Monthly Archives: October 2020
To celebrate is essential because it uplifts and inspires all who participate, and doing so helps you to find your way through the maze of confusion that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused.
Saul Through John: You are always in God’s Presence, because there is nowhere else!
Saul Audio Blog for 10/09/2020. by John Smallman
As new information concerning corruption in high places is released into the public domain on a daily basis, people are opening much more readily to the idea that they have been basically asleep and dreaming and that the “shadow side” of the human collective has for eons been working hard to set people against each other by intensifying their sense of the differences between themselves and others, and by persuading them that these differences are bad and can harm them.
Many of you, with numbers increasing daily, are realizing that this divisive way of thinking needs to change, and are becoming aware of the enormous creative possibilities available to you if you will listen carefully and lovingly to one another without preconceived ideas or negative judgments.
An integration of your light and shadow sides needs to occur, individually and within nations, and you are beginning to see this and, by setting the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you are making this happen.
This is a perfect reason to Celebrate!
You may well believe that celebrating in these confusing and very unsettling times is totally inappropriate, but I would like to remind you that by celebrating you strengthen your life force and your energy field, and you intensify the flow of Love into and through your hearts, enabling you to engage far more easily with the joy and peace within yourselves – always present, but often ignored or avoided as you focus your attention, and your resultant anxiety, on the distractions of the news cycle and social media.
With so much attention being focused by so many on the negative “What if possibilities?” that the current news cycles encourage, the general level of your energy fields is weakened, leading to fear, anger, depression, and ill health.
To celebrate is essential because it uplifts and inspires all who participate, and doing so helps you to find your way through the maze of confusion that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused.
You are all the beloved children of God – whom He wills to live in peace and joy – presently immersed in a dream or nightmare from which you need to awaken. You are awakening, and in this moment many are experiencing that unsettling and frequently disturbing state that often occurs in the moments before awakening, in which you appear to be in a strange and unwelcoming place from which there seems to be no exit.
In fact this state is the exit, it is the moment prior to awakening into Reality. While you are experiencing it it can seem interminable, and then, like morning mist, it will dissipate allowing the sun (LOVE!) to shine through.
You are not lost and abandoned waifs in a strange land, you are the divine children of God having a dream from which you cannot avoid awakening.
Most of the time the dream – or nightmare – can and does seduce you into believing it is real. It is not! Reality, where you have your eternal existence, is a state in which you experience infinite peace and joy in every moment – NOW – the only moment, the eternal moment in which all existence occurs continuously and without interruption.
Therefore, Celebrate! Go within daily, to that holy inner sanctuary that is present within each of you, and allow Love, your true nature, which is always present within you, to embrace you.
It only waits for your permission, and your permission just means to surrender any and all negative self judgmentabout your value, self-worth,or any belief that you are an undeserving sinner, and any other sense that might convince you of your unworthiness to be in the Presence of God.
You are always in God’s Presence, because there is nowhere else!
Just acknowledge that divine truth and joyfully accept the divine embrace, instead of fearfully warding It off as you attempt to convince yourself of your unworthiness.
How could any creation of God be unworthy of His Love? That is an impossible condition, so CELEBRATE in the divine assurance that you are fully worthy of every gift He would bestow upon you.
The many of you who are parents know that you could never withhold love from your children, so it is insane to even imagine God withholding His Love from you.
Open to His Love and allow yourselves to awaken!
With so very much love, Saul.
Get Ready for the Largest Virtual Rally in Radio History with Trump.
Adamu Speaks: Coronavirus (Part 4) – a time of choosing
Celestial Chambers /Medbeds
Med Bed technology has been ‘suppressed’ and hidden from the public for a long, long time. Fortunately, due to the planetary shift from 3D to 5D happening at this time, and the increasing demand for transparency by the human collective consciousness, an increasing number of courageous people are coming forward to disclose what they know has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and most likely for thousands of years. Two of these courageous souls are Ileana the Star Traveler (her internet name) and Jared Rand.
Ileana wrote the information on the Holographic Medical Pods from her personal experiences as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. Her information is posted in the 2nd-half of this article. Jared is a highly intelligent and knowledgeable man who has been working with the Global Transition for decades, and has information about many topics the general public is not aware of, including but not limited to, off-world ET technology gifts to humanity like the Quantum Financial Computer System, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators and Med Beds.
Tachyon Energy & Plasma Energy Med Beds There are 3 types of Med Beds: 1) Holographic Med Beds; 2) Regenerative Med Beds which regenerates tissue and body parts, that’s powered by a different source; 3) Re-atomization Med Beds that in about 2-3 minutes will regenerate the whole human body, head to toe. What does this advanced Technology mean for an 80-year old woman? She could be 30-years old again in less than 3 minutes. 50 years pealed off her life. Now, she can have children again. She could have a whole new family if she wants. It looks like to this writer that the Med Bed technology is a perpetual fountain of youth.
The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections. The Technology has been around for quite some time. It’s not something out of the clear blue sky. It’s just been kept hidden from the human race for a very long time.
The Technology of the Med Beds is not from planet Earth. It is not human-created technology. It is a technology that has been given to humanity by off-world ETs. A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy and plasma (plasmatic) energy. The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency.
The Med Beds have Artificial Intelligence (AI) that’s controllable so it cannot get out of control and run wild. The AI is the computer. It operates kind of like an MRI, where you sit in a tube and it rolls over your body and does a magnetic oscillation and resonance scan of your body to diagnose disease. The Med Bed scans your skin, your muscle tissue, all the organs and everything in your body. It shows everything – all the way down to the micron level of the blood. It actually identifies your DNA and it does a complete internal analysis of the body. When it does that, it picks up any disease and any genetic imperfection. For example, you could have stage 4 leukemia, and on a Med Bed in about 2.5 minutes, you’re cured. No side effects.
And, if you had an organ cut out or removed from the body, the Med Bed’s re-atomization process regenerates that organ as if it was never removed. Because your body leaves a resonance – a vibrational frequency. The body always remembers when an organ has been removed or stopped operating, and the Med Bed’s artificial intelligence links into the body’s vibrational frequency and DNA to regenerate the organ. Rand says he has studied cancer research for many, many years. Cancer can be cured with the Med Beds all day long; very easily and very cheaply, too, he says. Because he’s done it for people. With the Med Beds, cancer is gone. Chemotherapy becomes obsolete. Lou Gehrig’s disease, Hodgkin’s disease, Muscular Dystrophy, all disease is gone, eliminated.
Rand says some people believe this whole process of healing with the Med Beds is just science fiction. That it can’t be true. Somebody just made it up! And, because nobody believes it exists, its easy to manufacture them in quantity and get them ready for distribution.
See also – SECCHI Data Reveals Massive Solar and UFO Activity Along with Apparent Cover-Up – Could This Confirm Planet-Sized UFOs in Our Solar System? “When you are in this Med Bed, you don’t go through any pain, you don’t go through radiations. It’s not like some evil event. You go into a deep sleep. There’s no injection, no needles or anything. You wake up and look in the mirror and your creepy skin is gone. Your white hair is the color it was when you were in your twenties (20s). It’s the same for your eyesight, your hearing, your taste, your smell. Everything is restored to a perfected younger state again,” Rand says.
“This is the new age for the new Earth and new human race. It’s totally the opposite of what we’ve lived. These technologies are already here. It’s a matter of getting them safely – SAFELY – to the people that can use them.”
Holographic Medical Pods Ileana the Star Traveler wrote the following information on the Holographic Medical Pods. She obtained the information by using a unique method “hypnosis regression memories” whereby Ileana was able to verify the information did indeed come from the Secret Space Program by seeing the holographic medical pods during her tenure as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. The information is available in a PDF free download – see Resources at the end of this article.
Ileana hosts the Awakening Cosmic Reality Show on YouTube – an interview program covering topics such as spirituality, ET contact, healing modalities, awakening and the ascension process. She has published many fascinating stories of her galactic travels at her website, and also channels benevolent star nation beings, spiritual guides, and her Higher Self. She has the ability to astral travel, conduct remote viewing, and work in the Akashic Records. She has obtained much knowledge from her past lives as a star traveler living out in space.
The following information contained in Ileana’s PDF reveals how the medical pods work, what they look like, and how they are utilized in the advanced medical field of technology with 3D anatomical imaging equipment. Information is also provided on how the medical pods can revive people from the dead, cure diseases, heal wounds, remove scarring tissue, and administer an age regression protocol before discharge from the Secret Space Programs.
The Holographic Medical Pods are automated medical stations where a medical expert selects the type of medical procedure to be done from the computer database, then the patient lies down in the pod, and the machine performs the medical operation or procedure, then the lasers will close up the points of entry where the procedure was done. These types of holographic medical pods have features such as an Airtight Operating Shield, Comfortable Limb Restraints, a Laser Scalpel, Laser Mirror Arms to remove scarring, Computer Controlled Robotic Surgical Arms, Liquid Spray Anesthetic, Vital Signs Sensors, and all of these features are mounted on an Adjustable Titanium Base. The Med Pods (aka Med Beds) allow users to diagnose, treat, and preform a wide range of surgical procedures with the ultra-fine laser incisions that are guided by 3D anatomical scanning. The 3D scanning has refractory lenses which take live scans of the body in order to do various medical procedures.
The 3D anatomical scanning lens and laser technology allows for complete diagnoses of all body systems including neurological factors, treatment of infections through concentrated antibiotic injections, detoxification of the body in order to cure diseases like cancer, basic or advanced wound repair, limb regeneration through cellular DNA reconstruction, and scar removal. As well as other procedures can be done such as appendectomy, laparoscopic ablation, and Cesarean section.
The Med Pods can also regenerate dying cell tissues in the body in order to make the cells healthy again, as well as revive neurons, protons, stem cells, etc. This is done in order to be able to cure diseases like for example Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, etc. The advanced medical pods have micro laser technology and multiple refractory lenses that can manipulate the body’s natural chronometer and perform age regression procedures through DNA modification or even do cross hybridization between human DNA and ET genetics, or mix animal DNA with the human genome to create stronger and healthier species of humans.
There is advanced holographic super computer software that can create various types of memory engrams that can be imprinted on people’s brains through light spectrum visual imagery in order to create false or altered screen memories. As well as brain memory suppression injection drugs are administered so black listed classified memories cannot be easily recalled by individuals. These procedures are often done in the SSP programs while someone is being treated in the Holographic Medical Pod before their contract discharge time is up and they are administered the age regression protocol.
Interactive super computer software display that can encode memory engrams onto the brain during the age regression protocol process. Some of the Med Pods have bio-mimetic gel on them which will synthesize healthy and young cell tissue in the body in order to replace the cells that are dying off and can no longer self regenerate.
The bio-mimetic gel is also use to prevent third degree burns from scarring the body so that scar tissue does not build up on the skin. This gel also removes any germs or bacteria that can cause infections in the human body.
Medical Lab for Holographic Medical Pods: The Holographic Medical Pods are usually located in medical lab bays either on space stations, planetary bases, or on space ships. These Med Pods can be installed virtually anywhere as they do not require much power to operate.
