Allow yourself and others the freedom to be, which is now a unique journey for all forerunners.

Dear Ones,

We, of the Universes, wish to address your fear of being yourself. Even though we addressed this issue on several occasions, today’s discussion is a bit different. You bravely transitioned through every phase until now despite your fears, but this current step seems beyond reach for many of you.

You might feel as if this step is a step too far. You understand 3D even if you do not wish to be part of it. This current stage is similar to offering you the option to remain a child or accepting yourself as a young adult. Given those same options as a 3D human, many of you would have remained a child even though you admired those older than you. Childhood was the known.

That is not to say those cocooning must exit their cocoon now. But instead, that they will exit automatically whether they now wish to or not.

You have choices, but remaining incognito is not one of them. Imagine that you have been inducted into a military unit, and even though you do not necessarily wish to be part of it, you are. To survive or thrive, you must participate. So it is for you now.

Remaining in a cocoon of sameness is similar to the limbo between heaven and hell some religions feature.

You will leave or have left your cocoon. That statement is not a threat but a reality. Just as you could not physically remain a child forever.

Your cocoon stage may last for weeks or months, but it will end. An ending that will be an explosion of ideas and needs.

In 3D, you could not stop your physical being, thoughts, and actions from changing. And you cannot do so now. So you will cocoon until you no longer want to, until doing so feels like a prison, until you cannot stand it anymore, just as was true for you in puberty.

And just as was true in puberty, not all of you will break out of your cocoon at the same time. Most infants develop in a similar timeframe. It is not until puberty that the physical shifts are spread out for months or years instead of weeks, as is true for most infants.

So it is with cocooning. Instead of breaking out of your cocoon stage within days of one another, you will do so within weeks or months.

If you are no longer in a cocoon, that is delightful. And if you remain in your cocoon, that is also delightful for you will soon no longer wish to or be able to remain so.

Those of you in a cocoon stage need to develop this or that before you emerge. You are or were in a cocoon to prepare for your unique and colorful exit when the time is right for you.

In your prior transition phases, you shifted en masse. Such is no longer true. Your cocoon length is about preparation for your unique role instead of shifting the earth as was previously true for you and all forerunners.

Allow yourself to be without jealousy, wishful thinking, or wondering what is wrong with you. It will happen when it is right for you – not for your friends, family, neighbors, or the Universes. You are on a personal time clock instead of the general time clock you have adhered to since you initiated this transition.

In truth, you are closer to the singular 3D lives, universal dimensional hops, and frequency changes you experienced in previous lives to prepare for your role in this transition.

Until now, it has been a group effort and progression. It is no longer. So do not berate yourself or anyone for the actions they have or have not taken.

Allow yourself and others the freedom to be, which is now a unique journey for all forerunners.

You know who and what you are – and most importantly, what you need. Allow yourself to act accordingly. No one and nothing knows more than you about you. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Or subscribe via

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In choosing you, you choose the All.

June 13, 2021,

The intensity is building. Many were knocked flat with the solar eclipse, and we are heading to a very powerful Solstice on June 21st. There feels to be a push to connect deep within, to our ancestors, to our truth, and our Galactic origins. What you are wanting to connect with is also wanting to connect with you.

I sat outside in the sun and felt the presence of the Council of Elders. I first connected with them during a near-death experience years ago, a few times during my journey, and now they have become much more active in my life. I asked them if they had a message for us, and this is what I received:

“The most important task right now is embodiment. We know that so many of you worry. You worry about the world, your place in the world, how you are seen and portrayed, and even if you are doing enough. Be assured that you are doing enough for others, for the world… your focus now needs to be on your inner working.

There is a collapse within that is desperately needed. It is the collapse of doubt, fear, and not feeling worthy. It is these very things that keep you from your full embodiment and embracing all that you are. What must be understood is that it is the full surrender and trust in yourself and Source that will lead you to the space of All that you are and All that is.

There are many distractions about you; organic and inorganic things that want your attention. Particularly now when what is needed is the pulling back of energy from every last thing so that you may come into the place of zero point within.

You may feel that all around you is conspiring against you by pulling your attention, your focus, and you’re very creative abilities. Yet, there is also much conspiring to open you, strip you bare, and provide a spotlight on your deepest truth, your magnificence.

In choosing you, you choose the All. Choosing not to get lost in the chaos, you become the shelter in the storm. While this shelter you provide will most certainly assist others, it is for yourself that it should be created.

It is within the shelter that you will come to zero point.

Zero-point is the All and the nothing. It is the void of stillness and space before creation bursts forth. It is the silence and the peace that so many crave. It is the space of pure potential, of understanding and knowing yourself in your vast fullness. It is the state of being that helps one pull to themselves and align with all that is needed. It is a space of pure trust and understanding. It is the yin and the yang, the feminine and the masculine, the in and the out. It is the end and the beginning.

Zero-point is crucial for full embodiment, otherwise, your opening to self will be fragmented. The ability to access and eventually stay in zero point is a necessary component of the ascension journey. It is not the checking out of reality but checking into self.

