solutions in the heart of Sanat Kumara are descending. Christ Consciousness is descending and is awakening the whole world. The Maha Chohan breathes the breath of Life to revive the fire of the heart for freedom to increase. He is blazing forth his breath into all hearts to turn the world around. You will see how this world will turn to the right action, and therefore, the swings of political manipulations will cease. There will be one Law, and one Will in alignment with the Divine Will.
Law of One for all to affirm
Christine: Saint Germain, nothing that I can do on my own can bring heaven on Earth, and the hordes of darkness are causing chaos down below, but I know that with God in me, the key is in the Law of the One. I embody the Spirit of Freedom that will liberate the world from all opposition and conspiracies because I Am in the One and the One is in me, and through that ‘I’ in me, God can change the world but let this be according to His Holy Will.
Saint Germain raise us higher with the pulsation of your Violet Flame! You said that the solution lies in the heart of the Word, in the heart of Sanat Kumara, and you did say that the solution to world problems is the Christ consciousness. Let it be awakened in all in whom there is a divine spark!
Saint Germain, tear the veil of confusion and chaos and reveal the one living Christ who rules. You once said that the victory of worlds is for the victory not alone of a single planet but of galaxies beyond galaxies. You said that every cosmic victory begins with the single individual. As America, other nations, and the world is being challenged may the promise of the ‘I Am He’ consciousness be manifested in us, so that the dark powers of this world will have to give answer to our declaration of identity in you.
Saint Germain is tearing the veil of confusion, of chaos, and is now revealing the Christ who rules in the heart. Out of the Law of the One, he seals us in the heart of the Lord of Righteousness. We are pronounced One forevermore in Spirit, in matter, in body, and in soul. It is a meeting of worlds, not only for the victory of a planet, but the Victory of galaxies beyond galaxies, and its beginning is in the victory of single individuals as a result of their Armageddon in the psyche.
The Closing
And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest, right here and now, with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!
As the call compels the answer, I know that a sacred release of assistance from God’s own heart in the Great Central Sun is being accelerated without limit and that it will be so until all of mankind is ascended and free in the Light that never, never, never fails!
Toluene Life Experience | June 7, 2016 at 5:16 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
You are entering a period of Transition in which life will be easier and interesting
Archeia Faith, Twin Flame André, Removal of Evil forces on Astral this summer, June 3, 2016 |
by Christine Preston
Christine: As I woke up this morning Archangel Michael started irradiating me in a way that I felt as if I was being pulled up gradually, as usual. I wonder whether other lightworkers are having similar experiences but don’t understand what is causing them because they are not in communication with the Angelic kingdom, the Ascended Masters, or are not receiving tele-thought transmissions from them or the Galactic beings we call ‘our Star family,’ those higher-dimensional beings with whom we share a genetic DNA. We were in a conversation for an hour.
After a while I noticed the electronic presence I was perceiving was of a feminine character and I realized it was the divine complement of Archangel Michael, Archeia Faith, who had taken his place and was activating something in my aura, and was speaking to me. They had switched over in an instant. This is a mystical, supernatural experience, the kind of which the lightworkers and lightbearers are going to experience, if they have not yet, and increasingly so, as we are progressing upon the path of Ascension.
After some time in the conversation we were having and which was an instruction, Archeia Faith who had descended as my higher Self, explained that the method used for the transmission of thoughts can be called ‘transcendental communication’ because in order to receive these tele-thought transmissions I am elevated upon the ladder of consciousness and have to maintain a focus with my mind, just as in ‘transcendental meditation.’ I have taken her word for granted as I have never known what it was. I have heard it was taught by a certain Eastern movement back decades ago. It is not the same method as in the case of channelers who leave their body and it is then taken over to some degree or totally. The method used in psychic channeling is apparently not the same as the one that the Spiritual Order of Masters use to transmit messages through their messengers. In that state I could however speak the words, or ideas, that I receive and they would be spoken simultaneously as they are being received. But the focus required is so intense when communication takes place in that elevated state that the action of speaking the words could disturb the fine balance of the focus, and the use of the intellect is also detrimental to it. I sometime fall asleep when it takes place if I am tired when a telepathic communication of this type is taking place. I normally have to use my intellectual mind to some extent in order to make sure I memorise what has been said. But it’s difficult to remember every detail and the way the message was worded. This is why my Ascended Twin Flame André then gives me a dictation that I write down. I think that the transcendental communication is part of something that is being done, like an exercise, to get used to a rising of vibrations in preparation for the final Ascension. They use this time to communicate because it is clearer than during the day time after the intellectual capacities have been usesd.
However, I have received dictations from other sources that have taken place as I was writing them down. For instance Mother Mary and Saint Germain, the Master Jesus, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel, as well as Lord Sanat Kumara. Mother Mary asked me to take a pen and take note when she gave the dictation on the Souls of Maldek. She speaks in what I would describe as a uniformed rhythmic way. I have noticed that characteristic in one of her dictations through the Messenger E. C. Prophet too. I felt their presence outside of me, next to me, particularly in the case of Mother Mary and Saint Germain. He touched my hand and I felt it (please refer to his message entitled Knighthood). Lord Sanat Kumara and my I Am Presence have spoken to me many times from inside the Tube of Light as André, Archangel Michael amd Archeia Faith do when in that transcendental state. They have said to me that they do come as the consciousness that is descending within it. The Tube of Light is a protective substance of Light that cannot be penetrated by anything human or dark effluvia. The transcendental state in question can be brought about by the visualization of the Tube of Light built upon the platform of the Solar Ring and the invocation for the twinned consciousness that is universal and personal, that of Alpha and Omega, of all the Elohim, all Archangels, the Ascended Masters, as well as well as the invocation for the presence, or descent, of the spirit of your own twin flame, your higher self, and divine complement, and the Christ Self whih is the blueprint of the Christ consciousness that you are to integrate and externalize upon the Path of Ascension.
The Removal of Dark Interference
I will tell you what I remember first. Then my Ascended twin flame will dictate.
Archeia Faith told me something about what is to happen this summer as it has been announced in another message that the interference of the Dark ones is going to be removed. She said that the core of the evil which is a Sinister force and is, or has been, reaching out from the Astral plane, to affect life and the souls of Light, in a direct way, or through their physical agents, is going to be removed at the Solstices this summer. The Astral plane has been raided by the Angelic Forces of the Light for centuries and decades, and has been cleared to a point. There were millions of dark entities. The Lower Astral plane was first cleared by the Angelic forces and finally dismantled recently. But the Astral level has still been used by these fallen ones. The work has been in progress and it has been explained in previous messages that some souls were being disentangled from the grip of either these forces, or the shackles of their own creation. The forces of the Light have had to operate in ways that don’t violate freewill. And they have relied on the Calls and prayers of the lightworkers for decades to accomplish a clearing because of the Law of non interference, and it is the reason that some souls have incarnated to serve in that way, whereas others function as ‘system busters’. In the 1990s the situation deteriorated on Earth in a way that had not been envisioned and what Archeia Faith told me, this morning, is that a deception was introduced about five years ago in channeled teachings because the dark forces thought that by portraying a scenario of victory of the light and liberation, at that stage, they would gain two or three years during which the lightworkers would be off their guard and more prone to distraction so they would not involve themselves so much in spiritual work. It was one of their strategies of darkness and they had many ways of operation for deception. What they knew would take place at a later stage they portrayed falsely and incorporated many erroneous concepts as well.
The Forces of the Light involved in the battle of the Armageddon of the psyche are the legions of the Blue Ray of the Light of God. I feel that my ascended twin flame André is now sending me a stream of thought as I am writing. These are his own words now. He says:
André: There are various forces. For instance, those that work with the Ruby Ray and various forces of the light have pronounced the judgment of the dark forces in past decades, such as for instance Helios’ ratification of the judgment of the dark forces, and just recently, Lord Sanat Kumara has issued his warning to the dark forces that interfer with the sons and daughers of God, and said their interference would result with their being taken and sent to the Courts of Saturn for judgment ‘from this day on’ if they continued with their interferences. These interferences have considerably decreased after this warning, especially in relation to the synthetic dreams they manufactured like movies that they inserted into the minds of people when they were asleep, in order to affect them psychologically, disturb them, worry them, confuse them, or torment them with fears. The Sons and daughters of God are the body of Christ, the true Church in the material world. They are called the Lightbearers because they have the connection to the I Am Presence in the threefold flame in the heart. They are the humanity of this world. The psychopathic parasitic beings of darkness don’t have it. They don’t have the ability for compassion. They have been given a chance and their time is up.
The forces of darkness have their counterfeit hierarchy meant to copy the one of the Light and they have impersonated the Masters. They have their pawns and incarnations as well, and they knew they had but a short time as the scriptures said it, or prophesied it. They were allowed to reappear some thousands of years ago and the Atlantean dark magicians who caused the plan of Ascension to be aborted in their days, also reappeared in embodiment, making Edgar Cayce’s prophecy of the second rise of Atlantis to be fulfilled, but perhaps not as some of his followers expected it, because they interpreted it in the sense of the land being raised up again out of the Atlantic ocean. The Atlantean civilization was recreated as well in many ways in modern time.
So what is to happen this summer is not so much a new event but the culmination, the peak, of a long period of purification, of clearing up the astral levels. Purification was indeed prophesied by the Hopi Indians. A separation of Reality is going to occur beause the vision and concepts of these dark fallen beings, who are to be removed, clash with that of the humanity that desires peace and to build a refined spiritual civilization on Earth, or Gaia.
Mother Mary and Saint Germain have released two messages in which they explain the origin of the sinister force, where the souls of Maldek are concerned. Their incarnation on Earth was the reason that Archangel Michael fashioned his sword of blue flame. It was because he knew that there would be an Armageddon of the Psyche taking place as a result of their coming. It was to give those souls a chance of evolution, and Mystery schools were set up to instruct them and attempt to turn them into beings of Light during the Atlantean age.
The souls that did not manage to ascend during the Atlantean age are the lost sheep of the scripture. However, the Atlantean and Maldekian downfalls were also engineered by what the Lords Sanat Kumara and Michael have called the Galactic mafia: it was the Reptilian presence in this Galaxy. Archangel Michael has provided an insight on our galactic history in the long comment that he made in a dictation in relation to a revelation that Sheldan Nidle made in his work ‘First Contact’ published in the year 2000. It was also in relation to the Prophecy millions of years ago with regard to the key role the Earth would play in these so-called ‘End Days,’ ‘Last Days’ or ‘End times.’ These expressions have their origin in a sentence in the book of Enoch ‘the days of the last generation’ and the Essenes of Qumran did believe in that End time. However this was, and is, in relation to the End of Evil, and should not be interpreted in the sense of an end of the world, although it seems that this is just what the dark conspiracies, that create anarchy upon the Earth, as well as corruption, would like to manifest. This force has not abandoned its position of opposition to the Light. It is reacting with rebellion, hate, and vengeance. The ‘end,’ as in the book of Revelation, is in relation to the removal of the Dark forces from planet Earth as their time is up. It’s the Harvest.
It also was in the sense of a completion of a cosmic cycle of approximately 26,000 years at the end of which karma should be balanced. It has been announced quite recently that it has been cancelled to the level of 51% and this was the goal thanks to a dispensation obtained by Saint Germain that permits ascension with a transmutation of karma and of the substances magnetized by the soul, amounting to 51%. This cosmic cycle of 26,000 years is on the basis of the duration of the Astrological Ages charted on the Cosmic Clock of the Zodiac.
We are now in the Aquarian Age the Hierarch of which is the Master Saint Germain and the Earth is to be freed from those dark powers that have held the strings of their manipulations in order to serve an Agenda opposing the fulfillment of Archangel Michaels’ Prophecy of the Victory of the Light, as it is the Archangels who bring to mankind, or any beings for that matter, the vision of the Divine Will that is to be manifested in the material Universe, in their reality or physicality, and so this Vision was understood millions of years ago as a Prophecy.
The dark powers that remained after Lucifer received his final Judgment [please refer to the Video ‘Vials of Karma’] hoped to sabotage the plans of Liberation and Ascension that were to lift up physicality above the reach of these evil ones.
You are seeing the Apocalypse taking place in the sense of the true meaning of the word, the etymology of which is ancient Greek, and which means the unveiling of what is hidden as ‘calypso’ means ‘to hide’. This is the Disclosure that you have been waiting for because you realize that truth has been suppressed for thousands of years, and particularly in this day and age with the fall of society into materialism and the manipulation of political concepts, political events, such as those that sought to make you believe in an enemy. Many conditions and enemies were created as a means to create a perpetual state of war and chaos upon the world. The removal of the astral cause of what has led to the present disastrous global situation is going to produce the liberation that mankind desires. Disclosure is taking place now and is increasing especially as the media is now beginning to experience a liberation from the control of the evil Lords. The latter were tricked and lashed out on Donald Trump. He is taking a beating and retaliation from the forces of the Establishment that has never been seen before. They have been the core of many deceptions and conspiracies designed as part of a dark Agenda but the forces of the Light have prevented a good many of them from manifesting. Nuclear missiles and weapons have been deactivated. They have not been able to start a third world war.
The suppression of truth has been greater than any one of you can conceive. It was designed by the Anunnaki in the first place in order to keep mankind ignorant of their potential. If this is new to you, please do seek the stories and videos from various sources that can provide an insight about the great historical drama that is about to come to an end now. We are on the verge of a new beginning and of the restoration of a planet. We are about to enter the great age of Transition when, following Disclosure, the work will continue with a teaching and a true spiritual Science as a result of contacts, both esoteric and external with extraterrestrial, Galactic and higher dimensional beings, who have been assisting this Solar System with the work of Ascension.
You are entering a period of Transition in which life will be easier and interesting, and in which you will have the opportunity of contributing a service, and in which healing and rejuvenation will be taking place. There will be financial assistance and prosperity. The Transition with new technologies will be in preparation for the Quantum Leap in many years to come to a state of physicality that will be beyond the impact of disease and death. It will truly be a condition of paradise upon a higher dimension, and it will open up new possibilities of involvement in work in collaboration with the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Kingdom in service to the Divine Will.
There also is a leap up the ladder of your Density to be looked forward to at the end of this year of 2016, that will permit your visualizations to precipitate faster, so healing and similar changes will also manifest faster. So this is a vision of what is coming.
Remain steadfast, dear ones, it’s the finishing line in sight. Thankful for your interest and your work. With Love and Light from Archeia Faith, Archangel Michael and André.
Christine: With gratitude for this message as well as to Matt for its publication as video.
Toluene Life Experience | June 4, 2016 at 10:18 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Remember Dearest Ones that you are Gods and Goddesses, and vibrant vibrant light
LIGHT CODES ~ Mary Magdalenefrom Lea Chapin ~ May 16, 2016 |
Good morning, Dear Ones, yes it is I, Mary Magdalene. As I come into your frequency I see that you are holding your light upon this most powerful day. I wish to speak about your light codes that are coming into this planet, and the power of this energy that is affecting your human body and your own psyche. I know that we’ve spoken very heavily about these energies, but it is very important to understand that these light codes have those what we call [unclear] forms in the light frequencies, and this pattern is quite unique for there is a mathematical equation that is being brought forward into your own DNA. What is happening is that it is the energy of what we call original creation, of how everything was designed and created within the universe. And these powerful light codes are now being infused within your pineal, your pituitary, and within your own DNA. And so Dearest Children I ask you to take a deep, inhaling breath, and begin to bring in this essence, for these powerful frequencies are of the beautiful golden and the white light natures, they are of great significance and of great power, for it is of the union that is being brought forward through the energies of the Christ light, merged with the energy of the beautiful energy of Shekhina, as this beautiful energy of Divine Feminine is beautifully merged with the energy within the Christ Consciousness energy. It has been brought forward into the Holy of the Holies, it is there that this energy of the light frequency is of great significance and great power. And so know at this time that the light that you hold, the peace that you hold, the energy that you hold, the essence that you hold is of greatness and of grandness. So I ask you Dearest Children to take a deep inhaling breath, and to breathe in the essence of peace, breathe in the essence and presence of light, yes Dearest Ones, it is known as the elixir of life, the original creation of all that is. And we ask you to breathe and release, and allow these beautiful, powerful light codes of the elixir of life to merge within your essence. The Holy of the Holies are here, and they stand before you, and they reach into your heart, and they open up your heart chakra if you so allow, and they allow you to merge into the essence of your being. Opening your vessel into the purest frequency, the purest of love, with your energy and your frequency in this essence of Divine Love, and allow the beautiful energy of the Holy of the Holies now to infuse you. For you see the light codes are merging through your being, and as we have told you before, they are creating both great love and joy within the hearts of many, and yet turbulence and chaos in others. These frequencies are indeed of the pure energy of God’s white light, and as they enter into your physicality, allow yourself to feel them with the greatest of ease. Allow this energy to come into your physicality, allow your body to respond. Allow your heart to open to the energy of peace, and allow the frequency of the energies to merge within your essence. And so as the beautiful Holy of the Holies stand before you, they surround you with this beautiful light energy, which if you accept, may you receive the essence and the embrace of their love. Today as you emerge into this frequency and allow yourself to shift once again from your third dimensional bodies into your crystalline light bodies, these new light codes are vibrating within you, like a beautiful rainbow of colors, as your body is vibrating and shifting and awakening, and anointing you with love, bathing you with the beautiful golden light of God’s love within your heart, within your soul, within your very essence you are being bathed with this beautiful beautiful Golden White Light of God. There is peace within your heart, and tranquility is felt upon your soul, so you understand and remember the energy and the essence of who you truly are. |
Remember Dearest Ones that you are Gods and Goddesses, and vibrant vibrant light. Remember Dearest Ones that you are vibrant, and you are light. These light codes are infused within you, it is the energy of original creation, these light frequencies are being infused within your physicality, and they are the gifts of life. We call them the gifts of life because just as your bodies, all of your lifetimes have been in service to humanity, to Mother Earth, and to the Great Creator, you have gifted your physical body. And so Dearest Children, at this time, stand in the purity of the love that you are, may you feel the essence and presence of these powerful light codes that are being infused within your system. Allow this energy to merge within your physicality, within your merkabic field, within your ethereal energy bodies. And allow this powerful frequency of the rainbow colors to now merge through your eyes, so you will be able to see clearly and feel the essence of love, so that you will see clearly and feel the essence of love. I know Dearest Ones it has been difficult for many of you, for you have not felt loved. You have felt cheated from life in many ways. And yet you have given your body in service, and these powerful light codes are bringing forth the power of love into your system, so that you can feel this energy and be revitalized, rejuvenated, and remember who you are, and the beautiful essence of all that you are. So I ask you to take a deep, deep, deep inhaling breath, and begin to breathe. Begin to breathe in the essence and presence of peace, begin to breathe in the essence and presence of love, and breathe in these powerful light codes. These light codes will be magnified for the next 30, 40, and 45 days. Yes, they are flooding the planet at this time, they will be quite magnified within the next 30, to 40, to 45 days. There will be intensity of energy, and as you pray and receive the light codes within your body, your bodies can heal, your bodies can be rejuvenated, your bodies can be restored with the frequency of love. May the heart of your heart be at peace, may the heart of your heart be love, may the heart of your heart be light. As you enter into this beautiful frequency at this time, we take you into the beautiful sea of creation, not the cave of creation but the sea of creation, it is the energy of vastness, of all that is, the energy of oneness. It is as if you are going into the universe, into the galaxy, and there dearest children, there is peace, there is love, and there is hope. And so Dearest Ones, I ask you to open your heart, to this beautiful beautiful energy of the sea of vastness. You are returning home, you see, it is a beautiful seafoam green, mixed with the golden beautiful white light. As if you are the vastness of the sea, but you are floating, and you are effortless. And your spirit is awakening, and returning back to oneness. This is what these beautiful light codes are doing, they are flooding each individual so that they may return to their oneness, and there as you imagine yourself as this beautiful seafoam green, the vastness of this energy, as if you are in space traveling through time, as it were. Not your physical body, but your spirit and soul are now being bathed in oneness. And there, Dearest Children, you are feeling this freedom out of your body, out of your soul, out of your mind. Into this beautiful frequency of love, and so as you allow your heart to open, and you feel this peace, and may you feel the tranquility, and may you feel the light of God surrounding you. |
