By Unknown, PAO/Galactic Heart Newsletter
The removal of the many troublemakers by
the Galactic Federation of Light along with the RV/GCR and Prosperity
Program Funds will revive the world economies shortly.
There will be a confirmed Disclosure by
many of the world’s governments. The Plan is to share suppressed
Technologies shortly after the Abundance is Released. This includes
Healing Devices that activate our DNA to its natural state of youthful
non-aging, health without disease and healing of injuries and instant
learning of any subject, skill or ability. There are many amazing
technologies. Some can reforest vast areas in a few hours. Imagine
Thinking your clothes on or off, Sonic Showers, your own Holodeck (Star
Trek style) with life-like entertainment or Forests to visit or a Beach
to swim in. Growing a Home fully furnished with all the trimmings in a
day or two, Flying Cars, Teleportation and many more Devices to meet all
needs or imagined possibilities.
Our abilities are increasing rapidly as
the Light is growing at a vastly accelerated rate each day and we are
absorbing much of It. Our Unified Focus brings about needed
transformation and we Direct It, See It and Feel It happening and be an
Essential Part of these transformations going Live Now.
Inner Earth will also be Announced
worldwide and visited by Those who make Their Intention known. There we
will be educated and prepared to share the Knowledge and Joy of our Now
Conscious Dream to be known to all Humanity and of Mother Earth, Solar
System, Galaxy, Universe and Beyond.
Hold your attention on all the wonderous
things that await us as we call on the Grace of our Almighty Father
Mother God to Guide us in the Changes in Miraculous Ways. We Pray the
Light takes complete control of our Lives as a Divine Dispensation
descends to fulfill the Divine Plan.
The bankers and money managers are not
in charge of the Humanitarian Projects. These are linked to the
Prosperity Programs and those in these Programs will receive
instructions on how to Disperse and monitor the spending of these Funds.
There will be several waves of Prosperity and will be announced in upcoming days and months.
Money may totally disappear shortly
after the RV/GCR. One reason is greed, another is that Technology will
replace the need for money with having more money than can be Imagined.

St. Germain, Quan Yin and Master
Hilarion are in charge of the RV/GCR NESARA/GESARA Operation. They are
assisted by the Hammer of God, the Galactic Federation and the vast
Light Forces.
The Humanitarian Projects are connected
with Prosperity Programs, but anyone can be part of a Humanitarian
Project if they apply when the Funding starts as info. will be available
More Waves of Prosperity will flow after
the 1st Wave is dispersed. Check the web. The Cabal will be history
before that, so what we’re seeing is their systematic removal. It’s like
removing the Nazis from WWII Germany without firing a shot.
The rates on the new Gold-backed
currencies will gravitate to their true values and previous norms.
Parity means agreed upon using certain criteria like mineral resources
and economic development.
Money will end as Technology is Released to do just about anything, even beyond Star Trek/Star Wars.
It will actually Train Us and Prepare Us
to Use Our Own Abilities Easily, Effectively and Safely, mainly after
the Metamorphic Chambers where we get Fully Restored to Our 5D+ Selves,
Galactic Angels or Sons/Daughters of Our Almighty Father Mother. As
Christ said, ‘Know Ye Not Ye Are Gods.’
All cities formed where twice-yearly
Festivals, weekly Fairs, where Council Trade guidelines and enactment of
censure, on rare occasion until they were healed occurred, at the
outskirts of the Shambhala Communities, composed of 1000s of Family
Garden Homesteads, occurred, and the SCs started dissolving, when ego
came with money and government control slavery being introduced. All
cities will dissolve by returning to this format, in reverse, when money
and government control slavery begin to disappear with the RV/GCR and
GESARA starting now and the SCs eventually replace all cities and
Caregive all Forest Lands with these 1-hectare Family Garden Homesteads.