Dear Ones,
We, of the Universes, would like to help you adjust to your new being.
Some of you will find interactions with others have healed. Or you will meet someone who excites your being – not necessarily romantically, but as in group contact. What once felt uncomfortable or wrong might be exciting. Or those you once negated might become more than acquaintances.
Your new world will turn you upside down and inside out. A phrase that now has many meanings. You might accept those you once ignored and ignore those you once revered.
You are interacting from the heart instead of outer-directed shoulds or wants. Such does not mean you will live in poverty, nor does it mean you will be wealthy. But instead that you will create your right place within income and personal scales.
Your social conditions have been stripped away, leaving new you to freely explore what you wish to explore. If that exploration requires financial subsidies, you will easily create those finances. If exploration requires new interactions, you will easily discover those pieces.
It is not an accident you are in this world at this time, for you have a role to play. A role that might not seem that interesting or exciting. Or a role you never before believed you could achieve.
What was in is out. What was hidden will be displayed. And that which is required for your new you being will be created by you – without effort.
You are officially a new being in a new world. Something you have pined for and diligently worked to achieve for months, perhaps years. There are no more mountains to climb or hills to roll down to become a new you – you are there. Even though you have yet to believe such is true.
You likely wonder what your next move or stage SHOULD be at this moment.
You are there. You have arrived. There are no more trains or planes to catch. There are no more mantras to voice for you have arrived.
Your role has shifted from working towards to accepting your new being with all your creative abilities. Does that statement mean your world will automatically become joyful? If that’s what you want. Or does it mean your adjustment period will be painful or exhausting? If that’s what you want.
You are your own guru, master, and leader.
What do you want and why? That is all you have to be concerned about, for you have completed the work necessary to be where you are today.
Some of you will revert to 3D needs and wants with little success. While others of you will claim your new blank slate of beingness and create that which is you instead of pining for a 3D someone else.
If your first thought while reading this material is that you want to create billions of dollars, ask yourself why you wish to do so. Is it because you want to create in your new world, or is it because that was a 3D goal that never materialized?
You are a new being in a new world. So your dreams and goals will also be new.
Erase your 3D slate and start dreaming, thinking, believing, and creating that which will fulfill you now – not forever or in the future – but now. That dream, that creation could be as simple as a beautiful garden or as complex as time travel. It does not matter, for your current dreams will fulfill new you and your world tapestry thread.
What do you need or desire? That is your direction now. There is no need to mourn that which is no longer, for you have mourned that for the past few weeks. And by doing so, you decided to maintain or sever connections. There is no need to justify your decisions, for you are in a new world with new needs. Needs only you can fulfill.
Perhaps you feel guilty if you do not push for the end of a war or other political agendas. Such guilt is merely a 3D carry-over, much as some dreams can leave you confused a bit after you awake. Those guilty feelings will dissipate quickly, for you do not have the time, energy, or interest in what was.
You are a new being in a new world with new interests and interactions. What was is no more. And you are creating what will be at this very moment. So be it. Amen.
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