“The Reatomization process, when the body lays into it, there is an algorithm and there is a computer database and it actually identifies your DNA in your body and it does a complete internal analysis.
“What it actually does is shows the internal operation very clearly in a 3D format of a lifetime, how your organs, where your organs, are, how they’re functioning.
“It analyzes your blood and it also depicts any damage or illness or disease within the body that is not normal, then it it will come back through voice communication.
“It’ll ask you: ‘Do you want a full reatomzation of your body or do you just want this one area taken care of?’ It’ll give you that option. If you want the entire body Reatomized you lay there, you go into a deep sleep, there’s no injection, no needles or anything.
“The Riatomizer runs over the body and this involves tachyon particles, tachyon energy and also plasma energy. For example, if you want to replicate a banana out of thin air you’re going to have the ability to do that.
“With a computerized database and basically asking the computer to whip you up a banana or water that tastes like bananas, it’s up to you, and you’ll immediately have it. “The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything, and the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different form through vibrational frequency. The idea of the replicator is that whatever you want, you’ll get.
“It reconfigure molecularly structured and identified through the computer in the database of what you really want. The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections “Let’s say if you had a DNA flaw which some of us do. We pick up 10% of what our parents give us, in other words if we’ve got some genetic defects we get 10% of our illnesses, 90% is lifestyle 10% is inherited so it gives people a good idea of how much more important it is to take care of yourself.
“When you’re in this Med Bed you don’t go through any pain, or radiation. It’s not like some evil event. You basically wake up and you look in the mirror and the white hair now it’s the color it was when you were in your 20s. Your creepy skin is gone, your eyesight, your hearing, your taste, your smell, everything as a 20-year-old.
“Let’s say that you had your thyroid irradiated, what the allopathyc industry does, they irradiate your thyroid and your thyroid is useless now and you have to take pills the rest of your life because they killed it.
“What the Reatomization does is it revitalizes and returns that organ back to a healthy young state.
“Let’s say that you had your gallbladder removed and doctors say your liver will take over and everything will be fine. That’s not the case, it causes other problems in the body.
“But when you go through the reatomization process the gallbladder is regenerated. So your gallbladder is regenerated and brought back to life.
It’s pretty much if our immune systems are free to do what they were designed to do, keep us young and vibrantly healthy.
“The problem is that the the allopathic system and the corruption on Earth’s surface doctors telling you that you got to take this pill for this, and this pill for that. And because of those pills or foreign entities being introduced into your body the side effects of bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and death follow.
“When you’re looking at all of those things you start to realize that your immune system is attacking those chemicals because they’re foreign substances. Your immune system, as time goes by, is constantly being affronted and attacked, so it never has time to renew your teeth, skin, hair and eyesight, so your body slowly but surely deteriorates and becomes compromised. Your immune system becomes so compromised that it cannot recover as it is fighting constant abnormalities that you have been told to introduce into your body on a continual basis.
“The fear factor is played in there by saying, well you know Mrs. Johnson you have to take this pill because if you don’t this will happen. You’ll have side effects but they’ll be okay. But because of the side effects of that pill Mrs. Johnson we had to bring you back in, we have to give you another pill because it’s damaged this area here by taking that pill so we have to give you another pill. It continues that way, as you’re a dollar sign in the current system.
“You’re kept alive artificially, actually the life expectancy rate in our country has actually dropped with all of these so-called wonderful pharmaceuticals.
“With the Med Bed your body is healthy and new again, but your mind isn’t because you’ve lived those years and you will be counseled on becoming much more aware of naturopathic, ayurvedic, herbology, crystallology etc., the different applications of how you can keep yourself healthy naturally, so you don’t need the Med Bed again.
“The Med Bed will be available when the forces out there, even hidden, we’re not talking about the big ones because they’re being taken down, we’re talking about the many ones that are in towns and cities and different villages across America that are not good people. They’re miniature versions of DC and so what happens is that they try to stop you and then do bad things. We have to be very covert on the deployment of the Med Beds. We just can’t go out there and start putting them out there like suckers. We have to have manufacturing, crews, high level security, manufacturing facilities with clean line of assembly which means totally medically clean rooms to put the parts together and to get them working.
“We have plans for an infrastructure that we put together over the years to introduce the technology of the Med Bed. The whole idea of that is to get to the serious the ones, that are really bad, if you’re going to die in 2 weeks, people that have severe forms of diabetes for example.
“We’ve got a long list of people but we have to do it securely and safely and so we put together a plan in order to carry that out and to get to as many people as we can, go to certain areas on the planet and then start the treatments for people and to have enough units so that we can do many people at one time.
“Imagine that if it was a publicized situation we will be inundated and overwhelmed and basically be trampled on and probably killed with the feeding frenzy of the human race wanting to be fixed, the dark side of human nature. They want it now and they’ll do anything to get it. It would be nice if everyone was benevolent, loved everyone and all is wonderful.
“There’s a lot of talented people that have so much to offer and obviously we’ll call on the universe and Creator to bring those people forward so that we can get things done. “One word let out the wrong way can cause a lot of attention and you’re dealing with organizations that would prefer not to have this Med Bed technology out there. That’s why it’s been from Humanity.
“My attitude along with others is that the human race should not have to worry about the disease, should be financially set for the rest of their lives, so that those factors are totally removed, and that’s coming now. You won’t be constantly stressed out about health and financial condition.
This is long-term, obviously it’s not going to happen in a couple of months, but just as most people have a refrigerator in their house, I want the Med Bed in everyone’s house.
“There’s no doctors or anything, we don’t need them, no matter how many of the old guards would like to think that the human race is a bunch of useless eaters, don’t mean anything and they’re all garbage, as the human race has a high level of intelligence and consciousness that can make it, constant miracles happening, but that’s our long-term goal.
“There will still be natural type of doctors around that will be able to help people in certain situations, but we’re not going to have a conventional hospital type of structure where you go in and you’re worried about dying. In this country alone the 3rd leading cause of death is hospital stays, some of them for just regular normal procedures. There’s so many stress factors put on the human race that it’s amazing that they’ve survived this far, so getting the Med Bed out to all is our goal, one of the main Humanitarian Projects.”
Political changes…They are choosing truth, they are choosing love, they are choosing generosity, they are choosing equality and fairness. These are the foundational elements of Nova Earth-Universal Mother Mary-
Linda Dillon: Universal Mother Mary ~ Holding the Higher Vision
They [the human collective] are choosing truth, they are choosing love, they are choosing generosity, they are choosing equality and fairness. These are the foundational elements of Nova Earth.
This wonderful channelled gem is lovingly shared by Susan from her personal reading with Linda Dillon.
Universal Mother Mary ~ Holding the Higher Vision
Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare, Universal Mother, Mother of Love, Mother of One, Mother of All, and yes, sweet one, Mother of Change, Mother of Infinite Constancy. Welcome, my sweet daughter, sweet angel of blue, angel of hope, angel of peace, angel of change, yes, part of Mi-ka-el’s Legion of Blue, in service to the Truth, in service to the One, for these are interchangeable. …
Susan: I understand we have a lot more intense challenges to go through in the next while and then a lot of upliftment and light…
UMM: Correct.
S: You know, of course, I want timelines that I know we don’t get… How much easier will next year be… or will it be?
UMM: It will. The first part of your 2021 will continue to see some upheaval, some clean-up – and I do not simply mean in the USA, but on a more global level as well. There are those, many of whom have existed in positions of favour or power, who are, shall we say, resistant to a shift on the planetary level and so that creates some of this back and forthing in the clean-up. But, by springtime, you will literally feel as if you are living in the promise.
S: Oh, that’s wonderful.
UMM: There is much discussion on your planet about these infamous timelines. And understand, as I have said to you earlier, I am not simply waving my hand to create a Nova Earth. Gi’Anna [Gaia] herself is more than capable of taking care of what you can think of as planetary adjustments, and she will do so particularly in concert with her Star brethren. So that is attended to.
But the joy, the excitement of being Nova Gaian on Nova Earth is the construction, the foundation of what is possible, because the awakening to love is done, yes, ever-expanding; that is the nature of love. But we are not going to rob you after you have, as you have pointed out, “endured for so long”. We are not going to deny you the pleasure of the reconstruction, not as struggle, but as joy.
So does the reconstruction take several years? Yes, that is the Plan for this decade. But is the freedom to begin and really be in the reconstruction already underway? The answer is yes. So does 2021 bring relief? That is truly your question and the answer is yes. Does it bring the fulfilment of several dreams and projects that you have kept near to your heart? The answer is yes.
S: Excellent. Are people indeed going to be without healthcare, even worse than they are now, for a period of time in these next few months?
UMM: No.
S: The threat of that is merely a threat and that’s gone?
UMM: Correct. It is not even a threat. It is a lie.
S: Okay, so eliminate worry?
UMM: Eliminate worry. Those who wish to control the narrative, the unfoldment, have created many lies, many untruths, many distractions. Simply look at it and let it go.
S: So are we on a more positive trajectory now, or do we have lots more trudging to do until spring or until things brighten up?
UMM: It is not written, and part of it is the level of recalcitrance that is in the air. Now, for example, you are doing your part by that transmuting through your body. Think of it in this way. The collective energy of what is acceptable will determine how much or how little chaos or upheaval takes place.
When the collective is anticipating massive upheaval, violence, civil war, civil unrest, etc., then, in fact, that is what is creating it. The expectation is feeding the creation. So when you hold the intention of peace, of a kinder, gentler, more compassionate, cohesive world, then that is what you are creating. So the fear factor is, in fact, encouraged by those who wish to maintain the chaos and upheaval. Do you understand what I say?
S: Absolutely, yes! What an important thought.
UMM: So hold the vision of the peace.
S: “Hold the vision of peace,” yes! Everyone needs to know that, don’t they?
UMM: Yes, they do. There is a curious phenomenon in the human psyche that has developed as a reactive behaviour to being abused, to being controlled, and that is the false belief system that if they sit in fear and worry, that somehow it creates a positive outcome – and that is absurd. It is, yes, one thing to be aware and vigilant, but it is another to call in the storm.
S: Got it!
UMM: You have – and yes, share that.
S: What a wonderful reminder, thank you.
UMM: You are welcome. And I say this to you, sweet daughter of my heart, because I know you truly understand what I say.
S: Yes, I needed the reminder.
UMM Reminders are helpful! Just like when you look at a picture… think of it, a family picture when the children are small and you are all filled with love and hope and the dream of the bright future. That is what you are doing. You are holding the vision for the bright future.
S: Excellent. And I really do get that the more people who could do more of that will decrease the fear that is being put out there.
UMM: That is correct. There is nothing to be fearful of in the change to love. So yes, there is much that is being fed into the fear machine, but let us override it.
S: I’m just basking in the light of your wonderful energy.
UMM: Dearest heart, you are loved.
S: Oh, I do know that and I am very fortunate.
UMM: As am I.
S: My situation in the world is so much easier than for so many people and I really do appreciate that, and I’m grateful that we are so close to making things better for more people.
UMM: And that is the vision: that people do not live in hunger and starvation, in bombed-out rubble, in places with no water and no hope.
S: Absolutely. No peace and no comfort… I’m grateful that it will be possible for a lot of that to be changed very soon.
UMM: And you are changing it, let me be clear with that. So, for example, if a neighbour came to your door and said, “Can I borrow a cup of flour or a pinch of salt?” you would give it to them. Your collective neighbours are saying to you, “Can you give me a pinch of hope? Can you give me a cup of comfort?” And make no mistake about it, sweet daughter – you are! So you are sharing it.
You have had the discussions with my beloved Mi-ka-el about how you beam, how you transmit, and that is what you are doing. You say, “Well yes, I see the turbulence in my country and in the politics and societies and chaos. So to those in your country or those in Yemen, you say, “Well, let me give you a cup of comfort, let me give you a pinch of hope,” and you send it to them.
And they don’t know the how or the why, and they do not need to. But all of a sudden, they wake up the next day and the world seems more hopeful, a little bit brighter. And that is what you are all doing and that is what makes the difference. That is the sharing of the love and the real creation of Nova Earth.
S: Excellent. I guess there are many more people doing that now.
UMM: Yes, there are. The feelings that many have had of hopelessness is significantly shifted, and that has actually been one of the gifts of my Pause: that in travelling within to see what is worthy, what is valuable, what needs to be maintained, many have realised that their situation and what they have to offer, and what they value, is in fact this type of love. And then that is how they wish the world, the planet, the galaxy, the universe to be.
So with that reawakening literally changes, shifts, into a new reality. So many more, each in their own way, are doing this energy of holding and shifting the perspective not only of what is possible but of what is. …
S: Excellent. So the political changes that so many people are putting energy toward really are creating a positive?
UMM: Correct. They are choosing truth, they are choosing love, they are choosing generosity, they are choosing equality and fairness. These are the foundational elements of Nova Earth.
S: And so we’re creating that, putting that in place?
UMM: Correct. You are claiming it and you are also, at the same time, saying… not with giving it too much attention… but you are saying there is no room for anything else. …
S: And your Plan is my plan.
UMM: Yes, it is, dearest heart. The privilege of leadership, the honour of leadership, is a sacred trust. The leadership of Nova Earth is like a shepherd gathering unto themselves those who are lost or forgotten, not forgetting about the rest of the flock but attending to everybody.
It is a trust that is placed not only in an individual but in a group that they will come together to create a cohesive community. Note what I say: not government, not institution, not society. That they create community and the unity of heart, the unity of purpose. That is the future of my Gaia.
S: Excellent.
UMM: So yes, beloved, hold the vision, share the vision. When the fear or trepidation rises up, give it to me. I am capable of taking care of it and so is my beloved Mi-ka-el, as you well know!
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.
This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted. [Full terms of copyright at]
Millions of people worldwide are waking up to the fact they were lied to during President Trump’s entire Presidency.
a former Democrat apologizes to President Trump for believing the MSM lies about him.
Millions of people worldwide are waking up to the fact they were lied to during President Trump’s entire Presidency. We ‘conspiracy theorists’ (a term coined by Bush Senior’s CIA to deflect people away from their satanic crimes) have been ridiculed for years. We remained calm. We knew this day would come.
World Patriots, remember it is not your job to ‘red pill’ everyone you meet. They will come to the truth in their own way and in their own time – just as you did all those months/years ago.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)
9 Types of Lightworkers: Which Ones Do You Resonate With?
Note:while i feel myself navigating between all the different types explained here,the one that i resonate mostly currently is the one of the wayshower.I believe that all the other categories are to be experienced by each and everyONE at some point -Nikos
Source: Fractal Enlightenment |
Gridworkers Gridworkers work on the grids and gateways of the earth. If you’re familiar with the earth’s ley lines then you’ll be familiar with the belief that the earth has chakras and is a living, breathing organism. Gridworkers tap into the crystalline grid, which can be likened to the earth’s nervous system, and is believed to be one of the ways the earth was seeded. The crystalline grid is a creation theory of the history of the earth, and whether you believe it or not, there are many lightworkers who use their abilities to sense where dark energies exist on a spatial plane. Gridworkers could also be seen as spatial empaths; people who sense a karmic imprint when they enter a certain building, town, stretch of coast etc and are able to use that sense to transmute those dense energies with their compassion and loving presence. For those who believe in archangels you may be familiar with Archangel Michael’s violet flame; a visualization technique that can be adopted by those who know themselves to be a lightworker sensitive to spaces. When you recognise you’re in a place that holds those dense energies, rather than become overwhelmed by them, send a loving violet flame into that area in order to cleanse it. Frequency Workers A more general lightworker’s path is to be someone who aims to keep their frequencies high and transmute denser energies as they encounter them. This is easier said than done, especially when it appears that the whole ‘matrix’ or third dimensional reality – one which has a dualistic framework and thrives on the law of polarity – is dense and will constantly lower your frequencies as you practice not being affected by it. The experience is similar to surviving in a mad house where you know you’re sane but nobody believes you. Instead, try keeping your abilities and knowledge to yourself and nurture and cleanse yourself constantly. Being a frequency worker is tough because you are sensitive to news stories, people, places, agreements, beliefs… you may feel like you don’t want to leave the house. Instead, try to not take anything personally and integrate a solid attitude of self care into your existence. It’s good to have a few trusted friends or a site (like this one!) or youtube channel where you can increase your frequencies and know you are safe and understood. You are embodying the light and that is an amazing service. Hats off to you. |
Transmuting Darkness/ A Timeline Worker If you are a particularly powerful empath and lightworker then you will be aware of timelines and the bleeding together and compression of time and action. That is, once you become aware of your ability to change a timeline (like stepping on to a parallel reality – one you’d prefer to be on obviously); you become aware of how this decision and action changes everyone else’s reality too. A timeline worker is able to take responsibility for an ancestral timeline for example, and absolve their family karma if their ancestors have racked up a lot of karma. A timeline worker embodies the knowledge that we are One, and takes the helm of this transmutation, lighting the way for others to follow. What you will find is the more you progress, the increasing number of darker entities will be attracted to you. They desire your compassion and actually need help. This is why, during meditation or throughout our day, those with strong empathic qualities will find thoughts that are sometimes alarming and extremely dark floating into their heads. They really don’t belong to us, and that is why meditation is fantastic because it offers us the tools for dissolving them with loving compassion. Third Eye/Future Seers Also known as clairvoyants. Seeing into the future is also a side effect of becoming aware of timelines. Third eye seers may get confused as to what everyone else’s reality is and may feel isolated from and misunderstood by others, but they will also be excellent at personal and even instant manifestation. The trouble, they may find, is that knowing the outcome can detract them from the process they desire and be surprised by the universe and therefore can trip themselves up before they’ve even begun. Bringing reality up to the same level of your expert third eye will be the challenge, as well as remembering to lovingly help others and not just use your abilities for personal gain. Blueprint Workers Holding the divine blueprint for the awakened earth and the whole of humanity may seem like a stretch of the imagination at first, and, much like the frequency and third eye lightworkers, you may be seen as weird or on drugs if you feel the need to share your visions with friends and family, but please keep the faith. Holding the blueprint for the new earth, or a heavenly version of human’s existence here on this planet is possible. So what does it look like? This is up to you to imagine and manifest through your own speech and actions. |
Astral Travellers
Arriving at this vision may require you to better pay attention to your dreams or out of body experiences, if you are able to have and be aware of them.
In becoming a lucid dreamer you can voluntarily enter the Akashic records and access this ripple of potential or well of experience; asking questions and discovering what this alternative and harmonious ways of living could look like.
Rather than acting on these visions, you may be a lightworker good at carrying messages. Though popular entertainment may have its pitfalls, it has been the most prevalent medium for messages to filter through into the mainstream consciousness for years, something which has escalated in the 20th and 21st centuries.
The mainstream population don’t just get their knowledge from popular culture for no reason; think The Matrix, E.T, Donnie Darko, The Davinci Code, Cloud Atlas, not to mention the lyrics of legendary singers such as Bob Marley. These ‘messages’ carry an imprint with them and are often channelled in moments of heightened creativity where the conduit moves up into 4th or 5th dimensional frameworks and is able to channel the themes into a creative piece of art. Forget muses, a messenger lightworker is able to communicate these higher patterns to the masses in the form of undercover service, heightening vibrations and the collective unconscious.
Active Blueprint Weavers
Having accessed the Akashic records during a dream exploration, or perhaps moving up through the dimensions whilst raising their frequencies, an active lightworker will carry back an idea; usually an invention (think Nikola Telsa) or idea that can enhance our lives and manifest the global awakening by putting it into action.
These kind of lightworkers are what the world needs more than ever and will replace political figures, bankers and business men who have been serving themselves for thousands of years. Indigo, rainbow and crystal children especially have been springing up in this capacity; bringing fantastic inventions that could rock the world and completely reduce pollution and the abuse of resources.
These active blueprint weavers must start by removing their own carbon footprints and living in harmonious co-creation with others and start from there.
The Wayshowers are those who have done it; they’re the ascended first wave who are teaching others how to ascend and join them in the 5th dimension.
The 5th dimension is not a place, rather the same reality but where an individual is vibrating at a different frequency and are embodying the enlightened human. Their outer reality reflects their inner one and they are not suffering, rather are living their truth and are prosperous having mastered (and gone beyond) the 3rd dimensional material reality. This is often misunderstood in that we see Wayshowers as being monastic and owning nothing. That they’ve dedicated their lives to the truth.
Rather than being without, they have simply transcended the fear of lack. This means that they don’t need to plan for the future but trust that their higher selves will direct them and the universe has provided them with everything they need; life flowers for them in the moment and they have no need to survive but simply be.
So there it is the 9 types of lightworkers. You may find you have all or some of these attributes, but you most likely have at least one. There is a wealth of knowledge out there for each specific lightworker path, and last but certainly not least, the fountain of your own inner knowing.
the way you have all been handling yourselves lately has brought you closer to that time where you will have full, open extra-terrestrial contact for all.
Full E.T. Contact, A Mass Sighting of UFOs & Unity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been looking into the possibilities that are in front of humankind at this time, and we must say that we are very pleased with the timelines that you have been putting together. We know that so many of you continue to desire extra-terrestrial contact, and we want you to know that the way you have all been handling yourselves lately has brought you closer to that time where you will have full, open extra-terrestrial contact for all.
There are many of you who’ve had your own encounters, your own experiences, and you’ve done a wonderful job of acclimating to the energies of the e.t.s that you’ve encountered that there are new plans for sightings of spaceships in your skies. You are going to have more experiences where humans come together to observe the so-called UFOs in the sky and marvel at their beauty and their movements. It is true that proof of extra-terrestrial life will unify the human collective, because you will all start to see each other as one race, and that is so important for humanity.
It is so important that you set aside your differences and realize that you all have the same feelings, the same emotions. Your ability to emote connects you in a very real way to one another, energetically. And so, even if you disagree on the level of the mind, if you were to have an actual conversation about your emotions, you would realize that you are all the same, and yet wonderfully diverse and different at the same time. Now, we have talked about a timetable for full, open extra-terrestrial contact before, and we want you to know that you have brought yourselves closer to that experience.
You have brought yourselves closer to a mass landing of ships around the world, and it is because so many of you are asking for a unifying human event to bring you all together, to set aside those mental differences so that you can embrace each other as members of one human race, one human collective, one beautiful group of beings who are having a human experience at the same time on the same planet. You will start to see it that way on a much larger scale when you have these sightings, and you come together to observe your friends from across the galaxy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
What Do I Want?
If somebody asked me: what is that you want at this stage of your life?
Answer:A loving and forgiving planet where each and everyONE is aware of our Divinity/God within,of our existence as Ascending Souls living in Ascending Bodies as Source Energy Beings creating our Realites every moment.
I have felt many times during the course of my life countless times how it is to live without caring about making a living,to me my passion has always been my work that gave me food on the table.I have never done it,the other side around,i always loved and love what i do and always do what makes my heart sing,even if at some point in my life,i got left with nothing,really really nothing.To me the biggest achievement in life,is to be able to TRUST my guts and my voice within,my instinct guiding to the next thing that gives excitement,to be passionate about being passionate without giving too much attention of what is happening within the physical world and no matter what anyone else might think or say about my choices.To focus on creating the new in alignement with my Higher Self that is the only authentic form of JOY emanating from within.
We all have the choice to feel what brings us joy at all times.And knowing what i know so far,i will express what is that i want,wishing you the same in your life,if you agree!and if you don’t just skip the ones that you don’t and move on and add yours for you as you are the creator of your life:)And then take action!And watch what comes forward especially at these times where a lot manifests much faster!As Abrahah Hicks says:Speak only of what you want,observe less and Imagines more!
Next to every thing i want is also the related action i took in order to fulfill my goal going locally to globally.
I Want :
All Children to Be Safe And Sound all Around the Planet.Since 2013,we took action and in 2018 we created a non profit association in Senegal called Feel More Than Fine Africa to assist children locally.Funding is on its way through GESARA.
Celestial Chambers/Medbeds for each and everyONE on the planet to heal,rejuvenate from 80 to 25 if one wishes so and recreate their lives.Action is taken through Jared Rand and funding is on its way through GESARA/NESARA.
Free Energy.We took action and we have technology and inventor in Greece that created this for already few years called Electra.I know more is coming on with the 5G towers becoming Free Energy distributors.Funding is on its way too awaiting for compliance from E.U through GESARA.
Basic Universal Income for each and everyone on the planet.Action is taken all over the countries(NESARA/GESARA) and right now we are signing for reaching 1 million signatures.
Each and everyone can vote here :
Eco-sustainable home(s) in nature that is peaceful 24/7 where i have all my privacy in community(-ies) where i like my neighbours (I love all of my current neihbours and i love you all does not mean i like to be around them or you or that you like being around me either :))))).From here create communities to offer assistance to all homeless and all those that agree living this new way of lifestyle.And these communities leading to The Venus Project ( and then moving forward to The Light Cities.So the main goal right now is to get funding to create this type of communities.The communities already exist,funding will be pushing forward with new technologies and higher quality homes.
Abundance of Organic Foods for everybody on the planet:I see people sharing abundance of organic fruits and vegetables created with ease,grace and flow using a combination of nature and technology that respects Mother Earth.(
Awesome Mobility:Electric Vehicles and Hover Cars that respect Mother Earth for each and everyONE along other transporting means that respect Mother Earth.
Clean Oceans,Clean Water,Clean Land,Reforestation of the Planet and Respect for All Animal Life.
To be a Solution Finder at all times for all that i feel is needed on the planet.
To be in Service for the Highest Good for All which begins by the way i feel in every now,choosing for what gives me joy in this now as to choose for this,allows more of what I want to come forward.
This is the direction that Feel More Than Fine has already taken since already 5 years with the goal ”to assist each and everyONE on their Ascension path so it is firmly grounded on planet Earth”-ASHTAR-
Choosing for what gives me Joy is to be in service for the fulfillement of Divine Mother’s Plan.:Affirmation :
IAM a being of Violet Fire,IAM the purity of God’s desire,IAM a being of Violet Fire,IAM the Fulfillment of Mother’s Desire.
Thank You,Thank You,Thank You God for I know i have already received what i am asking for,since it would not be possible to imagine it,if it wasn’t so.
And so it is for you too if you read this far.
Much Love
Nesara Gesara – Banksters – 13yr Old Victoria Grant From Canada Is Bang On The Corrupt Money!
Is The Venus Project The Next Stage In Human Evolution?
A seismic shift is under way. Against the backdrop of rising temperatures, collapsing ecosystems, and the threat of species extinction, technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are now moving to transform the global order. Indeed, for the first time in our history, we have the tools and technologies to guide and shape our evolution. But what will this future look like?
I recently spoke with Roxanne Meadows and Nathanael Dinwiddie of The Venus Project to better understand their thoughts on the future. As they explain, the status quo is no longer working. Climate change, social inequality, and technological innovation are now disrupting a market-driven society. The key to resolving these global challenges, they suggest, is rooted in a Resource Based Economy.
The term “Resource Based Economy” was first coined by Jacque Fresco, the founder of The Venus Project. Fresco believed that a Resource Based Economy could support the scientific integration of automating technologies (AI and robotics) and engineering systems in providing the highest possible living standards. Meadows and Dinwiddie suggest that this kind of economy is the next stage in human evolution. But what do they mean?
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1. What is The Venus Project?
Meadows and Dinwiddie: The Venus Project is a non-profit organization that presents a new socio-economic model utilizing science and technology. For the past 40 years, we have maintained a 21-acre research center in Venus, Florida. We propose a new scientific foundation in transcending humanity’s current problems by testing a new social design for organizing our society as a global “operating system”.
Taken as a whole, the Venus Project fills the egregious gap between the sciences and the humanities by combining a social philosophy of the future with technical knowledge applied at a global scale to solve the problems of the human condition. Our methodologies are designed to realize the full potential of science and technology to achieve social betterment for all living systems— without exception. Our approach to social organization calls for changes in governance, economics, urban planning, education, human relationships, language, and values.
2. We appear to be in the early stages of a massive economic depression. What is your sense of what is happening politically and economically right now?
Meadows and Dinwiddie: We are witnessing an unprecedented political polarization and economic disruption around the world today. The status quo is no longer working. Many people are now beginning to understand how dysfunctional the management of nations, peoples, and resources has been. Human needs and the needs of our environment are far too complex to be managed by political means, arbitrary economic direction, or an elite without the relevant understanding of science and technology.
Compounding this problem, nature operates as a closed-loop system, but we do not. We extract resources without replenishing them, accumulate waste materials without recycling them, and we pollute our air, water, and food crops for the need to maintain competitive profit margins. There are many other factors converging at once besides the pandemic, all of which contribute to the system’s unrest.
3. Younger generations seem disaffected with Capitalism. Could you describe your vision of a post-scarcity society?
Meadows and Dinwiddie: The Venus Project recognizes that if we utilize a global systems approach as a basis for organizing and managing resources, we can design a much more humane environment for all. Our goal is to advance the health and the protection of the ecosystem, as opposed to the accumulation of wealth, property, and power. We do not have enough money to fulfill the needs of the world’s people, but we do have enough resources, if wisely managed. Ultimately, it is not money that people need, but unencumbered access to the necessities of life and self actualization.
Accomplishing this is a technical and engineering challenge requiring massive coordination by transdisciplinary teams of engineers and scientists in managing the Earth’s resources within its carrying capacity. This kind of scientific endeavor would eliminate the vicious rivalries over scarce resources and, in turn, generate very different behavior amongst people.
Briefly, this is what Jacque Fresco, founder of The Venus Project, termed a “Resource Based Economy”. This is a necessary step for humanity’s evolution. It could be thought of as a new science, a science of Earth Management where, by necessity, all of Earth’s resources become the common heritage of all the world’s people.
4. How does the Venus Project differ from Socialism or Communism?
Meadows and Dinwiddie: Rather than worker revolts and the forcible overthrow of the system (Communism), or the redistribution of capital (Socialism), The Venus Project approaches social change as a process of guided evolution. In our view, the challenges before us are a matter of engineering and design. The Venus Project calls for an experimental analysis of a new social system. This system is unlike any communist revolution, utopian commune, or coup d’état tried in the past.
In our view, the fundamental issue limiting social management in the past has been the lack of an effective data-driven methodology for evaluating and improving the system’s functioning. Full-scale blanket application of social policies to vast geographic areas— be it through revolution or legislation— without a means for evaluating their effectiveness, follows from an approach heavy in ideology but short in scientific method. The Venus Project calls for iterative prototyping of cities that we take as the unit of analysis in validating or falsifying hypotheses. All of this begins with testing a prototype, not a revolution.
Although Karl Marx did envision a society wherein money, private property, and social hierarchy were abolished, he could not begin to imagine how to implement this system at a technical level. In contrast to Communism, The Venus Project calls for the total redesign of cities (transportation, distribution, manufacturing, recycling, infrastructure) to produce abundance of goods and services. This is achieved through automation and optimized infrastructural efficiency.
5. What role does technology and automation play in The Venus Project?
Meadows and Dinwiddie: For the first time in history, we have the tools and technology to guide and shape our evolution. To accomplish this, The Venus Project advocates the humane and intelligent use of technology and the methods of science directed toward the well-being of all people and the environment which sustains all life.
In our view, technology and automation should be strictly used for social betterment and to eliminate repetitive, dangerous and monotonous work. If automation displaces a job, for example, that means all people would gain more access to the products those machines produce. The necessities of life are distributed without a fee with the aim of expanding to all goods and services. Consequently, there is no threat resulting from technological labor displacement. On the contrary, technology and automation have the potential for enhancing the world’s standard of living, enabling people to learn, spend time with their families, travel, and confront the new frontier of challenges in improving the resilience of the system as a whole.
6. How do you envision utilizing AI in decision-making?
Meadows and Dinwiddie: Applying the methods of science and technology (including AI) to the operation of the world’s societies will lead to a substantially more reliable functioning of support systems than we have today. Homelessness, starvation, war, and environmental degradation are consequences of today’s political and economic approaches to decision-making. A Resource Based Economy operates within a unified systems approach that utilizes the methods of science and AI to arrive at the most appropriate decisions at any given time. Unlike today’s implementation of technology, this new approach would be carefully carried out with the utmost human and environmental concern. The real-time influx of quantitative and qualitative data would provide real-time feedback, enabling humanity to constantly observe and continually improve the operation of the system over time.
7. What are the future goals of The Venus Project?
Meadows and Dinwiddie: At present, we are focused on formalizing and systematizing the body of work of The Venus Project’s founder, Jacque Fresco. In an age that is sorely lacking an approach updated to current knowledge and capability, we enter uncharted territory with the methods of science to help us through. This is the crucial job that no one has attempted, until now.
In the short term, we are focused on a systems approach to organize a holistic understanding of the natural world and human culture. This involves understanding economics and human social systems in the broader contexts of Earth processes and ecosystems, and communicating this understanding through books, videos, the internet, podcasts, transmedia storytelling, and course curricula.