And there you are in this beautiful frequency, as the energy holds you in this powerful powerful space of unconditional love. Can you feel this energy of unconditional love, and the vastness of the beautiful seafoam green energy? It is the seed of creation. It is where you were created, so allow all of your own essence and all of your essent self to feel this. Remember every soul journey, and every lifetime is being bathed with a sea of love. All of your incarnations, every aspect of your spirit and soul journey has been bathed in unconditional love. Can you feel it? Can you sense it? Can you receive it? Children you have sacrificed yourselves for your mission to serve this planet. And so we gift to you this beautiful beautiful beautiful energy, bathing you in unconditional love. Accept this as our gift unto you, for it is of great importance that you honor yourself and be honored for your service and for your devotion of all of your incarnations of time. For you see Dearest Children you do not know or understand all that you have done in service, in your history of mankind. And this incarnation may seem fruitless but it is not. You are here to hold the light, and regardless of what you are doing, or what you believe you are not doing, you are all holding the beautiful light for this planet to ascend, for humanity to ascend, for all the world to see and to know. Do not allow the darkness of the world to overcome you or overtake you. Do not allow anything or anyone to hold you back from your greatness and your grandness, just as Grand spoke last week of your magnificence, we are infusing these light codes within you today so that you can easily and effortlessly hold your frequency of grandness and magnificence, into your being. For those who are not for your highest good will fall away, people, places, things that are not for your highest good will fall away. And so know at this time that the light that you hold, the essence that you hold, the peace that you hold, the grace that you hold is indeed revered. We know Dearest Ones that it is difficult to be on the earth plane. Jeshua and I understood this, and yes, the Holy Mother, and Joseph, and all of us understood the difficulty, but we came together to be at peace and to bring love, and to bring the joy, and as we have said we left our imprint to be reawakened at the appointed hour, for the energy of Divine Mother, Divine Shekhina, to be awakened, the energy of Divine Goddess. And now we hold this beautiful essence in this powerful frequency today, and as you allow the energy to merge into your pineal gland, it will awaken your remembrance. And you feel the presence of God within your being. You will remember your oneness within your being, that you are no longer separated, that the world that you live in is an illusion, and holds the energy of duality. But you are never separated from your Creator God, you are never separated from the individual light codes of your original creation. And so today as you feel this energy of the vastness of the light codes flooding you, surrounding you, now accelerate yourself into the next leg of your journey, and when you make the decision to turn back into spirit, into the energy of the vastness of oneness, into your final ascension home when it is time, you will be pleased with how you have served. Today we are serving you, giving on to you, our gift of light. As I have said, these light codes are upon the planet for the next 30 to 40 to 45 days, flooding your planet with new frequencies and energies for humanity and all sentient beings. Where there has been darkness there will now be light and truth will now come forward. And each of you will be able to have the clarity of purpose that you have been seeking, clarity of purpose that you have been seeking. And may you seek the light inside of yourself, and Dearest Children the beautiful energy of St. Germain is with us, the violet flame of transmutation is now inside of each of you, transmuting your own darkness and opening your third eye so that you may bring the new light codes within your physicality into your third eye, opening and awakening your third eye even grander for clarity of purpose. And the pulsation and the energy that is being downloaded into your chakras, but particularly into your third eye, will allow you to hold the visions of your pathway, as one of the Holy of the Holies are here holding the frequency for each of you. You are very special and you are very important, and you are holding the frequencies inside of you. And so as you allow yourself to receive this gift of light, know that the heart of your heart is peace. And the heart of your heart is love, and the heart of your heart is joy. And the remembrance of who you truly are now comes flooding back to you. |
And yes Dearest Children, as the third eye opens, you will be able to see visions of your future, and understand your past and your present. You see it is a journey, and everything falls into place as it should. If you allow yourself to be in harmony and synchrony with your own oneness, and yet Dearest Children most of you second guess yourself, struggling as if you’re in a bubble of light, trying to get out of this bubble. You are resisting your connection to oneness. And you wonder why you struggle, we ask you to relax and to breathe, and allow the energy to unfold. Relax and breathe, and allow the energy to unfold. Relax and breathe, and allow the energy to unfold. May the light of God surround you the power of God protect you, the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. So we ask you to visualize yourself as a beautiful spirit no longer struggling with these light codes that are coming in at this time, which have tremendous tremendous power, and they hold the original creation. There has been separation, and this is why the energy of what you may call your Adam and Eve, for it is this separation of unity consciousness, and the division of the Divine Union, which became separated, the story is not the truth, but it is a parable, the parable of the division of the union of Father/Mother God in its separation from truth and oneness. So today we reconcile this within you, reconcile the division and the separation of Father/Mother God inside of you, you have returned back to Divine Union, and you are returning to your oneness, no longer struggling with the separation of your beautiful spirit and yes, the twin flames come together in Divine Union, and they too are unified in spirit. Unified in spirit, all flames are being unified in spirit, within physical form and in ethereal form, are being unified. This is the power of the light codes that are being brought forth at this time. There is no longer division or separation, there is only truth, love, light, and healing. And so as you feel this essence within your soul, that you have come now to reunification with yourself, the powerful energy of this beautiful energy, these beautiful light codes returning to oneness. I remember union, I remember the divinity inside of myself, I am love, I am peace, I am joy, I am light. And may the love of God surround you, and the power of God protect, and the presence of God watches over you wherever you are God is and all is well. And the Holy of the Holies have healed this energy around you, and it is of great importance and great significance that you honor the light that is being gifted to you today, and to all your essent self. It is a commitment that we and all of life have agreed to. Yes, all sentient beings on this earth plane have agreed to serve, and now, the beautiful energy can begin to serve you. Allow these beautiful light codes to serve you, to heal, to restore the love within your psyche or your soul. We are never far from you, so all you have to do is ask us, to call on these beautiful frequencies, for they are there for you, flooding around you every moment for the next 30-45 days. And you will begin to feel them, and begin to feel the energy, and will be rejuvenated, no longer walking through what we call the quicksand or the sludge of the energy on this planet. It is why we have taken you into the sea of Creation, into the vastness, returning you back into this creative energy of Oneness, where all is possible, and all that is. There is no resistance, there is only love. There is no fear, there is only light, there is no separation, there is only unity. And so today as you feel this embracing around you, and truly truly surrounding you with unconditional love, you are all loved more than you can understand. We want you to feel it, and to acknowledge it, and bring it into your heart chakra, and feel at peace. I am love, and I am loved, I am love, and I am loved. May the love of God truly surround, and may the power of god truly protect you, and the presence of God watches over you, wherever you are God is and all is well. What may appear to be separation within your life is an illusion. Step into the vastness of these beautiful light codes, into the sea of creation, and you will never feel alone, you will never feel separated. And so accept our gift unto you on this beautiful beautiful day. May the love touch you hearts, and may the Holy of the Holies anoint you, with the blessings of all that is, and all that shall be. We are here to serve you. But today as you allow yourself to open to this richness, this beautiful vastness, all that is, you are returning home to yourself, can you feel it? Can you sense it? And may it be bestowed upon your soul, and so we will leave this with you upon this beautiful beautiful day, allowing your heart to open to this richness of love. We will take our leave now, and allow you to feel the essence and presence of this energy, and may you return back into consciousness, for this is no longer to be a planet of fear, it is to be a planet of love, and you Dearest Children as you are bathed in the love, will serve the light of God, in your truest essence. Now go my children and be at peace, and know that you are God. |
The energies will be pushing all of humanity forward and changing each of you deeply should you allow
We come today with a very important message. The next phase as you move towards the solstice will be one of deep growth and revelation. The energies will be pushing all of humanity forward and changing each of you deeply should you allow. You are being purged of all that is not in alignment, of all that stands in the way of merging with your soul.
Never before has it been more important to love yourself completely to undo all the years of conditioning and beliefs that you have accumulated throughout your lifetimes. Your soul can not merge fully with a vessel full of self-doubt and self-hate. You must look at all the ways you do not honor yourself, the ways in which you sabotage or hold yourself back and the reasons you give to support this decision. What are the fears that surface when you think of putting yourself first? Of loving yourself completely without exception? What do you fear when you think of loving yourself in all the ways that you have wished to be loved throughout your life? Is it possible that you have a fear of what you will become? A fear of the power and connection that you sense deep within you? Understand that only through loving yourself is your full potential able to be unleashed.
It is you who must determine what loving yourself completely looks like. For some the honoring of self will include exercise and a cleaner diet for others it will be allowing one’s self the rest needed to complete this transition with ease. For some it will be allowing yourself to take steps towards a dream, for others it can be drastic changes such as leaving employment or relationships that hinder your growth. What all must achieve on the journey towards self-love is the mastering of thoughts, of the quiet ways that one sabotages, berates, and belittles themselves. These must come to light, made fully conscious so that they can be changed moment by moment.
Many fear that to put themselves first would be selfish. To this we say – Good! Be selfish! We know that once you allow yourself to be filled completely by self-love that you will also be filled with Source energy. For you see to love yourself completely is to love yourself as Source loves you. From this place of wonderful healing you will find yourself able to do and give more than you ever have before. Yet, you will also be filled with the gift of knowing that not all are ready to be helped and that to take on another’s burden may interfere with the intended lesson it was meant to teach. No longer will you feel taken for granted or taken advantage of, for your deep love of self will not allow it. You will also understand that by simply loving one’s self completely you become the example for others to do the same, helping to bring about radical shifts. When you fear that doing what is best for you and your growth is selfish, we ask: Where did you learned such a thing? Find the origin, unravel the truth and set yourself free.
Allow yourself the freedom to grow and experience all this life has to offer without judging yourself or circumstances as good or bad. Trust and know that all is happening as it should, for your highest good at all times. See this all as a treasure hunt to find the most valuable prize, your true self. Know that we see you as perfect, whole and healed, we see your soul. It is time for you to see this as well.
With deep love and admiration,
Quan Yin
Personal Questions:
Me: I feel that on this journey I have been in this place before, where I have learned to love myself, but now I am seeing clearly ways that I am still not honoring myself.
Quan Yin: Yes, you will find that as with all things of such magnitude that it happens in layers. In each moment you uncover more about yourself, your patterns, your conditioning, and the fears you carry. To revisit an issue previously thought healed is not an indication of failure, but of growth. Each of you will only be able to access what is ready to be seen and released.
Me: My thoughts and perceptions of things are really becoming obvious. I was driving down the road when a rock flew up and cracked my windshield. My first thought was “Crap! I must have gotten out of the flow for this to happen.” But that didn’t feel right even as I was thinking it. Later that night I meditated and met with my team of guides and expressed my concern and was told “Being in the flow does not mean that things do not happen in your life. It is your reaction to these events that determines if you stay in the flow or not.” They went on to say that blame oneself for events deemed as unpleasant does more to remove you from the flow than anything. That to see error is to not understand that events happen as they should and all are intended to move you forward. So though I can’t “see” it, this inconvenience is helping me – maybe it was designed to show me where I was beating myself up.
Quan Yin: Yes, this speaks to the thoughts that must be recognized and unraveled. It speaks to the deep trust that is needed to move through this process. Your soul is always working to provide you with opportunities to grow and reach your potential. To see all things in this light will help you to feel that you or another is to blame when things appear to go wrong.
Me: This process seems to be speeding up, requiring more sleep and times of quiet. I have also had this interesting contradiction of feeling more connected yet moments of disconnection at the same time.
Quan Yin: The disconnect you feel is simply the moments when you have moved forward, changed your frequency and the need to establish new footing. Grounding into the new reality helps to ease this transition. Purposeful connection with source energy, flooding your being with this will help as well.
