Monthly Archives: August 2021
Much is happening that is yet to be revealed as the dark ones are removed from their positions of power and replaced by those of the Light.
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I am Mikos Today we talk about Summer 2021, and how it is unfolding on Earth’s surface. It will be a tumultuous time for the citizens of Earth, with much change in America as her government is going through changes to uncover deceit and darkness – you might say a “Spring House Cleaning” is about to happen with changes of governments, changes of hearts and changes of consciousness that will bring your planet into the Light once again, never to fall back into darkness, just a steady climb into the Light….. The Forces of Light work through many people in the government, and this Summer begins the removal of the Old Guard to be replaced with the New: those who turn to the Light and carry the Light. It is a grand “Play” of characters parading off and on the stage of your government’s theatre, and the cast is huge with many players coming forth to replace the darkness. So there are only good things to look forward to. The climate will be changing dramatically and in a few years there will be warm sunshiny days all year around. Life on Earth will change drastically within the next few years as the Cabal will be removed and the Light will pour in. Much is happening that is yet to be revealed as the dark ones are removed from their positions of power and replaced by those of the Light. It will be quite an upheaval and quite a show to watch, and all the Universe is watching. It will be the greatest show on Earth, and you, the Lightworkers, are the key players bringing in the Light. So hold on – don’t despair – the darkest hour is always just before the dawn ~ and we are here, standing alongside you, soon to emerge from the depths below. Our hearts are united with yours ~ we are One heart, One family, although separated by dimensions that will soon merge into one dimension of peace, where we will then be able to come to the surface. The heat wave in California and other extreme weather anomalies on Earth is the prelude to the Earth changes now becoming apparent on your planet due to the timeline for Earth’s Ascension. Our message to you is to hold on, stay calm, because there will be many more weather anomalies coming within the next 5 years, until all density is cleared, opening the way for the Great Awakening on Earth and the removal of all darkness. We stand with you during these next 5 years and there is nothing to fear – just the Earth releasing its pollutants to clear the way for all the Angels and Ascended Host to visibily and tangibly appear to you on a cleansed Earth. This heralds the end of all darkness and ushers in the ERA OF ALL LIGHT. I am Mikos, Head Librarian of the Library of Porthologos inside the Hollow Earth ~ Copyright © Dianne Robbins |
Joy is an emotional sense of being alive…simply that.
Peggy Black and the ‘team’ ~ The Path of Joy and Gratitude
August 18, 2021, via email
We are here are offering you an invitation and a new viewpoint to consider. This is the opportunity to shift your reality, to begin to radiate and vibrate a higher frequency that will open the doors to the higher dimensions and your incredible power. This is the time to reset and focus on the energy/vibration/intention of what you want to create in the field of all possibilities.
We will continue to remind you of who you are as a divine multidimensional being. You are here on the planet to practice the art of creation. You are a citizen of the galaxy having a simple physical life in this third dimension. You are here at this time to assist this planet to shift and uplift consciousness.
This dimension has been held in the grip of the low frequencies of fear, worry, hate and violence. When humanity is holding these low frequencies everyone is easily triggered and manipulated. Everything is energy and these emotional energies are contagious.
So your mission is to remember that you are this powerful generator of energy. Your energy, your thoughts, your emotions are impacting the collective field always. There are patterns and programs which you have been given that are limiting. These patterns and programs have been handed down from generation to generation. They do not serve you.
We are once again here to invite you to make a shift, to offer a higher energy vibration from a place of knowing who you are as a divine creator.
We have watched you and others not truly understanding the importance of the path of joy. Realize that joy is a state of mind; it is a vibration unlike any other. Joy is an emotional sense of being alive…simply that.
Humans have been programmed that to be joyful there must be a reason and the reasons are fleeting and brief. The concept of radiating joy as a constant is a bit difficult for you to imagine, especially when you have so much to “worry” about.
Worry is a vibration of feeling powerless. Worry is a habit that is programmed into each earthwalker from birth. Unfortunately when you worry you are not in touch with your power as a divine creator of your life. Worry connects you to the mass consciousness grid. It is a control vibration. Your media, your leaders continue to feed or continue to keep your worry activated. This is especially true at this time.
When you are in a state of worry you are not in your divine power and therefore you are easy to control and manipulate. This vibration of worry is a low, dense frequency that runs through your culture at all times. It is a constant hum in the background of your lives.
Worry has many triggers; they are different for each individual. However there are universal worries that are programmed into the psyche. When you drop into a worried state of mind about anything: money, health, relationships, job, family dying, all the circuits within your system are at alert. The body responds to these negative energies. There is conflict within. There is no peace, there is no power and there is no joy.
This state of mind is considered the norm for most people. This is a vibration that feels comfortable, it feels responsible. You should worry about things. What would happen if you didn’t worry, who would handle your life? So knowing that worry keeps you locked out of your power, keeps you powerless, what can you do about it, since it is so prevalent in your society and in your world? It is a part of the old belief structures and foundations that most everyone builds their life upon.
We invite you to consider the energy, the vibration that worry actually triggers in your field, your mind and body. Worry is feeling uneasy or anxious; when you worry you torment yourself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts.
To entertain worry is to be tormented with annoyances, be heavyhearted with cares, anxieties, despair, or dread. To worry is to strangle or harass yourself. When you worry you are actually inviting, calling forth, creating a reality of the very thing you are worrying about.
We invite you to investigate what you worry about. Be honest with yourself here. Notice what worries you acquired from your parents? What worries are triggered by others?
What worries do you feel powerless to change? What worries feel like they are a part of this limited reality? What worry patterns did you acquire from your religions, your education? These worry energies are creating more of the same.
Now is the time to make a conscious shift. The energy that is being given to your planet from the celestial beings is available to support and assist you in making this tremendous shift in consciousness. First comes awareness, then come dedication and intention, next come focus, attention and willingness and next comes practice.
Worry is so ingrained in this hologame that letting go of worry patterns is the task of a master. Begin to allow a healing to take place with any and all insecurities that hold the framework of your worries. We are offering you a tool that will support you in your endeavor.
We would like you to sense and welcome joy, welcome gratitude. Let yourself examine the feeling of joy, the feeling of gratitude. When are you filled with joy? What are you grateful for? What are the conditions? What is the situation?
Ask yourself if you have ever truly experienced pure joy? Notice when and what were the circumstances. You might also notice when you feel joy that you also feel gratitude.
We would invite you to practice the awareness of joy and gratitude, being in the vibration, the feeling, the emotion of joy and gratitude. Your body chemistry will change when you bring an awareness of joy/gratitude into your moments. Over time you will understand that joy/gratitude is a natural state of being. It is a vibrational way out of the mass consciousness grid. It is the ladder, the rope, the lifejacket.
Remember that you are the transformer of dense misqualified energies. Remember that you have a profound impact on the collective consciousness of this planet. When you express your joy and your gratitude of being alive and in a physical body you are enacting the energy of a divine master aware of who you are and your mission in this reality.
The offering of joy and gratitude opens the door to the higher dimensions and welcomes miracles, blessings and synchronicities into your life.
When you learn to feel, sense, experience joy/gratitude as the dominant vibration in your life, you are free. When you hold a joy/gratitude vibration more often than any other emotion you are in a position of powerful creating. You are in the divine flow. You are open and receptive. Again we say ‘Be in Your Joy’. the ‘team’
©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available
The Pleiadians: Sexuality And Precise Awareness
Hello, hello, yes we are here and we are as always very pleased to interact with you in this way. It is a great joy and privilege for our message to be received and we take great delight in all ways that we are able to reach you, assist you, and be assisted by learning more from you.
Today we wish to share information on the great power of your sexuality and its point and purpose in expanding your awareness of higher dimensions on this planet. Your orgasms are the greatest force of power that you have access to and the energy transmitted from your orgasms serves as a powerful fuel in other dimensions of reality. With awareness and focus your orgasms can be used to propel you into contact with extra-terrestrial and other higher dimensional beings who would both expand your pleasure as well as your consciousness.
Pleasure is to be embraced yet used with precise awareness as you come into greater and more expanded states of being. Pleasure is a great gift for you that you give to yourself when you allow your desires to be explored with an attitude of mutual benefit and deep service to all involved.
The forces ruling the hierarchical structures of power in your world use sexuality as the primary source of their power to control. Ritualistic sexuality is performed in discrete and hidden settings with the intent of harnessing unseen forces and spread mass waves of fear that may be used to gain more control over the population. This energy is then embedded within your advertising and media so that the base desires within you can be aroused and then hooked to themes of dominance, aggression, and consumption.
Consumption and creativity are both available modes of relating to your use of and enjoyment of all forms of energy you engage within your lives.
When you approach any substance or activity with the intention of consuming without the intention of creating you reinforce vibrations of lack and scarcity. When you approach all sources of energy as catalysts for greater creativity and expansion you establish the foundation in an awareness of how truly infinite your power and consciousness are.
The false idea of scarcity is embedded and ingrained in the consciousness of the masses, and subliminal sexual programming is the basic facet through which this false sense of scarcity is fed to you. Scarcity goes directly against the very laws of nature. Your planet by its nature has truly more than enough resources to comfortably sustain all of its inhabitants and by the law of nature, the living world around you and all it’s unseen higher dimensional components are striving to provide all of the necessary nutrients and sustenance to all that inhabit your planet.
Thriving and flourishing sexuality with strong drive, desire, and passion are a natural result of a true connection with the earth and with higher dimensional forces. Culturally reinforced programs serve to inhibit and restrict sexuality to a subject that may only be discussed and shared under certain conditions, which leads to a greater exploration of sexuality in so-called dark corners and less than ideal settings that are not conducive to the most balanced states of sexual expression.
The game of life only operates under the rules that you set up through your own beliefs. We always suggest and encourage you to continually re-write the rules of the game of life in ways that are more fun, balanced, and integrated. You would be best suited to re-write the rules of your sexual expression, which stands as the very basis of your own sense of self in the world.
Empowered sexuality understands that sexuality is the primary creative force that sets all form and life into motion. Fluid and comfortable expression of sexuality understand its power to be the very greatest tool for transformation and growth available to you as human beings. When you allow your sexual energy to rise through the chakras and activate your crown center your portal into other dimensions is blown open in a profound way. The power of sexuality is unmatched by any other activity available to you in your world and must be treated as such. From meditation and awareness of your subtle flows and currents of energy in daily life, you may begin to grasp the energy within your own body and use that awareness garnered in sexuality in order to reach profound states of consciousness.
We and many others take great delight in your orgasms, and certain civilizations stationed around your planet harness the great amounts of energy released during your orgasms through which they use your spiritual energetic DNA in order to create hybrid races on their ships. When you engage in higher vibrational sexual activity you release tremendous energy from within your body that greatly catalyzes transformation and creativity in all the world around you. Your energetic body in moments of orgasm brings forth information from across time and space and you effectively reprogram yourself with each and every conscious orgasm. Toning and consciously and fully expressing pleasure and your emotions during sexuality are key components in accessing this higher dimensional expression of sexuality. When this level of sexuality is accessed from a place of mutual benefit and pure unconditional love, you attract non-physical and higher dimensional energies matching that vibration to interchange energies with you. The energy you transmit in your orgasms contains all the imprints of your spiritual DNA which hybrid races located in ships around your planet use in order to create children on their craft who share your DNA and closely resemble you. While you may or may not know of the existence of these children, they are aware of you and watch over you with great curiosity and interest. Eventually, when the time is right, these children who do fondly look to you as their parents may come to your world and interact in pronounced ways. For now, you may develop great telepathy connections with them, as these children are already capable of advanced psychic feats such as astral bi-location through which they may come to visit you in your surroundings and spend pleasant moments connecting with you if you wish.
The greatest hindrances to one’s sexual development is the consumption of pornography or any such media espousing an experience of sexuality that contains a level of dominance, aggression, or subservience. As sexual energy feeds non-physical and higher dimensional beings, vampiric and lower-level astral entities are greatly excited to harness the sexual energy explored in these self-serving ways. These lower astral entities hook onto the auric fields of those who engage in these forms of sexuality and continue to influence their thoughts and desires in profound ways that may not be underestimated. We need not go into great detail to describe these sorts of phenomena, we simply wish you to know of their existence and influence in your world so you may best understand and help those afflicted by such activities and the entities that feed on the energy generated by such uses of sexuality.
In your world, there is a growing interest in exploring sexuality with an assortment of different partners, and some glorify the exploration of engaging with a different sexual partner for each day of the week. We do not wish to reinforce any such beliefs such as what many adhere to, consciously or unconsciously, such as when you engage in sexual activity with another, your aura holds the imprint for 7 or more years. This is one experience that you may generate if you believe at some level for that to be true. We simply wish to state that the profound and healing expressions of sexuality we have described to you are only possible with deep and complete emotional transparency and intimacy. While many attempts to explore sexuality in profound and intimate ways with multiple partners, from our perspective this is more of a stumbling block than an asset. Deep and complete bonds of telepathic communication are potential between sexual partners that can only be built with deep trust and constant companionship and focus. This need not mean that you are always in their presence, sharing space with your partner, but that you are continually energetically aware of your partner and in this way may develop a strong psychic sense of exactly what is occurring in your partner’s vibration whether they are downstairs in the kitchen or across the planet in another country. This deep level of telepathic connection is the basis through which other telepathic connections may be extenuated and taken to deeper levels of integration.
Self-pleasure and imagination are great tools that may lay the foundation for you to begin to practice these deeper experiences of sexuality if you do not yet have a partner to share these experiences with presently. Whether or not you have a partner you may use your voice and tone and express your pleasure and emotions and move the energy of your sexuality up through your chakras. As the energy reaches the top of your head, visualize great streams and geometries of white and golden light reaching from your crown through your sun and into the center of the galaxy, the Great Central Sun. All the energy you consciously transmit to the Great Central Sun will always be returned to you greatly amplified. The Great Central Sun is the heart of the entire galaxy, and the energy you transmit to it is much like the blood of the galaxy. You always receive from and broadcast to this heart of the galaxy massive streams of energy, and the more focus and intent you bring to the energy you transmit to the galaxy’s heart the more you may notice the ways in which the galaxy responds to your every transmission in perfect synchronization.
Sexual manipulation and suppression are the greatest tools used in your world to control and divide people. When you empower and fine-tune your awareness of the sexual energy you open your consciousness to massive expansions, that openness is felt by those around you on subtle levels. One of the greatest gifts you may share with your world now is bringing your great intent to heal and transform in accelerated ways into your sexuality, and to let that desire be known to the world around you according to your own discernment. In this way, you may attract those who will match your frequency in healing the planet from the control and sexual trauma and the non-physical energies that feed on that vibration and shift your world ever closer to joining the Galactic Federation in deeper more pronounced ways. We do thank you very deeply for receiving our transmission at this time and ask you to contemplate and share what you have received from this transmission. As you allow your imagination to drift, we as well as your own personal allies in higher dimensions will help you craft your own personal understanding of such information in a way that is more deeply relevant for you.
Channel for Era of Light: Dante ko
Artist: Alison Johnson
Day 5 – 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination
Day 3 – 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination
You are now shining from the inside-out instead of the outside-in…In 3D, you performed. In your new world, you exist…You are the new model. You are the shimmering, shining example of what is possible, even expected of every being entering earth from now on.
Dear Ones,
Your need to be the shining light of your environments, friends, and family was important in 3D but is no longer. You are now shining from the inside-out instead of the outside-in.
Most of your 3D life was thinking or stating, “Look at me, aren’t I special?”
Perhaps you object to that last thought. Believing you are shy or introverted, so you never tried to grab attention. We beg to differ. Even if you were an introvert, you required approval from family, teachers, friends, lovers, co-workers, and supervisors.
Three-D society is based on outer approval. “Am I my parents’ favorite?” “Do the neighborhood kids like me?” “Am I lovable?” “Does my supervisor like me enough to promote me?” “Do my kids even like me?” And on and on throughout your 3D life.
Thoughts that encouraged you to be who others needed you to be, whether you were an introvert or extrovert. The 3D social spectrum needed affirmation from others in ways you probably have difficulties remembering now that you are in the midst of your new you transition.
In 3D, you performed. In your new world, you exist.
It no longer matters how popular you were or are. You are on a unique path in a unique time. Others you once performed for are not that important to you. And those concerned about how little you are now adding to their lives are likely moving to new relationships.
There is no need for you to perform – doing so will confuse others. Just as you are discovering new you, so are they. In that discovery process, all of you are developing an honesty antenna.
The old social games are outdated. The new social game is honesty. “Who are you?” is becoming as important to others as it is to you.
The new interactions you find interesting enough to maintain are based on your inner-truth instead of inner-shoulds.
Because of your 3D need to be loved, respected, and accepted by others, you jumped through emotional hoops that may or may not have been who you wanted to be. Those hoops have been removed so your interests, needs, and companions are no longer forged by your need to belong.
The 3D social games are over.
Some might play those 3D games for a while because doing so is expected or comfortable. Even so, those of you enmeshed in your new being will no longer be interested. Much as an older sibling is not interested in their younger sibling’s toys.
The need to please is over.
Your new need is to honor your feelings, your being.
We, of the Universes, have previously discussed your 3D need to please others. But when we did so, you were not necessarily aware of how many of your daily actions were dedicated to ensuring others loved or respected you. Now that those heavy 3D burdens are lifting, you are discovering how different you are from who you once thought you were.
Even the new segments you added to your former 3D being were selected to highlight who you truly are instead of changing you.
The uniqueness you enhanced by adventures throughout the Universes for eons is finally shining brightly in this new world.
New you is your truth, not society’s truth as happened in 3D.
For most of you, it does not matter if this or that person cares for you. It is a revelation as surprising to you as those you once catered to hoping they would accept you in whatever form you needed.
Catering to anyone is becoming almost abhorrent to you forerunners. In your workplace, you did this and this because you needed or wanted the job. Now that you have had downtime to review your needs, you are finding it difficult to jump through those hoops. You want the freedom to be. Such is difficult, if not impossible, in a 3D environment.
So it is you are saying goodbye to conformity – as much as you dare – and hello to the creativity of freedom.
Of course, our flippant remarks do not pay your rent nor buy your food. But as you claim your new being, you will discover you do not care as much as you once did to conform or perform.
You are not a trained seal as 3D society encouraged, even forced you to be. In 3D, you’re born. You attend school. You work. You create love relationships that most often produce children who you hope care enough about you to care for you in old age. And then you die. All the while depending on others to love, entertain, pay for your life, and care for you.
Even though not everyone creates that 3D life model, it is the goal of 3D children.
The new developing you is more like, “This is who I am and what I’m interested in. I hope I find someone with similar interests because that would make my life more fun. But if I don’t, it doesn’t matter because my days are filled with my interests.”
You are the new model. You are the shimmering, shining example of what is possible, even expected of every being entering earth from now on.
You are new, as are your expectations and those who wish to transition. No longer is there a need to say this or that to attract others, whether it be playmates, employers, lovers, or even your children.
You are you in all your new glory, never again to return to pleasing others as you have done for 3D earth eons. You are free, and so is everyone. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, subscribe via Or, click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” website page (, and click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2021, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add it to your newsletter, etc. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman, and source website link:
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Moving Towards Your Dreams
August 15, 2021,
We would like to offer you a different perspective on manifestation today. At its core, manifestation is an energetic meld where you incorporate the creation into your own energetics, and it incorporates your energy into itself. It is moving into union.
If you can see it as an energetic shift, you can understand that your grander creations may take more time, where a much smaller manifestation, such as a cup of coffee, would be easier to include into your energetics. This explains why if a person does something once, they can do it again quite easily, because they have already incorporated those energies into their field.
A large manifestation will take on its own unfoldment, and will likely need to be done incrementally. Your acceptance of the process has everything to do with how quickly it will manifest for you, because you most easily shift energies by being in a state of complete acceptance.
Moving into doubt, frustration, or resistance to the process would stall it by moving out of acceptance and trust with the process into denial of the process, which would make the completion of the meld impossible because resistance is “no” energy.
Imagine you and your manifestation running across a field towards each other with open arms. You dictate the forward movement because your free will is paramount. When you are choosing to move forward with your dreams, even if it is only incrementally, you support the forward movement of the meld. When you stop, because you are in charge, all responding movement stops, as well.
So stay open to your dreams, Dear Ones! Understand that all creation is a beautiful mix of energies wanting to swirl and combine in the most wondrous ways. Just like any energetic shift, big changes may take a while to integrate into your reality, and smaller ones might happen with very little effort at all.
Staying open and trusting the process is how you support your success, and if you understand the energetics of the process, you will be able to stay grounded in the anticipation and cooperation of the unfoldment of the creation of your dreams.
Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel ~ How to Feel Safe in Your Body
August 15, 2021,
Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the Earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.
Grounding excess energy means being aware that any time you are feeling anxious, angry, fearful or over-excited, you are experiencing excess energy in your body, which can be consciously redirected. This energy is very potent and can be used in a constructive way.
A metaphor might be useful. In electrical terms, it is necessary to have something called the “ground.” For instance, in a house there is a grounding wire which connects to the earth so electricity flows in the proper circuits. It is similar with your body. You are receiving energy from the Divine Source at all times. There are perfect channels in your body for the energy to flow through.
If you are not grounded, that is, if you are so caught up in your mental activity that you are not consciously aware of your connection to the earth, this energy can flow into channels that may feel uncomfortable. It can then circulate through your nervous system, over-stimulating your mind and causing anxiety and other mental imbalances. When you notice yourself feeling upset and anxious, it is very helpful to remember that you have feet as well as a head.
Your feet are in touch with the earth, a place of bountiful supply and nourishing energy. When you are aware of the earth’s presence, you feel supported and nurtured. You can visualize energy leaving your feet or from the base of your spine like moving beams of light into the earth. This will allow the excess electrical energy in your mind to dissipate.
It is also important to calm your emotional body. Just as the mental body is electric, the emotional body is magnetic. This means that your emotions have the power to attract to you what you are experiencing through the Law of Attraction.
Many times what you attract is the opposite of what you think you want to have in your life. It is important to ground these excess emotions as well. On the electrical beam that grounds into the earth, you can wind a coil for the magnetic energy of your emotions. With your intention, you can send these excess emotions into the earth.
If you have trees, mountains or bodies of water near you, it can be useful to see these as places to ground excess energy. You can visualize light beams radiating from your feet, powerful light cords from the base of your spine, or pillars of light from heaven to earth; whatever image suits you. This is a very simple but powerful tool for you to use.
As you become more aware of this grounding process, you will begin to be more present in the moment. Being present means bringing an open heart to wherever you are and whatever situation is challenging you at the time.
When your heart is open, you are able to make decisions from a place of love and not fear. As more people do this, the consciousness of the whole planet is raised. As more minds are consciously connected to the One Mind, all are blessed and can live more freely in love and peace.
You can be a part of this peace-filled evolution with the choices you make every day. Choose to live in love, not fear. Notice when you are running anxiety or anger through your body and are feeling “over-amped.” Take the time to send this excess energy into the earth with a prayer, asking to experience only love.
Know that all on earth are blessed when one person chooses to open his or her heart in love to another. Know the earth is blessed when you give energy to her, so in turn, all will be blessed as this great planet gives back in sustenance and life.
In these simple ways you can bring peace to the world when you…
Ground any excess energy such as fear, anxiety or anger into the earth, then bring an open heart into the present situation.
Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
New Contract by Kryon
4 am bliss state.
In this moment that i am writing this, it is 4am, my heart is filled with so much love and bliss that is difficult to describe with words. Yesterday Sunday 15th of August, i was , as usually on Sundays, doing our 3 synchronized meditations of 30′ each for Christ Light Expansion (since 5 years with Sandra Walter) and to top this up at the end of the day we had an amazing activity of Light along Saint Germain and Mother Mary guided by Patricia Cota Robles on DAY 2 of the 35TH ANNUAL WORLD CONGRESS ON ILLUMINATION involving hundreds of thousands of Light workers around the World. And the way i feel and i am sure all participants do as well is a direct manifestation of The Tsunami of Mother God now elevating the planet and all life upon it. The level of Inner peace and Harmony is rising up! It is here ,it is 5D up to 12D , it feels Heaven, it feels Pure Unconditional Love, it feels like i can be, do or have anything i want, it feels that IAM Worthy to receive, it feels Freedom, it feels Liberation, it feels healing, it feels unlimited potential, it feels Ecstasy, it feels Celebration, it feels Pure Authentic Joy, it feels Passion and Enthusiasm, it feels Widsom and Enlightment, it feels Safety and Security and Divine Will, it feels Ascension, it feels Harmony, Balance and Understanding, it feels Forgiveness, it feels Clarity, it feels Balance between Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, it feels Peace, it feels Prosperity, it feels Transformation and Transfiguration. It feels All That and much more. And my wish is that you reading this and all humanity may you all feel and know in the core of your beings the beauty of what is taking place within in the here and now.
In this moment as i am writting this i am sitting outdoords watching the stars in the clear night sky receving even more codes from on High , this is the name of the Ascension game: To Open to Receive more Love and Light , to align more with who I really am, with who you really are :
GOD ever expanding living a Human experience and for the first time ever in an Ascending body.
What a treat and a gift to be in the here and now, going through that experience!
Feel More Than Fine and Namaste!
Nikos Akrivos
Day 2 – 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination
Mike Lindell Cyber Symposium – Professor David Clements “The Vote Trafficking Parable”
We are fortunate in that we get to experience what we create immediately, whereas you have to trust. -The Arcturian Council via Daniel-
Conscious & Subconscious Creation Processes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always in the process of creating, and we know that we are. We know that creation is a natural byproduct of existence. When you do anything, or experience anything, you are in the act of creation, because consciously or subconsciously, you are thinking that what you are experiencing is something you would want more of, or you would want to experience the opposite of what is happening in your life in that moment. Creation is not only happening when you are seeking it out. When you intentionally create, then of course, you get very detail-oriented about what you want to experience, but when you subconsciously create, you can be putting out a message that is the equivalent of, ‘something better than this, please!’
You have so many creations out there, so many realities that you have constructed, and it’s easy to forget that. It’s easy for you to think that you are at the bottom floor, that you are working with rudimentary tools, or that you are starting from scratch with only what you have available to you in the moment. The truth is you have so many creations out there already that what you are mostly doing now is fine-tuning. You are able to continue working on any creation of yours, just as a great painter can put down the brush at any time, but then they can pick it up again and continue.
This is another reason why we find it so curious that people are constantly looking for predictions about the future, and we also find it odd that an awakened person can that there is one reality, and that reality is something that neither one of you is experiencing, but they are convinced that it exists and it is affecting you and everyone else. If you don’t like a reality that you hear about, don’t then expect that it’s coming towards you and that you must experience it. Instead, use that reality you have been told about to get clearer about what you want to experience, especially if it is the polar opposite of what you have been told is the inevitable future for you and all of humankind.
You know when you are creating something you want by how you feel, and you know when you are creating something you will not enjoy by how you feel, and it really is that simple. If you consider yourself to be a seeker of truth, we would advise you to change that to, ‘One who wants to create a better truth, a better reality for everyone.’ You can and do create those better realities, but you have to believe in them and believe in yourselves in order to eventually experience them.
We are fortunate in that we get to experience what we create immediately, whereas you have to trust. You have to have faith, and you have to surrender and let go in order to let in all of your beautiful creations and more. And yes, there is always more, because you are not the only one creating. You have many co-creators working with you for the better future for all of humanity that most people seek at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Don’t “water the weeds” with your focus. Instead, focus on all that is beautiful as much as you can and your life will become a rich harvest of love!
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 08/14/2021 • Water the fruits, not the weeds |
My dear friends, we love you so very much, Imagine you had a garden. Imagine that every time you paid attention to one of the plants, it received nourishment, water, and plenty of sunshine. If you focus your attention on your fruits and vegetables they would ripen into a glorious harvest. If you focused on the weeds, they would grow just as eagerly. By your focus alone you would determine what would grow in your garden. For a moment, imagine focusing on your tomato plants and watching them ripen into beautiful ripening fruit. Then imagine noticing the weeds… and uh oh, watching them grow. Quick! Shift your focus back to the other plants and watch them grow once again. What pleases you more? What makes you happier? Are you more satisfied watching your plants grow, ripen, and produce delicious food, or are you happier fretting about the weeds? You know the answers, dear ones. You are always happier when you focus on the good growing in your life, rather than fearing that which would choke it off.Think of your world as this garden. There are people, ideas, beliefs, and situations that produce wonderful fruit for your lives! There are countless ways that the world is offering you things that delight! There are people doing wonderful works. There are kind souls quietly smiling at strangers in the grocery store. There are delivery angels who bring things you need to your doorsteps. There are people helping the environment, working on well-being, inspiring others, creating cars that will work in harmony with your heart! There are birds singing, trees blooming, grass growing, ocean waves rising up and falling back. There is your heart beating, your lungs breathing, the stars rising and the sun setting… countless pleasures and delights! There are countless wonderful things you can focus upon to expand your hearts and feel your joy and know the birthright of Divine love that is available to you in any given moment. We can not say this often enough. What you focus upon you empower. So choose your focus carefully. If you see how many are dying each day, remember, there are also the greater majority of 7 billion people who are quite alive and well. Can you acknowledge the statistics, but shift your focus instead to the spiritual truth that there is Divine light, love, happiness, and well-being lying dormant within all souls waiting to arise? You could heal the sick if you could focus on this light more strongly than they focus on their illness. You can heal yourselves if you focus on this light within more strongly than what ails you. We know that many of you are enduring painful judgments because you are choosing to follow your inner compass rather than doing what family, friends, and others want you to do, in many areas in your lives. It isn’t easy. However, even here your focus can make a difference. Will you water the fruits within this individual with your attention, or will you water the weeds? You can focus on their negative traits and painful judgments, or you can focus on the love beneath – on the fact that they too want to be safe, healthy, and happy, and want that for you. If you can see beneath the surface dear ones, and focus on the light within a person or situation, then you will support the growth and expansion of love that will bear fruit in your lives and the world in so many ways. Your world is birthing itself, as we have said so many times. A mother in the throes of labor feels the contractions but she has the option to focus on the pain, or to focus elsewhere – on beautiful music, on her loved ones, on her breath, or on the glorious life emerging from within. You are like this mother now. You are like a Divine gardener. You feel the contractions and you notice both the fruits and the weeds. But can you place your focus upon that which you want to grow? Can you lightly acknowledge the world’s pains and problems – because they are, of course, part of the previously-manifested reality in front of you – but then just as swiftly shift your attention to water that which you want to grow? Can you notice virus variants but quickly give thanks for the well being of countless billions, the light within, the Divine that is always well, the people working to help heal and assist others, the fact that you have soap and running water, and all the other wonderful things in your life? Can you notice all the turmoil, but choose to be at peace in your own life and in your own heart? Can you notice the people judging you and stop watering their weeds by “turning the other cheek” as Jesus said – by turning your attention elsewhere. You can either focus on kinder souls, or if the ones judging you are an important part of your life, you can focus on the love beneath their fears. You can say, “I love that you care about me so much, and I know you love me and want me to happy and well as well! Thank you for caring so much about us both.” And if they argue again, you simply say, “I love that you are listening to your guidance, and I love that I am listening to mine and perhaps now we are not on the same page there, but at least we are on the same page with our love. Let us pray and ask God who guides us both to help us figure this out.” You’d be amazed dear ones, that when you stop watering the weeds with angry attention and instead water the fruits of love with your attention to love, things can shift much more easily. We know these are trying times for many of you. However, we also see so many of you who have grown so amazingly and beautifully during this time. So many of you are working diligently with 5D reality, being more careful with your vibration, doing what you can to stay focused on that which feels best. You are choosing to focus, more and more on that which pleases you, that which gives you joy, and most importantly the light and love trying to arise even beneath that which you find unpleasant. Dear ones, Love is is in every person and every situation, waiting to be seen, acknowledged, and watered. Don’t “water the weeds” with your focus. Instead, focus on all that is beautiful as much as you can and your life will become a rich harvest of love! God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels |
Day 1 – 35th Annual World Congress on Illumination
The Collective and Saint Germain through Caroline Oceana Ryan
A Message to Lightworkers – August 13, 2021 (
A Message to Lightworkers – August 13, 2021
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: [From the Collective’s live channeling on the August 10, 2021 Ashtar Legacy Call] Greetings, dear ones! We are very happy to have this time to speak with you today.
And so we welcome everyone to stand with us now in this beautiful Circle of Light. This is something we do on the Abundance Calls; we ask everyone to come in to this Circle.
And just open up every pore of your being to absorb Light, such as will heal some places, will inspire other places, will dissolve blockages, and will show you your higher aspect.
Now, that lovely song you heard, which is called “Hammond Song,” was recorded more than 40 years ago.
And it was recorded by a lovely group; three sisters whose surname is Roche. They just called themselves The Roches.
We invite you to look at this beautiful song, which has inspired so many for two generations now—to see their life not as a fait accompli, not as a moment of, “Yes, I understand what I’m doing now, and I’m on the right track, and I’m joyfully fulfilling everything I came here to do, and everything’s fine!”
Not at all.
In that song, they are describing for you a sort of post-adolescent cry for freedom. And the voice, the stern voice that keeps coming forward, is that of a parent. It warns them—it warns the young woman, “If you go down to Hammond”—if you go down to this town, or that part of town—“you’ll never come back!” Meaning, “you won’t be the same girl who our left our house. You’ll have forgotten all our good training. You’ll have forgotten exactly who you ought to be. And you will have left behind the best part of yourself.”
And what they mean by that, is “the part of you that we trained to behave and to think and to speak in a particular way.” At one lovely point, the youngest of the three sings, “Well I went down to Hammond / I did as I pleased / I ain’t the only one / Who’s got this disease.”
Meaning, the need for self-expression. A need for living one’s own life.
And if you want to carry it to a higher level, friends—a need for sovereignty.
And what we see, as we look out over all of you and all over the Earth now, is human beings crying out for their sovereignty, and yet fearing a loss of the parental Love and protection and security.
So that is to say, in other words, that people are going to look at the current financial system and say, “Well, this is fraudulent, and corrupt, and horrible!”
But then they get fearful. Sort of like when one has a job that one doesn’t like, but is afraid to leave it. “What if there’s nothing else? What if the next job is worse! What if there is no next job?!”
So that that umbrella, as oppressive and awful as it is, and running entirely adverse, entirely as an anathema, to one’s life energies—that umbrella begins to look more attractive, the more it starts to fall apart.
And in this transition state, when you see people around you taking ill, or there’s word of this many people dying, or this many people getting this illness or that, or reacting to this jab or that, etc.—you begin to panic. At least in a part of you. Because you have been trained to do so.
What we would Love for you to understand, is that none of you came here to feel secure in the old Earth way of feeling “secure.”
You came in to be that brash adolescent, or that brash young person in their early twenties, who decides, “I’m not going to do it this way. I was trained to live this way. But I’m not going to do it that way.” Now, all of you no doubt are saying, “Yes, no kidding! I made that decision a long time ago. I don’t belong to the old Earth! I belong to the New Earth. That’s not very interesting, Collective. Can you come up with something else, please?”
And we would say, the interesting thing is that all of you, just like all of the people who would not call themselves Awakened, or who would not feel very Awakened—all of you also have your times of feeling a bit nervous and unsure and insecure. And the term that comes to mind, is Attachment. This isn’t because you are weak and narrow-minded, or lack any sort of imagination for what life might be like once NESARA is fully enacted.
Nothing like it!
It’s not that you don’t have a vision. It’s that you have been carefully mentally programmed to think along extremely narrow lines.
And to literally fear for your survival if you don’t do as you are told. What you are being told right now, is “Act fearful! And follow directions everywhere! Don’t think for yourself. And don’t worry, this overarching authority structure has your best interests in mind!” That sort of scaling down of your own independent ability to think for yourselves—that refusal to admit that you’re individuals, and that insistence that you join the hive mind— This is the last line to cross, dear ones!
So if you want a bit of inspiration now, again we would say, go to YouTube or go where you can buy this first album that The Roches put out, and look up “Hammond Song.” And our point is not [for you to] just say, “Well, yes—I came here to be the rebellious type!”
Listen to the Joy, the breakthrough Joy and the self-Knowing that is in those three women’s voices, and in their energies, and in their presence!
Can you think of anything more subversive to do with your time and your life energies right now, than being Joyful? Because we cannot! Doesn’t that go entirely against plan? Entirely against the agenda, and entirely against the grain of the old order!
And is that a sort of “also ran”—is that a secondary or third or fourth or fifth-level idea you came in with?
No! We can hear a lot of you saying right now, “It was the first idea!”
Because in that Joy, in that revelry, and in these astounding energies pouring in now—and they are very powerful, as you’re still in the Lion’s Gate portal timeframe—in that burst of Light, you are increasingly remembering Who you are.
And not just in the way that one reads about on the internet—“Yes yes, I’m a Starseed! Yes, all right—I’m a Lightworkers or Light Bringer. All right, whatever . . . “ It’s not quite that. It’s the individual pinpoint of Light that is your soul in this Universe that marks out an expression of Divinity in some way that has never yet been seen or heard.
So what you’re doing is, you’re bringing your soul power into your body at this time, at a level that you haven’t before.
And we will say that Yes, these energies can be exhausting.
And yes, they are pressuring you to make big changes. We see one channeling session after another where people are leaving their spouse or partner, or job or home, and moving on.
Absolutely, it’s spurring on huge changes. And that is very, very beautiful.
And yet, the Joy of the moment is still what you came in for! Not the shock of it. Not the endangerment. Not a political statement.
Not even a spiritual statement in the sense that you’ve been taught, which is akin to religion—which isn’t actually that spiritual. Every now and again it will be, but that’s not always what’s at the root.
So what we are doing right now is blazing the Violet Flame throughout this beautiful Circle of Beings that all of us are, and blazing this beautiful presence of each person’s soul power—anchoring that into the Earth all the further. All the way down into the Center, and then all the way up into the higher realms.
It’s flowing powerfully through every ship gathered around the Earth. There are countless ships—billions of them, even trillions.
It’s pouring up, well up through all of them, through every conceivable planet and star that it meets, and further on. And that [energetic] pathway is the thing that you fly in on!
The reason it reaches deep into the Earth, even though people have been taught that the Earth is dense and dark and difficult, is because of course as you know, She too is returning to being her Higher Self. She too is Ascending.
Saint Germain wishes to step forward, and so he is going to speak with you now: “Greetings, friends!
This is a beautiful assembly. And we see tinged in each of your auras an expression of gold.
And do you understand that you are setting into the Earth, planting the seed, of true Abundance, and the flow of perfect Divine energy through your Earth.
This can only mean beautiful provision for every child, every woman, every man, every beast!
We wish you to release this fear-based economy. And when we say ‘economy,’ we mean, ‘a way of seeing the world.’
We wish for you to release the old currency, and when we say that, we don’t mean these bits of paper and metal. We mean the old thoughts that taught you that sickness was the norm, and sadness was the norm, and discord and disagreement, and rage and loss.
And the sooner you stop associating with even that which you see around you, and associating yourself with that which you see in the news, as if that was your reality, the sooner you step into the New Atlantis.
And this you have come for, dear ones!
(I am bringing in more Light now, down through the crown chakra [of everyone].) It’s pure golden Light. It lights up every cell of your being, every particle of your thought, your emotion. And your spirit does indeed take a leap for Joy!
I am working diligently with many others to ensure NESARA’s breakthrough moment. And if you ever doubt that, sit down quietly and ask the Universe or your higher self, How do I birth NESARA in my own way? And that way you don’t have to ask, “How close are we?” Or “When shall it happen?” Because you will know it is already happening within you. And in that moment, dear ones, you walk with Masters. You walk with the White Knights. You walk with all students and initiates of the Higher Way, the mystery schools. All of it now blending beautifully—all of these eras of thought and study and understanding, and inner experience—quite visceral experience, and not merely academic notions—all of those centuries now rolled into the Present Moment, as Time on your planet disappears—just folds. Past into present and present into future—it doesn’t matter anymore!
Stop counting the days! Stop counting the minutes or the months or the years! Let it go! Stop stressing that you are getting older. You’re not! You’re just detoxing from all of the density of these other lives you’ve lived, and the preamble to what you are coming into now, which has been this life experience, before this year.
And you are aware that the desperation of ‘the old power structure,’ as the writer calls it, would not be so great, were your moment of sovereignty and true liberty not at hand, for it is!
We declare it to be so! Now, will you declare it to be so? Say it aloud right now! ‘And so it is! I AM! I AM that I AM!’
There is no day that goes by, that we do not think of those hopeful, if sometimes contentious, summer days spent in Independence Hall in Philadelphia. And for me, it was but a few hours ago, and I am joined now by some [the spirits of George Washington, John Adams, and other Founders] who were there with me.
And do not doubt dear ones, but that they stand with you in all that you reach for, and all that you build now.
And so, all of us in the Collective, and we include all of you in that!—we bow to you. We bow to one another, as we tip the scales on this planet to return to Service to Others, releasing Service to Self for all Time-Space. It is dissolved! And so we give thanks! Namaste!”
Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at
Thank you.
You carry the creative force of the Sun in you, and you are here to instill that force into me so as to bring forth flourishing and abundant life on Earth. In return, my gift to you is that I receive you, I provide shelter for you in which to live, so you can enjoy this life.-Earth via Pamela-
Pamela Kribbe channels Earth
Dear friends, I am the voice of the Earth.
I am beneath your feet and greet you all with warmth and a deeply felt welcome from my heart. I am with you, so very close by. Feel my presence in the air you breathe, the water you drink, in your own body that accompanies you in this life from beginning to end. I want to feel you, to absorb your presence, because your consciousness enriches me. I can learn from you and also you can learn from me, if you want to do so. We are here to create and work together.
You have a consciousness that by its very nature is both creative and resourceful, and because of that special type of consciousness you are distinct from other living creatures on Earth. Everything that exists has a consciousness, a soul, but you have a creative power in you that distinguishes you from all other living beings. You are on your way to becoming gods – you are gods in the making – and you are learning how to become aware of, and to accept, your creative power.
However, you are often not conscious of your creative power, or you do not know how to handle it very well. There is a part of you that feels lost, rejected in this life on Earth; a part of you that is not connected with the Source of everything, the Source that carries the whole of life. And I want to encourage you today to engage in this connection with the greater whole, the Source – God if you will – that carries you throughout your life. It is the only connection through which you can truly feel unconditional security and an absolute acceptance of who you are.
That connectedness is what you are looking for, and from that grounded connectedness your creative power will take on a positive expression. When you try to create without that basic security of feeling carried by a larger field of love – when you, with your creative power, stand separately – you feel lonely and lost, and then this creative energy can, at times, turn against you. Just look at your everyday life, at how often you feel cut off from the Source that carries you, and then you begin to fret, your emotions confused and chaotic. All this has to do with that lack of connectedness and of not being able to let go of trying to control life; not knowing that you are being carried by the Source.
How do you make the connection with that Source, the essence of who you are? Wherever that Source reveals itself, there you are also. You are not actually separate, there is a web of life that surrounds and permeates all forms, all creatures. You are this whole web; but, at the same time, you are a part of it: you are simultaneously part and whole. This is perhaps difficult to grasp with your mind, but you do not need to understand it with your intellect, it is a feeling. And my gift to you, what you can learn from me, is to surrender to this vast web of life.
Just look at the natural world, at non-human life. All beings in that web sense that they are carried and nourished, supported by the environment while they develop their own individual potential. A flower that blossoms in the field makes use of the forces here on Earth: the sun, the wind, the rain. It asks not whether there will be sunshine at the right time, or water in the ground, or the shelter of a tree with sufficient shade. It expects that the right circumstances will present themselves, and even when the right conditions do not come about, this natural life energy surrenders to what comes to it and, if necessary, it will die in order to flourish again in another form. That power of surrender is present in the whole of nature: the animals, the plants, the stones. Everything that lives knows how to behave inside this all encompassing web – except you, who so often seems to be confused and without roots, adrift. Why is that? You are confused and adrift precisely because of your great abilities and talents, your creative powers. The path back to clarity, and to feeling rooted once again, is also the path to a peaceful implementing of your creative power. And the joyful experience of that is by way of the Earth, by returning to a oneness with all other life around you – that is the key, the solution. Try to feel that unity for a moment, starting with your body, which is my gift to you. Feel life flowing there, feel your body as a living field of energy. Do not look at what is wrong, or where there is a problem, but merely feel life itself for a moment, flowing and pulsing throughout your body.
This body is beautiful and innocent, an expression of the meaning of the life-force. Allow the Sun to shine on it, and imagine that you are completely in that light and that all the cells in your body drink in the power of the Sun, which symbolizes so much more than just physical light. In the Sun, a heart is beating, the same as in me. In the Sun pulsates a wisdom, a knowing. The Sun is the fundamental creative force in this solar system. I absorb its light and energetic force which I then transform into life forms. You are part of the Sun, and you could say that you come from the Sun, although I mean that metaphorically. You carry the creative force of the Sun in you, and you are here to instill that force into me so as to bring forth flourishing and abundant life on Earth. In return, my gift to you is that I receive you, I provide shelter for you in which to live, so you can enjoy this life.
Trust in me. Many of you mistrust me, not consciously perhaps, but there is so much that you were taught by the traditions of the many dominant cultures on Earth. Their doctrines and theories say that the body is in one way or another inferior; that nature is below humans and is less developed, less important; that this nature in you, your lust for life, your senses and emotions, and what the body wants, must all be transcended for the benefit of “spiritual truth” – although no one knows exactly what that entails. You are so alienated from your human nature, your unity with me, the Earth, that this makes you sad and lonely. I see your alienation daily. You are bombarded with stimuli from around you and especially from your own confused thoughts. You have lost your way because your fundamental connectedness with the field of power that I am has escaped you.
Now give yourself over to my strength and let me receive you. Let yourself be who you are and do not try so hard to be different than what you are, to feel differently from what you feel. You are good as you are. Your “way” is to be who you are and never to be someone other than who you are – your way is to be always yourself. Just as does a flower, when it blooms, reveals its deepest purpose, so you come into a blossoming when you allow your heart to radiate as it naturally wants to, without trying to restrict and stifle it by ideas that are not of your nature. To return to your natural state of being, it is necessary that you rely on yourself, and not on a so-called “higher self” on which you should focus. Rely on your own humanness and put a listening ear to that. What does the human being in you want?
This whole idea that you should focus on a higher order of existence, a hierarchy that is elevated above the Earth, is a misconception. You are not here to transcend your humanness. It is precisely in your humanness wherein lies the connection between Heaven and Earth, between solar power and earth power. Precisely by being human can you become complete and whole, and therein lies your destiny. It is not by suppressing your humanness, but by embracing it that you come Home to yourself and you become that beautiful flower that you are destined to be.
What is this humanness that has become so suppressed, judged, and condemned from the head through thinking? Your humanness has to do with your feelings. You are here on Earth to learn by daring to feel, by allowing your emotions to be, and by riding the waves of those emotions. Learn to live from your emotions, and dare to trust that doing this will bring you Home. You are carried within a dynamic field of movement, which naturally strives for balance and growth. However, you do not believe that concept because your emotions often seem confused and difficult to understand, but your emotions bring you Home, your emotions are the messengers of your soul.
By listening without reservation to your emotions, or what you may call the inner child, you will discover where things have become unbalanced within yourself. Your inner child, your emotions, is leading you to your roots. Imagine for a moment that you see a little child come to you, a child that arises from your body, from that deep place within yourself where you do maintain a balance of energies. Take the child on your lap. Let this image unfold by itself, or simply create a connection with your feelings – you do not have to see anything.
In you is a living child: a child of the Earth and of Heaven. It wants to tell you what it needs, it wants to point the way to feeling peaceful and secure on Earth. Let this child tell you how it feels, what emotions run high in it, and allow this child to express them. If you allow the child to do this, you will see that it becomes more peaceful and happy. You can take it by the hand and, together with this child, move through life in close connection with your humanness.
What you all need most profoundly on your path is to receive yourself, to really say “Yes” to all aspects that arise within you. Only when you actually say “Yes” to everything within you – your thoughts, your emotions, your fears, your confusions – can your creative power extend to, and embrace, everything. Your creative power, which I compare here with the Sun, is a radiant power that extends from within to without; a power that wants to give and unite and manifest. I, on the other hand, am a receiving power, the receptive Earth that absorbs. These two forces need each other to actually arrive at a balanced creation – a co-creation.
You have both forces within you, Sun and Earth, giver and receiver. You can more and more develop the receiving strength – Earth power – in you by truly saying “Yes” to your own humanness, by truly having compassion for the deepest needs within you, as well as with the darkness and negativity that prevail there. Can the light from this inner Sun shine upon you? Can it warm you? That is why you are here, to form a bridge between Heaven to Earth. If you truly know how to receive, and also to not judge any aspect of yourself, then your creative power, the rays of this Sun, really penetrate to the core of your humanness and to the core of the Earth. Then you become illumined within by your own light, your own warmth.
Allow that to happen – be the Earth. Imagine that you are the Earth and let this Sun shine upon you and penetrate you. See how this Sun puts everything within you into the light, and does so without judgment so that everything is allowed to be. Feel the relief of that – nothing is forbidden, nothing is bad. Allow this Sun to shine. Imagine that you are lying flat on your back on the Earth and that you take in everything and feel: “I am allowed to be who I am.” By being who you are, you become who you are meant to be – the Sun and the Earth united within you. This union of forces manifests itself as a sense of peace and well-being, and are the signs that you have made the connection, that you have put up the bridge. If you feel quiet and peaceful within yourself, then that is good. You do not have to do more than that, the rest comes of itself.
I ask you to pay attention to this receiving from the Earth, knowing that you are one with me and saying “Yes” to yourself. If you know how to embody this connection, you truly bring down the light to Earth, and also you become a giver, a creator, a radiant Sun. You will see that these two apparently opposite things are one and the same thing – the giving and receiving are one, not two. A beautiful flower, a rose, gives by being itself, by knowing that it
is carried by all the nourishing elements around it. You are like that. Be like a rose, trust that you are nourished by the elements. The giving and sharing of your beauty happens by itself, by being who you are. I greet you all. Accept my gift.
I created this short meditation (3’33”) to help each and everyone realize embodiment with The Oneness of All That Is.
I created this short meditation (3’33”) to help each and everyone realize embodiment with The Oneness of All That Is. Take of your shoes off , Close your eyes, lift your hands up in the sky, listen , receive in Gratitude , do a few dancing steps and you are ready to go for the day. #432hzmusic
Source of Inner Peace by Master Djwhal Khul
Sending Blessings of support and Love to all involved for planetary liberation.
Please repeat these words :
IAM my IAM Presence and IAM ONE with the IAM Presence of All Humanity and Mother Father God.
I blaze the blue fire of protection, safety and security to myself and all involved.
I blaze the violet flame of freedom , support and transmutation to all involved
I blaze the pink flame of Love , Light and Truth to all involved.
I bless all involved, i bless all my projects and all projects worldwide that work for The Highest Good For All.
Feel Gratitude for 2 minutes radiating out.
It is done! And So It Is. And So Be It.
Special support for Patriot Mike Lindel : Mike Lindell and His Cyber Symposium Attacked | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech