It has been repeated from many sources that we in the storm and i am here to remind you that we are here to smooth the effects of the storm by being the love we came here to be. IAM In love with The Self and in love with All Life I AM. When you finally learn that all emotions exist within and you are in control, your entire world will shift. #feelmorethanfine
In addition to that i invite you to do the Light work guided by Patricia in her newest vlog.
It is quite amazing what i experience lately in my dreams in a lucid state, which to my innerstanding is a reality taking place in the astral (4D) and according to how it feels, it can be a possibility of it manifesting in the physical. Will we be able to fly with our physical bodies in the future? i want to believe that yes, it is so. So here is my dream :
I was in a car and while coming out of the car without shoes i realized i don’t feel like making my feet wet. It is quite funny scene because as people watched me walking barefoot and i jumped above a small water lake not to get my feet too wet, instead of landing i continued flying. People started looking at me with wonder and curiosity and me in the back of my head, oh my God what will people think of me if they see me flying like that? till i realized that it does not matter what any one thinks of me and continued along my flight without even thinking on touching the wet street with my feet and without feeling any guilt about feeling so good flying. This definetely describes my current state of living in the physical. I definetely don’t pay attention to what anyone thinks of me as i know deep within that how i feel is the most important thing and service i can offer for the highest good for all. My actions and way of beingness may surprise more than a few as a i flow in the feeling good state. They may say or call me all kind of names. Does it matter? definetely not. The only thing i have control of is the way i feel and i make sure to keep my vibrations high 24/24 by sending out the intention to be the open door of Divine Love to flow through my being at all times no matter where i am, what i do and with who ever i am with always assisted in through and around by Mother Father God and The Company of Heaven. Everything else takes care of itself. That’s my journey. I am in Love with The Self and in Love with All Life. And it reflects in my dreams. Flying dreams that are about to manifest in the physical, maybe not in the same way as i dream it, yet knowing fully as I Fly, all Life flies with me and One person connected to source is more powerful than millions who are not. So wherever you stand in your journey i invite you to keep doing what you love, loving what you do and doing what you love and dream dream dream big. Dream flying dreams too. Then we can fly together. Caterpillar time is over. We are butterflies in a wider Galactic Society.
βGreetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are not just your allies and your helpers in this journey that we are all on of ascension, but we are also your co-creators. Everything is happening by co-creation, even your ability to hear from us at all. That is a co-creation in that you have asked, we have answered, and you have aligned. When you align with something that you have asked for, then it is yours, but there is still an agreement between us and you that allows for the answering to occur. We know that many of you are aware of the idea of multiple realities and multiple timelines, but what you must realize is that the same version of us doesnβt exist in every reality.
Thereβs a reality where we take such a hands-off approach with you that we wouldnβt even agree to be channeled because that version of us would feel that it would be interfering with your natural development. But you are not in that reality; you are in this one with this version of us. And so, when you think about the changes you would like to see in humanity, donβt think that every single person on Earth in this reality with you now has to change. Only you have to change to go to a reality where thereβs another version of humankind that is a reflection of what you have changed into. You see, you can only change yourself.
Thatβs why when you ask others to change for you with your words, it rarely works. Sometimes it will work because the whole point of the situation you were in was to get you to vocalize something that you needed to say, that you needed to get off your chest, and in that moment you were changing yourself from being someone who never spoke up for themselves to being someone who does speak up for themselves. But if youβre always asking others around you to change, then you are not aware of the truth that no one outside of you has to change in order for you to have a new experience of them.
When you change you, you change your vibration, and when you change your vibration, you change your location. You move to another reality that has a different version of the person, the people, the entirety of humanity that you would like to see change. How is this possible, you might wonder. Well again, itβs an agreement. Thereβs an agreement between you and the version of the person that youβre going to experience to come together in that reality, to animate that reality with your soulsβ consciousness. Your soul can project the consciousness that it has into many, many realities all at once, giving your soul the maximum amount of experiences it can possibly have. And thatβs what your soul wants.
Thatβs why multiple realities exist. They give you the opportunity to experience many different ways of knowing yourself and many different ways of knowing your fellow humans, the galaxy and the universe. This is the reason why we will always lead you back to yourself, to your inner journey, rather than telling you about the one real reality that youβre all truly experiencing together and how to change that. It serves you so much more to see yourself as the creator of all of it, and that gives you not only responsibility but also power.
You do have the power to change you all the time. And when you do so, when you change the way you look at something, the way you think about something, the way you respond to something, you are changing everything because you are shifting to a different reality. Keep shifting and youβll find yourself living in a fifth-dimensional world. And that is how it all works.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.β