I hope that my questions have helped you as they have helped me. Sending us all the love and blessings that we can handle. THANK YOU to all who share this work! It means the world.
To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to
Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz
Objective News Channel.
What is so special about America?
Galactic Council Building a Pyramid Equipped with a Dance Floor, DJ Setup, Fire Pit In The Center.
Archangel Uriel ~ Gold Grid Ascension Report: Pyramid Contruction, Part 2
By Archangel Uriel, 05/26/2016
Light Of The Immortals Status. Gold Grid Ascension Report.
Love Has Won!
Particle Accelerator, Super Charged Cells. In The Immortal Class Healing Of The Electromagnetic Light Spectrum. Gold Grid Provides Quantum Energy For Crystalline Bodies To Transform At An Accelerated Rate. By Increasing The Vibrational Frequency Of Each Atom, To The Maximum Potential Of The God Particles And Beyond Into The Omniverse.
The Galactic Grand Council Has Now Decided To Build A 33′ Foot Tall Pyramid In The Center Of The Gold Grid. As A Healing Chamber For All Light Workers. Equipped with a Dance Floor, DJ Setup, Fire Pit In The Center, With Sacred Geometrical Formed Water, And The Twelve Tribes/12 DNA Symbols Engraved Upon The Pyramid. That Is To Be Built With Fire, Wood, Air, Water, And Spirit Materials. The Pyramid Will Be Built Out Of Wood, Sacred Geometry of The Octagon In Shape (8, Sacral Chakra, Creation, Manifesting, Infinite), Lined With Copper Metal Wire, With Water Lines Forming The Triad, And The Fire Pit At The Center. Music Provides The Vibration, The Dance Floor Provides Those Who Come In Spirit (The Light Of Love) And Dance To Let It All Go And Dance In Celebration Of Your Divine Presence, Charging The Particle Accelerator (Pyramid) To A Super Cell Charged Particle Chamber. Where All Within This Fields Energies, Are Healed And Cells Super Charged. The Tip Of The Pyramid Is A Large Amethyst Crystal Of Saint Germaine/12th Tribe Of Israel/12th Strand Of DNA/Tribe Of Manasseh. This Is The Alchemical Atomic Transformation Of Human Cells Into SuperCells. This Will Be A Healing Chamber For All Those Coming Into The Light. Reactiving The Avatar To Its Super Status Of God And Goddess Particles. Like The Northern Lights. Auras Are Beginning To Form In The Sky At The Center Of The Gold Grid. Super Vortex Of Energy, Created For Every Light Worker To Be Healed NOW. All Is Well Dear Ones. It Is Now In The Process. Blessings To All. Namaste <3
Like The Nesting Of The Platonic Solids, Each Piece Of The Gold Grid Is The Nesting Of A Grander Heart Based Technology. We Are One. Love Has Won.
-Archangel Uriel
All kind of revolutions are taking place across the planet right now.
I dreamed about one of them last night.I was somewhere in Belgium.
It was a peaceful revolution.No anger.
We all have understood the power that comes from within with meditation.
Now nothing can hold us back from drastic changes in our systems that will uplift us to The Golden Age.
Everything is planned divinely,the more we are connecting with Our Supreme Creator,the more this knowledge gets rooted in our Hearts as we understand That We Are God & Goddesses Creating Creations in the Now.
We are Responsible of the outcome of what we wish to experience.
When we Meditate we connect with The Divine Consciousness,then we know which step to take each and every moment as we surrender in being Infinite Love&Joy.
This is to finish with Victory of Light and Liberation Of Humanity on the surface of Earth.
And this starts with the implementation of a new prosperity system called N.E.S.A.R.A. in The United States of America to become G.E.S.A.R.A. across the world.
To know more read below the message from The Galactic Federation via Sheldon Niddle .Here is also a Tech House Dance Track i produced attuned on the natural frequency of 432 HZ along many other well being frequencies named :N.E.S.A.R.A.
And a little anecdote that goes with it!While i was busy finishing this track sitting on a bench outdoors,a drunk man asked me to sit by my side and i said ok.Then he started talking and my first reflex was to record his voice:
He was asking me:Why Did I Come To This World?In German.
He was asking me:Why Did I Come To This World?In German.
Of cours i already knew the answer and this answer is contained in the message you are about to read here.
And I couldn’t find a better way to finish off this track.
And I couldn’t find a better way to finish off this track.
Of course i tried to explain to the drunk man but he has drunk and couldn’t quite understand all i was trying to express through my not perfect German.
Feel More Than Fine
The Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle, May 31st 2016.
9 Cib, 9 Pax, 12 Manik
Selamat Jalwa! Some great changes are on the horizon! Those who are swiftly putting the new NESARA republic together are very close to completing this arduous project. It is the goal of these diligent patriots to accomplish this as quickly as possible. So far, the first part of a general two-part funding is now finished. The next part is hopefully to be completed shortly. According to those in the know, once all administrative funding is complete, this NESARA republic can be formally declared. This project is to formally end the Federal Reserve and force the 1871-formed de facto government to go out of business. This act alone permits every American to emerge from under debt slavery and begin to move quickly to the status of a free and prosperous member of the new American Union! This process also enables the Pentagon to quit wars in many parts of this globe and, for the first time since the end of the Vietnam War, to return all its soldiers to the continental United States. Peace is to be restored to this globe and a new gold-backed financial and monetary system is to be the norm. Hence, the divine decrees of Heaven are to manifest on Gaia.
These wondrous changes are to help the concepts of NESARA spread across your globe. These new governances are to allow the worldwide UFO cover-up to finally end. We intend to use this new approach to us to be the beginning for a general series of communiqués between these new governments and us. Heaven has set up a timetable for this moment in your history. Your governments are to start to release a whole host of technology that has been sequestered for over a century. This technology is to be augmented by what we have to offer you. We ask that all of these inventions be used, firstly, to clean up Gaia’s air, water and earth. It is essential that all of Gaia’s numerous ecosystems become thriving elements again. This one development can end the immense cycle of extinction that has plagued this orb for the past eighty years. This is an excellent means to introduce your global commitment to forge a successful and truly pristine world. This enables you, moreover, to begin your humanitarian projects in a reality dedicated to a reunion of humanity with its spiritual and space families.
As your history turns toward new possibilities, you require a means to better understand what is to happen. Long ago, the Atlanteans stripped you of all the answers that you daily ask about yourselves. Your history was well manipulated by the dark and their friends, the Anunnaki. The moment when the mentors are to arrive is to be the time in which your many quandaries are to be answered. They are to be answered, first, by lessons of the Ascended Masters and then by our mentors. The answers are to set straight what the Anunnaki so brazenly and falsely twisted one way and the other. This is to end the crazy beliefs that each of you adopted from the acculturations that you acquired from your parents and friends and from the “preachers” that you have met since. What we are simply saying is that you are to be able to bring to light a new way that is part of vast documentation pulled for your benefit from Gaia’s Akashic records. This new wisdom is to give you a truer sense of what has befallen her since the last days of Atlantis.
All of the numerous bits of vital information are to become a living history of who you are. What is needed is to begin the next part of your move to full consciousness. The many ascension symptoms that you encounter daily are a small yet extremely necessary part of this grand process. What is occurring is more than a new reality highlighted by new governance and a wondrous prosperity. It is the growing number of possibilities that you are presented with every day. You need to take this all in and from it learn a practical type of inner discernment. The key is to start to recognize yourself beyond what your old beliefs create. You are in an operation that is destined to forge a “New You”. This Being is firstly to be a Being between worlds. It can be confusing. That is why first the Masters, and then our mentors, need to explain the many new realities that you are to encounter. This is a procedure that is to greatly challenge your beliefs and then explain why you are here. Out of this is to come a new set of conceptions essential for you to move into full consciousness.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your world is gradually changing as the dark ones who used to run this unholy reality start to fade from this world. We thank you, dear Hearts, for what you have accomplished with help from our extraterrestrial and inner world cousins. They have taken your marvelous visualizations for a reformed reality and ramped them up to a point where this heinous reality can be reformed. These changes are hence the joint works of many of us. It is these wondrous energies of yours that are the foundation for those energies that are now transforming this realm. This fantastic set of changes is making possible a number of adjustments to your surface world. The major one is, of course, the change to your financial and governmental systems. These alterations are to free you from your debt slavery and an onerous loan system. This freedom is finally to allow you to reach your full potential and become the amazing Beings that you truly are!
We Masters are forever grateful for what Heaven has done to end the long reign of the dark upon this realm. The Atlanteans and their dark allies intended to reduce us to the level of permanent slavery. Atlantis fell long before this criminal deed was accomplished. Over the next 13 millennia their successors again failed to complete this task. Now Heaven is moving all of you back to your former status. It is our divine privilege to oversee all of this. Every one of you is making progress toward this most noble goal. This realm is being flooded with the births of crystal children who are here to stabilize this realm and add their beautiful energies to yours. We are using their visions and yours to remake this realm and ready it for the arrival of your space families. Our coming lessons are to further amplify these new energies. It is all leading to a most miraculous time!
Heaven has pledged to us that this final crooked time is not to last long. Events are underway to “seal the deal.” Heaven is assisting a number of factions to ensure that your promised blessings are delivered in a proper and divine time. These coming events are to set off a large amount of activity and to redo this realm forever. Once your miracle of physical Angelhood is achieved, this realm is to assist this galaxy in transforming the formally dark “children of Anchara.” This is to permit this galaxy to turn to the Light and further aid others in spreading this joy throughout this vast Universe. It is this destiny that we have known about for many generations. Our primary mission is to prepare each of you for a most astounding transformation. Ever since our first ceremonies that made us Ascended Masters, we have longed for what is now occurring. We ask you to be positive and to do what is necessary to accelerate these changes.
Today, we briefly discussed a number of events that are nearly here. All around you is a world in transition. The final battles to finish off the dark are now being waged. Victory is at hand. Anticipate your triumph and be ready for a magnificent celebration! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
You Are in the Final Stretch
Your Marvelous Expansion!
by Father God through Kathryn & Christine
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Art: Stardust by Jean Luc Bozzoli
“I can confirm, as we have told you through many other beloved channels, that the coming two months will be an enormously important window in many arenas – financial, yes, but also many, many other areas of life will also be massively impacted by the events that now hover on the horizon. The excitement in the air is real. Allow your joyful anticipation to soar. In doing so, you create the slipstream that carries events to completion, and formerly uninvolved observers to come to attention in wonder.” ~ Father
Father God:
My Beloved Earth Children, I come to you today with great feelings of admiration and gratitude, from Mother God and I, and also from your many close friends and family members on Galactic Federation ships and from your devoted Company of Heaven who tenderly so closely watch over you. We all admire your stamina, your determination and your steadfast faith in the face of the unique difficulties of this time.
