Death & Resurrection = New Life |
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My dear friends, we love you so very much, If you celebrate Passover, Easter, or even the coming of spring or fall, you are celebrating the reality of life eternal, and the inability of death to vanquish that Life. Death seems so real in your third dimensional reality because the body can, and will, eventually die. Death was “built into” your experience here on the earth, not as some horrible end but rather, as a way in which you can return to the greater, more glorious dimensions from which you came. Death – of the body, or one of the gazillion mini-deaths you experience throughout your life – need not be painful. Some of your masters upon the earth have simply shifted their focus into the greater reality, thus “dying” simply because the spirit withdrew. Illness, disease, and devastation are optional ways to expand beyond the body when one is complete. You can, instead, intend to simply withdraw in your sleep when you’re done with your soul’s desires at the end of this life. You can love yourself enough to embrace life as you desire, while you are here, thus allowing the healing and rejuvenating energies keep your body health, or restore it, until your soul is ready to expand back into the greater understandings of reality. Likewise, the many “mini deaths” you experience throughout the course of your life can be either painful or joyful. The seed must die for the plant to rise above the soil, but it surrenders willingly. The child within must merge into the greater adult self as you mature, and if you allow this to happen kindly it is a graceful transition. When you reach for a happier career, you must leave your old one behind, and this can be done with enthusiasm and positive expectation. When you want a better life you must be willing to let go of what no longer resonates with who you want to become, but if you do so with zest for the adventure of life it is a joyful, albeit perhaps nostalgic, letting go. Death, dear ones, is part of life itself. You were meant to expand. You were meant to grow. You were meant to create and to make use of the current unpleasant situations in life only as launching pads for a better reality. In order to birth a new world, you as a collective human race, are dying to the old one. There will be no “going back” to normal. There will be only “going forward, and it is a glorious reality you are moving towards, even in spite of all the birthing contractions you continue to witness. So as you celebrate Easter, Passover, Spring, or Fall, ask yourself, “What do I want to to die within me? What new life or situation do I want to resurrect? Do you want to let judgment die so you can be resurrected into peace? Do you want to let the fear of physical death die so you can be resurrected into feeling fully relaxed in the flow of life? Do you want to let old upsets die so you can experience freedom and joy? Do you want to let an old identity die – one that identifies with suffering – so you can embrace yourself as nothing less than a magnificent child of the Divine? Dear ones, what would you like to release so as to resurrect something better? If you like, divide a piece of paper into two columns. On one side, make a list of what you wish to let go, and on the other write down what you wish to resurrect in its place. The items on your list can be simple of profound. I want my messy closet to “die” so I can resurrect order. I want my old diet to “die” so I can eat food that nourishes me, body, and soul. I want an old upset to die, so I can resurrect innocence, joy, and freedom. I want my complaints about XYZ to die, so I can resurrect hope. Write down a list of all that you are willing to allow to die, and what you want to resurrect instead. Now, every time you focus on one of the items that you wish to release, quickly switch to the one you want to resurrect. For example, if you open your messy closet and start to mutter, quickly switch to your desired resurrection. “Oh yes! I wish to resurrect order!” Take a moment and see how that might feel. How would it feel to resurrect order? Just imagine it. If you feel like doing something about it, do it. If not, don’t.You will quickly learn what you truly wish to release vs. what you don’t, and we have no judgment whatsoever about any of it. Maybe you realize you are fine with your messy closet after all, but even in doing this exercise you have resurrected a higher vibration of peace. Maybe you get the sudden urge to clean it out, and you have once again found a path to peace. In either case, you resurrected peace with you!Likewise, suppose you want to die unto an old upset with someone in your past in order to resurrect emotional freedom and joy. When you think of your old hurt, catch yourself and remind yourself, “I wish to resurrect emotional freedom and peace.” Take a moment. Imagine that. Feel that. What would emotional freedom and peace feel like? This has nothing at all to do with the other person. This has to do with the energies you are resurrecting – calling to the surface – within your very own heart. Your resurrection is always within your power, no matter the external world. Death happens within first. Resurrection happens within first. As you shift your energies within, then your outer world can change. The choice to stay in a situation or mindset or to expand beyond it is up to you… and you have eternity to play with these energies! There is never any pressure from us to rebirth yourselves. There is only support to help you keep what you want alive within you, and move beyond what you don’t.Happy Passover dear ones. Happy Easter. Happy Spring, and to those of you in the southern hemisphere, Happy Autumn. Allow yourself at this wonderful time of year, to look at that which you want to keep alive, that which you want to release, and that which you want to resurrect within. There is great Love moving to you and through you every day, but it is especially intense upon your earth at this time. Enjoy it, make use of it, and allow yourselves to resurrect yourself in any way you choose. God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels |