St. Germain Through James McConnell: The Great Changeover

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with out in this time, in these auspicious times that are upon you now, as the Great Changeover continues to move forward.
The Great Changeover that at this point can certainly not be stopped. It has gained so much momentum that those that were the powers, and are no longer the powers, they, even they, realize that they have lost control.
Do they continue to hold on? Do they continue to act as animals that have been cornered? Yes, they do. And they will likely continue to do so.
But as the vibrational frequencies continue to increase, and you, as the Lightworking Community, continue to be the catalyst for this raising of vibrational frequencies, and raising your consciousness, and bringing back the light and the love into this planet. As you continue to do that, then those that were the powers and are no longer the powers to be, they continue to recede back into the shadows that they came from.
But before they do that, as you are seeing, they have come in to the higher frequencies, and they cannot handle themselves there. That is why you are seeing the great confusion and the great experiences that are happening now that are bringing in an awakening, a great awakening to the population everywhere. Why they are seen and really doing what would be considered ridiculous things. Some even would call them stupid actions that are bringing attention to themselves, whereas before they hid from that attention.
But now they have been brought forth screaming into that attention. And those higher vibrational frequencies are making them look like they do not even know what they are doing anymore. The mistrust, the lies are being shown forth for what they are. And more and more people are awakening to those lies, awakening to that mistrust.
They are now beginning to search more and more for the truth, doing the research, if you will, that all of you have been doing to help in your awakening process. They are now beginning to do so as well. More are doing this, and will continue to do this. And as the vibrational frequencies continue to increase, and the resulting consciousness increases, then those that seemingly are in power will no longer be so.
It is up to each and every one of you to continue to share your light, share your truth whenever you have the opportunity. And just in being who you are and carrying the aura that you do when you move out into the populous, you are bringing that light forward and sharing it, even to those that have no idea that you are doing so. But you are. And every time that you smile, every time that you wave your hands to another in greeting, and whatever you might do, you are helping to raise the vibrational frequency and consciousness to the collective across the planet.
As you share with one, that one goes and shares with another, and another. Where one will share with three, and those three will share with three more each, and so on in a geometric progression. That is how the Great Awakening continues to gain more and more momentum.
And yes, indeed, there are those, those Special Ones, that have taken a leadership role within the Light. They are helping to awaken a great many more. And will continue to do so. Till it comes a time when they no longer need to do that any longer.
That time, my friends, is approaching more and more. You are, as they say, on the cusp of The Great Changeover to take you forward into the new Millennium of Light that is ahead for you, and for all of you.
As you have also heard, you will have the choice to remain here, to be a part of the new expression here on the Earth, to be a part of the new higher expression of Gaia, to continue this evolution forward.
Or, at any point, you may decide to go back home, wherever that home may be. That home that is calling many of you to return, return to family that you left long ago.
Yes, you have created family here. Your soul family too. You have soul family throughout the galaxy and beyond that are waiting for you to once again acknowledge them. And when you do acknowledge them, from your position here within this evolution, they will then be able to acknowledge you and make themselves known to you.
Many have been attempting to do so, to reach you. If you allow it, they will be able to do so. It takes trust. It takes belief. Even more than that, it take the knowing. They are there for you.
I am Saint Germain. I leave you now, with peace and love and oneness. And that the Violet Flame together with the white light of love continue to assist you in your progression forward through this ascension process into your full ascension.