So it is with full admiration that we applaud your achievement and will stand aside to welcome you to the higher dimensions.

22nd May 2020. Mike Quinsey.

Your experiences since 2012 that was the end of the last Age have clearly shown that you are going through change, so that you can release the old that serves no further purpose.  You are in the process of a change that will lead you on to the next phase of your evolution.

Clearly when one cycle ends another commences so it is necessary to do some cleaning up so as to prepare yourselves for the next stage in your evolution. More so [because] it will separate the “wheat from the chaff” so that each one can continue to follow a path designated to allow for further development, at a level that gives you opportunities to experience the next stage necessary to expand your consciousness even further.

The future is set to ensure you continue your evolution, having experienced many lives in the depths of the lower vibrations that were your Hell on Earth. Some souls were caught up in them so much so that they were unable to extract themselves from it, whilst others repeatedly took on the challenges presented to them and were able to survive.

In a freewill Universe you were allowed to choose your experiences, although with guidance you took due note of the advice given by those who have already reached a high level of consciousness.

Understand that you volunteered to experience the lower vibrations being fully aware that you were essentially on your own, although help was always within your reach. The attraction for you was that through success you would be able to advance much more quickly and be all the more stronger for it.

So it is with full admiration that we applaud your achievement and will stand aside to welcome you to the higher dimensions.  These may seem premature in view of the fact that there is still some way to go, but you have completed the difficult part and are now rising up to a new level where you will experience the Great Solar Flash of Light from the Sun, that will immediately lift you onto the new Earth – your Ascension.

You may not realise how privileged you are to be on Earth at the actual moment of Ascension and it can be looked upon as an exciting moment in your life. Can you imagine the relief you will feel that at long last you have been successful, and ahead of you are many opportunities to choose your next experiences that will be most exhilarating within the realms of Light?

You will no longer have to live as before but instead have absolute freedom by being able to provide for yourself through your power of thought. Friends and family will be but a thought away making contact very easy.

We like to lift you up by giving you a glimpse into your future as ascended beings, and we can fully appreciate how much you have gone through to prove your strength and dedication to the Light. It will be quite natural that having ascended you will at some stage like to also help others upon their path. You will have many friends and even family that will follow in your footsteps, and it is understandable that you would like to help them and you will have that opportunity.

Mankind with time on their hands is at present going through a period of introspection, as it has become apparent that the old way of living has not proved adequate or helpful to those wishing to prepare for Ascension. The higher vibrations are already bringing out the best in many people and there is more sympathy for those souls that are barely able to exist in their particular environment.

The inequalities amongst the different groups is patently obvious yet they [the groups] should be one, as in fact All are One. Whilst it would be true to say that many have chosen their own destiny, there is no reason why they should not be given that right and live happy and fulfilling lives.

Life on Earth could have been a delightful and happy experience but the dark Ones who believe that in some way they are superior have deliberately kept inventions and advancements exclusively for themselves. The surface dwellers have been under the control of the Illuminati for eons of time, but fortunately the Alliance has now grown in power to the point that they are the dominant force.

They have undertaken to break up the dominance of the dark Ones and have already put many behind bars. Ultimately it is certain that Humanity will become aware of how they have been confined to an “open prison” for so long and accepted it as normal. It is far from the truth, and along with friendly Space Beings who await an opportunity to introduce themselves and bring about changes that will help propel you into a New Age.

Dear Ones, you stand out on Earth like beacons of Light and hardly realise how much you lift others up through your presence. You exude an energy that is calming and reassuring to those who are embroiled in the lower energies due to their low quality of life.

Be assured that they are not being punished but they have needed experiences at such a level to awaken them to the truth. They in turn give others an opportunity to show their sympathy to their plight, and help in a way that shows their love and light for those considered to be lesser beings.

You live in an illusion that has become your reality which is why it is far removed from your true selves. You live a make-believe life although it is set up in such a way that you can learn from it and evolve.

Your true Self is your God Self that remains on the other side of the veil that oversees your life on Earth. It is the source of your being and your ever present God Self of eternal life, and has much to do with helping you to fulfil your life plan. Many have chosen their own destiny, and there is no reason why they should not be given the right to do so and live happy and fulfilling lives.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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Morning Glory Ville Pyjama Party //Sat 23rd May//Join in the fun at home!💞

Join in the fun at home! Our last few tickets for the Morning Gloryville Online Pyjama Party are on sale – grab yours while you can! Here’s some of the line-up:
Yoga Dance Flow Awaken your kundalini with Chrissy Brooke. DJ Hungry Man Get supercharged with some raucous rave rhythms!
Crystal Alchemy Crystal bowl sound bath immersion with Kate Stewart. Wisdom Lounge Eco-living, finding purpose & permaculture.


By Unknown, PAO/Galactic Heart Newsletter

The removal of the many troublemakers by the Galactic Federation of Light along with the RV/GCR and Prosperity Program Funds will revive the world economies shortly.

There will be a confirmed Disclosure by many of the world’s governments. The Plan is to share suppressed Technologies shortly after the Abundance is Released. This includes Healing Devices that activate our DNA to its natural state of youthful non-aging, health without disease and healing of injuries and instant learning of any subject, skill or ability. There are many amazing technologies. Some can reforest vast areas in a few hours. Imagine Thinking your clothes on or off, Sonic Showers, your own Holodeck (Star Trek style) with life-like entertainment or Forests to visit or a Beach to swim in. Growing a Home fully furnished with all the trimmings in a day or two, Flying Cars, Teleportation and many more Devices to meet all needs or imagined possibilities.

Our abilities are increasing rapidly as the Light is growing at a vastly accelerated rate each day and we are absorbing much of It. Our Unified Focus brings about needed transformation and we Direct It, See It and Feel It happening and be an Essential Part of these transformations going Live Now.

Inner Earth will also be Announced worldwide and visited by Those who make Their Intention known. There we will be educated and prepared to share the Knowledge and Joy of our Now Conscious Dream to be known to all Humanity and of Mother Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, Universe and Beyond.

Hold your attention on all the wonderous things that await us as we call on the Grace of our Almighty Father Mother God to Guide us in the Changes in Miraculous Ways. We Pray the Light takes complete control of our Lives as a Divine Dispensation descends to fulfill the Divine Plan.

The bankers and money managers are not in charge of the Humanitarian Projects. These are linked to the Prosperity Programs and those in these Programs will receive instructions on how to Disperse and monitor the spending of these Funds.

There will be several waves of Prosperity and will be announced in upcoming days and months.

Money may totally disappear shortly after the RV/GCR. One reason is greed, another is that Technology will replace the need for money with having more money than can be Imagined.

St. Germain, Quan Yin and Master Hilarion are in charge of the RV/GCR NESARA/GESARA Operation. They are assisted by the Hammer of God, the Galactic Federation and the vast Light Forces.

The Humanitarian Projects are connected with Prosperity Programs, but anyone can be part of a Humanitarian Project if they apply when the Funding starts as info. will be available then.

More Waves of Prosperity will flow after the 1st Wave is dispersed. Check the web. The Cabal will be history before that, so what we’re seeing is their systematic removal. It’s like removing the Nazis from WWII Germany without firing a shot.

The rates on the new Gold-backed currencies will gravitate to their true values and previous norms. Parity means agreed upon using certain criteria like mineral resources and economic development.

Money will end as Technology is Released to do just about anything, even beyond Star Trek/Star Wars.

It will actually Train Us and Prepare Us to Use Our Own Abilities Easily, Effectively and Safely, mainly after the Metamorphic Chambers where we get Fully Restored to Our 5D+ Selves, Galactic Angels or Sons/Daughters of Our Almighty Father Mother. As Christ said, ‘Know Ye Not Ye Are Gods.’

All cities formed where twice-yearly Festivals, weekly Fairs, where Council Trade guidelines and enactment of censure, on rare occasion until they were healed occurred, at the outskirts of the Shambhala Communities, composed of 1000s of Family Garden Homesteads, occurred, and the SCs started dissolving, when ego came with money and government control slavery being introduced. All cities will dissolve by returning to this format, in reverse, when money and government control slavery begin to disappear with the RV/GCR and GESARA starting now and the SCs eventually replace all cities and Caregive all Forest Lands with these 1-hectare Family Garden Homesteads.

How can long can a human truly live?

Think about it:Humans,WE have been lead to believe that living a life of 80 years is what is called normal.This has been happening for over 13,000 years that WE, collectively as souls living in our human bodies have been coming on the planet to go through hundreds cycles of incarnation and reincarnation having to deal with Karma and Karmic cycles.This very belief is still in our days very much promoted from many ‘gurus’ out there that based on facts on what has been happening till now seem like they want to keep on living their lives and ‘teaching’ at others what is the cycle of life. Now, look at the kids around you.Observe how vibrant they are, how full of life they are and how much they show us what it is to be in an unconditional state of being-ness, always finding ways to play.And here the famous saying applies :”Humans don’t grow old because they age, the grow old because they stop playing like kids”Humans passing away age at the tender age, yes you read right, tender age of 80 or 90 or 100 Earth years just when they integrate the so valuable fruits of wisdom is a big fat illusion that so many ignore and so they do pass away(creating own reality).There is no judgement here and i do not say that death is bad thing.For many it is a good thing to leave this difficult 3d life and choose to leave.I totally accept and respect this and anyone’s decision to go of course!And then now here comes my perspective:Humans, WE can live in beautiful rejuvenated bodies for hundreds if not thousands of years!Our sisters and brothers in Hollow earth are living this way.Thankfully now that every day more and more of us understand that complete forgiveness to self and all others releases from the wheel of karma for ever, we are starting to break this illusion and understanding that there is so much more in life to create to expand to become and to be eager about, unlimited possibilities down the path of joy choosing to do what makes our Hearts sing.We become more aware that there can be creation through physically being active and there can be creation through simply allowing the mind to expand in stillness to reach a frequency that creates the final desired outcome till one day it manifests tangibly in our realities.And that there is no better action than inspired action(Abraham Hicks)In a couple of years from now, anyone would be able to go into a facility and have the possibility to rejuvenate their bodies and refresh their cells memory to its original perfected state.(check previous post of mine about Celestial Chambers)For now for those of us that are here and want to live longer what is needed is intention.Affirmation :I choose to live a long life and remain young in my body.I Trust the Universe will bring about all that is needed to do so.My body is guided by divine intelligence and show me through clear sings what it needs.I listen to my body.And to be able to listen to my body, i promise to my body that i will do my best to keep it as pure as possible.I know when my body is pure i have clarity of mind.I intend for Excellent Health and Abundance of Clarity.I choose to Ascend in my physical body!And so be it.And So It is.