Dear Ones,
You have a need to know about your current life, as well as your future.
Of course, such is not possible at the moment, any more than was true when you were a teenager wondering what your adult life would be like. Even though you knew before entering 3D earth what areas you wished to experience or clear, you did not know how those wished-for scenarios would play out.
You view your future differently now, for even though you have pieces you wish to explore in this life, you can decide which of your future possibilities you want to claim.
In your outer-directed life, accessing or fulfilling pre-earth entry wishes were vague, fear-based possibilities. You could experience financial loss as a child, adult, or senior, or interact with others for minutes or years. Nothing was clearly established.
In your new inner-directed life, you combine multiple dimensions into a more complete being than you ever before experienced while of the earth. Doing so limits your possibilities in this earth lifetime, for you are more focused than any previous earth life.
This focus is so for a reason. Your current earth life is dedicated to shifting you and the earth to an inner-directed life of love and joy. Such could not happen if you were revolving around the loose network of your previous earth lives. A network designed to explore the most fear possible in the shortest time with the least amount of your totality.
You are much denser spiritually now that you have transitioned to this point. You no longer have a broad range of experience possibilities. That is not to say your life is programmed as much as it is to describe how your dedicated efforts have finally come to fruition after eons of segment lives preparing for this lifetime.
So it is your intuition, your inner voice will direct you effortlessly to new you. You programmed yourself for this life. A program that did not fully come to fruition until now for this earth life combines more of your totality than any previous earth existence.
Those of you who return to the earth in future lives will be less focused than is now true for various reasons, not the least of which is that future earth lives will be to experience what you create in this life.
You cannot make a mistake in your direction or approach. For your new totality is focussed on the end product of love for both you and the earth. This life is not a vacation nor a personal cleansing. You are dedicated to the whole in ways you have never been before while of the earth.
At the same time, you coalesced your inner-being to form this new being who knows what to do and how to do it. Your decision now is which of several directions you wish to take – any of which will complete your transition while of the earth in this lifetime.
Do you wish to experience this new life easily and quickly or with a more meandering approach? That is the choice you are now making. Neither is right nor wrong. Merely, an adaption of your inner needs. Even though the results will be the same, your approach and timing are self-directed.
Some of you are quick thinkers and actors. Others ponder more before acting. Such processing is likely to best prepare you for this transition – as well as to accept your new place and role. Again, neither is right nor wrong – merely your totality’s approach to one of your transition end-products.
So some of you are quickly discovering your place, and others are a bit more hesitant weighing the possibilities. This is little different from those who select their clothes quickly and those who try on many outfits before deciding what they wish to wear to a special event.
You have completed the most challenging part of your transition and are now pondering the most exciting elements of new you. Do you feel like blue or yellow, checks or plaids, solids or polka dots?
Your selection will be perfect for you as you now only allow joy and love into your being. Anything less will be automatically turned aside. Not because it is bad for you, but because it does not feel loving or joyful. That same selection might be very loving for another.
Unlike your outer-directed life, what is suitable for another is not necessarily right for you. Yet many will attempt to push their approach on you in an outer-directed sense. In the past, your guilt, fear, shame, or need to be accepted would push you into accepting whatever they presented. No longer.
You have become a new adult, pondering this decision at times and accepting another almost immediately. Decisions correct for new you, not your community, friends, family, or co-workers. You are no longer a follower. You are a leader of you – and no one else. A stance that is changing the world, one being, one moment at a time. So be it. Amen.
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