In the mid-term, we aim to fulfill the desperate need for the strategic coordination of consilience by synthesizing the knowledge of academia and the know-how of industry. This network of intelligence will produce a transdisciplinary research agenda, research program, and global theory of change. Constructing a new planning center will function as a living lab and think tank devoted to designing the first prototype city.
In the long term, The Venus Project hopes to see the construction of new prototype cities for the purpose of testing the hypothesis of a holistic, technical design-solution for a social system. Iterations of these prototypes will form a worldwide network of cities. The study of these cities will function as the basis for a science of Earth management, the models of which guide the intelligent allocation of resources for the purpose of optimizing civilization to adapt and evolve in relationship with an Earth ecology.
There is a lot to consider and we welcome participation in the development of such a system. Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website. Daniel Araya
Affirmation :
i am the hands of god i have come to set right the vibratory action of all energy and substance in my world and in all of the world i am the sacred hands of god moving through this earth i am instantly re-establishing divinity wherever the light of god is applied i invite invoke focus concentrate manifest and sustain the light of god on earth with every breath i take i am a director of god’s light i am humble before its magnificent presence i am grateful to unleash god’s power on earth i am the light of god flowing through my heart flame loving all life free and so it is beloved i am that i am.
Your isolation is over.
Rejoining the World
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for LifeTapestry
Summary of Brenda’s October 1, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The 2nd and 3rd waves are ready to initiate the earth’s rebuild. Even though you’re subconsciously passing the baton to them, you worry that they’re not ready. The 2nd and 3rd waves are as prepared as you were for your earth role. It’s time to discover yourself and negate your fears that earth is so chaotic no one can shift it. Take deep breathes – a simple way to shift from fear.
“Giving Away Your Power” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for LifeTapestry
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You wish to have contact with others feeling as if your isolation will last forever. So it is you are beginning to doubt your inner wisdom because you are lonely.
You have likely felt lonely for some time, so this sensation is nothing out of your new ordinary.
You want your life to return as it was before COVID and the current earth chaos.
Such is not to be. Not because it is not possible in the blink of an eye, but because all – including those of 3D – are testing the waters. Determining who they are or what they wish to represent.
So it is all are pulling their ‘harnesses in different directions’ as was sometimes an exhausting truth when farming with horses. It is as if the world is filled with two-year-olds demanding the right to declare their direction, thoughts, and needs as a world priority. Such is not possible for each individual demand negates the other.
In the next few days, individuals will begin finding like-minded beings. You might respond that you already have or are doing something similar. But on closer inspection of that belief, you will find your needs to be unique.
You question that last statement. But have you not been primed for months to be a unique individual with unique thoughts and needs?
And so you were. At the same time, we prophesized you would connect with others when the time was right. That time is now.
Perhaps someone you had a passing interaction with will initiate a conversation that displays facets of their being you were unaware of. And by so doing, you find a like-minded individual you did not know was already part of your life. Of course, the opposite might also happen. But now, it is more about coming together than splitting into individual arenas.
These new interest pods may last for days, weeks, or years – it does not matter. All that matters is that the combination of interests and skills creates a new whole.
So it is you will expand your interests and skills, not by separation, but by joining together. Again, we must advise you that such interactions may or may not be permanent for all are changing so rapidly that what was intriguing yesterday may not matter tomorrow.
You are now butterflies flitting from flower of interest to flower of interest, instead of a caterpillar moving close to the ground. You are no longer in your cocoon of isolation.
Of course, you wonder how such is so given that COVID-19 remains of the earth. When COVID arrived, you might have been frightened or forced into actions because of others’ concerns. Now that COVID has become part of your life, those initial restrictions are more about who you are instead of dictates from others. You are beginning to feel, if you have not already, the need to protect others, as well as yourself. You are moving out of your terrible two needs to do what you want to do in conjunction with others.
So it is you are beginning to think more globally than was true in isolation. Does that last statement mean you must or must not wear a mask? That is your choice. All we are saying is that your choices are now becoming more global. That you have passed through your terrible twos and are about to rejoin society, perhaps physically, but more importantly, within your scope of acceptance and understanding.
You are no longer in self-isolation. So it is you will find other like-minded individuals. You have come out of your cocoon, and you are more than ready to flit from flower to flower. Or more appropriately for this phase of your life, to explore new interactions, to create that which is new for both you and those who wish to participate.
You are no longer alone – whether the connections are physical or via some means of electronic communications. Your isolation is over. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:
A few thoughts on our ”Mission as Awakened Beings”.
A few thoughts on our ”Mission as Awakened Beings”.
There is often this heavy feeling related to of having to do something described as mission that i notice in many Light workers blogs.I feel the joy of doing my sacred work in global meditations, when i allow 100% of the the Divine flow to go through me to create a positive outcome individually and collectively. Now,as you have already noticed i am a big fun of Abraham Hicks and i love it when she says :”we are here for the purpose of joy”.Why is it that i have a much better feeling saying i am here for the purpose of joy than saying i am on a mission?Why is it that i have a lighter heart,a playfulness in me being expressed and makes my being instantly going to higher vibrations without feeling the burden of h a v i n g to do something?I do not know if you can relate to this.To me there is a constant search of doing all things that give me joy including participating in mass meditations that are very powerful and keep my vibration high and then again there are other practices that equally serve me being in joy all along my days and nights,which in my terms is the mission.The mission is to be in joy and that’s how i create reality.Not because i have to be in a mission,not because there is a mission i have agreed upon before incarnating in this body but because everything i choose to do is for the purpose of joy.There is a need for me to put the accent on the fact that nothing needs to be taken as serious,even when many hard truths are witnessed, joy is the mission to me of being here in this Ascending body.
Jenny Schiltz ~ Breaking the Hypnotic Spell of Sleep
October 4, 2020,
We’ve been hearing for a while that October promises to be a jam-packed month not only energetically, but out on the world stage. We can already feel the truth of this and the month has only begun!
I was journeying the other day and found myself in a very large meeting of spirit guides, guardians, and higher aspects. Everyone was being coached on what to expect with this upcoming phase and how to support their incarnate.
Pay attention to any nudging’s you feel, creative ideas, or thoughts that come in. Your spirit team is working to help you receive all you can from this incoming energy. It is a great time to focus on how You receive communication from the spirit realm and begin to trust and act on it.
It was explained that the influxes of light on the Earth plane right now are different than they’ve been before. What was shown was an energy coming to the Earth that is very slight…gentle even in its approach, but the effects are huge.
This will awaken and enliven all beings as it helps to break the spell of sleep. It will crack open the heart space revealing what needs to be healed while simultaneously introducing us to all that we are. This energy is a wake-up call, a shake that is designed to shift all of us from whatever level of sleep we still find ourselves, regardless of perceived consciousness.
Those connected with the Earth will feel this shift more deeply than those who are not. It is beneficial for us to make a concerted effort to spend time outside and remove ourselves from electronics as much as possible over the next few months.
The subtle energy coming in can absolutely be disrupted and/or masked by our technology. I was shown a vicious loop. Some will receive the frequency and begin to awaken only to then become wrapped up again in the hypnotic sleep program.
Awareness of the hypnosis and a declaration of empowerment such as ~ “I do not consent to hypnosis technology or any artificially induced states.” will absolutely assist. It is about us taking charge of what we do and do not allow into our subtle bodies.
I asked one of my team for further clarification and was told:
“Those that are able to utilize this frequency, this gift, will find that they are quite held by the energies. They may begin to perceive greater consciousness in everything around them: the animals, plants, people, and yes even what is called inanimate objects. This is a heart-opening frequency that will assist one in honing their discernment and finding the path to truth, to Source. In the ever-increasing noise of your reality, this is more important than ever.
This may look like the unveiling of what was hidden. One may be able to see deeper into their patterns, their beliefs, the deep inner knowing and knowledge accumulated through countless lifetimes. This energy is not the same one that is received as the Schumann Resonance rises. While it may look the same it is of a different octave, a different frequency. This is one that has not been experienced within your current lifetime.”
The most important thing that they shared was how this energy will begin to break down the barriers of reality and expose what has been hidden. This can be larger things in our reality but what is most important is that it helps to expose our limiting patterns, beliefs and programming.
Looking at where we have attached ourselves to an identity is crucial. Where have we put ourselves or others in a box based on our own belief systems? The attachment to a particular belief or understanding can lead us to have expectations of self or others and this leaves us open to great disappointment as our assumptions are not met.
Each belief we hold is a distinct frequency that we are wrapping ourselves in, like a cloak. It is time to pay attention to what we are wearing.
It is time that we question everything. It is our job to step in to Divine neutral observation of self. In this space the ego is not able to be triggered. We can observe our thoughts, reactions, idiosyncrasies, and even question where a belief originated without getting stuck in emotions that may cause us to double down on a belief system.
It is through Divine neutral observation of self that we can find our truth. When we observe ourselves without neutrality we may get lost in emotions such as shame, anger, or blame that can cause us to shut down our exploration of our layered existence.
This energy that is coming into our world will help us with uncovering and discovering our true self if we allow it to do its work. We can assist ourselves by staying present, lessening the distractions and dropping into neutral observation of self.
Physically we may find ourselves feeling wired/tired. As we open up and purge what is no longer needed from our belief systems, we may experience intense emotions and a detox on every level. For those that hear distinct tones, you may have noticed a different quality to the tones lately. I am finding that they alternate ears and sometimes cause a brief earache.
Many will feel energetically overloaded with all that is taking place. I am noticing that my grandbabies are not sleeping and are appearing overstimulated when they are not. Grass time has become essential. Pay attention to how you feel when engaging with technology. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, visualize a warm gold wave coming over/into your form and clearing out any distortions in your field and then flowing into the Earth for purification.
This morning, I was working on this blog and felt a call to hop onto Instagram. The very first post I see made me hoot for joy! The dogs were quite alarmed at my excitement. It was the confirmation I was asking for.
Duncan Alexander ( posted a picture of the Schumann Resonance. He highlighted and enlarged the graphs from October 2nd and 3rd and flipped it vertically. When he did he saw how it resembled written light language. I have shared this image with his full permission.
We are absolutely being communicated with, assisted and guided on our Ascension Journey. It is such an amazing time. One that we have prepared lifetimes for.
I hope that this blog finds you well and in full awe of the changes taking place. Thank you so much to all who share and support this blog. Social media is blocking information like this more and more. I appreciate all of you. Sending you all lots of love.
Jenny Schiltz
The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine.
October 4, 2020,
The Gabriel Message Card for this Week ~ The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine.
This is an example of Angelic humor. When Archangel Gabriel suggested that the “release of fear is a small price to pay,” he was pointing out my old propensity for holding on to what is uncomfortable but familiar. It also is a gentle chiding to help me notice what might be my experience if I were ready to trust enough to release the fear and open up to new possibilities for my life.
For some reason, our culture seems to think that the responsible thing for us to do is to focus on our fears, as if worrying about the future is the preparation we need to make good things happen. We know from the study of magnetism that this attitude is exactly opposite from what is the truth in our lives.
Our spiritual journey is a path of surrendering our thoughts of fear and allowing them to be replaced by the infinitely creative intelligence of the Universe. When we are engrossed in thoughts that are fear-based, it overshadows the possibilities that also exist at the same time.
We live in a field of Pure Potential. There is so much opportunity waiting for us to claim and acknowledge, but we cannot see clearly until we are willing to open the door to the possibilities for Creative Solutions. It becomes simply our focus of attention.
Full merging with the Divine means I align myself with the spaciousness of Infinite Intelligence where miracles occur. To do this, I need to create a dedicated space where I can go to pray and have a quiet time to focus on the spiritual truths that exist beyond appearances. It does not have to be elaborate, but it does require my commitment to take the time to raise my vibrational frequencies so I can begin to see from a heightened perspective.
This meditation time soothes my nervous system; my calm deep breathing centers me, and the Infinite Wisdom within my heart begins to feed me with new ideas and Creative Solutions. I am demonstrating a new willingness to ask for what I truly want to experience and invite the support of those beings of Light who are always with me. This is called prayer. Prayer can help us acknowledge and accept our experience, while creating a focus on new possibilities and miraculous outcomes. Here is my prayer for today:
Divine Presence,
Please release me from this fear that clouds the truth of my being. I am willing to open my mind and trust that I am always divinely inspired and guided in every moment. I am grateful to know that when I open my heart to love, I allow new life to spring from within me, creating new beginnings on every level.
I dedicate to you my talents and abilities that they be used as service for the highest good. I am open to full merging with my most illumined and exalted inner being.
I turn my concerns over to the Angels of Divine Light and trust in this process to bring me the clarity I need to see Creative Solutions in every area of my life. I open the way to receive miracles in my way of thinking, behaving and belief system.
Please help me to remember that I am not alone, that I can dwell in Well-Being, and to allow myself to feel surrounded by Wings of Pure Love always. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel
Dear One,
Having come to a time of decision, you want to make the right one. You know that what you decide will carry on and you are concerned and even fearful of the “what ifs.” The only way you can truly make decisions that will best serve you now and in your future is to come to a place of peace and calm within. And this means being in harmony with your Higher Self.
It is from this place that you will make decisions that are for the highest good of all concerned. When you bring fear into your decision-making process, it limits you by preventing the full expansiveness of the Divine Mind from working within your conscious mind. It is this merging with God which enables you to feel free, whole and open enough to receive that which is right and true for your life at this time.
No matter how difficult it seems, it is very important that you learn to release the fear that constricts your thinking and actions. Where your attention goes, energy flows. When you focus on the fears, problems and the “what ifs” of your future life, this focused energy magnifies your fearful state. It becomes ever more powerful and can even take over your world — if you allow it to do so. Instead, put your energy into the creation of that wondrous state of being that will best serve you.
The first step in doing this is to breathe deeply and know in your heart that you are being divinely guided at this moment and at every moment in your life. Prayer is also helpful in adjusting your attitude and opening yourself to truth. You can say, “I surrender this fear to God, and I allow the Divine Mind to work in all my decisions.”
Even if you still have the feeling of fear in the pit of your stomach, the simple act of praying for release will start you on the path to right action and thoughts that will open you to your highest good. Yet often it takes a short while for the physical body to catch up with the mental processes, so it is important to give yourself sufficient time to come to a point of relaxation and expansion before actually making your decisions.
Take several relaxing, balanced breaths. As you sit in this peaceful moment, allow your exhaled breath to drop heavily like a stone, down below your feet, into the depths of the earth. This will take the frantic energy from your mind and give you greater clarity.
Place your hand on your heart. As you inhale, see yourself expanding with the pure light of God. See it clearing your mind and calming your heart as you connect with your Divine Presence. Now replace the fearful thoughts that so pervade your worldly consciousness with images of what you really want in your personal and professional life — images of radiant health, harmony in relationships, abundant cash flow, peace within your heart and on Earth. Allow these images of your greater good to permeate your being. Then give thanks for receiving them into your life.
Because you have been trained to be fearful and to worry, even though it is not productive, it takes practice to release the fear and to merge with your true Divine nature. The Angels are here to help you do this, enfolding you in wings of pure light and guiding your way to peaceful living.
So ask and you will receive. Allow yourself to be open to the Divine Goodness within all things, and be receptive to all the beauty and truth within and around you, so that this good can begin to manifest and work throughout your world. If the bounty of the universe is what you want in your life, all you have to do is to let go of the fear that limits you, and allow the grace of God to work for you. After all:
The release of fear is a small price to pay for the ecstasy of full merging with the Divine.
Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
Arcturian Group Message 10/4/20
OCTOBER 4, 2020
Welcome, dear readers.
A sense of losing hope has come to some of you even as you resist it. Know that it is ok to feel the emotions that arise in these powerfully energetic times as so much negativity is being amplified in the outer. Don’t resist them or judge yourself when they appear, but rather simply recognize them for what they (impersonal) are and let them go. They can serve as perfect tools for practicing what you know.
Much of what you are now witnessing in the outer scene is a three dimensional response to false fear information being promoted through multiple media forms by those who stand to benefit from maintaining ignorance and fear in the majority.
Many old and no longer relevant programs are breaking down in order to begin shifting into higher form but to human thinking it seems as if everything is regressing and getting worse. Those who do not understand what is taking place then react from their level of consciousness, which is often based in duality and separation.
Spiritual evolution is unstoppable. The three dimensional belief system that has governed life on earth for eons, must dissolve into its own nothingness in order to be replaced by that which is of a higher reality. This has always been known by truth seekers but many did not expect the journey from three through fourth and into fifth dimensional energy to be filled with so much chaos and confusion. Rather, they envisioned a gentle transition into a happy peaceful world without troublemakers.
Let go of any and all concepts you may still hold with regard to what personal or global ascension should look like. Trust the Divine plan to unfold as it will for it is a process, a very powerful one that cannot be interfered with by those who simply don’t like the idea. Individuals ascending into higher dimensional energy while remaining in their physical bodies has never before happened and is being observed with excitement by those in other dimensions.
If an individual were to integrate high resonating energy all at once without preparation, he would die, because his physical system would not be capable of assimilating it. This is why you are experiencing a process wherein remaining dense energies clear from cellular memory and at the same time those of a higher resonance integrate. The speed, timing, and readiness for this is determined by each one’s Higher Self so never compare your process with that of another.
Not all are ready in this lifetime for the full integration of 5th dimensional energy. In fact, they may be doing exactly what they came to do in this life and attempts to enlighten someone when they are not yet ready will simply be interference. This is why it is important to let go of feeling the need to “awaken” friends and family in the false belief that you are doing them a favor. Always trust your intuition regarding who has “ears to hear” and then you can lovingly share what you know.
Occasionally the mind of someone newly awakened to energy and truth interprets the integration of the higher and different frequencies as being an invader and resists it, causing the person to experience pain, negativity, and often fear. As the mind becomes accustomed to the process these things subside.
Allow, allow, allow, dear ones. You have reached a readiness for allowing.
Allowing does not mean giving up in the sense of being powerless, but rather means choosing to live each now moment from your highest level of spiritual awareness without attempting to heal, change, or correct it. It requires living truth 24/7, not just when it is convenient.
In order to move into allowing one must first understand it because to human thinking allowing makes no sense and seems contrary to three dimensional beliefs about how to live a successful life. Allowing is a step in every person’s evolutionary process as they attain a consciousness of ONE. This then allows them to live life from a place of trust and confidence, with awareness of the reality that underlies all appearances. You who read and resonate with these messages are ready to allow, otherwise you would not be interested or even understand this information.
You have done the preparatory work throughout your many lifetimes. You have studied and practiced many different truths and had good, bad, and horrible learning experiences. You have lived in convents, monasteries and ashrams. You have been warriors and peacemakers, male and female, rich and poor, smart and stupid, healthy and sick, happy and miserable, free and slave. You are now qualified to accept the reality of who and what you are and cease judging yourself by three dimensional standards that have become obsolete for you.
For lifetimes you have been taught and even now the world still teaches that your good is outside of you and you must do whatever it takes to get it. You are taught methods and techniques for attracting it to you even in metaphysical teachings. So called “experts” in all areas of life have been endowed with the power to determine your choices, which in reality is a surrendering of the innate power every individual has as a Divine Being.
All must eventually come to believe and trust that they are made of God substance, Divine Consciousness and therefore already embody everything that constitutes God–peace, harmony, abundance, safety and security, completeness, wholeness, intelligence, and that their reality is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient on every level. This constitutes absolute truth. Attaining the consciousness of it is what the journey is all about.
Do not make the mistake some have made when learning about oneness with God and then proceed to go abut declaring that they need to nothing because “I am God” or “Everything is illusion, just ignore it”. This is very foolish because until truth becomes an attained state of consciousness, it remains just information and cannot manifest outwardly. Getting there is the evolutionary process.
As truth integrates and becomes one’s state of consciousness, he/she will begin to experience God qualities in their personal life, qualities that have always been fully present but were not accessible through human thinking. Remember, consciousness is the substance of form.
Example; A medical doctor who has attained a consciousness of his/her completeness as a Divine Being, will find the solution to some medical problem simply present itself to his awareness without struggle. Mind interprets consciousness individually. That is, the mechanic will not get a new idea for surgery, nor will the surgeon received information on how to fix his car (unless he asks and needs it).
It is time to claim your Divinity rather than continuing to look at the idea of ONEness as being simply a nice idea for those more spiritual than you. No one is more spiritual than another. NONE. The difference is that some know it and some don’t. All are Source expressing ITself for IT is all that exists.
Religiosity has come to be thought of as spirituality. The trappings, rites, and rituals of many religions will dissolve as mankind becomes increasingly aware that they are already one with Source and don’t need religious “hoopla” to make it happen. There are those who will continue to need these things as a first step in their awakening and so they will not completely go away, but for most they will no longer be necessary.
Every time you meet a challenge from your highest level of awareness, it becomes a part of the collective where it then can be accessed by others who may need this exact solution in their life. Because there is only ONE, everyone’s actions and thoughts automatically become a part of collective consciousness. As the collective is increasingly fed with energies of truth and Light, higher forms can begin to emerge in the outer scene. You help to lift the collective simply through ordinary acts done or words spoken with spiritual awareness and Love. This is the work.
There is no need to become a world leader or guru in order to do what you came to do. It is simply a matter of living the truth you know about yourself and others in all situations and as you do this, more awareness unfolds and opens you to new levels. Living truth is difficult during these times. Fear and anger make it very tempting to revert back to the familiar with solutions and thinking that worked in the past. However, the energy that once sustained many of these concepts no longer exists making them unworkable.
Each day brings increasingly higher Light frequencies. You will feel them but so also will those still fully enmeshed in illusion often empowering them toward some sort of outer action. Acknowledge the Light within every person especially those causing problems. Visualize flames of Light surrounding the earth and send Light from your Sacred Heart Center to all of earth’s kingdoms–crystal/mineral, plant, animal, devic/elemental/nature spirit, and all people.
Living life from this level need not be complicated. It does not require living alone on a mountain top meditating day and night although a few are still being called to simply hold the Light. Rather it is learning to live, be, and allow one’s highest realized truth about God, self, and all life forms to govern your choices.
You are silent vigilant sentinels observing and standing guard over truth as you witness the play of illusion versus reality.
You are ready.
We are the Arcturian Group 10/4/20
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Oct. 3, 2020
NB. I did the channeling on Thursday 1st Oct and feel perhaps an Announcement is to come soon. Wondering if it will have anything to do with POTUS contracting the ‘Lurgy’? which we heard about on 2nd. Mentioning this due to their penultimate sentence! Very intriguing. Just trying, like all of us to connect the dots. I’m not saying this is the case … yet, like all things … a possibility.
Hello to you. I am in a good space this morning … so let us speak of all things lovely.
Welcome, Blossom, and the entire ‘crew’ upon the ground who are doing what they came to do … and with such gusto! Even though, as you have mentioned Blossom, one does not always feel this is the case. May we reassure you that the Energy levels for the Greater Good are increasing and settling themselves within their new residence.
We ask you to consider this. Many of you are aware of the depths that mankind has stooped to, in order to satisfy one’s desires. Deplorable acts have taken place for eons of your time. Unspeakable happenings have been ‘the normal’ for those who have chosen the pathway of great darkness within their Beings.
When you think about the Energy that such things have created … when you KNOW that within these times … these Energies are being brought to Light … when you consider the turmoil within your very atmosphere due to all this ‘surfacing’ … then please consider also, how extremely well you are managing, within such depths of such … to even bring about a smile!
This is no easy task that you agreed upon. Yet, throughout all this stirring up, you are doing so very well.
YOU ARE HOLDING /ANCHORING THE LIGHT. This is not a questionable debate.
If you close your eyes and allow yourself to FEEL into this KNOWING … then you KNOW IT!
It may not appear this way yet, we state categorically … you are drawing ever closer to that which your hearts long for.
Correct. It doesn’t appear this way. Yet thanks for the encouragement. I feel the ‘soup of the day’ is the waiting for the BAM ANNOUNCEMENT. I know it will not come … until it does! In the meantime keep doing what we are doing, yet for us down here, one wonders ‘when’? We cannot help it. You have said it is coming so we Trust that yet … tick tock, tick tock as the clock while’s away the hours in anticipation. More so, I think, so we can witness things actually moving along.
And yet, Blossom and all … when this Announcement comes, you will be well aware of the reason why it took so long. Due to all that is involved.
It shall be a HUGE wake-up call for many.
And then taking us into a second lockdown, correct?
A Global one.
Correct. A more sinister one.
Ooh! Tell me more.
As you are aware Blossom, we cannot.
Some ask if it will be a lockdown instigated by the goodies or the baddies? ……………… No answer. Fair enough. I must learn to accept that you will not reveal that which is not appropriate to do so. Mm! So, the price of cabbages at the moment … shall we discuss that?
Blossom … we do appreciate even though some think otherwise, that from the perspective of the human who is ‘wading through’ the thick slime of all that is going on … it can be very frustrating.
Yet, it is not our position to reveal such things. We are not here to fortune tell. We are here to bring hope. We give your snippets of information where we can yet, this is a DIVINE PLAN and we ask that you put your TRUST, your KNOWING, your ACCEPTANCE … and … your UNDERSTANDING and your ACKNOWLEDGMENT of the TRUTH … into that.
It is not, when you consider this, that we are inviting you to go along with all of this blindly.
Yet, to be honest … this waiting and this uncertainty of actually ‘what is’ … can feel very much like we are dancing in the dark at times.
At times, yes! The times when something new comes into your Awareness and once again distracts you from the TRUTH that your heart speaks to you about. Yet … at other times, YOU KNOW … you JUST KNOW that when one has come through ALL OF THIS … with all that is to come … that this world in which you reside will be a transformed one.
DO YOU?????????????????
The Divine Plan for you to be here was /is to MAKE THIS HAPPEN.
DO YOU?????????????????????????
Can’t say I do on a conscious level, of course. Yet, something deep inside me ‘rings a bell’ when you speak this way.
And what is the bell telling you, Blossom?
That there is so much TRUTH in the KNOWING that this is what is taking place now. This IS why we came. We, in the human form, sometimes cannot translate our non-human form of KNOWING WHAT IS.
And yet, more and more are you FEELING the POWER of that KNOWING of what YOU KNEW before descending to Earth.
And from where do you FEEL IT? WITHIN YOU!
It is not ‘out there’ anywhere. You cannot buy it.
Oh, how I wish … ‘Eh, could I have two kilos of Love, Light and Power please? Thanks! How much is that!’
Yet, within you … there is no charge. Or, would we say ‘charge’ of a different kind?
A CHARGE OF ENERGY IS RIGHT THERE … and the more you choose to ‘Honour’ it … to give it your attention … to LOVE IT … to Respect it …. to Know it … the more the CHARGE is recharged. Simply through your thoughts of KNOWING THIS TO BE THE WAY IT IS.
This Energy of Love that you are … is ALL THAT YOU ARE.
It is not limited.
You sure about that?
Yes, we are.
Feels like it.
IT IS … YOU ARE … ENERGY, BLOSSOM. How can Energy be limited … For EVERYTHING IS ENERGY.
Yes, yet, this Energy is limited whilst we reside in this human vehicle.
Incorrect. Yet, if you believe this to be so, then we would correct ourselves by saying correct!
WITH RESPECT and we have no intention to preach yet, IT IS IMPERATIVE FOR THE WELL BEING OF EACH INDIVIDUAL and the WELL BEING OF ALL … that you let go of such limited beliefs. And take into your KNOWING … the TRUTH.
The TRUTH IS … no matter whether you are a human, an ant, or a teapot … you are all of the One Energy.
Teapot? I’ve got a few tea cozies for that!
And the tea cozies position is to keep the tea warm whilst it is brewing!
To return to the conversation in hand … The only thing stopping you becoming the POWERFUL BEING YOU DESIRE TO BE … is you.
Eons of time have taken this KNOWING away and left you with a weakness of thinking that you are something so much smaller … so much less … than you are.
YOU MUST SHIFT THIS WAY OF THINKING … along with everything else that has to be shifted.
For if you do not, you shall remain where you are.
Yet, if you do … you shall find yourselves reaching heights within yourself that you had no idea could be possible … or perhaps only accepted as pure fantasy.
Allow yourselves to become the human … BEING … what it is. BEING ITSELF.
When you get inside a vehicle … and drive around in it, taking yourself here and there and to where you want to be … you do not ‘change’ your thoughts, your power, your YOU … from when being outside the car … to when you are in it. The same soul is in the vehicle.
In the same way … the YOU … the TRUTH OF YOUR DIVINE BEING … does not change when entering into the vehicle of the human body … it takes you here and there and to where you want to be yet, you are NO DIFFERENT from when you were not in the human body.
Nobody … took who you are away from you … nobody can.
Many may debate that!
That is their right should they choose to. One may remove the flesh by taking away the experience of human life from one … yet, one can NEVER take away who you are. Never.
Yes, I get that … on the premiss that we are Love.
Blossom and All souls of Light … and ALL souls ARE of Light … even those who have chosen to be in darkness for a time …
There are not words to express the Freedom, the delight, the newness of JOY … that lies waiting for you over THE BRIDGE.
You originally called it ‘The Bridge’, yet, I feel now, you wanted to say the RAINBOW Bridge?
This is so. For the colours of the Rainbow … the Energy within those colours … the Brightness of Light that these colours when combined shall shed upon your Planet, will indeed, reflect that which the very thought of a Rainbow represents.
There shall be a time when these colours merge and project such beauty onto /into your Planet and within that occurrence … each one shall remember HOME.
So much to look forward to. We just have to hang on to that KNOWING … And to be honest … I’d rather be doing the best I can, skipping down the avenue with that future in mind … than the alternative!
It isn’t long now before the next phase begins.
WHAT!? Well, just pop that little puppy in right at the end why don’t ya!?
Life is full of surprises and we thought that would be a nice way to end today’s conversation.
It is. I shall leave it at that then … In Gratitude. In Loving Service. I AM.
Manifesting a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence.
