Monthly Archives: March 2022
Enough is Enough
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Dear Ones,
Perhaps you fear that the world will never again experience sunshine or joy. Nothing is further from the truth because your diligent work of months, years, or even decades is finally showing itself – not as you probably expected, but in the most peaceful way possible. Instead of ignoring the outer-directed power grabs of various world leaders as has been true in the past, you, en masse, are finding it impossible to deny such is happening. You are banding together regardless of race, religion, or creed. Even though it appears as if the “bad guys” have the upper hand, you fail to acknowledge the majority’s strength. You regress to that outer-directed time when a few controlled the masses. A few no longer control the world because you, en masse, are discovering your common interests and power – exactly as you hoped it would happen. Now that it is happening, you are terrified you are not strong enough, smart enough, or heart-directed enough to push the outer-directed bullies to the side. Outer-directed bullies are no more. Even though they huff and puff and deliberately harm others, their outer-directed power is over. What once was is no more. Of course, there will be pain, fear, and worry about the possibilities of yet another angry outer-directed bully. Fears that will be for naught. For this is not yesterday, nor even this morning. Some are concerned that the world is focused on Europe instead of Africa, Asia, or other areas. Such is so for a reason. Many volunteered to leave earth via this insurrection. They did so to negate worldwide religious and racial divisions. For once the world is united, as is now happening, it cannot return to isolation. Many of those wishing to open their hearts are doing so now. Some politicians are even changing their outer-directed bully stance. This action, this concept shift, is merely the opening volley. The world cohesiveness now becoming paramount is the heart opening many craved. Many hearts were closed tight before this last outer-directed aggression for various reasons, including political leanings. All of that has gone by the wayside as humans of opposing sides come together to stop something that once would have been acceptable. At the same time, those who once seemed opposed to heart openings are opening their hearts to discover their leaders are paper tigers. Leaders who once declared this was the only way over and over are now changing their conversations, not because they believe either side, but because they maintained their power through whatever was the politically correct opinion. As human beings open their hearts, they know who is heart-driven and who is outer-directed power-driven. Those who are power-driven change their message according to the most popular concept of the day. Even though heart-driven beings may change their tone, they do so from the heart instead of outer-directed power needs. The truth will tell even via your media screens. We, of the Universes, predict many of your current political and financial leaders will fall, not because they are not shifting with the times, but because they are merely doing so to maintain control. You will know instinctively who is functioning from their heart and who is pretending to do so to sustain outer-directed power. This is not about political leanings but instead about heart openings. So it is that someone who used to claim outer-directed power in any way possible may now speak from the heart. And those who pretend to speak from the heart might expose themselves as outer-directed. This is a new world with new thoughts and actions – a world you created and are creating. A new heart-based earth is now on full display. That is, this heart-based earth is as fully displayed as possible given that outer-directed actions are rapidly shifting to inner-directed love. There will be some world pain, not because it is necessary, but because you are all new to this earth love. The first step in negating fear is a world heart cohesiveness that lights any corner outer-directed bullies can hide in. It is over. The jailors are opening the doors – not in fear, but because they no longer believe in their roles. At the same time, those of you in self-imposed outer-directed jails are walking through the open doors to the sunshine. There will be a few who wish to continue their jailor/jailed roles. That is their choice. But the world is now saying, “Enough,” to the antics of outer-directed rulers and jailors. It is enough because of your ongoing need to swim upstream against outer-directed currents despite naysayers and your fears. Kudos for a job well done. Now sit back and send loving energies to those who are finding their heart – and all will resolve in ways you cannot yet imagine. So be it. Amen. 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Boost Up Your Manifestation Power (Workshop Online)
Take time to bless that which you have, and ask for what you want
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ The Power of Blessings
Take time to bless that which you have, and ask for what you want.
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You may be finding yourself in a time of questioning and dissatisfaction with your life. However, this is also a time of great opportunity. Every moment of your conscious awareness creates the qualities of your future moments. You can ask for those qualities you feel are missing from your life now, and they will come to you from your sincere prayer.
It is not about asking for material things. Instead, ask for those qualities of consciousness you believe you would have if you had the things you want. For example, if you want a new job, what qualities would this job give you? Abundant income? Harmonious atmosphere with co-workers? Fulfillment and joy doing that which you love? Perhaps ease in transportation?
When you know the qualities you want, this allows the Universe to provide these qualities in a work situation that may be even better than the type of work you were looking for. When you ask for a narrowly defined work environment, you may get exactly what you ask for but the qualities that would make you happy may not be present.
It’s important not to limit the response of the Universe to the confines of your present awareness. But if you do choose to be precise, also say, “this or something better, God” and then let go. You can also give thanks in advance for answered prayers by saying, “Thank you, Divine Presence, for meeting my needs in ways better than I can imagine. Thank you for Divine Order in this situation.”
Blessing situations also brings more good to you. Even if your world appears to be falling apart around you, you can bless the changes occurring and know there is Divine Order beneath the illusion of disharmony.
Though it may not appear that you have much you can bless, you can bless the gift of another day of life. You can bless the learning experiences you are now receiving, knowing they are bringing you to a greater good. You can bless the people in your life. Know that they are your perfect teachers for what you need to learn at this time.
Remember to give more attention to what you want than to what you don’t have. It seems a small distinction, but power is given to whatever you focus your energy upon. If what you are experiencing is not what you want, bless it anyway. But do not dwell there. Shift your focus to ask for whatever good you want — greater happiness, joy-filled relationships, abundant income, satisfying work. Then say, “Thank you, God” and release your prayers to the Universe to be fulfilled. Whenever you think of it, bless your life, say thank you for what you have and want, then let Divine Will take over.
You deserve to be happy and have miracles in your life. A prayerful attitude of blessing and gratitude can bring to you all the good life has to offer. You are worthy to receive the grace of God. All who ask sincerely are answered in kind.
Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today is:
Take time to bless that which you have, and ask for what you want.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
Remember, even though you feel as if you are the only one focused on peace and joy, there are many who are. You are not alone! Stand up and be counted!
by Jennifer Farley, March 6, 2022,
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A new dance has begun; the swirling, twirling energies of the light and dark are asking that your attentions become more focused on the positive, beautiful things of your Earth plane. It is time to stand up to the hatred, fear and anger being generated with every ounce of Unconditional Love your being can show.