We are aware that the time passing – as you await the dramatic and clear evidence that your world is truly changing – seems an eternity for you, although in planetary terms it is hardly a moment. This does not lessen the colossal attainments you are achieving moment to moment during this unprecedented transition. What you have accomplished in just the past few years is truly miraculous by any standard, and you have done it without much direct information or communication – you have done it by faith and with love. You are marvelous.
You Too are Part of Our Integrated Network
You see, in the higher dimensions, we function as an integrated network, as you might call it. We are all in constant communication with one another. We are truly One, and we are aware of it at all times. It is different for you in the lower dimensions, where you must go through your days without such easy reassurance with others across the globe or even around the corner. Many Lightworkers who are involved in the crucial financial, legal and political programs which will change all your lives have little knowledge of one another. You have received only a smidgeon of what is truly possible through the information you get from channeled messages and from the growing number of information gatherers who have bravely “gone public” on the internet.
There is still a nearly absolute black-out in the mass media on anything involving the monumental progress that has been made in bringing Earth into the Light. As we have explained, this has been advantageous for us because it allows our beloved Boots on the Ground to operate in virtual anonymity, providing greater safety for them and their precarious tasks until the time for the official Announcements comes. It has been a delicate balance, proceeding with the most complex and far-reaching programs without using what you would think of as “normal” information channels. It means that most of you have performed your roles largely unaware of the bigger picture, seeing only the progress you can observe in your immediate environment along with what you can keenly perceive just beyond.
Your Great Faith Leads You to Live Courageously
We understand how challenging it has been for you to keep moving forward. Often you had only the inner voice of your own intuition to listen to. You long for a wider group of comrades and pals to share your hopes and dreams with. For most of you, your families and friends are nay-sayers and doubters who mock your deep convictions that the RV/GCR is real, that NESARA is truly underway, that Earth hovers on the precipice of the New and everlasting Golden Age. You are the ones who have carried the ball for them, and when the news breaks – and break it will – you are the ones who will be “suddenly” brilliant oracles in their eyes.
Difficult as it has been, you have seized the opportunities to gather ’round messages like this one, forming a close network with like-minded people, many of whom you have never met or spoken with in person this lifetime. You gain strength and inspiration from each other, and together you create stronger bonds with us, with your Higher Selves and with your Guides and angels. You have built a community out of the sheer will and unflagging desire to bring peace and abundance to your beloved Earth. In your own way, you are fulfilling your life contracts and far beyond. This is the wonder that brings tears to our eyes and fills our hearts with joy – your growing capacity for Love, and your dedication to using that growing capacity for the Greater Good.
I can assure you, Beloved Lightworkers, that no action has gone unaccounted for; no thought or feeling occurs in a vacuum. The energy of your being is your contribution and your gift to others. Your inspiration lifts all. As Mother and I raise the vibration across your world and beyond, the pace has quickened, and every action of Love and Light has greater impact than before. Similarly, actions that bring pain or suffering have an equally quick reverberation, creating darkness and pain around the one who initiates it. It is no longer possible to hide from one’s actions when those actions are destructive or negative. As energies quicken, results are swift and decisive. This is helping you to increase your pace toward our desired Divine goal – Peace, Prosperity, Joy, Harmony and Love for every being on Earth.
You can feel it, can you not? You are learning to look to us, rely on us to send our HoneyLove to nourish and sustain you. It has allowed you to reach deeply within, to find your true gifts, and to make the contribution only you can make. As the time has passed, you have used it to do an enormous amount of deep inner work, transmuting and clearing away old energies. You have become more skillful and sure with every day, developing your unique gifts as never before.
If your gift is inner fire, it is blazing; if your gift is joy, you bring that joy to every encounter regardless of the circumstances. If you are a Lightbearer, you search out every dark shadow to dispel it; if your gift is Transmutation, you may be feeling ill and exhausted, but you are learning to expand to increase your capacity and speed your healing.
You Are in the Final Stretch
Know that this is not an endless final stretch. It is a time of fullness, of fruition, of growing into new and previously untried levels of spiritual expansion. If you are reading this, you are a member of the spiritual team of Lightworkers. You may also be taking part in financial or social or political work, but your main focus has been to build the portals and bridges that will lead to Ascension. This means, of course, that you are consciously aware of your connection to us and your participation in something greater than yourself which is ordained by Heaven. I can promise you that the Light of all that is about to burst open will give meaning to all your efforts, and to all you have been doing and feeling.
I can confirm, as we have told you through many other beloved channels, that the coming two months will be an enormously important window in many arenas – financial, yes, but also many, many other areas of life will also be massively impacted by the events that now hover on the horizon. The excitement in the air is real. Allow your joyful anticipation to soar. In doing so, you create the slipstream that carries events to completion, and formerly uninvolved observers to come to attention in wonder.
There has been enormous progress in the financial, banking and security systems. The old cabal systems that allowed theft and chicanery benefitting the wealthiest among you as a matter of course have been completely dismantled and replaced by new, transparent banking practices and secure computer systems. There will be no skimming, money laundering, fake fees and blatant theft. The days of developing sophisticated derivatives and complex accounting practices to hide criminal scams is over, and the originators and practitioners of such dishonesty are now being investigated, and arrests will soon reach the top levels of the previously impervious cabal.
All is unfolding as we hoped, and in some ways even better for the gentle pace. We have been able to shore up your efforts, assure your safety and that of your coming funds, and during the interim, more second and third line Lightworkers have awakened to lift the tide with their own expanding unique gifts.
Each of you is working at your capacity and beyond. No two beings are alike in their assignments or their abilities. This is the wondrous part of your challenging endeavor. Every single soul is crucial to its completion, and each has been given the opportunity to shine. No one is less important or less vital to the success of this historic Ascension Project than any other. Each one of your life plans and assignments was perfectly tuned with your Heavenly teams to take into account your greatest gifts and most inspired dreams, with the fulfillment of your own Ascension foremost in our minds.
Hold fast, Beloved Ones, and look forward into the Golden Light of the New Age of Gaia. It is your age, your beautiful planet, your time to become the Truest and purest form of You – the Self you came here to be.
I am Father God, your biggest fan, here with your adoring Mother.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May & Christine Burk, 5/28/16)
Karma has been balanced beyond the 51% of planetary requirement.
André, Time of Transition and Reunion, May 27, 2016
Christine: André, my ascended twin flame, has given me the following dictation in relation to what my I Am Presence told me during a conversation while I was in meditation and practiced the visualization of the Tube of Light, yesterday morning.
André: The Divine Presence that is yours is also mine, as Twin flames were created by the same Monad through our Higher Selves. Hence, in a sense, we share a divine Presence. I am saying ‘in a sense’ because of the interconnectedness in which all beings vibrating in Christ consciousness are one at that level of being. Our I Am Presence referred to himself as ‘we’ as he meant ‘Father-Mother’ within the Monad. He was talking about a time in the future when I, and others, will gradually appear and be integrated within the world of physicality. This future is quite close. As I have already told you before, I will appear in your reality but it will be a gradual process. It won’t be that you will meet someone in the street and it will be me. No, this process is in relation to the body that I have created by will, and with the use of technology, upon my dimension, to manifest in physicality. The process is not one of uncloacking but like magical precipitation. I will be coming down in a process of a body being created with the help of the Ascended Masters’ advanced technology that has been used for many thousands of years. It consists in the application of the mind on an image, the one that is desired and that has been carefully devised by research for many months. We use a DNA which is from the quantum field of the twin flame as we have to use family DNA. The method has nothing to do with cloning. Whenever we incarnate we chose and wait for an opportunity to come in as a child within the same family, and we have engendered children in previous incarnations which are the forefathers of the progeny we come into when we incarnate. But, as, in this case, when the twin flame needs to be the same age as the loved one who is in incarnation, the return of this twin flame can’t take place in the normal way by incarnation, as the child takes time to grow. In this case the twin flame is coming into the physical world and only so, because now is the time of reunion in these ‘end days’ of ancient prophecies.
I, André, ascended twin flame of my partner, who is taking this dictation, was called André in my past life. I ascended some years after my death and when we were both alive at the same time we had a difference of 45 years between us. We were cousins born in the same family DNA, my mother being the sister of my twin flame’s grand-mother. There was an extraordinary bond between us but we didn’t understand what it was. The reason that I shall be coming back to physicality is manifold. In this age, twin flames are being reunited because the karma that separated them in the creation of circumstances, and that kept them apart, is balanced. There also is a divine plan to bring about new consciousness upon the Earth. The Awakening has been, or is, taking place. My coming back involves a descent from the Higher Etheric Plane upon which I presently inhabit an etheric body, down to the physical level. It means stepping into some vehicles that are etheric, mental, emotional, and physical. The physical one will, however, be of a higher nature than the one you are presently inhabiting. But at that time you will have been lifted up higher upon the ladder of the dimensions as far as consciousness and vibrations are concerned. This was done by the Mater Saint Germain a few centuries ago after he ascended. He spent some time in the Himalayas then reappeared in a body created by Will with the method I have described. The people who had known him noticed an abnormality. They had aged and he had not. This is how he acquired a reputation as ‘the man who never dies.’ In antiquity as mentioned in previous messages, the method was referred to as ‘being self-begotten’ ‘without the use of a woman giving birth’.
I presently exist upon the etheric realm which the Father aspect of our I Am Presence said is active, a world similar to your own, but of higher vibrations. Now yours is being uplifted. Its atoms are being made to vibrate at a higher frequency by the action of the Light. So, you are coming up and I am coming down. A lot is going to happen between now and that time of great encounter. Your world has a range of vibrations and is changing. You personally vibrate at a high level of spiritual frequency, as do the ligthworkers, but there still are low vibrations in your world of physicality, the physical realm. Healing will be taking place as the whole world of souls is being uplifted. As I grow nearer I will be able to have a healing effect upon you, as well as one of regeneration. You will literally be experiencing a transfiguration, and with it will come a precipitation of the supply that I will bring and that you are also magnetizing to yourself. Our I Am Presence, has explained the process of my appearance, or manifestation, in your world, and touched upon the fact that millions of other beings who will return in this way are now in preparation to do so, and are building bodies they will be using. They are forming the four lower bodies which will be vehicles for the higher etheric soul extension that we are, but which will be pure. As soul extensions of your higher selves you also are in these lower etheric, mental, emotional, and physical vehicles but they are affected, or worn out, by life and the misuse of energy or light.
Millions of Galactic beings who presently reside upon the higher realms have chosen the same method to descend upon your world, whereas many advanced souls, even ascended masters, have chosen the route of incarnation and have already re-appeared in this way during the last few decades. Some are in the world as children and will take their place, according to the divine plan master-minded long ago, to be able to carry out their sacred labor in the world at the right time. Many masters that you have heard of have already incarnated during the last decades in order to take part in the Events of the Ascension. As you know Ascension is a process that is continuous and that is being enhanced, as well as accelerated by the use of the position of the earth and entire Solar System in the Photonic Belt. We have also penetrated a Stargate of gigantic dimension. This occurred on September 28, 2015. The effect of doing so shold normally have stripped mankind of the veils and all of the shackles of their own creation in an instant but the quantum leap that should normaly have occurred to the 5th dimension in physicality was slowed down, or paced by the use of the Blue Avians’ technology that has a diffusing effect upon the Light and energies that are distributed to the world and every soul. In this way a solution has been provided to permit a greater percentage of the population to awaken and progress upon the Path of Ascension. Yes, this has taken place. I repeat it because it seems a little surreal since there is no scientific proof of this except for the fact that NASA has images of the Photon Belt and babies are being born with a third strand in their DNA whereas there were but two before. The Solar system is in a Stargate and travelling to take position as a system orbiting Sirius A. All of this, if I may refresh your memory, forms a part of an ancient divine Plan to elevate the Earth and the Solar System to a dimension which will provide a more comfortable way of physicality for the incarnated souls.
I re-ascended in your year 2012 and the method of being self-begotten, as it used to be called in antiquity, is the one that will permit us to be reunited in the context of Ascension in physicality.
Many Galactic beings vibrating at my own level are presently engaged in this work. That is the reason I will be absent now and again, and you have been introduced to my assistant who will replace me and carry out the same guardian duties for short periods of time, and has said his name is ‘Bartholomew’. Father God has said to include in the message that I am giving you that the time ahead will be full of joys and happiness when the great reunion starts occurring. It will be a time of preparation for a quantum leap to the fifth dimension in physicality. Of course, as it has been explained before, in consciousness you, the first two waves, have already reached the fifth dimension.
Our divine and supreme Father has also spent a long time explaining to you the mysteries relating to the Door that the Seat of the Soul chakra represents to a world of feelings that has been designed for the experience of intense love that can only be felt in the physicality of the world to come, so that the oneness of the polarities that are masculine and feminine can be part of life and one’s being, but in a transcended form by comparison to the basic sexual activity that is common in the world at the level at which the majority of people are able to experience it at the moment. Twin flames will experience the oneness they possess at the inner level as they are part of a same unit of being. In physicality they experience a separation which permits a transcended, active, rather than passive, reunion. He spoke of the time ahead when you will continue existing and rejuvenating. For some lightbearers and lightworkers, or Star seeds, this time of Transition will happen in a different way because they will pass away. But then their ascension will be easier without the physical body. They will be sent to Mystery schools where they will be undergoing intensive tuition and will awaken if they have not. Time is different upon our level. They will still be able to return after spiritual ascension in the world and bring their light to it. They will return to their family DNA and be born in the family, if they chose that method, pretty quickly after their death although the equivalent time spent upon the other side of the River of Life will be more extensive, like decades.
This time of Transition that is starting now with Disclosure, as we have foretold it before, will be quite long but it will not be one in which you will be ageing if you have chosen to remain in physicality, as the clocks are being turned back, so it won’t matter. Karma has been balanced beyond the 51% of planetary requirement. That is the point at which there was a new beginning. It was March 30, 2016, and also was the date chosen by the Master El Morya to incarnate, and anchor his Light in Britain to bring back the high ideals of Knighthood to society and eventually, as part of his sacred labor, to be influencial, with many others, in creating a new civilization which will represent the manifestation of Saint Germain’s vision for a Golden Age. It will raise mankind so it can take its place as a Star nation in the ranks of the Galactic Federation of Light. Father God explained how this enterprise will refine mankind in its sensitivity and uplift it to an enlightened state. It will benefit from interaction with the Galactic beings who are famiy because they are the distant past forefathers who remained upon the higher dimension, holding the flame and the link with your divine Self in Christ consciousness, while many of you descended into the third dimension in successive incarnations, some interrupted with your ascensions, but the latter were not always possible in the past.
What our Divine Presence has conveyd to you is that, ahead of this period of Transition and of Reunion, or of great encounters, are the present changes beginning to take place at an incredible pace, with Disclosure. We are moving forwar during the next 6 months of this year of 2016 with disclosure beginning to take place in the mainstream media. There is a change of attitude occurring as the media is beginning to perceive a different reality in the unfoldment of many events, especialy those in association with the American Elections. There is of course a great expectation with the American Elections as it is through them that the Establishment can be opposed and the control of the 1%, as well as the dark Overlords’ manipulations, can be eradicated once and for all.
Back on February 18 and 28, 2016, when Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary first disclosed to you that it was Donald Trump who will be elected President, we gave you these prophecies and continued to inform you that he was still on track. He has now won the necessary delegates for this to become a reality and he is receiving a different kind of attention from the media. A battle has already been won in regards a certain dissemination of misrepresentation for a political agenda. Once the strings of control are totally severed the Leaders of the Nations will be freed to make changes to spread peace around the world. It will be freed from that captivity under the forces of darkness that soulght to precipitate more and more chaos upon the surface of this globe to serve their own agenda.
The Elections will play an important role in the changes that will not only transfigure the American Continent, but the whole world, because it was the nefarious activies of the War Industries that caused the decline along the lines plotted for many decades by the Dark Forces. These fallen ones had an antichrist agenda in the sense that they intended to sabotage the Plan of Ascension. They held on to the deluded misconception that such a thing was possible, just to keep their wealth and power, just to remain in control and hold the strings to create anarchy. But, as you know, the Divine Plan for this Earth, this Solar System and the Galaxy, was master-minded 25 millions years ago. The Earth is the planet that was to play a key role in the Ascension to bring physicality to a higher place, one upon which these dark entities cannot pass to, for it is necessary to have magnetized light to yourselves, to your soul, to pass into this spiritual kingdom. Yet it will be a kingdom of heaven on an Earth of physicality. There will be a Christed population upon Earth.
Father God of our I Am Presence also reafirmed to you today that the descent into the lower dimension was an accident. The Earth will first be restored to the higher physicality that it had in Lemuria, the fifth dimension. One of the causes and cores of this accident was the Galactic wars that raged for millions of years, and more specifically the Reptilian interference. It was necessary to forge a plan to eradicate it. They played a nefarious role in the history of the Galaxy, one of which was the introduction of technology, as well as a decline that culminated with the destruction of Maldek. As a third of its souls were allowed to reincarnate upon Earth they recreated a pattern that was present in their civilization but the Spiritual Overlords of our Galaxy, as well as our solar system, prohibited a repetition of the destruction that happened to that planet that orbited between Mars and Jupiter. These fallen ones had also caused the downfall of the Atlantean civilization and its obliteration. The grand Plan to reinstate Righteousness included a mass incarnation upon Earth of volonteers who would cause the systems of anarchism over the entire globe to be altered. The Pleiadeans have called these volunteers ‘system busters’. What occurs is that your thoughts first produce changes in your own life and your own environment. Then the ripple effect occurs. Transformations in the material world always start from your own thoughts, desires, and your vision. The Elementals then bring those thoughtforms into activation into the physical world.
There was great opposition from the dark forces to our own visualizations and prayers which are more direct calls for changes to the Angelic Kingdom, and for their intervention. The dark forces have been participating in satanic black magic rituals. Many leaders in allegiance with the sinister Astral force have participated in such rituals in an attempt to ruin of the souls of Light and affect world politics. However, we are seeing the end of all this.
As said before, the forces of the Light operate in ways that don’t consist in battling and exterminating the enemy. The Dark has been given a chance of turning to the Light and changing camp. However, at the same time, this is the Time of the Harvest and the final Judgment is being given to them when their time is up. It depends on their potential. There is forgiveness if they are willing to bend the knee. They had but a limited time during which they could be tested. So it was prophesied that there would be a time of Harvest. And it has arrived.
The Galactic War against a vortex of Evil that influenced the souls of Maldek had to be defeated first. The entity known as Lucifer throughout the last 2000 years was given its final Judgment [refer to the video entitled ‘Vials of Karma’]. Despite the fact that this reptilian mafia has recently been abolished, mankind has still been under attack by the forces of darkness residing upon the Astral plane. The lower astral plane was cleared up over a period of many decades and the sinister force that reaches out from the astral plane to affect the lightworkers has been losing power in a gradual way. Souls are being disentangled in the Armageddon of the psyche and the teachings of the Ascended Masters, including the Anunciation concerning the I Am Presence, or Spirit Within, are reaching millions of souls. They are being cut free from the concepts that led to materialism and those of the duality that are typical of the third dimension.
There is no room for evil in the new world. Righteousness is the key. This is why there is a Galactic Order of Righteousness, the ancient word for which is ‘the Order of Melchizedek’. Zedek means ‘righteousness’. And ‘Melche’ means ‘Order’ in the sense of Heaven, by contrast to the Material world, which up to now has been a realm of darkness, being ‘chaos’ or chaotic. ‘Melche’ also relates to the whole Galaxy of the Milky Way. This Order has also been known since the 19th century as ‘The Great White Brotherhood’. It is a brotherhood and sisterhood reflecting an amicable harmony between all beings in this system. This Order incorporates a concept of Peace and is involved in a work of Tuition
The time of Transition that is upon you all, and that is beginning with many changes and disclosure, will develop into a program of distribution of knowledge that will expose what has been suppressed. It will become a national purpose, something like an ambition across the nations. To every single aspect that will be disclosed there wil be a reaction that will produce wonderful changes and a reality beyond what you can presently conceive. Coinciding with this period of Disclosure during which the suppression of truth will be exposed, as well as the machievalic machinations of the former Establishment leaders, there will be a need for teaching, as well as working as some kind of ambassadors for the introduction to mankind of the existence of its Galactic family of the Stars. I have been working with Ashtar Command, the airborne division of the Great White Brotherhood which is also called the Spiritual Overseer, or Hierarchy, of this Solar System. This is because I am a soul extension of Archangel Michael and I have ascended at the conclusion of every embodiment. I was incarnated as Chrétien de Troyes and previously as James, the brother of Jesus. In a more remote time, that of Abraham, who was an incarnation of the Master El Morya, I was his son Isaac. I first descended with my twin flame during the Golden Age of Lemuria. We lived through the Atlantean decline and the downfall of its civilization but in that part of the world which was later inhabited by the Athenians. I shall be coming to provide a service, to work on the project of creating a new Gaia, or recreating a civilization which will be worthy of representation as a Nation in the Galactic Federation of Light. I work with the First Ray and the Flame of Archangel Michael. The Chohan of the First Ray, the Ascended Master El Morya, is already in embodiment in Britain.
There are so many events to occur between now and the end of this year. Your rituals and prayers constitute a great service as they provide the green light for the angelic Kingdom to help you in your birthing Christ consciousness, and to intervene in those situations that are still the cause of dark conspiracies. We are looking forward to see how the events will be played out upon the world scene during the next few months. A new vision of a better world will start to appear. Some of you may be waiting for something to happen, something that will release you from perpetual stress, not knowing how you will get food on the table. The economic situation in many countries is part of the dark conspiracy to keep you occupied with finding solutions for your survival. But all of this will soon come to an end now. You will see how better consitions will slowly unfold because of the absence of dark interference. The new governance in many countries, the struggle for change that has resulted with action, as well as the introduction of new technologies, disclosure, and teaching, will play the most important part after the battle is won to regain control from the Establishment. Next year is the year of Enlightenment. Everyone will be receiving information and gradually developing certain abilities during the next few years, due to the changes in your DNA. They will permit many people to enter into telepathic communication with the angelic kingdom, the Ascended Masters, as well as your Galactic family. Some teachings will be necessary to prepare mankind for the quantum leap to be properly anchored physically upon the 5th dimension or density, following the one to the 4th density at the end of this year. The one to the 5th is a jump that will offer life without disease or death in a utopic paradise, or golden Age.
So, having given you a glimpse of future events, including a financial reset that will change your living conditions, I hope I have provided a vision for you to hold on to during the few last months of difficulties for some among you. Hold on to your hats, beloved ones, as there are woes, but also a great wind of enlightenment about to sweep upon the surface of the planet. It will be blowing round your world. You are about to experience cosmic surgery! This is a time of great encounters and great reunion, a time of so-called ‘First Contact’ with your Star families. But it is not first and they have never left. We have always been one. We are coming though and working through, and with you. Archangel Michael is at your side with his legions of ‘Blue Ray’ Angels, garding you. All the Angelic Kingdom and Ascended Masters, as well as Galactic brothers and sisters join me today, to hold your hands and say ‘come up higher’. Alleluiah! We have nearly accomplished our goal! Joy and happiness be with you on hearing this message.
Christine: Thank you André for this dictation and I Am Presence for this instruction.
Toluene Life Experience | May 29, 2016 at 3:14 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Logo Kindly provided by it has meaning beyond the human specter of perception.
Sahana Yoga
The great time of humanity draws near
The Sun Gate and Grand Climax
Humanity’s Ascension 6202016
Channeled by Michael Love, May 23, 2016
Great Beings of the Earth, as the 2016 Solstice Sun Gate prepares to open to the Kingdom of Heaven, the Third and final mass Ascension wave of this planet will walk across the great Rainbow Bridge, even beyond death, and experience a brand new paradigm for the first time.
A grand cosmic Announcement of Freedom for the Earth is about to be proclaimed. There are incredible Earth changes under way and great bodies in the Heavens are showing themselves as they move ‘to and fro’ allowing huge amounts of magnetic white ionized light to flow into the Earth for the grand climax of The Event Horizon. At this time, for First and Second Wave Ascended Beings, the physical human body still may need to go into hibernation-delta mode for a bit, as these incredible energies integrate and morph the DNA into a more advanced species. Do not be alarmed and know that nothing is wrong with you health-wise.
Some of the energy integration issues Second Wave Beings are dealing with at the moment are:
Feelings of nausea, unusual body pains, broken up or no sleep, feeling out of sorts or disconnected from this reality, seeing more things from other dimensions/timelines merging – a feeling of not remembering when things happened and what was dreamed about or meditated about or really happened.
While some of you have experienced these things before in your ascension process, each time it happens you reach a new peak of awareness for you to adapt to and integrate within yourselves.
The current energies and downloads First Wave Beings are integrating directly, relate to building the Light Body and the grand cosmic awakening/merging.
The great time of humanity draws near and all systems are in place from the sky to the ground in preparation to lift up the last 1/3 of unconscious humanity who will make the transition from the 3D matrix to the New Earth.
Many do not believe that this will or can happen in the short amount of Earth time we speak of because they have not noticed that anything has changed. This is because, in their reality, nothing did change.
After summer 2016 and on into the fall, you will finally start to see freedom ring out for the first time across the Earth and after things start to steady, the New Earth planning and rebuilding phase will begin.
There are major changes in Earth’s political and economic systems underway behind the scenes as the old matrix is grinding to a halt.
The new 5D Crystal Matrix is fully in place and ready to receive all three mass ascension waves, where in this new reality we will rebuild a glorious new pro-life system where amazing technologies and information will be immediately granted to the beings of New Earth. Technologies that will heal the body at once, turn back aging, clear up the atmosphere and biosphere, feed, shelter and provide for all sentient life on this planet and give you the ability to do things that are considered super natural.
This is what you have been training for, for eons, and your real work is just now about to begin. This is where the true magic and majesty begins as New Earth councils of Ascended Masters are formed all around the globe to reform Terra back into the paradise she is meant to be.
Lift up your heads, Great Ones, for I, Michael, have seen from the beginning to the end and I returned back to this place with great Intention, and it was given to me that I would behold a new day of freedom that has never been experienced on this planet while in this last incarnated human body. Know that all universal eyes are watching as the grand climax of humanity’s evolution is about to begin.
Be aware that your body is morphing at the atomic level into a higher version of you. Take time and be easy with you. It’s a perfect time to really be alone with yourself and get to know who and what you truly are. Know that all is well and as it should be and that a magnificent thing is happening inside of you. Be open and allow it all to be. The Universe is having its way, so relax, let go, receive and don’t forget to breathe.
Buckle up, sit back and enjoy the ride. There will be a slight bump or two as we move through the June 20 solstice portal. What was down will be up and what was up will be down as this last great gravitational wave gently rolls the earth over on its axis to propel unconscious humans from their slumber into a state of complete awareness and into an entirely new reality. The strong electromagnetic force of large celestial bodies passing over will soon turn off the old matrix power grid for about 4 months, so communities of Light must band together now and make collective preparations.
It is noted that beings who go out of their body during this great transition of Earth changes have made a choice to do so and will complete their ascension in an alternate and easier way. Do not see any of this as bad or as a loss of life. There is no loss of life, there is only different levels of beings who do things different ways and all beings are on their own ascension path which is not to be judged in anyway. Everyone makes it, and it matters not how they choose to do it. 6202016 Is the perihelion and there is no turning back from a heart’s decision at this moment about how one’s ascension will be completed. Again this is neither good nor bad, it is just a personal choice (conscious or unconscious) if one is vibrating high enough to bring forth the New Earth or if one feels they cannot or will not be able to make this evolutionary quantum leap while still in the body.
Just as Moses spoke to the people, I, Michael, will speak to many beings on a mass scale before this grand climax and help bring final global ascension coherence within the forces of Light as this is my prime mission. Any being who is still full in the 3D vibration and who is not resonating and inputting enough energy into making the grand shift in the body by Earth date 6202016 will go out of the body, finding themselves at once in a state of being and a beautiful reality in which it is much easier to do all of this, than it would have been for them to accomplish in the remaining 3D linear time frame.
There is a time for everything under the Sun and the great Keepers of Time have set forth exact linear earth dates for the beings of this world to evolve from a primitive species to a Galactic one. This time is at hand.
Gaia and the cosmos will safely and intelligently move her 3D children to the New Earth as the First and Second wave Ascended Masters and Archangels (144,000 key holders) combine all their power at one moment to push open the gates of freedom into the new Crystalline Earth matrix. These First and Second Wave Beings will be the first beings in the universe to set foot onto the new world and will gently make way for the rest of humanity who took a different approach to be raised up to meet them.
For this purpose did we come down from the Heavens to assist with the highest love for all sentient life on the Earth.
The beauty and majesty of what is just over this Grand Event Horizon has been seen by no man and all great seers and prophets only had a glimpse of the beauty of Heaven and the New Earth as she shines as the great bride who will sit in her Holy Place in the celestial realms.
Godspeed, Masters, as we all hold hands together now and give one last energetic ‘push’ and give birth to our new creation of life.
Thank you for your sacrifice in coming here to do a good work on the Earth. Be assured that your reward will be given unto you.
I am Archangel Michael, who guards the Divine Plan for humanity’s Ascension and I will stand strong beside you all as we move forward.
It was said that “On the last day, he will lift them all up.”
I do not ask anyone to worship me, for I am one of your brothers, the Prophets. I am the Archangel who holds the great and final Seal for this world to change states to a higher way of being. This Seal is written in my heart and I have guarded it safely unto this day. It was given unto me, this destiny, to speak freedom to all the Earth at the exact and final hour of the old world. No man knows this hour and no man has ever gone up to the Kingdom where I shall open the great Sun Gate and say, “Enter in.” All the children of the Earth will be free and at rest when all of this is fulfilled.
I am with you even to the end of the old world and, “Behold, I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth.” I saw you and me playing there in freedom, love and all joy forever.
