Your life is your choosing, no other person can decide or dictate your life to you…you hold the power to choose what you wish to experience, no person, group or government can dictate to you your choices and experiences, and yet you can live peacefully alongside any energy or within any community.-Mother Mary-

Discussions on Supportive Steps to Dissolve Fear and Illness,

Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

Mother Mary: It is with the vibration of the 9th Ray of Light I greet you today. I bring forth the brilliant colours and vibrations of a blue and green light focused upon soul integration and exploration, as well as, the merging of the heavens with the Earth, light with matter. Please allow me to dowse you in the blue and green light permitting it to seep into your entire being. As the reality of the blue and green light of the 9th Ray of Light surrounds you, let yourself breathe in the healing vibrations, wisdom, and transformational shifts this aspect of the Creator promotes.

Soul integration with all aspects of your physical, emotional, and mental bodies is essential in all periods of ascension and yet it is at this stage vital. There is an importance and a need for you to have confidence in the divinity, truth, and sacred abilities of your soul that transmit through and embody all aspects of your being and reality upon the Earth. This is not to understand the mystic and sacred abilities individual to you, more so it is to understand the basic tools and abilities your soul brings forth and enhances within your being which can be recognised as the same within all beings. This is the time for humanity to unite in a deep understanding and confidence in their spiritual and natural abilities to alter and shift circumstances on the Earth and personal realities. The belief systems of the Earth and created by humanity which preoccupies and governs everyday life upon the Earth now need to be erased completely, with new beliefs born from the soul of each person created and anchored as the new consciousness of humanity.

Mary Magdalene: When you are in fear you are not choosing to open the doorway before you which can be opened to allow you to embrace new higher vibrations of love and truth especially within your reality upon the Earth. A door before you only becomes a blockage or a hindrance when you believe you do not have the ability or the strength to open the door. I will share with you, remind you, and empower your confidence and courage as I say to you that you have the power to open the door and experience the powerful loving truth of the Creator. You are in fear when you do not choose to open the door. The Creator does not wish for you to suffer with any form of attachment to or experience of fear or illness. The Creator wishes for you to dissolve all forms of attachment to fear and illness realising your power to move through your ascension creating only loving positive blissful experiences for yourself. Attachment or detachment to the creation and experience of fear and illness is now your choice. You make this choice through your thought processes and what you choose to believe in.

Do you believe that fear limits you, causing your energy and power to crumble, thus causing you to be helpless? Do you believe fear is yours to accept and experience in your reality? Do you believe the illness is your divine right or is inevitable when evidence of illness is present in your reality or in the worldwide Earth? The real questions put to you now which hold the most power and influence in your life are:

Are you ready to disregard what seems to be evidence of illness and the creation of fear on the Earth, in favour of knowing your own power, and knowing you can choose the reality you wish to experience?

Are you ready to create a world beyond fear and illness, even if you are bombarded with evidence that states otherwise?

Mother Mary: It is time to accept your power and realise that whatever occurs upon the Earth you have the choice whether you wish to experience it and how you wish to experience it. With the spread of illness upon the Earth, you have the choice to decide whether you will be infected with illness or not. With fearful situations arising and occurring to others, you have the choice whether you wish to adopt and emanate fear or not. If you choose to adopt fear, then you will be attracting experiences that cause you fear into your life.
Your life is your choosing, no other person can decide or dictate your life to you.

It is time to accept this truth and begin to live in a way that expands, enhances, and embodies this same truth within your being. You can choose to say ‘No,’ to experiences of fear and illness and ‘Yes,’ to experiences of love, peace, and continuous health. Your life now lies in your beliefs about everyday things and your dedication to cultivating what you desire to experience. It does not matter what another being shares or experiences, you are the creator of your own reality and you have the constant support from the inner planes, guides, angels, ascended masters, and goddess beings.

Mary Magdalene: I wish to share with you some techniques to support you in moving into a reality where you create the options and experiences you wish for.

I wish to advise you to first listen to your reality the messages and beliefs you hold, and the messages and beliefs given to you by others, by media, and by seemingly factual evidence. With awareness choose which you wish to accept and which you wish to discard. For example, if you hear that illness is spreading across the world, choose to send love to all that are experiencing illness while choosing to affirm and make your truth that you are free from illness, always healthy, and filled with vitality. Know with deep certainty that the simple belief will always ensure your health and wellbeing.

Another example could be if an experience occurs in your reality or in the world and this creates fear within yourself and others, say ‘No,’ to fear, choose to release and let go of fear knowing that in doing so you are de-energising fear within you and within other people. Then create a feeling of love and safety within your being, think thoughts of love and safety, affirming to yourself the reality you choose to experience.

Remember you are the Creators of your reality; you have the divine right to choose what you wish to experience; this has never been so important. If each person and soul on the Earth were to realise they have the power to choose what they wish to create all illness, fear, poverty, and any other harmful energy would be powerless and non-existent.

A belief is a resonance and alignment to an energy. When you believe in love, safety, and health, no matter what evidence is shared with you to dissuade you, you align with and become love, safety, and health.

Mother Mary: Call love, light, peace, and vitality into your being, let these energies shower over and through your being, imagining, sensing, acknowledging their colours, vibrations, and positive influence upon your being. Believe in love, light, peace, and vitality. See, sense, and acknowledge your entire being emanating these four energies constantly from every aspect of your being.

Call upon the 9th Ray of Light to merge the higher energy, aspects and consciousness of your soul into your physical body and auric field so you will be influenced positively by your soul accessing the guidance and intuition of your soul. Your soul does not resonate or align with fear or illness, because of this it will act as a protection and a guiding light in your reality and being.

Mary Magdalene: Let the love of your heart and soul be your answer and response to all situations, beliefs, and experiences. Love is the answer, the result, and the experience eternally for you if you choose it to be, dedicating yourself to cultivating this reality for yourself. You can create it for yourself only and yet your dedication will impact all souls and beings on the Earth because they will align with the vibration you emanate: the vibration of love. Love is akin to a magnet, everyone is attracted to align, resonate as and with love, it is contagious! It is also fulfilling for you and acts as the strongest protection of all and a powerful creator of truth and divine wellbeing in your reality, thus in the realities of all. Let your love shine out so bright in every moment of your day and ask us your guides and the Creator to magnify and enhance the love you share and experience.

Mother Mary: Take the time to choose the reality you wish to experience, energise your choices through affirmations, visualisations, and asking for light empowerment for your choices from your guides and angelic beings. The greatest shift that is required to take place is the understanding you hold the power to choose what you wish to experience, no person, group or government can dictate to you your choices and experiences, and yet you can live peacefully alongside any energy or within any community.

Please be aware that we are speaking of making choices within your mind predominantly, this does not necessarily indicate that any action or demonstration needs to take place. This is a peaceful shift within you which no other person needs know about. It is a time when you detach yourself from the general consciousness of reality, quietly within your mind you choose your thoughts, knowing they will manifest within your reality. It is also important to realise that all forms of manipulation which you may create will only anchor you deeper into being manipulated by others. When you focus on love, light, peace, and health in your life, knowing they will simply manifest causing enhancement and fulfilment to your reality and all, then you will be supporting the expansion of love upon the Earth and within all.

Let our words inspire a gentle shift in your mind which creates happiness within your being and reality. This gentle shift encourages the question with great compassion, ‘What do I choose to make real in my reality?’ The answer is filled with abundant compassion, love, and truth that is beyond the ego, desires, desperation, and needs.

With truthful love, blessings, and inspiration,

Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene

So it is with full admiration that we applaud your achievement and will stand aside to welcome you to the higher dimensions.

22nd May 2020. Mike Quinsey.

Your experiences since 2012 that was the end of the last Age have clearly shown that you are going through change, so that you can release the old that serves no further purpose.  You are in the process of a change that will lead you on to the next phase of your evolution.

Clearly when one cycle ends another commences so it is necessary to do some cleaning up so as to prepare yourselves for the next stage in your evolution. More so [because] it will separate the “wheat from the chaff” so that each one can continue to follow a path designated to allow for further development, at a level that gives you opportunities to experience the next stage necessary to expand your consciousness even further.

The future is set to ensure you continue your evolution, having experienced many lives in the depths of the lower vibrations that were your Hell on Earth. Some souls were caught up in them so much so that they were unable to extract themselves from it, whilst others repeatedly took on the challenges presented to them and were able to survive.

In a freewill Universe you were allowed to choose your experiences, although with guidance you took due note of the advice given by those who have already reached a high level of consciousness.

Understand that you volunteered to experience the lower vibrations being fully aware that you were essentially on your own, although help was always within your reach. The attraction for you was that through success you would be able to advance much more quickly and be all the more stronger for it.

So it is with full admiration that we applaud your achievement and will stand aside to welcome you to the higher dimensions.  These may seem premature in view of the fact that there is still some way to go, but you have completed the difficult part and are now rising up to a new level where you will experience the Great Solar Flash of Light from the Sun, that will immediately lift you onto the new Earth – your Ascension.

You may not realise how privileged you are to be on Earth at the actual moment of Ascension and it can be looked upon as an exciting moment in your life. Can you imagine the relief you will feel that at long last you have been successful, and ahead of you are many opportunities to choose your next experiences that will be most exhilarating within the realms of Light?

You will no longer have to live as before but instead have absolute freedom by being able to provide for yourself through your power of thought. Friends and family will be but a thought away making contact very easy.

We like to lift you up by giving you a glimpse into your future as ascended beings, and we can fully appreciate how much you have gone through to prove your strength and dedication to the Light. It will be quite natural that having ascended you will at some stage like to also help others upon their path. You will have many friends and even family that will follow in your footsteps, and it is understandable that you would like to help them and you will have that opportunity.

Mankind with time on their hands is at present going through a period of introspection, as it has become apparent that the old way of living has not proved adequate or helpful to those wishing to prepare for Ascension. The higher vibrations are already bringing out the best in many people and there is more sympathy for those souls that are barely able to exist in their particular environment.

The inequalities amongst the different groups is patently obvious yet they [the groups] should be one, as in fact All are One. Whilst it would be true to say that many have chosen their own destiny, there is no reason why they should not be given that right and live happy and fulfilling lives.

Life on Earth could have been a delightful and happy experience but the dark Ones who believe that in some way they are superior have deliberately kept inventions and advancements exclusively for themselves. The surface dwellers have been under the control of the Illuminati for eons of time, but fortunately the Alliance has now grown in power to the point that they are the dominant force.

They have undertaken to break up the dominance of the dark Ones and have already put many behind bars. Ultimately it is certain that Humanity will become aware of how they have been confined to an “open prison” for so long and accepted it as normal. It is far from the truth, and along with friendly Space Beings who await an opportunity to introduce themselves and bring about changes that will help propel you into a New Age.

Dear Ones, you stand out on Earth like beacons of Light and hardly realise how much you lift others up through your presence. You exude an energy that is calming and reassuring to those who are embroiled in the lower energies due to their low quality of life.

Be assured that they are not being punished but they have needed experiences at such a level to awaken them to the truth. They in turn give others an opportunity to show their sympathy to their plight, and help in a way that shows their love and light for those considered to be lesser beings.

You live in an illusion that has become your reality which is why it is far removed from your true selves. You live a make-believe life although it is set up in such a way that you can learn from it and evolve.

Your true Self is your God Self that remains on the other side of the veil that oversees your life on Earth. It is the source of your being and your ever present God Self of eternal life, and has much to do with helping you to fulfil your life plan. Many have chosen their own destiny, and there is no reason why they should not be given the right to do so and live happy and fulfilling lives.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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Morning Glory Ville Pyjama Party //Sat 23rd May//Join in the fun at home!💞

Join in the fun at home! Our last few tickets for the Morning Gloryville Online Pyjama Party are on sale – grab yours while you can! Here’s some of the line-up:
Yoga Dance Flow Awaken your kundalini with Chrissy Brooke. DJ Hungry Man Get supercharged with some raucous rave rhythms!
Crystal Alchemy Crystal bowl sound bath immersion with Kate Stewart. Wisdom Lounge Eco-living, finding purpose & permaculture.


By Unknown, PAO/Galactic Heart Newsletter

The removal of the many troublemakers by the Galactic Federation of Light along with the RV/GCR and Prosperity Program Funds will revive the world economies shortly.

There will be a confirmed Disclosure by many of the world’s governments. The Plan is to share suppressed Technologies shortly after the Abundance is Released. This includes Healing Devices that activate our DNA to its natural state of youthful non-aging, health without disease and healing of injuries and instant learning of any subject, skill or ability. There are many amazing technologies. Some can reforest vast areas in a few hours. Imagine Thinking your clothes on or off, Sonic Showers, your own Holodeck (Star Trek style) with life-like entertainment or Forests to visit or a Beach to swim in. Growing a Home fully furnished with all the trimmings in a day or two, Flying Cars, Teleportation and many more Devices to meet all needs or imagined possibilities.

Our abilities are increasing rapidly as the Light is growing at a vastly accelerated rate each day and we are absorbing much of It. Our Unified Focus brings about needed transformation and we Direct It, See It and Feel It happening and be an Essential Part of these transformations going Live Now.

Inner Earth will also be Announced worldwide and visited by Those who make Their Intention known. There we will be educated and prepared to share the Knowledge and Joy of our Now Conscious Dream to be known to all Humanity and of Mother Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe and Beyond.

Hold your attention on all the wonderous things that await us as we call on the Grace of our Almighty Father Mother God to Guide us in the Changes in Miraculous Ways. We Pray the Light takes complete control of our Lives as a Divine Dispensation descends to fulfill the Divine Plan.

The bankers and money managers are not in charge of the Humanitarian Projects. These are linked to the Prosperity Programs and those in these Programs will receive instructions on how to Disperse and monitor the spending of these Funds.

There will be several waves of Prosperity and will be announced in upcoming days and months.

Money may totally disappear shortly after the RV/GCR. One reason is greed, another is that Technology will replace the need for money with having more money than can be Imagined.

St. Germain, Quan Yin and Master Hilarion are in charge of the RV/GCR NESARA/GESARA Operation. They are assisted by the Hammer of God, the Galactic Federation and the vast Light Forces.

The Humanitarian Projects are connected with Prosperity Programs, but anyone can be part of a Humanitarian Project if they apply when the Funding starts as info. will be available then.

More Waves of Prosperity will flow after the 1st Wave is dispersed. Check the web. The Cabal will be history before that, so what we’re seeing is their systematic removal. It’s like removing the Nazis from WWII Germany without firing a shot.

The rates on the new Gold-backed currencies will gravitate to their true values and previous norms. Parity means agreed upon using certain criteria like mineral resources and economic development.

Money will end as Technology is Released to do just about anything, even beyond Star Trek/Star Wars.

It will actually Train Us and Prepare Us to Use Our Own Abilities Easily, Effectively and Safely, mainly after the Metamorphic Chambers where we get Fully Restored to Our 5D+ Selves, Galactic Angels or Sons/Daughters of Our Almighty Father Mother. As Christ said, ‘Know Ye Not Ye Are Gods.’

All cities formed where twice-yearly Festivals, weekly Fairs, where Council Trade guidelines and enactment of censure, on rare occasion until they were healed occurred, at the outskirts of the Shambhala Communities, composed of 1000s of Family Garden Homesteads, occurred, and the SCs started dissolving, when ego came with money and government control slavery being introduced. All cities will dissolve by returning to this format, in reverse, when money and government control slavery begin to disappear with the RV/GCR and GESARA starting now and the SCs eventually replace all cities and Caregive all Forest Lands with these 1-hectare Family Garden Homesteads.

How can long can a human truly live?

Think about it:Humans,WE have been lead to believe that living a life of 80 years is what is called normal.This has been happening for over 13,000 years that WE, collectively as souls living in our human bodies have been coming on the planet to go through hundreds cycles of incarnation and reincarnation having to deal with Karma and Karmic cycles.This very belief is still in our days very much promoted from many ‘gurus’ out there that based on facts on what has been happening till now seem like they want to keep on living their lives and ‘teaching’ at others what is the cycle of life. Now, look at the kids around you.Observe how vibrant they are, how full of life they are and how much they show us what it is to be in an unconditional state of being-ness, always finding ways to play.And here the famous saying applies :”Humans don’t grow old because they age, the grow old because they stop playing like kids”Humans passing away age at the tender age, yes you read right, tender age of 80 or 90 or 100 Earth years just when they integrate the so valuable fruits of wisdom is a big fat illusion that so many ignore and so they do pass away(creating own reality).There is no judgement here and i do not say that death is bad thing.For many it is a good thing to leave this difficult 3d life and choose to leave.I totally accept and respect this and anyone’s decision to go of course!And then now here comes my perspective:Humans, WE can live in beautiful rejuvenated bodies for hundreds if not thousands of years!Our sisters and brothers in Hollow earth are living this way.Thankfully now that every day more and more of us understand that complete forgiveness to self and all others releases from the wheel of karma for ever, we are starting to break this illusion and understanding that there is so much more in life to create to expand to become and to be eager about, unlimited possibilities down the path of joy choosing to do what makes our Hearts sing.We become more aware that there can be creation through physically being active and there can be creation through simply allowing the mind to expand in stillness to reach a frequency that creates the final desired outcome till one day it manifests tangibly in our realities.And that there is no better action than inspired action(Abraham Hicks)In a couple of years from now, anyone would be able to go into a facility and have the possibility to rejuvenate their bodies and refresh their cells memory to its original perfected state.(check previous post of mine about Celestial Chambers)For now for those of us that are here and want to live longer what is needed is intention.Affirmation :I choose to live a long life and remain young in my body.I Trust the Universe will bring about all that is needed to do so.My body is guided by divine intelligence and show me through clear sings what it needs.I listen to my body.And to be able to listen to my body, i promise to my body that i will do my best to keep it as pure as possible.I know when my body is pure i have clarity of mind.I intend for Excellent Health and Abundance of Clarity.I choose to Ascend in my physical body!And so be it.And So It is.

Light Workers at Work.

At times, i feel the need to express myself in different ways than just sharing words and this little child like painting i did reflects what i visualize happeninlg on our planet collectively from all Light workers radiating out our Golden Christed Energies = Rainbow Lights from our beings.I just painted only 6 of those,imagine when millions of us are doing the work how this is perceived from all Light beings in the higher dimensions.Big badamoom that we may not yet be able to perceive and the Galactic Federation of Light said that we will soon!Imagine balls of Light shooting out from you at the speed of Light … reaching the desired destination. You do not need to know where they are going. You just need to TRUST and send them out. They will find their direction with Love as their guide.-The Galactic Federation of Light- May 17, 2020


by Patricia Cota-Robles

May 20, 2020
  We are all currently experiencing an unprecedented facet of Earth’s Ascension process. Everyone is wondering how the challenges people are going through as a result of the Covid-19 virus will end and when we will get back to normal. The Truth is that this facet of the Divine Plan is being cocreated through the Free Will choices that people are making day by day. These choices are determining how this global pandemic will evolve and what life will be like after it is over.
  This means that not even the Company of Heaven knows exactly how this phase of Humanity’s Ascension process will be brought to fruition. The one thing our Father-Mother God have assured us is that NOTHING is going back to what we used to think of as normal. The obsolete paradigms based on greed, corruption and the abuse of power are being exposed and dismantled. No matter how hard the old guard and the abusers struggle to hold on to the status quo they will ultimately fail.
  There is an awakening taking place within the consciousness of the masses of Humanity. People everywhere are beginning to remember who they are and why they are here. They are realizing that they are Sons and Daughters of God and that ALL our Father-Mother God have is Humanity’s Divine Birthright.
  Every day the individual and collective Free Will choices people are making are determining how long this process will take, and whether we will bring this facet of the Divine Plan to fruition “the easy way or the hard way.” But either way, the Company of Heaven wants us to know that Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her are moving forward in the Light and THERE IS NO TURNING BACK.
  So, what does it mean when we are told that we can do this “the easy way or the hard way”? Well, that is the difficult part. This experience is unfolding in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and no two people have the exact same Divine Plan. Only our I AM Presence knows what the “easy way” of handling this pandemic is for us personally or what choices would result in manifesting the “hard way” for us.
  Fortunately, as people awaken they are able to hear what has been called “the still small voice” of their I AM Presence far more clearly. This allows them to intuitively know what their Divine Plan is in this situation. This occurs when they enter the Divinity of their Heart Flame and take the time to ask and then to listen.
  During this critically important time, we can greatly accelerated this open heart and mind intuitive communication with our I AM Presence by invoking God’s Will. No matter what our individual Divine Plan is it will ALWAYS be in alignment with God’s Will which is the perpetual motivation of every person’s I AM Presence.
  Today the Company of Heaven will lead us through a powerful invocation during which we will COMMAND through our I AM Presence and the power of the spoken word, God’s Will for each of us individually, and ALL of Humanity collectively.
  If you have the Heart Call to participate in this vitally important opportunity please go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame and Breathe in and out deeply as we proceed.
  I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. Through the Power of my spoken word, I COMMAND the unformed Primal Light Substance from within the very Heart of my Father-Mother God which is the Core of Creation to tangibly manifest my Heart-based invocations, decrees and prayers in the world of form here and NOW.   Beloved Presence of God I AM within me, I gratefully acknowledge in my mind and accept in my feelings the living reality of your mantel of electronic Light substance enfolding me in a blazing aura of ever-expanding Light and protection.   Centered within my Heart Flame, I feel the pulsation of my own Divinity radiating through my Awakening consciousness. I now know that I AM the physical manifestation of my I AM Presence through which flows at all times the virtues, qualities and blessings from my Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven. These Gifts from On High flow to me and through me to enhance the lives of ALL Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.   With loving conviction I decree:  
The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious! 
I live this day in God’s Light.
God is in control wherever I AM.
The Harmony of my true Being is my ultimate protection.
  I do now invoke the added assistance of God’s Divine Will to keep this Activity of Light sustained around me and my world, so that only the Will of God may manifest in all of my activities, in all places and at all times.   I now invoke my Father-Mother God, the Mighty Elohim, the Archangels and  the Ascended and Cosmic Beings associated with God’s Will on this precious Planet. Blessed Ones, come forth now.   Blaze, blaze, blaze the most intensified activity of God’s Sapphire Blue Flame of Divine Will and Power that the Earth and Humanity are capable of receiving during this Cosmic Moment. Project this Sacred Fire which is pulsating with the full Divine Momentum of God’s Will in, through and around every person, place, condition and thing on Earth.   Blaze this Cosmic Flame of God’s Will through me and every person on
Earth. Clear away any destructive activity of our own Free Will which might rush in to impede our conscious desire to do God’s Will in manifesting the Heart-based patterns for the New Earth.
  Help us to become and remain obedient to the Laws of Divine Love and to BE God in Action at all times!   Father-Mother God, Consecrate my Life Force to BE the Open Door for God’s Will and God’s Transfiguring Divine Love, NOW and FOREVER!
  I AM the Cosmic Blue Lightning of God’s Will now DISSOLVING all opposition to the acceptance and manifestation of God’s Will as a way of Life and service for every person evolving on Earth, NOW and FOREVER!   I AM the Resurrection and the Life of God’s Will. I AM the Acceptance. I AM the Restoration and I AM the Divine Manifestation of God’s Will as a way of Life and service for every person evolving on Earth, NOW and FOREVER!   THE WILL OF GOD IS LIGHT.
  Dear One, every day go within and ask your I AM Presence to reveal to you the Will of God as you make your Free Will choices and progress through your own unique Life experiences.
  God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

Era of Peace
PO Box 17446, Tucson, Arizona 85731-7446
Phone: 520-885-7909, Fax: 520-347-5440
  This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included.  
Era of Peace
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organiz

Living in alignment with the best of who you know yourself to be…You are now on a positive, high vibrating space. The clearer and cleaner you make your energy, intentions and actions, the more you affect, on a moment by moment basis, the lifting vibration of Humanity and Gaia and the healing waves of Light.-Jennifer Crokaert ~ Xiaera: This Hologram Will Rupture-

May 19, 2020,

Note: After an intense meditation process today, Xiaera (pronouned Sheer-a) came forward. I have never communicated with her before, not consciously, at least!

In explaining her session to a friend, the image I had was that we’re in a car on the Ascension Freeway.  However, what we see through the car windows is not the reality. It is a projection that’s been ‘harvested’ from the fear among humanity and developed into a hologram.

That hologram is projected onto our car windows, so we don’t know we’re on the freeway; but if we were outside the car, we would see mountains, nature, loving friends and Galactics everywhere. Very soon, the hologram will crumble.

Jennifer: Hello, do you have anything you wish to offer?

Xiaera: Hello, I am Xiaera.

J: Hello, thank you for connecting with me. I’ve never been through such a process. I see you as a tall feline on two legs, rather Human-like. Am I correct?

X: Yes, that is correct.  We are here to bring assistance and light to Humanity.

J: Thank you. As you may be aware, the present situation is upsetting a lot of people. What can you say to offer comfort or uplift?

X: The pain is noted.  However, if you could see your planet in the way that we perceive it, energetically, you would see that the waves of darkness are, though they swirl all over your planet, finding fewer places to land, to connect and to feed off of lower-vibration energy.

Although it may seem that many people are the same as before, deep within them, their energy signatures are evolving rapidly and becoming more refined. The light is now outstripping the darkness for the first time on your planet in millennia.

J: That’s great news, thank you. But what about some tangible change? This seems to be going on with no end in sight.

X: The ‘end’ of this process will be abrupt, a rupture, as if the hologram creating the current situation is ruptured. The true vision will spill out in different locations of the globe, as if a hologram is breaking down and cannot be sustained. It will fizzle and then disappear.

J: So are you saying the current virus is a hologram?

X: That is one way of understanding it. You are on the ascension timeline, this cannot be altered, but it can be seeded with lower vibration thoughts which are taken from humanity, and then woven together to make a picture, an illusion projected that seems real, but is not.

J: So we can disregard the virus and the protocols?

X: Not entirely. The virus can still make you ill, because it can be ‘launched’ in most people, triggered. However, it is man-made and weak.  It will collapse.

J: Can you make that more concrete for us?

X: It is not yet time. It will come.

The focus needs to be not on a vaccine, but on how you create expansion, joy. Now is the moment to look to your own life.  See the pains that still linger and actively heal them.  See where you have inflicted pain and make it right.

This is the time for releasing the last residues of the old 3D behind, coming into the alignment of creating only the good and the wholesome and the fulfilling. Living in alignment with the best of who you know yourself to be.

That is the message of this time. That is the single greatest action that humanity can currently take.

You are now on a positive, high vibrating space.  The clearer and cleaner you make your energy, intentions and actions, the more you affect, on a moment by moment basis, the lifting vibration of Humanity and Gaia and the healing waves of Light.

Very soon, these swirling grey energies will lift off the planet as they’ll have no one, or too few, to connect with.  Humanity will no longer provide a harmonic resonance for them. They will disappear, as will other phenomena associated with lower-vibration energies.

J: Thank you. So you are urging us to look within, forgive and be forgiven.  Is that correct?

X: Yes. There is no space in this process for fear. It is the expansion of healing love. It is the healing and perfect acceptance offered by the Christ energy that walked your planet. But you are all now endowed with this energy.

It is your birth right as Humans and it is now beginning to increase within you as the vibrations increase. So you may use your inner Christ energy and Divine Spark to heal yourselves and forgive yourselves and others.

J: That’s wonderfully simple~ if not always easy! Thank you.

X: It is a pleasure.

You are not powerless, you are powerful behind measure-Light Offered by Humanity | Peggy Black and the Team

Light Offered by Humanity

Peggy Black and the ‘team’

We are here, reaching out to you as you navigate these interesting times. What you are experiencing as a collective is the opportunity to honor yourself and one another. The idea of most of life’s activities coming to a halt has stretched each person.

It is in that stretching that your new awareness is being brought forth. The familiar routines that each one has called normal have been totally disrupted. This has revealed your strengths and your weaknesses, both as individuals and as the collective. There is a dismantling of all that you hold as normal.

There is a pressure building in the collective consciousness that is cracking everyone open to awaken to a new reality. This is a dark night for the soul of humanity. Since nothing is the same, nothing is solid, dependable or stable. A huge cleansing is taking place and this process is causing many to feel unbalanced, fearful, lost, depressed, confused and angry.

There are those who are riding this wave of energy, surfing this energy so to speak, aware that there is more to be revealed. There are those like yourself who have been asking for changes to come to this reality, those who are aware of the other higher dimensions and realities. Many realize that this is an extreme metamorphosis for the collective.

Realize that distorted beliefs and the limitations of the old paradigms are dissolving. This action is causing much confusion, dismay, and anger. Leaders are sharing many untruths, frightening everyone because they do not know how to deal with what is occurring at this time.

Having all your social activities stopped has removed any distraction you might have used to avoid looking at any personal and emotional issues. What a wonderful situation you have been offered – to be with yourself and your loved ones coming into the space of awareness.

Many are consciously moving into the next dimension. You are becoming aware of what is important and valued. Experiencing more time alone or isolated has triggered many old issues and patterns, which you can now consciously release.

We are observing the increase of light offered by humanity at this time. You are doing the work. People are reaching out to comfort one another in simple and amazing ways. Hearts are being opened and the level of love is flowing. Staying in a heart centered place is the safest and most powerful place you can be.

It is this coherent vibration that is welcoming the energy of the higher dimension. Individuals are sensing this shift. It is subtle and yet when recognized and felt it is profound. Many people are resolving to bring new answers to the old world problems. Many people are waking up to their true multidimensional self.

They are watching this matrix begin to crumble. Many will wonder when the madness and confusion will end. They are becoming aware of how out of balance their lives and the collective have become. They are beginning to understand that they are truly creators and are stepping into their power to create a reality that is life sustaining.

There is an awareness of the oneness of all. The internet has offered this connection for some time, however now it is more obvious just how it serves as a link. You as divine beings are meant to communicate telepathically. This is an ability that is coming forth to many out of this personal isolation. There are other high quality abilities and gifts that many of you are experiencing.

You are seeing movement out of the corners of your eyes; you are sensing that you are not alone, that there is a presence near you. Many are actually seeing energy waves and vibrations in a new way. Many are having vivid dreams of walking or being active in other dimensions.

The collective has silently been screaming about the abuse of other humans and of nature. The collective has been silently praying for a new template to manifest for humanity, a template or matrix that is honoring of all life, a template or pattern in which there is a bond between humans, the elements and the elementals.

This evolution of consciousness has been requested by all sentient beings. The global pause, this stop of activities, has given humanity the opportunity to allow a healing of the distortions, the lies that have been told since the beginning of time, especially that you are powerless. You are not powerless, you are powerful behind measure. You have been living in an energy field of unconscious limitation. However we celebrate that you are waking up and stepping out of that unconsciousness into a field of all possibilities.

Hold that truth close to your heart and begin to act from your place of personal power. Spend time envisioning a new reality. Use your imagination and imprint the energy field with a reality that enlivens others to thrive. Encourage others to understand their personal power to create a new reality. Guide others to honor themselves and others. Stay in the vibrations of an open loving heart, this will empower your visions.

Be aware of those who offer fear, scarcity, doom and gloom. Remember when the collective feels powerless they are easy to manipulate. You are powerful beyond measure. Own this truth and stay in your open heart with joy and gratitude. These are the emotions and the vibrations that allow you to move through these difficult and challenging changes.

This is a cosmic awakening. You have the support of the galactic families, the celestials and all divine beings and masters. What is happening on your planet has the attention and support of the entire universe. Earth is ascending into a higher dimension and taking you with her. Celebrate.

We are here to support and assist you as you ride these waves of great change and transformation. We acknowledge your courage and willingness to be here at this time to anchor this new reality that is coming forth. the ‘team’

_______ Thought for the Month ______

“We are observing the increase of light offered by humanity at this time. You are doing the work. People are reaching out to comfort one another in simple and amazing ways. Hearts are being opened and the level of love is flowing. Staying in a heart centered place is the safest and most powerful place you can be.” the ‘team’

©2020 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

enlightenment means…living in the world as humans at peace with yourselves whatever arises, and not being drawn into the drama that others create out of their strong feelings of like or dislike of people, food, activities, organizations, and the beliefs and opinions they attach to them. -Saul via John Smallman, May 18th, 2020.

It is absolutely essential that you love and honor yourselves.

We are approaching the completion or the end point of humanity’s awakening process!  That probably does not appear to be the case from your perspective as the news media floods the airwaves and the internet with further misinformation about the worldwide pandemic, along with news of the ensuing dramas.However, humanity is on a roll toward a new way of living that will totally change the ways in which you relate to one another, as your perception of the meaning of life as a human evolves into spiritual awareness of the real purpose of your lives as humans in form.  Memory of your true nature is returning, and therefore you are seeing your human lives in a completely new LIGHT!

The Light of Love is arising into your conscious awareness bringing into focus the real purpose of a human life, namely, to recognize, honor, and express your True Nature at all times.  And, as you all know, your True Nature is LOVE.  When you start to do this, even though at first you may feel reluctant to do so, you will find yourselves meeting and interacting with others who are also doing this.  This confirms for you that this is the only meaningful way to live, and arousing in you the confidence – always there but not trusted, because of the sense that confidence in self was felt to be unsafe, unwise – and the courage to set and put into practice the intent to be only loving in every moment, and to allow Love to guide your thoughts, words, and actions at all times.

This is what enlightenment means, it does not mean being out of this world experiencing the intense felt sense of the infinite field of divine Love enveloping and embracing you, as reported by many who have had Near Death Experiences – which is of course totally valid.  It means living in the world as humans at peace with yourselves whatever arises, and not being drawn into the drama that others create out of their strong feelings of like or dislike of people, food, activities, organizations, and the beliefs and opinions they attach to them.  It is a state of being free from worry, anxiety, or fear of what others may think of you, because you know that who you are is who, with great wisdom, you chose to be before incarnating to experience this life in this moment in order to learn the lessons with which it presents you.

Remember, every sentient being without exception is divinely created in Love, and at One with Source, from Whom they are never for even an instant separated.  To awaken is to know this and experience the Reality of It at all times.  Yes, stuff will arise that is messy, unpleasant, and painful, but because you know who you truly are, and live that truth at all times, nothing that does arise will discombobulate you to the extent that you become unable to deal with it and consequently sink into depression or victimhood.  Instead it will arise as a challenge that you welcome, knowing that it is one of the lessons that you set on your human life path prior to incarnating, and you will, therefore, resolve it with excitement and attain a deep sense of satisfaction in doing so.

You are divine beings having a temporary experience in form, although when life appears to be treating you unfairly or unkindly, it does not feel very temporary.  Life just is, it is neither good nor bad except in your own personal appraisal of it.  Life happens, life unfolds, moment by moment as you, in human form, experience it while playing the game or dreaming the dream that life in form presents to you.  Those moments can seem momentary – a moment of intense joy or pleasure – or interminable when you are suffering and or in pain.  A moment is just a moment, but how you experience it is due to the choices that you make – in that moment!

You all know or have met people who are nearly always upbeat, cheerful, and enthusiastic about their lives, and others who never seem to be happy but, instead, are almost always complaining about some aspect of it, or about another person.  Both types are living the choices they have made for themselves.  The reason for their choices are mostly based on life experiences they have encountered from early childhood right up to the present moment, and most definitely those who have suffered a plethora of unpleasant or severely abusive and damaging events and relationships need your compassion and love, free from judgment or shaming.  As all are One, anything you think, say, or do affects you as well as those at whom you direct your thoughts, words, or actions.  Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense to engage in unloving behaviors of any kind – thoughts, words, or actions– because you are then engaged in directing them at yourselves.

When you make the conscious choice to treat yourselves lovingly, fairly, and compassionately, then it becomes impossible for you to treat others any less favorably.  It is, therefore, very, very important, in fact essential that you love and honor yourselves.  Vast numbers of people carry a heavy burden of unworthiness, of unlovableness, and this is often expressed in disapproval of others who are mostly just acting as mirrors to them, because, of course, you are all mirrors to one another, and what you see in others is very frequently a reflection of the self you are presenting to them – Love experiences or meets Love, hatred experiences or meets hatred.  You always have a choice as to how you will think, speak, or act, but many are either unaware of this fact, or choose to ignore it, and allow their emotions to control their reactions or responses to situations in which they find themselves.  Those who choose Love are always far happier and more at peace than those who choose what is not in alignment with Love.

Anyone who is unloving is, in fact, desperately calling out for Love.  But often these people are so full of feelings of shame, unworthiness, or self-hatred, that they are unable or find it extremely difficult to accept Love when It is offered to them.  They obviously cannot move out of this state without help, but until they are willing to acknowledge that their problems lie within them and choose to seek and accept help, then the only, and very effective thing you can do for them is to hold them silently, quietly, and peacefully in your hearts as you send them Love, whenever you think of them, or remember them.

So, to reiterate, there is only Love, Mother/Father/God, Source, with Whom all sentient beings are One.  Therefore sending Love to another is to send It to yourselves, and this is why you are presently incarnate as humans at this moment in humanity’s awakening process.  Be Love, express Love, share Love, and enjoy the peace and contentment doing this will bring you if you can set the intent to do so unconditionally, and then actually do as you intend,by putting it into practice.  Oftentimes people set an intent, but then fail to implement it, and not realizing this, wonder why it is not achieved.

Trust yourselves, truly trust yourselves, operate from the fullness of your personal integrity as you send Love to all – without exceptions of any kind – and know that this is why you are presently incarnate, helping to bringing humanity successfully and most magnificently through your collective awakening process.

With so very much love, Saul.

Enjoy your life. Reward yourself…It is past time to do so.

Stop Care taking Your Rebuild Group

Dear Ones,

Heartache seems to radiate from your entire being. You likely feel lonely, sad, perhaps even angry for your life should not be like this. Too much of your day revolves around concern about COVID-19 or upset with those who are concerned. This was to be your life of joy and peace. So it will be.

What you are now experiencing is similar to your personal dark night of the soul magnified multiple times by those with whom you are connected. Perhaps you do not understand our last phrase for you assumed your earth connections included family, friends, and co-workers. Such is true. But there is an additional group – your earth rebuild cadre.

It does not matter if you have met the earth rebuild multitudes attached to you via your frequency and role. For you are so closely aligned, you feel their pain.

Your group attachment experiences are a bit like the flu. When you have the flu, your entire being feels tired and listless even though only some parts of your physical body are affected. Such is so because your physical being is one. So it is for the entirety of everything. More importantly, for this message, so it is especially for those in your rebuild group.

Some in your rebuild group will be the leaders, the demonstrators, if you will. But that does not subtract from the input of all who are part of the group.

Because many members of your rebuild group are now in their dark night of the soul, you are experiencing some of their fears and pain.

Perhaps it is time for you to place yourself in a safety bubble. Such is your choice depending on your level of discomfort and your need to create something that is not part of your rebuild group role.

We have long prophesied that once 3D structures are destroyed, you will rebuild with love and joy. So it is you have your personal role, as well as a group rebuild role. For without that group process, the earth rebuild could not happen in your lifetime or many earth lifetimes.

In 3D, each building block was placed by a single generation until the process was complete. You, en masse, were not interested in a longterm rebuild. So it is you decided before birth what you wished to create both personally and globally. Those who wanted to participate in your global rebuild area found your frequency and attached their thoughts and actions to that rebuild.

You are being pulled in at least two directions. Your personal needs and your group rebuild creations. At the same time, many in your rebuild group are just beginning their dark night of the soul. A confusing time. For you have a need to run with new ideas, even though you feel listless, perhaps exhausted.

The energies now pummeling the earth are adding to your confusion. For these new energies are emphasizing love and acceptance, yet, you feel stymied at every turn. Because of COVID-19, you can do this, but not that. Your world seems limited even though this downtime allows you to adjust your inner being to your new world.

You are like a racehorse not allowed to race.

You will achieve all you wish to achieve – both personally and within your rebuild team as soon as your being is ready to do so. For if you race too far ahead of your team, you will lose some of your rebuild interest. And if you delay too long in creating your personal wants and needs, you will lose interest in everything.

So it is we strongly suggest you visualize what you would like to create personally. Your team build is yet to materialize.

Reward yourself with a short run of creativity if you will. Similar to allowing a racehorse an all-out race around the track without other horses. Run free with your personal creations. Knowing you may need to isolate yourself from your team to do so.

For those rebuild team members experiencing their dark night of their soul have little to do with you. They are in a phase you completed long ago. There is no need for you to revert to that phase to placate those members who would like you to carry their burdens.

Carrying the emotional burdens of others stops you from creating your personal dreams. The group rebuild will happen when it is time to do so.

Stop caretaking your rebuild group members.

Focus on your rewards, and you will be in the right place. Focus on the fears of your rebuild team, and you will lose your creative edge and likely, interest.

Enjoy your life. Ignore the COVID-19 fears – not in terms of self-protection, but in the creation of your new life in a new being. Reward yourself. It is past time to do so. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

Mira From The Pleiadian High Council via Sharon Stewart.

May 17, 2020

I am Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. I come to you today, lovely beings, to respond to a question asked of me, “How are the Pleiadians involved in the Storm, and liberation of Planet Earth in general?”

I will gladly expand upon what knowledge you surely have on this topic by now.

The Pleiadians have been your overseers for this era as you are most like us in this fifth density and lower. Our expression is very similar to yours. Our DNA is most like each others. We are the closest of cousins, as you would say.

For this reason, we see you as our brethren, befallen upon by a dark scourge. Through the era, your people have continuously incarnated repeatedly into lesser circumstances, but have managed to hold your timeline against a collective implosion for 26,000 years. Yes, the Pleaidians were here to help you personally, privately and collectively in this endeavour, helping and guiding your world leaders, helping and guiding key people in your world, and helping and guiding the normal person.

One such leader that we worked with was Diana, Princess of Wales. Although her task didn’t see completion, as she was indeed the one who was to tell your world of the dark ones leading it, she was murdered before she could reveal all she needed to, she did however, show you what true royalty was, what a true leader was – a woman who cared for so many and whose Light shone brightly to the masses. She left her sire, William, to again pass on her DNA to his children, who will make amends for the way the dynasty has treated the people. All will be shown to you, and amends will be made. Diana’s legacy has not ended yet, by far not.

We brought you David Icke as well, who has opened the eyes of so many who didn’t want to see. And of those who were more than ready to hear what he has to say. He continues to grow in popularity.

There are the everyday heros on earth that we support, protect and nurture in their work. Julian Assange is also one of the Pleaidian heros. Phil Schneider and John Lennon as well. They all had their message and we worked with them to ensure that their celebrity was not lost on inconsequential matters.

Now we are in the Underground Bases, dismantling technology, working with your armed forces. We have some of the children who were in these bases and this has been going on for a while, many years, healing them and helping them to recover from their trauma. They live with us in the Pleaides; they’re not to be found on earth but may one day be returned if they wish.

Our ships surround your planet. Yes, the Galactic Ships but we have our own fleet of scientists, technicians, healers and our own light workers who help guide and arrange the energies. We direct these to the correct spots on your planet in order to help awaken people in these sectors, and to change around the negative polarities to positive.

We heal and cleanse your skies and your oceans.

We work to educate those who will step up with new technologies to present to your world, so that you too may enjoy non-invasive healing as the rest of the galaxy does.

The Pleaidians are key in the arrestation and processing of dark entities who will seek time before a universal judge for dispensation as is decreed by the councils.

Arrests are still ongoing. Your planet is heavily infested.
As your viral warfare continues, we seek cures for these and we seek to heal those who have been affected.We energetically support your environment.

And we work through the lightworker system in order to express our Light at your third and fourth dimensional levels.

New food sources are being created for your planet by us. New foods will be discovered that are delicious, nourishing and of high frequency, and these will have been planted by us, the Pleaidian collective. We are botanists who will transplant or create new species of life for your future nourishment.

We bring you love. We are there to encourage and to soothe you when your outlook is dim. We are there to call on you to help your brothers in need. We prompt you to donate, to help out and to care whenever we see opportunity and now there is much upon your planet.

The Pleiadians are highly active, nurturing, guarding, aggressing against the dark, viewing all from our ships hovering over your world, and working according to the divine plan to set your world back on a path of Light.

Be well,

With much Love,

Imagine balls of Light shooting out from you at the speed of Light … reaching the desired destination. You do not need to know where they are going. You just need to TRUST and send them out. They will find their direction with Love as their guide.-The Galactic Federation of Light-

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild

Hello to you from all of us down here.

And hello to you from all of us ‘here’.

Which is where?


So, you don’t have an actual ‘place of residence’?

Only if we choose one at a given time.

So, can you just choose where you ‘feel’ like Being?

Yes. Sometimes it is necessary to ‘appear’ to be in a place for reasons of councils etc. Yet, ‘we’ are just as happy … always happy … to be nowhere other than wrapped up in LOVE.

Sometimes I get a visual of meeting you and sitting around a table in a meeting or being in a circle with you … Is this my mind?

Yes … and ours. Anything can take place anywhere, whenever the need suits. As you know Blossom, you are not confined to the physical body and the physical world.

Oh, but how it seems like it!

The restrictions put upon yourselves are consolidated by eons of domination so that the status quo then ‘KNOW’ the restriction to be True. Yet, of course, it is not. Much like so much that you KNOW to be True and it really isn’t.

Are you talking here still about restrictions upon our capabilities or Truths that we have been indoctrinated with?

Both. As the Higher waves of Energy pour into your Planet now … so much of ‘the self-restrictions’ shall be brought to Light. Yet, one must KNOW in their Being of that which one is capable of in order to ‘enjoy’ one’s freedom.

It is so exciting … to/for … us to KNOW that for so many of you, you shall be set free into YOURSELVES.

Yet first, there is much work to be done on the ground level is there not?

Oh, indeed! Yet, we offer encouragement to you … each and every one. We are in much Joy due to so much that is taking place, that most of the populus do not know about. It is all being handled under extreme caution and extreme conditions. Yet, we say to you … Such Light is building upon your Planet from the inside … out.

Do you mean regarding the Underground cities that are being uncovered and destroyed?

We do. Yet, we also mean within yourselves. So many have awoken during these Topsy Turvy times and this is very encouraging. The balance of such is allowing widespread Hope among Nations.

Nations on or off Planet?


A question myself and many would like to ask is regarding the ‘phases’. As in … how many are there? You have said … and White Cloud also, that we are in phase one. I am a little dubious about asking to be honest, as I have a number in my head and I don’t want to have any influence on the number.

And the number you are thinking is three. Correct?

You read my mind. LOL! Am I right?

No. There are to be five.

FIVE?????!!!!!!!!!!!! Well slap me across the face with a wet fish! FIVE!

Why does this shock you so, Blossom?

Because five gives me the feeling this procedure is going to take much longer than expected.

Yet, would that not depend on how quickly some of the phases are dealt with /delivered?

Mmm! ‘Delivered’ intrigues me. Are you speaking of an announcement made?

In particular. Yes.

On all screens?


I feel that is much further down the line. I know you cannot divulge too much for understandable reasons. Yet, are you able to speak more to us of these phases and what each one will entail/involve? … and I know your answer is going to be …


I must be psychic! Not even a teeny weeny hint?

All that we would say, to you who are waiting patiently for things to move on a notch and for confirmation of what you think is taking place to be brought out in the open … is this …

Dearest Souls … that which is taking place behind the scenes … and KNOW that there is a vast amount that IS taking place … HAS to be marked out and ticked off with such precision.

You would know Blossom, that before a performance on a stage … much has to be organized, prepared, and indeed rehearsed before it can be shared with an audience.

It would not be fitting for dribs and drabs, as you call it, to filter through before the time.

The time for what?

The time for all the cards to be laid out on the table.

Much is being ‘leaked’ via the internet and yet again, sometimes one has a hard time knowing WHO exactly is speaking complete Truth and who is not.

There is the danger of this confusion. If one absorbs too much … it can wrap the mind into a knotted ball of string … which then takes unnecessary time and Energy to unravel.

I have to say, for me at the moment, I watch very little now. (Many share a lot with me.) Yet, many are doing so 24/7. As I said last time, it is frustrating … this waiting for the next step. Yet, many of us are understanding the need for patience. For instance, can you say roughly if there is still a lot to be done in phase one or are we getting close to moving on into phase two?

Blossom, Phase two is almost upon you.

Almost? Soon? As much as I Love you … ‘almost’ could mean next year.

Yet, it doesn’t. It cannot. This which is taking place is not to be dragged out.

This which is taking place RIGHT NOW and over the next four phases is THE BIGGEST TRANSFORMATION your World WILL ever experience.

Those who have suffered greatly … have suffered enough. This HAS TO END and it is now so close to becoming an ‘open book’ for the human race to discover.

Ok. In for a penny in for a pound, as the saying goes. Is this announcement that is spoken of, going to be in phase 2?


Oh poop!

Why is this disappointing news?

Because I guess, many feel that when the announcement/s are made … then the ball will Truly be rolling.

There is more to be balanced out and put into place before then.

I am sure. So, this is intriguing as to what phase two will present and how will we know when we are in it?

You will know … There will be no question.

Knowing you cannot give too much away, and so we err on the side of caution … will it be a smooth, almost unnoticed move into phase two or a sudden ‘BAM!’?

It will be a sudden BAM!

And is it something that quite a lot of us are expecting to happen?

Yes. Yet, with added, so far, unknowns.

Ok. My thoughts are definitely not THE EVENT …. Too ‘soon’ for that. Surely that has to be phase five!


I Love the way you cover all angles by making me put both an exclamation and a question mark. You guys are good!

We know what we are doing/up against.

So, if I was to push my luck and say ‘another lockdown yet, more severe’ … you, being so clever … would reply …

… … …

Nicely answered. I think! I don’t think any of us imagined it would be like this. I mean how could we have done? We indeed, have to remain strong on so many levels. It can be so tricky when friends and family are not necessarily in agreement with another’s ‘take’ on this whole thing.

And this is why we say that ‘only the strongest of the strong’ were chosen.

And this is why we have expressed to you that it is going to get a lot more Topsy Turvy than this … a lot more.

Yet, we ask you to look into your Being, right now in this moment. How much stronger do you feel in your TRUTH from when this first began … this dis-ease … this fear pandemic? Ask yourselves now. Feel into your TRUTH.

You have certainly found what YOU KNOW IN YOUR HEART TO BE TRUE … even though you may not know all the intricate details.







And take a look, Dearest Souls … how strong are you feeling? How Bright is your Light shining from within you … reaching within others?

How much stronger now do you feel as One Unit?

How much now, with absolute conviction can you KNOW …






Spheres? That’s new.

Imagine balls of Light shooting out from you at the speed of Light … reaching the desired destination.

You do not need to know where they are going. You just need to TRUST and send them out. They will find their direction with Love as their guide.

Rainbow Spheres! Nice! I like that.

You will like them even more when you see them!

Oh Boy! I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM. Many thanks for this chat. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

Sacrificing one’s identity, needs, and dreams in the belief that it is spiritual is a denial of God for is not God every person’s true identity?-The Arcturian Council via Marilyn Raffelle-

MAY 17, 2020

Welcome dear readers to the Arcturian Group message.

You are entering a new phase of the evolutionary process. Present “down times” are allowing a quietness during which many for the first time are pondering, questioning, evaluating their lives, and the right way of doing things. Every day more are allowing themselves to honestly examine aspects of their personal life as well as the world in general such as business, farming, religion, health, education, environment, and politics etc.

Much that has always been considered correct and appropriate is being recognized as inefficient, obsolete, and unfair to many and based in convenience and a resistance to change by those who benefit from the status quo. This period of quiet is also allowing nature a respite from the ongoing barrage of pollution and degradation she suffers.

All is proceeding according to plan. You have been hoping, praying, and waiting for a world that more closely resonated with truth and it is coming but will be an unfolding process over the next few years because the third dimension functions in time and space.

Know that things will never go back to exactly as they were because consciousness is changing, and as we have said many times, the substance of the outer is the inner (consciousness). Do not put effort and energy toward attempting to return everything to exactly as it was but rather be open to new and higher expressions of these same things.

Be prepared for change but also be prepared to hear things that will upset you. Much is going to surface regarding the long standing negative activities of some individuals. The denser energies must be exposed for what they are in order to be recognized and acknowledged. There is an element that feeds from energies of fear, pain, suffering, and discord and in order to keep feeding, they promote words, activities, and false information that will serve to keep fear and discord alive.

When you become aware of these types of issues, send these individuals Light while recognizing that they too are Divine Beings who have lost their way. They have chosen to close their hearts to Love energy and have no interest in or awareness of the fact that everything they sought is already fully present within them.

It is easy to get caught up in this type of information and spend a great deal of time and energy studying and researching negative activities. You have all experienced the heaviness of dense energy that comes from getting too involved in these types of issues. As awakened individuals you are ready to move beyond duality and separation and live from the higher levels of consciousness you have attained. Be aware of and informed about negative beliefs and actions, but then release them and align with Reality.

Activities of love are beginning to take place in the outer scene. Although these activities flow from spiritual oneness they are generally understood as activities of kindness, a looking out for neighbors, and the lending of a helping hand where needed. These seemingly ordinary activities are three dimensional interpretations of spiritual Oneness, evolutionary steps that eventually lead to a state of consciousness that understand service to be service to SELF–Universal Oneness.

A sense of camaraderie not possible in the old energy is developing among people simply because all are experiencing the same issues (oneness). Even the small sense of camaraderie you may feel towards a stranger as you walk by is in reality Oneness expressing through you. However, not all are ready or willing to understand this and the loss of what is familiar is causing them to act out with fear and violence as they seek to protect and perpetuate everything that has supported their false sense of empowerment.

Selflessness is beginning to penetrate collective consciousness on a deeper level but selflessness has been misunderstood and falsely taught to mean that the sacrificing of ones’s self for some “grander” purpose is spiritual . Sublimating and denying one’s self/SELF by believing it to be of less value than another’s self represents separation at its finest.

What can one possibly have to give another if they eliminate themselves from the equation? It is only an empowered person, one who knows and accepts themselves to be a spiritual being, that is able to truly serve. Sacrificing one’s identity, needs, and dreams in the belief that it is spiritual is a denial of God for is not God every person’s true identity?

Never allow yourselves to be guilted, threatened, pushed, taught, or used by others into doing something. When you do this you are automatically surrendering your power. Service must be a free will choice that flows from a place of love rather than an unwanted activity forced onto a someone for the benefit of another or others who appear more powerful and demanding, or are needy, disabled, and dependant.

We recognize that many are presently locked into some service that they did not consciously choose or want. As a result they may feel angry, depleted, unhappy, and trapped seeing no way out. To these dear ones we say; there are no accidents. Every life is planned before incarnation with the help of Guides, to include those experiences deemed necessary for spiritual evolution.

These types of situations are usually karmic in nature and represent a person’s spiritual readiness to address some old energy imbalance that may go back lifetimes but which can be balanced and completed through service in this lifetime. The one needing service may have chosen to learn about patience, humility, and helplessness in this life having never expressed it to others in previously. Frequently the server is a dear friend who volunteered to assist with this lesson.

Sometimes it is because the one needing service did the same for the server in a previous life allowing them both the experiences of giving and allowing. Service can be the push a spiritually prepared person needs in order to move more deeply into the empowerment, love, patience, and awareness that they are ready for.

Do not let obsolete concepts of spiritual duty, and self- sacrifice to enter into your activities of love and service. As universal consciousness shifts to new levels of awareness, service to others on all levels of need will become common, ordinary, backed by law, and simply the way life is lived because there will be a sense of oneness that was not present in third dimensional energy.

Realize that in and of yourself you have nothing to give another. God alone is love, energy, appreciation, gratitude, service, cooperation etc. and God alone has these things to give. To believe that self or some other person has spiritual qualities in and of themselves is the belief in a self separate and apart from God. Only God is good, patient, loving, friendly, honest, cooperative, etc. etc.

Both human good and human bad are impersonal, never becoming or belonging to the person. All there is, is God, Source, — perfect, whole, complete, harmonious, abundance, intelligent, Self sustained and Self maintained Consciousness.

This is why looking or expecting acceptance, companionship, friendship, forgiveness, cooperation etc. from a person is to look where these things do not exist unless they flow through the person. Always seek these things from God, from within, allowing them to manifest as they will which can and often is where least expected.

True selflessness intuitively guides a person to acknowledge and honor their own needs. It will also guide them as to whether their service is actually needed or simply wanted. It is understanding that what one does for another never comes from a personal supply of love, energy, abundance, and ideas, but rather flows through them from an Infinite Source within–from a well that never runs dry.

Present times are calling for more awareness, deeper understanding, and a serious contemplation of how one will continue living their life. “Will I grudgingly go back to the same old, same old that I have outgrown or will I have the courage to pursue something that makes my heart sing?”

This is where fear will jump in and say that you must go back to what you know or you will suffer lack and limitation, your family with starve, and you will be homeless. It is fine to return to what you are used to, but never forget that you are creators. Regardless of what others may tell you, do not allow your dreams to pass into oblivion in the belief that they are hopeless and could never happen.

Allow your dreams to grow and mature silently and secretly within your heart until they ready to be birthed as your new world and identity.

You are creators, creating your world from the contents of your consciousness.

What do I hold as truth in my consciousness???

We are the Arcturian Group 5/17/20

Donations are welcomed

We have co-created a number of new timelines with those of you who visit with us in the astral plane, and we are happy to report that we see progress in terms of how many of you are choosing to be on one of these new timelines. The new timelines include one in which you are all able to receive enough of the energies coming in from the Pleiadian star system to wipe out the virus completely. Another timeline involves a person in a position of prominence and authority discovering a very natural cure for the virus. We have also co-created a timeline where all of humanity is able to raise your vibration high enough to no longer be affected by the virus.

Creating New Timelines with Us in the Astral Plane ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have co-created a number of new timelines with those of you who visit with us in the astral plane, and we are happy to report that we see progress in terms of how many of you are choosing to be on one of these new timelines. The new timelines include one in which you are all able to receive enough of the energies coming in from the Pleiadian star system to wipe out the virus completely. Another timeline involves a person in a position of prominence and authority discovering a very natural cure for the virus. We have also co-created a timeline where all of humanity is able to raise your vibration high enough to no longer be affected by the virus.

Now, there are just three of the many new future experiences that we have been able to co-create with those of you who are willing to connect with us in the astral plane. Do you see now how creative you are? Do you see the potential that lies within each of you when you put that creative power you have inside of you to work? Are you ready to create even more beautiful timelines for yourselves? We are, and we are willing and eager to connect with more and more humans in every moment.

Now, you might wonder whether it is necessary for you to come up with these new timelines while you are awake, and we want to say that certainly you can. But we also want to remind you that the best ideas come to you when you are not trying to think of them. So we advise all of you to look for opportunities to participate in life as it is right now in joy and to know that some of the best work you do is while you are sleeping. We also bring you this transmission to remind you of how powerful you are.

We will continue to remind you that you are Source Energy Beings creating all of the various illusions that you play in, and we also want you to remember that the less serious you take all of this, the easier it becomes to step into that power, the power of your Divine and creative selves. Join us the next time you slumber, and we promise you that we will have fun together, the kind of fun you had when you were children and you sought to create all the time, crisis or no crisis.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

How do you know what is right for you? Breathe again. Think of something or someone you love. Bask in that feeling of love. Amplify that feeling. Now ask your heart, “Heart what is right for me, right here, right now?”-The Angels via Ann Albers-

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Sit for a moment in silence if you can. Listen to your heart beat. Notice your breath. Feel the temperature of your skin. You are here. You are now. That is the only moment you ever have. Why not make it beautiful?

Can you think of something or someone you love? It might be a person, a pet, a sunset, a location, a favorite meal or a memory from long ago. It might be a feeling of fantasy about the future. Take a moment now. Drop into your heart, and feel the love that lives within you simply by thinking of someone or something you love. For some of you this will be easy. For others it will take willpower and intention. Do it now. Breathe while focusing on that love, expand it, and come back to read more when you’re feeling yourself in a space of love.

That feeling of love, dear ones, is what you are all seeking. While some are rushing to get back out to the world and others are wanting to sit quietly at home a bit more, all of you are seeking that very feeling in your hearts.

You want things, people, and situations in life because you hope they will bring you the very same feeling of love that you just brought forth from within you.

For all your searching, seeking, rushing, and procrastinating, you are all wanting the very thing you just found – a feeling of love. When you feel love, you are connected to your deepest, truest, essence. When you feel love – whether it be for a dish of ice cream or the love of your life – you feel the Divine. There is only One love. It lives within and beneath all things, all beings, all situations, all wondrous, glorious events, and all challenges. It lives at the surface in the kind ones among you and buried deeply in the rageful. It lives, nonetheless, within all.

You felt this love simply by using your will power and your intention. There is nothing you had to do externally. There is no one you had to be with. There was no change in your situation. There was only a simple shift in your mind, away from worries, cares, concerns, upsets, frustrations, and fears to love. You chose to connect with the Reality that underlies all “reality.” You chose to connect with You.

So as your world rebirths itself, as you witness a clashing of ideas, opinions, and concepts about the “best” way to go about this – the “safest,” “smartest,” “quickest,” “most economical,” “most courteous,” way to go about it… realize that all you want to feel is Love. In Love you are safe. In Love you are protected. In Love your very biology is stronger and more immune. When you are tuned into Love, you can witness the dramas of the world, and realize there is never one “right” way for all – there is only one “right” way for you. Whether you go out or stay in, dine out or cook, work from home or go back into the office, it is right for you, if you feel it is right.

How do you know what is right for you? Breathe again. Think of something or someone you love. Bask in that feeling of love. Amplify that feeling. Now ask your heart, “Heart what is right for me, right here, right now?” In Love you will find your answers. In Love you will hear your guidance. In Love dear ones, you rebirth your spirit in a single moment.

Birth yourselves into this new world in Love. Then, no matter what others are doing, be in Love, and you will be safe, protected, guided, and inspired along the highest and happiest path for your newborn soul.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Stop Demonizing President Obama Please

I do not speak of much politics here and yet i know for sure that Obama works for the Light.This post is something i totally resonate with.Like or not,i know what i know in my heart.


A reader asked me to ask Michael about Pres. Obama. I grumbled back that I didn’t want to ask Archangel Michael about something he’s commented on so many times in the past. (1)

But I relented and did ask him about Pres. Obama. And he made the same comments as he has in the past.

Folks, the New World Order thoroughly neutralized Pres. Obama as a President. Now, when their sins are being revealed, they’re floating memes that Obama was the mastermind of everything that occurred. (2)

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t render Pres. Obama more or less powerless and then paint him as the mastermind and guiding hand. The Deep State are covering up their own crimes by blaming them on Obama and lightworkers are swallowing the bait.

And, hey, Michelle Obama is not a transgender. Please stop the “Mike” memes.

Lightworkers in taking up memes like these are just adding to the chaos, in my opinion. And serving the cabal’s agenda of deflecting responsibility from themselves.

If Pres. Obama is guity of any crime, let him be charged; let him have his day in court before an uncorrupted judge based on credible evidence. Until then, he should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

And the same for Pope Francis. These three people (the Obamas and Pope Francis) have their work to do for the Light and we’re getting in their way by responding to (A) memes probably originally floated by those who really did the crimes in question and (B) evidence in many cases fabricated by them. (3)

We as a society and as lightworkers are attacking members of our own team.   We’re about as polarized (cabal strategy: divide and conquer) as I can imagine us being. All of this, in my view, has to stop if we’re to succeed in changing planetary management.

Steve: The wave of criticism of Pres. Obama is like a tsunami. What is going on, Lord? Why is there such a total attempt to blame everything on him when he was neutralized during his presidency?

Archangel Michael: Well, first of all many of those who are making these claims are simply trying to find a scapegoat and to demonize someone who in fact has brought a great deal of light, love, and change to your planet.

It is a very reactionary situation that you are observing and I do encourage you to be the observer and not the participant. As I have said many times you’re not to engage in politics, sweet one.

[But how do I report on current events and not “engage in politics”? What a tightrope!]

So what they are doing is simply demonizing someone in order to discredit. It is a situation truly of radical white supremacy [i.e., racism].

Steve: And who are the people who are doing it? It looks like it’s on Trump’s side and the Democrats… It looks like the one thing that all can agree on is to demonize Obama.

AAM: No, that is not the case. Yes, there is a great deal of misinformation that does come out of what you can call the Trump party and that is correct.

But there is a great deal of misinformation that is being written under the guise of being Republican or Democrat but in fact is simply coming from these radical [racist] elements.

Steve: What about the January 5, 2017 meeting where Obama was portrayed as setting up the whole FISA affair by calling it fair game to attack Trump?

AAM: It is untruth. It is constructed truth.

Steve: You mean the January 5, 2017 meeting never took place?

AAM: There was a meeting on that day but what took place has been misrepresented and again, sweet one, you’re becoming engaged in political intrigue which is distracting you from the true process of Ascension. …

There are so many deep layers to this intrigue that you would spend all of your time and all of your energy attempting to seek out the truth. And that is not, beloved one, where we guide you [to go].

Steve: Ok. Thank you, Lord. Michelle Obama is repeatedly being outed as a transgender. Is she a transgender?

AAM: [Laughs]  No, she is not. But you see this energy to simply discredit, to demonize, and to tear down what has been good?

Steve: Yes. Is Pope Francis guilty of crimes that [XXX] has charged him with?

AAM: No, he is not.

Steve: The list of crimes that they’re attributing to him continues to grow. Is any of it true?

AAM: There are very few perfect situations and, as you well know, that is particularly true within the Vatican and in the history of the Vatican.

But the list of charges against this individual has been manufactured, sweet one. Again, it is this effort to provide so much disinformation that they are demonizing those who, in fact, have been hopeful leaders, of one sort or another, to the population. (4)


(1) I ordinarily do not make my private readings available for others’ questions.  There isn’t the time for it.

(2) Yes, I know Q is participating in #Obamagate. I don’t agree with Q on the matter.

(3) The cabal created a false birth certificate and then “revealed” their “discovery” (and killed the hospital administrator whose evidence could implicate them).

They created a false university card and doctored a town-hall video to have the President say he was born in Kenya. Several of these fakes we lightworkers have fallen for.

(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 13, 2020.