LET’S HOLD THE SACRED SPACE FOR DIVINE GOVERNMENT Patricia Cota-Robles October 2, 2020 Due to the seemingly miraculous activities of Light that have been God Victoriously accomplished through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth this year, every person’s I AM Presence is now able to intervene in his or her life in incredibly powerful ways. This Divine Intervention is occurring as a unique and individual experience for each of us. That means that every day we need to pay attention and see just how our I AM Presence is intuitively inspiring us to think, feel and act in NEW and Heart-based ways. In the United States of America, we are in the midst of a very tumultuous Presidential election. This is an important event that will have an affect not only in the USA but also on Governments around the World. I know that there is a lot of concern over who the next President of the United States will be. There is also a lot of fear over how the end result of this election will change people’s lives. What the Company of Heaven wants us to remember is that fundamental change never begins at the top. Change of that magnitude begins with a shift of consciousness at a grass-roots level and expands into an unstoppable movement. It is true that people at the top who are in positions of power have the ability to wreak havoc on this Planet and Humanity, but the Light of God and the collective consciousness of Humanity’s Heart-based I AM Presence is infinitely more powerful than any wayward attempts to create chaos. The frequencies of Light we are experiencing now are greatly assisting all of us in unifying the consciousness of our I AM Presence with the mass consciousness of Humanity’s I AM Presence. Day-by-day, this is empowering us in extraordinary ways. In order to change what is happening in the outer world, we do not have to do battle with forces committed to creating chaos. That particular focus of our attention actually interferes with our ability to be the Heart-based Peace Commanding Presence we need to be at this time. Buckminster Fuller once said, “In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.” That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are ALL being called. What Lightworkers all over the World are being asked to do during the elections in the USA is to be the Open Door for the Light of God. Even though the Company of Heaven is standing in readiness, they cannot intervene without our permission. It is never the intent of these selfless Messengers of God to interfere with our free will, so they will not tell us who to vote for or what the result of the elections will be. However, once we ask for their assistance, the Floodgates of Heaven open in response to our heartfelt pleas. The Beings of Light are encouraging all of us who are able to vote in this election to take advantage of this opportunity. Now that our I AM Presence has fully integrated into our Earthly Bodies, we are being asked to evaluate the candidates through the eyes of our I AM Presence. Which candidates resonate in our Heart-of-Hearts? Which ones will bring about the highest good for Humanity, the USA, the World and Mother Earth? Those are the candidates that deserve our vote. If you have already voted, you can still participate in this process. If the person you voted for is not who you now feel is the best person to be elected, hold him or her in the Light and affirm through your I AM Presence, “Thy Will not mine be done.” The Company of Heaven has given us two invocations that will empower this election process in a very positive way. Please join with me now if you have the Heart Call to do so. This invocation is stated in the 1st person, so that each of us will experience it personally and tangibly in our own lives. We are simultaneously invoking this Light on behalf of ALL Humanity. And we begin. GODDESS OF LIBERTY AND GODDESS OF JUSTICE I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the Divine Heart and Mind of God. I AM also One with the I AM Presence of every person evolving on Earth. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat and One Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, I invoke my Father-Mother God, the Beings of Light associated with Divine Government to this Planet, and all from the Realms of Illumined Truth who are guarding the evolutions of Earth. I also invoke the august Presence of the Goddess of Liberty and the Goddess of Divine Justice. Beloved Ones, come forth now. As these Mighty Beings of Light take their strategic positions above this Planet, I invoke the All-pervading Light of the Universe, the Supreme Source of all Life—All That Is. I now kneel within my Heart in recognition of the Light of the Cosmos, Beloved Father-Mother God, come now and assert your rightful authority within me and within ALL of Humanity. Show us how to reverently express the perfectly balanced activity of Liberty and Divine Justice in all of the experiences manifesting on Earth. Oh, Supreme Light, I acknowledge you in all Life and I give Gratitude to the Goddess of Liberty and the Goddess of Divine Justice, as I invoke them and their great Angelic Hosts to amplify the Divine Qualities of Liberty and Justice which I AM releasing this day to assist with the cocreation of Divine Government on Planet Earth. This is destined to be a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence and FOR the I AM Presence of Humanity. I now invoke the I AM Presence of every person that is in any way associated with the Governments on Earth to direct, sustain and expand the portion of the Divine Plan which is that person’s Destiny. I Invoke the Goddess of Liberty and the Goddess of Justice to direct their full-gathered momentum of Liberty and Divine Justice into the feelings, minds and worlds of all Governmental leaders throughout the Earth. Beloved Legions of Light, I ask that you expand this activity of Light a thousand fold every single day with every Breath I take until Divine Government and the patterns of Oneness, Reverence for All Life, Divine Love, Enlightenment and Truth are tangibly manifest in the lives of ALL Humanity, and the Heart-based patterns of Liberty, Divine Justice and Divine Government are the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth. VICTORY IS OURS IN LOVE GOVERNING THIS PLANET! THE ANGEL OF RENEWAL AND RESTORATION Several years ago a plan was set into motion through the unified efforts of the Company of Heaven and Awakened Lightworkers on Earth that would reclaim the USA from the fear-based and fragmented consciousness of separation and duality and set her on the path to fulfill her Divine Destiny. In order to accomplish this Divine Mission, it was critical that the patterns for Divine Government be activated and recalibrated to a frequency that would reach into even the most asleep hearts and minds of Humanity. In order to accomplish this mighty feat, a magnificent Angelic Presence from the Great, Great Silence volunteered to project her luminous Presence into the atmosphere of Earth above Washington, D.C. Once she took her strategic position there, she created a canopy of Divine Light and Love that embraces every facet of Government in the USA at national, state, and local levels. This august Being is known throughout the Realms of Light as the Angel of Renewal and Restoration. Since that Cosmic Moment, her canopy of Light and Love has been gradually recalibrating every particle and wave of Life associated with Government in the USA. This Divine Intervention has been gradually preparing the USA for the time when the masses of Humanity would be Awake enough to manifest a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence. A Government based in Oneness, Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. Today, the Divine Intervention of the Angel of Renewal and Restoration is being greatly amplified. Please join me in sending Gratitude to this selfless Messenger of God as we assist her in her service to the Light. Breathe deeply. And we begin. Mighty Angel of Renewal and Restoration, in deep Humility and Gratitude we acknowledge your Presence in the Universe and the tremendous service you are rendering to Planet Earth and her evolutions. Thank you for sustaining a Canopy of Light over Washington, D.C. and expanding this Canopy of Light to embrace every other focus of Government on Earth. On this sacred and holy day, we ask that you envelop every Government on Earth in a constant outpouring of the Crystalline Flame of Renewal and Restoration. Sustain this Gift from On High until every country is manifesting God’s Will for Divine Government and the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for Planet Earth. Through the Presence of God, I AM, in me and in all of Humanity, we ask the Angel of Renewal and Restoration and the Legions of Light associated with God’s First Cause of Perfection to come forth now. Blessed One, traverse the Earth and blaze your exquisite Light through Washington, D.C. and the rest of the USA. Now, expand this activity of Light into every other country in the World. Transmute the human desire to use free will destructively, and replace it with the intense desire to serve the Light through God’s Will for the benefit of Humanity and Mother Earth. Permanently station your Angelic Legions in Washington, D.C. and in all World Government centers on Earth to ensure that all rates of vibration that tie any individual to activities of discord or imbalance will now be quickened to a point where they will be Transmuted back into Light. Protect every person from accepting negative human suggestions, and help each one to be a receiver of the Forces and Inspirational Activities of God. Assist each one to be a willing participant in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of establishing Divine Government on Earth. Give added protection to those Lifestreams who are already manifesting God’s Will through their Divine Plans, and protect them from all interference that would seek to disrupt the establishment of Divine Government on Earth. I consciously accept this done right now, eternally sustained, ever-expanding and world-encompassing until Divine Government is tangibly manifesting in every country of the World. And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM. God Bless You, Patricia Cota-Robles Era of Peace PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446, Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440 This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Era of Peace a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization ©2020 Patricia Cota-Robles |
when you are guided towards the light from within, you have more to share with humanity than someone with three PhDs. You have more to share with humanity than the scientists who are on the leading edge of understanding the universe and how it works.-Arcturians via Daniel-
Awakened Collective, It’s Time to Rise Up ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the progress that you continue to make, as the awakened collective, to bringing together the polarized forces that you have there on your world. You are awake enough to realize that it doesn’t serve you well to play the polarity game, and that is what keeps you in a higher vibration. You must already be in a high vibration to be able to receive these messages, and you are continuing to demonstrate your abilities to be compassionate, to love unconditionally, and to release judgment so that you can forgive and let go of resentment.
You are finely-tuned beings who have demonstrated an ability to feel into something, and you are also very connected to your hearts, which are the new centers of your beingness, and that movement from the egoic mind to the high self’s heart is what this shift in consciousness is all about. You must be in your hearts to maintain those high vibrations and to rise above the mind-oriented battles that go on between ideologies, between perspectives. You have a long history of deciding that your feelings are important, and your feelings have served you well.
You can count the number of times that an intuitive feeling has prevented you from making the wrong decision, or has guided you to the right decision, and in those moments, your lives were changed forever. This is what you do. This is how you do it, and this is why you are the ones to lead humanity into a higher consciousness. It’s not because you have all the right information. It’s not because you’re following the right teacher. It’s not because you’ve had more extra-terrestrial DNA activated within you. It’s because of your humanity, and your humanity is all about your emotions.
You are meant to be feeling beings who use your intuitive sense to guide you towards the light, and when you are guided towards the light from within, you have more to share with humanity than someone with three PhDs. You have more to share with humanity than the scientists who are on the leading edge of understanding the universe and how it works.
You have so much to give because of what you have lived and because of what you have felt, and that is enough to be one who serves all of humanity. We see you struggling to figure out what you should be, what you should do, what you should call yourself, and the truth is you are you and that is enough.
It’s time for the awakened collective to rise up to the challenge of bringing these poles together. You don’t need any more separation. You don’t need anyone in a position of power or authority to save you. All you need is to recognize the hero that lies within you, the teacher that is waiting to speak up and speak out, the healer that has always been there, and go forth and do exactly what you want to do, and know that because of who you are, you are helping and healing humankind.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
Messages from Ann & the Angels – 10/03/2020 • Stand for right but give up the fight
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
There is an age old belief that you must battle darkness, battle ignorance, and battle disease. You battle people with opposing beliefs or those whom you believe to be threats. You battle with your weight, fight with your hair, battle your ex… and the list goes on. The human race is steeped and stewed in the idea that life is a battle on levels great and small. Someone pushes at you. You push back. You see something you don’t like. You focus on it, often obsessively, and fight it.
In the 3rd dimensional paradigm of reality, which is based on physical action and reaction, this appears to make sense. There are some 3D battles which must be fought, given your current paradigms of reality on the earth.
However, in the 5th dimensional paradigm of reality, which is based on energy, focus, and attraction, you will come to understand that battling something – vibrationally – draws unto you that which you are seeking to eradicate.
Imagine you had a magic spotlight on your forehead, much like a miner’s light. Whatever you focus upon with that light – positively or negatively – you empower and attract into your experience. You would learn quickly to be very discerning about where you point your attention. Would you point it on those you love, or on those you are arguing with? Would you point it at illness, or the efforts to support well-being? Would you point it at the politician you can’t stand, or the one you support?
This is indeed what you do with your focus and attention. You empower the vibrations, and therefore the reality, of that which you focus upon.
This is why we encourage you to focus on solutions rather than battling problems. We encourage you to focus on supporting health and vitality, rather than battling illness. We encourage you to focus on the political ideals you love rather than focusing with vitriol on that which you hate. Your actions might look identical, but your energy, your emotions, and therefore what you attract, would be totally different.
In the energy of battle you feel anger, blame, revenge, and urgency. You miss your guidance and you are pinched off from the power of the Divine within you.
In the energy of love for the solution, you feel passion, love, enthusiasm, and grace. You are guided. You plug into the power that creates worlds.
Very few of you would say, “I hate this. Let me watch more of it on TV.” “I hate my body. Let me tune into a station in which I am modeling.” “I can’t stand this actor! Let me go to a feature film in which they star!”
Yet, you do say, “I hate this,” and then you witness more in your world. Many of you do say, “I hate my body, and continue to stare at it in the mirror with disgust. So many of you cry unto us, “I can’t stand this politician or that one, and then obsessively watch them on TV, empowering all the qualities you don’t like in them with the spotlight energy of your strong anger.
It would be far more empowering, loving, and productive to say, “This is what I love. Let me watch more of that.” “I would love a healthy and vital body. Let me watch programs that help me play up my assets and empower my health. I would love to see this and such in politics. Let me tune to a station where people are striving for these ideals. I would love to see us all unmasked and healthy! Let me tune into the broadcasts talking about good news and advances in immune support!”
Dear ones, when you point your attention at anything, anyone, or any behavior here upon the earth – for any reason, positive or negative – you will witness, and often experience, more and more of the very same.
So instead of battling ignorance, support education. Instead of battling the political parties you hate, empower the ones you love. Instead of striving to battle illness, support well-being. Instead of battling racial ignorance, support the awareness of beautiful cultural diversity. Instead of battling abuse, at a human level you must, of course, take necessary steps to swiftly stop it and to create healthy and well-defined boundaries, but work even harder to support healing and reform. Instead of battling darkness, empower light.
There are 3D physical battles that can still be “fought” without getting into the 5D vibrational battle. The firemen bravely battle the wildfires, but the majority of them don’t hate fire. They respect it. They understand it. They love protecting people and property. Their 3D battle is rooted in 5D love. The same goes for many soldiers who fight your 3D battles while engaged in a 5D love of protecting those they care about. There are many front line health care providers who do 3D battle with disease but remain healthy because they have such an incredible 5D love and compassion for their patients that they know self-care is necessary.
The sun doesn’t fight or hate the darkness of night, instead it loves to share its shine. You can’t get rid of an ideology you despise, but you can empower one you love. Stop the struggles with one another. Stop battling yourselves. Start instead empowering, enlivening, and focusing upon that which you wish to love and support, and even when you feel the need to battle something in your 3D world, do it with love for what you desire, for in that reality every soul will “win.”
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels