Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ Different Journeys

November 23, 2021,
During times of energetic acceleration people may find themselves branching off on different paths or moving at different speeds than those they had been sharing their journey with. We urge you not to take this personally!
Think of it this way. Imagine you are on a race track. You are in a Ferrari. A dear one of yours wishes to walk. You are both on the same track, just moving at different speeds based on what your soul needs and what you are ready to experience.
Although you are moving around the track at a very different speed and method, you will still loop around to check in with each other. You might roll down the window and ask if they are ready to ride and if they aren’t you can continue on your merry way. You might be surprised that there are many souls on the planet you know very well and like to check in with periodically.
You aren’t necessarily better than the walker if you are in the Ferrari. It just means you are ready for accelerated growth and the person on foot is embracing the benefits of a slower flow. Both phases serve the participants beautifully. In fact, the walker might be giving you a chance to catch up! Or you might swap places and find yourself on foot one day as the other person jumps in their own car for some laps around the track.
What we want you to understand is if the person rejects getting in the car with you or walking next to you, it doesn’t mean they are rejecting you. They are simply not ready for the pace of the path you are currently on. It is not personal, it is energetic. All is in divine order, and if you can stay open and accepting you leave the door open for re-connection whenever the time may be right for both of you.