Great love,
~ Archangel Michael
Channeled by Michael Love
Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchyfrom Planetary Activation Organization You are, dear Hearts, a wondrous group that is only beginning to show your vast potential. The next major rounds of changes by Heaven are to further accelerate your mental and emotional abilities. |
2 Muluc, 2 Pax, 12 Manik May 24 2016 Selamat Jarin! Your world is quickly preparing for a surprise that is to truly shock all! The Light has been forced to wait for the proper time in which to strike. At present, the dark and its main minions associated with the regime known as USA, Inc. have been given a certain degree of leeway. This has allowed them to engage in some skullduggery on a global scale. The Light is prepared to conclude this odd part of your history. The dark believes that the Light is incapable of launching the type of massive counterattack required to put a quick end to their shenanigans. Meanwhile, our fleet has been ordered by Heaven to do exactly that. In our case, it is to be surreptitious, which is covered by the joint actions of a number of friendly military forces. These joint actions have previously been able to limit the reach of the dark’s sponsored terrorist forces. The aim is to eventually cut off and finally debilitate those dark elements that seek to maintain instability in some areas on your globe. Meanwhile, the Light is readying its attacks that are to finally take down USA, Inc. and its numerous allies. The funds that have been carefully secured and properly registered are now ready to be delivered to you at the right moment. These projects have taken much longer than were previously anticipated. The dark’s degree of infiltration of the banks and their many associated elements were in fact much greater than at first surmised by our earthly allies. Nevertheless, these previous roadblocks are handled and this makes it possible to do many things. It is essential that NESARA governance be instituted and able to become the strong sentinel for a number of important projects. The first is to completely reform the misused and highly corrupted US government. This quiet revolution ends the evil influence of this dark governance to maintain war and conflict in key parts of your globe, namely the Middle East and Latin America! We are then also to be able to introduce global stability and prosperity. Along with this, there is the end to the global UFO cover-up. This can permit us to be able to talk directly to you about first contact and our mentoring program. |
The dark has long believed that we did not fully appreciate how vast and deep was the inculcation of humanity by the dark Anunnaki before their demise in the mid-1990s. We were instructed by our new allies on just these points before the Treaty of Anchara took place in the mid-1990s. We knew firsthand how deeply into your psyche their propaganda had gone. The first thing was to work with both Heaven and our new associates to begin to counteract what for millennia had been put into each newborn’s head and mind. The new starseeds being born were slowly contradicting these dark “norms.” In addition, many were beginning to instruct humanity about what this evil propaganda implied and why it was wrong. This led to a series of brave law-suits and other means to alter this accumulated nonsense and exchange it for a truer and more viable reality. It is these wondrous projects that now enable you to replace USA, Inc and create a new financial system that can work side by side with your new prosperity. |
Our desire is thus to bring to a conclusion a set of false beliefs that have made it possible for the dark and its minions to control you for nearly 13 millennia. The key to this is the vast growth in your consciousness. This one element has made you more able to support the Light and its numerous actions to end the power of the dark and its minions on this surface realm. This point has become the primary action. Permitting the NESARA governance to come to power is truly essential to our success. On this matter, we have sent out our liaisons to confer daily with our allies and put together a jointly sponsored action that is now on the very verge of success. A number of actions are taking place that promise us the much-desired point of final success. The dark has been a most elusive enemy. It has created delays that we initially believed impossible. This latent resilience has been factored into our strategy. We intend to announce shortly that we have succeeded. With that under control, we can secure this realm for the much-needed lessons of your Ascended Masters! |
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The world, as you now know it, is changing. This positive alteration is due to the great set of visions that you have held collectively with us. We are quite proud of the degree of focus that many of you have retained over the past few months. These energies demonstrate what Heaven had in mind when this whole process began in the early 1990s. You have discovered your powers and use them to aid our mutual cause. In the past month, many more have started to show this same resolve. These operations demonstrate just how powerful you are becoming, as you use your abilities and work to bring these wondrous meditations to the fore. They are greatly helping each of us Masters to increase the change that is coming to this reality. The dark, too, has noticed you and is more and more realizing that its many desires are now beyond redemption. The end of these millennia is now in sight! Hosanna! Hosanna! Each of you is a joy to our collective hearts. We realize how far you have come in these past two decades! You are on a road to success that is to bring you to a return to full consciousness. This process has taken a lot less time than initially envisioned by our associates. Hence, it is wise to inform you of these changes and to ask you to continue to go within, focus and use your visualizations to accelerate your progress. You are, dear Hearts, a wondrous group that is only beginning to show your vast potential. The next major rounds of changes by Heaven are to further accelerate your mental and emotional abilities. As you know, your heart is a vast electrical center that in many cases rivals your brain. This process is to continue as you take on changes to your brain’s chakras and to your heart. These are to celebrate your new-found potential and better prepare you to meet your galactic mentors. |
These changes are to be combined with new knowledge that we are destined to impart. Long ago a series of heinous experiments in Atlantis left your ancestors suddenly adrift in amnesia. Everything that you thought you knew suddenly seemed beyond your grasp. Our task is shortly to remind you of what your ancestors lost and to show you how to regain it. Then there is the process of reunion with your cousins, the Agarthans. You are close to meeting them and are to go to Agartha with your mentors and your heavenly guardians and use your Crystal Light Chambers to finish your return to full consciousness. We look forward in glee to your joining us in a final conference to set up a new star nation and go forth with sacred missions given to us all by Heaven’s divine grace! Today, we continued our report on what is occurring around this globe. Much progress is being made to set up your prosperity and create NESARA governance. We fully expect this coming time to be one that can finally mirror what we have told you previously. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) For more from PAO & GF |
Sounds that Activate DNA and Heal Our Bodies.
I participated once in a shamanic ceremony using the plant of San Pedro which is similar to Ayahuasca but with smoother effects.It was thanks to this experience that back in 2011 with the help of my guides,Lillo a Shaman from Peru ,Belinda and Toby i came in contact for first time with galactic ships ,realising that they were observing our activities and the first question that came in my mind was:
What are we,an experiment?
And The answer is Yes.
Humanity is an experiment:To see if surface population on Earth can make it towards Ascension.There are many sitting at the edge of their seats observing what is taking place.This is is our call as individuals.And from my perspective we start to see already that Humanity is winning the bet.Meditation & Prayer are the keys.
The poles of Earth have already shifted Prime Creator confirms.
As more awareness is being spread around with the surface of big lies in our societies , there is still manipulation taking place towards our psyche as a whole with the use of psychotronic technologies as channeled by Archangel Michael.
The uncovering of the truth that humanity has been in slavery for pretty long time comes to the climax with the confirmation of the existence of Secret Space Programs.
“Expats” In Secret Space Program Become Runaway Extraterrestrial Society
The Pleiades are offering us their gifts once again with this:
The Codes of Ascension and Unity Consciousness
Posted by Galacticdrago6, 05/20/2016
By Rae Chandran
Blessings, my dear fellow beings. This is DNA Master Rheumeain from Pleiades. In this short message, we bring forth some new ideas about DNA and how to use sound to activate it not only in your physical body but also in your energetic body, which extends all the way to the twelfth dimension. At the present time on the planet, very little is known about the DNA in the energetic body, but that is where most of the unknown
DNA of humans lies. Note that just as each person on the planet is unique in the characteristics of his or her fingerprints and irises, there are also specific, individualized DNA strands. Furthermore, there are masculine and feminine strands of DNA that are also unique. One must consider all these facts when we talk about the importance of DNA and its activation.
What is the purpose of understanding and activating the individual and quantum DNA? It is to expand the energy field and thus connect you to the basic core of the self. What is the basic core of the self? It is to be in harmony with all of creation and to be one with the creative process of the universe — in other words, to be a natural contributor to the very process of creation along with the Creator. This is the very essence of the Adam code that you all carry within yourselves, and when you expand your energy and connect with this energy field, you naturally return to this state of consciousness. This Adam code consciousness is located in the thirty-third chakra, which is far above the head (almost 12 meters) and is directly related to the seventh level of dimensional consciousness. When you activate this consciousness, you live in true unity and unity consciousness.
The Three Unifying Layers and the Codes of Ascension
The codes of ascension are tied to unity consciousness. There are many layers to full ascension. It is good to keep in mind that although you may have attained this level of consciousness, you must call forth the next three layers of ascension, which include unifying with the universal feminine body, unifying with the universal masculine body, and finally, unifying with the universal platinum body. Only when you reach this stage will you be allowed to participate in the creation along with the Creator. This process from ascension to the full integration of the platinum body will take about two to three years, depending on the initiate’s inner light and dedication. In the first process of ascension, although you may have merged with the larger part of your soul, there will still be doubts, confusion, challenges, and other thought forms. When you integrate the universal feminine body, you will be imprinted with the codes necessary for fully birthing new consciousness for the everyday world, and this will create a better lifestyle for you. When you fully integrate the universal masculine consciousness, you will be imprinted with the codes from the galactic and solar levels, by which you will fully understand, remember, and be able to experience your energy from that level. In other words, you will fully remember your star heritage.
When you fully integrate the universal platinum body, you will fully understand the workings of the cosmos and will become a junior player in the co-creative process of the universe.
The first step is the most difficult. In that stage, you are challenged to embrace unity consciousness on the earth level. Many beings say that they are in unity consciousness, but speaking about unity consciousness and experiencing it are two different things. Your difficulty in this stems from your upbringing, your cultural values, the programming you’ve undergone in this and other lifetimes, and your concepts of religion and God. To experience unity consciousness, you need to develop nonlinear thinking and to think through your body and heart instead of through your mind. When you fully accept the higher attributes of emotions such as love, grace, understanding, acceptance, and gratitude, you naturally awaken the next level of consciousness. When this happens, your bodies, especially the four bodies you are familiar with, will fully cooperate and open to their highest potential energy, and this is programmed into your individual DNA.
Sounds that Activate DNA and Heal Your Bodies
One way you can activate your DNA is to focus on the soles of the feet and envision a pyramid coming up from beneath them. The top, or apex, of the pyramid touches the base of the nose right between the two nostrils. Then chant, “Uuaa Tatt Iskk.” Do this for twenty-one days and for a minimum of twenty-one chants each day. For better results, let your left hand be in a prayer position in front of your heart and your right hand fully open between your second and third chakras. These sounds have the capacity to remove all the blockages piled up in the four bodies and act like a cleaning or clearing mechanism. They penetrate deep into the four layers of consciousness in the cells and also remove blocks in muscles, bones and blood. Blockages occur not only in the physical body but also in all other bodies. Some of these blockages are absorbed from the collective consciousness and from the astral realms. The sounds also help cleanse and reset the auric field. When this happens, your energy body will start to vibrate at a higher frequency. Every person has a luminous body of light circulating around him or her, and when it is clear and pure, it emits lights that can extend more than 50 or 100 meters.
There are two types of light within you: electric and magnetic. Magnetic is the most influential. This is what fully ties you to the illusion and the third dimension. When you can manage and fully integrate both types of light, you can create balanced energy inside which will naturally create balanced experiences outside. There are 144 codes within you (your combined bodies) from all realities and dimensions, and certain conditions need to exist for them to fully activate. One principle condition is experiencing unity consciousness inside and outside yourself. Many times, you cannot experience this because deep-seated fear stems from past lives and your religious belief systems. So when you give intent and work with activating the DNA on the physical level, it is good to ask to resolve and heal the emotional DNA, which in turn can help heal the wounded heart and work with the fear. The activation of this physical DNA is also linked to your mental body and Earth. Earth experiences produce states of mind that can create the energy of fear in the mental body, such as the fear for survival or of abandonment.
There are two sounds you can use to heal the emotional and mental bodies. When you heal these bodies, the codes within them open. The healing sound
for the emotional body is “Sa Me Hey Yaa Koo,” and the healing sound for the mental body is “Kuu Maat Tatt Mmmmmm.” The sounds are to be made as mentioned earlier: over twenty-one days twenty-one chants each time. We will bring forth further understanding in future channelings to fully embrace the other layers of ascension energy. I am Rheumeain, DNA master from
the Pleiades.
Rae Chandran creates individual and healing soul symbols that are channeled from ascended masters like Master Kuthumi, Lord St. Germain, Mary Magdalene, Isis, and a host of other light beings. Rae has been on the path of self-discovery for some time and teaches spiritual disciplines and other modes of healing for audiences around the world. He also conducts spiritual tours to sacred energy spots. To learn more, go to
You Are Creator Creating In The Here Now
June 20th 2016 : The 3rd Super Photonic Wave Announced by Archangel Metatron.