Remember, even though you feel as if you are the only one focused on peace and joy, there are many who are. You are not alone! Stand up and be counted!
~ Creator
This Week Focus on Sending Our Love to expose the Khazarian Mafia Worldwide -AA Michael through Sharon-
Archangel Michael
Week 46 Message
I am Archangel Michael with a message for the Angelic Light Community.
We are now all familiar with the fact that there is a war occurring in eastern Europe, in the Ukraine and there are many reasons for this war, not the least of which is that Vladimir Putin has decided he’s had enough of the DS tactics and is now fighting back.
Mr Putin has sent in troops to secure vulnerable areas such as Chernobyl and he has bombed facilities that were being used against his people in Russia, otherwise he has done nothing to irritate the people of the Ukraine. However, the news is saying otherwise. These are false flags or actual attacks on the Ukranian people by the Deep State and UN forces but are being presented to the world as Mr Putin’s evil.
It is not. We must help in revealing to the world by increasing the Light in the Ukraine. This week, however, will be a bit different in that we will be targeting the Khazarian Mafia, in whatever way you may sense them, be they in Khazaria, Switzerland, Antarctica or America, we are targeting all of those responsible for this heinous attacks on the Ukranian people.
Simply state that you wish your energy of love to go to the Khazarian Mafia responsible for this attack on Ukraine and your intention will guide your energy. You may be able to see faces, you may not. Perhaps you will see their demons, perhaps not. Regardless, simply send your loving energy. The energy of love empowers love and disempowers evil. Our intent this week is to disempower and destabilize these evil people. Understand that many world leaders are complicit in this attack.
Khazaria is the main station of these evil beings, and to have an attack on its homeland would be devastating for them. The Ukraine is part of what was Khazaria. Mr Putin is tired of his proud people suffering at the hands of these criminals, and so he will bring them down.
If your desire is to destabilize the efforts of the media in your country which is also complicit in this attack, then feel free to do so as well.
We would like to destabilize this attack on many fronts and there are many ways to do it. Choose whichever you feel most comfortable with.
A suggestion to you: If you can gather with friends and family to send your collective Light as one, then please do so. These meditation circles are very powerful and combine the energies of all involved.
I am Archangel Michael, I am sovereign, I am God, I am your truth bringer and the Light. We are Legion.
Feel More Than Fine Wishes
Hi(gh) IAM starting this new series of blogs in order to co-create the most amazing New Earth Realities and The Highest Good For All.
My wishes are simple, personal and seen from my perspective.
Please add yours in what you feel works for you including always The Highest Good For All.
So here we go:
I wish you All To BE in alignement with Source 24/24 allowing Divine Love and Light to flow through with ease and grace.
I wish you All Excellent Well Being, Eternal Peace and Infinite Abundance of All Things in Life you want and need at all times.
I wish you All more celebrations and gatherings with your like minded and hearted people more often than now.
I wish you All Love and Kindness and Gentleness with yourselves in your interactions.
I wish you all SELF LOVE.
I wish you all Financial Prosperity at all times doing all the things you love as when you do what you love you raise your frequency and hence are in Service for the highest good for all.
I wish that all Charities get more than enough monies to develop ideas and projects further as to make the lives of each and everyone easier.
I wish homes for all homeless.
I wish that all children are safe and sound at all times Worldwide.
I wish that all people are safe and sound at all times Worldwide.
I wish us all to be part of the highest vibrations there can be on planet Earth with the smoothest journey of Ascension there can be.
I wish you all EASE.
I wish ALL that IAM
Namaste and Thank You
Your focus needs to be you, raise your vibrations with meditations and ask your soul for answers-Mira Pleiadian High Council via Erena Velazquez-
March 5, 2022
I am Mira, the Pleiadian High Council, and I am here to speak to your civilization about the recent events on your planet Earth.
Right now, you have a big concern about, what is happening between Ukraine and Russia. I can assure one thing that the picture about this conflict has been not disclosed truthfully by the Media and your governments.
The truth is twisted about the situation there. I usually stay away from discussing political events on Mother Earth, today I feel, it’s my duty as the Pleaidian High Council to tell humankind, that you are again being mislead by the leaders and the journalists around the world. Do you think you can trust any of them?
This war is between Light and Darkness In Ukraine to set things up right and stop killing innocent people. The Khazarian mafia is desperate to be in power, so they are killing civilian people. It’s losing in the fight against the Light, so it’s trying to start World War 3. This is not going to happen. The Earth’s vibrations are high, and the Darkness can’t survive in positive energies. The Corrupted Souls are dying from their own sword.
Your focus needs to be you, raise your vibrations with meditations and ask your soul for answers. All of these events need to occur in order to crash 3D illusion and to create a foundation for a New World. Please, be prepared for more events and truths that are coming your way in the near future. The Awaking continues, and more and more humans want to be free and happy. The tyrannical controllers are getting exposed left and right, and their end is very close.
I am very sad for Canadian Truckers, who got crushed and betrayed by their own government. They are suppose to serve people’s interests. In my reality we don’t have any governments, as we know that they don’t work. We select the counselors, and if they don’t perform as expected, we replace them with new ones. I am sending a lot of Light and Love to American Truckers.
I love Mother Earth, she looks so beautiful from my ship’s window. My team is observing your planet. We are not allowed to interfere in your fight, unless the whole planet is in danger, then Ashtar would step in with his fleet.
Let’s go of the attachments such as judgment, anxiety, anger, jealousy and etc, and free yourself from these draining emotions by grounding and connecting with Mother Nature. To resolve your concerns and confusions listen your heart. Please, never forget that we are all connected. The space, time and the dimension can’t separate us as we are one big family. We are One.
A lot of Love to my Brothers and Sisters. Thank you Universal Channel.
Open Yourselves to Embrace the energies of the Cosmos
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Me, White Cloud and a surprize visit from The Federation Of Light! -Blossom Goodchild Direct Channeling-
War or Peace? We choose -Messages from Ann & the Angels-
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As you watch events unfolding on your earth, keep in mind that you have more power to affect change than you might ever realize. You can’t physically stop missiles, or the people who wield them, but you can stop the wars closer to home. You can stop the wars within your own heart and your own mind. You can become ambassadors of peace.