There is only one way to this space, to zero point, and it is through the open ONE heart. (One heart is where the higher heart thymus and heart chakra work together). Explore the hidden doorways within, so that nothing remains hidden. It is through the embracing of all that you are, that wholeness of your experience that you will be set free. In this space, you will find enormous peace, love, and the deep knowing that everything is going to be all right.

As you know there has been an acceleration in the ascension trajectory. This will be difficult physically, mentally, and emotionally for all that still hold resistance within to their totality, their fullness.

Zero-point is the goal and the cure for much of the difficulties of this process.

Drop into your consciousness, bring your attention into your heart space. Command your heart space to expand and include the higher heart. Feel the bridge that is created. Call forth the heart of your highest self. Feel the vastness, the opening to the All and the Nothing. Look for doorways that need to be opened, where truth has been denied or aspects have been segregated. Open the doors, allow the light of your soul into those nooks and crannies.

Everything is forgiven, understood, and loved through the light of your Soul.

Feel the peace, feel the quiet, feel your truth, feel your knowing. Feel how solid this space is, particularly in your rapidly changing world.

Your ONE heart is the path to Zero-point, to All that You Are.”

At the end of the message, I felt them pulling away and I sent them gratitude for the guidance. I hope this message finds you well, exploring yourself and integrating all the energies, plasma, and codes coming in.

Thank you to all that support and share this work, it is greatly appreciated.



Recognize your incredible potential to be a diamond. Allow the Angels to assist the process of sanding your rough edges. Know it takes some time, and love yourself for caring enough about your world that you want to be the best you can be.

June 13, 2021,

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

Dear One,

When you receive pure love from your Divine Source and offer it to yourself, your life will transform. Loving yourself means that you accept yourself as a student of life. You know that you are growing every day, and deep within is the spark of enlightened consciousness that is God.

Focusing on this place of Divine Light will assist it to grow. When the light of Divine love grows, it enlightens your mind and heart so you see your life from a more expanded perspective. This allows you to tap into the graceful flow of the universe and to live in more peace and harmony.

Loving yourself includes being able to see the tricks of ego and the aspects of your personality that could be improved. After you see clearly, bless these parts of yourself. This blessing energy will allow the love of God to flow through you. Your fears will drop away, and you will operate from a loving heart in every moment.

If self-criticism created perfection, you would be perfect by now. It doesn’t work that way, so be kind to yourself. You are in a human body on the earth plane to gain an education. Your soul’s growth is in the direction of perfection, but it’s a process.

You are like a lump of coal becoming a diamond. It does no good to hate the rough form and wish it were a diamond. What it takes is a step-by-step process, with the proper tools, applied with diligence and care.

Recognize your incredible potential to be a diamond. Allow the Angels to assist the process of sanding your rough edges. Know it takes some time, and love yourself for caring enough about your world that you want to be the best you can be.

Be as patient and caring with yourself as you would with a little child. Hold fast to the light of God within you. Ask for assistance from the Angels and trust the process. You are becoming stronger and more beautiful every day. Know you are incredibly loved and you deserve all the good life has to offer.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel

3D to 5D Boost UP-date

3D to 5D Boost UP-date : In the United States FOR America : Vac-cine passports & mask mandates are dead. Fauci’s & MSM & most politician’s / bankers credibility are dead. We are thankful for the few that do the work for all humanity with The Alliance, Military and President Trump to start with. Big Pharma exposed. Bi-DAn admin falling off the cliff. Rats and Traitors exposed and eating each other alive. More countries are following. Matrix is breaking down for All to witness. WE remain in Celebration mode from withIN out at all times, it’s the best formula to keep keeping on . Don’t ask to be understood, go within and allow the LOVE of The Creator fill your being with authentic joy and from here take inspired actions if you feel so. Do everything you want/can/need with joy from within ONLY. Anything else is not of service to you and any of those around you. The changes seem to be slow but as one can observe from the first part of this post it is accelerating and tangilbly manifesting now in the physical world. This won’t last forever ,this too will pass but before we can go on the next level, there is much more to be witnessed .Enjoy your pop corn and don’t get sucked in the fear based illusion playing out. Know that you are SAFE. The Galactics and Angelic Beings got our backs at all times, they work 24/7 to keep up with what is needed and our efforts in prayer & meditation are more than ever needed as each one of us is SUPER powerful in our intentions and only such collaboration guarantees 100% success. SUPERMAN AND SUPERWOMEN when you know, you know! Galactic codex will not be violated any longer. It is the end of Power on Others people. Power from with-IN people are LEGION . LOVE HAS WON. Communities are coming together be it physically ,online or telepathically through our collective meditations. To Be Loving and Kind with the Self and All others no matter what arises is the ART of POWER from with-IN. This power gets stronger the more ones spends time constantly with consistence and consistently with constance to go within for at least 15′-20′ daily. That’s the formula of success feeling it and living it in THE NOW. Not in the future, right NOW. And what one feels right NOW creates the best possible timeline where one is the highest version of what one can be, do or have. And So Be It. And so it is. AHO, NAMASTE AND HALLELUJAH Feeling GRATITUDE of what is and however it plays out and EAGERNESS of what is coming at all times.