Dear Ones, we speak of it often, but we wish to remind you that you are part of a larger overall system of ebb and flow. As you continue through your own embodiment process, there will be times for expansive forward movement and other times that are for rest, rejuvenation, and integration. No phase is wrong. Each is necessary and supports the other.
A wise human trusts this and naturally shifts to reap the rewards of each individual phase. If you are in a lull, rest and reflect knowing you are in preparation for your next action phase. If you are in an action phase, ride the wave and embrace every bit of your supported forward movement. There will surely be a time to rest that will follow.
When you can stay in acceptance of it all as part of a greater system that is designed to support you and assure your success, you will find the blessings of every phase, and be able to settle into presence and gratitude for every bit of it, and that will make your journey far more pleasurable.
Do you see? Just as the sun rises and sets, and the tides go in and out, your are part of the same systems. How glorious to recognize that you are not separate from it all, but rather as important as the moon and the oceans because you are a beloved soul who dances and breathes with the universe
More Solar Flares incoming: Eat light, drink lots of water, Use breathing exercises , meditation, prayers, fasting, ground yourself.This was yesterday afternoon in Europe. The reason you feel exhausted. is because of huge changes happening in your electromagnetic fields. (We are all electromagnetic). Do not ignore this message. Take care and Love yourself.
The April 2022 Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very happy to tell you about the energies of April 2022. The energies that you have coming in to support you in your month of April will be about clearing root chakra trauma and issues surrounding survival once and for all. You have been collectively dealing with root chakra issues as you faced a pandemic, followed by a war with people believing in the possibility of another world war. And so, you had a lot of your collective root chakra issues come up for you, and of course you have been dealing with your personal root chakra issues as well. You have all been clearing what you were unable to clear in other lifetimes, or earlier in this lifetime, through the global events that you have faced, and now the energies of April are coming in to complete that process of clearing with you.
Some of you might be wondering what root chakra issues really are all about. These issues are created by trauma relating to your survival and the survival of your loved ones. That means health and mortality are related to the root chakra, as are financial abundance and lack. Issues having to do with your home and your safety are all related to your root chakras. You can imagine how much trauma can be stored regarding all of those issues, and you can also recognize how challenging it is to clear issues and traumas when they deal with such enormous aspects of living there on planet Earth in a physical body.
Now, the help that is coming will support you in the release of what you still have been holding on to, but you may still have experiences that are hard for you to face and to feel into along the way of this clearing. Just know that this process that you are in right now is worth it. It is worth is to go through what you are going through and what you will be going through to get to the other side.
Once you are clear of the traumas and issues that have been festering in your root chakras, you will be able to live a life of freedom, joy, creativity, peace, love and harmony. You will feel eternal and immortal because that is what you are, and it’s time for you to know that experientially. That means you may have known that you were immortal and eternal intellectually, but you hadn’t been able to really tune in to what that means and how that feels.
You will know yourselves as Source Energy in physical bodies soon enough, and these April energies are giving you one of the final nudges to getting there, to getting to that knowing and that feeling. And finally, when you can experience it as your moment-to-moment truth, everything else fades away and no belief that is of a lower vibration can touch you. So feel very good about what is coming for all of you and know that the vast majority of this clearing work has already been done and you are very close to the end. The energies are just there to make sure that you do complete the clearing of your root chakra trauma.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
It has been repeated from many sources that we in the storm and i am here to remind you that we are here to smooth the effects of the storm by being the love we came here to be. IAM In love with The Self and in love with All Life I AM. When you finally learn that all emotions exist within and you are in control, your entire world will shift. #feelmorethanfine
In addition to that i invite you to do the Light work guided by Patricia in her newest vlog.
It is quite amazing what i experience lately in my dreams in a lucid state, which to my innerstanding is a reality taking place in the astral (4D) and according to how it feels, it can be a possibility of it manifesting in the physical. Will we be able to fly with our physical bodies in the future? i want to believe that yes, it is so. So here is my dream :
I was in a car and while coming out of the car without shoes i realized i don’t feel like making my feet wet. It is quite funny scene because as people watched me walking barefoot and i jumped above a small water lake not to get my feet too wet, instead of landing i continued flying. People started looking at me with wonder and curiosity and me in the back of my head, oh my God what will people think of me if they see me flying like that? till i realized that it does not matter what any one thinks of me and continued along my flight without even thinking on touching the wet street with my feet and without feeling any guilt about feeling so good flying. This definetely describes my current state of living in the physical. I definetely don’t pay attention to what anyone thinks of me as i know deep within that how i feel is the most important thing and service i can offer for the highest good for all. My actions and way of beingness may surprise more than a few as a i flow in the feeling good state. They may say or call me all kind of names. Does it matter? definetely not. The only thing i have control of is the way i feel and i make sure to keep my vibrations high 24/24 by sending out the intention to be the open door of Divine Love to flow through my being at all times no matter where i am, what i do and with who ever i am with always assisted in through and around by Mother Father God and The Company of Heaven. Everything else takes care of itself. That’s my journey. I am in Love with The Self and in Love with All Life. And it reflects in my dreams. Flying dreams that are about to manifest in the physical, maybe not in the same way as i dream it, yet knowing fully as I Fly, all Life flies with me and One person connected to source is more powerful than millions who are not. So wherever you stand in your journey i invite you to keep doing what you love, loving what you do and doing what you love and dream dream dream big. Dream flying dreams too. Then we can fly together. Caterpillar time is over. We are butterflies in a wider Galactic Society.
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are not just your allies and your helpers in this journey that we are all on of ascension, but we are also your co-creators. Everything is happening by co-creation, even your ability to hear from us at all. That is a co-creation in that you have asked, we have answered, and you have aligned. When you align with something that you have asked for, then it is yours, but there is still an agreement between us and you that allows for the answering to occur. We know that many of you are aware of the idea of multiple realities and multiple timelines, but what you must realize is that the same version of us doesn’t exist in every reality.
There’s a reality where we take such a hands-off approach with you that we wouldn’t even agree to be channeled because that version of us would feel that it would be interfering with your natural development. But you are not in that reality; you are in this one with this version of us. And so, when you think about the changes you would like to see in humanity, don’t think that every single person on Earth in this reality with you now has to change. Only you have to change to go to a reality where there’s another version of humankind that is a reflection of what you have changed into. You see, you can only change yourself.
That’s why when you ask others to change for you with your words, it rarely works. Sometimes it will work because the whole point of the situation you were in was to get you to vocalize something that you needed to say, that you needed to get off your chest, and in that moment you were changing yourself from being someone who never spoke up for themselves to being someone who does speak up for themselves. But if you’re always asking others around you to change, then you are not aware of the truth that no one outside of you has to change in order for you to have a new experience of them.
When you change you, you change your vibration, and when you change your vibration, you change your location. You move to another reality that has a different version of the person, the people, the entirety of humanity that you would like to see change. How is this possible, you might wonder. Well again, it’s an agreement. There’s an agreement between you and the version of the person that you’re going to experience to come together in that reality, to animate that reality with your souls’ consciousness. Your soul can project the consciousness that it has into many, many realities all at once, giving your soul the maximum amount of experiences it can possibly have. And that’s what your soul wants.
That’s why multiple realities exist. They give you the opportunity to experience many different ways of knowing yourself and many different ways of knowing your fellow humans, the galaxy and the universe. This is the reason why we will always lead you back to yourself, to your inner journey, rather than telling you about the one real reality that you’re all truly experiencing together and how to change that. It serves you so much more to see yourself as the creator of all of it, and that gives you not only responsibility but also power.
You do have the power to change you all the time. And when you do so, when you change the way you look at something, the way you think about something, the way you respond to something, you are changing everything because you are shifting to a different reality. Keep shifting and you’ll find yourself living in a fifth-dimensional world. And that is how it all works.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Even though you craved excitement throughout most of your outer-directed earth time, you are shifting to a lower key of excitement. The wild parties or schemes of yesterday no longer thrill you. Excitement has become interacting with loved ones, nature, and other seemingly mundane activities that you probably once scoffed at.
Such is another indication of your inner shifts. Fear and pain are becoming more irritating because they are no longer your areas of interest or exploration – they are yesterday’s fashions.
You are a different being in a different world. So it is you no longer pine for the excitement of war, negative interactions, or anything that feels arduous.
In your outer-directed world, you explored fear for exhilaration, even pleasure. “I was brave enough to overcome that fear” is no longer something you likely brag about. Not because you cannot conquer that fear, but because you know you can but are no longer interested in doing so.
You are different, and so is your world.
Instead of racing to the latest confrontation, you will first try to avoid it. Until the day you realize you cannot stop others from doing or being as they wish. That your only role is to find your peace, inner joy and allow the same for others.
You might wish to dampen the energies of negative media coverage. Or you might tell others how wrong they are in support of this or that – until you do not. Within the next few days, you will, in essence, cut yourself off from the woes and concerns of others. Not because you are unfeeling or a mean person, but because you no longer wish to add energy to their fears.
You likely respond that because others are dying or suffering, you must engage in eliminating such activities. But you will soon discover you do not feel the need to caretake anyone but yourself. Not because you are an unfeeling person, but because you no longer adhere to the outer-directed need to control or caretake others. You are self-contained, as is everyone who has transitioned beyond their outer-directed being.
At first, you will likely believe that everyone but loved ones, children, or animals can take care of themselves. So you return to your caretaking habits only to discover you no longer mesh with them as you once did – that caretaking has become heavy and burdensome. You are tired. In fact, you are exhausted by the effort.
This exhaustion indicates that you are no longer the outer-directed entity who needs to caretake, experience pain, or be frightened to achieve your fear roles. You have shifted to the freedom to be in peace. Which is quite different from the back and forth comments voiced by those for and against Covid vaccines or political antics.
A peace within yourself that doesn’t require outer declarations of rightness but instead an acceptance of who you are. A new inner peace not dictated by events outside yourself but awakened as part of your being.
Even though there will be times when you return to your outer-directed fears or righteousness, those times will become less and less. Declaring to the world that you no longer need to be right or fearful and that others can feel however they want.
So it is you will lose interest in those fear areas that once seemed wonderfully right and a bit edgy, areas that pushed your fear limits both physically and psychologically. And you will observe others deeply enmeshed in such areas with little interest or even understanding.
This is indeed a new world you have been instrumental in creating. It is time to live in that new world following your inner instincts instead of your previous roles of caretaking and fear.
You are not becoming a boring fuddy-duddy. You are changing the world. Not by anger, fear, righteousness, or even caretaking. You are doing so by being and enjoying your new calm inner world – without fear, angst, pining, or anger. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page ( and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and the source website link: LifeTapestryCreations.
Welcome to this circle. I am Mary Magdalene. I was once on Earth as a woman who lived and loved, and sometimes despaired and struggled with the very human emotions that you all know so well within yourselves.
I am here today to argue the case for what it means to be human.
Many of you are tired of being human. There is a lot of struggle in your hearts, pain and fear from the past, and sometimes weariness, as well as a turning away from true openness, because of what being human on Earth might bring to you.
All this is quite understandable, because by coming to Earth, you meet a resistance within that is dictated by memories of past lives and stirred by a nostalgia for Home, a home that you have known in the realms of harmony and light.
You all carry those memories inside yourself, and when you come to Earth as a descending soul, your mood can sometimes become very depressed.
Connect with the part of yourself that is struggling here on Earth, and accept that it experiences fear about being here. Your consciousness is not of the Earth; your consciousness is infinite, cosmic, and feels at home in the entire universe.
It is here on a visit and only lives temporarily in an earthly body.
Acknowledge and receive the part of yourself that is scared to be here, fearful of really taking part in life, and afraid to be open to everything that can be experienced here on Earth. Allow that pain to be there: the doubt, the loneliness, the boredom, the despair. I ask you to open to that wound, because a hurt can be healed only when loving attention flows toward it.
Many of you want to take on the adornments of the spiritual path. But when you reach up high for the light, before you know it, you have left behind the earthly.
What you are really encouraged to do, here and now, is to look at the darkness within yourself and to send light to that darkness, which is something that can evoke resistance in you. However, to descend into your own darkness, loneliness, feeling of separateness, is what can give you the most fulfillment.
When you do this, you discover who you really are, a carrier of light, someone who can illuminate the darkness.
Now, imagine that the old pain which lives in your souls is gathered within the center of this circle of people. That pain is expressed in so many ways; it can manifest as agitation, anxiety, sadness, uncertainty, a sense of disconnect.
I ask you to envision, as you all stand in a circle around this old pain, that there is a lighted torch in the hands of each one of you that is extended toward the center of the circle, so this pain can be fully illuminated and seen, and no longer has to hide in the dark. Allow your light to shine.
You are not that pain; you are the one who can relieve the pain and transform it, and that is your true task and mission here on Earth. When you cast your light onto your own darkness in this way, the light also shines toward others and encourages them to do the same. You are then a lightworker; it starts with you.
The most profound invitation is there for you to fully accept and embrace your most vulnerable parts, and this is what we have done this week. When you look at the deepest wounds in a person, you will see that they are the same in virtually everyone, man or woman, and come from their need to be known and loved, or come from a feeling of being deprived of love and understanding.
The original purpose of sexuality, of intimacy, is joy, and that encounter is intensely valuable, you might even call it sacred. When the male and female meet in openness and respect, there will be a union of energies that is literally creative. A child may be born from this union, a wonderful and beautiful new human child.
But this meeting is also creative in a deeper sense.
On a soul level, you can become enlivened and touched by the soul of another in a way that is intensely enriching for you, and through which you become part of the One without losing your own uniqueness, your individuality. That is the true meaning of an encounter between man and woman.
Feel the beauty of this and feel how deeply you desire this, the sacred meaning of sexuality. As a soul, you are always searching for the One, to come home to yourself, to come Home to the divine. You have many names for it, but they always fall short: God, the One, the all that is, the universe, the cosmos.
It is about that longing you feel deep within yourself to abide in unconditional security, to be accepted completely, and to be allowed to express yourself freely.
This deep nostalgia lives in everyone and the grand thing about the meeting between husband and wife – or between two love partners, which can also be between two men or two women – the wonderful thing about the sexual encounter, is that you can there experience a glimpse of the One, of unity. In being human, precisely through such polarity – the duality of man and woman – you get a glimpse of Home, of paradise, and you are enriched because of it. Sexuality is meant to be a source of light, a tender dance.
However, especially in the field of sexuality, human beings have become deeply wounded; a distance and hostility has developed between both sexes. People no longer feel at home with the energy of the opposite sex, even when those energies are within themselves. Women have difficulty taking on their masculine energy, their self-confidence, their power. Men struggle to surrender to their feelings, their emotions, to the enjoyment of, and the fusion with, another.
How has this come about? It would be a very long story to bring to light all aspects of the evolution of the male and the female energy. But the basic fact is that God, the source of all that is, has given you the freedom to explore and experiment, and to also risk having outcomes in the form of energy that is out of balance. Yet this was necessary so as to actually come to understand who you are and what responsibility has been given to you. You are not a child in the hand of God, you are a God in the making who must learn to take responsibility and to be in balance with all the elements of life.
You are a God in the bud.
Feel how you are powerful and autonomous.
You are one and indivisible, and although you are inextricably bound to the Source of everything, you are also totally yourself, entirely unique. Allow this knowledge to sink in.
You are you and no one else, and that is itself a miracle, a mystery. That is what it is like to be a soul, indivisible and unique; that is what it is like to be a God, a creator: free, independent, autonomous.
Can you fully bear the responsibility of this much autonomy? That is the real question. A part of you does not want to bear that much responsibility, and that part is your shadow. It feels powerless, anxious, separated from the Source. It wants to return Home, like a child who calls for its mother. And very often, romantic sexual relationships are used as a way to come Home – but this does not work.
Home is in you – being your own unique self. To take on your full autonomy is the first step to a mature relationship. Being at home in yourself, resting in your own core, is the condition for a deep joyful relationship with another.
But this condition runs counter to the childlike desire that is often looked for in a romantic love relationship, a longing to abide in the other, to completely merge into another, as if the other is an all-knowing parent on whom you can lean as a child. It is precisely in romantic love that the inner child wants to release its own burdens and put them onto another. There is then an emotional dependence and soon both partners become stifled.
The first step to a holy, healing relationship is to fully come home to yourself; to put your arms around the child inside you that went astray and feels lost. Take up your own adult role; the other person can not heal your wounds; you are your own healer, your own light.
When you can descend into yourself in this way, accepting yourself deeply and entirely, you are ready to reach out and touch another in openness and wonder.
That is step two in building a joyful, abundant relationship.
Reach out to the other in wonder, and wonder means there are no expectations, no wanting something and needing nothing, but simply to look with wonder, with interest at the other.
The most beautiful form of romantic love is to marvel, to be attracted to the other, to want to learn and explore the other in the most open and intimate ways. And to do that without wanting to add that person to your worldview, to your ideas; without wanting to shape the other to your expectations, your needs, but to really play together. It is only then can another give themselves, because there is then no pressure or obligation. You are free, the other is free, and you come together voluntarily.
There is then something higher that connects you both, something that rests in the heart. You do not try to change or heal the other, or try to make them better. No, you together celebrate life, and through doing that you are healed. Not through the other, but through yourself and your ability to rest in yourself, and from there to being open to receive from the richness and the abundance of another soul.
I ask you to now do that with your thoughts. Imagine you are completely at peace. Do it physically by going down along your spine, through your heart and your abdomen to your pelvis, and feel that here is the area in your body that is associated with sexuality. Feel this in wonderment and openness without the prejudice, the feelings of shame or impurity, which have been attached to sexuality from society and the past.
Feel this area as just as acceptable and neutral as, for example, how a toe on your foot feels. Here is the anchor for your being human, and here, in the area of your abdomen and pelvis, are your basic instincts. It is here that you rest on Earth.
Descend with your consciousness, just be present.
Wherever you now are, feel at home with yourself, with whatever human emotions you are struggling.
What matters is that you are there for yourself. Your light, your core, can face everything, because it is an immortal light, a light that softens and understands. Fill out your whole aura with this light. Feel truly held in your own divine light, and feel how the universe, God, the Source of all, loves you. That is why it created you, to be as unique as you are. You are fully accepted, you are admired, you are loved, because you are who you are, exactly as you now are.
Look from this state of consciousness to someone you love.
It could be your life partner, but also a friend, your child, or your father or mother. Just pick someone who now comes to mind, with whom you now want to connect. While you connect with that person who you see before you, stay completely with yourself; your boundaries are retained, so rest in yourself. Feel easy and comfortable doing that. Breathe quietly into your abdomen and do not feel like you should help or change the other. In fact, you need not do anything at all, simply remain in yourself.
Then look with an openness and wonder at that other person. Look at what they radiate as they now are in front of you. When you are observing in this way, you reach out to the other in wonder. You do not have to do anything and the other does not have to do anything. You simply observe what the other looks like, how they move, and what you notice about their energy.
Then you move closer to that person, while your energy field remains around you. From your heart, you feel deeply for this person. Let whatever you feel toward them rise up spontaneously, and observe that with wonder and without judgement. Look at what connects you and what gives you the most vital and joyful connection. Do not look at what does not go so well or collides, and what causes encounters, but look at the highest, lightest, most joyful strand which connects you, in which the energy flows effortlessly between you, and enjoy that. You do not have to do anything with it except to get pleasure from it.
Receive that light for a moment. Feel how the light through that thread flows to your heart and see what that does to you. It brings something new and sparkling into your life, something with which you can move forward, which further enriches you. You will receive it from your being together, while you also allow each other to be free. It is in the wonderment, and in allowing the other to be free, that you meet each other most deeply. That is the purpose of real intimacy.
Step one is to be at home with yourself, to rest in yourself, and to continue to do so even when you are in contact with another. Step two is reaching out in wonder, and not wanting to change or control another, but merely to look, feel, and discover. And step three is enjoying that which flows easily between you when are together. Enjoy that flow and let the other be free.
Relationships on Earth are very precious. It is where you energetically encounter your most intense human emotions. I said in the beginning: “I am here today to be an advocate for being human.” By that I mean, historically, the attempt was often to manifest the divine in yourself by transcending your humanity, by trying to rise above it, and to actually flee from your own emotions by becoming a recluse so as to avoid the bonds of authentic partner relationships.
My way to the divine is by being human through relationships, because even though that is where you are most deeply confronted with feelings of loneliness, homesickness, and despair, it is also where you experience wonder, deep joy, connectedness, and an intimacy that is so precious.
When you have once entered into a deep intimate relationship with another soul in human form, it remains forever in your soul memory. When the soul is deeply touched through being human, through being a man and a woman connected through sexuality, then that is truly a gateway to the divine.
In this way, the spiritual, the divine light, can really begin to live in people and in human society.
Spirituality attains a living, golden radiance, not through being isolated in some realm far above, but precisely through the interplay on Earth between human to human.
I want to thank you for your being here together, the openness with which you are connected from your heart. This is what matters!
True spirituality is not about discipline, or developing certain skills or arts that you master. It comes down to that one thing: an open heart, a human heart that itself wants to bow down to its own darkness in wonder and gentleness, and through so doing will also taste the joy of love – warm human love.
You are sometimes kinder to total strangers than you are to yourself. You are a magnificent being of light. Honor and remember this, for it is not easy to be in an earth body. There are many demands on you. You can be so involved with day-to-day struggles that you do not feel you have time to remember your spirit. And yet it is the focus on your spirit that will make your earth-walk easier.
Honor yourself with gentleness and love. You are not alone. The Infinite Presence has not placed you onto the earth plane without a way of receiving assistance when you most need it. That is why there are Angels. Angels are messengers from God who are here to assist in making your earthly life more effortless, to bring light into the darkness, and to remind you that you are incredibly loved.
We know of your struggle, and we know that you are making a valiant effort. We bless you and honor you for all that you have done and are doing. But more than that, we honor you for who you are deep inside. We honor that part of you that holds the essence of your soul. We see within you a spark of incredible goodness and love. This we bless and honor and we urge you to do the same.
The more you bless and honor this Divine Light within you, the more it grows. The more this light grows, the more Love you feel and the more energy you have. The more Love you feel within you, the more you want to give to others. In this way the world is served and more Light is brought to your beautiful planet, which is in need of great blessings at this time.
We ask you to be gentle with yourself, to be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Without love and encouragement a little child cannot grow to be a healthy adult. Yet you never outgrow your need for love — and remember, it is important to give yourself this love first, before you can fully give it to others.
How does one love oneself? You can start with the small things. Place your hand on your heart and breathe in Love and Gratitude. Say, “I love you” to yourself whenever you look into a mirror. Remember to give yourself daily acknowledgment for how hard you work, for how much effort you give to another, for how caring you are to your children. For whatever you can think of, acknowledge yourself. If you cannot think of anything, simply acknowledge yourself for getting through another day on earth and doing the best you can do. As simple as this may seem, it is very powerful.
The most important way you can love and honor yourself is by remembering who you are deep inside — a radiant Spirit of Light growing stronger and more whole every day. This is the truth of you.
You can love yourself by eating in healthy ways and doing all that you know serves your body, but true loving and honoring begins with your feelings about yourself. You are here on earth to express the Infinite in form and to learn to be loving, joyful and peaceful.
It does no good to berate yourself because you are not yet perfectly expressing these qualities. You were not given a manual for life on earth, so the only way you can learn is through trial and error, and by often painful experiences which encourage you to grow through the choices you make.
Everything you choose and who you are makes a difference on the Earth. Please honor this.
There are many ways you can gently love and honor yourself. We ask you to give yourself kindness and compassion, to do the best you can with all aspects of your life, and to call on a Higher Power to assist you at all times, no matter how mundane the situation.
The Angels are Divine messengers here to help you, bless you and most of all, love you. Receive this love and remember to:
You are in charge of every single emotion you have on a daily basis; this is the difference between those moving forward and those that are static. If you choose to move forward, you know you are the generator and executor of those emotions, handling them accordingly. A static being continues to allow others to shape and dictate how they feel. When you finally learn that all emotions exist within and you are in control, your entire world will shift. ~ Creator
Transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner
MARCH 27, 2022 Welcome dear readers. In these times of stress and chaos, our intention is to bring encouragement by reminding you that you have done the work and are spiritually prepared and qualified to see beyond the present violence and negativity. Because you are of the spiritually awakened you understand that the high resonating energies pouring to earth at this time are affecting everyone, often causing them act out in ways reflective of fear and confusion. Increasingly more individuals and groups are awakening to and embracing a new sense of oneness. For the first time increasingly more individuals are seeking to help those struggling both far and near either financially or in “hands on” ways. Even activities that arise solely from a human sense of sympathy or empathy indicate a receptivity to the deeper truth of spiritual oneness. This in turn is seeding collective awareness with more love and a higher sense of individual rights and value–not yet the full consciousness of spiritual ONEness, but a crack in the door.
Those choosing to continue disregarding the suffering and needs of others simply because they are different from themselves are discovering that once commonly-accepted beliefs based in separation have become obsolete in the minds of many and that there is less and less support for their views. The ongoing ascension process taking place both globally and personally is causing many previously accepted beliefs to disappear because the energy that originally created and has maintained them is no longer. You are ready for Lightwork in its highest form, which is BEing the Light. BEing Light means that a part of your consciousness is always open to and aware of ONEness with God/Source/Divine Reality regardless of what you may be doing in the outer scene. Most of you live busy lives that involve many forms of activity done both alone and with others. Because of your evolutionary status you came to earth to live from a higher level of awareness than the general unawakened majority. BEing the Light may seem to be doing nothing because you have been taught throughout lifetimes to do, do, do. Living from a consciousness of ONEness at all times is a higher sense of doing that makes you a Light holder, broadcaster, carrier, teacher, and high spiritual Lightworker. Every individual consciousness is connected to every other consciousness because there is only ONE Consciousness. Because there is only one, individualized states of consciousness are drawn to similar states of consciousness seeking alignment–“Birds of a feather…”
When a state of conscious of Oneness with Source, God, Divine Reality is attained, it automatically flows and aligns with those states of consciousness able to align with it. Your oneness with God automatically constitutes your oneness with the spiritual reality of every living thing and with every quality of God–one life, one consciousness, one substance, one law, one mind, and one cause and effect.
When you hold light of truth in consciousnesses it acts to lift, teach, inspire, and heal those able to receive it in their consciousness. Those who have not yet attained a level of consciousness able to align with these higher frequencies but who are actively seeking and ready for them, can and are often lifted into them simply through the presence of another’s evolved state of consciousness which in reality is their consciousness. This is how the master Jesus did his healing work, those seeking help brought themselves to him and were lifted into his state of consciousness where disease did not exist.
“Doing” in the sense of actions taken to make things better will continue for the majority for awhile yet, but you came prepared to serve from a higher level, in ways that could lift the three-dimensional belief system out of its continual need to fix, heal, correct, punish, and force change and into easier and more loving ways of living. You incarnated to assist in opening dense and struggling states of consciousness to an awareness of Earth as being a spiritual universe peopled with sons of God. BEing is actually doing in the highest spiritual sense. Do not make it something difficult that you must worry about doing correctly or with rigid rules. Set your intention and then do the best you can. As you practice, reminding yourself often who you are, it will become familiar, whether you do it as you go about your day at home and work or sitting in a one or 30 minute meditation without an agenda. There are still some who believe that meditation and time spent within is a time for asking, visualizing, begging, and even demanding for what they want or think they need. These activities represent three-dimensional thinking based in separation and are not a higher state of BEing. The minute an agenda is attached to meditation or BEing, it becomes preying instead of praying and will act to create and further maintain beliefs of “I don’t have.” Resting in the awareness of Divine completeness being already fully present within rather than seeking to draw something to you allows your already present Light to flow where it is needed and can be received. You will probably never know when or where this Light is received but that is not your concern. Your work is simply to be the Light automatically making it available to any and all open to receive it world over and even on the other side. It is a new time and it must be understood that many commonly accepted ways of living will never go back to the way they previously were. Every material manifestation is a mind formed interpretation of a spiritual reality because Divine Consciousness is the only substance there is. The density of third dimensional energy on earth does not allow the realities of spirit to manifest as their spiritual form so they are interpreted and translated into energetically denser forms able to be seen and utilized on earth. Example-Modes of transportation (car, airplane, train, etc.) are material interpretations of Divine omnipresence. Because collective consciousness is changing, many material forms will be changing as well.
Earth is a wonderful and beautiful planet, a place in which many have chosen to to grow, evolve, learn, and enjoy but it has not been experienced in its purest beauty because of third dimensional energy, the densest and lowest resonating energy of many dimensions. Do not feel sadness or fear in the belief that earth’s ascension into a higher dimensional frequency will mean the loss of what you have come to love on earth–nature, pets, creativity, and loving interactions with others–because a spiritual reality is permanent and the expressions of it that you have known and come to love will continue in higher and better form. All is proceeding according to the Divine plan which is the eventual awakening of every soul to its true identity as ONE. God’s plan can never be sidetracked or stopped by the ego based illusory thinking of those who have no awareness of truth because it is the reality and only power.
In this video i speak about creating more financial flow in our life in a very practical way that works at all times. It is based on the rule of what we send out is coming back to us always. If we send out love, loves comes back. If we create music, music comes back. If we give money , money comes back. I always give at least 10% of my monthly income to spiritual charities or other according to inner guidance. Every time i give money i recognize that ”this is a gift of love i am giving back to God in appreciation for my gift of Life. And in fulfillement of the law of the circle i receive 10x of what i give from the infinite flow of Divine Abundance :All the money that i give is blessed and returns back to me 10x. ” This is a powerful way to create more financial income. This is also an opportunity to call upon your generosity to contribute if you feel so for the work we are doing here at Feel More Than Fine to keep you up to date with the most accurate high vibrational channeled messages to assist each and everyone on your Ascension journeys.
Donations are welcome here and again remember to speak or think and feel into this powerful mantra : ”this is a gift of love i am giving back to God in appreciation for my gift of Life. And in fulfillement of the law of the circle i receive 10x of what i give from the infinite flow of Divine Abundance :All the money that i give is blessed and returns back to me 10x. ” Also after making a donation, doing a little dance or a jump or a spin will greatly raise your frequency, results guaranteed!!! 🙂
Folks, I need to remind you that my youtube channel is being censored. Anything that has to do with the china vee or other current events I cannot allow St Germain to respond to otherwise I’ll be censored off of this platform. Thank you for your questions but if you find they’re not being answered, that’s why. We are also looking for more questions to ask of St Germain. Please fill out the form which I’ll link in in the comments.
Question from Justin: Question 1 Can we consciously bring forward / remember attributes and connections from past lives and if so, how is this best done? St Germain: Yes, you can. It is done through practise. Often these people are the ones who are around you now. Meditation is the way to do so, and then to open the third eye. Perhaps you can start with a past life meditation on youtube. This is what Sharon did. Eventually she found it too slow for her as she had already started seeing images before the meditation got to this part, so she realized she was capable of doing so herself. Visiting a psychic medium is also another way this can be done. Many akashic readers are available, and I believe Sharon has one in particular she recommends. Me: Yes, Debbie Solaris and I’ll link in her website. And no, she doesn’t pay me to plug her service.
Question from Nikos: Question 1 How to best practice to precipitate things out of thin air? is this an ability we develop as we progress in our Ascension in relation to DNA activation or is it simply a question of believing before seeing and tuning into the frequency of what we want just like in manifestation process? St Germain: It is more the latter because this is the manifestation process. Everyone on earth right now is a creator. Everyone. You can all manifest. That is why you are exploited by the greedy ones on the planet – for this skill and this alone. It is that you have been tricked into believing you must have money and go shopping in order to get your true needs met. This is a lie. I suggest you begin to practise and then work on increasing your focus on achieving. This will increase the speed at which the desired object will appear to you. Yes, I realize that an alchemist such as I is proficient at turning water into wine or using the energy of the air and turning it into gold. This is the advanced level. Not too many upon earth are capable of this now but that does not mean this will not change. Begin at your own level. Set your sights upon a desired object, and do not make this another person because they have their free will as well. There is nothing more annoying for someone to find your cloying energy attempting to consume them and to violate their free will. Leave other people out of it. Me: Hear. Hear. Been there had that done to me. St Germain: Only focus on attracting animate objects or inanimates such as jobs. You all must realize you do these things all the time, and again, Sharon and Ivo have talked about this. Sharon consistently finds empty parking spots right in the front row where she can pull through. This is because she creates these for herself. You can too. Me: Resolves the Christmas time parking lot problems. LOL St Germain: Focus on something small where you do not require a lot of focus to achieve it. You do not have to put a lot of energy into it, such as the parking spot. Once achieved, move up to other things, such as money. Set your sights on acquiring a small amount of money, for example a hundred dollars, and see how fast this extra hundred dollars, not a hundred of the dollars you typically earn, but an extra amount, comes to you. Focus on seeing a particular type of automobile, then watch what happens. See how long it takes before you begin to see this car. And yes, pick an unusual model. Get proficient at creating. Eventually you will see that you have subconsciously created your entire life and now you will switch to consciously creating it. The work that Sharon and Ivo discuss works to this end as well, it sharpens the mind and your focus. The more mind chatter you experience, the less powerful your mind is. It is about becoming very very conscious. Continue to challenge yourself. Over and over. If you experience setbacks, do not worry. Keep at it. Remember to keep your vibration high as well. Some other tips: Keep your mind pure. Keep your intentions pure. Purify your mind and eschew violence. Anyone capable of violence will have a difficult time alchemicalizing anything but violence. As ye reap so shall ye sow. This is universal law and the reason is so that you can say no to it and find a peaceful way to co-exist with others. Also, keep your intentions focused on the betterment of life for others as well. This helps when you attempt to create as living for others and loving others is the focus of God. It is all to prepare you to increase your creative abilities. You will embody more of God when you purify your mind and body and creation will become much easier for you.
A question from Sandra: Is there a misinformation campaign put out by the reptilians and Tall greys to convince people that the light has won already so we don’t fight back as hard. Are the dark bases on the moon and Antarctica cleared out and under our Earth? St Germain: If you knew how many disinformation campaigns were being enacted upon you, you would be staggered! Earth is a world of lies and the liars are in top positions in your world. Antarctica is being overtaken by the Galactic forces. The moon has already been. So yes, to your questions. Manipulation is the name of their game. Getting you to believe something so that you relinquish your hold on the Light is what their primary goal is. Do not do so. We are here to remind you to hold the Light and continue to live on with love and unity as your motivators. There is much disinformation out there and it is all intended to trick you. Do not be deceived
As the energies of light and “forgetting-light” vie for attention in your world, you feel that tug of war in your bodies, minds, and hearts. So many of you sensitive souls feel the density of the lower vibrational energies tugging at you now, trying to get your attention and convince you that your world is going downhill. It is not.
Thanks to each and every one of you and countless others, your world is moving towards a greater light.
Look for the good and you will see it everywhere. As you notice it and celebrate it, you empower it. As you focus upon it, it flows to you and through you. As you refuse to be drowned in the darkness you witness in this world and instead hold your focus steadfast on the good, you will find that you feel better in body, mind, and soul.
You can find good everywhere, even in the darkest of situations. There is nature in her purity beckoning you to receive the blessings of her beauty and life-affirming chemistry. There are people quietly performing acts of love and service. There are individuals who never thought they’d do anything other than live their daily lives who are stepping into the role of amazing charitable leaders. Strangers are opening their hearts and homes to one another. Caring souls are lovingly guiding the young. Loving caregivers are tending to the babies, the elderly, the disabled, and your furry. Truckers, shippers, stockers, and clerks are quietly keeping economies in motion, while farmers, bats, bees, and so many other beings, ensure that you get a cup of coffee in the morning and food on the table. Even in the midst of bombs and rubble, there are countless souls reaching into their depths to find and bring forth goodness amidst the ashes. Everywhere you look, there is good. Everywhere you look, there is God. In some situations, the good is easy to see. In others, you must look more carefully. Nonetheless, it is always there.
There are, without question atrocities being enacted in your world right now. There are people so possessed by fear and anger that they commit crimes against their own human nature. They seek false power because they have not known the true power of love. They are sad, lost, and lonely and their souls need your prayers.
These are the few, rather than the many. There are far more people doing good upon your earth. There are far more people engaged in acts of kindness right now as we speak, than those engaging in acts of hate.
There is plenty of bad news that makes the news, yet we have good news. Love is winning. Love is the “end game.” Love is what heals hearts, stops wars, and what lifts souls out of the ignorance of hate and darkness which traps them in a cage of their own creation.Love is the only thing that will set you free and help you rise above the tugs and pulls of the various forces vying for your attention. Love is what gives you energy, connects you with guidance, and allows you to enjoy your life while dancing around the density.
When you focus on the good in your world, you focus on God. When you share the good you share God.
One social media post documenting a loving act can inspire thousands. Will you be the one to notice it and share it?
One kind word or deed with a request to “pay it forward” can start a chain of loving gain. Will you be a link in that chain?
One inspiring word to a person who is feeling down-trodden can give them the hope to carry on. Can you be such an influencer of incredible proportions by saying a kind word today?
You, dear ones, by noticing the good within you and around you kindle the light of love upon your planet earth.
Love is winning dear friends. Love is making the lost doubt in their darkness. Love is inspiring those who love to stand up for what they love. Love is creating a global family that is more united, caring, and compassionate than ever before. Look for this love in the smallest of ways. Notice it. Celebrate it. Know that in so doing, you empower it.
Your prayers, your kindness, and your choices to take tender, loving care of yourselves and one another are changing your world and the course of your history.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels
As humans you recognize many rites of passage along the way, all marking some form of expansion and stepping into a new version of you, such as learning a new skill, graduating school, getting married, and becoming a parent, just to name a few. But one rite of passage that is rarely recognized is that of helping a parent transition and then stepping into the role of elder.
Losing a parent creates a profound energetic shift. You are connected to your family members by energetic cords. When someone transitions out of the body, that cord dissipates, and you shift to reflect that energetic change. The mourning process helps you navigate that shift. We wish to reassure you that your connection to your loved one always continues, but in a different, non-physical way.
When you lose a parent, particularly to old age, there is a passing of the baton, if you will, making you the new family matriarch or patriarch within your own family unit. You become the elder, the source of wisdom, and the one that anchors traditions. It is a new sacred role, one that you may feel honoured to assume, or one you may doubt you are ready for. If you lost a parent at a young age, another will step in to hold the space of elder for you until it is your time.
Please rest assured if you find yourself stepping into that role, you have found your way there through a soul agreement, and you are ready. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you go through this process of energetic shifting that requires you to acknowledge your own wisdom as you assume the role of elder.
We spoke yesterday of the rite of passage that humans go through as they step into the role of elder. Today we would like to share that many of you are going through a similar spiritual rite of passage as you find yourselves stepping up and into the role of spiritual elder.
We have spoken of the change of service many of you will experience as you flow forward into the new energies. You will continue to be wayshowers and pioneers, leading through your beingness and preference as energetic stabilizers on the planet. The heavy lifting you might have experienced as you walked in service will be left behind.
We have described this in the past as moving into a form of spiritual retirement. Another way of thinking of this is stepping into the role of spiritual elder.
As elders, your path becomes simpler, smoother, and easier. You are still of profound service but it is through your embodiment, patience, and wisdom. You are the anchors of peace, the encouragers, the ones that hold the space for others to find their way.
It is a beautiful phase that honours the work that you have done and allows you much more time to simply enjoy life, harvesting the fruits of your labour. It is safe to trust this phase, for you have earned it, and there are many eager newly awakening souls that are excited to fill any old service positions you have vacated. It is part of the grand shift you are participating in, and such a joy to behold!
The time has come to reflect upon what you want out of life, because your actions will speak louder than words. You are projecting an energy that creates a path ahead of you and attracts what is needed for it to become your reality. It is like being careful what you wish for as few realise the power in the spoken word. It does not take much to imagine what you are creating for yourself with negative thoughts, after all these also attract similar energies so be careful as to how you express them.
We have often pressed home the need to express yourself in a positive manner by using “I am” rather than “I wish” You may for example say “I am happy” in which case you will attract more happiness to yourself that is clearly desirable. Try to be positive in your way of expressing yourself and your needs. This will allow the energy to respond in its own positive way. Unlike the past the present time is vibrating at a higher level and can respond more easily to your positive utterances.
By looking ahead and preparing yourself for a gradual upliftment, you will be assured of remaining on your chosen path to Ascension, and take a wonderful opportunity to evolve beyond the lower vibrations, never again to have to face them. It is a state of mind and not nearly as hard to maintain as you may imagine. You may be assured that we will be with you all of the way, supporting you to help ensure your success. If you could already see the potential that lies ahead, you would resolve to put every effort into it to ensure a positive outcome. If you stray off the path do not worry as you can soon get back onto it.
Be assured that we are with you and will help you through the coming period, and will do whatever is acceptable without infringing your freewill. We try our best to influence you to keep positive and in line with your life plan. Having come this far we are pleased to be with you and be part of your progress. You have already done the hard part by passing the marker and there is no reason why it should not be plain sailing from hereon. Naturally the negative energies will still be around you and try to tempt you to go off course, but with a positive attitude and strength of willpower we say that you cannot fail. You are strong willed to have come this far and nothing can override your determination and self-will.
By your example you are helping others to be positive by your actions. It doesn’t take long for people to notice your calmness and happy outlook to life, and they will try to uplift theirs to achieve the same peace of mind. Humans in general are always subconsciously watching out for ways to enhance their own lives. They love to conform and be part of the pack, yet some individuals like to be trend setters. It is why young people often set the pace of change, as they come into life full of ideas that they want to introduce. Some are truly helpful and enable Mankind to move on as for some change does not come easily.
In your present time period the changes are speeding up and it is typical of the time you are in, there are advancements that are going to take you into the New Age. Much that is new is as you say on the drawing board and will take you into a new way of life and make it much more comfortable, and give you much more time for your own activities. The present time would hardly look as if it was the precursor for a better way of life, but be assured out of the confusion and negativity those committed to bringing the changes in will come to the forefront. They are waiting in the wings and once things have settled down they will appear.
In view of the trauma that many are going through at present the question arises as to why it seems to be so widespread. It is the great cleansing that must occur at the end of a cycle, and as unpleasant it is please remember that it involves each person’s karma. What you cannot know is why a soul has to go through such lessons, except that it is teaching them what it is like to be on the receiving end of a negative experience. Experience has shown that it is the best way to ensure a soul understands the consequence of their actions, so much so that they are unlikely to repeat them and they are still tested to ensure they would not do so.
Those of you who are making preparations for your Ascension have already reached the point where you no longer need to prove your readiness. You are leading the way and others will follow in your footsteps having seen how well they make progress. It really does become easier the further you travel along the road to completion. Nevertheless the dark Ones are still trying to stop your progress and will stop at nothing to try and distract you. However, you have proved your strength of character to keep on your chosen path.
Remember that regardless of the role you are playing now, in the course of the many lives you have had to face so many challenges. They are intentionally put into your life plan to give you the strength of character you needed to continue evolving. After hundreds if not thousands of lives you will realise that you have a wealth of experience that will carry you safely through the most intense challenges. Clearly as you have a strong approach to them and have achieved a successful outcome, there is no reason why you should not go all of the way to completion.
The plan for Humanity is going according to plan and if that sounds odd at a time when there is so much unrest on Earth, realise that the changes must come if you are to continue making progress. It has been quite a task to advance you so that the old ways can be left behind, as you tend to hold on to what you are familiar with and reluctant to change. Time is an important factor in your lives and more so in the greater picture that we see. However, we mention these things not to worry you as they are under our control. We will help you overcome the many problems that face you, but in the final reckoning it is you who have to do the work. Looking ahead we see a successful conclusion and that is all that matters. You have all worked so hard to make things happen because you have faith in us, and know that we are doing all we can to help you succeed.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.
Jennifer: Goodness, I’ve missed you! When I feel into your energy, you feel like ‘home’, after such a long break.
Ashian: Hello to you, too! It has been a while… but we shall leave that there! We are here for more important purposes. We would like to highlight the upcoming changes, structural departures, ruptures…
J: That sounds pretty full on, you’d better explain yourself!
A: The time of the slow turn of the wheel is finished. Humanity was given the opportunity to move gracefully into self mastery and into understanding the complexity of your global situation (the light and the darkness) in a gentle manner, providing plenty of opportunities to move into mastery, to practice holding your centre, your intuition. That time is gone. Those who did not avail of the opportunity will now learn a much harder way.
The emotional overload will be significant, and lightworkers will become the first responders. All those who did not take up the opportunity to learn slowly will have to learn and assimilate enormous amounts of shocking information in very short timeframes. Their inner worlds will resemble the images of hell that you have seen in paintings.
They will rely on your Lightworkers for comfort, for compassion, for kindness and forgiveness of themselves, for ease from the shock that threatens to overpower them.
Being kind to yourselves must be a first priority. Put on your own oxygen mask first! That means: ensure that your energy is high, that you have enough good will to share, kindness to share.
If you are tired and grumpy, burnt out, angry or frustrated, then the person who needs your loving kindness is YOU…first and foremost. Put yourself first, or you will burn out too quickly to help anyone.
J: Yes, there’s a lot said about self care these days.
A: Yes! Because it has been falsely advertised as selfish and bad. It’s self-ful and GOOD. It’s vital, and that’s why they don’t want you to prioritize yourself and your own care, so that you remain tired and weak.
J: I love it: self care has become a revolutionary act!
A: But it has. Again, we remind you of the importance of balance in a time when it will appear that balance is entirely null and void.
Keeping your well being in balanced harmony will model to others that self care is important, even when the world appears to have gone mad. Holding the grief, anger and pain of others in a way that is balanced, where you are compassionate, but not boiling over with your own grief, anger and pain…this will model emotional balance; it will provide a reassuring comfort for many who feel unable to contain themselves.
The sharp, sudden shock is coming: humanity will awaken. If you wake up with the alarm clock at 4am, there is time to do everything calmly, peacefully. If you wake up five minutes before you must leave, there is only stress, confusion and anger. The choice has always been there, and each being was free to choose their timeline.
J: I don’t mean to be rude, but it does strike me as a tad unfair that those of us who have done the work have to deal with the raw, unprocessed emotions of those who refused to awaken.
A: Did you not train for this moment? Did you not come for this moment? Do you not think they would have woken up if they could have? The truth is that you light warriors are here for this time, knowing you would care for those injured by the fallout.
You woke up because your vibration was of a sufficient level to force an awakening; those who rested longer did so because they were unwilling – and therefore unable – to raise their vibration. The last thing needed is blame and shame, or arrogance and pride. This is a moment for sharing your common humanity, for speaking through your heart to their heart.
There was always going to be fallout; if it was not fallout type A, it would be fallout type B or type C. The reckoning was always going to come; and light workers were always going to be on the front line – that’s why you came. To be of service in a brutal war…. to create healing and quantum transformation where others could not.
This is your moment. This is your moment to let your light shine so brightly, so dazzlingly. You are ready.