The vibrations of war and peace exist within every human being upon your planet. You make war when you attack another perspective or decide that someone’s perspective has no right to be. You make peace when you walk away or listen with compassion and seek to understand. You make war when you attack and criticize your body in the mirror. You make peace when you are kind and caring to your body. You make war when you belittle or put another person down for not showing up in your life the way you want them to be. You make peace when you learn to live and let live. You make war when you put yourself down. You make peace when you show yourself kindness and compassion.
Each one of you can either empower the vibration of war or be an ambassador of peace. Each one of you can contribute to the solution of a world that seems to be in crisis or you can contribute to the vibrations that fueled the fires of war. Choose peace, dear friends. Choose kindness. Choose compassion. Walk kindly away from those who attack rather than attacking back. If someone crosses your borders, then let your silence be the loudest voice of reason. If someone has done wrong to you then handle the issue as you must, but then, let your compassion for their pain steer you into kinder directions in your own life. If you hate the beliefs of another, please turn the other cheek to love, and therefore empower, the beliefs you can stand behind.
Your peace is needed now. There is not just one man behind this war dear friends. There is a vibration of hatred and fear that has fanned the flames of war in this particular human heart. This vibration has been stirring for some time. This vibration has been empowered by racial hatred, political hatred, hatred for the vaccine, and for those who won’t get it. This vibration has been stirred by all who feel that someone else can do them harm and all those who don’t believe in their own power to choose an empowered vibration.
One man currently stands as a symbol for all who have been possessed by fear, hatred, and the insecurity that says someone or something other than their own God-given power to attune themselves to the vibration of all they desire could rob them of what truly belongs to them. One man, dear friends, stands as a vibrational point of focus for the hatred and fear that has been stirring in the mass consciousness. Pray for him. Pray that his soul is filled with light. Pray that he be released from the possession of this vibration of fear and hatred because there is no greater pain than being possessed and letting your light go out. There is no greater pain than losing the feeling of your connection to the loving source. There is no greater pain than feeling alone and afraid and insecure about all you have held dear. Those in misery do indeed love company, on both a personal and global scale.
Pray dear ones, that this soul, and all souls, who want wars – great and small – have the light of love rise up within them. Pray that they come to know that they too are loved by God as surely as a parent would love their child no matter how far off course they get. Pray for the leaders of this world that they be filled with light, love, wisdom, compassion, and a willingness to dialogue rather than attack.
Then dear ones, pray for the strength inside of yourself to be ambassadors of peace. Pray to be released from the bonds of unforgiveness and hatred toward those who have wronged you. Pray to be released from the need to be “right” rather than to be loving. Pray for the ability to release yourself and others from the bondage of your expectations and instead expect that God loves you enough to bring you what you want in ways beyond your imagination. Dear friends, you can be the peace you wish to see. You can be the ones who turn this very volatile world situation around. You can be the ones whose choice not to engage in anger, judgment, hatred saves lives.
You are that powerful, that important, and you matter. Right now the world needs your peace. With every choice not to engage in hatred, you weaken the vibration of hatred and strengthen the vibration of compassion. With every choice not to attack opposing perspectives but rather to empower your own you empower the vibrations of reason and weaken vibrations of reaction. With every choice to pray for the hateful, hurting souls in the world you bring the Divine light ever closer to your planet earth. You matter dear ones. For the love of your planet and countless lives upon it, to the best of your ability, choose peace.
We love you. We judge none of you. We know you are all doing your best. We are simply asking you to step into a greater power to affect change, right here, right now. Pray dear ones, that all hateful and hurting hearts be healed – the ones of those you love and the hearts of those you can’t stand, for in truth, the more hate, the more hurt, and the more hurt, the more your prayers are needed.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels
Ukraine, Russia; vaccination pushback; no WWIII;
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Let us begin with the assurance that all major happenings are right on target with the divine plan to liberate Earth from all vestiges of darkness. Although much of the action still is behind the scenes, some is quite obvious, but the public doesn’t recognize it as the significant progress it is. Such is the case of Russia and Ukraine.
As mentioned in a previous message, the person seen as Vladimir Putin is the look-alike double who replaced the Russian president about two years ago when the Illuminati finally were able to assassinate Putin because he consistently refused to cooperate with them. They portrayed him in mainstream media as a murderous dictator because he eliminated their operatives in Russia and they accused him of horrible things they themselves did. What is important in this moment is that the double, initially one of the Rothschild puppets, now is working with and protected by the light forces.
Russians are not wantonly bombing cities as reported by mainstream media and often depicted by old or photo-shopped photos and film clips. They are destroying laboratories that produce and store bioweaponry and other Illuminati entrenchments, but like most of the rest of the world’s people, the Ukrainians don’t know that and they are frightened, anxious and sad. Even if they knew about the strategic targets, explosions and foreign troops still would be traumatizing.
Later on they will know the truth about what is happening, and some among the hundreds of thousands who are leaving the country already do—they have been working with the Illuminati. In time, all peoples will know that what some say is “an unprovoked war” or “a dangerous invasion” has another purpose, too. It will reunify a population that was separated when new borders were established to put regions with abundant natural resources under the control of Illuminati-installed “democratic” governance.
The United States president seen publicly also is a look-alike double and he has to say and do whatever he is told, including advocating that everyone be vaccinated. Far from having the results the Illuminati want, demands to end all “pandemic” requirements are quickly expanding in that country and many others, and leaders who haven’t yet succumbed to public pressure, will in a short time. The peoples are fed up with mandates that are damaging psychologically, economically, academically and, as medical specialists are rightly saying, health-wise.
Another timely item on the Illuminati agenda is a world war, and they are pushing their puppet national leaders to escalate the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. This plan will not succeed, either. There will be no WWIII.
The drama of technologically-produced effects during opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics has motivated the Illuminati to consider something else on their agenda, the illusion that an extraterrestrial civilization is invading Earth. So, what we said some time ago bears repeating: We have been told they no longer control the technology required to produce a holographic invasion, but if that is attempted, universal family members will turn it into spectacular entertainment.
“Please ask Matthew what God meant by ‘The roadway will have potholes and bumps here and there…’” Ordinarily we would not be so presumptuous as to expound upon God’s words, but we know what he was referring to and have his permission to speak about the “potholes and bumps.”
As you can imagine, some pertain to what is happening in Ukraine and how that may play out. There could be another false claim about a new virus variant that results in another lockdown; if defiance were to turn violent, national leaders could declare martial law to restore order. To incite fear and all-out rebellion, mainstream media could call it military coups overturning legitimate governments.
Attempting to vaccinate the world’s population could become harsher than heretofore, and if that aroused armed resistance, it also could lead to martial law and the likelihood of the same media outcry. Governmental policies could result in mass rioting between opponents and supporters, and if any major changes from what is familiar seem ominous to the populace, widespread reactions could be troublesome.
Except for the current situation in Ukraine, the aforementioned situations are only possibilities. It is the energy of billions of thoughts, feelings and actions that will determine what is to come day by day, and, dear family, whatever that may be, you are well prepared to handle it fearlessly and help others deal with it. Please keep in mind what else God said: “…when you feel like the powerful multidimensional family members you are, happenings will hum right along.”
“Who selects volunteers and what are the criteria? Do they know that’s why they’re here? How many are there? Is each given a specific mission? Are all performing their missions well? Do they live longer than other people’? How many are in ET special forces? How do they differ from other volunteers?”
First let us say, love is why spiritually and consciously evolved souls leave their homelands and incarnate on Earth to help these members of our universal family who have been living in the darkness of control, deception and atrocities. It is a testament to the powerful extensiveness of love that far more souls volunteer than are needed.
Now then, members of the highest universal council select souls that have had many lifetimes helping third density civilizations, thus have the experience and inner strength to manage what they know awaits. But, just as it is with every soul that incarnates in third density, volunteers forget at conscious level what is known at soul level and they have no idea about a mission. However, they are consciously aligned with their souls’ messages—intuition, instinct, conscience, inspiration and aspiration. Most heed that strong guidance and make free will choices in line with their missions, albeit without awareness that they are.
They number in the many millions throughout the world—we don’t know the exact figure—and the majority don’t think of themselves as lightworkers, lightwarriors or starseeds, terms most often used to designate volunteers. When the earliest group came nigh onto a century ago, darkness blanketed the planet. As the arrivals became older and felt they had “a purpose,” so to say, it was difficult for them to do anything except BE the light and, with rare exceptions, that is all missions called for back then.
Most still do. Light in abundance is continuously needed to raise the collective consciousness of a third density civilization, and all volunteers have the opportunity to benefit the society by living from the heart—God said, “The heart is the seat of the soul”—thereby beneficially influencing people whose lives they touch. However, some souls’ cumulative lifetime experiencing prepares them for specific roles such as community or regional leaders, judges, engineers, scientists, teachers, visionary medical personnel, inventors, artists, investigative journalists, or innovative entrepreneurs. That doesn’t mean everyone in those various fields is a volunteer, but those who aren’t may be advancing in evolvement by accomplishing what they chose in soul contracts.
It is much easier at the time of volunteering to feel confident about performing well in specific positions than it is to live in a third density world with its many obstacles and temptations, and some souls strayed from their missions by putting undue importance on financial gain, acquisitions, social status or fame. Not only did that seriously dim their light, but instead of influencing others in positive ways, their lives exemplified the opposite and persons who admired their success emulated them. The souls who have transitioned lament their choices, and the hope of all light beings is that those on Earth who likewise strayed will “see the light” and return to their missions.
Volunteers come from civilizations where physical lifetimes can be a thousand years or longer. In some cases, individuals have a farewell celebration with family and friends, then dematerialize their bodies and the souls incarnate in a civilization where they can further advance in awareness. But on Earth, bodies of volunteers become ill, age and die, and the souls’ contracts contain a life span choice, so there is frequent turnover in the ranks.
When they transition to spirit life, myriad others remain and new ones arrive. Almost always that is by birth, but now and then they come as adults who aren’t seen publicly during the short time their bodies are adjusting to Earth’s lower frequencies. In these few cases, all documentation needed to establish a lifetime history is put into place so the persons can integrate into the population without question as to their background and qualifications. They come to replace members of the extraterrestrial special forces who transition or because their expertise in many fields and fluency in numerous languages will facilitate planning or negotiating international matters.
Members of the force number in the thousands and they’re stationed around the world wherever they are needed. In addition to the great difference in size of this group and the other volunteers and the occasional arrival of an adult, souls in the force also differ in other ways. All come from the most highly evolved civilizations, where they held responsible positions. They know who they are and none has ever strayed from his or her mission.
They retain their innate abilities of manifestation; dematerialization; teleportation; astral travel; telepathic communication; being present in spirit only, thus invisible to bystanders; and “reading” thoughts of others, nearby or distant. Those extraordinary abilities—that is, in persons on Earth—enable these volunteers to be especially valuable in intelligence agencies, the sciences, medical laboratories, information analysis, military forces and governments.
And, a few are prodigies, which shouldn’t be surprising, and a few are what you call illusionists. That may seem a frivolous mission, but it is purposeful—by walking through a brick wall or producing an automobile out of thin air, for instance, they are showing these are possible. Thoughts about any possibility precede developing—more accurately, activating—the ability to accomplish it, and those entertainers are stimulating their audiences to contemplate how such feats can be managed. You could say they are the wayshowers to Earth’s peoples discovering their own innate capabilities.
Let us add that it is members of the special forces who reduced the toxicity in “vaccines” and erased the programming in the chips as well as preventing detonation of missiles’ nuclear warheads and causing other weapons to malfunction. Of particular importance to us, they are our information sources on the planet about what is happening there.
Regardless of the capacity in which volunteers are serving, they are indispensable helpers to Earth’s civilization. The love-light energy they radiate by BEing there is stirring the peoples to awaken and make their world what they want it to be.
Beloved brothers and sisters, all light beings in this universe honor you for steadfastness in your mission and support you with the power of unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
Rewriting Initiation by the Arcturians
I now encourage you to take as much time as possible, my light brigade, my beautiful Army of One Love, to spend time in the stillness in this perfect manifestation of All That Is each day.-The Divine Mother through Joyful Christie-
The Simplicity of the One
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The Divine Mother channeled through JoyfulChristie on 2/28/22
Blessings for my children at this momentous time.
There is a rhythm involved as you move inward that begins with a seeking, the practice of quietude, searching out all that is in dissonance and gently easing it and letting it go.
Instead of complexity it is the simplest form of being.
The One.
And in the stillness of the One there is expansion beyond what you can imagine, expansion into all that you are, and I am seeing that blossoming now.
I cannot stress enough how dear the work you are doing, the hearts you are presenting, is to the collective consciousness on the planet.
I would insist that at this time Simplicity is the goal.
Sitting in the quietest corners of All That You Are and simply being the Love, the Joy, the Truth, the Peace, yes All of the divine qualities that are called for so strenuously at this time.
In stripping away the diversions and the chatter from the inner work, we reach a purity, a deeper understanding of the connection.
You are aligned with your truest and highest self – you are in active remembrance and this is beautiful and generous work.
Because at this time you are experiencing things in a linear fashion, it may seem that the shifting and rising that is happening on the planet is moving very slowly. But I caution you here to remember all that stretches behind and all that stretches ahead drops away in each Now moment.
As powerful creators, when you are guided within, let go of all the exterior distractions and sit in the seat of your divine qualities, manifesting them in the stillness of deep gratitude and the vibrational alignment with the Love forms that you are.
It is perfection.
In that moment you have done the work you came here to do and indeed in each moment you are doing it.
Know that I see how you struggle at times and hear my voice as I remind you that struggle is an illusion and in reaching deeply inward with gratitude you find release, you find alignment, you come home.
And it’s profound my children – it’s deeply profound.
I now encourage you to take as much time as possible, my light brigade, my beautiful Army of One Love, to spend time in the stillness in this perfect manifestation of All That Is each day.
Know that as you spend this time you are shifting the narrative my beautiful and powerful creators.
The work you are doing each moment is streaming light – light in which the darker energies can no longer maintain themselves.
What transformative work you do and how my heart and the heart of all rejoices!
Should you find you are discouraged or overwhelmed with the illusion presented right now on the outer scene, I urge you to remember this beautifully impactful inner work that you are asked to do, that you came here to do, that you intended.
Breathe in deeply and on each exhale release attachment to the outer, returning again and again to the One.
You are held Dear Ones, continuously. You have only to turn your attention to this beautiful multi-colored energy surrounding all of you in order to feel it.
At no time has it been more important for you to avail yourself of the energetics gifts that are being streamed to you in each Now moment. Reach up and out and step into ever more fully All That You Are my beautiful light warriors.
Know at this time that you sit surrounded in the Divine Light of the Creator and my own personal blessing.
What Is to Come for Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of sensing when humanity is making giant steps towards the next level of your consciousness. We can tell when you are on a greater trajectory of that upward spiral that we sometimes talk to you about, and now is one of those times. There has been a lot of despair, sadness, anger, frustration, and fear on planet Earth for quite some time now, but those of you who are awake and who are sensitive to energies have picked up on what the rest of the collective has been offering, and you have taken a stance. You have been more determined than ever to be in and of the light. You have been more determined than ever to radiate love, peace, and joy, and you have gone back to the drawing board, so to speak, and have activated all of your skills as creator beings.
You are doing it with the help of all of the beings and collectives from the higher-dimensional planes, and that is also noteworthy. It is important for you to recognize that you have help, because you can sometimes feel overwhelmed by all that you have taken on in this single lifetime. You are dealing with your own stuff, your own issues, and you are helping humanity to raise their level of consciousness so that they can shift out of the old 3D paradigm, the old matrix, and into the new fifth-dimensional Earth, the plane of existence that you’ve been hearing about for so long and that you have been actively participating in bringing to fruition.
You are about to get more help from above, not only from your e.t. friends and nonphysical collectives from other star systems, like ourselves, but we can also sense an amplification of the energies coming from the archangels and the ascended masters. If you have a relationship with one of these archangels, or one of these ascended masters, like Buddha, Yeshua, St. Germain, Quan Yin, and so on, then use that connection that you feel is already present and turn on more of your receptors to receive the help that is coming in from above because it is tremendous.
It is yours to receive, and when you help others with your prayers, your meditations, your intentions, you get more attention from the helpers of the universe that are all around. You light up, and you show yourself as one of the ground crew members who is there to be a changemaker and to bring the peace, unity, and harmony to your world that you want to see so much. And that is being amplified right now, of course, and you are responding. We can feel it. We see the lightworkers lighting up, and we notice how you are attracting a lot of attention from the higher-dimensional beings as a result. This leaves us feeling quite optimistic about what is to come for humanity, and we suggest that you join us in our optimism, as we know so many of you already have.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Ashtar Sheran – Talk of Public Disclosure
My notes: Putin has moved his family into an underground nuclear city designed to survive nuclear war. The DS is out to vilify Putin as the next Hitler, who was their creation anyway, and make themselves out to be the good guys. THEY ALWAYS DO THIS. This is a consistent tactic they have used in every one of their campaigns. That’s how they trick so many naive people, but we’re smarter than that. They vilify anyone who opposes them: first it was Trump, now it’s Putin.
Me: I hear Ashtar. Are you kidding me? Is that what you’re saying?
Ashtar: I am, Sharon. If they start a full scale nuclear war, we will intervene. And we, the GFL, will take the opportunity to show ourselves as the ones who save planet earth. That will be the moment of disclosure.
Me: Too bad I don’t have the TV station going yet.
Ashtar: Yes, it is. The draconians got in our way, however we can break into any channel we want to.
Me: Maybe that’s why people see people dancing in the streets.
Ashtar: Perhaps.
Me: So what happens then?
Ashtar: The Deep State will still not be vanquished. All will carry on however we of the GFL will have a more “hands-on” position in your politics.
Me: That’d be great, Ashtar. I love it!
Ashtar: Yes, plans have changed. You asked for us to intervene. We have no desire to see earth blown up by Santa Nicks. Their other programs will continue and you will be expected to deal with them, as has always been the case.
Me: So you’ll only intervene if there’s no other way, then, right, Ashtar?
Ashtar: Yes. We’re watching this play out.
Me: Yes, Ivo’s been very quiet the last week.
Ashtar: We are all quiet. Looking on with concern but we knew it would come to this.
Me: Yes, same old, same old. It’s that the Santa Nicks enjoy killing, just like the Christ Consciousness people enjoy living.
Ashtar: Exactly. Adonai, Sharon. Please get this out.
Me: It’s out. It’s out! Youtube: SharonandIvoofVega
The majority of humanity is awakening to the call of the spirit within.
This is what Apollo said on February 28, 2022 via Valerie Donner :
“The majority of humanity is awakening to the call of the spirit within. It is as if they have been in a chrysalis waiting to become a butterfly. They are getting ready to release the external protection that has kept them locked in the third dimensional world. Some are ready to live as butterflies while others are afraid of coming out. Whether it is of their own divine desire to open their hearts to live in higher consciousness, or not, everyone is changing and will land in the most appropriate part of life. Please understand each choice is divine and part of the transformation now occurring on the earth. The light is shining everywhere. The dark will not get away with anything. You are witnessing the spectacular spotlight shine where it is most needed and where the startling truth will set the planet free. I am declaring this in the name of the Almighty I Am.”
Overall, you are doing an outstanding job anchoring in the light, ground crew. You have access to much more of the higher energies like the Galactic’s, your I AM presence, the earth, each other, the Masters, Archangels, and all who are watching over you.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through
Valerie Donner February 28, 2022
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am still working full-time on the Earth Council. This is very important work, as you know.
We greet you with tender loving care. We know there are ones who are trying to hijack the spiritual process of ascension that is currently in place. We will remind you there is no turning back. The light is true to itself and most powerful. There is nothing they can do to stop what is coming. However, they can sidetrack you somewhat with the illusion of fear, yet if you are tuned into the light and into your hearts, this will be futile.
We understand the spiritual fatigue that many of you are going through at this time. We feel it along with you. These intense energies have stirred up everything. They are accelerating the Ascension process quite a bit. One of the ways that you can realize this is by assessing the information from both sides. When you listen to your heart, you will tune in and know what is true for you and what is not. It could be that your information sources are running out of steam. You may have risen in your consciousness so some of this information is no longer pertinent.
There comes a time when you don’t have to continue to gather as much information as you did in the past. Spirit will guide you to what you need to know. You can be assured of this. Please do not get distracted with some of this extraneous information from either side. What you are beginning to discern, is that some of these sources do not know what they are talking about. Some of the truthers are carrying fake news just like the mainstream. With the glorious light though, you are beginning to figure it out and see through it. This is exactly what you will do.
You are in the process of rescuing yourselves, saving your souls and each other, by being valiantly strong and courageous in your power. Just go deeply within your heart to see what feels right and what doesn’t. You will be sorry to see that perhaps some of your favorite sources weren’t exactly up to the truth. This is the fine line, and it is important that you realize it.
We understand how you are being affected by the timelessness of how everything is speeding up. This is in preparation for living in the higher dimensions. The linear time in which you have been controlled and living for such a long time, has been one of your biggest stressors. Imagine what it will be like for you when everything is simply in the flow. So you can practice right now by allowing yourself to just be in the flow. You do not have to be at the mercy of a time piece. That clock was meant to mechanize you and keep you in control. If you do this you will be training yourself to tune in more to the natural flow. I think you will like it.
Overall, you are doing an outstanding job anchoring in the light, ground crew. You have access to much more of the higher energies like the Galactic’s, your I AM presence, the earth, each other, the Masters, Archangels, and all who are watching over you. When you combine these factors with what you are doing, you will see how you are opening to more magic and miracles. Look at how the unexpected occurs daily and see how fun it is to explore the synchronicity and beauty in this process.
We have wonderful expectations about how we are collaborating with you and how much more we will be doing this in our new earth energies. This continues to be a call for action. This is the Great Awakening. You will have everything you need, and you will be happy.
We love you dearly, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
We stand together in the truth and the light. And so it is!
Beloved masters, allow us to return to some basic but vitally important concepts and teachings: Once more, it is time for you to answer the new Clarion Call. It is time for you to step to the fore and say, “I AM READY”. It is time for you to discard the remaining remnants of the disguises you assumed for the earthly drama you chose to play out in this lifetime.
You have been playing with the concept of empowerment of Self long enough. It is time to reach out and take the Cloak of Light that is waiting for you, a garment that contains all the knowledge, attributes and qualities of mastership that you left behind when you embodied in your denser physical vessel.
You encumbered yourselves with overlays of negative, self-limiting concepts and thought forms from a multitude of past lives in order to face and conquer your greatest enemy, FEAR. We have explained many times before, ‘fear is the absence of love in some measure’. All negative emotions, impulses and beliefs such as anger, guilt, shame, unworthiness, low self-esteem, resentment and so on, stem from a sense of being cut-off from the life-giving love/Light of our Father/Mother God.
You learned to project these feelings outward to those around you in an effort to recapture that feeling of warmth, joy, safety and empowerment that the pure love of the Creator instilled within your heart center. Over the many past Ages, you gradually forgot that all the emotional sustenance you will ever need is supplied via that vertical shaft of Light that connects you to your Divine God Seed Atom and ultimately the Creator.
You began to project emotional cords of attachment toward those around you, which have resulted in a tug-of-war battle in many forms between individuals, male and female, families, cultures and nations. This has created an emotional war in which there are no winners, only losers, for no one can derive from another that which will conquer the debilitating enemy called fear.
You are in the process of finding your way back to the love of the Sacred Heart, which is unconditional love. Love with conditions became the norm as humanity sank into the density. From these negative thought patterns all other self-limiting concepts sprang forth and became your truth. Any wonder you have been at war with those around you, for you have been fighting a losing battle within yourself for such a long time.
Now is the time to reverse, release and restructure your present reality ─ a new reality that encompasses all the lessons in mastery we have given you over these past years. We have given you effective ways to monitor your thoughts and still the mind in order to reprogram your sub-conscious and conscious minds with higher wisdom from your Divine Self. We have taught you how to balance the multiple-minds of your chakra system so that, once again, they are working harmoniously, one with another.
As you experience peace within the mind, you will also begin to experience joy and bliss within the heart, for they are inexorably connected. It is time for you to release all those concepts that do not support your highest, most-empowering vision for the future, for whether you believe it to be so or not, each and every day you are becoming more powerful cocreators.
Just as in the drama that is being played out on your planet today, there was a time in your ancient past when you, too, stepped forward, saying, “I am ready to serve.” You left the beauty, safety and comfort of your homeland and journeyed out into the unknown. You spent many thousands of years, as you count time, in preparing yourself for your mission and you were tested over and over again to see if, indeed, you were ready.
You took an oath and agreed to allow yourselves to be diminished in Light, wisdom and power to whatever degree was necessary by fragmenting your wondrous Self, over and over again, in order to fulfill your assigned task. Your loved ones wished you well and watched you go with great sadness but also with pride welling up within, for they knew that you were going forth on a great mission; a mission mandated by our Father/Mother God. They knew that you would be away for a very long time, and they also knew that you would forget them; however, they would never forget you. Now the members of your spiritual family are sending you beams of Love/Light from home − loving messages telling you how much you are missed and that it is time to return. Indeed, it is time for a spiritual reunion of monumental proportions.
The cosmic trumpet call for the battle of extreme duality to end has sounded, and it is time for you to return to your true estate as a full-fledged Emissary of Light for the Creator. A new assignment is being offered to you, an assignment that requires that you reclaim a grand portion of what you left along the way on your descent into the material realm of reality. Remember, as you spiral forward and upward into the higher realms of Light, you are also being reunited with your Spiritual family.
The battle between the Light and shadow-side has really been a battle amongst yourselves. As the many Fragments of expression were brought forth into physical embodiment, you all began to believe and affirm that yours was the right or true way; that your customs and traditions were the best; or your religion and rituals were the ones favored by God. Humanity created the broad spectrum of Light and shadow in which the pendulum of truth and power would broadly swing back and forth over these many past Ages.
In reviewing your past, it is obvious that there are never any true winners in a war, only shifting power and different kinds of problems or inequities. Humanity has not yet learned the art of empowerment through positive, assertive action, which seeks justice for all. The wars you are fighting now are a result of seeds of hate and fear that were planted thousands of years ago. And, until humankind accepts the truth that you are all brothers and sisters in Spirit, there will be no true peace on the Earth ─ an Earth that is steeped in and hindered by Third- and Fourth-Dimensional vibrational patterns of fear and limitation. When the Earth and humanity ultimately are lifted into the refined frequencies of the higher Fourth- and Fifth-Dimensional frequencies, there will be peace on Earth ─ war will be a vague, distant memory of the past.
That is why it is so important for you to join the Legions of Light who are endeavoring to create a new Earth where peace and harmony will prevail. Each of you is much more powerful than you can ever imagine, especially if you have integrated and are using the tools of mastery we have offered you. Each time you visit your Pyramid of Light and Power, thereby filling yourselves with the Divine elixir of Love/Light from the Creator, you bring back with you into the physical realm more of that wondrous energy. You radiate it forth from you and it filters out as a gift to all those around you. Slowly but surely, you are magnetizing to yourself and into the Earth the building blocks of Light, which you will use to recreate the dreams and projects you have envisioned in the higher realms.
Beloveds, will you surrender your emotional pain to us and allow us to show you how to return to emotional peace and harmony within? Will you allow us to help you replace old limiting thoughts with new empowering concepts of mastery? Are you brave enough to script your vision for the future and place it in your Pyramid of Light, asking for the highest outcome for all? Are you willing to release any attachment to the outcome? As you align your will with the Creator’s Will, you will be amazed at the sense of freedom and the assurance of rightness you will feel, for the desire of our Father/Mother God is always for your highest good.
Mental harmony comes with reprogramming old negative, limiting thoughts which are judgmental, rigid and controlling. Mental detachment comes with wisdom ─ an understanding and faith in the Universal Laws. As an Emissary of Light, you will seek to live by the highest moral standards through virtuous conduct, and with a burning desire to see justice for all. Emotional and mental health and physical well-being are a result of learning to live in the sacred space of the heart while staying attuned to the wisdom of your Higher Self.
As you learn to function within the stillness of the sacred moment of Infinity or the Still Point of Creation, magical things begin to happen to you and around you. You begin to create an energetic force field around you that is impenetrable. Your body is constantly renewing itself via the thought forms and energetic patterns you radiate. Change the self-limiting patterns and negative thought forms to those of positive, expansive vibrations, and you will change your body, your reality, and ultimately your world.
Are you willing to expand your thoughts to encompass a new reality? Are you willing to expand your boundaries as to what is possible to create and enjoy in your new reality? Are you willing to claim the prosperity and abundance in all those things that you so desire? Are you willing to expand your mind and your vision, as you reach upward and outward, to incorporate all the wondrous new concepts and inventions just waiting for someone to claim, integrate and create them?
Look back at the progress of humanity over the last 100 years or so. You have made astounding progress in all areas of physical existence. We tell you, dear friends, it is nothing compared to what is waiting for you in the here and now. A quantum leap in evolution and human consciousness is taking place, and those who are preparing themselves for this advancement are the ones who will set the pace for what is to come during these next important years on Earth.
We have told you that our Father/Mother God is now taking an active part in the process of reunification. There are wondrous new colors beyond anything you can conceive that are redefining the Rays as you know them. This is because new frequencies patterns are being added, as well as new qualities and attributes as they become Rays of refined Universal consciousness.
The First Ray of Divine Will/Power to Create has become the Royal Ray of the new creative process now in progress. It blends the esoteric (spiritual plane) color of blue for truth and valor with the exoteric (material plane) color of red for power and forward thrusting action, making it magenta in color with a sparkling, luminescent overlay of Creator Light.
Some time ago, we told you about the new Rays or Sub-rays of individualized expression from the Creator Mind. You are truly becoming Builders of Form, along with the mighty Elohim, as you learn to wield the cosmic tools of Creation. As you claim the gifts of the First Ray, you have the ability to integrate into that Ray, for your use, those attributes you feel you most need, in their highest and best form. As you claim the gift of the Royal Ray of Divine Will, please infuse it with compassion, benevolence, clear vision and purpose, with a desire to create harmony, peace and abundance for all people on Earth, not just the few.
That is why we have spent so much time teaching you about the aspects, attributes, qualities and virtues of each Ray in both their positive and negative forms. How will you know what needs to be changed if you are not cognizant of what is available, and to also become aware of how you are presently using the energies? The wondrous energy of new Creation is swirling and spiraling all around you. All you have to do is turn inward and reach out to take the new cells of God Light that are being showered down upon you.
If you are daring enough and willing to do the work, you may tap into the higher frequencies within your column of Light in order to bring down the more refined and powerful Memory Seed Atoms of pure cosmic unmanifested potential. These gifts are waiting for you in your Pyramid of Light and Power. All you have to do is stay centered within your Sacred Heart with pure loving intention, and a desire to assist in returning the Earth to the paradise it was in the beginning. You must also be willing to state, “I AM READY to, once more, become an Emissary of Light.”
We promise to Light the way and clear the path for you as we come ever closer together on our journey into the bold, new future of tomorrow. May you bask in the knowledge that you are a beloved child, a White Fire Memory Seed Atom of our Father/Mother God, and you are eternally loved. I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna * Sacred Scribe * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included.
Read Messages Online English:
This is the second coming that so many have spoken of ~ the actuation of your own Christed energies as consciously awake and aware individuated aspects of the whole.
February 28, 2022,
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ The Second Coming
The many, many energetic shifts you are experiencing allow you to release the illusion of separation, and connect more with your true divine essence. What you are releasing makes room for you to then anchor in and embody more of your true soul self.
This process ultimately leads to the activation of your own sacred heart centre. This is the second coming that so many have spoken of ~ the actuation of your own Christed energies as consciously awake and aware individuated aspects of the whole. It occurs from the full activation of the heart chakra, the high heart, and the crown, which explains why many of you are experiencing energy symptoms in the chest and head areas.
How glorious that this is the natural outcome of your own evolution, and indicative of the work you have been so diligently dedicated to for so long!
The year of 2022 is a final chapter for humanity in a fight with the Darkness.
Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez | February 28, 2022
February 28, 2022
Greetings My Children,
I am Supreme Father of Fathers, God of Gods coming today to talk about the events that are concerning all of you in your reality. I am very happy to connect to My Children again.
The year of 2022 is a final chapter for humanity in a fight with the Darkness. Daily you are receiving the information through the media about the recent global occurrences. Your media is not painting the whole picture, what is really going on.
The Ukraine has been infested by Khazarian mafia for a very long time. They have their bases underground, which they have been using for human trafficking, drugs and etc. Open your heart and do daily meditation to support the fight of Light. You have seen, what the Darkness has done for the peaceful demonstrations in Canada. These entities are not going to give up, unless you remove them one by one from their positions.
Humanity needs to unify by getting everyone on your side police, military and etc. in your fight against the Corrupted Souls. It’s very important to stay in high vibrations and not to be effected by lies and deceptions. Everyday day more people are waking up and noticing that something is wrong with their reality. The Darkness showed their real colors in Ottawa, and the events there were an eye opening for many.
The Khazarian assaulters were use instead a real police to remove peaceful protesters in Ottawa. Please, don’t get frightened and just trust Divine all that shall pass. You can’t remove these entities without using the special forces, as they will never surrender peacefully. After they are captured, I am going to send their souls to the Universal Consciousness, so they can’t reincarnate anymore and cause any more disturbance anywhere else in the Cosmos.
I can ensure everyone that everything is happening according to the Divine Plan. The old system needs to crash in order to be replaced with a new one. The New Earth is coming despite deceiving appearances.
The Light Beings and I are supporting and routing for humanity and their desire to become free and prosperous. This is your planet, and it’s your responsibility to take Gaia back from the Darkness and create a new high dimensional reality. You have enough power within yourselves to win this war. This is about saving habitants and the planet, otherwise it will be nobody left, as the Dark Entities are going to kill everybody. The life means nothing to them.
Please, always remember you came from different Star Systems to save this planet, and you done that before. It’s not your first time liberating the realities from the Corrupted Souls. Never question yourselves, you can handle this huge responsibility of freeing Mother Earth. You are the Light Warrior, and your mission is to spread Love and Light.
Thank you Universal Channel. Sending my Love and Support to My Beloved Children.
Think of Yourselves as the Statue of Liberty staying strong and tall.
Supreme Father
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
March Energies : expect to feel more supported in the physical realm in your pursuit of that which you know is your calling in this lifetime.
The March 2022 Energies & You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
![light city dawn landscape](
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy to bring you this transmission about the upcoming March energies that you will experience there on planet Earth. You do have the equinox coming up in three weeks, and those energies will have their own purpose and their own vibration, but the overall month of March is going to be about supporting all of you energetically with what you need to be living your life’s purpose more fully. Therefore, you can expect to feel more supported in the physical realm in your pursuit of that which you know is your calling in this lifetime.
And for those of you who have not yet discovered what your calling is, you will feel more supported and nudged in a particular direction. This means that you will be letting go of the thoughts, the beliefs, and the blockages that prevent you from moving towards that which will ultimately be most satisfying and fulfilling to you while simultaneously being of service to others. You are a part of this giant jigsaw puzzle that is the universe, and finding where you fit in the universe has been a struggle for many of you who are awake spiritually. We’ve noticed this, and so have all the others who support you energetically. Therefore, a decision was made amongst all the beings who are serving you from the higher-dimensional planes to assist you with this most pressing issue of your purpose in this lifetime.
Of course, we also communicate with physical beings like the sun, the Earth, the photon belt, and many other beings throughout the galaxy who are in physical form and who can also support you by holding that space, by sending those energies, and by giving you what you need on the physical level to feel inspired, to move forward in that direction that you know serves the greatest and highest good of all. And of course, you are included in the ‘all.’ And so what you do that is your calling also will support you financially and energetically.
You don’t ever have to feel as though you are making a sacrifice in order to do that which puts you in that state of fulfillment and satisfaction. You only have to be yourself and be yourself fully without fear, without hesitation, and without caring what others will think about you as you move towards the endeavors that call you so strongly. And again, those of you who haven’t felt the call can pay more attention to the nudges and the signs that you see in the month of March, because they will be pulling you in a direction that you will want to move in. Now is the time, and you are ready, and we are very happy for all of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”