December 1, 2019,
Accept what is and allow change to occur around you without attachment
I have noticed that when I am in judgment about “what is” and resisting my present reality, it causes extreme stress in my physical and emotional bodies.
It is the awareness of my stress level that finally pushes me to remember that my state will not change for the better until I release the clutches of that part of me trying to control things. I can then focus my attention on what I really intend to experience in my life and trust the Universe will provide whatever is in the forefront of my attention.
Sometimes this process seems easier than at other times…
I remember receiving this message and especially the difficulties I experienced with the concept, “accept what is.”
How could I even consider accepting the horrendous and traumatic occurrences that are happening in the world? How could I accept what appeared in my life as the loss of all that I considered valuable?
It is a challenging concept, especially in this era of instant world-wide information with more awareness about what is transpiring not only in the lives of others, but in the life of the Earth and its sustainability. Yet what I have learned is that nothing can change unless I accept “what is.”
I have to be very clear about what it is that I am experiencing so I can ask for something different. Often I need to recognize the recurring patterns so I can clear something from my past history. I am really aware that when I accept what is in my present time, I can focus on what I need because the contrast is so great between what I am experiencing and what I want to have in my life.
We come into the world as beings who want to experience and learn from the life we have chosen. We expressly volunteered to come into this time and place so we could help bring the changes the Earth needs to thrive in the higher dimensional life that is awakening now. This includes being in Alignment with our Soul’s lessons and the empowered teachings we need to bring our own lives into a higher order.
The next key word is Allowing. We are becoming really alert to this word and its importance for living the happy life we want to live. There are so many things we do that get in our own way as we journey through life. The practice of Allowing demonstrates trust that we live in a benevolent universe and have a powerful built-in support system.
It encourages us to step back from forward movement into our inner center of balance so we can receive all the love and support we need. Even though it feels insignificant, this activity is an amazing action step and is a requirement for greater Well-being.
Since 2012 there are certain words that have increased in frequency. We can literally create a field of Divine Light within and around ourselves when we focus on these words and allow their frequency to work within our beings. I have been inspired to use three incredibly life-transforming words that all start with the letter A. They are Acceptance, Alignment and Allowing.
Alignment with Source energy is the beginning point for every change you want to make in your life and for the creation of health and happiness. For almost every question I bring up, Alignment, Acceptance and Allowing have been the answer. When I take those steps within my life, I experience a new level of ease and effortless momentum.
So when you look at all the changes you would like to make in your life, remember to apply the A’s to simplify that manifestation. Acceptance, Allowing and above all, vertical Alignment with your Source energy, are the keys. Truth is really simple, but it does take conscious awareness to apply. That is another reason it is called a Spiritual Practice.
Divine Presence,
Thank you for giving me the awareness and strength I need to Accept situations in the world that do not feel right or good to me. Please work in and through my life to help bring me into Alignment with the Source of All Life and my Soul’s highest reality. From this place of Alignment, please assist me to be inspired to ask for what I need and Allow change to occur in accordance with my highest intentions.
I have Faith that there is a Divine Plan working in all situations and people in the world. As I have the willingness to trust in the Divine, I am able to relax and Allow life to unfold in surprising and benevolent ways.
May all beings be blessed with Alignment to the Source of All Light and live in Harmony with the highest good for all Life on Earth. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
December 1, 2019